hello and welcome to the Tuesday May 28 2024 meeting of the air planning board have an an official opening I must read this meeting hearing of the air planning board will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this inperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance and our participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast on unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this a agenda should make plans for in-person versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID number 833 6548 0732 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Danny Ruiz Town planner at D Ruiz a.m. us or 978 772 8220 extension 144 prior to the meeting first item is to approve the agenda do I have an motion move to approve the agenda seconded any discussion on the agenda hearing none Julie how do you vote Yes Nathan I Jeff I chair votes I it's unanimous uh the first item is uh one New England way um the applicant is this is Noya the applicant is not here and they've requested a continuance to the July 9th planning board meeting and let me just uh context please do provide contact the uh the application that's before us is for a minor modification but due to the fact that the variance uh for this project lapsed um right they had to they have to reapply to the zba for a variance on the height uh the next meeting for the zba is going to be on June 26th so the applicant is going to be continuing out till July 9th right may I make a motion Mr sir may I make a motion that the public meeting for one New England way map 17 lot 18 uh the minor modification of the site plan decision applicant tetr Tech owner asso Foods USA LLC be uh postponed until the planning board meeting of July 9th 2024 seconded any further discussion hearing none Julie how do you vote Yes Nathan I Jeff I chair votes I thank you our next item is uh Washington Street Panther Place Joe if you would step up please and just use to say your name and address and your usual thing Joe LaVine air development welcome Joe will you set this up for us Danny yes uh so the uh Joe has requested a uh release of the Covenant for uh Lots 1920 of Brig Circle and lots one and two on gasan Lane uh the DPW as part of the the cons uh the um the Covenant release uh the DPW has to go out there and do an inspections on the site the DPW did provide us with a letter for um this Covenant request um there are do thanks um and uh so if do you want me to read through read the letter uh that the DPW gave I'm happy to yeah sure okay I'm sorry May 21st 2024 a planning board won meting Street a mass 0 01432 regarding the Covenant release Lots 19 and 20 of Brak Circle and lots 1 and two of Gaskin Lane Panther plate subdivision dear board members developer of the panther PL subdivision has requested the release of the covenants on the subject Lots at this time the subdivision is substantially constructed all water and sewer infrastructure there remains site work including but not limited to drainage grading curving sidewalk lighting and top course Paving all water and service sewer service line stubs have been installed it is my understanding that there are 26 Lots in the subdivision and six have been released of their covenants leaving 20 Lots currently under Covenant for the construction of the subdivision Lots 19 and 20 have been substantially constructed while Lots 1 and two are in the early stages of construction Additionally the developer plans to install curving sidewalks and finish the storm water basin in Brick Circle during this construction season based on the above we recommend allowing the release of lots 19 and 20 of brick Circle but no further COV release until the remaining construction of brick circle is substantially complete uh open friend I.E curving sidewalk construction of brick Circle IR into the school and the rain gardening turnaround close p as further covenants are released there may come a time to switch to cash shity pen like Riley Jane Farm Clos pen to cover remaining work if you have any questions or require any additional information please feel free to contact me sincerely Don V skeli PE T ofir director public works thank you sir Joe you got you got this and no it's fine objection okay you know Dan was there and we went over stuff I don't have anything Dan's been fine you know I was I told him the truth I was trying to ask for one and two more of a convenience of your time so we don't have to come back if uh Dan thinks it's in the best interest of the town to hold off I'm not I'm not planting my flag on that so but 19 and 20 years great would be important so yeah okay thanks do we need to have a vote for the finding for the release of the two lots 19 to 20 y exactly so uh uh let's see if I can try to phrase it I I I moveed to approve the release of the Covenant on Lots 19 and 20 uh of the panther Place subdivision as described in our agenda second any further discussion hearing none Julie yes Nathan I Jeff yes votes I congratulations and good luck with the remaining work all right thank you very much um kiding I we should Joe we should spend more time like this so we need to to we the the 33rd Street 333rd Street has been open we need do we need uh any further language to open it actually it's 2 29 oh minus CH okay oh sorry I got an old one all right pardon me sir so 27 and 29 Harvard Road is our next item okay 27 and 29 do we need any kind of vote to or we've already open and we open and continue so let's welcome the representative yes good evening board members attorney Tom Gibbons for 27 to 9 Harvard Road LLC Danny I don't know if