##VIDEO ID:5eEMF_Ub9qA## good evening um welcome to the finance committee meeting of Thursday September 19 2024 at 6: PM in air Town Hall uh my name is Kurt Paskowski I'm the chairman of the finance committee um this is a hybrid meeting this meeting of the finance committee will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this inperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with a particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May access access to proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID 860 8777519121 for additional information about remote participation please contact Carly antonellis assistant Town manager at ATM a. mass. us or 97 78772 8220 extension 100 prior to the meeting uh I'm going to call the meeting to order uh the first item on the agenda is review and approval of the June 20th 24 meeting minutes I've taken a look at those um any comments I have no discussion discussion just the one from the uh email about the misspell do on U regarding the unemployment 2178 oh okay so it's going to be due instead of do okay get that corrected before we post it okay do I have a motion or motion to approve the meeting minutes from June 20th 2024 all those in favor I I I I and that's Jen I okay um the next item on the agenda is outside committee updates um currently the um fincom um attends other Committees of meetings and the most current one is the rate Review Committee and uh an update on that is that we've been looking at the report from the transfer station uh that was prepared by an outside agency which was uh one favorable of the uh overall operation of the transfer station and secondly um we're looking at um the rates to uh to set the rates for the coming year um a final um decision has not been made on that but it will be made at the next rate review meeting which [Applause] is bear with me one second on October 1st at uh 400 p.m. um the other committees that we sit in on are capital planning that's not started yet for this year um I just wanted to check Andrew are you going to be attending the capital planning I'm just doing by board but I can oh you okay you're doing bbard that's that's why I wanted to check okay so and then Eric are you I wasn't last year okay actually I think I was going to do Bob is doing rate review and I've been and I've been sort of sitting in and I was going to do Capital planning okay so um if I didn't mean to say that I wouldn't like if you need me to or something I certainly will I was just saying I I hadn't been I didn't want it to no I just want I just again this is our first meeting in a few a few months I just wanted to refresh everybody's so Bob is on the rate review um I've been attending also just for some continuity on that um and the same thing on the capital planning I'll be attending that um we haven't started that yet for this year and the executive by board has not started yet either Andrew and U uh Robert will be notifying us when those start again so okay so that is the updates on the out UHS side committees um I just wanted to take a moment we've got a turns out a full agenda this evening and um I just wanted to set some expectations um as I mentioned just a few moments ago this is our first meeting um we uh hadn't met in July and August due to the hospital closing and the um meetings and everything that was going on with that um so what I really want to do is we are going to get a good presentation on the stormwood utility Enterprise fund from Dan um and we're going to touch on uh the hospital closing of the senior center um and Reporting in clear. goov we're not going to dive deep into the hospital Senior Center and um reporting and clear. goov but we just wanted to start putting that on our uh radar so to speak and as we go into uh our regular schedule meetings which we'll be scheduling again uh we'll touch on that later in the meeting we'll be going into further depth on these items but again I just wanted to get it in on our Radars because these are going to be important topics for everyone okay so Dan Dan is going uh pass it the the Department of Public Works is going to do a presentation on the storm water utility Enterprise thank you all right mind if I or drive I got to share the zoom yeah okay thanks [Music] Andrew cool there's a button all right all right so uh thanks uh Mr chair and finance committee and this will be just a brief presentation um from the storm waterer advisory uh work group STM utility advisory work group and hi Jen um who was also a part of the work group um so the work group's objective and um which we I did meet way back in February with several boards and committees as well to go over what what the work group was doing but um a reminder was to consider the adoption of storm water utility that is an Enterprise fund I'm as an option for funding storm water management and so the goal of today's meeting update with uh fincom present the work group's efforts findings and what's coming for next steps all right next slide please the button's right here oh I sorry yeah um so yeah just mentioned February 2024 uh informational presentations um several boards were made aware of the process um and they're listed here including fincom back in February 15th um list of the work group members so that's in the the presentation I won't go through all of them but obviously I mentioned Jen was part of the work group so she's been um apprised of what we've been doing and obviously providing her input um one thing is the work group does have a web page and we've been you know really pointing people here it's got a repository of of the information answers to questions examples of what the fees might look like calculation examples um and lots of Outreach so educational components so if you really want to dive deep and find out a lot about the utility just go go to the website a.m. us and go under um committees in storm water and you'll find the work group's website um efforts to date so the work group really did had a kickoff a little over a year ago so over the past last year work groups work to accomplish um storm determine the storm utility needs and funding uh through a long process we the work group drafted a potential rate structure and drafted potential regulations and a credit policy um and also conducted public meetings in Outreach and and there was a a timeline you can see in the image down below that we used to um project out Outreach potential Outreach we might do in the future and at every meeting the board or sorry the but the committee the work group would go over that timeline and adjust um as the work groups are best fit all right next go I got it there we go you can't see the top of the slide but this is item number one the storm water utility needs and funding so Air Storm water infrastructure has a total replacement value of approximately $90 million so just to put some weight to how much value the INF the storm water infrastructure is in air um the goal was to determine a funding mechanism to meet the current and future storm water needs so we you know we want to look at infrastructure rep replacement as well as maintenance permit compliance and do it in an equable stable reasonable and sustainable Manner and really what helped helped us understand um how we should be moving forward rather from a reactive position which the town the town has been doing to manage storm water to a proactive position was we had a a substantially grant-funded storm water Asset Management plan put together um back in 2021 uh time frame and so that kind of lays out a guide book here's what we should do to be proactive so we we kind of get a much better handle of some of the infrastructure that's out in the in the in air that we own and and uh a best way to manage it proactively so the work group evaluated different levels of service you can see down on the bottom of the slide with a the money bags are um the version one was hey let's do everything ideal situation highest level of service that that we we need to fund about $1.9 million a year so the work group kind of vetted through different scenarios what's most practical to have an adequate level of service which still gives us that proactive approach and landed on version three you can see at the bottom of $700,000 per year um go to the next slide so as I mentioned version three the proactive version $700,000 a year uh for our storm water um this look comparing to our current storm water program fund which was around 240,000 a year I have since in the last couple fiscal years since we got the storm W Asset Management plan up that a little bit to around 400 to 500,000 a year but we're still under where we really should be um as mentioned the man management style previous is mostly reactive we want to be proactive um capital projects very small projects are all we really can do spot repairs minor small pipe Replacements there's lots of culverts out there lots of in infrastructure that needs expensive repairs but with the uh $700,000 Enterprise fund we'd be able to do small mediumsized projects and one that we've really been focusing on recently is a Culver on gron School Road um which will be a cost to repair um next line item Culvert replacement program as kind of just mentioned very small culverts are really all we can tackle and our our current reactive approach but um through the Enterprise fund the proactive smaller culverts larger CTS we can do every few years we can really space it