good evening everyone this is the air Conservation Commission meeting it is ah Thursday March 28th 2024 uh Commissioners in attendance Jemiah as member George bacon as member Jess guino member clerk Mark Phillips Vice chair myself John schmalenberger as chair Heather hamson as conservation agent we have confirmation of agenda Y no changes no changes motion to approve the agenda as written so move second all in favor say I I oppose nay passes unanimously approval of the meeting minutes for March 14th 2024 anyone have any changes nope look good motion to approve the the uh meeting minutes for March 14th 2024 as submitted so move second all in favor say I I oppose nay I'm going to say I think it's the paper you use I had the same problem think I should get a heavier gauge I don't know but I had the same problem with them it knew it was from me I think it's the paper you use all right I'll try a heavier gauge maybe I should steal something from town hall it's all for town use you you could just wait to sign the ones I give you and then we wouldn't worry about I just give them to you oh from the ones you print out yeah you could do that yeah we'll do that next time okay let's do that going forward okay yes going forward public input I think we shall pass that part tonight no public here our first item this evening is a public hearing notice of inent that we will open under the Wetland protection act and also the under the air Wetlands bylaws D file number 100- 0487 lot 33 Street construction of a single family residential dwelling within the 100-year flood plane uh flood plane map the updates yes it's it's it it Inc from what I could tell on it looks like it from the so the new proposed plan that it goes further up on the lot but again those aren't final PL um Maps so we really can't work off of those but it does look like the area gets more into it yeah but again they're really hard to read yeah I liked it when they didn't have the Google Earth overlay on the bottom so the issue the main issue was that one area for storm water collection right that to take down some trees move some Boulders and make a make it so that in the future it won't cause problems for the owners as far Yeah so basically it's the a portion of the proposed house as well as we added there's some additional filling that was done for the storm water or not storm water but the rooftop infiltration system yep um that claimed a portion of the bordering land subject to flooding so in order to compensate to repr provide that flood storage we propos to create this area here by lowering or altering the top topography to accommodate for that loss in potential flood storage so and then when we kind of left the site walk you know we talked a little bit about this being you know the far reach of that 100-year storm event which is several feet higher than what the pond is the likelihood of that that flooding and whether or not it' be worth you know whe whether there was a need to even provide for that storage and the one thing that's kind of come up since is we've also filed for site plan approval with planning board and in the bylaw based on the flood plane overlay District we also have are required to compensate so I I think based on my understanding of that bylaws I think unfortunately we're going to have to that was that was my that's what I wanted to verify so yeah initially I I was sort of opposed to it but I I sort I think I've changed my mind since then don't want to cause problems yeah especially if you look at how high the groundwater is last year and then this year so far yeah know I I that was the question that raised to me when I reviewed the the flood plane overlay bylaw the way it's worded it looks like we need to include that so I mentioned it um for them to to verify and um I think the town engineer was going to look at that as well and the and town planner was aware of it so I think it I think it just it has to be done okay and I said it's fortunate unfortunately it's one of those like it it stinks to lose the the the vegetation but it's you want it's something we have to do as a precaution for the house that's going in there yep just as for instance if we were to do it what really would end up happening would essentially just that green line move a little further to the road um so this the whole yeah so this this dotted line I think was what you saying like which is this is just based upon elevation yep so now that that green line would follow you know kind of right along you know it's 2269 so let's just say right inside that that contour and then this line would now extend and there so that would be this line is going to go this way and this Line's going to come that way and then the end result is we're actually providing you know just based on the the volume Cal the way that it works out with the grading is will'll actually have a little bit of um additional flood storage provided just the way it works and so the flood calculation is it it goes to 226 yeah mhm all the way to the Eastern end the Western end everything goes to 226 correct yeah so the volume that you're carving out for the um compensatory storage yeah the storage yeah what is that volume create from an impact across the whole thing are we talking like a/4 inch across the whole Topography of the 100-year flood so I think essentially what you're asking what I'm saying is how much second there there's going to be a very minimal there's going to be more storage provided so if you were to calculate that say you know what you know what's the difference I mean it's going to be negligible yeah you know you still I guess that's where I'm getting at right so that's the idea the the volume that you're taking away mhm what's that in relation to the volume of the water that's already there right so if we didn't do the the storage right yeah I mean you know you're losing you know a little over just under 3,000 cubic feet so it's not yeah so if you and what I'm saying is what's the volume if you trans 100 yeah you know across all the water because that's the idea right it's the 300 I'm sorry 3,300 ft I'm sorry yeah basically a total of it's 2700 all right let's just say 3 yeah that volume you know and then you look at a flood way I mean that that's a complicated calculation to say but yeah you're talking about you know less than an inch probably overall but you know being the requirement yeah for the yeah for the flood plane overlay bylaw which when you look across the town as a whole we have very little if any buildings within the 100-year flood plane and that's actually a good thing and I think part of that reason is the overlay District that we have the zoning so to keep any construction being put in the 100-year flood plane other towns that have you know more flood but I guess so if we have a 100-year flood right now now this this green line goes right through the middle of the house y it's through the middle of the house at what's the so this well this is the 100e yeah yep so that's elevation put in I'm sorry y go ahead so this is 226 9 yeah that 10th let's say we go to 227 if you weren't to do this so 227 is going to sit where once this home is installed this is 228 right so it's going to be a foot below the the edge here right yeah so that's what I saying so it's by elevation so it's going to be just just below this 227 Contour so it's going to come right right down along like that so while I know we can't change it here I guess I'm just asking that we should acknowledge what the actual Delta is of what the elevation increase would be M and we're going to get rid of what's going on over here remember is that little with tree big tree and all the trees and yeah all good stuff there so and it's a by it's