you want to give a summary or right but it's been since October of last year that we were here yeah I can give a quick summary so in October of last year uh Tom gibons and I had a conversation regarding the Zoning for this project and um on whether or not the the zoning uh that was done by the citizens petitions actually went fully through and and actually rezone the properties and based on the fact that the zoning map was never adopted at town meeting the rezoning never actually re never actually occurred so that's why we pushed this off until this town meeting this April uh the April town meeting so that the zoning map could be updated showing the rezoning from General residence to General business um that was adopted and um uh so now we're at the point that uh they could come back and finish the uh uh application for the site plan and and uh special permit uh at the in the October meetings we had gone through the the updated site plan um so that was uh handled and and gone through um so we really were just kind of waiting on the reone the rezoning right and um to just go through the draft decision okay and do we need to have two separate votes for site plan and special permit in in order okay and is there anything for us to discuss before we get to that point I think just turn it over to have comments um so I think everything you know we in on October 10th we had the the site plan presentation by cal um I made a presentation on the um special permit so I think we were all said it was just a matter of updating the plan which Cal did a couple days later y so I think we're there uh I know that you only have four members here tonight so um I'm hoping that does anybody have any issues with the special permit and if so then I might ask for continuance but if I sense that there is no concern with the special permit for the use of flag none here um I'm sorry just like seeing attorneys not only kidding I'm I'm I'm perfectly fine with We Stand yeah so we understand your concern but I have a I think we're on good ground here okay I think we're at a point where we can move on I appreciate that then we'll move forward okay great thank you um what's the right language what's the verb here so uh just before we we mve to that um with uh yes so the decision that I sent over to attorney gibons um I believe you had one comment which was on General condition number five yes so it was applicant must obtain compliance with all Zona requirements before building permit is issued this is kind of just a general condition that I have running on all the others and I kind of updated this decision for your purposes because it was uh kind of an older one there's no uh there's no real site work or anything going on so I updated it in a in a way to to fit your uh the application for this um so that is kind of just one of the running General conditions that I have in all the other projects so it's not specific to this project I know that you're not applying for any building permits right that's all I wanted to make clear that there isn't any building permits yeah so there is no building permits and we do know that it's just a general condition thank you yep don't the general conditions follow with the property not with this applicant so this is for future applicants should they want to do a vild yes yeah so so this just want to be clear why the language is there that's general public is just you know it's great that we're doing it now but it's for theity of the property cuz uh you know as much as I hate to admit it property's going to probably outlive me yeah so I mean it they're yep okay you know yeah I'm fine with that you're fine with that um yes so I think if we want to just kind of go through uh the find the um the findings just to make sure we're all set with the findings so that's section four yep section four should I read them into the record um I I don't think we need to read I think it's kind of to see just to make sure is everyone okay with the findings on the on there um it just kind of lists out the site plan ones which we go through for the requirements for each of those that it meets all the findings for site plan as well as all the findings for the criteria for the special permit criteria 1 through six of the um Arizon and bylaws um and then a description of the property and the uses okay great I trust that the numbers are correct we do the math so okay one question yes sir Nathan um is there what plan are we referencing is that in here yes yep I have it up here um it is the July um existing condition plan uh so it's under materials number three so it's so it's number one it's dated July 2023 revised through October 13 2023 all right Nathan would you like to give a stab at forming the um motion for the site plan yep and so the Motions are right here sure oh where are they what page oh it's right there doesn't read some have volunteered for this one you can get special permit okay um yeah I would like to it's just probably should reference the address as well uh I move that we approve the site plan um for 2729 Harvard Road dated October 13 2023 uh subject to the standard conditions and special conditions numbered in this decision uh in this decision is dated 52824 um and we don't have any additional conditions in the meeting nope thank you Nathan do I have a second seconded any further discussion hearing none Julie yes Nathan I Jeff I chair votes I site plan is approved I need a motion for the special permit approval I will make I might as well just throw myself in here uh I make a motion for the approval of the use special permit from