hello and welcome to the Tuesday April 23rd meeting of the air planning board there's an announcement I'm obligated to read this meeting hearing of the air planning board will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this inperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance and or participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for in-person versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID number 833 6548 0732 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Danny Ruiz Town planner at D Ruiz a.m. us at 978-772-4864 8220 extension 144 prior to the meeting thank you yes sir Mr chair may I move to approve the agenda thank you do I have a second seconded Ken how do you oh any discussion I'm sorry on the agenda good Ken yes uh Julie yes I'm so I'm just Nathan hi Jeff hi chair votes I it's animous we can proceed with the agenda uh our our first item is one new and way we have the representative if you could come up and identify yourselves and say welcome uh what I'd like to happen is to give you the floor to do your presentation and and and talk then I'd like to have the opportunity for the board members to ask questions and then I'd like to open up to any public input uh if there is any this is a public meeting not a public hearing correct yep yes let me just share the screen and then I'll give you the mouse okay okay there you go you want to do uh introduction talking about excuse me sh is a public meeting is are we prohibited from getting public input no no no no it's just a public meeting is a there's no notifications no to be read okay great all right so good evening everyone my name is Victoria Holland I'm a project manager with tetr and I'm also a professional engineer registered in Massachusetts um so today we're talking about the um site development application which is a minor site plan modification for the expansion and renovation project at the Noya food factory which is located at one New England way um plat 17 lot 18 so this project was in front of the board a couple times throughout late 2022 through mid 2023 um the site plan was issued on the 27th of June last year year um so almost a year ago um and we are here for a modification so just a couple things I want to highlight and I'll try to make this brief um the prior approval was for a 77,000 ft building addition um a portion of that building addition was twostory um so the total building footprint was about 192,000 ft there were all also parking circulation loading dock positions utility um improvements in a new storm water management system associated with this previously approved plan set um so our current application I'm going to flip to the new one now there this this is the colored versions of the new site plan versus where we're filling in the building so actually wait can you go back up to the old one so there are two key portions where the product is reduced so the owner has decided they don't want to pursue all 77,000 ft of the building Edition so there's two areas one in the front right here of the site right there and then the second is the tall freezer yes so instead of 77,000 ft of additions it's going to be about 43,000 ft of additions for a total of 158,000 square ft um and I do want to note in the cover letter um I don't know that this if this matters but the cover letter um said 177,000 ft and I do want to just note that it's actually 158 and that is a misprint on our side um and excuse me is the freezer being retained or that's being deferred I'm sorry I got confused like no I'm I'm glad you ask so um the freezer the cold storage building in the back um is not correct is not currently proposed okay that's what I'm asking however however um we still have all the site improvements utility circulations new storm water management system and we left the storm water management system as previously designed to enable the owner maybe at some point in the future if they did want to do that expansion in the back that um the system would be able to handle the increase in um it it was already designed for that using today's calculations it's a possibility they can use it in the future yes thank you okay and just not noting to don't think there will be any future plans for the front expansion but um they kind of want to reserve the right at some point in the future to have a little bit of flexibility with the system so we did leave it designed for an extra 34,000 ft of building addition and that's the Green Space yeah so the Green Space around the front door will not be built at this point but no it all will all the green space that's shown here I'll just I'm going to flip between the the building won't be extended over here correct so since since the building won't be extended far extended and we're not going to fill it with parking either so there's a couple subtleties of this plan it's it's almost the exact same plan MH but there's a little less parking and we're not going to relocate the curb cut as opposed to relocating the curb cut it's currently about 60 ft wide we're going to shrink it mhm to make it work but this was the approved plan where we came straight into the drive aisle the curb Cut's currently down here and over here but on the I'm sorry I'm flipping these too fast I think the mouse and that was really done there was we had to merge the prior plan with the current plan knowing that there wasn't the front building Edition so that was really uh the Cur get kind of wide open in here now so we're closing up this side and we'll be able to come straight into the property M and hit roundabout for you know small small traffic here one way have a nice Green Space mhm and maintain all the Green Space around the question I was asking is that green space there will not be it's going to be built but it's not building it's Landscaping yeah going to be Landscaping so there'll be more Landscaping a little bit less parking Prett it's yeah it's a and if I remember that white building is a two-story building the white por that's that's the existing two-story building Y correct thank you so in in also you know within the building they're making a bunch of renovations to mezzanines probably add adding some some mezzanines in the second floor for the uh for the business to to increase the output so they don't they don't affect the footprint of the building the interior got and then on the exterior the one big change so the planning board may remember prior to coming to the planning board we went for height variance we're still using a portion of the height variance except we're only going to be at 58 ft tall instead of 75 um this portion here was going to be 75 ft tall um the portion over here which I think some of its cold storage some of its access to the Loading is uh I think 58 ft tall the remaining of the infill is plus or minus 30 ft existing building height mm so this will still be a little bit taller not what won't be quite maximizing the zoning variance for 75 ft but I believe it's 58 ft otherwise the site plan is as agreed on before where we will agree to tighten up this curb cut down here separate kind of the lane to get to the back and also to get to the mun Municipal sewer pump station over here um all the Redevelopment areas will be improved to uh new standards for storm water management since part of the permitting process was storm water management permit M and um in order to preserve the rights for future building expanders we just convince them let's just put all the drainage in that we said we were going to and then if this gets converted to a freezer at least we have the drainage to connect it to without ripping up the parking lots another big Improvement that you guys might remember we're adding some good circulation with a curb cut up in the back so all of the um we took a look at the permits the only thing that changes is the plan of record um the waiver that we got for parking is very similar that uh they don't need the parking they have more there's actually more parking there now than on the proposed plan but it's still greater than the uh merger of two shifts which was one of the things that we made you know is Al also documented so uh if if if I may remember uh a big part of our discussion the last time around was the quality of the screening in this rectangle up here because of the height here and I was wondering if you've changed any of the plans with the screening given that now it's only this one at 58 now we didn't and what we agreed to do that that's in the permit is we agreed for a rather than show all the plantings they agreed to us uh money that will be spent we'll have the Arbiters come in we'll get rid of a bunch of dead trees prune it out and we'll make some nice plantings the best we can part of the condition of we're not asking to change any any of those things so I think that really the purpose of Us coming here is to make sure when they get all the pricing done and they come for a building permit that they're going to be presenting a different plan y so we want to update the plan of record best we can questions it sound like that was the end that was the presentation there's any other so through the chair Danny and you folks so you got a variance from the zoning board of appeals for the height m do you have to amend that request or extend it or you just going to let it expire what you well we'll still be using it we won't be using it to the extent that we obtained it we attained it for 75 ft 72 or 75 yeah yeah and um I think the zoning height is four yeah so the variance will still stay in place because they're still using it it's just not they're not going as high as their they requested they're still going to be over the allow height so it they don't need to amend it we just had an in an incident where when did you say approval was given for the for the U height variance variances year they have to extend year and a half ago actually I don't know if I don't think variances expire they expire in a year they do they do one year they do okay so we might have to go rep permit that we didn't we haven't got that far I'll have to I'll talk with Sam about that and see if um what the double check on the on the VAR given to them yeah so yeah I think the height is 40 we're proposing uh 58 previous plan was uh 70 75 I think MH Nathan I didn't print that variance I brought the site plan approv but I didn't print the variance permit said all the same storm water also there the um water utility was going to be updated you're going to rout uh hydrants we're doing some of those we're coming around the back and as when we get to the stage where we're sitting down just like was going to have to happen before we don't know exactly where everything is and there's a bunch of notes on the plan to work with the fire department and the water department so that'll still happen so we are still bringing the water around the building but mainly from the fire pump room on to service the fire Loop and fire protection of the building it's slightly reconfigured but um and we've redone some of the hydrants but if they have any comments when we get to that stage when the fire protection engineer sits with the fire department or they have it peer reviewed or whatever they do you know if we need to add a hyd we'll add one okay and then in that uh Corner next to the retention uh Basin there there's a tank a silo or something uh next a little further the right yeah yeah that was going to be cleaned up right it's going to be cleaned up but they're also working on as they work through the process with the um sewage receiving Authority and pre-treatment and stuff what we had targeted for those areas a we're going to clean it up and B at some point they are going to have to improve their um pre-treatment and holding capacity to meet the metric of pre-treatment for the Sewer Authority as they increase flows and that's a separate agreement that's separate project that's with the town manager and everything else they've kind of started looking at some of those things we didn't get too far in the last project but yes those areas are directly the DPW yeah those those things are all still going to happen Okay Okay um and then let's not showing this is the extension of katana oils the um there was a little concern about the Landscaping at the back of their property there was rosion Y is that where's what's that all we what we've done thus far is when we did our original survey for this building expansion that construction wasn't finished right what we've done at this time is we went and resurveyed it and make sure any property any retaining walls that we have to put on the on the property line are shown correctly and at the right height which they I guessed that before I don't don't think I had to change it so to to be clear the roof drains I have a copy of their plans the roof drains are not supposed to discharge onto our property there's not supposed to be retain there's not supposed to be any of that stuffone of that the um the property owner has been in contact here and there with um the butter about this it sounds like there's maybe some corrective action happening I don't really know the extents beyond that aside from like we would like to see it fixed right so I think when we that's something that that Charlie would be we talk to Charlie so I think we got to talk to char the town had gone out I think a year ago or so and was going to talk to them as well we also talked to them and um I didn't personally but the the uh Tom Gibbons did the first time and I think that the land owners have been in touch and what's really going to wind up happening is they're probably fix the roof drainage to not have a discharge and there probably is a pipe that they can get to and