written it's our bylaw zoning by planning bylaw Zing zoning byw okay is a zoning bylaw overseen by the zoning enforcement officer and the conservation the the flood plane is overseen by the two of us okay so he Grande of things i' prefer not to see us make the compensation honestly yeah I and unfortunately I think the byla there isn't without going to zba I think for an exemption to it I it's the only way to do that at this point I me I understand I yeah I I understand the point of it um I understand your point but cuz it is it's a small amount but yeah was one of those things something we should think about somehow or another figure out how to I mean I understand obviously if you're doing a massive development and you know going in and you know really impacting a lot of wetlands and stuff obviously yes we don't want people building in a flood zone but for what this really is to unfortunately be have our hands forced you know into doing it because it's in the byw I this is an exemption that I think should be considered but you no I think I agree with you but it sounds like we're kind of locked into it yeah I mean think like I said you know think of a 100-year flood on Grove Pond which may not be a pond much longer also yeah who knows right so it's one of of these things when it when it goes through the planning process when we do what we do in this office it goes through the planning office Department that whole part I can bring those comments up and and see where it goes from there and that aspect from it and see what we do with it there but there that much we can do here now understood okay I want I know understanded it and yeah no I read through that I like oh crap I think we're going to have to do it it's like darn it cuz I'd rather see the trees not go either but I also know the concerns and I surprised it took so long the state the state had no comments on it but of course it's our zoning bylaw um the concerns that everybody has on Rising groundwater that's one of the biggest issues with climate change right now is the rising groundwater and the amount of sensity of storms so although it can so flipped I saw an article today that Canada was POS positioning itself as the hydroelectric hydroelectric power generator of the world yeah and now they've been experiencing such severe drought yeah they all the the states resiliency plans that they've been working on for the last four years now they've all been saying saying that it's the rer r of uh storm water is going to go up anywhere from 2 to 6 Ines in New England in the in Massachusetts yeah so it's one of those things like well we need to look at those projections as well how much will go up storm water go up um depending on what section of the resiliency plan you look at I know Jonathan saw a section that said 6 in everything I've seen said 2 to three so you're adding 2 to 3 in onto your 10 20 you know your flood your storm water events so and what was that required put in the zoning bylaw when was it I don't I don't know that zoning well I would assume I don't know if it's it was carried over from the old zoning bylaw if it was amended when they did it back in 2017 I know it hasn't been touched since then whether it was carried over from 2017 or added in in 2017 I don't know okay thanks for the info I appreciate it yeah yeah and just to clarify there's no way to reposition the location of the house that would reduce that impact just I mean basically what we've come up with is is with the zoning offset to the front you know we've kind of we've pushed everything about as far as close to the road we that the SE easan in there too cuz I remember bringing something up like that at when we were on site and you know you said well the sewer e yeah right kind of stuck unfortunately that's really the only place that's buildable yeah and that e this is the set back right probably yeah me basically yeah we push as far we have like a foot of play you know just to kind of give them a little bit sure easement also it's going to play into your fact of where you put your your your storage your flood storage and the grading on site cuz the closer you get to the water the steeper it gets MH mhm yeah so a lot of the placement biger bigger hole in the water only 3,000 cubic feet of it oh yeah what do you want to do with that caman soil you got in there just pull out the water chestnuts a little deeper every time I mean as you said we could certainly maybe recommend to the planning board we we said we can bring it up to the planning board and and see what happens on but I think the way the Z I don't I to verify how the zoning is written it because it might have to end up going to zba at that point I'm not 100% % sure but I'll I'll mention it to them and um I know very submitted comments but I'll I'll revise them as well on that aspect and I'll be at the meetings anyway so we'll make sure that concern is brought up all right anything else okay is there a motion to approve the notice of intent the D file number 100- 0487 has written second with trepidation well I don't have to vote for it though correct say do we do we have any special conditions besides the normal template that we have uh so is that going to be in the in the orders yes just I don't know anything pass normal I think so signs signs always signs always signs that's going to be normal right I think that's going to be yeah that's that's one of the normal ones always have signs yeah but I think I ask why they have signs and the next door neighbors don't yeah probably I'll will get that well we have no jurisdiction over the next door neighbors I know yeah well if we put the signs on yeah I mean but this slot being on sort of the end it's the other two houses the buffer is the buffer is way outside right the only that's in the buffer is the flood storage yeah but this property curve around so it's got plenty of it's got more Frontage for I can I can I can see the plany board will throw the condition in on on their on the site plan for the three lots then we don't have to do it on our but to make them all the same but so no no disturbance at all on the other three lots not within the hund not within the 100 okay they're not clearing that far they're cuz they because it's sewer easement so they're leaving everything the same so there was a motion what you get a phone call I'm used to those I got a lot of phone calls this week yeah we can I'll put signs in there you're not going to vote oh I'm just going to vote against oh okay well you can make you can make the motion you can second it again we can't really change it I'm not going to hold them up for this but Yep this a point of reference so was there a second he did yeah didn't do second you did yeah just to Bo with trepidation actually sorry you want a second you can second if you like I second it I super second it super all in favor to say I hi oppose nay nay we have one one nay four to one passes very good and you will draw up orders I did draw up the orders I haven't did the special orders I wanted to verify there wasn't anything outside the norm any extra special ones so I'll do the special orders print those out tomorrow be say okay great so George if I Nay it's approved I still have to sign at the no you you know you can still you can still sign it's actually the signing has nothing to do with anything because if if it was a three member board and a super majority so it's two to three you would still you still sign you don't have to um I'm just saying like it I've learned this a while AG it's the it's the actual Motion in the minutes that counts it's not the it's entirely up to you all right great thank you thank you than you ready so once you get that special conditioning grab it