section 52 of the table of use regulations class of use 6.2 and close fabrication pursuing to subsection 32034 uh special permit subject to the standard conditions and special conditions numbered in this decision and that would be of course for the property Loc located at um 2729 Harvard Road second any further discussion Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff hi jar votes I thank you very much I appreciate it you I'll get you an updated one and then I I'll get in contact with you very good thank you have a good night guys have a good one that brings us to 333rd Street and this this is the last meeting I was not in attendance at did you do the M did you oh no um I was not at the sidewalk excuse me no yeah you were not at the sidewalk I was not at the sidewalk okay thank you we we were discussing we're fine you could still vote right yes I just wanted to be clear that I was not at the S sidewalk hello sir good evening Brandon duchar Dave D Ross associates also here with Dan AO um at our last meeting we had submitted and kind of gone over the final plans um and then left you folks with some time just to review those changes um also we had a chance to kind of look at the draft decisions sent over um we've we've gone through those don't have any comments on those and before we talk about the findings Danny there weren't any special conditions or anything significant for us to discuss right we're we're good on this right let me just so on the storm water one there were uh three special conditions that okay let's look at that that ran and I think we should discuss let's do that what page direct me to so page it's uh page seven oh okay under uh section five special conditions um these are I put these in the special conditions portion because these are Under the um uh oh you're on the site plan one oh there's a separate oh it's a separate document y right over there no that oh so thank you um so the reason these are Under special conditions is these are from our storm water regulations and uh there uh some specific condition there's some uh some of the regulations that are within the uh within our our regulations that aren't specific to every project they're only specific to some projects so I think these are uh something that we should discuss to whether or not we want them in this project um you know so I think we should just go through them okay so the first one would be a storm water maintenance fee or Bond may be required to ensure the operations and maintenance of the storm waterer system the fee or Bond would be based on the cost estimate providing the value of 5 years of the O andm of the storm waterer system this fee or Bond shall be in place prior to receiving the final certificate of occupany from The Building Commissioner um so with this project being single family homes and they're going to all be owned by separate people I don't think this I don't think this special condition is is you know should be required for this one project um so just so that everyone knows this is a template draft version of the storm water management permits with all these conditions that we'll carry over to other projects and as we go through them we'll remove the special special conditions that don't yeah Case by case and then we can do that but that's why they're here that's not punitive is just right uh does anyone feel a a hankering to apply a fear Bond on this just um Mr chry I think we're bringing this up because we have a unique situation where this development requires storm water management typically that's not in yeah and S plan review it was one of those weird situations where they triggered because of the land clearing plus plus the site plan review and the storm water management it was typically single family homes don't require site plan review um yes uh so the maintenance and you know well is the maintenance then going to be captured in the deed is that yeah the o m and therefore it's enforced by what yeah yeah so the uh the onm is actually required to be uh so under condition number 15 um 14 and 15 so the storm water management permit decision this one has to be recorded at the uh regist of deeds and the approved omm also needs to be recorded at the registry of deeds um so we could have a special condition which we've we we had discussed kind of in in um previously about requiring that this uh the omm just gets referenced in each of these Deeds so that everyone knows that it's got to be a part that it's in there may I ask a question Mr chair of course um I don't have a copy of plans are part of me and that's not does shouldn't deter help um each one of the individual homes has its own storm water yes it's not a common stor water for that's kind of the uniqueness especially we talk about this there is no like homeown Association or anything going to be individual homeowners are just going to maintain it the same as they would a septic system I I just want to make I just want to put on the table that anybody who happens to be in TV Land we're not asking three people to not be responsible for a single system we're asking each individual homeowner is made aware that they have a strong water system that they have to do some maintenance on which is basically rake it and stuff like that correct So yeah thank you wanted to be clear y so we can strike that one yeah well so uh so I believe so I would I would move to make a motion that under Section five special conditions and I want to get the title correct so bear with me please of the major St Water Management permit for Lots 123 and 333 Street a m we removed the special