then B they'll probably share in the cost of the retaining wall since the encroachment of the soil came under the property and that will be a deal that they'll work out together to share the cost of the retaining Ro rather than removing all of the fill we'll remove the portions to make the project work to the property line and um they'll share the cost of the retaining wall great and forgive me if you've already said this but what's the time frame expectation when you'd like to start or their plan um currently they have issued some preliminary drawings for um High Lev GC pricing I think they're looking to start this summer um early summer we had submitted a phased phase one of two um building permit to the building department um I think the second phase two of two will be probably in in about a month or so um so they're hoping to get their big date is next August I think they want to try to get operations cuz it ties with their produ timing I guess the Fall's like a really busy tofu production time um so there must be post soybean Harvest I I wish I could tell you it what's funny is their products are found all over the country this they produce a lot um yeah okay good yeah so go ah will will Air be the number one tofu producer I they're doubling they're they're planning on doubling their production which is what was permanent before so okay they're going to do it all with less building with less building they're going to ship it out maybe they got other freezer or something a lot of was going to be freezer there there have been major breakthroughs in tofu production I understand I have no idea we don't really know we we don't know we're uh it's an impressive operation yes yes yeah yeah and then U sorry one one last serious question which is uh snow removal is that still the same we left it all same all the areas that we showed the snow storage and all the conditions will be the same the um operation and maintenance plan for the storm water Remains the Same and um there's no there's no proposed changes to any of that stuff okay so go ahead no that's right I just asked um Danny and I don't know the answer maybe Mr dist would know does any of this need to go for uh do we get input from town departments where we don't need to do that no they they already went to the town departments no one had any comments got it thank you that's the double check yep thank you sorry Mr chair no problem at all so as I understand two outstanding issues are the status of the variance with the zva and uh the the erosion at Katana those are two outstanding we need to get these answers for okay good well so the the erosion with Kat is will be defin is outside of the the plan Bo prview though it but it is but I do understand what you mean um it's something that I will follow up with uh Charlie and uh Heather and I right cuz we don't want silk running down there either correct over the wall exactly it brings to mind the old adage good walls make good neighbors you can okay good and then on the retaining wall we'll definitely have to figure that out um because the it's it's we want to make sure that that variance is in place and if it's not then we'll have to make sure that that gets approved you know prior to the planning boards uh yeah or prior to building permit prior yeah exactly depending on how we you know if it gets how it gets condition all right further questions uh I don't know is there anyone in the public who would like to ask a question I'm going to open up to zoom as well if anyone on Zoom would like to answer a question if you put your hand up on the zoom okay so I believe next uh you prepare a a decision for us to review at the our next planning board meeting Y is that and then we'll also check with um you know on the variance beautiful I'll check with Sam with that and have and then have her reach out to you guys on it did it expire did it not and what the process is on on applying for it yeah and um Sony board of appeals meets monthly sure so keep that in mind we'll probably have that answer pretty quick I don't think think we've ever meant to check check that box to be honest with you if I remember we're human things happen yeah if I remember it came pretty quickly after it was submitted in 2022 I think I don't remember exactly when we got it we got it just before we came here and we started in December I remember our first hearing here was in December yeah we met over the break second Wednesday third Wednesday the johy board's third Wednesday of the month yeah so I I'll have him I'll reach out to and have her you know get you the information for you know tomorrow okay all right so continuance to do we need to Contin for public meeting MH we need to vote y uh let me just check on the next statee um so our next meeting is so May 14th we would be having a meeting but since it is election day we're not we're not having meetings that day uh our next meeting is May 28th really yeah wow and so that and that meeting would be to uh you'll prepare a decision share it with us I'll you time okay perfect okay good all right so we need a a motion a motion continue yep to May 28th I make a motion to continue the public meeting for one New England way map 17 lot 18 to to the next AA planning board meeting of May 28th 2024 can how do you vote yes Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff hi chair votes I we'll see you on the 28th good luck thank you uh do we you know I'm so I don't remember if we opened 333rd before we already 33 is already open so we do not need to have a public a hearing announcement no just move just need uh Representatives what's that we need to move to continue this over here I no no it's already open so he's here so we just continue the process good evening uh Brandon duar with DAV Ross Associates um at the last hearing we went over presented the site plan and storm water management permit uh we went over some of the comments that we had received today and we had scheduled a site visit with the board we took a look um we had survey stake the limits of the RightWay um and then based on uh that site walk and working with the DPW we've updated the plan to address the comments so as you can see he has they they've updated the roadway to have the connection with the um uh down to uh Marshall Street MH uh tying that in making sure that the storm water ALS also ties into the rain Garden um and uh they did address the comments um they did provide those comments uh uh yes uh yesterday they were provided to us um so I did have a chance to kind of to go through them uh most of the comments were addressed um the I would just H want to have Matt come and speak on the um uh addressing the uh the discussion on um Third Street to Marshall Street hey good to see you Matt good to see you too yes so I gave this um plan a quick review and I agree with Danny that um our comments seem to be addressed with this plan at this point um obviously we only got the plan yesterday but any comments that we do have would be very very minor okay and as I understand from the the uh April 18th memo that you and Dan sent so you we've you've addressed two of the big questions one is can can the B new bio retention Basin handle the water flow and you answered yes so that's an obstacle that's been cleared and you've asked the applicant to make sure the water drains that direction and the second one is is a is a uh Superior resolution to the tail end of the street um and that I think that my understanding is that instead of having two separate contractors at two different times it's a once andone but that portion of the from I believe it's uh is it this point right here this point from here the town will negotiate with the applicant on on the cost of that is that the understanding exactly so obviously we don't have like a written yeah we don't have written agreement there's no pricing so that will be coming a written agreement pricing all that will come and I think what we would do would just be that would be a condition within the decision right um as uh for the agreement good I thought the site visit was exceptionally productive and very helpful uh I think I certainly got a much greater understanding of the flow of the street and also there were concerns raised by abutters about the trees coming down but it became quite clear that the the few that have to come down because they're in the way of the street or the buildings and then frankly a lot of the other materials of dubious quality it's it's dead or dying so and it seems like there still remain some trees outside of the scope of the building that will remain but I felt satisfied after the site visit that your the applicant's approach is entirely reasonable anything further so uh we haven't had a chance to review the materials that were just submitted so I I believe that what we want to do is have that opportunity then we' be better prepare at the next meeting and I'll have a decision have a decision I'll have a decision ready for the next meeting and I'll get that over to you ahead of time so you can review it as well and that would be the 28th of course correct okay um oh any comments comments questions I'll go through you but to the developer so we didn't talk about this is a site plan and a storm War yep do we have the option to request and ask the applicant to supply Treat Street trees like every 25 to 30 ft or something on the new strip of road we typically would do it if it was a subdivision but we don't have a yeah this is not a subdivision so we don't have that but if it's a site plan we can request Landscaping updates and things like that so would that be make sense to AO to probably install some you know some good size Street trees along that new road to make up for the trees that are being cut down matt what do you think I I mean personally um obviously there's a fair amount of trees there I'm not sure what the exact plan is whether to retain all of those that would not be cut down by the there's nothing left after you grade it and everything there'll be nothing left right I mean pretty much put a machine in there it's gone yeah yeah I mean between the certainly between the houses and the portion of the road I mean looking at that I mean those houses are essentially set back 22 ft from the back a sidewalk so you know there's not a lot of area plus we've got those subsurface infiltration areas that you know we can't plant plant within those or immediately adjacent to those um I just think it'll have an impact on you know that we thought it through a little bit and uh that might satisfy the neighborhood a little more want to see that after everything's gone that some new stuff has been put in might have to be looked at as to how it how big it gets maybe it can't get too big or something but I think diaha would probably go along with something like that so i' bring it up uh if you if you're read line with what you're asking I'm sorry I was unable to make the S sidewalk the other morning um having been down there before Third Street comes around Marshall Street comes down it kind of turns into this throughway that goes to towards and over that bridge that's on there is that that's that on that still on that corner correct yes so when the road gets defined that throughway is more or less going to become abandoned and then be allowed to turn back into natural you're talking about the um the gravel that's off the gra there used to be a road that went over that bridge oh okay you know what I'm saying it's just kind of got whether it's a road or not people used it to get through there years ago so and so if we delineate the road type that's going to be that's that's all done that's the whole well you go ahead Matt it's Mass project that's project I know it's Mass project I'm just ask we just did a very recent uh actually it's still in progress yeah I haven't been down there I well you know Matt I was not walking around for like four months so so okay that's done now you should go see Matt's project what you see there's a path right there where the curb is broken yeah I can see the path on that that that's that's why I'm asking is what I'm I guess what I'm asking is is this the future it's also representing what's today and the answer is it represents Today part of it does most par cuz that leads me to the question Mr disc is if we added Street trees where would you request that they be added along the horizontal of Third Street in front of the homes or correct on the curve okay well then it would be on their Lots got it cuz the 25 ft is not wide enough to put so-called Street trees within the RightWay no um so yeah that's just a request and I'll go look at your work tomorrow sure thanks P yeah kind of the areas that I can see are you know kind of between the houses yeah right where you are there po one and then similarly you know break kind of between those those two parts there yeah only request that DPW would have would just not have the if the water Landscaping there just not have it right up against the sidewalk so there is uplift of a reasonable approach for reasonable people will solve the problem and I know you're asking for Street trees which are typically tall and skin eight to 10 feet you if if anybody noticed the Magnolia are in bloom right now it's gorgeous so something right Nathan U the um a butter was here last last meeting on the property to the north of Third Street do is it necessary I'll put this out to the the um the whole party is it necessary to have any kind of agreement or is there already an agreement of grading and at least seating what's going to be restored from their property and who's who's responsible for that that's that's one of the comments that I had and they had already agreed that they would they would um okay