but still have some time to go yeah you do yeah okay yeah I'll let you know all right thank you very much thank you when are you stting when are you starting your project um as soon as we can get through the special prit process hopefully the site plan and storm water with the planning board month and a half month something like that you've already started on the other two or you have to do site plan for those two yeah so they had started and during one of the on-site meetings is when it kind of came up that they were subject to site plan approval so they stopped yeah so yeah laying clearing over so many yeah square feet yeah okay very good thank you so much all right thank you very much good night too motion to close the public hearing notice of intent de file number 100- 0487 so move second all in favor say I POS nay passes unanimously all right next item is a discussion friends of Pine Meadow Land stewards well I invited everybody I don't know where they all are I know Jonathan said he couldn't make it yeah I know Kathleen said she couldn't make it either but I don't I don't know about Andrew yeah it's it's okay um okay it's fine I you know I make the effort it's okay it was more or less I um couple months ago I met with the gentleman that's part of the conser um Gren Trails commission yeah so he gave me the website of a company to use for signs oh so I ordered those Monday or Tuesday the little discs or the yeah so these are they're actually they're fairly big they're 5 by S wow which the only other size was 2 by two and that's too small and I measured it out and when you put it on a tree and stand back it's it's it's going to be a little bigger than what the paint is on there now but they're reflective they're metal um I ordered um 40 blue 40 yellow that's the color we have there now and then some of the white so the whole PL I was hoping to get an idea of when people are available or not available so we once those come in we can schedule a time to start relazing Trails cuz won't that be nice to be able to find them yeah I was walking back in there a week and a half ago or so and then towards the gun club mhm M it there is a maze of trails back in there mhm and none none of them are one of them one of them is sort of official but yeah so the whole the whole whole point is to get hope whole um not point but the whole Hope on there is to get start blazing the trails and then figure out from there what we need to do next whether we want to do signage for where they where they Fork off for where the pond is and then go on from there um because I do have another company that we can look at too for for signage we just slowly do a little check off some of these little projects as we go through on there but I'm like I knew I knew Trails blazing the trails was the most important one and the fact that they're reflective would be nice when it's Dusky Dusky yeah you'll be able to see it a lot better Y and then we need to down the road update that map that Steve Smith used to circulate well that map is actually on the old Trails site that's I don't know I think they made it I don't nobody else so I don't know how we would update it if we'd have to have a surveyor go out in GIS shoot it I don't know how that works yeah Steve Smith isn't this coming up the time of the year that yes they are coming I think either the I think they're coming at the the first meeting I think they're coming at the next meeting we can ask him for their CR update oh he did it yeah I can cuz I said I just Googled it and it came up on a website so that's that's where I printed out and that's how I knew the colors so and then going there too cuz I had a thought of the some of the offshoot Trails having those be like a double color or whatever as opposed to the single and then that way we could find it that way but I don't know if that would be positive or NE I don't know so we got to figure that out but at least get the main Trails remarked that's a plus and then figure out what trail signage we want to do from there after that we'll see how quick these signs come in and I'll know how quick the new one other ones will come in we should try to set up a time to go out there and actually walk the trails and and C can you is it possible to get a GPS location off of a handheld device they do I don't know how much they are yeah your cell phone H your cell phone should have it well not mine but I'm sure there's an app for that Jen you for k probably all Trails probably has out yeah yeah so I mean you could you could just come to an intersection locate it somehow on mhm that thing and write down what you want to say at that particular Point yeah and uh have the signs made yeah all true I have and put them on a post Trails how many people did you invite oh I think it was about 10 to 15 it was it was the list was quite long that doesn't bode well does it I I mean I I know Jonathan C he couldn't come cuz I I mean and it's this is just because of my own self it this it's Holy Week so it's Holy Thursday and I didn't know if that then I thought like oh maybe that's going to play into I didn't even think of that Monday Thursday so I don't know if that played into any of it at all or not oh and and in the weather like I know my mother's watching the kids and she has a hard time driving at night when it's raining if that was pled in yeah yep but um I'll just I'll email everybody again um tomorrow or Monday and see if I can get a date um that works best for everybody to have them shootting like two or three so we can whether it's during the week or on a weekend just so we can go out and I'd assume the the trail blazes will be in in another week or so I don't think they'll take too long and so we can figure out when we can start doing that okay I'm assuming it would have to be a weekend wouldn't you I don't I don't know we'll see yeah I would think so and then I got to figure out how we attach them cuz Jen wanted to do all of the work I like to yeah yeah fig how we're going to attach them to the tree I was it was to we to nail them in but I have a nail gun I have one the stap yeah I mean it's not like high gauge with your hose battery look at you mhm I mean I don't it's not like super high gauge nails but it works and then figur we start with what I ordered we need to order more I can do that it's all we're all set on that end so and then cuz yeah I was out so I got to because the the signs that go to the pond and Trail like that obviously needs to get replaced whether we want yeah how we're going to do that there's uh there's one sign back there now that it's it wasn't installed correctly I think it was just attached to the tree solid and the Bark's growing over it over the metal sign I mean a lot so it's got to do it properly too yeah you leave a gap so they can the tree can grow yep okay I mean there's no official head of this particular no it's more or less just a you know project that we wanted to start cuz we have this beautiful piece of land that everyone always says who's going to do this who's going to do that it's like well when I was little we had land stewards for every single cons you know conservation land we had there and I would get reports from them once like well let's see if we can get something like that going here right now it's more or less freelance we'll we'll try to narrow it down and get more of a organized thing as things go forward but right now it's just okay group of volunteers to help us do some projects out there as we go forward and then once it's more well established we can pass it off yep for them to to go and just report back sounds good um that's that's the goal goal do we have much on our agenda for next month just the uh C just the CR right now