##VIDEO ID:sqmwy0qYUf0## started here with the uh air Conservation Commission meeting for Thursday October 10th um members and attendance Jemiah member George bacon member Jessica Gino member Clerk and myself Mark Phillips Vice chair filling in as chair um and obviously we also have pther hson our conservation agent do we have um approval of the agenda no there's no changes no changes get a motion to approve the agenda so as written mov second all in favor say I I I I change do you want me to Second all of them or just the ones you're abstaining from no I think all of them okay yeah do all he's busy cheering I know I step on toes all right when does John do the open act um do that now you do the minutes okay and then you do the public input and then you do the public hearings okay well he always otherwise just reads that thing all public hearings are opened under the yeah what ones yeah yeah yeah so just uh formality so all the public hearings are opened under the wetlands protection act and under the air Wetlands by law thank you for that Jess all right next item on the agenda is approval of meeting minutes for September 26 2024 uh any comments questions edits from anyone NOP no they're all right okay perfect as written and to get a motion to approve the meeting minutes from September 26 2024 as uh written second all in favor say I I all in favor n opposed opposed name that's unanimously next item on our agenda is our uh moment for public input do we have any public input from folks out in the all right next item on the agenda moving on to continuation of public hearing notice of intent D file number 100-4 93 zero Bishop Road and Zer zero Park Street for people get their names usually be here but whatever would you mind introducing yourself and spelling your name sure Brian Wentworth b r y a n Wentworth w n t w r t h BC group um engineer uh Lindsay Carl L I N DS e y Carl c a r l e BC group yeah right both representing New England power so um we did get some response from D yes and then I believe they had some questions and provided some responses to them yep um rest of the commission like to have them go through the responses or did we all get a chance to read them well it's always good to bring them up just so they go into public record okay all right for anybody watching as well so Brian or Lindsay whichever one if you wouldn't mind if sure maybe just going down and addressing the the points yeah questions from DP sure we can do that um so and yeah we can do that first and and then um address anything else after um so the first comment uh was regarding uh sheet C1 the site plan or the uh site prep plan uh depicts the limit of clearing and grubbing Beyond the proposed erosion control line limit of work um applicant should adjust the location of the erosion controls um we did that and revised the plans and and resubmitted so you know in reality they'll be basically the same line the it'll be at the limit of clearing the the um erosion control line gotcha thanks yep um let's see the second comment uh if the replication area will be constructed at the same time as proposed construction activities the applicant should consider installing erosion controls between the replication area and the areas of substation expansion to protect the Integrity of the replication area um we did add that to the plan as well to address that so the contractor will install that you know as necessary during construction to protect the replication area address that is the replication area going to be constructed prior to the Station construction or literally at the same time you know I'm not sure the sequence of it it it could be the same time um could be before or after we can condition that as part of the order you have a preference on how you'd like that done don't we have that in our bylaws aren't we supposed to be doing that prior to other construction being done or did we decide to wave that do you remember I think it makes sense to I don't think it's in the B it's not it's not in the we' talked about there are times where if they did it first and they're doing work Beyond it it would be destroying it while they're doing the work so we would typically leave it to the contract to figure out you know when the best time yeah to sequence that okay all right all right let's see what was I on three okay uh proposed work will result in impacts to the BB to bvw and blsf with replication proposed BBW replication area is the same area where comp compensatory storage will be provided as such the applicant should demonstrate in accordance with the Massachusetts it's Inland Wetland replication guidelines that the Wetland replication area will not be negatively impacted uh by Spring flooding massp would encourage consideration replication plantings that can survive inundation for extended periods our landscape architect wrote a couple paragraphs that uh yes they did that are look pretty good to me so but essentially I think that um you know what what he wrote uh essentially U says that the the species that are there uh indicate that that it will be a healthy um Wetland the the Wetland that's there is within the flood plane already um and we're recommending similar species um and then he went on to say that um the species that are recommended um for in the pl on the planting plan um should be able to withstand the inundation already enough and we have we have a twoyear anyway um of survival on those for replanting so okay yep um can I just what is facultative Woody shrubs facult so there's Upland plants um and FL so the Wetland plants etive just means Wetland occurring optionally in response to circumstances rather than by Nature they can go either way they can go either way yeah so it's so yeah you so they used to have facultative positive and negative so like more dry or more wet and they actually got rid of the plus and negative and it's just facultative now I've seen like f up and then F yeah but they they as far as the delineations they got rid of that was just a big word it is a big word you know civil engineer