condition number one uh requiring a stor water mantenance for your bond required Etc seconded discussion yes please um I get I get the example of the septic tank the septic tank is going to force somebody to act on it because it's going to back up um just a little concerned that there isn't an enforcement mechanism or a trigger like is this thing going to fail there's there's there's enforcement so the um my apology So the plan will have to have several it has two inspections a year two reports be submitt a year when those don't get done it get reported to to PL your planning office my office and DPW one of the three of us more whatever we'll ensure that those are done and if those inspections are not done then it'll come back to this board for enforcement okay so again kind of to relate it to like a septic you know point of sale there's a Title 5 inspection that happens to kind of catch that the way that this is now is yeah there's going to be annual inspections or you know there's a there's a time frame they get has to be done and submitted yet byse okay right that my concern thank you okay great any further discussion hearing none Julie how do you vote Yes Nathan hi Jeff hi sure I so I would just uh I think we should to add a special condition is um that uh the uh the omm the approved onm shall be referenced in the deed of each of these Lots may I may I ask point of clarity the town will receive a copy of the on also yes so we do have one okay good that's all I want to make sure yep we do have it having had to enforce these for condo complexes they get a little tough to do sometimes what about the other two special conditions then condition number two uh condition number two is so in the case where the town of the air takes ownership of the project from the owner a maintenance fee shall be required um any an annual fee will be based on the estimated value of the um annual routine of omm and storm water system additional fee May uh apply and should be additional maintenance to be required so on this one um I don't see a a situation in which the town would ever take over a single family home's storm water system so I don't think uh we should uh this one needs to be applied to this project okay we have to go through the same thing I mean I so we don't we don't have to Mo move and vote because we can do it at the end all in one once uh once we've discussed everything at the end we'll we'll approve it based on the um conditions added or removed during the meeting and does that everyone clear on condition number two yes and what about number three uh certificate of compl completion shall be recorded uh so I would say yes that stays right because uh they have to prove that it was all built and in conformance and uh they submit that information to the Building Commissioner okay and then you requested a a new special condition the uh the approved the approved omm shall be included in the Deeds for each lot is that the idea shall be referenced shall be referenced in each in each deed deed of the of the three lots each deed of the three lots is is that duplicate to 14 and 15 no you want you want the as built no no no I want the actual onm reference the reference from the deed of uh the once they record the onm at the registry of deeds I want that reference within each of the um the Deeds that are going to be going to each of the homeowners so that they have an easy can I translate that yes so everything recorded the reg gets book and Page yes book 27 page 62 okay so the on andm gets book that gets included in each one of the individually recorded Deeds so the homeowner can't say I don't know where it is because it's right there in their de it just makes it much easier for people to get a hold of it as opposed to exactly what Jeff said you know oh I don't know what it is I don't know where it is I don't know how to find it it makes it much easier which is very different than I don't want yeah and it makes it easier so if a new person buys the home like so that every time it gets sold it's not something that gets Lost in Translation or if it goes through a foreclosure or yeah or a non-friendly sale you want to have that information referenced good so um can we take these in turn now yes so I think we should start with a motion for the site plan approval for um 33 Lots 1 through3 for 333rd Street uh I make a motion that we approve the site plan as delineated in the 52824 um what do you call this document uh site plan approval site plan approval document uh for Lots 1 through3 at 333rd Street second any further discussion hearing none Julie yes Nathan I Jeff I vot's I site plan is approved now this next one's a little trickier to construct for the uh uh you want to try this yeah move to approve the major St water man one second sorry who seconded that other motion I did just okay sorry oh yeah you got to write these down just so just while writing so I moved to approve the major St Water Management permit as discussed for Lots 1 through3 at 333 Street and I'll point out that we have struck under Section five special conditions one and two and added and added a condition that the approved o andm shall be referenced in each deed of the three lots seconded great any further discussion hearing none Julie yes Nathan I Jeff I sure votes I excellent it's approved thank you sir thank you I'll I'll contact you after I've gotten all the signatures and updated it we need a motion to close the public yes do we need a motion to close the public do we actually need to make motion for the previous one too to close that 2729 move to close the public