yeah so maybe when you send out an email maybe hype up the next me meeting and say we're going to be picking a date and assigning tasks it's real yeah they'll be maybe we could bring brownies in we'll feed you Refreshments yeah we can work on something on that yeah anything else on that that's all I have I'll update you on the other activities on that site later was that not so I'll act I'll I'll update you on the other activities that took place there yesterday later oh okay all right yeah is that the photo you sent us yeah that was an interesting photo okay next item is a review Shaker Pond conservation restriction yes so I sent that out for everybody to review it came back from the state um the attorney Alan shocket for Dan AO for Shaker mil Pond and Town Council um I sent it to Danny Riz the town planner to review to make sure he was okay with everything on there he had no issues I didn't see anything I know just brought up the whole access um section to it which attorne um shocket had the same question and um Danny said that that's more or less in there so we can do restrictions if we need to it's not in there to actually restrict anybody it's just language in there so it we can so it's the the actual sentence is this this conservation restriction does not Grant any right of access to general public and the granter retains the rights to prohibit access ACC to the premise by the general public so it's basically in there so you can deny access not that we're denying access it's meant for Public Access that sentence is in there if in the future they it can happen more or less as restriction as far as certain sections go or anything like that what would the what why if anyone was encroaching in on it on one section I would say if there was they found a bunch of vandalism was going on in certain areas and they just needed to to pull it back just close it that part down yeah that's that's my guess that's why that's in there okay and that's what that's what the town planner saw as well because that's just a standard thing that gets put in there just so it's in there so it can be restricted if the if the need comes but not to actually restrict it so the granter is a hope granter AO grante is us yes so he's going to go away at some point h he's going to go away at some point it's I believe it's cuz everything's in a C is in the HOA okay they also list the trustee of Shaker Pond like the truste so that's he's not he owns the the land that's in the open space and we hold the CR is that how it works yeah yeah okay so he's not going anywhere um so it'll stay in his unless it goes over to the homeowners or whatever Association yeah if it goes over to that but I believe the way it's written too that that's if I remember right cuz it copied everything that was which I have to verify that I didn't see it in here but some of them have list L that they give money aside for it but I don't the trust goes to after like he passes right is that what you mean I'm just thinking if it goes to the homeowners association I could see them say we don't want those people walking back there right and just shut it off to everybody M but I would do we have to have think that they'd have to accept the oh could we word itely say what they'd have to accept the way that change to that it was approved that they can't change it now that they can District have that have that added to it theing in there um Heather's just suggesting change the language to um so Grant or and grantee yeah the grantor and grantee retains the right so that way the grantor with permission or whatever with both the both parties figure out how to word it that way and I'll I'll reach out to attorney shockett to to we he can he can he can word it that way but basically have it state that both us that hold the CR and then that hold the land have to agree for any restrictions right yeah yeah I'll I'll have that I'll I'll reach out to him and have him look at that and about I'm sure that would make him feel better too it's a good cat George yeah they put yay George yeah I I I'll reach out to attorney shocket to see about him to changing that language on it to obviously we can't vote or anything on it yet this is today just to finalize the language cuz we are waiting for the Baseline to be done they're working on that I did let um attorney shocket know when they do go out for do the do the Baseline to let me know cuz I'd like to tag along on that just so I can see how it's I'm never going to be able to do these things I don't have the gis experience but I can at least then going forward to do the monitoring I already know what it it looked like the first time people may have may remember me a year later when I go back out to do the monitoring and everything like that so I just haven't heard from them when they're going to do that that yet have they sold all the houses in there mhm oh yeah yeah all the affordable houses there was the only ones there was the little a affordable which was the two duplexes oh okay yeah yeah they were all like 700 or8 the houses were eight eight um I think the duplexes were closer to six for each duplex unit yeah you who live in Perle they're selling ones right now for 800 duplexes before ZB C I think they dropped it down to the 775 but yeah in um section 2 a mhm number six are we assuming that motorized vehicles covers both electric and gas powered or do we need because it's motor it's not it's not doesn't say it's like emissions power whatever it says it says motorized or anything with the motor doesn't don't battery operators still have Motors in them no they have electric motor so yeah that's kind of what I'm just wondering like I I'll make sure I I I'll point that out too to include you want to include battery cuz you just obviously the whole point is the the tires well initially I thought of electric bicycles yeah like do we want that but then the more I thought about I was like well you know there are electric powered other things that are here that you know people might scooters push the envelope but you know again at the end of the day it's probably like I said it's probably covered but I just want to make sure that well this is for the that oh the use yeah you know I don't think the trails are long enough that we really have to worry about people wanting to bring bikes out on them probably not but all right I'll I'll I'll we want Barbie Jeeps out there you don't want to take your power wheels out there come well I'm just asking because I've seen people do some crazy things like take them out and put you know 800 cold cranking amp 12vt car batteries in in those things and they move yeah I know my my ex-husband did that to my kids aren't there motorized scooters now too yes right that's yeah TR to limmit access for folks I can't take mized ACC can't take my motorized wheelchair scooter thing are you trying to discriminate against people who need additional that I am not trying to do so we want to be careful on how we word it so that we're not doing that right yeah so we could say I don't know how recreational vehicles or recreational type things right oh they look kind of fun but yeah do okay yeah no I I want we want to make sure that we don't want to p oh I totally agree yeah but yeah okay but yeah no I guess that good point okay super awesome who's responsible for the Baseline report says in there that we are yeah no they're um the the property owner is is in the process of getting somebody out there to do it right that says we are yeah but yeah we're not we're not doing the Baseline so we should change that we should change that where is that what first paragraph isn't it right no it's down I think it's the second page okay I'll make a note here we go you know