##VIDEO ID:loeA078a2o8## good evening everyone this is the air Conservation Commission meeting it is Thursday August 8th 2024 uh Commissioners in attendance this evening Jemiah as member we have George bacon as member Jess Gino member clerk Mark Phillips Vice chair myself John shimone Berger as chair and Heather hamson our conservation agent is not here this evening it's on vacation Myrtle Beach that's right she go yeah isn't there a hurricane down there yeah now it's up we have confirmation of agenda any changes to the agenda um nope motion to approve the agenda as written move second all in favor say i i n passes unanimously do we have approval of the meeting minutes for July 25th 2024 everyone had an opportunity to muddle your way through the impostor clerks tedious minutes very nice job y good nice this time any changes comments motion to approve the minutes for July 25th 2024 as written Su Mo second all in favor say I I close n pass unanimously I'm going to I'm going to bypass the public input since there's no public our first item this evening is the continued public hearing notice of intent D file number to be determined spectacle Pond treatment water treatment uh I'm assuming we're going to open and and continue until our next meeting so is there a motion to continue the public hearing notice of intent D file number to be continued spectacle pond water treatment until our next meeting August 22nd 2024 snow move second all in favor say I I post n pass is unanimously what did he say he sent it got lost at the post office really is that what Heather said they got or somebody said they got lost at the post office and and didn't get back to him he did something wrong anyway it's been bouncing around our next item is a review and discussion the conservation restriction and Baseline Baseline documentation for Shaker Mill Pond can you gentl must join us at the table please want a comfy chair surey chair and if you could State your names for our record please Patrick work civil engineer at places Associates ke yep thank you hold a developer how are you gentlemen this evening I am well good good good good good so we're before you we have a conservation restriction that we've filed with the state and the last item that we need to complete it is the conservation uh Baseline study and we Oxo Associates was contracted they dat did the original one they recently did the final one the project is complete um we're just waiting to get approval from the planning board and we'll be coming after we get the conservation restriction uh recorded we'll be coming back for the SF of compliance too with for the Conservation Commission okay uh we've been out there a couple times with Heather the uh Josiah the contractor has been working with her too for to complete the signage and things out there too so we believe we're everything's complete we just need sign off on the Baseline study okay so this evening is just sort of a presentation to us a little bit and questions that we have for you yes okay is there anything that you'd like to nope that's to us that's it on that shell okay um I guess the three the things that when I when I read it um the three violations M uh encroachments um into the conservation restriction were the plantings I forget what kind it was Arbor VY was it anyway there was there was some plantings that were in the conservation restriction there was a fence that went through and also a shed mhm um and these were done before the Baseline uh review or the Baseline yes yeah yes okay before Oxbo was out there in other words right I'm sorry what before Oxbow was out there right before roxb did okay um do you can you tell us what was said to the homeowners when they purchased their homes as far as restrictions on them about the I I think there's a I think it's right in the deed the the deed a deed restriction placed on it where they they can't encroach into the uh into the the open space areas that's dedicated to the conservation restrictions so the the border is well documented I mean you can see where you're not supposed to be yes yes and they did it anyway yes okay so Jess you had a question about whether or not we can proceed with yeah I mean it's it's cuz this is CRS are under article 97 state so question one would be can we accept a CR if there are already encroachments and then two since we haven't accepted it yet who's responsible for correcting the encroachments MH um so I was looking up something on um on the state to see what what what happens if there is an encroachment and um I usually use my mouse at home go come on move [Music] well and the state it I guess talks about the need to remove structures mhm so yes they were they replaced by the residents and uh when we met with Heather I believe two months ago I think she was going to notify them of of the encroachments I'm not sure if that occurred I haven't heard that it has occurred so I don't know I don't think so yeah and I think I think it would be up to the homeowners to to correct it with but the homeowners association can kind of work with them too to yep tell them what they needed to do so Heather is on on right now and so when