uh they would grade L and Seed okay okay great oh I'm sorry Kathleen um when you do actually sell the homes is there going to be some information provided to the folks that buy it where and where they cannot plant um like I imagine someone like you naively decide to just like plant a green giant and and what just a little louder we can't hear you behind you um is there going to be information provided to the owners of where they can and cannot plant and then I think it was clear that you can't plant in the vicinity of the large uh box units but I think there was a discussion last time about some sort of Swale curvature can that can someone plant in the soil I don't I don't know like is this information provided to homeowners and yeah I don't really see anything preventing them from planting within that sailed area between the houses as we talking as long as you know it continues to allow the the drainage to get through yeah um and then in terms of you know anything being provided to the homeowners um there has has been anything prepared I mean this is kind of new a recent discussion but certainly if there's concern given the fact that you know given that the RightWay is so narrow and the back of the sidewalk really is right up against that lot line um we could certainly provide something you know just I just don't like can you put a swing set on top of that can you sub surface stuff you're talking about yeah yeah so there is Operation and maintenance that will be provided that's all in that agreement in terms water what and be the roue maintenance the INSP so they will know like this part of your property like no swing sets no rais beds no okay yeah and that will be referenced within the decision and in the onm so that everyone so when you look at so that within the deed as well that references all those okay and that is just on those big box things not so much on the swells correct correct yes thank you good any public comment Pauline any questions no questions Mr chair okay great Joseph okay thank you um and so next steps um so I U we'll you know get go fully through all the the site plan just to make sure there was no you know out final comments um I'll work on a decision get that over to the applicant them review it as well um for the next meeting perfect that's great uh do you need a motion to continue I believe we do I would like to make the motion to continue the public hearing for 333rd street map 34 136 to the next Air planning board meeting on May 28 2024 thanks Jeff second any discussion K yes J yes na hi yes yes see you on the 28th thank you thank you have a good night and next up I what happened to um we have representatives of 91 gon Harvard Road yes you got to open up the public hearing which I gave notice somewhere there is a public hearing notice somewhere yeah might it might be it may be on the website pull I can read it from the website pull it up I'm assuming ping hi I just have to read something sure notification of bus public hearing notice the air planning board will be conducting a hybrid public hearing at 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday April 23rd 2024 in the first floor meeting room at air toown hall One Main Street to consider the site plan and Stor morar application submitted by North Atlantic concrete for the property located at 91 gron Harvard Road air Massachusetts the appin is proposing to redevelop a portion of the but demolishing the existing building and constructing a new commercial building with parking and utility service connections the applicant is also seeking a storm water permit for a major project under the storm water bylaw in coordination with the site plan review for more information please contact the air planning office at 978 772 8220 extension 144 or planning at a.m. us the applicant is North Atlanta the screen applicant is North Atlantic concrete 270 a Road Unit 1 Harvard Mass 01432 uh date of hearing Tuesday April 23rd 2024 time of public hearing 6:15 p.m. location of public hearing air Town Hall One Main Street a Massachusetts 01432 copies of the application are available the a town clerk's office and with the administrative uh coordinator third floor Monday Wednesday and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. Tuesdays 800 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Fridays 8:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. or by emailing SB n oi at a.m. us thank you so uh do you want to set this up first just give us a context and then we'll turn it over to the applicant and then questions Etc Mr CH we move to open the public hearing Mr CH like to move to open the public hearing for 91 Gren Harvard Road map 13 Lot 8 second uh Ken how uh any further discussion Ken how do you vote I Julie yes Nathan I Jeff yes chair votes I it's unanimous we can start okay uh so the applicant is uh there they've submitted for site plan review and for a major storm water management dep uh the applicants proposing a uh you know to demolish the old existing uh building and uh construction of a new building as well as um uh proposing subsurface infiltration for storm water um the applicant is a it's a an existing non-conforming use um within a residential zone A1 um the previous use was a uh similar use and um The Building Commissioner uh provided them with an opinion that this was a similar use and uh so the use was continued uh was grandfathered and it continued to be um uh going um and uh I think I'll just turn it over to him thank you Danny thank you Mr chair um my name is lot I'm a project engineer at ghost M press ringwell GPR for short and here with me tonight is Bruce ringwell who sitting in the audience and we're here tonight as representative for the applicant on North Atlantic concrete and here with me is represent as a representative from NAC uh Tina nutting as well as uh Tom Matthew the owner who's the owner who's the owner so to to to um to kind of follow up what um Danny had mentioned about the the project site itself the project is located at 91 Gren Harvard Road as you can see here this is an existing uh conditions plan SL demo plan for what we're planning to do the the project site is located south of the um Aira transfit station mhm across the street from the high school and north of um conservation land mhm um under the ownership of town of air um bordering the east side of the project site you have the upper Flanigan Pond there is um there is a a wellin area that was flagged by I believe Oxbo and located um by our office as you can see um this is the edge of wellin right here and we're showing the 100 foot buffer uh along the Eastern property line also shown on uh this existing conditions plan you'll notice that there is um an approximate uh habitat line that runs almost parallel or almost parallel in line with the PVE portion disturb portion of the project site would run around as of you know prior to folling for a site plan review application with planning board we had reached out to um a reviewer for uh Mass D um Melanie Cheesman who is a you know a person that we work with before in regards to Habitat or Misa review um you know just as a u pre-application determination whether or not we're doing any disturbance to the habitat area um you know her opinion is that as long as we're not accessing um into um this line shown here or getting into the slopes we're not doing anything to disturb the habitat and would require uh Misa falling um would not require would not require did you say require or would not require would not require that's what I thought excuse when you mentioned Oxo staking out the area I could is this perimeter you lift this up a little bit they did the flags did you flag this perimeter of the so that this is visible this where we can actually get a sense of where this actually is my apology Mr chair um is Matt marrow who flagged the the edge of wetland and the edge of wetland is shown here right as uh you see those small dots as uh Flags mhm those are the Wetland Flags that's a Lo those those are the wet FL but is there anything to indicate the property line out there at this I think there is let me just check was some old St something I saw before else we'll have to check whether or not we we stake the boundary I I know for for most projects that we do um we we'll go out there and S the boundaries I'm not sure we'll need that so that we could do our site Vis my my recollection is that there are either an iron pin or a concrete bound that are out there but we'll double check that okay great thank you right did you say that you if there isn't that you need to have the corners marked no he's asking for the property line to be St like at least some Stakes for along the property line for the site business so okay yeah okay the co should be sufficient right you you don't have to you're not asking them to put a line of stakes out there or I asking I I am asking just so that when we walk it is it will be visible and clear to us where the heck we're standing in relation to the property L whatever that means if that means I say that's a fair fairly steep slope back there yeah it is so you know I don't I don't see a lot of us tumling around on a steep slope the only way you're going down there is down the trail conservation the trail I just want to know this is the trail I just want to be aware of where things begin and end and so you know in relation to this like that is important to me right there so I get a sense of what's going on here I understand this is yours but I need to see where you know where it begins and ends this it's just how should be yeah okay um getting back to the uh the project itself so the pro as me uh Danny had mentioned pro pro project is to tear down the existing um building on site and maintaining the existing nonconform use that has been grandfathered in and that determination was made by The Building Commissioner um you know prior to submitting the application itself we had schedule a meeting with uh Town planner um Town engineer Matt as well as Heather kcom agent and of course Charlie the Building Commissioner uh it was under his determination that the the project does not require any sort of zba filing for the existing non-conforming use due to the fact that is an existing site that's been there decades and it's been grandfathered in and as you can see on the site plan here you know I you can describe the the project site as having about approximately 2/3 of it disturb that's currently being used for exterior storage all around the side here this back there's some interior storage as well as some office use inside the existing building what we're looking to do is you know a because this is a Redevelopment project we're aiming to reduce the impervious cover on site while providing um drainage Improvement in the form of uh subsurface infiltration um to the best that we can to maximum practicable so scrolling down here is our uh typical erosion control plan um I'll talk a little bit more about the erosion control once we get to the uh once we get to talking a little bit more about the slopes so this is the new proposed building that's going in the front portion that you see here is for the existing um for an existing office used to um kind of expand upon and and um propose interior storage that has these garage Bay allowing vehicles to come in and park um and two loading areas shown right here as part of the project requirement we're also proposing new septic leeching field as well as tank shown at the front here this is the primary and this is the reserve we understand that you know a separate falling with the show of Valley um the show of B health will have to happen um but obviously um it's going to come uh with the approval of this s planine review so on the Northern portion of the site we have an existing driveway that we're looking to slightly relocate um and narrow down ever so slightly so that we're maintaining 24 ft in width and providing and um marking the existing parking spaces here in addition to providing handicap parking spaces um approximately 8 ft away from the building on the southern side you have a much bigger um driveway opening that we're looking to shrink down similar to the northern axis 24 ft coming in and then we're providing a paved area to go along with the uh pave parking uh located 8 ft away from the proport building do you need me to to zoom in on that or I'm good thank you um located at the back of the building we're proposing a concrete pad with um driving uh drying racks um this is really for the uh the needs of the uh business itself um n AC there's a lot of concrete pouring so you know they have forms equipments that needs to be Tred to clean the forms there basically no no you're not those racks will be for lumber and materials building new forms and building new forms okay I thought he said he was for cleaning forms I my apologies I misunderstood okay um so as part of the drainage Improvement on site we're proposing to capture the entirety of the proposed roof and Gathering it and conveying it through uh um a roof drain manifold system that eventually leads to um this drain manhole right here this drain manhole right here is a drain manhole with a sump that acts as a uh a means of accessing for maintenance mhm you know you can you can jump in there with a jet back and clean out the isolator row shown here in Hatch mhm and the system has been designed to capture and retain uh 0.8 in for the posed portion of the site um providing infiltration and eventually overflowing through an outlet pipe shown here to this location of a RI wrap apron right here on the Northern side we have uh capture collection system uh focused at this location here let me just scroll to the next page might show better there