over here I didn't know to that so I was wondering if maybe it was like a very well educated shrub that had AAL degree it was faculty tenard yeah all right um number four comment number four here the applicant should confirm if the removal of sediment from the intermittent stream will result in the impacts to bank resource area if so a revised WPA form three quantifying impacts should be submitted um I think we address that right on the we don't anticipate impacts the bank they'll have a small excavator going out cleaning out the stream um yeah the land underwater um and the bank that's there is like pretty inundated oh currently and mud so so essentially just cleaning out the sentiment that's accumulated and carefully um cleaning that out to not impact the the bank okay okay uh the next one number five is regarding proposed underground conduit work uh that impacts blsf uh resource area does not qualifies as an exempt minor activity so um this one just to summarize I won't read the whole thing but um so the the the flood plane on the the effective FEMA map uh covers part of the you know the roadway um that was what and it's a Zone a without the base flood elevation was not uh determined on the on the effective flood map so um what we did as part of the study to um you know address the town's bylaws uh regarding flood plane uh impacts and um and also make sure we're in compliance with Wetland protection act was the hydrology hydrologic and hydraulic study um to more accurately accurately determine uh the limits of the flood plane so the you know and essentially that shows and that was an attachment to the to the noi that was submitted so um essentially what that shows is that the limits of the flood plane are are basically within the the BBW um a little bit of blsf next to the BBW in in essentially the replication area that we're proposing M um so you know I the underground conduit work that's in the road and in the substation would be outside of that uh flood plane limit so that's essentially what our response says so we still consider it to be exempt are the the feeder getaways are they going out under where the new driveway is going could be placed or they do you have know on the plans do you know that what are you referring to by the feeder getaway the just underground oh okay so the one going up uh bishop and then to the right on Park Street I think there is one that goes out the the new entrance right oh oh I think it does come in yeah um I don't I don't know if that's in yeah I'd have to that would not be in the flood plane though that would be out I wasn't okay that that's where I thought they were exiting if I remember correctly so that's why I was just asking so yeah yeah and then the the only other underground work that's being done is is relocating the water line uh which is also outside the the flood plane there okay okay all right let me get back to the letter uh comment six the applicant should provide TSS removal worksheets as well as calculations for required water quality volume and post-development water quality volume uh to demonstrate compliance with standard 4 um the response that that we put in here is essentially saying that we didn't think it was necessary to do that to demonstrate it um in the storm water report under uh it's under standard three we showed that the the the require the recharge volume that would be required for 1 in which which um the town's bylaw is is uh that projects should treat either 90% TSS removal or um one in uh one inch of runoff uh multiplied by the impervious area um that would equate to the 1- in runoff over the imper area would equate to about 1,400 cubic feet in the stone yard that we're using for you know that the you know the rainfall will essentially disappear into uh provides about 18 ,000 cubic feet so we're way above that so so essentially the just the nature of the site um a we're not going to generate a pollutant load that has TSS in it m um and the water's all going to disappear into the stone so we just didn't feel like it was necessary the the worksheet is also kind of it's built for commercial and Industrial Development so it doesn't it's not really Apples to Apples for this kind of site right okay and I I can confirm for the last comment that it is out of the flo plane I just looked at the map yeah you good with that mhm okay okay I think there's at least one more couple more there's two more Yep um so number seven was the commission may include the long-term onm plan as a Perpetual condition if approved um you know and that's that's fine I my the response that I wrote in here was that uh as a condition of the storm water permit that was approved at the last planning board meeting uh the uh town uh required they ended up reducing the requirements um for the annual inspections um that are typical for you know for them to uh include in this the conditions of the storm water permit um basically just because of the nature of the site again uh there are no uh proposed storm water bmps um because of the the stone yard that's going to basically make everything disappear so um those reports when they do get submitted when they do get submitted that I get a copy of the Town planner and the DPW will get copies of them okay so we'd already have them so and I included that in the response just so you know the commission would have that information okay thank you yep do we should we put that as a condition or not necessary we can reference it okay um in in the conditions that um when they do get submitted to when the planning board um requests those um uh ban reports that we get a copy of them I mean it's it more likely will already happen anyway but that way it's in there in case sure Town planners or whatever change and what what was agreed upon with the planning board was requested the first the first year we would submit an annual report um and then upon request thereafter so um and I can you probably have a copy of the I do have a copy of that so okay all right and then the uh comment 8 uh MV ask why the proposed