ideally with State should be both parties working together but oh Baseline got it got it yep Oh Pair by the gry got it what where is it on that it's on the bottom of the second page in that large paragraph It's about the fourth down to gr yeah from gr to gror got it thank you mhm I'll have to verify that you're earning your pay Tonight George anything else all right I'll make those three suggestions okay you have to be in the right head to me I had to be in the right head space to read this cuz it's a lot of legal jargon I'm like I can't and they first submitted a draft was before you came on yeah the uh section on conservation values was extremely minimal like and I think it was even incorrect about what Wetlands were on the premises so I sent a really detailed thing yeah which they kept but the attorney um I think contacted Our Town Council do they have to put those in and it's like it describes the property yeah I mean said yeah yeah it's helpful yeah um mhm in a mhm number three talks about placing filling storing blah blah BL blah vegetation cuting generated generate offsite okay waste or substances or material whatsoever however in b 2 mhm uh I'm uh actually Four mhm talks about the composting of stumps trees not necessarily from the property but you know kind of conflicting isn't it well I was thinking I was looking at that but there's none of the none of the CR except for that little area to the glacial erratic is outside of the buffer zone right I think pretty much all the ab budding Shaker mil Pond that whole CR area is inside the buff that's in the buffer yep is that I think that section says you can't do it within the yeah the section four says no such activities will take place closer than 100 ft from any Wetland water body stream it's the other side um I think there is a a wetland on the other side closer to the line that side there is a wetland on that side as well and there's open and there's open space on that side okay but then but it's all buffer zone still then right it would be buffer zone yeah it's not all buffer zone but there there is very there is areas that are not in buffer that are in conservation that are in the CR but there's not extent amount it's just the glacial erratic area isn't it yeah yeah still pondering yeah I yeah I mean how much how much common area is in that spot what you mean common area how much open space uh say in there like 14 AC 15 Acres like I don't know like common are that would have to be cut in mowed by somebody other than a private property owner we don't development like if there's like a mailbox bank or something there is around the erratic I mean no there the I think the only area that would need to be cut cuz I don't think because the the CR section by the pond is um all Woods right they they cut a trail in but again we don't this whole point of it wasn't to maintain it and I think now cuz it's been so long I don't think you can find where they where they cut back um so it's it's very it's very minimal there there's no grass you have the trail going in but again that may be 100 ft okay um I don't know what the other side looks like whole another reason why I want want to go out and walk it cuz I haven't seen what the other side looks like I've only seen the Shaker Pond Side and how much of the conservation restriction AB buts the golf course property I don't know I think it's I think the first three houses four houses or something else and then it's the the back or the further part the around the bulb is what abouts that but that's an access road that goes in are we ask do we have no dumping signs going in along we or conservation signs there's not on this property um they will they do as part of the this conservation restrict they had to put they have to put um um I think three Granite bounds per lot to state where the conservation restriction starts because nothing was n work was in the buffer there we didn't have our signs right so it all fell on the planning board and that was one of the things that the town planner pointed out Danny point I was like wait a minute there's no signs I go yeah I don't I don't know so the concrete the granite bounds are there yeah um whether they have signs or not but it'll that'll just be an ongoing thing at that point to Mark's point for that particular item since there's very little that's not outside of the buffer zone mhm would it make sense for this particular CR to specify a little bit more clearly that to say to add in a sentence since since with the exception of this area everything is within buffer zone it should be assumed that there should be no dumping in the CR at all or something yeah I with the way I read number um in be the four it more or less to me reads like composting so if someone wants to take you know the composting bins and turn it over not a dumping of oh I'm throwing my glass grass clippings in there cuz that you can't do yeah where does it say you can't do that that's the three okay that's the so that's an A3 the placing filling dumping of soil Refuge trash V uh barch debris yeah rubbish debris junk tree and vegetation cuting so that would be your grass cuting you add in Christmas trees I mean we can add in all that I mean and it generate an offsite which means I can't mow my lawn and then dump it in the CR cuz even though I have that concrete bound on my property that's not the the over that is the is the CR yeah so that's you can't put that so it says offsite it means that's not something from across town that you dump there yeah and then fource more or less if someone wants to put a in my head one those little black composting bins and you put that in there yeah that's how I read it but again then that's an object it say composting of stumps not putting a stump inside a little black spinny thing okay so all right yeah you don't put you don't put trees in there you don't put brush limbs in there could be a really big one oh yeah people yeah yeah that's orating on the I wonder if it's more or less for when they put the site in I will ask for clarification this is standard writing though I mean that no no I understand that but I guess like I'm saying I'm wondering if we can if this AB buts the of course property the the maintenance garage thought it does yeah it does so you're worried about that you're worried about the yeah so I mean let's be honest when we went through there before this was even in there on that road along the side heading towards the water near the eratic there was a ton of crap vegetative type material dumped in there from the golf roofing material I believe if I remember correctly oh so you're concerned with the golf course doing it this was their spot the Foot Right to keep it out of golf course eyesight and things like that and I'm just I'm just concerned okay you know in in that sense all right I'll I'll send that comment as well um on that line had that comment that might be the uh time to then say uh this is one of our concerns um would you have an objection to a few conservation no dumping signs in that area they don't have to but we can't compel it but we could ask m I forgot about how messy that area was M yeah yeah I don't I don't know yeah I I can see that so okay that's that's fair so you're that your concerns just coming more or less from the my concerns like oh the home owners can't do that but you're concerned of the golf course doing it yeah because it says you know reserves right the granter reserves these rights yeah right um and then something I've experienced and cleaning up the conservation property by my house there's a lot of folks that believe biodegradable dog bags are fine are fine no it's yeah because people don't understand do that to be need to be called out