we go water U so water is being directed from this portion of the site to collect that this uh structure here this is a rain Garden turret um this is a new this is a relatively new system that we're looking into and we're we're starting to use due to the fact that it has uh Mass D approval for TSS removal as well as total phosphorus removal um the biggest thing that you know we really want to point to is that because Aon of air has adopted um you know treatment for phosphorus removal um phosphorus is not typically talked about in terms of um some of the bmps listed under the current storm water handbook you know the storm water handbook is relatively outdated so DP has started doing steel tests with certain manufacturers to give them uh approval ratings and what came with that approval rating is you know the uh the system that we're proposing here it's called a focal point it's you know to to really dumb it down or you know make it simplified is kind of focal point is very similar to a Rain Garden except that it provides uh a much better infiltration through the soil media and it also has a a uh structural it's almost like a crates they're like plastic crates at the bottom and it serves to kind of help infiltrate water as well as attenuate and clean um with this system shown here it provides sufficient TSS removal and phosphorus removal to meet the uh the standards that are um shown under the air STM water Rags um I think with that uh oh just to talk a little bit about the Landscaping um right now we are proposing uh some shr plantings at the the front of the building along the um the office portion as well as really maintaining the the natural buffer that's surrounding the site right now you know the you have um aites that runs along the nor there's some here here as well as a row at the front of the existing site that we're looking to maintain um we understand that there may be additional plantings that we'll have to provide um but we well we have no problem providing them if we need to um but that's a discussion um so I believe last week we received comments from uh Town planner Danny uh t engineer as well as Heather agent um we have started looking at the comments but um we hadn't had a chance to prepare the resp respon that's fair so I was going to say I wouldn't expect you this evening to to have sufficient time to respond but we we could we we do we can have those responses by our next meeting definely long before long before and if you'll forgive by ignorance you don't know will there ever be concrete washing out at the site no okay thank we do all of our concrete wash out on our job sites okay thanks to kind of follow up with the uh review comments I just do want to point out that you know uh once we open the questions to the board I like to kind of take a little bit of time to kind of bring up a few points that were brought up during the in the letters we receive because I you know we view them as kind of Big Ticket items that we hope to kind of kind of talk talk things through and get those addressed so that we can better prepare the responses for the next meeting so with that I open uh questions to the board thank you I I I I just want to frame it the conversation a little bit this property AB buts the town's probably the most significant conservation natural recreation area that we have it's it's precious and this I think the South is is of course completely visible from the trail and I am concerned about not just the aesthetic quality of that slope as it exists right now but even its stability especially um with the presence of large trucks I just saw 3 4 hours ago I took a walk over there and it is alarming to me we're talking about heavy machinery next to a slope that seems to be made of fil yeah it's Jun you know and and I'm just I want so I part of the discussion the conversation has to be an assurance one the structural Integrity of that side and then number two is some of the aesthetic and cleanup considerations around there because as it exist right now that's it's really problematic on that and just to quickly touch on that there there there was an incident about a month ago in which a vehicle a crane actually toppled over the edge and uh roll down the hill on the slope yeah oh yeah um uh Heather actually provided the pictures in um her comments and um that that was one of the what's one of our big reasons for one proposing or one of our uh asking for offense and as well as the DPW also making their comment about reinforcing that slow and structure um the basically because of that one of those uh those issues and based on that picture you just showed me today the cranes are still being parked very close to that slope okay yeah well hold on second just okay could you approach a t give you approach please come on up Bruce rainall GPR um like to just respond to some of that um real quickly because this site is you mentioned is a pre-existing site it was used as for the the the uses that are being proposed but with some different tenants the the landscape contractor that's on there has been there for many many years and the um Recycling and collection agency that sits in the southernmost side has also been there for many many years prior to this it was Burnham Trucking there were tractors and trailers parked over this entire site and you can go back they weren't parked over the entire site they were parked over the part of the site that's developed already the entire and back parked over the slope and the other third of this unbuildable that we parked at the top you can go and look at aals we can present aals the entire site you just said over the course of time they've been used on the whole site has been used that is in that is in here and slope not the not the part that's wooded exactly it's not that but that's the entire site right okay I'm sorry the entire previous I say yes okay I I sorry K apologize you you're 100% in the detail correct I'm looking at the image that's in front of me right now that slope has been there for a long time and it's had heavy equipment park deck to it for a long time we have not done anything to that slope we have not changed that slope we have no intention to changing that slope putting a fence up there is not going to prevent anything from going down that slope of the nature of the size that was there it was not their um employees it was a a piece of equipment that was returned back from a maintenance job and what happened we're not certain they're still investigating that whole thing the piece of equipment was tot okay now hold on let me finish please it rolled to the bottom of the slope it did not go past that it didn't go off of the property it sa right at the bottom of the slope it did not go into the buffer zone it did not go in under the conservation land it stayed at the toe of the slope it's been removed back up the slope now we agree that something needs to be done to create a barrier and I think that we've got a couple ideas that we wish to discuss with you and Matt over the course of the next couple weeks um and present to you and I think that they make good sense and you'll find them equally if not better than offense um and they'll also address some other issues that we have here as far as um the structural Integrity of that slope yeah you know we we can also have the conversations offline with your staff about that um and then come back with everybody's common decisions but this is a slope that's been in place for a long long time we're talking 50 plus years and it's something that is not changed it's not had any erosion from it it's I don't know about that I can see the erosion myself I just saw it today pictures and and also I want two things before you continue one whatever the past history is it's now your slope correct 100% it's now yours 100% too and and and that what that means is that we have to have confidence that with our activity you're going that is going on that surface is not going to any activity on the site doesn't is is not uh threatened by or threaten that slope because it it could be a hazard and and I I don't think that's unreasonable of us to say that's got to be secure and the other thing I want to be sure you say you don't like the idea of fans it is quite clear that in the past stuff has been pushed down the side of it and it's just sitting there I need to be sure that no more stuff is going to be pushed over the side of it if if you may um if you take were to see pictures of this site prior to um May of last year actually I think it was May of last year um versus now there is like night and day they have hauled off roll off after rollof of debris that was left tires all kinds of material things that were in trailers that were never claimed all kinds of debris so they have done a massive amount of cleanup on this property today and they will continue to do cleanup on this property uh they're good stewards they they've done phenomenal job on the the projects that they work on um all around the Commonwealth including your DPW your parking garage down here off of aad uh off of Park Street rather and they have a responsibility of keeping that stuff nice and be good stewards and they will do that so but the issue of um you know staying that you got to stabilize that slope you know we have some plans for that and we want to discuss those with staff and bring it back to you but um I just wanted to make that clear and I I just want to remind you I understand that this has been around for quite a long time the use is an existing non un conforming that's it now you're coming before us for site plan review and for storm water management permit you now have to meet the standards now that's correct and so the whole site is within our purview to review so Mr chair may I yes just um I'm getting this thing there's an argument here long before we have a discussion so I'm going to I'm going to ask a couple questions first first things first um believe it or not I was made aware of the fact that the machine rolled down the hill for early in the morning because I'm going a butter okay um I've also been in the landscape construction industry off and on my most my professional and we thought my first question was was anybody hurt I understand nobody was hurt was it a 70 ton 100 ton crane what went down I it was a crane yeah a crane went down so number one 50 ton 60 yeah yeah so it's it's a large piece of Machinery that large piece of probably I don't even want to ask what it costs but we're talking something in hundreds of thousands of dollars so it would it to me it would be irresponsible as an owner to allow that to happen so I'm just going to put this on the table okay there's an unfortunate thing that happened my understanding is and I haven't had a chance to follow up the conservation fuel storage hydraulic fuel hydraulic there's lots of things in that machine that can cause problems okay um you called it upper flanigans We Now call it Pine Meadow Pond but that's not here there so we had an unfortunate situation okay um I'm not a conservationist I don't think a fence will hold in a 50 ton crane hold please but I also think a fence will hold the wildlife that walks through our area and imped and impede the wildlife we've got turkeys we've got pheasant there used to be a pheasant farm up there you can't find ring neck pheasants in most of Massachusetts but we got them in our neighborhood we have a vixen who just had three kids on that slope so I think there's a need to find a way to keep the expensive Machinery out of the pond and off the slope 100% so I would love to have this as a conversation with a lot of people involved but I don't think having an argument about it in this room is excuse me is going to get us I don't I don't charactere I don't agree with the characterization of an argument maybe I'm mising strong feelings here because there's a lot at stake I would like to State you are not misreading there was a lot of strong conversation that came sir can you remind me your name Bruce Bru Bruce it was delightful um I can tell you have a lot of feeling about what you just presented but I don't quite understand why it came off initially as hostile I apologize if it came off as hostile which I hope I'm just going to keep speaking right now please I I hope it's because you have a lot of passion for what you're doing and that we we can continue to have that conversation but I've been on this board for almost three terms now we goingon to maybe if I get voted in um I haven't seen that level of initial um emotion and I hope that's not how we're going to have this entire conversation CU I look forward to these types of conversations and the negotiations and the discussion where we learn about our properties and about how they value our town um but I don't really want to sit through a project with that level of emotions hopefully we can reset that with how you've talked Jeff and I appreciate that cuz I apologize if I came off thank you know you also want to make it clear that at no point was the owner or the applicant's Integrity challenge that's not that's not what's an issue on here and I have no doubt of the Excellence of the work it really is about the physical site and and the most outstanding part of that is that there and it is an incredibly delicate and valuable area I I want to recognize jessino wait the board yet oh I'm sorry come on haven't got the board going yet we say kind we can't speak to you we will get you so that was is a future I'm looking ahead into the future okay thank you Jess I appreciate it and okay please sir so you've had your opening Salvo a discussion and we will you will okay we've heard from the applicant but can is I I do want to let him say something and prise you can