expansion of the gravel area is necessary given that all the proposed structures will be replaced within the existing limits of the substation um and I think this is a case of you know we we kind of explained this during the first meeting um to the commission but um the uh the expansion is will create access along the northern um extent of the substation to that equipment for maintenance and specifically um during construction of the project and then for any proposed outage thereafter um or emergency repairs that that they need um this is where they need to get that mobile Sub in um and that's the the reason why they have that second entrance uh proposed as well and they need to back that in along that um expanded uh portion of the substation so that's really why um what's driving that the expansion of the gravel yard and there's really nowhere else to put that mhm mobile sub so and D is you know not privy to that conversation I'm sure yeah no I I looked at the plans after seeing that comment and Tred try to figure it out I'm like could we could you move it like the the mostly it's closer to the other road but I'm like well then is it falling to the same thing where you have access so far around cuz you're to the other driveway and I'm like I mean if it does it's a matter of maybe a couple feet I don't think it would be substantial amount yeah I don't know I mean I try looking at it because I I again because the plans that cuz I at the planning board meeting so and I and it wasn't labeled so when you're looking at the the module unit there's two structures directly in front of that aren't labeled in the plans is what they are which where are you talking about I I may be able to clear on the on the on the site plan on the newly revised site plan in front of the the the building there's two structures on there at the front based towards the Wetland towards Park Street that are not labeled as anything I'd have to check I I can't remember exactly what they are but um and I was like oh cuz if those weren't so if those are actual structures that are being put in there cuz it's not on the plan is saying existing or what they are if they're new or or what they are I'm assuming they're new something CU if those aren't anything then obviously you'd have more of a space with those being an actual structure that would have to be serviced around then that's close to the road so yeah those two I know apologies for the laptop here but um but yeah regard everything else on that plan is labeled except for those two yeah were not on the original plans they came on the revised plans uh the layout the layout shouldn't have changed yeah that's that's how yeah those glasses that's how it came out so that would be the only thing that I saw on there that I I questioned on what those two structures were because to me it seemed like without those two there there was plenty of room to get around yeah what are those two structures I would have to check with the electrical engineer um but you know they they do a a thorough job I and and I double checked them to the the plans on the planning board's we web page it refires to the first submission second submission and those were only on the second submission I'm going to have to double check that and make sure I have I have the original up with me right now I'm I I did I did check it cuz that was the only thing I had that I was that would only flag it to me that to say that we couldn't to limit that because obviously that workaround is for that building where is it those then this is the site plan right here yep in there here yeah oh I saw I saw that didn't have them on there but maybe I was on the wrong page but again they're just not labeled so I just didn't know what those were so regardless of these because everything else is there regardless of these structures though the essentially what they need is this access to get they need to get the mobile sub all the way back here so that's that's really what's driving the the need for that expansion in this area and what's the size there's a couple of existing structures here that are not losing uh not um you know not being relocated as well so you know that are that are a little bit closer to that area than the and there's no other location to put the the mobile sub on there that's understanding correct and it's the secondary access road that comes in too that there needs to be space for as well the size of the mobile substation trailer can you describe that um I may be able to find some photos in my email um but it's essentially it could it's a it's a relatively wide trailer um it's probably 10 ft wide or so and it it sometimes has a it's it's like a double trailer as well so it's a pretty it's a pretty massive unit right and it sometimes has two trailers that you really need a straight shot to get it in there that was the the reasoning behind the the additional driveway there so right yeah and then you need clearances to the perimeter fence as well when it's um when it's installed so right you need at least 15 to 20 foot clearance anything conductive on the either side of it all around it I'm sure yeah and it it's essentially it's a small tractor trailer yeah and as you said probably two and I I can tell you that the you know the environmental departments at National Grid are usually you know if the electrical engineers propose something that is unnecessary they usually yeah no I'm sure no I am sure I just have to make my my plea on it as well and make sure it's in there that we at least ask the question so sure all right I think that was the last one that was last that was the last comment yep anything else from Commissioners no yes no I see we have the um resident who was here at our last meeting with questions on the screening here okay yeah yeah we can yeah we'll we'll get that in one second Jen any no questions George are you good okay Heather is there anything else you wanted to clear up the only I when we the only thing I have is just some questions in regards to when we get to um if we approve the special