she gets back I think what we should have her send some violation notice out to yes yeah and there were also a lot of people's Lawns that were over the over the line too I don't know if that's like a huge deal well the answer that one um you say The Lawns if you look at the right side of the project The Lawns went right to the wall period M they were always there it was always there all they just were mowing it gotcha versus not but the yep the lawn existed prior to you know that was always there that you said uh what yeah we had prior to construction we would delineate the the haal so there was there was a delineated marker so you weren't supposed to go past it where where we were allowed by reded to uh to disturb so everything that's that just turned into grass was part of that y this this side here and this is pre these right here was this was already like Lawns yeah you know like they're mowing they're mowing maybe past this marker here but basically that's it wasn't like it was yeah recreated mhm right I didn't think it would be a problem with them mowing it um it's not like any near Wetlands or anything like that no no I understand but it's part the Restriction though yeah it shouldn't be set up because of the state yep we can bring that up to them too and they can let it come back to it natural mhm says if if lawn or Landscaping has been extended onto conservation land the commission shall require the abing land owner to Simply no longer mow or maintain encroaching lawn or Landscaping I think we could probably make a decision on the plantings as long as they're native species um but the issue of the shed there stairs too and stairs yeah you know roughly and I don't know because I wasn't there but how much is the shed encroaching I'm I'm not sure I think it's about half on and half off they could I believe they can move it back into there it's it's the first lot as you're looking down the road on the right I believe the first home on the right I'm me into the development right here yes okay and I think you know like doing anything on article 97 protected land is an act of the state legislature isn't it so I mean the state takes it seriously so what George um but it's not an official CR yet right right so yeah kind of a sticky thing right here yeah yeah I I think we need Heather to in is this the one we're talking about yeah so it's a fairly good Size Shed it'd be hard to move I think so I mean it's on it looks like it's on cinder blocks it it it's on CER blocks but where would the line this is station well that's what yeah that's where I'm kind of confused it appears like it's barely if it is on it at all it's yeah I'm not sure where this is going but you're saying you thought the direction was that the must be this way and it's it's about half of this shed is what you I don't know I just I just read it in in the report okay page 23 yeah I didn't I didn't see where it said how much it shed and stair encroachment right oh okay I didn't even realize that these are the stairs yes are super these stairs they put the so can't do that I think it might just be I think the shed might be shed looks like it's and the steps were I mean within fraction hard to tell but the station let me just see where that is I don't know cuz that's not where we were just talking about but the steps are right there P tape between so hether could Heather could talk to the Circuit Rider no we don't have one though maybe somebody to State the SPs are a planning board but In fairness know uh if the if if somebody bought the property and put encroach their shed there I don't have authority to make a move it only you would yeah right we would have to issue them the violation notice you don't move it I can't get my approval don't you have essentially covenants prior to all properties being sold off and such I know like my subdivision basically had that like you had to approve you know faucets had to be Coler brand you know all kinds of Goofy St Le the person there is language in there okay so I mean assuming it's this spot which cuz it's station 7 I'm assuming this is one of the first homes that got sold right uh of no I mean well let's put it this it wasn't the last one no no no no no right so then the shed went in prior to probably all properties being sold would be the I don't know I don't know the answer to that but the last property that was sold was probably a year and a half ago at least okay that's why we're trying to get this subdivision approved but the CR got held up and held up and held up as far as the state and they didn't get out there well I mean they didn't not get out there but they didn't finally we got response my attorney actually went and sat in their office in Boston to finally get them to do something earlier public hearing that we had to continue it's because it the state is short of staff and the circuit Rider so their state is having so I mean the thing was probably would have been approved before any of this came about but now yeah right it's like anything I be I well maybe when Heather comes back we should we should do a S sidewalk and go out there and take a look y definitely yeah I mean