that just to kind of follow up what you know Bruce had mentioned as well as Jeff um the you know we're we're not fighting back on the fact that it needs a barrier the conversation about the barrier we understand that is needed is we just believe that the offense is not the correct method to go um we had discussions about Jersey Barrier Mo burm you know couple couple options that we have you know discussed but we didn't want to provide a Half Baked answer mhm so that's that's kind of the uh the angle that we're looking at thank you I think Ken wanted and I'm going to add a sentence with the a colon here there are best practices in the construction industry for parking large equipment they have to be followed or your insurance fails feel your insurance fails you so there's just we're talking half a million dollar machines guys and and and I and I understand where you're make mistakes no and and they do yes but I have a photo just from just from a couple hours ago where there's a crane literally right on the right on the edge so I'm just I just and I just want to reiterate and I'm not I know the and I can believe we can come up with a solution going forward and I agree and I'm just and we do fre I just want to clarify I know the owner has cleaned up the site you guys have done a great job I the only thing that I would add to that is when that crane went over that embankment it really didn't there was first of all there was no compro nothing compromised on the soil like it wasn't because the ground sank and the crane went over the banking right um we're not exactly sure what went on but the ground is just the same now as it was when that crane went over the banking and when it got to the bottom of the banking the worst that had happened was a couple of trees did get broken from the crane going down over and falling to the side but there was not this great um failure of that of that banking you know what I'm saying it didn't just fail and the crane went over that's not what happened this was this was something where either a break didn't get set or it got left in neutral it was dropped off by uh by our maintenance company that we used to fix it yeah parked it we don't we really can't say exactly what happened but I just want you to know that there was no failure of the underneath I've never let a I've never let a load roll away from you in a snowstorm never let that happen right so anyway but thank you yeah yeah we we was we called it a head scratcher we couldn't figure out because there was no yeah we don't really have an answer either but we do know that the the Earth underneath it is not what made that crane go over the banking it was something to do with the crane itself okay thank you Ken did you have I've got questions and I've got you know comments but I didn't know what how far we want to go yet this is I've got questions on the plans we submitted right away so there's a number of options when we have we do have questions on the plans there's some waiver requests I think some of them we could get to at least three of them the fourth one about storm water may be more complicated um and but I also recognize that there hasn't been a sufficient time for the engineers to represent the applicant to go over the comments that's the DPW comments Town planner DPW and is yeah let's go ahead and ask and get the question surface and what the goal is is to make sure get the stuff get as much as we can out and then regroup to make sure what are the priority things that we can be best prepared for at the next the next time we gather does that make sense yeah so I'd say uh Ken um go for it please well first of all I would like to say thank you for taking an opportunity to come to Air and purchase that property and it's I'm glad to see that somebody made a business decision like that so inevitably I think when we get done it'll be a good decision for all of us and that's what trying to get to um so I was surprised when Bruce said that there were multiple uses I live right down the street uh on the going to the north on the first house to the north and I walked by all the time and I talked to the burnhams I used to go on the site and chat with them so I was surprised when you said there were other uses on the site beyond my understanding of what I saw in the past it was mostly tractor storage and trailers it certainly wasn't anything as heavy as the cranes that are there now there was just no comparison whatsoever empty Trail is mostly things going in and out and it was a very small business it was not a big business at all um so I just didn't know we had multiple uses so inevitably we're going to end up with multiple uses yeah there's a there's a landscape um uh and a textiles and a textiles company that both work out of that space out building out of as tenants NOP they don't use the building they use space on the lot yeah okay on the so I believe the landscape they use in this area y so those those separations of concrete look like concrete structures right there those are there right now yes yep always as far as we know they've always been there yeah okay all right so let's get to the plan so um I've got you know a bunch of questions here the first question that I have is interestingly enough your steel plans that you submitted in the elevations they do not match the site plans steel plan um basically shows the building that have two covered side entrances one on either side the North and the South and the building dimensions are different on the steel plan that the building shows it at 90 up by 150 and your submission is for 80 by 150 so I don't know if you know that changes to the size of the building so you are aware that you turned in a plan that shows those entrances on both sides of the building yeah um the steel plant that will get it need to be updated excuse me that will need to be a little louder I can't hear you really um that steel PL will have to be updated to uh to follow the ex footprint for the while we're on the steel PL it also shows the roof with a pitch on both sides with the high point in the middle yes so my question then leads me to first of all we talked about the dimensions of the building don't match okay the fact that the roof system is different I'd like to know how you proposed your single point of roof drainage to pick up the other side of the building no showing a roof drain from one side of the building to a 12in pipe but the pitch is only half the building I understand so we included a site plan notes uh on here to say that uh all of the entirety of the roof will have to get picked up with um a roof drain manifold system so any down spell location that you know we could potentially add right here it will all get picked up throughout and eventually get to that point right there and then out to the chambers so you're not showing it now it's not we're not showing it now but it's entirely going to imagine it that it's going to happen that way yes I use our imagination it's entirely feasible due to the elevations the vertical elevation that we have from the roof drain shown to the manhole itself I think what Ken is saying he wants to see it on the plan okay you can certainly show it cuz I was figuring that was a flat roof with that you know one point of Outlet like that I see and and just to touch what since you're talking about the drainage you you you have a note up there that talks about the foundation drain the second is there is there a reason for needing a foundation drain well I believe the foundation drain is for the footing for the building itself I understand that you know you didn't hit groundwater and it was like 46 in something like that I believe that it's standard practice to have Foundation range for footing even if groundwater is not a concern you're basically saying it's a it's a note a common note for your drawings it's not specific to this plan is that what no it was specific to this plan um but change we're having discussions internally as to check on to it the building code says if you don't have a show founding Foundation drain you have to have an engineer certificate or letter addressing why and so we have to discuss you know whether we're going to do an engineering letter or and we talk with Charlie about that as to how he wants to address it if he feels it's even necessary is all it is is a frost wall footing you know so whether it's not it's necessary or not and and you're right we don't anticipate collecting a lot of groundw if any at all okay oh just to continue on that because we'll just want to see that on the plan as well where's the outlet for the if you're going to have a foundation drain cuz you say it's going to tie into this subsurface infil no I know but he's saying the note says that it's going to tie into the subsurface infiltration so we'll want to see where it's going to be tying into it okay most likely run to the Y for the the roof Trin but we'll yeah okay um typically when we do a site plan we have a provision for enclosed dumpsters we see a concrete dumpster pad and an enclosure are you showing that anywhere currently we do not um we don't have a location or enclosed creation for dumpster we'll have to either look into that or have that address and the other thing we do but I'm not sure what appli here is a bicycle accommodation right for bicycle it was part of my comments about it already technically me CU I'm the guy it was part of my comments is one of my review I mean I think they could ask for a waiver from it yeah I don't you see that we're going to be asking a waiver for the uh the bicycle rack okay imagine that yeah it was it was it was one of my comments I'll be if I can park my electric bike in yeah we can have a designated George parking for your for your bicycle the um I guess everybody talked about the fact that the landscape wall is sitting on top of the infiltration system so I saw that on other notes I had written it down too but I should have read the other notes first take that out of there um this is just a couple of quick aesthetic notes for the owner so the front of the building I presume the we just talked about the entrances are not going to be on the side of the building it's going to be on the front of the building it's going to be on the front the basically the the the submitted we require sub some elevations with our site plan so those submissions are not adequate we'll have to see something else to sh yeah we'll need some sort of the elevation really is rather than the proposed steel you know erection plan um I think it's a good iide always I bring this up all the time when people come in with a building but in your case because you're in the business uh and you've got so much concrete work I would recommend that you put in a concrete sidewalk in from the front of the building instead of the binous pavement that shows on the drawing uh just proposed binous concrete walkway but I think this business wants a p concrete walkway maybe something even special at the front of the building doesn't than a Pavement that's up to the owner does we don't have control over that but it's a suggestion um when the other when you took down there's been another portion of the building that you already took down no we haven't taken anything down yet okay just remove the junk that was back there that's Bally what you did okay just junk yeah okay so that's the bit that was the core of the other building but there was another structure or something back there you must have got rid of no structure no nothing we moved some of the uh concrete blocks that were holding up portions of the yard area but okay right yeah no there was no other building they just what's there now okay um did you guys do any hazardous 21e reports and things like that for your own knowledge did what's that one that they 21e 21e did it 21 um for yeah for the bank the B head Y when you showed the uh the new infiltration system to the north which you call uh and can you tell us what sheet you're looking at so we can join you right there focal point yep so I see two things here there's there's an arrowead shown going towards the street is that proposed to be an overflow type thing to the street is that actually fills up and doesn't handle it it'll outflow yes and there a little bit of rip wrap and that's it little bit of rip wrap um let see if I can go to the uh I think you better concentrate on making that a deeper sump or something like that with most so that there's a chance that if it overflows it stays right there no you can't do that well it's not a matter of can can it's a matter of meeting the C the preos U runoff and the treatment and that's what working so I'll I'll point to this real quick um just to describe the system itself so water will come in through this uh um rain Guardian it has a top grade and a side grade that dumps out water onto a bed a rip wrap here before going over this landscape area this landscape area you'll have um I want to say 30 in of soil media that is specked out by the manufacturer as well as um these plastic crates that are set at the bottom so between the crates as well as the uh the soil media you get your you know Storage storage and attenuation but um you know when you have a 100e storm um major storm that's coming in obviously it has it's going to pwn up and then it needs to discharge and continue uh to the RightWay um we are proposing to provide um armoring and stacking it up so that on the the lower portion the the portion that's closer to the road uh will allow for approximately 6 in ponding uh prior to spilling over the rip wrap and then spreading it over a span of I want to say 6 7 ft of rip wrap apron dispersing it before it gets to the RightWay yeah I mean if d is okay with it I'm I'm okay no um