out um make sure we're addressing the town's needs proper level of service um while also having an adequate um fee which I'll get into later uh pipe maintenance an inspection um that's something we're really only doing on emergency basis but we ought to be doing yearly you know in our sewer system we have a yearly section of town that we TV clean and make sure it's adequate we really should be doing that with our storm water as well it's a similar system um so moving to that to have a maintenance program for our pipe maintenance would be um huge um ability to meet future ms4 permit that's our storm water permit with EPA and Mast d under our current program um it's it'll be very difficult unlikely but um having the Enterprise fund 700,000 it'll be put us in much better position um sustainability I'd say yes for the storm waterer Enterprise fund much more sustainable way to move us move the town forward okay key terms so in this is item two uh we're getting into the rate structure here so when the town looked at the rate structure the most common way that is being done in the industry by municipalities around uh the country is by impervious area impervious area what is it it's a hard surface such as pavement and concrete which storm water flows off of you can kind of see on the graphic to the right you know what happens in different scenarios when uh when storm water flows on grass and a forested area versus when it all the way down to when it gets to a city type area in the bottom right right so in that scenario in the city the storm water is hitting all the impervious area traveling quickly to the drains and quickly to our waterways and also it's carrying pollutants but in the scenario where you're in a forest it's really soaking into the ground mostly and then uh also evapo transpiration it's called evaporating off of the vegetation it's not as much as getting into our waterways and it's being filtered so impervious area is a is typically the most impactful component to storm water quality and the quality of our water weights so that's why it is used as as a measure um for a rate structure second bullet equivalent residential unit this is also common measure so what we did was um storm water billing unit uh that is related impervious area eru um the work group created a one eru was equivalent to 3,200 ft of impervious area and how the work group come up with that the 3200 number is the median impervious area on a single family residential property in air so that is generally how it is done and um that's the way the work group um went forward so I'll show you how that oh go ahead um so quick so there's obviously you go back there's a lot of uh math and Engineering involved in all this this is where Ty and bonds uh Consultants they did a lot of the actual for lack of a better term math and Engineering work to support all of this and that's in those Ty and bond reports correct that's right Mr chair yeah so Ty and bond the work group had as a consultant supporting us through this and they've done this for other communities as well but um basically I'll show you on the next slide Ty Bond used a um a software called near map and essentially it it gives um impervious areas of all the various properties throughout Town based on an over um a flyover and those get further refined and so we were able to you know put it into a GIS system which is a a database table based system so then you can parse that out and find out what your you know median um square footage of impervious area is on the single family residential property so yeah they did all that I don't want to call it grunt work but it okay yeah so so yeah what I'm trying to make sure of is that um obvious we this is is engineering work that needs to be so there's a lot of data back being wasn't thank you there is date date and stuff and this um property viewer will be available for the public to look at it is yeah it's available now it's um on the website right here there's a QR code there's also a link um so basically what you could do is you could go onto the property viewer click on any property and it'll come up it's hard to see on here with a screen on the right um the table on the right and it'll tell you the property ID map and parcel number and um what type of property it is is it a single family residential or is it a non- single family residential and that's how we're we're we spread out the cost and then it'll tell you how many equivalent residential units it is okay and that Tig Bond uh report analysis is on the website also yeah all the data is up there I it's good I don't know if they have they don't have like a full report but we kind of show how we got to this point yeah okay good thank you okay so the way it would work I mentioned this a second ago but um the work group came down to a proposed annual fee of $95 per equivalent residential unit and and that would get the uh get the budget annually to the $700,000 yearly proposed storm water utility funding um all single family Residential Properties would be charged an annual fee of one eru so that's $95 that's 2375 quarterly and that is regardless of impervious area uh on the single family residential property it could have less than 3200 or more than 3200 if it's a single family residential it's one eru charge all the other properties in town so the non- single family residential we call them um commercial industrial multif family they would be charged a fee proportional to the property's impervious area and I get into a couple examples ahead so a single family residential property here's an example build a flat fee of one eru regardless of the amount of impervious area on the property number two pheasant Circle property impervious are there it's 3,190 it's actually really close to 3200 but it's still it's just charged one eru $95 annually um example of a non- single family residential so this is a Comm uh commercial property on Willow Road number 11 Willow Road so basically the impervious area of that property is calculated and there is 68,5 42 ft so that would be divided by the 3200 ft per eru to get you to 22 erus so 22 erus times $95 per eru the annual fee would be $2,090 so it's kind of you see the equity the shift the more impervious area on a property the more they would pay uh for storm water because it impact storm water more you know in addition to the rate structure bullet number three we' mentioned um were the regulations so the work group did prepare a draft set of regulations um the select in that draft the select board would be the authority the select board would set set the rates very similar to the water and sewer um rate structure and regulations not rate structure Water and Sewer regulations I'm missing it on the the um uh screen there um there is a credit policy and it's available for all proper properties and you the property could submit for up to 50% off of a storm water fee um so not getting into too many details but basically if storm water treatment is put onto a site or storm water is retained on a site there's certain criteria that would need to be met and they property could submit for reimbursement so one example would be a couple years ago Katana fagna put in underground um storm water um detention and so they're treating this they're daating the storm water treating the water quality so they they would be able to submit for this credit policy um and also the regulations speak to the billing um collection and abatements and just doing some initial work the storm water fee um would pretty easily be added to the water and sewer Billing System um but we haven't got two in the weeds and that we just um haven't had initial conversations without building software yeah um does the 95 a year 700,000 level three has that taken into account at all the potential credits yes so there was a factor used when we put together um the the $700,000 I was a prep factor of about 7% we anticipated which um working with time Bond that's actually a little bit of a conservative number so it is factored into that number um to bring us it would bring us down to the 700,000 from where we would actually be if um you know if there were no credits yeah okay so the 95 a year just based on where the town is would yield more than 700 and you're anticipating based on the credits we would end up at about 700 that's right yeah okay uh next slide um so last uh fourth bullet was basically public meetings and Outreach and and what we've done so work group meetings I mentioned these began in September of last year a year ago these are monthly meetings and they were open to the public um board and committee presentations there were um in 2023 two presentations to the select board and in June was when the select board um advised creating the work group June of 2023 uh February 2024 we mentioned several committees and boards that were uh made aware of this process um the work group also did did have several Outreach presentations in February at 24 we had a guest speaker at the library um regarding storm water and its impacts and water quality it's pretty good presentation that's on the website a video is um in June 2024 we had a public information and input forum and that was pretty well attended on zoom and uh and in person in the Great Hall um August 2024 commercial property owners there was a meeting condu between the work group and those those owners to make them aware of this and other Outreach um notifications and tax bills Flyers a work