it's it is hard to tell if that cuz this picture at least doesn't appear to show a shed no you know right I mean it wasn't there when we built the house sure stows all up so if that's the case I guess when is this dated so I mean to me I would like to believe that I could get an approval on it with the violation that that goes to the person that is in violation but that I I don't see how that can hold up my CR because the CR is I don't have any control of them right no understand what you're saying anybody we just need to make sure that we're we're going by the Numbers here um which is hard to do now cuz Heather's not here and yes yes she was she was going to look into if there were waivers or anything like that or if it was up to the town or if it was up to the state but I'm not sure if she she made it that far well she'll be back next week I mean we still definitely need to do some investigation we'll get the Letters Out to the for the homeowners as far as the grass part goes you just stop mowing that's easy yeah that's a simple one the other ones it said in here I don't remember that going to take me forever to find it so the one I think got brought up with regards the plantings was station 31 and does it say what what the plantings were there arbores yeah so which is not that's not a native where on page 35 so I think this is the very first house on the right if I'm correct so this is Shaker native mhm so I think this is the end of the Restriction here it's supposed go up and down and they went right to the road and all this crap's been planted you mean the the ones right along the road that was on the plant though that was a planting uh plan right along the road there always was there was it that wasn't by the homeowner the caption on the photo those put in within the CR boundaries okay if you look at you plan those are those are from coming from Oxbo they're saying they're in the in the in the boundaries well they are in the in the thing but that was part of okay I assumption is that the aror bodies are probably supposed to be placed at the edge of the conservation restriction but the Restriction so essentially they should have been planted here is my assumption versus they're planted here you know what I mean I see in that sense but thank you yeah I I'm not sure I believe they I don't know where they show on the on the uh actual plan yeah well again all I'm going by is what it said in the report I know we to get out there and take a look yeah you guys did plant them we planted those in the beginning yeah okay that was that you did that and not the homeowner I did okay very good yeah so we just have to check a look at the mhm the plan for the yep divis subdivision whatever that was the photo station 241 um 31 was the 31 31 sorry yep yeah I'll have to take a look back the it it looks like something the planning board might have required for for lighting or something to keep the street lights but I'll I'll take a look at that and see and photo station 24 on page is also a tree planted and I don't think I'm not sure if that one's basic page oh this one right on the very edge there yeah all I I was reading today was lot six trees planted in CR boundaries lot eight wood fence constructed over CR boundary and the property has been seated loaned and maintained as lawn and then the shed there are the three things that stood out yeah from oxo's report mhm yeah I think this is definitely a street tree which is probably native which one uh onp 32 uh photo station 24 and the arbor station 31 yeah those aren't were those you guys planted those or he believes they did I believe if you're talking about the ones right along Shaker Road yes yeah and then the fence John I'm assuming that's on station 30 where you see the fence to the left basically there's a few photo station 30 yeah I'm guessing yep right because the that top photo on page 35 mhm that sier boundary there is is basically in the middle of the lawn that's what I mean I mean and their fence is way over there they got to be yeah but the it's the insulation of the fence that I believe is in the in the SE which number are you looking at Mar I'm looking at station 30 on page 35 okay cuz I don't know if that's their fence or that's the other people fence that fence belongs to the that fence belongs to the neighbor okay so then that's just a mo thing station doesn't have anything to do with the prop looking at station 19 that has a view of encroachment over the CR property boundary but it doesn't say what the yeah that fet is in yeah well this is why we need to get out there and look yeah yeah cuz it'll it'll be clear to us at that point yeah as good as the photos are it's sometimes yeah you're trying yeah I think I P 32 the photo station 24 I think that's the the fence there that looks like it might be over the line yeah if that goes along with the with the tree then M yeah they didn't call out or actually on I'm sorry yeah on 32 would stake property Corner near chain link fence view to the West well but that doesn't necessarily show up would so that one doesn't say encroachment right it does not but I think like you said maybe the maybe