I'm going to have I'm going to talk to to Matt about it because and to Heather I don't know if we can if we allow that to go offsite so oh I don't think you can yeah that's what I saying it's not going to go offsite it's going to stay there I'm not going to say it's not going offsite it's currently doing that right now uncontrolled so yes management permit so now you have to meet right so you have yes but our our bot does not allow it really we we'll we'll discuss it with everybody it almost looks like a break in a curb where it can go down over the curb or something but I don't know PL is Tiny so the rest of my discussion about that was the fact that the binous concrete you know Cape C burm coming in only goes to the concrete sidewalk so somehow we're proposing that all that drainage is going to it's not going to go out to the street it's going to go across the new pavement all the way across and then downhill to your your little system are you still talking about I'm talking about that system so you're Paving that lot mhm but we're trying to get the water into that new system all it a catch Basin for lack of the right term and then out to the retention area yes and you you're pretty much saying that your design when they pave that is is going to run all the water right into that thing it's not going to go out to the street out the driveway so from this portion and up you see the Contour yeah is trying to channel that water so for from this corner right here going up this portion really into the high point right here that is the extent of what we're capturing for uh this focal point system that's it going to cor get across around that sidewalk and into that thing if it's coming along the building across those handicap spaces and whatnot with the sidewalks in the way so this is flush with the all flush it's all flush yeah there's no curbing in there there's no curbing flush okay if it's flush then it's just going to Across the sidewalk into it along no the grade is higher along the building than it is out where the the Hook is so just my comment is just basically at the end of the day when I walk over there and that's not working I want you to correct it that's all I'm saying for now when it's paved I think he's smart enough to know how to pave it right I'll take I'll take his word for it but I don't think it's shown how that's going to go into that catch base adequately that's my own opinion so it's a biased opinion um and then the last thing we talked about everybody talked about was the outfall going towards the conservation land but on their property that's EXC I just just on that um rain Garden I think this is very similar to what Matt has just put in at Third Street in Marshall this is much smaller it looks but it has the same inl it might be if it is it might be something to look at I know he's got an alall yeah I I think what he's more concerned about is how the path of the water yeah oh yeah no yeah I'm just going back to the design of it it it has a lot of from what we discussed it seems to Look a Lot I like that one it does yeah and you were saying something about the the alall that everyone's concerned about DPW and so forth and conservation and everyone else that Jess is probably going to ask about um yeah is there a reason we cannot put the outflow uh closer you know just a more of an angle away to the this way just to get it further away from where it might run off bringing out like this and run it this way I don't know if that helps on all the does the slope the same everywhere we certainly can um we picked that location specific to the lot line it is a lot line excuse me closer to the gravel service so this isn't pav over here right no it's going to be gravel so I don't know just as far as you can get it away from the slope I guess with as much rip wrap as can be done we can we can certainly cut back on the uh the outlet pipe uh the reason why we chose that location specifically because as you you can see for the existing Contour it is at an area where it starts to flatten out um so it makes the most sense to armor that location and use it as a disperse point right but you can make a location work we can certainly do that yes so we can certainly cut this back uh tighten the uh tighten the Contours a little bit you know bring it back 58 to maybe 5 to 8 ft somewhere between there so that we can give a bigger um rib rrap p and what we're talking about the storm water so the you're going to be regrading all this area up here and up here that is correct what's how are you guys dealing with the storm water from this because it's not being picked up with with the subsurface infiltration which is supposed to be catching all of the Redevelopment area certainly um so that's the uh the further conversation that I want to talk a little bit about the the waiver itself okay um as far as the grading associated with this section right here um the grading as proposed is just a way to tie into existing grade we're not doing anything that's different from the existing conditions now currently this area you have you know a a large area of compacted gravel wrap that's sheet flowing uncontrolled uh but down but you're raising that you're raising that's 305 and you're raising it to 314 right I understand so it's not like you're keeping keeping the same existing Contours yes I understand you're trying to tie into the Contours but that's Redevelopment you're raising it 4 feet CU you're going to have uh those loading Bays on the left hand side are going to be tailboard height right and then you're going to have a retaining wall so it's it's considered Redevelopment and needs to be captured by the subsurface infiltration system mhm I don't see how so I understand that it is higher but getting from point A to point B is still the same change in elevation you're you're raising the sight I understand so it's it's not the same I I it's not the same argument it's it's not the same yes the water path is still the same it's going the same place but you're raising that four 5T more so let's take a look you have a contour I I need to this Contour right here is 305 I'm sorry mess this Contour right here is 305 this Contour here is 311 that's 6t yep I understand um I'm just trying to see if I can uh zoom in a little bit closer um oh you might have to yeah um I don't know if you can bring that down to the bottom of the the oh there we go yeah there you go there you go so if you can see oops that's funky this existing Contour of 315 right here y we're actually cutting down this portion to about 313 some change 314 let's say 314 yeah you're going from 35 15 from point A to a point B of let's say 307 right yeah now we're currently going from 314 to 307 308 308 so I get what you're saying but now we have a steeper slope here because this is 307 is this portion not as steep steep back there so it is yeah but it's back here here and it's and it's a smaller area and I understand it's going down there but now you're expanding that slope it's going back this way it's going you're raising this up 6 ft so it has to be handled it's considered Redevelopment and so you can't just let it wash uh sheep flow off the site we we'll take that into consideration I think there there's a bigger conversation to be had um that I want to get to um and that's really pertaining to the the waiver itself um but we'll we'll consider that um I mean I just want I I just want to clarify I don't know if that's that's not something that I think is up for discussion that is within this storm water management like like that's what has to be done the waiver you're requesting is for TSS removal and phosphorus removal um meeting the 80% of that that is incorrect or it let me just so you're looking for redevelopment storm water management performance standards allow water quality retention volume and pollutant removal to be provided only for the Redevelopment portion of the project site yes that is correct so that is considered Redevelopment yep and that is what we have to go back and consider if we were to consider dis portion and speed development because the way we look at added is getting from water from point A to point B it's currently sheet flowing un control and we're maintaining the same characteristic as an existing condition that's if the conversation were to come around and say that you know we do consider this portion as R development we have to reassess and actually look at picking up the area and that's that's what I mean when I say we have to kind of reconsider it a little bit um so so is that what the waivers requesting that you so that this area does not have to be no I I don't so I guess like that's where I'm confused cuz you said that has to do with the waiver no it doesn't right they're two separate things I think they are different things right yeah in your estimation when you use the term Redevelopment are you only considering the new paved areas yes that's what I thought okay so yeah that's that's not the the definition of Redevelopment Redevelopment is any area that you are going to be your grading adding filling is definitely considered Redevelopment so we will reassess the area if it needs to be picked up as part of Redevelopment then we have to address it accordingly okay um obviously what I meant by P change to the waiver is more specific to the limitation of the infiltration Chambers and what we can realistically provide and in terms of you know8 in times impervious cover mhm and on that waiver so well I think we we're going to talk about that waiver I just since since we're on that um but I want to make sure everyone has a chance get we will discuss that but I wanted to make sure everyone has had a chance to voice their concerns and and stuff and and I just want to yep I was going to ask one question um you show a storm drain lower left hand corner yes this one in here Y is that to pick up and bring it back the infiltration this one yes so starting from this corner yep you'll pick up this portion here yeah and and it's going to pipe you back to the infiltration system that you got right there yes so if we move the outfall from the Overflow towards that storm brain we may actually be introducing the water back into the system we got no no he they would just regrade it so that it wouldn't go that way just wanted yep be clear yeah no that that was something that he clarified he did say he said they would bring it back 5T and then he would I just missed that point I just didn't want to okay thank you K did you have more um the only last thing I have for tonight is that I think you mentioned earlier that you had reached out to its natural heritage is that the idea yes um and they are going to issue a letter of no taking no take they are they going to give you a letter that says it doesn't even apply I don't believe it's in the form of a letter we reached out as um almost like a preliminary assessment um we show that The Limited work and we basically ask her you know do you feel that we need to apply for a um an application for Misa filing okay and she just responded back in an email stating that uh she does not feel that we would need to file for a Misa review you and you know unless we're doing work uh within the um habitat area can we get a copy of that sure so is and is is that one of the reasons why there would be a little bit more hesitance on trying to stabilize that slope no no no okay because if you did then then you'd have to apply for Amisa yep okay just I just clarification that's enough for me thank you Julie you look like you have a question no I'm just deeply aggressed Nathan and Jeff um maybe ahead of the game but I like to ask questions when they're out of order will you be storing fuel or doing any machine repair on maintenance rep we have we have outside service for our machine repair it goes out to be fixed where it gets fixed on our job sites okay good thank you there was a tank oh yeah that was one of my comments as to what that tank was okay go ahead there was aing tank yeah that's that was one of my questions diesel we are going to have a diesel tank fuel storage will be a fuel storage tank on it that's for yeah for our trucks to be filling on site yeah yeah exactly um and I just I don't really I don't know you are you ready mix or are you a um a concrete we yeah we we form we form concrete you're form you don't do the mix at all got it okay cool thank you then I want to ask about storing water and all that goes into no you store the racks there right cuz I've only only seen the I've only seen the cranes the racks and the rack trucks yeah so yeah okay yeah yeah Nathan um just a few one U just Echo where where Ken started which is uh glad to have this property developed have a have a business owner in here the tax base of air is kept low because of a a strong U strong amount of businesses uh I would you know if if there is a short statement even next time we get together on the the business benefit uh of of your industry to to air like we had with Noya uh who was here before you um I think that would be um valuable uh the um the I I agree I'll just say with the the High hopefully with the high level which is the concern of the south side of the property um I I think the sentiment and this is what I would promote is what are the require what is requirements and certainly there there seem to be some requirements that that got brought up um I don't know if there was a requirement for animals to be able to pass through or not be able to pass through but um that's uh as as the you know turkeys come into our backyards um that might be one of the areas of the requirement um the the other requirement was um to not have debris uh exceed the uh the area of development so um I think I think we could