group video was put together and one one I'd like to highlight the frequently asked questions document available on the website is um pretty key if you want um have a few um common questions those are answered right there oops so um the latest this is I'll go ahead quick question Dan so on the uh cuz I was at the June 24th public meeting which was very y um the August 24th meeting how did that go with the the commercial properties it actually it went fairly well there wasn't much push back it was just informational you know I expected more um more what the heck what are you doing type of why you know why are we going to have this but really and even since then I haven't heard much from any of the the businesses it's kind of seems um you know I think through those presentations that the work group gave gave we really you know explained well why we are doing this and and you know why our storm water systems like it is and what why this is a you know a potential good way for us to address the town storm water systems and right like businesses if a Calver were to go on a certain road that you know would block the road that would upset businesses and so I'm you know I think they really understood things like that too so okay yeah it went pretty well okay good good yeah that's that just want because that was businesses will be impacted a bit more but well they have more land impervious service and stuff okay thank you um so the latest on Tuesday um the select board was updated um with the the findings um from the work group and the select board does recommend the submission of Warrant articles for town meeting consideration of the storm water utility so there's um going to be two warrant articles and you can see those below one would um in the bullets below one would basically create the storm water utility Enterprise fund and the other would speak to the the fee collections of batement and leans so working with Town Council we were able to to develop drafts of those um so I think um that's the end of the presentation but at this point since this is a financial item it will on the town meeting warrant it will have a finance committee recommend item so it is something the finance committee should vote support on and um you know this is a brief presentation if you need more information I can definitely get more to you um but that's kind of an update as to where we are and what the rate structure and everything is going on okay good thanks questions yes did you have a question please go ahead um go back to slide eight what's that one that's the one that's the is DPW doing the Culver stuff yourselves or you hiring someone to do that no we typically hire somebody unless it's a really small one okay yeah uh then what is the what's the downside of not being able to meet the permit requirements for the EPA out of curiosity so we could get the town if you didn't meet your permit requirements you could get a consent decree from EPA and they could make you do certain things um which could be costly so you know if we weren't um prop right right now the current permit it doesn't have a you know I would say it doesn't have a lot um we're able to meet it now but we're you know the next permit is coming out within the next year and there's going to be more implementation more projects and eventually we we expect them to probably be targeting private properties in town which the town would actually have to steward so having a storm water utility would allow that when you have a um the credit policy for example to be able to get more storm water treatment even on private property even though Town's not allowed to go on it and construct on private property right um yeah so on a tangent there you just wanted more Enterprise funds and then I assume rate Review Committee will be running the rates from here that's what I anticipated be but yeah that's what it that's the way it would that's the way it would run similar to SE rates there would be now a storm water rate every year they would look at it so that's up to them and then I I assume the the whole storm water line item is coming out of the budget um that is correct yeah the storm water line item would come out of the on us budget I think that was all I have for now yeah I had two um one was how did you get to the 3200 square ft and with the um not a bits the credits is that um is that available to residential places as well just question because they're just charged as one no matter what the size is yeah so right that first yeah the credits are available to all properties including single family residential so it is available um 3200 square ft basically we showed you that the map the partial viewer um Tai and B Bond um separated single family Residential Properties from non- single family Residential Properties in a tabular format you can display it on a map too like JS but basically the median number of all that impervious area on those single family residentials okay comes out to 3200 so it's specific to our town not just correct places in general correct yeah it's like driveways and patios and roofs and all that stuff yes yeah and that is spel in the regulation we do spell out the definition for impervious area which covers all the different items that may be I haven't read the FAQ for quite some time so yeah um I've i' um I'm going to open um the the um to the public I'm for a few questions if you can hold for one i' I've got one more question um but then we're going to ask uh because this is a the time on this item we open it for some public comments now um but real quick so one thing that I understand is that the storm water affects the sewer correct um I mean in other words if we take care of the storm water on a proactive basis storm water system it helps us run the increases the efficienc or about the Wastewater system yeah the Wastewater system it's not really directly correlated so what we worry about with the the sewer the Wastewater collection system is inii infiltration inflow and inflow is basically rainwater getting directly into the the sewer system but we've done various um work in our sewer system smoke testing dieet testing things like that to try to find any direct connections MH and we found one back in 2008 we eliminated it it was a catch Bas and connected directly to our Wastewater system so right there you're get a ton of inflow but infiltration which is high groundwater and that's seeping into our Wastewater pipes through cracks and braks and leaks um that's kind of we we we have a lot of that but that's really groundwater so when we're talking about the storm water system um everything is going to be going down our storm water collection system and then ultimately going out to our ponds and and streams um I I presume there are leaks ex exfiltration to be called going into the ground feeding the groundwater it probably doesn't have a significant impact on on the groundwater elevation but okay I don't want to get too far the one side just to sometimes I know in some cities there's a yeah we don't have our systems are completely separate some cities do have combined systems call but storm water and so actually we have a good system right now with storm water and sewer being separated and we need to keep them up have did we look at how much the residents are footing the bill versus commercials footing the bill we have that I defin get it though I'm looking at the the 240 going to 700 is like almost a 3X increase even though this last fiscal year right it was more than the 240 so you're looking to double it and I'm curious now that commercial is paying some of it if is is people's tax liability going to end up going down overall cuz now commercial is footing some of the bill that's good um question I mean in general right the Omnibus budget and um capital budget right now so we have the about 500,000 um so the omnius I think we went about 100,000 in FY 25 in there so that would come out but every year you always have you know 100,000 and what's it what our I budg 18 million so it's not a know significant chunk that's getting reduced so that won't have much of an impact likes taxes Dan right they did do an analysis on Theus the taxes and they did find this was beneficial I just I don't remember what it is but it is presentations we get that have to find it and then 700 irrespective of capital borrowing right you said you that includes capitales it that's yeah that's 700 number and the 240 on on the slide that we're still looking at that included capital okay so this $3 million you're going to have to take a borrow money for that right so that you know every se you know few years we'd space it out and have a major project that that would be borrowed got it cool PA has a question have some um oh well I'm going to go we have a question on the floor here everybody can hear me just question um yeah actually I have one of those memories I just want to say I think they presented that um analysis at the 11:15 of the December St water drainage meeting was bring um but the other thing is I was just wondering that what pace does like even the $700,000 allow you to fund a resource Reserve fund like does it the question so what does it allow us to do or well like are you building a reserve fund at all with this um there would be I mean there would be debt obviously on the books but we would we would have a reserve fund as we go through the years that would be something that the great Review Committee would