the encroachment is here if you take that straight line back it's probably this that'll be a fun one you can't support a gate are they saying that that tree is a problem yeah technically it's yeah the line would be going back something like that so this is what foot into the thingy potentially can't they do a waiver for that well that's that's what I'm kind of wondering as well we need to investigate I'm pretty sure it's thee whatever the plan board told us to plant right what are you thinking there's a waiver required who is it as the planting board I don't know something to find out yep yeah we can do you know when Heather's coming back next week next week back like on Monday or that was my impression I thought she was leaving this week going all this week right cuz yeah cuz she sent her she sent this packet last Friday Y and she's just out the week we'll be in touch with her Monday okay and and uh set up some s sidewalks yep definitely go out there and take a peek so is all the construction work done now over there yes yes oh it was done probably a year and a half ago is it yeah yeah well that's why we were trying to actually get it signed off last before winter last winter and um State the state didn't get their part done so we couldn't get our part done um so we had to plow it last winter and I mean they're paying tax to the town I think the town should plow it but so we're still we we want to get off the HK no I understand right I sympathize with you yeah we we can apply for the cic compliance too in between now and then and get that get that roll one you guys have you guys have the as belt right that we gave to the planning board I think you have access that say we do we should would you guys want copies of that hard copies or anything for your to take a look at or I don't do you could you send a PDF yep I'll send you everything we s and then Heather can store it in her electronically yep yeah had her asset I asked her CLE mons ago she has she has all the stuff just want to make sure everybody had it yeah is there anything else anybody have any one other questions or comments go ahead is the homeowners association established there is not a homeown associations established yet because we're waiting to get the CR approved and everything is set and then they're going to do a for that all the uh Seattle and was is going to go into an association okay is that the only reason for the association what's up is that the only reason for the association yeah well there's you know there is taxes that they given me on it so it's I've been paying the taxes and I don't want to pay it forever so it's supposed to go into Association and they've got the common use to use the land and whatever so that was going to be portioned out okay so the the homeowner right now it's you but the homeowners association will own the CR land and I believe so yeah town will that was the idea I I mean I would have gave it to the town but the town didn't want to but the take it I guess I don't know but the holder of the CR itself would be the town the town yeah y Property Owners the Home Owners Association right mhm and the just to clarify the uh where there have been encroachments mean the people who abut the conservation land they don't their property line ends at that conservation restriction they don't own any of the land right okay so we'll try to figure this out as quickly as possible okay you want to keep you guys hanging MH yeah sorry the timing just kind of was a little odd but yeah others our agent and she'll really get into the investigation and help us yes I think I just want to get it resolved hopefully we can then yeah oh yeah I've ran into this problem one other time not with a CR but before we to get our conservation approved the homeowner went and did violations I didn't own it anymore and I like I didn't get my approvals yet right so yeah hopefully we can find some medium happy ground yeah yeah yeah yeah it'll get taken care of we appreciate your your patience with us all right all right thank you for your time thank you gentlemen thank you than buch have a great night you're want a cookie no thank you they're really good you should have some I'll try one thank you welome I'll try thank you they Health consolation oh you did oh thank you you real men make great cookies I made a few cookies before real man have a great day see you thank you all right discussion and vote Commission reorganization ation are we satisfied with current organization position holders and I'm assuming it's legal for one person to stay the chair bill for like 13 years was he or something yeah as long as we all vote on it yeah yeah I just didn't know if there was supposed to be a want me to twist your arm officially yeah all right uh so is there a motion to to approve jessino as member clerk at the air Conservation Commission for the upcoming year which is is it4 25 H is it just a one-year cycle we're doing yeah supposed to do it every year teally yeah I think it's a threee per a three-year term per a member on the commission but then the elected things for a year okay I think uh anyway is there a motion did I say that wrong I