hearing for 333r street map 34 par 136 I second the motion any further discussion hearing none Julie yes Nathan hi I Jonathan the chair votes I given the belt and suspenders approach of doing our work yes I move to approve move to close move to close the special unit for 27 and 29 Harvard Road map 35 Parcels 21 and 22 second seconded by Julie excellent any discussion uh Julie how do you vote Yes Nathan hi de hi chair votes I okay great it's like we want want to get this done and then our next up 91 Groton Harvard Road do we need to do a continu a motion it's already been opened okay it's already open we'll have a continuous motion at at the end I would like Danny to set us come on up linut no I can we got extras we got extra chairs yeah bring yeah that's perfect everyone gets a comfy chair tonight why not we roll around going ask you to set this up and especially if you give us an idea what we can actually accomplish tonight that would be great thank you sir so uh on so last Monday uh the uh we had a meeting with GPR it was myself Heather uh Dan and Matt uh with L and um Nick Nick um just to kind of go through the comments and the responses um we managed to you know uh iron out a lot of the issues uh we we uh settled on some of the things um like uh discussing about the uh edge of the property on what we're going to do on whether or not a fence or a jersey barrier so they're going to be providing us updated information uh for all these responses and additional comments uh additional information that we requested at that meeting um I think at what at this point what we can do is discuss setting up a site visit yes definitely um and I think that's really it um unless uh okay there's something else you you think we you want to discuss well um I guess more specifically I want to talk a little bit about the um you know the solution to the uh the fencing having a barrier at the top of the slope a little bit more I'm not sure how much of the um if I may and I I do want to get I want to hear it too go ahead but I'm going to also say that we've got a big night tonight and it's hard for me in my brain to discuss a solution without actually standing on the premises I got you so I'm happy to but I I get the other side of the coin is it's somewhat of a academic discussion at this point I'm going to ask limma just to talk about it because at least I want to have the image in my head of what you intend when we go out to see it and yes we'll redis we'll rediscussed when we get there and it'll become clearer to us especially because they're also going to have to provide us with an actual spec sheet that you know DPW is going to have to review and everything so that's why a detail sheet on that um so that's why he you know discussing it will be helpful for you when we get to side visit but then also seeing it on the plan will will be very helpful okay okay let me you have the floor thank you um so following the last meeting and you know going back to the drawing board and talking with the team um the solution we came up with is you know the jersey barrier slw block um lined in the way that I don't have the yeah I can pull up the plan really quickly here essentially lining up the uh the top of slope around the the edge of gravel area surrounding the site on the the back portion there um and the waste block SL Jersey Bears will be spaced out in a way so that no vehicles um uh can pass through and you know on top of the jersey barrier we're proposing um this Stone and dry mulch burm right in front and in between it so that the idea is that you know as you have this uncont control sheet flow that's coming down from this existing gravel path uh uh driveway patch coming down on um sheet flowing on control it hits the mulch it gives a chance it gives it a chance to catch all the debris sediment slows down the water and then there's going to be a layer of stone underneath to make sure that the water gets you know filtered percol and slowly percolating through sort of making the um you know the general existing conditions making sure that it's actually being dispersed properly and not creating channelized flow down the slope um that is like the you know the main thing that we want to talk about so for clarity I'll get to you one second when you say in front of so I want to know if we're working from this to this is it Jersey Barrier and then the burm as you described or is the burm then the jersey barrier and the cliff so the jersey barrier is going to sit like so the BM is going to going to go right up and around it and the burn faces The Edge or the oppos up side it would be UPF Flow side not the down Flow side so it's going to be on the inside BM that's what I'm asking so the BM will be on the inside then there's the Jersey barriers corre okay that's what I wanted Clarity on thank you and Danny if you wouldn't mind showing where we propos that so that's going to go so it's going to go along the edge so if you see the this gravel right it's going to go along here keep going going to keep going all the way around to right here right to there to where the BM is to where the the Cape Cod BM will be right there so it it'll go all the way around the reason for the stone is so that water snow Etc doesn't push the mulch back we don't want just the the mulch to be there so you'll see from the front you'll still see the top of the barriers you'll see the big spaces between the barriers and then in front of that will be you'll see mulch a mulch edge around the whole thing you won't see the stone unless you get right up on it to look in between or past the