look at every year similar to our water and sewer which does have a debt on it too so it would yeah that's my other question yeah thank you and um have another question please um I'm just curious about the multi family I'm at um aut Ridge so you know we have a shared road that comes in and then we each have a driveway and garage but um how would they how would they divy that out we have like 60 units yeah is there that has an HOA so I think the way it would work is it would be one bill and it would be buil to the HOA and they split it between the units and we did some looking at that I remember Long View Circle it actually pay out to less than 95 per resident that's in there so um I mean we could look at it a partial viewer L I'm just and when do you think the first payments would be that be this year so the the um draft warrant article would make this effective FY 26 so that's July 1 of next year so it be starting then thank you Paul has question go ahead oh Paul can she hear me so Paul you have a question I not question so much Kurt as simply a couple comments and thank you Dan for making the presentation I I do have a question though for Dan this does not have require finance committee approval tonight you're just making a presentation correct right so um I am making a presentation make them aware ultimately for the time to meeting warn article that there the finance committee should report on it right and that will be in May of next year or will be next month next month okay so they they will need to make some kind of decision amongst themselves before October 26th or eth or whatever date it is so my comments are to the committee thank you Dan my comments to the committee are take your time Analyze This there are many many many questions in the public I'm asked something about this almost every day and Dan I'll just pass on the question that came out yesterday why did the um minimum cost per residential unit I'll phrase it at that cuz the questioner didn't say eru why did go from $55 to $95 truthfully I didn't have the answer I will look and I will see if I can help the person but that's a that's a prevailing question so please finance committee as representatives of the taxpayers take a good long look at this before you decide to I ask that you take a good long look at this before you decide to accept or reject or request modifications that's really my only comment because this failed a couple of years ago damn was it more 5 years or more so in in 2011 a storm mared utility was voted positively at town meeting but but there was no funding mechanism and so when that came to be in 2015 the select board voted not to fund the utility and to um I think the word dissolve but I I forget the exact term but basically it got dissolved at a 2015 town meeting oh my God time does fly doesn't it yeah right thank you very much thank you Paulie any other questions no um Dan uh what I'm going to suggest um uh is um let me gather my thoughts here real quick is I have um going to suggest to the finance committee and um we when we get to the we have an item on the agenda for our future meetings but what I'm going to suggest that we do and we'll vote on this when we get to this is that we will have a special meeting uh tentatively again we want to vote on this uh with our future meetings agenda item next Wednesday 9:25 which would be uh and we would make a take a vote then um on recommending this to uh for the uh warrant and for the town meeting and uh that would also give us uh because then the select board on October 1st will be uh adding it to the warrant on on that meeting so um uh should we go ahead and take a vote on that now or should we wait till okay well all right so that's what we're going to T we're going to tentatively schedule a meeting to address this particular item on nine uh next week to do a final vote but I think uh and that way we can take do a little bit more homework uh and uh get a little bit more input and everything I think this any other questions from our group or the public we're good okay all right so um thank you very much Dan um next item on the agenda is the hospital closing um we're going to have two things here is um Chief Johnson is going to do a presentation but Chief just uh I wanted to give um Robert pontre Pont Brian shared quick notes with us um the uh they he did not have a update on the situation um about the impact on the town he did the notes that he he put out um the town remains committed to this closure being temporary is committed to finding a responsible operator to take over operations in the hospital additionally all Town departments began tracking unforeseen costs related to the hospital closure as of September 1st and we anticipate having the first data set of budget impacts by October 1st um and the chief and town manager will present to the select board on October 1st and they'll share any other meeting uh information um with the also um so he also um and I think this is on the website he did put together um actually the select board uh put a letter together towards uh to Governor hey addressing the issue also so the so that's the updates on the hospital closing from Robert this letters here and then Chief I think again the Johnson if you could just address yeah thank you Mr chairman I know you reach out to me and asked like it's some it's real early on it's hard to get a real good sample of where we're heading since the hospital closed like just over 3 weeks ago but as I sent them my email just like four bullet points the the the only definitive one is we have an affiliation agreement so what that means our paramedics operate from they get their medical control from a doctor and the show but when that uh facility closed our agreement ended and that was at no charge all the other facilities we reached out to to get an agreement of course that you know there was a fee for that so we ended up um signing an agreement with lemoner which was $4,400 which is something we didn't budget for but we can look at you know that working into the budget so that's the only definitive thing since the hospital Clos that we have now we understand that we're traveling longer distances so what's that mean more fuel more maintenance more travel time um and our ambulances are further away and pardon me I've repeated this many times they're further away so you know we get more calls are they close enough to take the call or we have to rely on our second ambulance or our mutual Aid Partners so that's the other thing and then we've always ran into multiple calls meaning two calls all the department uh full-time staff that are working r on calls we have fill in with either full-time members off duty or call department members so that has certainly been used more frequently over the last 3 weeks now it doesn't mean the budget becomes short fall it's just how many people show up if any and how much more does that cost and how often does that occur so I think from our point of view is we need to get a sample like as the town manager mentioned we go before the board at the beginning of the month and I think maybe by the end of the year we'll have a better sample on you know what it's actually going to look like my hope still is that the hospital does reopen but that won't be for an extended period of time so you know the staff is just more busier than ever um I can tell you like 2 weeks ago like one or neither ambulance was in the station from like 8:30 to 5:30 it's just the way it was when it gets busy it gets busy um during the day and even in the evenings on the overnights and that and that could be ALS out of town or ambulances out own we've had like maybe two or three triple calls you know one come in after another um today they took a call in from route two they were just getting off and they took in a call so those are the thing challenges that we got ahead of us um but there's no real good s Le that's the way as the town manager does you know and we're only 3 weeks deep and we'll give a one month sample so that's my report from the fire department and I'd be happy to answer any questions I might you might have right um any I I yeah it's only 3 weeks in I'm guessing you can't answer this but one of the like main concerns I had about the impact it would have with the ambulance is and considering we have two and there's a lot of mutual Aid that the town provides are is it are we seeing or will we see in an impact on um service times for residents of air because the vehicles are out longer and further distances and then someone in air has a emergency and then there's no help available yeah that's a great question um so like we always have we can take care of the first two calls that come in whichever they are um so the third one becomes how do we take care of the third one it's it's always been Mutual a but we do have you know equipment in our fire engine and also in our spare admin car that can take care of those next calls till a mutual Aid ambulance gets there now is there there's certainly things in the work that we think could help us in that it's not an ambulance but it's it's more equipment in a car or something like that but those are the things we're working on so at minimum of we don't have an ambulance to transport the equipment could show up at the ALS level perhaps but those are things that are in the works as we move forward in the future I think that's something we can look at but I I think for our town our size