guess so do we have to do them do we second are you hesitant to have Jess in that position is that what you're saying or and I think we should officially name Jen as fake SL imp Master clerk [Music] sure I'll second that and do we okay let's vote on Jess yeah we can vote on Jess all in favor say I I I oppos nay jff you're in for another year thank you very much welcome is there a motion to approve Mark Phillips as Vice chair of the area Conservation Commission for the upcoming year 2425 so move second all in favor say i i n passes unanimously can I make a motion for myself I make a motion please do make a motion to uh approve John schmalenberger for the next uh oneyear cycle 2425 as the chair of the Conservation Commission for air second all in favor say I I oppos nay okay that's is unanimous we're good to go for another year wonderful good you what I mean 7:30 John we're not done yet oh okay so close we um we should go over a little bit that meeting that we had with Robert um yeah last week and Heather and myself and talked about what was it like 10 items we discussed wasn't it yeah I took a picture of Robert's notes yeah okay it was a good meeting it was it was a good meeting we got a lot done um something Roberts Roberts Robert order or something talking about no I can't miscellane ramblings okay can you see it yeah so the first one oh first one was changing Heather's position to in the union yeah um pulling it out of the Union correct out of the Union Yes as we had requested the second one had to do with the sh and Dan well before before we move on to that so it is progressing the position will be pulled Robert swears and for yeah what's timeline he anticipated right very soon very soon yeah next year now bearing in mind anything that he said was very soon might now be change because of the Calamity over the hospital closing okay that's true the focus has shifted Focus has shifted with some urgency so but there's new didn't he say there's new leaders leadership at the union yeah um yeah and it seems more favorable yeah now he's he's got several favors in that to to draw on so probably all already they've also made a couple new hires too on the union side right so yeah did they discuss or did you discuss anything around is there a salary change at all or how's that work it would be an increase okay yeah good double not drastic but no no cuz I'm not paying for my think the uh notion of getting a part-time having that split position between that new position okay yeah yeah at the moment it doesn't seem to be doesn't seem to be needed either for us or for planning board right yeah would that be reconsidered possibly when Stratton Hill gets up and running we're not going to have much from Strat though she didn't seem to think so just wondering she didn't seem to think that was going to be a huge increase in in her load okay but she was instructed to squawk if it things did explode suddenly yep and uh yep she was working for us first yeah I mean it's interesting because you know yeah you go back what 2 years 3 years right it was we were very busy it was CRA like right but yeah there's really not a lot of stuff to build any lot of places to build mhm that's right so yeah it's kind of finally gotten to that point now we just got go around and Pi sure people are aligning so love you so number two is sheds sheds uh Dan has a plan Dan Ben chwick has a plan to get them out put it over at my house have to airlift that thing out of there if you want it hole it's going to come out I'd love that shed but man it's a great shed but it's I don't know I don't know how you're going to get it out you got the property for it you should well you got a burn but you can put it right next to the burn you can connect it yeah when housing prices keep and and taxes keep going up you can put it there and I'll move in yeah did you see that so in the state they said I saw something somebody posted it but you can now it's now legal to have detached apartments in your on your property and they basically showed like a you know one of those tiny homes kind of deal really yeah huh or what is it are they they call it like mother-in-law or something home yeah or um an in-law I just there was a there's a term for it in the zoning bylaws and I am blanking on it but auxiliary or do you remember auxilary unit well accessory accessory dwelling units yeah very doing yeah well I don't think it's going to come out in one pie so it's yeah yeah that's unfortunate so we'll see what happens when see what happens third thing was uh the process for um 71 Sandy Pond Road right um the land yeah you know where it is right yeah yeah on the just to have to have some public meetings to try to determine what gets done done there that'll be probably over the winter again I think nothing's going to happen immediately now cuz of yeah hospital so yeping that up CU I know they're hiring consultant what was the first half that George who's heading up the this review and yeah didn't he say the select board has some money for paying for a consultant to head up what to do yeah he didn't give us more detail than that you might know more no but um but then