conditions that's the only thing I have okay and that's in regards to the um head wall and C being cleaned out okay yep so that's all I have so when we get to that point but other than that I'm fine okay um sir I sorry I forgot your name but if you wanted to just address we met a few times yes is it okay if I sit here definitely sure thank you so um as I mentioned last time my name is Peter my last name is hanini h o r a n y I thank you and I live at 75 Park Street so first of all I want to thank all of you I know that it's very important for the the town to have power it's I'm not against that I think it's a fantastic thing just to cor to point out what I'm talking about so this is the construction here and I live across the street right there and so what without getting into too much into detail what I would like to request for consideration is to get well first of all I went and I researched what are the potential plants that are native to Massachusetts wetlands and play an important role in stabilizing the soil filtering water and providing habitat for wildlife so this was my goal and what I would like to request is a row of White Cedar uh Eastern White Cedar along the lot the lot so that it would just block it the view of the project I think that you know that would be it's a native plant it's a fairly large plant that I think it was away from the wires I think it should be fine I found a number of other ones but I think that that would be something that you know I would like for put forth for consideration what's the full mature height of a cedar White Cedar uh it says here that it grows up to 50 ft yeah it's one of those like um it's a green Evergreen bush is what it is and so I think it would it would cover and wires wires uh be local and I think that on the other side towards Bishop Ro they're also putting in a set of these I think those are also similar plants so that's all I'm asking for just whatever is along the side of fish Road and niely covers those businesses from very important project I would like to have that same kind of coverage considered on the Park Street side which is the side towards the ends up being B um I'm sorry parallel to Park Street or essentially perpendicular perpendicular on the side of the lot on Lot 12 I think is on the the plans and it's between the project and the bank the bank okay cuz that's where I I get a good view of all of it and in the past they were like really just Brown poles and they really turned into these big silver poles and they're sort of like the Star Wars the legs of those big Walkers now and they're really I'm quite concerned you know about what it's doing to Real Estate Value as well as the environment sorry do we know about where the the lot line is because it for the the T yes you to go the accessor M you can see it runs along the um little lines themselves right at the the there's a part of the the IC Credit Union parking lot that runs the angled part there yeah so the lot line runs right along there okay saying yeah and then extends to to Park Street so there might we we looked at it and we had the national g Arbus as well weigh in and there's already you know 6 to 8T vegetation there um that is pretty hearty um and you know we there's also distribution feeder lines in the area so they're not yeah we we did consider it we talked about it on some project calls uh we went out with the planning board to review it and the planting board members agreed um that it just wasn't it wasn't worth knocking down all of that vegetation that's existing there to try to plant these trees that are probably not going to succeed in that area according to the arborist I I went out and and looked at it and walked into it um I'm not realizing that we wanted to do but again it is it is highly vegetated the only thing I did note and it would it is it's to get anything planted in there you're taking stuff out in order to do that the only thing that I did note that there was probably a 6 to 8T tall Buckthorn on the corner of the lot there that wouldn't be horrible if that got taken out but I don't in order to take that out I think the only tree that's on the corner would have would get damaged at the same time which I think is on the bank's property it's on the bank's property say I couldn't tell if was the bank's property or yours it's right right there yeah so I'm like but to take that out to rep you wouldn't replant because you that large Oak right there so like at that point like it's no point in that I didn't go all the way up to this this side of the property cuz I was like I just walked along the Park Street went in on from Bishop Road walked in towards the head wall to see if there's any way to plant anything up it it's just vegetation um anything T and there power and then just lines running I didn't see anything as far as the banks I didn't look on that end I did look down that side and it's just all it's it's it is vegetated um I don't know planting something to put put a tree like that in you would be taking out several feet around it a vegetation for that tree to grow so you're going to lose 6 to 7 ft or whatever of Shrubbery in order to plant a 3ft tall tree and wait for that to grow along the line I don't know how beneficial that would actually be I in 10 15 years it would be but until that point I don't I don't know how long you want to wait for those trees to grow to get to that size that the vegetation is already there already existing for you and how negative that would be to the property as a whole we're already doing a lot of work for this project that in that wetlands and in that flood plane to do additional I don't know if it would have a negative impact on that vegetation and that property as a whole that's what my concern would be I have a list of other plans it's it's but you're still digging up existing vegetation to put in different vegetation kind of a net zero so to me the deciduous plants lose their leaves and everything in the winter and I just think that you know I don't want to be just a hard ass about it I