two ambulance is where we should be at for sure me going to go up I assume uh it's been like maybe coming to us but it hasn't G going out yeah late we might have yeah we've had like devons in a couple times but we've had you know teal issues with the anal lately so one of them so that's been more or less the issue not necessarily they've been away but to some extent but it's been minimal that's more of a mechanical issue with one of our anuls than than an issue of it being that's one's getting replaced already uh no it's the newer one it's just it's just stuff that happen you know yeah but we ordered that ambulance too that's 2 years out for when we ordered it this spring you know that's always something we can look at too that ambulance is in great great shape you know in 2 years what do we do with it so that's something we'll we have time to take a look at that whether it's something we save and keep ourselves or we do trade it in so that's another option we'll look at what we're exploring your question is the options we are exploring y thank you um I just had two quick notes um so our cost per run will be going up because of the distance um are we going to be able to will we again this I just throw this out for consideration increase our bills in other words for a we would charge 200 for a run currently now since we have increased fuel cost would we be able to charge more for that yep so we've myself and the deputy have opened up that book to look at that we've looked at that before cuz we have um now keep in mind Medicare rates are set by Medicare so and we run generally between 60 and 70% so those are set we can't change those but we can change them for the other 30 to 40% we certainly can look at that um right now they're I just reviewed the rates recently they're they're they're pretty accurate you know I think they reflect where they should be cuz the only thing we would do is be raising the rates on people that got regular Insurance not the people that on Medicare so that certainly would help us out but we also have to look at and I was mentioning earlier to both the finance manager in the town account like do we lose any calls and lose some of that Revenue at the same time and we're gaining Revenue in the mileage end because we're you get paid per mileage while they're meaning loaded so you get paid one way so that increases a little so it might offset the cost like if we miss a call or two a month or something like that yeah so we're exploring all I said it's early but we're we're on top of all those Avenues and as we proceed into the next fiscal year budget we can raise all those questions and might have a better sample come to tail end of this calendar year and again my other uh question well observation is that um and um having been at the dph hearing and hearing all the stuff that the state is going to do for us but uh just is are we're going to keep on top of what is the state going to make funds available for us as far as grants to help with Ambulance Service and stuff like that so just just throw out we're going to keep on top of that and pursue yeah whatever we can that's a great question so I have a good rapport with the D uh dph folks they contact um it's called the command team so one of the two liaison contact me every week and that would still be considered in the works and yes so the answer is yes and and I would say stay tuned for that yeah okay good we're on top of that y yeah so I mean you I mean or you could get no I was going to make a bad joke about Yachts but no it like I said it's it it's still in the works and we have ongoing conversations about those funds yes okay good again all this is a fluid situation yeah very fluid yep um I'm going to open the uh open this to the floor for any questions from the public comments okay well great thank you very much for the update chief chief thank you okay um moving on um we're going to take a quick look uh get an update on the senior center from Dr Katie patrai welcome [Music] Katie thank you did you want me to give that presentation or for the sake of brevity did you not want I what I think as I sort of mentioned as we we started the meeting is that um this is going to be again like the hospital this is going to be an ongoing thing so I wanted to uh get this on our radar start to look at it and as we continue with uh meetings through the next few months and into the next year we'll we'll be obviously diving in for further questions so yeah I think just um this evening just a quick overview okay since boy we made a decision and here's the the highlights fantastic you brought reinforcements yes I did bring re enforcements the rest of my committee members Ken Ellen and Dan back there as well all on the committee so thank you to all of you for coming as well so our our current Senior Center is just not um adequate to meet the needs of older adults here in town There's over 2,000 older adults in air over 25% of Air's population is um older than the age 60 America and air are aging which is something we expect to continue well into the 2060s before that growth um of the the older population seases so this is a true demographic shift for the long term um our current facility just doesn't have the parking the square footage the Ada accessibility private meeting space office space adquate for the staff that's there um just pretty much on every single level the existing Senior Center is an adequate and so um the select board appointed um there's been many efforts going all the way back to 2018 to build a new Senior Center uh and the select board in just about a year ago appointed the senior center site selection of building committee to um to find a site we looked at over 50 town-owned Parcels we conducted site visits to the five Parcels that we deem to be the most viable uh we did a second um RFP for private land to see if private land owners wanted to sell to the town which toured a number of uh senior centers that have been recently uh constructed around the state we hired Catlin architecture for a feasibility study and we did some preliminary site work on the uh F the two finalist parcels and have done um the beginnings of the public input process via small group of functions and that kind of all culminated at our August 28th meeting when uh we voted the senior center site selection building committee uh voted to um recommend Bishop Road it's a um small portion of the larger DPW site um to be the recommended site to house the new Senior Center and on Tuesday night the select board um accepted that recommendation and encouraged us to move on to the next steps which uh are mostly site due diligence um breaking off a acre parcel from that larger 76 um acre DPW parcel uh engaging National Grid and the air DPW for um official work estimates to bring electric and water to the parcel um because there are no utilities out that way currently um first need to do a 21e that's the phase one environmental uh report and get a habitat report as that is a ACDC and National Heritage designations on those on that site um and then you know we to do continued work with public input and refining the cost estimates and determining the timeline to bring it to town meeting in the packet um that is the the memo to the select board you can see um some more information about where on um where on Bishop Road that is you know relative to St Mary cemetery andem DPW brush so um Ken was uh coming up to create this one with the red block there um and just another view as well and then I also included um from katn architecture the site placement sort of in the bottom left hand corner I directionally which way that is um of the parel and then included the this is the third round of um floor plans and elevations which are of course all subject to public impact and input but the resultant building will be approximately 14,000 square ft spread over two floors and includes a large multi-purpose room that will hold 150 people for lunch or special events it will have commercial kitchen adequate and confidential um meeting space for all staff include a cafe and Library area and then three additional um smaller meeting spaces uh for smaller Senior Center groups and um then a fitness equipment room upstairs and a wellness room for the public health nurse um podiatrist um massage therapy shine Medicare counselors um a RP tax prep and the um more confidential remains upstairs so it's a really great building uh there's patio area and a 6ot wide covered walkway around the whole perimeter um for walking uh programs and activities so I not speaking for myself I'm thrilled with the way the design came out it's really going to meet the needs of our existing and future seniors in town uh the building has just a lot of a lot of capability anything I thinke no I think that summarizes it pretty well excuse me go ahead wasn't it two shed spaces that actually we took consideration from other groups in town one shed space for use for um Ada for oh yes there there is I'm sorry I didn't mention that there is um off the back of the building that there's going to be roughly equivalent to a onear garage amount of space um to to be shared with the disabilities commission to jointly host a uh medical equipment lending program is there's an office in town hall is going to right so then and there's in the in the office space um which is the purple area on the on the first floor um in that space there's room for um all of the senior center staff