specifically I guess because yeah I it might need to be and we'll add that too um cuz I saw one and I was at Pine met this morning so I think don't people people understand the whole point of picking it up is not to throw it somewhere else throw it somewhere else the whole point of picking it up is the to carry it out is the nutrients that are contained in it that you're removing to not get back into the groundwater and supply and in fresh water supply that is the point not that oh it's in a biodegradable bag so I can just Chuck it and it's fine that's that's why people Chuck those they think it's I I'm I'm I I'm almost cuz I know or they just don't want to carry them they don't want to car so I think it's it's a two but I think they think the biodegradable bags are like oh well it's not plastic I'm not Li and eventually will biodegrade biodegradable plastic micro because that that's that's my big thing is I don't people are understanding the whole point of microplastics at that aspect I had a discussion lady that's in my head more dangerous plastic I would rather if somebody didn't bag it and just left left it exactly 100% than adding in the plastic element yeah that's made of corn H I said it's made of corn no no that's they have hly polymers they have po they have polyvinyl um whatever that is polyvinyl polymers and there yeah a polyvinyl something and that's just can you thr them in the compost thing at the transfer station I wouldn't I don't but I was just curious oh the bags people do yeah I mean we do our normal food waste compost bags I think it would have to depend on what they're made of I know some of those bags I don't know the ones for dog waste but like food wrap ones you can get that are made from like avocado or whatever like that I I think those would be fine some of the other ones like I said I cuz I'm crazy about plastic I started using laundry detergent sheets and then I like oh wait do something plastic I read the ingredients I'm like crap it's got the polyvinyl stuff like well that's hard to get away from yeah I have a solution and I have to then change my laundry detergent for the fourth time and there'll be no more plastic um but you once you have a once you once you see the word polymer it's it's a plastic um and they say it's a biodegradable plastic but it it just makes microplastics and then then I'll just get in the compost which is then it rains back down yeah and you eat it and you drink it and it's fine we are it anything else on the conservation restruct okay this is why other people read these things cuz I miss them once I read them too many times okay so I will send those what four four or five comments over and we're just waiting for the Baseline to get done all right very good thank you by the end of all this I'll be expert on conservation restrictions hey okay oh mind we're done with that one I have a question later I'll ask it later okay conservation office updates okay so the big update is yesterday um from the trucking berky's truck trucking company which is now North Atlantic concrete on gron Harvard Road had a 70 ton crane um somehow leave their property and fall down the ement and land in Pine Meadow yesterday uh morning um I actually get to be one of the first people to know which never happened so I was very excited about that um I was on site I took I went in from Pine Meadow first when I got there then I saw everybody on top of the hill I go I should probably go up there too so I over run and went up um police and fire were on site we were there for about an hour hour and a half um they removed the crane didn't get out of there until 6:00 last night when I was finally out I had them install some erosion controls because that hole in bement now is open soil knowing it was going to rain I wanted to ensure it wasn't going to wash out and make anything worse um I went out this morning to my very much surprise I like to be wrong there was no channeling or anything in that open soil from the rain from this from last night I don't know how about today so I'll go back out tomorrow just to verify um at least two to three trees were taken down by that and there is a divot in the ground as well um no there was no leakage of oil or hydraulic fluid it was very lucky that the diesel tank was actually facing up um and when they pulled it out they were able they wanted to Upright it and then bring it up on its wheel so it didn't have scrap anything so yeah that was a that was a g there was no they were able to bring on its Wheels the it was when I went on it 2:30 um I wanted to see them how they were taking it out I was expecting it to be out but I don't know how long this takes there was four toe there was four four tow trucks so they were tied one was they was they were tied to each other so there was two and two and they were anchoring each other down in order to yank it up so it was pretty it's pretty extensive to pull that out um wow that would have been something to say so I didn't know I I've never had this happen before I don't know if it's something that we have asked them to replace the trees get knocked down or do we just let that go do we ask for any sort of restoration on that aspect or we just bite it to the pack of like oh this it's as if a tree had fallen you know during a windstorm type of thing yeah gu the is it our jurisdiction it's our land right but is our is that our yeah I don't I don't that was my question like I don't know like do we do do we can we do that is that something the commission could try because it is our land it did intrude onto it invaded our territory um if looking at your picture though that that slope up there where they have stuff parked is so steep it's so steep that and I wonder with all the rain and the high groundwater if that's why the slope collapsed paring there's there's a question on that that property should be coming for site plan approval um hopefully in the next coming in the upcoming months I did let the town planner know what had happened because my comment when we had a brief discussion with the owner and the engineer for that property I made the comment that I wanted to see some sort of fence not being allowed to park so close to the slope because in the past just walking Pine Meadow everyone has seen it a tire or whatever that's fallen down the embankment that we can hopefully keep that from happening and the comment I got was why well now we have now we have a why now we have a reason why so um when I told the town planner he said no no we'll we'll most certainly ask for that so we'll have a setback from parking any equipment along that that border the fill on there is obviously as you can see when you go out there is just from whoever owned the property beforehand in the past God knows how long it's just made of junk yep so what aspect we can get it I don't I don't know about getting it cleaned if anything Falls over or what we can do on that part of it so that's why I was like I don't know what we can is that their property that part yeah that's what I was going to ask like where the ement starts like property their proper their property ends there's some Flags out there is maybe a foot after the toe of that slope on the bottom okay cuz there was some Flags out there and then we assume that they those were Flags to probably Mark the property line how about um horse trading uh we could Town planner we could make the suggestion um you know Park further away and let's put a fence in yeah or we would like to see some um restoration plannings okay what do you think about that well not or and or and how big were the trees like they I mean I don't know I don't know how to guess diameter on that aspect but they were got this big maybe yeah you I