phrase a requirement or come to a uh agreement on what's right for that and then certainly um uh heavy equipment right um I would I would and and keeping um uh you know what's going to give a definition to to your employees to to your service uh Personnel where where uh where Vehicles should be uh the we've seen other um another development like this where it's a lot of gravel um and my concern with gravel is you kind of don't know where the sometimes it's hard to know where the edges end so that would be another area that we could uh discuss is how does how does the how does the extent of what's developed and what is used uh be be defined in a way that uh doesn't evolve over time as as uh once once there's an approved plan uh the last thing anybody would intend and want to see is that then there's creep so you're talking about adding faill adding fill adding yeah or a tire gets thrown over whatever it is but I think defining we've worked super hard to clean that place up tires C us the cost to clean it up far exceeds what would be worth us throwing anything over the side of that banking so I think it way to like um when we do uh some other Home Development there are um uh and we have conservation land there's there's a marker put uh um in in the ground so I think some way to define this is the use area this is not the use area I think that would be really helpful and I think they were talking about like maybe possibly proposing a burm or something which would definitely help address that like you know those options that will be discuss in the future from the board's perspective I recommend that we stay at the requirements level and and lean on the applicant for the solution y y we have been working on those Solutions and I would add you know I think the uh the concern about the creep uh realistically the limitation there would be the side slope coming down I don't think you can creep any further than we are right now yeah my you got to push a lot of stuff over the edge to get a couple of feet I'm sorry guys but the sheer volume you'd have to push over the edge to get a Surface back no no but wherever the gravel ends today and no I didn't I see well the gravel end there in 30 years right yes so the uh conversation about the barrier we'll we'll definitely Define that limit um so we'll we'll take that into consideration no yeah Kathy did you have any questions or comments I don't thank you Jess you've been so patient that's okay come on up just a couple comments for me from conservation and I hope even though Heather's doing your minutes she gets to say she's going to have an opportunity yeah um when I was relieved to hear that the uh the slope had not changed with the crane coming down correct um that it seemed stable I just would love that to be just double and triple checked given the amount of rain we're now yep getting and this last year was extremely heavy rain to the extent that whether that can destabilize something that's been stable for 50 years regardless uh second conservation I think we're like other comments are concerned with the sheet flow coming from the is that the east side yeah the the South this right here yeah well from around the corner on to the East and Hing South so yeah moving that um outfall pipe further away I think is great but we're also concerned with um presumably more uh heavy equipment continuing to be parked on site heavy equipment does overtime leak gas or oil and with that being untreated and sheep flowing to to the South that's our concern cuz that is the pristine conservation land down below that slope so we would I guess love to see the pitch of that while it's being regraded sort of shifted maybe to pitch things toward that subsurface in infiltration system instead so that then What flows out is treated we just make that suggestion and then just the third question is where's the diesel tank going to be it's on the picture there you can yeah it's right there right there oh I saw that's not correct oh that is that is a um a DP um MDC holding tank for the floor drain whenever you have storage building you have vehicles inside it's required you have an MDC separ you have a floor drain and you have an MDC holding tank or separator we're not looking to separate it to have it go into any drainage system we're looking it as a holding tank that will be pumped as necessary okay on the heart surface on the upper that image south just a little bit please yeah between that last rack and the building uh there will be a dual compartment double walled enclosed um diesel tank just like they've permitted on other property that they have leased on in town it'll go through the whole fire department process for permitting and it'll be just like their other tank that they yeah can you show that compartment Diesel and death right excuse me diesel and death diesel you just doing diesel cuz the last one I put in I put a death tank next to it and everyone was even happier with me it's a lot cheaper yeah we into it yeah no it it saves you money and you don't have those plastic jugs everywhere yeah they're pain in the neck can you show that on the plan as well that's cuz that that's why I've been that's what I was looking for is the diesel tank can and it'll have containment Underneath It All That All the Right Stuff all the right stuff on that we we're we're not pering at this point we're we're preparing um you know the site plan for all this stuff um the Yan has pered their previous site and they proposed to permit this one as well one more question Mr chair so basically the gravel is the gravel and the gravel is the field where the trucks and the vehicles will move so you parked in different places yeah just like a just like a yard it's just a yard the yard yeah y okay yeah okay I mean all I just wanted to again stress is if it's being regraded consider the pitch um and then I'd love to see if our conservation agent had anything to add come on up of my other comments that were submitted the only April 11th right yes the only additional question I have this time um given everyone's concerns with creatures still being able to access the site which in my opinion is probably not the best place to have turkey and Wildlife to be running through an active project site but that's a mute point I guess is the the outflow that we're discussing about moving back if we're going to discuss Critters maybe it's not the best place to put one is one Vivians and frogs and turtles will climb inside I think we do have a trash rack note okay do have a trash rack note for the flare in section specifically for the prevention of uh okay yeah just and and then to make sure that we're we're not missing the fact that that is natural heritage rare species line so that's the most important outside the fact that it's it buts conservation that rare species line is on that site where vehicles are currently in the vicinity of parking so we're going to be concerned about not putting a barrier to ensure that animals can still cross it but we're talking about rare species at the same time so keeping them out is actually probably more beneficial cuz a little wood turtle or blandings Turtle whatever salamander it's not going to be seen from a crane as you're driving it around so that's about all that who who do we have first here then then but I want to neglect Kathleen after go ahead and then Kathleen please I just want to follow up with that the uh the natural heritage line um it is an estimate it is an estimate um using an online overlay to project it onto the site obviously the actual location of you know habitat is obviously not going to be part of um our developed portion of the site you know obviously you're not going to find any frogs you know rare species up here um but it is an estimate is it is aign that tells you you know you're probably close to it whether or not you're in it or not it's an approximation to follow up on that if you actually blow the whole point up and look at the rare species line it goes around this whole property that's been built up so that rare species line surrounds this entire property just so you know that so it could be an estimate but it goes around all the way up to the dump and y basically borders that entire thing on both sides yeah cuz it's all filled up yeah do we know what the species is I cuz I I still can't find it I can't find Kathleen is waiting patiently for her her is it is it blending Turtles I'm not sure area this is from I've de with must yeah right the Ninja Turtles um so at the Top If you go up to the north side the more this pops up on screen I wonder what are these irregular Fork shaped things Illustrated they're divisions for where we keep our different forms ohes I was like this is a very unique we we put our forms into those like little little BS that's why and those were existing previously got it okay thank you are and you guys store stuff in there right now yeah it's just yeah it's just our forms you know we keep wooden forms yeah wasn't in metal racks wooden forms and metal racks by picked up by cran or by LS so yeah what I would advise given the hour uh I'd like to defer the waivers to the next meeting and also this there's some portion of the waiver request that probably require a little bit back and forth anyway is it am I right okay yeah um so what I'd like to do with the time remaining is just Mak sure sense that we have a sense of next steps and what the priorities are in our understanding we should just kind of discuss like what the for the storm water one especially exactly like to talk about that as well yeah why don't we let go ahead so I want to start with um I guess a little bit of a background context in terms of what we typically look at um for a Redevelopment project um under the mass DPS the 10 standards that um is typically listed out for Mass D talks about if you're in a Redevelopment project and you're reducing the total impervious area on site you only require to provide uh stol water to the maximum practicable so in speaking about the term you know maximum practicable I want to talk a little bit about the testing that was done on site the the soil testing that was done on site um were somewhat limited due to the fact that we are in a situation where um we have a lot of ledge um and we have a lot of unsuitable fill um both are which you know you cannot locate a storm water system over just due to the fact that you know following regulations you can't do that so in the few areas that we were able to actually go down uh and find suitable material we have a couple of test pits here that we've done uh par test for as well as a set or a pair of test pit over here that we have done perk test for um this gets us to meet the title 5 requirement for locating a uh septic fuel as we go further into the site we have four test pits shown here I'm sorry five the system itself is located over these two test pit specifically mhm the reason being is that that is the only spot that we were able to find uh pairing material um things that you know we we're allowed to infiltrate storm water into for the remainder of the test pit this one over here is all unsuitable fill you know the stuff that's probably lining up the side slope and really the rest of the site um similar with this one and this one here we have done some uh testings or just trying to dig down um on the north side of the the project site trying to find a location some way we can fit Chambers in just for the roof anything that we can do to try to mitigate those uh those soil water um unfortunately we hit a lot of ledge and we're kind of stuck with the two locations test fits at we have right now so the site was designed kind of around um you know the limited space that we do have for placing um recharge so getting into you know this Redevelopment status for the project we have laid out in the storm water narrative the uh typical checklist for a Redevelopment we've gone through each one and basically um determine or you know demonstrated that we have met per the state standards the um the 10 standards as listed under Redevelopment um on the state side as I understand for the uh local side you know the town of a swm water RS we're required to provide 8 in times the total site impervious cover to the maximum practicable again we're limited to the space that we do have here therefore we needed to spell out exactly the ex you know the extent of what we can do in a realistic sense so just before you go yes use the term maximum practical a number of times and what what sending that's setting up a flag for me are you setting us up for you may say well the calculations show x amount of water but we can only pra maximally practically handle this amount and the rest of it's going to sheet off not quite um it more it has to do more with what we're we're doing as part of the Reel Redevelopment itself and was existing you know as I mentioned 2/3 of the site is Disturbed and is currently sheet flow uncontrol onto the adjacent side slope and onto the resource area um the waiver itself um well let's back up a little bit we're providing drainage to meet the regulations so the maximum practicable from the standpoint of we are providing 08 in times the portion that is Redevelopment to be captured and infiltrated prior to overflowing we don't have sufficient capacity to address the existing portion of site that we're not touching due to the fact that a we don't have suitable material to locate the system in and B um we're you know we are doing everything we can to I keep using the term maximum practicable but you know from our point of view it is we're doing the most we can but we still have to get those um I guess the waiver your s acts as a a vehicle of sort to kind of get these things in