also the town man the the town social workers um to split her time she currently splits the time between town hall and the senior center now um but we're multiple people in every office down there and um potentially to share space with the veterans agent um to split that his time as well so yes thank you I would just say we feel very lucky to have gotten Catland which is an authority in the area of building and design for seniors active aging seniors as they put it and they teach a lot of courses to others they've done over 60 buildings in the Commonwealth as well as across the um the United States and they are just experts in every little thing that makes it better for you know hearing and sight and everything for seniors so it'll be a wonderful building it's it's I just have to as you know you just one thing I've been learning more and more is all the services that we offer I mean you just as you like we have room for this this and you're like oh yes and that's part of part of the reason the existing facility just is so inadequate is because what it means to be a senior when you're in near young 60s and what you're looking for out of a senior center is wholly different than some in their late 80s or early '90s and you need enough square footage enough different rooms that you can offer that whole spectrum of services um to all of those different subg grps and if any of you haven't been down to the current Senior Center I would encourage you to go down and take a look it's on pwn Street tucked in behind the uh under the air Housing Authority just so that it gives you some perspective on where we are now and and what additional drastic comparison Point yeah the other thing I just I had just pulled up a again just this all came together and I knew you were guys folks were doing this all this work behind the scenes and and I'm just pulled up pulled it up on Google Maps on my computer here and the location is my God we you know it's it's great we we we're you know it's DPW you've got the police station Stop and Shop is where is it stop I always get that I it's it's just a half mile from Park Street so it's really um though there aren't any other buildings back there right now it's really a more central location than than you'd think it's it's a very good location from my perspective yeah that I think that's what sort of when I first heard about it but now that I'm looking at it and and also tinies is is down the road so the important things okay um good good and um any other information or any questions from Arthur question going to ask a quick question yes Jen yes okay I'm just wondering that uh I don't know if I miss heard that uh did you say that in the proposed new Senior Center you have capacity for accommodating like 150 people at the same town so um the large multi-purpose room will accommodate 150 people for lunch or any kind of a special event where people are seated around tables I mean the capacity of the building as a whole is much larger than that but but yeah yeah so you have one room that's big enough to accommodate 100 right a little more than 100 people so um how uh in your current Senior Center uh how many people can you accommodate and how many people have experience like a coming to to say partake a bill or something at a one time sure so um our daily lunches we serve lunch every day at the senior center and our daily lunches the capacity is 24 and um for our I would say it's roughly 22 to 24 each day that we're that we're serving um our restaurant cater meals down there um when we have a special event um for example we had um a cookout at Pleasant uh Pleasant Street Park just last week and we had 54 people there uh and speaking with other Senior Center directors as well as um the architect John Catlin he said that most towns experience between a 40 and 60% increase in usage when they build and open a new building yeah yeah yeah so so uh yeah I wouldn't be surprised that you experienc that amount of increase uh but the currently that when you only can you know serve 2425 people at the time um were you most the time at comparison did you have that many people attending your daily lunches yeah the lunches are full most days at the senior center now yep okay and we would take more if we could see more we just don't have enough room so so we can probably realistically expecting that if you say double capacity it will get f up very easy right Ian we have a I would say we have a special luncheon probably every four to 6 weeks uh and we are regularly getting close to to 50 and we have to the only way we're able to do that is if we're split across two separate rooms and so I W people welcome people in the two separate rooms and you know um so I anticipate that in a new building we would have 40 to 50 you know as the as the building fully opens we could have that many on a daily basis okay I just wanted to know that you know it will be a little awkward if you build a big Beau building then very out right great so one of the things that's nice um about that particular room um in the floor plan is that it has a um room divider that's a 2/3 1/3 divider and so you can pull the divider down for um a smaller everyday kind of lunch and that would be the plan because on the other side of that room we would be at the other side of the divider would be running exercise classes all day long and so um then we would for those more special events open it up for the the larger 150 capacity the other thing that I would point out is that the the current Senior Center does not have a commercial kitchen so Katie is having restaurant meals brought in at significant expense per meal with the commercial kitchen in in in the facility itself it provides a far and she can speak in detail to this you're you're it's far more flexible in terms of what kind of meals you can can prepare and obtain um so there may be some cost benefit to being able to have on-site preparation as opposed to having restaurant brought in definitely and don't yeah definitely I I agree having a commercial kitchen is a good idea U we're just looking at the overall budget of like a a bit over 16 million so I was thinking that you know how the town is going to pay for it and I was wondering if uh but I guess you know um sometimes I wouldn't be surprised that the town of see the population will continue to grow so then you know kind of building something that's you know much bigger than the current one is a good idea I just you know wanted to kind of be a little on the um sort of like on the cautious side to make sure that we don't end up like you know kind of getting something that's a little too big well you may mention the fact that we're a tenant in the building oh yes we are a tenant in the building now we don't own we don't own yeah I saw you on on your because I I read the the the files that you sent out yeah I so it's definitely a good idea if now you're on the on the build you right so that longterm CA will be lower and and to your point about the SI Jen the we toured a number of other and spoke with a number of other uh Senior Center directors and looked at their buildings that have been built over the last 10 maybe 15 years and almost well I can say universally one of their cautions was don't make it too small that is a number of them that were built in the last 10 or 15 years ended up having to expand more recently because they needed a larger space or the fit room was too small um so the caution has not been if you build it too big you're just going to be paying for a lot of unused space but rather if you build it too small you're going to end up having to expand it at some point in the future that was pretty much the warning yeah I I I understand yeah if if we get the right size then it's cheaper to build you know to start with than you know because if you try to add an addition you probably the total cost end up higher than if you just build a larger space of Star Wars yeah I was kind of a you know wondering how the town is going to finance that so but I guess we don't have to address that today well I guess the idea was it was going to be a bond right you that way to that's enough so I'm I'm just going to step in I Jen um one thing I was going to mention and uh because this is going to be an ongoing item item uh discussion um is that there is a memo um I included it in our package I think it's available on the that um Robert sent to um the senior site Senior Center site selection committee and the building committee uh is how the financing will work the bond exclusion and various so that's one of the things uh we can start uh looking at J is reading that memo there's also some um details about the the financing at the back of the uh one of the handouts that uh uh Dr Katie gave us um so those are the things we can start looking at and drwing down and in the next meeting is getting more into more detail I have one question yes 50 people sounds low right I'm looking at the letter that the select board s is 8,400 residents in air you say 25% of them are 60 plus yes true right that's thousands of people and you only get 50 oh no so we see um for lunch yeah on on any given day so there's a lot of you know young seniors who are still working they're not available to come to lunch um they might be available if we had um a mix of lunches and dinners available for congregate meals um some people um currently don't eat at our Center because we since we don't have a commercial kitchen