mean I just I really think that you know there something could be done and I'm okay with the no but it's hard for me to give up and hard for me to take a no and so excuse me for keep coming back but you know I have to live next to it yeah and I know you're not going to get a 50ft tree in there cuzz that's just not going to be from a reliability perspective you know we don't want to create our own forest fires sure they had out last year so uh cat tails oh this cat tail already out there yep and there speckled Alder is 25 ft tall eventually common Elderberry swamp white oak yeah yeah American elm black willow red maple think how beautiful it would be right now no I understand that but again yeah just the height wise you're just you're not going to put that in by a power line that just no I appreciate that thanks so much I'm sorry yeah um on I mean I think that's as a commission I think we can't mandate they do more work in the Wetland or resource area so this seems more of a planning board call yeah the planning board but then if the planning board approved it mhm then that would have require more review by us because then it is work more work in the resource area mhm it would be in the buffer zone yeah it' be in the buffer zone buff still yeah yeah I mean if you just so that's from inside right in here looking up towards the and so I mean I just didn't see you said part of it was just it used to be like the wooden poles and now it's the silver poles right is can they those are beyond the substation though on the other side the silver the metal yeah the transmission lines like can we paint them like is there anything we can do that that's the a little bit better for you know that's I know that's not us I'm just like I feel feel the next year the transmission I don't think they're doing those ones yeah no they're done sorry um thank you thank you for consideration thank you for putting up with me thank you for coming and voice in your opinion thanks it's great to get the public in so we yeah I I I tried looking at it and I wish I mean I understand I wish there was something I could do but I got to look at it on the existing vegetation in Wetland area and I understand it probably be great to have more trees in there but it would I'm taking out vegetation on an area that's already going to get stress from work being done on it now I me I wish I could so much thank you peterk you take care best of luck any input from folks in the out there what other questions do we have anything just tethers yeah so the only so when that headwall um in CT get cleaned because it's been blocked I don't know if there's actually going to be Flowage coming through there I know gsh but like if we see the heavy rain if it we see you know water flowing in there or in Spring you know snow melt if we're going to see you know actual water flowing or if it's just going to be like trickle in a stream or whatever so I just feel like as part of the conditions that that site that area should be monitored um whether it's by me or by someone on site um for a while just to get an idea of that construction you mean what during construction during construction yeah just to see I don't know if it's going to affect anything that's what's going on on site if that gets cleaned out and all of a sudden you know after heavy rain we actually see flow going through there okay if we ever have Heavy Rain yeah I'm just that was last year this year I know I'm just saying yeah but like if we had um oh maybe we have a nor Eastern coffee bit and then like a spring rain and then you see that cuz it is an overflow from a wetland further out that that flows through that if we see I don't imagine it to but I don't know how long it's been blocked either one thing I'll I'll not that you know came up in the planning board conditions is that the as part of the as a condition to the the approvals um the company's going to work out an easement with the town for access to clean out that culbert basis there will be a mechanism for the town to inspect the head wall okay as well I'm just running during construction especially during the the replication area and the flood storage that if that area is does get open that that is running that some either that we is it the commission gets notified of that or I don't I just don't know if it's going to affect anything during construction yeah did you say is it totally blocked I it's totally blocked mhm nothing coming through mm that's things so I just wondering what it gets unblocked yeah what we're getting yeah on site that's just my question okay so what condition are you proposing just that you know during construction um that that Culvert area be monitored um and if there is you know heavy Flowage coming through that that the office be notified just so we can just just so we can verify that it's not kind of like similar to air solar too yeah just I just I just worry that's I don't think anything is going to happen they're going to be doing construction they're not going to want any sort of violation from erosion or anything to happen I think it'd be nice to know if that's happening that we can too as a the town I think the DPW would be if we're going to be taking over the maintenance of that to know that that does occur sure type of thing makes sense yeah okay do it yeah good with that go with that okay so that's a a condition for the applicant to do an inspection on the yeah just so have so dur just during construction um to to to uh keep an eye on that that CT once it's cleaned out to verify if is if there any heavy flow of water coming through that and to notify the commissioner's office just so we can get an idea of what's going to happen we can go out and look at it um do you know regular inspection anyway just be outside of that and then I can also with the DPW know um just cuz if they're going to be ones taking over the maintenance of it they might want to know what the FL is going through that pipe's going to look like during certain rains or whatever right yeah yeah and they I mean I would expect