me you when you when you go out if you you walk Pine Mountain you're like where is it there's a there's a you can tell all of a sudden there's just just no trees now zoom in so that's sort of an open open area right it's not it's not it's not a very dense area it'll grow back pretty quickly as my guess point I that's that's what my thought is too but I don't I don't know yeah how quick cuz I mean you're talk and you lost I think I think if you go out tomorrow mhm and you do see some washing down from the rain mhm you know assuming that we'll continue to get the same it's um you know thank you maybe we could ask for you know can you put some things in there that will grow quickly to to stabilize stabilize it yeah that's yeah that's what my thought was cuz I said they there's erosion controls there up now I'm going to wait see how it looks tomorrow um maybe possibly let them know on Monday how the how the weather is look if it's not going to rain anytime soon that they can take those out cuz I don't want those to stay with the growing season starting so soon and impeding anything but I we have to keep an eye on that slow from washing out I mean if you didn't see anything as if I don't see anything as tomorrow I think it's we got 2 inches of rain by the end of tomorrow then yeah it's probably not going to be it's probably not going to unless we get a wicked dry spell and then R that's the only so really it was just parked there and this thing just gave so we don't I don't know they said it was parked there but the way it landed you know the the thought was somehow it flipped but the boom was in so it's like one of these things like oh wish should was on video to see how the heck this thing happened there was nobody in it it's good just parked there it was just parked there so I think so whether someone didn't put a break on started right there too was I mean if you have that sharper slope yeah did you want to you it yeah and uh I have so many pictures of it it just yeah all this rain and just yeah yeah and it was the heaviest one I said WEA it was just too close if someone didn't have a certain support whatever happened but it it happened so planning board the planning board can deal with it then when it goes for site plan you right make them do it Y and then we and you guys can go in as as property own as Butters oh must have been a sick feeling when they came to to the site and said somebody stole our cray oh that was I got the call from Janet pakus who said a person called her to say that there was something in there she called me and DPW thinking it might have been the dump but as soon as she told me what that there was something equipment there I'm like I know exactly where it is but I'm like send me the picture that you have just just just so I know and yeah I'm like yep I knew it so I I didn't want to go praning on some so I went in from Pine Meadow and then I saw the fire and police up top I'm like okay oh I'll go around and and see them and they like how did you know so fast J it call he's like oh dispatch didn't call dispatch I said I guess not like she no she was told by somebody else she didn't know where it was so she just let me know no it was my property and gpw know because in case it was the dump she didn't know where it was I can't to believe somebody drove it cuz you can see the one next to it up at the top yeah that was parked properly uhhuh but I mean unless there was truly pavement all the way out here there's no it's it's not it's just it's it's just it's just a fill yeah so I mean to me I probably stuck in in Reverse mistakenly jumped out or something as it as the as the back wheels first went down they're like oh crap who knows I mean you know you're you're you're going with what they said to you yeah it can be asked when they're on camera is how did it happen with somebody in it and if somebody was in it and drove then that's one thing but if nobody was in it and it just the whole thing collapsed that to say look like town to say move further put up a fence stay away yeah I was just one of those things like oh well that's a fun morning that's how my day is going to go but so that's the main um update I have on that like I ordered the signs for the trail blazes for Pine Meadow um planning board will have Third Street at their next meeting we'll be there for that um so related to that is when do Stratton Hill start in April Straten Hill is now going to be continued again um that'll be on I think Danny updated the website with that I think until May still haven't seen updated plans on that side um so we're still waiting for that um what else we have um the warrant art the select board will be approving the town warrant at their meeting on Tuesday the 2nd the pond treatment is on there for 25,000 not the 30 but that's still more than enough money that we need for that um I'm going to verify with Robert if I need to go to the select board meeting in case there going be any questions for that or if we just expect it it'll be fine just for town meeting and of course we'll be I'll be there for town meeting on the 202nd 2nd thank you what's the status of the contract with water and wetlands um I had Robert sign it I hadn't seen it the sign copy back from water mland yet but they know everything's been approved so we're good on that and the the the question with the um frag mighties they had updated it for that and they're well aware of it and they'll make sure they go look for it if there was in there they'll make sure they put they cover that on there and good good um so I think that's about it on my end the only other plug I will stay is we're still working on the Storm Water Utility Fund um we still meet on that once a month F will be coming to fall town meeting we're working on the um the cost per unit at this point um so what the fee will be um we finishing that aspect of it up and if and one what the credit system will look like and then starting regulations any member updates nope negative negative nope you had something right no that was the question was since site plan review at playing book with Straton Hill got that answer I saw the the email that Susan sent to me about she she she she will email me yeah she'll and she emailed me and sorry and John about the beavers and trees um beavers chewing up trees on Snak here road which the DPW had gone out and caged them and I noticed several of them um I've been looking at trees on Calvin Street the last few weeks um and I going there's quite a few of them that actually have been caged since I mentioned to them a few months ago so I don't know where she was talking about that needed to be done cuz there was quite a few of that had been done a couple months ago yeah I mean I wrapped all the one yeah you wbed all your ones your neighbor I was at I was at your neighbor's house a week or two ago cuz he wants to put the deck on and then possibly offence so he mentioned to me that he might be caging some of his trees cuz he saw that you had done yours we put that thing up on Facebook so I told sus in that she was like okay she just WR sped back thank you so we did that part in the spring newsletter went out I think earlier this week last week had the thing about the archery policy and how we do that and I think I already got one call on it so hopefully that helps out some because there's been a lot of been a lot of that cuz they you know if any of you saw on the news they had a thing on one of the news channels that insurance companies are doing Google Earth images and telling people they need to cut down trees so I had to go out to 26 Calvin he needs to take down oh I think he's taking like eight or nine trees down on his proper and his he has he has hardly any want it's