we're not able to accommodate the wide variety of dietary issues that exist amongst older adults when we have a commercial kitchen you can have a fre off brain you can have one that doesn't have night shades which are often irritating um so you have the ability to customize and better meet the needs um but we see over uh over 400 seniors right now um of the I think it's about 22 2200 seniors in town um we're seeing well over 400 of them right now and um in addition to it sometimes being a hassle to come to our existing Center because there's only 13 parking spots and four of them are occupied by staff where we park up in the grass um you know there's if if the parking doesn't keep you out there's also this idea that because we're located in the basement of the Housing Authority there is a perception about town that our facility is only for housing affordable housing residents and that's not true we're open to the whole community so anyone listening tonight please come see us but um so I think once it's located in its own Standalone facility which is by and large the norm for a senior center I think you'll have far more people um curious and interested and engaged and we'll be able to offer them the kind of things that they want um rather than what fits in our space okay what is the cost structure now say for a meal we talk about like having a kitchen how is it financed so right now we have um it's a $3 suggested donation per senior that comes in and um the discrepancy between the $3 and the cost of the meal is actually in my departmental operating budget so I anticipate the transition to a working commercial kitchen to be very smooth um I already have a 24hour a week um Dining Services employee and going to May that them for a couple more hours but that position is already in my operating budget and there's a substantial Food Service budget already there which if we were going to buy bulk food commodities rather than um you know one of our many restaurants you know um local and otherwise that provide it we would be able to provide a whole lot more meals to a lot more people without even needing to make a change necessarily um thank you one other feature I'd like to mention um uh it will serve as a heating or a um uh cooling center and we have the kitchen there and we'll have a generator and that could be for the community and with the way things are going now in terms of the climate I think that that's something that we will be making use of that was one one quick observation I was going to make is that this is since this is a town facility is that this can be used by the town for other things like a meeting place for for you know if the finance committee needs to meet and can't meet here we can meet there I mean I'm being silly but so it's it's a resource to the town in general as you sort of touched on there absolutely and real think Meals on Wheels do you folks handle so Meals on Wheels they're prepared there's a a lot of layers to that but they are prepared in walam and they are um administrated by mock out in fishburg but then they make their way to us and then we deliver them okay yeah so this would you would have more space to do Meals on Wheels more effectively we could certainly do Meals on Wheels more effectively and then we would have the option then whether we wanted to stick with mock or whether we wanted to prepare our own and senior centers they're kind of split whether they get them in little TV dinners already sealed or whether the seniors that are homebound get the same meals that we're eating in the senior center and we just package them up until them so there's couple of options that okay anything else from the committee uh anything from any observations from the public okay well thank you very much Dr petroi and um this is great just brings us up to speed and uh uh we'll start uh you know doing our homework and ask questions as we go along thank you very much thanks for everyone thank you for your time happy to come back anytime you like us to I need to go visit find a couple Bridge Partners there we go well I got uh play bridge I I don't play bridge although I'm open to you teaching me but I know who you can be playing with rage is a hot game all right to is a great okay she lives next door to me and I refuse to play with her is their mystery so just we want to keep moving along we're and would you like to drive no well I just want you to basically um share and go to our our town of website okay [Music] I can just tell you where to go up to you going to the next item on the agenda which is uh about reporting and c.gov um do we get a half time anywhere well I I'm last on the agenda yeah this is of a 10 time a and these are all items I think we will be revisiting so with clear claro basically it is um our new budget book um and it's on different sites on our on our web page we are located under my page the account page the treasure collector's page the town manager's page under the boards of committees it's located under the finance committee and the select board so if you pick your finance committee under your budget book it's going to click click on that and it's going to bring you to our page so basically as you see there's different tabs for different items um you have your introduction page your budget overview fund summaries funding sources departments and Capital Improvements every page has multiple information um there is you know you have your demographic page which is I believe under the introduction that um it's basically all done by the program that's all your medium based that's why it's always behind it's all your state averages your senses um right now they are in 2022 so basically it will tell you in town of air that we're 1 13% 30% for singles senior living senior living alone there's just a lot of data um that budget book actually are it represents for the town um for your for your funding information um you can do it by the funding sources or by departments our departments basically is each individual those are our it's just like the old budget book but but it's not a paper version um so you have your general government your Public Safety your Finance Public Works Human Services if you click on the Arrow below that Andrew anyone doesn't matter um this will show you the finance department and it will just show you this category but if you I think you clicked a little too fast so if you click like it see it goes down so then you can see each individual and it it goes further so it's kind of like every Department H any how I explain it if it has its own organization code it has its own department so it like basically will give you the structures of each year it gives you your actuals all the way to 20 24 and 2025 2023 is just actuals it doesn't show the budget anymore just shows that we actually expended because we haven't closed out once I close out the books for 2020 4 the budgeted will go away and the actuals will stay there and then we'll work on the 2025 getting the actuals right now we're working out a system that I'm going to try to get the expenses on a quarterly basis so that people will see where we're at with the budget and how much we've actually spent but right every month they are on our website we do monthly reports and we put them on our website under the town manager department head reports and it shows what we are up to date on expenditures also the budget book is going to be part of our um Capital Improvement that we're working on right now it's if you look on the capital project overview it shows our 2025 but it's in a PDF for FY 26 we actually got the platform for the capital budg budgeting that will have a link that will link us to the page with all of your capital project so this will go away but there'll be more data and it will identify like the funding sources and you know right now we're doing the items to be borrowed the capital stabilization or the operating budget you will see the different things in like the specs and like there'll be pictures and Dynamics and so forth so it's a really useful tool and it has a lot of data um if you want to print there is as you see there is a print button what how it works is you print on it and it will like if you only want to say you want to only see the police department it will ask you do you what do you want to print do you want to print the hours the history the demographics organizational chart and then it'll give you an email and you just have an email to you so it's it's this it's a really useful tool M um and it is up to date it is up to date um as of I believe I did it September the end of uh the end of August I I updated it and so um so yeah I don't know if you have any questions um like I said right now there's a lot of PDF information in it um because we are working on we were working on moving from the paper format into the website version can I just add so this what this is is it's an wonderful interactive product so you can instead having everything on a piece of paper you can click on what you want to see at the moment you can see up toate um whenever she updates the expense budget and so it's more of an interactive tool you can drill down you can look at spreadsheet versions there's just a lot of options I recommend just coming out here and just you know click away and um learn it and and you know just to see it it's it's just a good way to get to know the town's budget and it does have a lot of I mean like I under the introduction