it to be kind of reactive to rain events I mean I can't imagine it being anything extravagant but yeah who knows who knows what we're getting yeah mean because based on what like how you were saying Lindsay right is basically that the Wetland behind those buildings on the other side of Bishop have to fill up to fill up that pool to drain through that drain right so it's one of those things it might be once every you know 500 year rain that you would see that but y I don't want that to happen during construction and then get told a resident driving by that they see a huge pool in there like just easier to to be notified during construction if anything heav is going on there okay especially with the comment from d in regards to the um replication area and the flood storage and all it's just puts that in there that we're we're keeping an eye on it during construction yeah okay so once they clean it out yeah so whether whenever that clean out is done to just keep an eye on it and if we see um a high flow water going through to notify the office clean out by d d DWP well DPW is not doing the clean out until after construction is completed okay the the maintenance of that was clear in the in this in the I think the condition the approval from the planning board that that main doesn't get taken over until after the site's complete okay yeah so the uh the applicant's going to clean out the stream and then I think we we talked about allowing DPW to come in and clean out the the cul um during construction so um you know while there's access to that area before the replication area is constructed so post construction there will be an easement for the town to be able to come in and clean it out M okay not over the replication area correct okay cuz the way you just said that they're going to have to like they're going to have to go we'll have to figure that out I I've seen it done the I I you can I can Envision the operation and you use a a a Jetter yeah no I I'm sure too but we're just one of those things we like we're going to have to work with that but it it's just over the line the property line so I think they just need access to that 5 ft of property you know to get to back the truck up and be able to to back it out if needed I do remember on the site visit you had wanted some details around the pre and post and kind of a little explanation you oh yeah yeah around the pre and post the numbers flood storage and things like that something that effect yeah I thought they can rise that y yeah yeah okay they already give that okay okay yeah before the D comments we submitted an amended amended n that um corrected the uh the impact numbers yep cool okay so oh sorry no go ahead I just wanted to be clear um condition applicant to keep an eye on the head wall for heavy flow during construction once the stream is cleaned out mhm okay cool thank you okay I think that's probably do we're doing we're going to be doing nities inspections yeah yeah there'll be nities inspections anyway that we'll get reports on and um keep an eye on the site anyway but that's one of those things so do we want to take a vote on putting the order of conditions together yeah we can do that mhm okay okay okay we have a motion to prepare the order of conditions for D file number 1- 04930 Bishop road0 Park Street and no do with the special conditions during today's meeting second all in favor say I I I I oppose nay I will abstain any other special conditions oh we have standard special conditions um there's just sometimes there's extra that get thrown in there but um so they not anything it's more L outside I just wanted to let them know he sign it if you to expect yeah the signature actually doesn't mean anything um that does so this is a motion to approve the notice of intent and issue order of condition issue and Order of conditions CU Heather Heather's already prepared do you have to make edits to the special I I just have to add that note I didn't do the special conditions yet cuz I want to verify if we were going to have any extra you're adding the head wall observation and also the reference to the the omm plan yeah the reference to the this the U planning board's um site plan and um St water permit so it'll just reference the it'll reference that yeah that's fine which like they're I believe their site plan references are permits too right yeah because they don't always get carried over from one person to the the the plan board had their own now we have to close yeah the uh just the condition annual inspection CAU up you all right can we get a motion then to close the public hearing um D file number 1- 04930 Bishop Road and Z Park Street um second all the paper say I iose nay you can vote on that one yes yeah all right right all paper say hi hi hi oppos Nate approved unanimously as John would say thank you thank youate it get I don't want to rush us or anything but apparently their Roar is like insanely beautiful right now so I'm I'm just trying to get home before 80 have a moment then stop talking I'm sorry okay continuing all right next item on the agenda is continued public hearing notice 7 in 10 to EP file number 100- 0494 power line RightWay through multiple locations New England power company multiple which would include most of the you're abstaining on this one too right I will be why' you even shut off somebody's got to run the BL true quickly quickly yeah know I said I want to get home I had to get home welcome hello can you uh just state your name and this is Aaron riski and Heather stazi Ward no Natalie SM no no not this evening so similarly if you had some questions or comments from the D that yeah they're pretty yeah there were or so and they didn't seem substantive no at all and I had heard from DP about you submitting your uh water quality certification so I know they received those M um the only thing they asked me is if we were going to be requesting any additional plantings and I don't see the need to do that mhm you want go through them or for record um any responses or no there there were no