it'll be a public process and uh yeah so we'll wait to hear on that but we should be invol some of one of us at least or more should be involved with that yeah a lot of potential there yeah or something besides parking um next one was uh pace which was covered at your last meeting without John and me here M Lor ning showed up and was talking okay yeah yeah and then a lot of a lot of detail in the notes that Jen took so yeah I don't think there's really much else to be said unfortunately but no right but is it would be if there was some way to maybe work directly with them on those funds possibly because could that you know she said it has to be something about water so I mean could we use that maybe as a trial or for the the pond treatments just throwing that out there I don't think so okay but I think Robert said um my mind is just going blank um he's hoping that pace that somebody will step in to fil Lor's place and keep Pace going yeah and as a last possible Resort there were some things that the town could maybe take over like going to the RAB meetings I think they're quarterly yeah yeah maybe somebody from here we could or DPW or whatever so there might be some things we could take over that were important but he's hoping that's the last resort so for what it's worth in the it was mentioned that the money could be used for further invasive work on the ponds but I don't know if that meant like the water chestnut pulling versus the treatment okay yeah I think that's a that's probably what I was keing on but um but going back to somehow town getting involved if if it's set up as a 5013 C right can the town do that I think it'd be a whole process legal process to do undo a 501c and then so he's hoping that doesn't happen yeah mhm yeah I mean the two of them were very very much yeah how do we get somebody to step up cuz it doesn't sound like they're having much luck word of mouth so I mean it's a big undertaking it's huge it is yeah yeah no different than the stuff that you know maybe quite a bit more but you know you have to be able to devote that time to it and yeah unfortunately you know that's not always possible mhm what's up next one was access to Flanigan Pond yep um it's looking like it's going to be the treatment plant sewage treatment plant on Central Street yeah um obviously with no parking though uh they're going to have to have some kind of parking there okay and then and then I think at an earlier meeting with Dan he was saying that DPW could probably do the the engineering how to get down mhm Ada accessible whole um which would reduce the cost quite a bit yeah they just like what they're doing now you know across the street from the pond um Sandy pond with the you know indent in the road with the repavement I mean can they maybe do that so that there not actually a lot per se but just along the road kind of parking because I remember him indicating that the RightWay was extremely wide and that's how they were able to do what they've done now from Snake Hill down to Patriot because it was so big to begin with the lanes didn't have to be that wide right so that would yeah and I I can't imagine it's going to have to be a huge amount of parking there I mean it's I don't see it being used well locally we didn't see a huge onrush of people coming from all around the country to go voting on flan right yeah so mainly be just residen yeah that's true cuz it is plan again right so yeah but yeah but that seems like the likely spot for right yeah or no promising um next was uh oh Heather's Heather's dream of developing rules and regulations for the pond for the ponds for the pond someone brought you mean for like for the for pond residents yeah or just for you know like and use and um we don't we don't have that but they are wetlands very wet so yeah yeah to be determined what can we do with Sandy Pond being a great Pond you I think we had mentioned something before but it was great Pond has kind of its own rules we can't really do that right accept that yeah okay well someone came to her with a question about having a a gas outboard on Flanigan's Pond yeah which would pretty much take care of itself I think because get a little clogged up it's going to get clogged up I have seen a gas motor out there uh one of the residence has a pontoon boat and he putts around slow but yeah yeah yeah yep it's enough to make it move it's more designed for for fishing and little canoes and kayaks and whatnot oh yeah dock licenses oh yeah it's Town council's got it they've been oh so one of the issues you mentioned on Town Council because we need help on that because the state's been very confusing on the issue of Doc licenses um and including saying there shouldn't be any private docks and stuff but um and uh but one of the things they said was some some some of the stuff that's happened this past year the town has used up had used up its allowance its budget for Town Council so they had to delay moving forward on some things until the new fiscal year right yeah interesting hopefully we'll get something on that yeah and if if it comes down to to where docks have to come out we need one of you to to