you have have there's information for this just the town itself has the resident guides to the town meetings has our organization charge our financial policies so it's just it's just a a good source of getting a hold of the financial uh system and you said this gets updated monthly no so this gets updated we're working on getting this for the expense portion on a quarterly basis but our mon I every month I send a report to the town manager's office and put it under the website the to manager department head reports so you can actually see what the finances are in the omnus budget I move this different thing that's a really expensive uh sidewalk snowblower thing by the way oh that's it are you looking to get back okay I was just going to pull up the reports so if you go on the um the town manager's website under the yeah CH Town manager yes and then if you go to the department uh the department report head reports so if you look under my accounting page see how it says August I send them this is updated monthly so August reports if you click on where it's where it says read it will bring you to the updated summary financial report for up to the end of August so basically it says 2025 up top it's period two which is August because we're a fiscal year so this tells you everything so our moderator has a revised budget of 6548 they have no expenses so there's available budget of 6854 so board and it gives everything all the way down for the omous budget the year to date I it's because it says budget but then year to date does that me year to date what we expended as of July 1st to August 351st okay so on the fiscal it will be yes it's yes definitely on the fiscal year and this includes right so this is the total so it includes your salaries your expenses and includes everything for each department and like I was saying before as for the organization every every department has their own or codes as it's listed on the side so this is online available available for us available to the public this is online and available now I just brought you exactly it's on the website it's under and like I said it's under the finance committee it's under the select board it's under my page it's under the treasur in collector's page it's under the town manager page it's just it's called the budget book okay right so I mean I at home is John Q citizen can just go in start clicking the second month of 2025 is that that's so 2025 we're in fiscal year 2025 the second month is August cuz we're fisal year yeah but that's what that's saying right right yeah so that's basically the way that the our our mun software is programmed so I'm looking at all these people with be uh you spent 25% of your budget and you're on month two okay well the the finance committee is not doing that good if you look at the air Shirley it's a regional assessment that's basically why so because a lot of theirs are on a um monthly yeah that makes sense cool great this is uh now now I got stuff to do since I'm retired well this has always been there go out there look the department heads reports go into that interactive budget book um and get to know it and the good thing is is even in the budget book if you click on the Departments and you go scroll under a department it has a little narrative about them um so just if you click on just do the air fire department if you look as you can see there's there's our chief he put a he put a little summary and if you scroll down it gives you the expenditure summary of like what he's expended um if you keep falling down and then it has a breakdown of like what you're spending it on Capital outlay Professional Services and if you keep scrolling down it gives you another graphic design and then a little bit more if you scroll down a little bit more now oh you went to right there where it says spread cheek breakdown if you click on that it will actually give you the exact same thing as that report that I just showed it from PDF the exact same thing what you expended from the salary what you expended from the overtime your services so these are the numbers making up the the EXA the charts exactly good good so so do you or Barbara do you guys have to go in and um type have like all of these individual numbers in certainly seems like well um no we actually can do an import um this right now since we just started implementing this this probably up that's why it's updated on the qu basis but the regular uh PDF format that's under the town manages is on a monthly basis but every Department like barar said go in play CU every department has a different outlay and they have information that's really useful yeah we don't put the budget in putting the budget once year it's just updating the expend it's just updating the expenditures and that's why as you seen those FY 24 said budgeted because I haven't closed out FY 24 yet cool excellent thank you very much quick any other questions from the public or observations thank you very much thank you very much Caren thanks I don't know how much this costs but I think it's worth everybody yeah very transparent it's out there all the time and it saves and it saves a lot of paper too because now it's on the web page so you don't have to really I mean people could get copies of it but it's useful being on your screen oh yeah if a resident ever wanted us to print things for him that they just contact the town manager and they will print it out have you guys have you guys talked about what you're going to do for um a meeting in in April you going to print as many books I I don't that's a do they said they weren't going to do it last year and they did it anyway yeah but I mean we've actually got it working and up and running and it's been very useful and clear. goov is provided by the state of Massachusetts correct I believe so okay or it it's it fits in or follows the state of Massachusetts accounting rules oh yeah yes oh yeah I thought they provided the software um yes it it it follows all the system okay yeah I I I just assume but I good question ask great thank you no problem okay uh last item on the agenda for the committee is there's still public comments section right right here well no we have schedule next meeting and then public comments you should the last thing I'm being for oh okay I'm sorry all right so um as I mentioned with the um storm water utility Enterprise fun uh what I let me interject first of all I'd like to make sure we're we're going to get back on this schedule of having our meetings on the first and third Thursdays of the month at 6: p.m. hybrid here in the town hall so those our regular meetings would be uh the next two would be October 3rd and October 17th um um I mean yes get back on schedule I may not be here on the 3rd it's Rana so I may not be doesn't matter to me okay okay but we we we we have a full committee so yeah thank goodness um so and then what I want is in consideration of the storm Water Utility Fund um and uh the timing um can we schedule a meeting for I will double check with Carly but it seems be open now it would be a hybrid meeting for next Wednesday September 25th at 6:00 p.m. again hybrid and the purpose would be um to um look at the storm water Enterprise uh utility Enterprise fund uh for the warrant and uh we can uh vote on that and then there are a few other minor I guess some papers here okay um and I'll share this with the group but for the uh and again the final warrant uh hasn't been items for the warrant haven't been finalized so that'll be ready for next um uh Thursday also and I'll um make sure that's out there any case long story short should we go ahead and and schedule that then Wednesday the 25th that you're saying Wednesday 25th pm. 6 p.m. hybrid meeting again I will double check with Carly tomorrow and make sure that's available we can do that you a solid maybe how about that okay Jen are you okay with that time just one second um oh I didn't M that I was afraid of yeah I'm fine with the schedule okay again this will be just a special sort of a special meeting just for this um this item and U the uh the War items for the town fall town meeting okay so then I will um check with Carly tomorrow and I will uh get the if it's okay get the agenda published and post it to the site okay um public comments Paulie is your hand up for a comment Paulie yes it is I it couldn't put the mute button or unmute just one comment again I one meeting but when you have guests would you try to ask them to speak into the microphone I understood everything that Dr krazi was explaining but it was very difficult to hear her because the microphone was so far away from her see if we can get sorry you're keeping you up um I've had that feeling all day um but anyway it's hard to hear remotely if people don't speak into the microphones hopefully that will be remedied with the new system they're installing hopefully next year but just a suggestion otherwise great meeting thank you very much thank you Paul thanks so actually we do have microphones at the table we probably should have it's this one that's the zoom that's the problem oh oh These don't oh this it's the one that faces the end of the table or it's not facing the end of the table where was very good thank you I heard you fine Andrew thanks have a good night everyone yeah all right very good um with that being said um Bush do Jour seconded all those in uh favor of adjourning the meeting I I the meeting is adjourned uh as of uh 7:39 p.m.