responses so the the two main ones were um the additional requirements for 401 um water quality certifications um and that has been submitted and that has been submitted correct yeah I heard from DP that that had been submitted I would read the comments that I have but for some strange reason my email print cut it off um here if you want me to read them or not sure oh go ahead yeah yeah get cut off so I can't the application materials state that a few of the proposed work pads are located partially outside the RightWay and the landowner permission will be gathered prior to construction landowner signatures are required for a completed noi application and should be attained prior to the issuance of any ooc which will regulate work on Parcels for which which NEP does not have existing ownership or access rights so there's no work outside the right of way yeah it was yeah it was um just a typo error okay I guess it's the best way to put it yeah but if you you you reviewed the I reviewed the pl like I don't see any work outside of it so I didn't think so that was the question that everybody came in asking and I'm like no it's they're in the right cuz the narrative said within the RightWay plan showed it so it must have just been I mean I I submit my orders I get them commenting back all the time that I need a typo on them yeah it happens yeah it happens so okay I know there was uh one of the comments or such from D was about phasing phasing phasing yeah yeah yeah the phasing of the project and then also the um yeah so the request of the uh the 5year order of conditions mhm um we made the assumption that pads were not going to be M was not going to be the long range we touched upon this um that the project uh up in this stretch is going to be phased in two different phases so first phase going with um more critical maintenance that needs to take place and then phase two is kind of the rest of um the uh structure replacement and other um aerial maintenance that's required and so I think you know there's just a bit of confusion you know any sort of temporary matting cost a lot of money uh we're not going to be leaving them there for any longer than we actually need to so yes we're asking for the order of conditions to uh to be 5 years to account for that phase two when that does actually take place but the intention is not to leave those mats there while we wait um for phase two to actually um get started so cuz this is a 37m long project you're getting orders of conditions that are 5 years across all the towns that's right so that when you get to a certain section in our town whenever that is you're covered that's right that's right exactly that makes sense we may not need it but just in case figured it would ask now instead of having to go through the administrative burden um so when the order's up and to remember to go back to whatever Town yeah to keep track of it's a lot have you already secured the other towns 5 years there yet uh yes uh we have secured everything from Milbury to Sterling at the moment we got Lancaster Shirley in here yep all right cool any other questions George J are you good I'm good Jen all set Heather um the only question do you want to have have a special condition noting anything in regards to the um padding not being left in for a certain amount of time or are you fine with knowing I mean obviously they're just going to be doing but did you want to put a condition in there at all for that FKS want that to have it not left in over what a growing season or anything like that think it's needed but Aon can you just repeat like how much does it cost to have them just sit I honestly don't know the exact cost I just know it's a very large number um yeah I mean I'm sure it is but I just throwing the question out there to throw that in there is a condition to have them not left in over a growing season if you would like are you going to put in a condition about just taking care when conditions are wet in terms of dragging out the mats yeah that they yes yes there will be condition in regards to you know that to try to put the matting in during drier times yes the other Commissioners want to see the the other one that had there proposing yeah okay okay what did we just do have the yeah that the mats are not left in there yeah when not being utilized dur gr growing season yeah over a growing season so basically like yeah Spring to Fall CRA yeah although I don't know if that's but they're not being utilized but if they're not being utilized so if they're being utilized and being driven over then they'd be left in but if they were sitting there vacant for who's going to know how are you going to figure that out I I don't know I know you're you're right I don't know I mean cuz they may be driving 3 miles down I know right the thing this is just a question right the schedule right now for um this stretch at least for phase one is approximately a a year of worth of construction but that's end to end end to end yeah um and we have Crossroads so it's not like you're going to be trying to yeah no so like when when they were doing it before air solar right so they brought the equipment in most almost every day like through the through the matting and then back out at the day they didn't leave the escavator sitting on the matting in the middle of the Wetland overnight oh yeah so you know I mean so like if if they weren't utilizing it someone would see it being moved from the staging area back over again on a you know at least a weekly basis do you know what I mean yep so you would see it okay cuz the staging areas are off main roads do you know what I'm saying you do see it you do you do yeah for sure I agree I don't think it hurts to have that in there is just like a you know don't leave them in for 2 years yeah type of thing don't leave assume that uh New England power won't leave it in but because of we assuming you're not but we don't yeah we're keeping the vegetation in the cool yeah and if you know the project suddenly died cuz there's no power left in the world um we could