front of you guys to have you to be upfront and to have it discussed MH not because we're required to have it as a waiver but we're in fact by definition a waiver is your request it's not what we require what we require is conformance you ask for a waiver so right we don't require you to make a waiver that's correct okay thank you so can I just on a couple of things um interesting you you stated that you guys did test pits along all of the site mhm I only see four five test pits I only got soil logs for five test pits I did not get soy logs for any of your other test pits that were conducted problem okay yeah you ask for it we'll yep okay so um we'll definitely need to see those just to um you know to consider for the waiver no problem um the also you say that you hit uh suitable fill um Matt can can I ask you a question when you're um if you hit unsuitable fill can't you remove that unsuit unsuitable fill and put in new ver uh new fill uh yeah of course you again um unsuitable fill just so just a back up with the soil and the ledge and all that so I I do agree applicant that there is just from my understanding looking at soil Maps there is ledge MH eastern part of the site basically where they're not doing any grading yeah um so I do understand that I guess in the future for you know if you say you're doing test pcks and you hit something and it would just be good to have that on record just so we know okay you tried and and at what depth he hit the ledge right correct yeah that would help us I guess be able to make decision on the way to the quest um but in terms of unsuitable Phil I'd like to know I guess what that is yeah because you know in in my experience I've seen we've we've hit unsuitable fill before you excavate it out as deep as you can you put new fill Down 2 feet to make sure you you at least meet that twoot standard and then go from there in a moment I want to give the gentleman a chance to respond so unsuitable Phil well let's kind of back up a little bit under the mass storm water handbook volume 2 chapter 2 ination Basin it's specifically stated that we cannot locate the system over fill so whether that is unsuitable fill or fill that you placed in you cannot do that it has to be infiltrated into parent material right so the adjective unsuitable is that the fact that it's fill at all is not like there's a special kind of fill versus an un an acceptable kind of fill there's fill yes and okay thank you so we have an interesting question you have an interesting conundrum on this I was my only question is you're talking about detention Basin but you're you're proposing a subsurface area so I to talky about the St for a detention Basin infiltration period infiltration infiltration system in general I brought up infiltration Basin because it's the closest thing to these Chambers in terms of TSS removal and what they show uh for you know General pre-treatment uh TSS phosphorous removal as well as the credit you get from the system um there's not a page itself there's not a page under the current Mass wmart handbook specifically for these Chambers because they are a proprietary system so obviously you know each menu ufacturer would have to you know seek out D and have the conversation of you know what what is it that you need from us to get the system itself to show up in the mass stor water handbook which it currently doesn't so we chose the we chose to highlight the infiltration Basin because that is the closest thing to it and it is a standard practice to not have to Lo not to not locate infiltration system overfill yeah but you but an infiltration Basin you can dig down an extra cup two feet and use this you know material which would be suitable for infiltration which is why I said that we were only able to find parent material for these two specific test pits here the rest are all unsuitable fill that were logged and the the information that provided in the storm water management report and so that's good on the on the standard on on Redevelopment versus so you're saying um that Redevelopment is just the impervious that is not what I'm saying like in the in this so what you're going to be accounting for for your storm water your Redevelopment is only going to be the impervious area which is your pavement and your building and you know all the other impervious area side blocks and that um apron that you're going to have around there correct I believe because the talent of air consider compacted gravel wrap um you know the stuff that's currently exists on site right now as impervious we consider those impervious in our calculation so obviously in the pre as well as the post so in terms of getting the 0.8 in of um recharge required for the Post you're not looking at just the building the pave portion you're also looking at you know a portion of the gravel um driveway itself to be counted towards that uh volume provided inside the chambers yeah but you're your subsurface infiltration is not accounting for that extra stuff that you are redeveloping right because this is this is that whole argument I had before this area and the regrading up here correct you're only accounting for this this and this the concrete in the back well yeah the the building and the concrete I believe this portion as well is being directed to the curb here being picked up so you're looking at this chunk right here as well as uh so this area this chunk right here yeah you so you're counting for this to go this way but at this point where your your your AR arrows going this way so all this grading and this grading here is not being accounted for that is correct situation shual sh so so that remains an open area of contention then right I mean that needs to be resolved based on 100% correct and as I said earlier on we want to get together with Don engineer with Danny and everybody and we have some ideas to address some of that and you know this is our initial meeting we just got comments yep we want to move forward okay so what I propose is to bring this close to this evening and obviously continue on to the next one but I I think that I think we should talk just the landscape one the landscape one I think we did enough I think yeah let's leave it um and and everyone jump in on so as I understand some of the most important areas are just as we just said resolve the contentious issue of what is accommodated within this in the storm water system and just is a general way just the the significance of that especially that the sensitivity of that Southern Slope and you're aware of how much we're concerned of it and then um obviously there's going to be some back and forth discussions with DPW conservation and uh I just hope that over in the next month we'll be able to get us your responses to the inputs you got from the town planner conservation and the third uh and and DPW does that sound good yep can I have a motion for continuance please i' like to move to continue to the next Air I'm going to assume May 28th we can get this all in place by May 28th there's a lot of work to do I'm just going to ask before I make the mo don't want to put you in this position honestly uh move to continue the public hearing for 991 gr Harvard Road map 13 Lot 8 to the next AA planning board meeting on May 28th 2024 second second any further discussion hearing none Ken I Julie yes Nathan I Jeff yes chair votes I thank you we'll see you there time got the date but I do know if 6:15 is our I'm sorry 6 I didn't say it but and that's in May 28th is is that correct we don't we don't specify the exact same exct I wasn't sure if I I was writing notes yeah we start at 6:15 thank you very much have good night everybody do this you do the short draw this time thank you that you do the short draw today almost um a good so that's how I started by the way and I'm still here thank you thank you have a good night um just very quickly one of the things we want to do in terms of the project status update we're not going to get into who's going to do what committee signs but just so that Danny can start a list of where we are and then we can have another pory Pig another meeting discussion assignment so we just as a baseline so I'm uh doing the storm water utility Advisory Group and what's the name of that Pine Meadow group uh Heather oh it's it's a land stewardship land Steward I mean it's hardly a committee it's small it's but I can't the the request is what other true that's what this is but as a as a member of the planning board what are the what are the groups committees or are you appointed to are you appointed to our planning board had as a planning board our other as as as a planning board member Direction Heather so as a planning board member uh I'm currently on the storm water utility Advisory Group okay and then we'll just go around the table just to get a record go the other way cuz I got to think about this okay got a lot mrpc I'm actually on the Executive Board of mrpc now and um affordable housing they affordable housing trust oh what was the acronym you said monachus Regional planning Council spell it mrpc too much mrpc okay um I'll be participating with um excuse me I'm sorry Barry reminded me de thank you Barry I'm so sorry Nathan I heard Barry talk I heard my conscience talking in the corner jimy um whatever um the affordable the working group working group yep so affordable is that different than affordable housing yes yes subset it's wicked and this board it is well no the of the the select board sorry working group is Select board so yeah it's a working group in which the select board gave um Janet provadis the ability to um draw from different draw from some different boards and the affordable housing is the affordable housing trust and there's also an affordable housing committee we'll talk about L and I will I'm waiting for Alicia to get back on me get back to me on how long your term is and if you're you're up this year or next year CU it's a two or three year and we're finding a hard time finding people so it may roll yeah so we got Nathan we got Jeff got Nathan working group right Julie Community preservation committee through the planning board CPC stuckless anyone um in the dev and yes de resolution whatever Jeff's on I'm on frame yeah deon's resol forgetting to invite me so I haven't really confusing we named ourselves appointed me and then didn't invite me again okay and what do you want right now so these are appointments that here's a planning board member we need a planning board person on this other yes cuz I'm in June reappointments will be up and we'll have to do those again that would be the um I'm not sure if it applies but the affordable housing committee I don't think is a planning board person is it it's just are you on the affordable housing committee on from the affordable housing committee I represent the working group not the plan okay so you're so those don't the affordable housing committee yeah so those don't count right so those two don't count yeah right um so from the planning board to anything about the senior center the senior center I'm not sure that's either a planning board thing that's a separate committee that came from the select board that is the senior center selection it's the senior center uh site selection selection committe building yeah cuz you were not appointed from that from the plan Po from this pool okay nope right okay so that doesn't count Ken you're looking like a slacker here I'm telling you I Ken on the next one doesn't have time he's got too much going on there's another committee that hasn't even two other committees that haven't even met one of them is an energy committee that's that hasn't met for years okay and that also I don't think it's a plan and the other one is uh there's an open space and Recreation group too that I've been to some of those meetings I I think that one was based on the plan that was redone so that once the plan was submitted and voted on and approved that it that was the master that was the master plan not representing the planning board you're doing you have plenty of other you well the whole point of this was not to okay it was just literally to get the facts down so I put all this together so that every let you know is there a burning project status update that everyone needs to here tonight no uh we don't have meeting minutes tonight there is one what 42 Park Street we should we do we need an update on that I don't know I mean as of now it's under construction it's under construction they're moving forward um um I don't no complaints okay good um great yes sir would like to take a moment if I may um want to um department heads did an amazing job this year preparing the town and preparing the town warrant and preparing everybody to be able to to accomplish the town's business last evening Danny Ruiz stood in front of a very Danny I love what we do and I would not want to stand there and try and explore expain a table of use to anybody who's been sitting in a chair for 2 hours at that point in time so I just want to commend Danny for as a department head for the amount for the quality of the work he's been doing in order KS there was and that was by the way I think our most attended 214 residents definitely was the most attend that was the I've ever it was it was an odd evening but I want to know and I just want to acknowledge I'll I'm reaching out to all of the department heads um as I see them but I think you had tough questions you really did okay great um motion to adjourn so moved second everyone it's uh it's been a a lot to absorb this evening and I recognize too this is backto back from town meeting last night it's a lot so I want to thank everybody and uh I'm glad that we got we have a month of rest and we can to the next