spearhead that and talk to the residents and actually to be very clear for anybody listening that's only the issue you do yeah but to be very clear for anybody watching this that's only with regard to the on Sandy Pond Long Pond the great ponds that the state regulates right under chapter 91 so it's such a confusing mess that I I just don't hardly ever see anything happening anyway but that's just me we made it clear well we're not the enforcers on that no matter what so the the issue with Sandy Pond is that the license have never been renewed because I thought they had licenses there were roughly 15year licenses nobody ever came to us about renewing but pretty sure they've all expired they've all expired oh okay yeah cuz that's what I thought I remember so if they've if they've now be expired are they allowed to then we're not the enforcers so no I'm just wondering the rule so like at the state level so if it expires more than a day or more than 10 years you can't get it back well and here's the thing was cuz years ago before the pandemic even the state at the Mac was really confusing because they set up this process 15 18 years ago 16 years ago to give doc licenses on Great Pond in AC's and you think that was part of the issue but then 10 years ago at the Mac they were like oh there shouldn't be any private docks on a great pond in thec you know and there it's like and then before the pandemic Robert and Joanne had both tried to contact people the chapter 91 thing that the state and even maybe have somebody come out and you know didn't get much response on that and then the pandemic hit and thing screeched to a halt yeah and it's just it's it requires Town Council input and uh things like that happen when there's a change of leadership which leadership well or different different sets of opinion right you said at MC people are saying oh yeah yeah yeah well the person speaking at Mac was the guy who was head of the chapter 91 Pro program at the state and then his number two was also you know giving confusing answers and I think she she at one point had told Joanne well we could go ahead and give permits for docs they just couldn't get a license from the St and that actually to me would make the town liable right you know if the state doesn't recogn you it's so it's like it's not getting good feedback from the state on that anyway well well send the vote to the people H yeah I said send the vote to the people not them decided there you go um what else we got on there uh next was Forest oh did you all know that Alan manoyan is left tired okay did not so Heather take away she's going to be taking over some of the pocket forests or yep and I saw at the library yesterday there was a big contention of people with pocket Forest shirts they have pockets on them Pockets where how do we get those shirts wouldn't that be neat like like printed on the back the little trees coming out the pocket sorry digressing I digress I start vacation tomorrow so there's going to be one in at the uh Schoolhouse the old schoolhouse nice oh yeah yeah Heather mentioned that mhm and there's one at devans is that where's the other one oh no it's the high school um at the M SCH yeah High School is the middle page nuh in a no yeah Robert wrote down on his thing high school but there is the one that Paige Hill around Paige Hilltop or middle school that Heather's been going to I think maybe that's it then yeah I wasn't sure somewhere up in the school area yeah so they're two kind one of the same technically right so I mean kind of right near each other maybe it's that one so I think she'll be in the midle of tennis court Lea zoning with Devin on that with Beth suder and um blanking on his name at Devin Peter Peter no um Angus Neil I don't remember um never remember so that's going to be moving forward the next one you going to do the schoolhouse one and then move on or like they both be planted like together any details no they planed them before the fall though is the idea probably but Heather's going to be involved in working with that cuz now that Ellen's left I think she's going to have more of a role in that yeah and working with devons um do the do the pocket thing run with that yeah I can't find that anything shirts but so I could patent it copyright uh number nine was the storm water utility support that's also Heather and she's working well with DPW on that and Robert did make it clear if that became if if our work picked up then she would cut back on that right whatever happened with that is like is it going forward are they kind of going back and vamping and maybe theun arle that'll be taking it a step back oh that's right it's got yeah yeah that'll be at fall town meeting right and if it passes then then at that point then they'll determine which of those three rates rates yeah I think it's kind of a mix between the the middle and the bottom one yeah sounds like there's a couple things that make it worthwhile that make it maybe just a little bit more but yeah yeah uh yeah so storm utility support that's Heather than Beaver management Beaver has it been behaving yeah seems to be under control and a couple areas are