just trees in his backyard it's beautiful it's all and he has taken on quite a few cuz ins his home insurance is making him do that um I asked if he would so kindly as to try to replant some vegetation to make up for some of the trees he's taking down he's like sure no problem I don't care so that's the second one that I've made that suggestion to if they could do some plantings in regards to the trees coming down they're like okay so they can do that without any attention to like the Wetland protection act yeah are they showing you documentation from the insurance companies no they're just was saying I got this call mhm I was the that that one I've only had one that did that um but he had no problem redoing um doing other planting to make up for it so and then the other one on Oakridge need to cut some trees down I made a session to him too and he had no problem doing that as well so hopefully we can get more people if they're cutting anything down cuz you care you can plant shrubs if you want the one on 26 Calvin I there's no way you can do two to one which you LGE which is shs at that point but I'm like as much as you can you know if you want if you could just do something to replace what you taken down okay and they were going to leave as much of a stag as they could to on that aspect when's the next newslet trees um the newsletters go out in quarterly so the next one will be for summer um that might be something you'd want to in the next newsletter yes like recommendation say you know some of you have called saying that you're being told insurance companies to replace you know cut down trees here are some options like if you take them down like these are these are some varieties to plant in place of them if you like you know again shorter trees you know 10t 20t whatever you know crab apples whatever you know you can put all that kind of stuff in or something you know whatever yeah we we can always update and do something like that as far as the Facebook post that we can do we can always do stuff like that because anybody has any suggestions of things they think that they want to put out there we can do that I think as we get into spring especially it might be a little late for the next newsletter but reminding folks that um when they're fertilizing their lawn like what are better products to use I mean that's not this is It's a state law you cannot use a phosphorous um fertilizer unless you have a special approval and license from the state so yes we I will put something up like that um and far as I did have somebody called on Hemlock about cutting lawns and in dumping of leaves and stuff and I said oh well actually it's better for you lawn if you leave it 2 to 3 in taller and you you know your grass clippings are actually M natural fertilizer if you leave them on La your lawn um so yeah we can create something like that going in this now that season starting to verify that I can make that up and do that in the next couple weeks especially because it it's applicable to everyone right it's not just folks in our Direction yeah cuz that actually helps with the storm water section I think that might be part of the ms4 requirement so I to just double check when they're posting is for that as well CU I think that's coming up that they'll put that at the DPW on the insurance companies using Google yeah would that be worth just maybe talking to the Circuit Rider or something just say yeah starting to have this situation I can send the question out to the conservation agents you shouldn't necessarily take the assume that the I had I had I've only I've only had the one they don't I know well they have their own I've only had the one person say it and it was lul like he's like you've heard it yeah no I heard it and looking at his yard I could tell it wasn't something like he just wanted to cut trees down because it was all trees and very little lawn in the back so I know it wasn't like he's using it as an excuse the type of thing it was just I I don't know yeah it's not a cheap thing to do either no that's one thing when they come to come to do a site visit and they're looking and seeing a tree leaning and they can and that's good that's a fine thing but be looking at a really non-specific Google image yeah that's why with the with the Third Street I had a hard time with the the flood plane because it uses a Google Earth image and then puts the flood plane on top of that you just can't I can't see a house when you just when it's you're looking at vegetation on top of that I can't tell you where the road I you can't tell yeah which was so much better when they didn't put the over do that I started that in like 2010 and it's horrible so you did go out to my neighbors look and and that's okay yeah because where he's put I did administrative approval on the deck he's putting in because he's extending his deck over an existing walkway it yeah it's and I'm like well you're just putting it yeah I'm like you're taking it out like the stairs he's like no I said then yeah you're fine I don't I don't see it being any need when he goes to put the fence in that's the only thing I'd have I I might need to have him come in for the fence he's going to put in because it's so close to the water I mean with a matter of like 3 or 4 feet from the water um but the deck he was installing it it's the Helix posts that don't do any disturbance um the the issues of impervious over majority of what he's covering over is already pavement now or concrete so it's not I didn't see any need to have him come in for an RDA for that when it's already a walkway there that he's just basically covering over and not removing yep is he supporting right on top of the existing concrete or is he digging through the concrete to be able to he's covering so the posts are going outside the concrete area in the dirt spot but the Helix footings that don't do any disturbance they just drill right in so the only issue would be is the fact that it's EX what small section is lawn or actually it's actually like mulched area that's now going to have a cover over it but it was such a small amount that I just didn't see the need for it to come in okay cuz the majority of the area is are already a walkway itless he was removing the walkway then I would have made him but he said he was going to leave it sounds good to me was a very nice man I'll keep an eye on it just make sure that dog doesn't go swimming again in the middle was it February oh my goodness that was the funniest story for me did you hear about that he his sun came in early very early in the in the morning and their dog had gone out on the ice and and it it was frozen on the edge but not further out and the dog slid in and a little ncky thing he couldn't get out so Mr Vil went out and he did the same thing as the dog on it slid in so he grabbed the dog and chucked the dog out and he said he was having a really hard time getting out of the water and when he finally did he realized that he had left his pajama bottoms in the pond oh no he goes you didn't see me did you I go no I didn't see and he left that part of the story up but yeah no but it was it just it was funny that yeah cuz I mean as a kid I grew up with a cocker spaniel that used to chase ducks on the on and she get halfway out and she she start swimming back getting lower and lower in the water we have to get in the Robbo and go out and get her and put her back in and like half hold on to her while you're rowing cuz she would chase the Ducks back out again is why you don't have like hunting dogs sporting cuz this is what they do she wanted to get those Ducks is there anything else no that's it motion to adjourn some second all in favor say i i p his n passes unanimously