we could complain about you know leaving the mats behind but they might be a good resource for us to scavenge in that case true so I think it's fine so we can like John says I go dark fast trust me you'll be paying for a ton of solar panels trust me more we make sure that that happens real good any other comments questions okay yeah good did you already to write these up oh okay uh so can we get a motion to the special conditions which approve the order of conditions for D file number 100- 0494 excuse me power line right away through multiple locations New England power company as written with the two additional conditions uh brought up during the meeting in a 5e period yeah for yeah it's for for a 5e period yeah perod I put I put the all in favor say hi did the other one like wait it's not five years n it's three years and I will okay oh before you close the hearing the natural heritage did weigh in on it and they're fine okay perfect cuz we've already signed in so we owe you a fee yes yes we'll send that off to you yeah that's fine ASAP okay okay natural heritage did approve natural heritage did approve yeah okay yeah it did not no adverse no adversely effect we like that shut it down I I mean I doesn't always happen that way no it doesn't always happen that way yeah sometimes you in certain areas rep motion to close the public hearing for D file number 100- 0494 power line right away through multiple locations New England power for a period of 5 years second all in favor say I I hi oppose nay and you can vote on this one well that's right I yeah I've seen Turtle messing in the uh power lines but it's probably just a snapping turtle something but I have seen okay yeah so I like sorry I know I got to get understanding is yeah they comments are only related are limited to the Wells protection act so we're working with them in Upland and so yes you're definitely right youare Wildlife specifically good night go check out that Aurora yeah it's like Peak right now yeah I got that's why I'm sitting here like okay like I want to go I should have know I would talk faster I go home and get a kid to bed last item on the agenda is discussion 71 Sandy Pond Road working y working yeah working group so the um sorry I I wrot wrote second time um it's the um property the town had bought um there mention the last one of the last meetings this town's creating a working group so they're allowing us to have a member on there so well you're getting on there I'm on there right and then they still wanted one of us M well we want one of us on there they agreed so now is your time to pick somebody and vote for that and I can let Robert know well maybe this is you wanted to actually do it though right what the ter would mind doing it but I don't want to bog everything so if anybody else really wants to do it I'm happy to I would do it if no one else wanted to do it me too don't you think John would want to do it well I texted him he's not here and it's a shame that he's not here me I texted him and he said talk tomorrow which is totally unhelpful yeah but I said did you want to do it so why don't we could vote um if he wanted to do it he well we don't have to vote do we no so you are John I mean well I mean the planning board they did theirs they picked they nominated and voted to have someone be the representative so you kind of do can we we don't have to do everything they do but I mean you kind of too well could we vote cuz I have an interest in it if you really don't want that so and that's why I thought John honestly yeah either you or John will be so why don't if we have to have a vote why don't we vote me unless the chair who's absent decides to do it can we V yeah that's fine yeah okay okay so can we yeah get a motion to vote Oh either of the two of us yeah either jessino or John schenberg as the Conservation Commission representative for the 71 Sandy Pon Road working group yeah whichever I don't know what they're going to call it but yeah all in favor say I oppose nay approved unanimously really you don't have any updates tonight I do I'm going to do them real quick cuz I said I got to get my my you have update update so uh two three quick things um the house on right way right Road in Sandy Pond that have the trees come down I spoke to the um owner son yeah s Hill uh the large pine trees were hanging over the house causing quite a bit of not damage yet to the roof but lots of pine needles like a foot or so deep actually when they started scraping them off the so they were afraid of the insurance company wanted that the pine trees taken down to that cause damage to the roof they did have them fall down stumps are remaining now they are going to grind them the trees are staying they're going to actually be turned into Pine planks so they're just waiting for the person to come with their Mill to do that and they will be replanting um shrubs at some point to do that I did scho them that he was supposed to tell me that they were taking them down um but that is what's happening on that site at the moment so they were basically flagged by the insurance company to come down because of the causing possible damage to the roof okay because basically if somebody comes in and says Hazard we're like okay yeah no that's exactly what it was so I was like okay just you just to tell me I'm like they told you to tell me oh yeah s um it's that person it's fine um so that's that um Newton Street went well thank you to Jess and Jen for filling in for me it was fun just job um it was a good time we gave away all of our seeds yeah here take two yeah you know was just getting rid of it people liked him so it was good um I appreciate that and Ma conference is next Saturday um that's it I can't go yeah it's fine I will be there Jen anything there's Aurora Borealis happening right now so that's all I have come back to you George Jess well we had a long thing but I'll just go for move to a Jour for the I've never seen the I'm very excited actually George motion to adourn yeah second all in paper say hi hi hi what name unly