being looked at Rosewood um and another yeah and another one might have been Shaker Mill or something and then uh number 11 was um uh in this one because it involves land and stuff I don't think we should say too much at this point on but the Stratton Hill the disposition of the CR land there which I think the planning board's going to be making a decision on at some point but I think they're going to be having a general meeting which should include some of us um before they make a final decision so whether it goes to fish and wildlife or some other entity right that was the last was that the last and um last one was oh and then the CRS in general catching up on those y um right we need to he he had a call into Anna at North County about whether they wish to engage yeah or not a new liaison yeah the old leaone talk that was it that's it yeah any other updates so just going back was this like a list of objectives for Heather coming up in the next year or just stuff that we've been waiting to talk with him about and kind of get on his thought process that one gotcha okay I'm just curious and some of these are on her future her goals list anyways so okay Robert said they had she got a terrible job review right cuz we're all very unhappy on the edge yeah I was like who hell should get that from that's that have to say that that is sarcasm because we've been very happy with other gosh yeah y she's already turned off the recording she's like I can't believe they hate her she's been doing great yeah um any other updates um reminder that August 22nd our next meeting is hawaian shirt night thank you I panic on my drive here I'm thinking is it today no I checked minutes earlier I remember I thought it' being like a the second started it I'll bring my ukulele I'll bring the painkillers um whoever remembers closer to the meeting we should send text reminders probably yes okay Co um I tried to look on the map I really couldn't tell but anybody noticed heading down two a towards Willow Littleton the holstery place in Crystal place that little like the clear the upholstery yeah they cleared it like right next to yeah yeah what was that just saw that today I mean the whole back of the thing is just I don't know who did it so I guess my concern is like isn't Bennett Brook like right there just behind that place where is it I don't know if it's maybe not just behind but that's I just couldn't tell between the trees and all like it kind of runs because that's right at the edge of the was it is it ping gray road that runs up into that that older subdivision towards the golf course 110 um you know you know kind of where I'm talking about I thinkbook road yeah yeah cuz that's where the chck or Mill like the the mill comes out goes underneath the road I keep wanting to go into I want to so again just like super yeah I was very I was surprised that they just yeah we should go together burgering or something I have no idea or another duckin Donuts but just like out of the blue it just kind of happened so I don't know does the planing board all about it but maybe maybe just pain Heather to let her know say can you see if that's sure a violation and in W cuz River Front would be 200t right that twoo yeah oh the other thing Heather is continuing a separate arrangement to continue with taking minutes to the planning board um she would take minutes she's has been doing it and she's going to continue that and even if the it's a separate payment thing um but Robert thought that's great because it's really working out that somebody from conservation is also at the planning board meetings particularly in particular Heather sure and um it's a good cross fertilization of ideas so she can bring that up there too as long as she's getting compensated for it right yep yeah yep and that won't be affected if she goes to if when the job comes out of the Union just to get that separate surprised the union allows it to happen is there a reason they don't have their own clerk like we do basically or someone's appointed as that to do that I think Danny Ruiz as the town planner I think everything's still running smoothly through him so I don't think they he said you say they don't feel a need for for that there and it's working out with Howa they're doing the minutes cuz she is very familiar with the planning board process obviously and then with ours what's going on with us so it's good back and forth okay I guess would have thought that similar to our group that they would have to be assembled similarly like is it technically like an official position that she'll be oh nobody else didn't you say something about nobody else in town town hall is interested in doing that so I think it was mentioned around or as a part-time thing yeah I can't remember the details so so don't don't quote me do you remember and he doesn't remember so I mean that I don't know I just know you know she has challenges sometimes with her kids and stuff like that but if she wants to do it then more power to her yeah okay at the moment she does so it's working out sounds good anything else anyone there you go second all in favor say hi what name passes unanimously