mulch cuz the mulch will cover the stone what happens over time does The Mulch get recharged or you just expect plant life to vegetate that Mulch and and form like a more living solid barrier what what I I think it's just going to stay as mulch you I mean there'll be some plant life in it but mostly it's going to stay as mulch when you say stay as mulch what I mean is like mulch doesn't last forever I mean it Mulch and then it's gone is it is it replaced that's to be included in the O M yeah we'll put it in the O andm but I mean if you're putting 6 in to a foot deep of mulch on top of stone to hold it in place it's going to stay there okay you'll see that there's a lot of mulch on the slope in places already all right one of the uh one of the uh issues open is the treatment of uh storm water keep that up please yeah I'm just going to yeah that's that's what I'm trying to do I know what's going on and and this is another thing where I'd like Clarity and and my colleagues can jump in there was some discussion about whe the regrading necessitating storm waterer treatment over here and I just want to get clear is this com this burm um Jersey Barrier combination your proposed solution to that runoff or is this in addition to or complementary to that solution it's somewhat complement or supplementary to it um I want to kind of touch upon the uh the grading area a little bit okay so you know as as proposedly we are providing a drainage Improvement to the existing site currently they the site just sheet flow on control you know the whole thing coming down the side of the slope by providing an on-site storm water system you know the first thing we're doing is reducing the total impervious area on site secondly we're providing treatment for you know approximately I want to say you know maybe a third of third plus of the disturb existing area and we're also reducing the peak runoff rates for up to and including the 100e storm event okay so you know these are all the improvements that we're providing as design um you know from a regulatory and analytical standpoint the jersey barrier burm is not going to provide us with you know a quanti ative number of you know Improvement that we can put on paper right but it is still a supplementary Improvement to an existing site that has no you know treatment whatsoever you know we feel that you know by doing all the things that we're we're currently doing as well as in addition to the mo berm and the jersey barrier we feel that we've done you know to the maximum practicable because we're kind of stuck in a situation where we don't have you know we can't find par material I'm sorry what material par material in the soil as we're digging down there's no you know other suitable area that we can potentially put in a treatment that can give you that you know 80% TSS removal that's typically required per the storm water handbook all right so I I just got to I got to I got to step in here so at our meeting that we had last Monday I specifically told you that we want want to see an option as to how you're addressing this area and that we wen't you had four people in there you had myself you had Heather you had Matt and Dan all telling you specifically we wanted to see an option on how you are addressing this and that using this BM was not going to be enough of an argument towards this waiver we and I just want to make sure that's why I'm just making sure that everyone in in the on the board understands this as well that we need to be able to see the options on what you're saying is would be capable would how you guys would be capable of addressing that issue if it is something that need that goes above and beyond that would cause more is more impervious area to offset that they we just need to see the options before the board um so I just want to make sure that that's clear and prior to giving you guys the option we just want to hear the board's opinion um that is you know so and once again I told you this at the meeting we're not going to bring up the boards asking them for opinions on the waiver why well one I told you we want to see the options first so so the board does not have the options before them to see what it is would be is it C hindrance is it like we want to be able to see what is before us what the options are and all four of us at that meeting specifically told you that I concur by the way with Dan because at this point waivers are a Las Stitch effort to show us we can't meet it and this is the reason why we can't meet it so show me the options saying these are the options that we came up with this is going to bring up more impervious area this is uh we can't extend the infiltrator rows we can't bring those make them bigger give us all the options that of as to why you can't can't make that you can't make this work and why you cannot address this area of storm water I told you that we're not going to bring up the option to the board without that okay so we have gone out and I know you don't have the soil logs yet because we wanted to have this meeting before we did any modifications to the plans but Dan if you will outline the area on plan North which is actual North above the building itself yep that area right out to the road that whole area out to the road I did uh uh test holes for the suptic system back in uh November December we did test HS out there and as we came through that whole area there's anywhere from uh 12 in to in one case up in the corner I think it was 70 in but that was up on the slope and it's 3 ft higher it's off your off your plan oh off this way no no in the front oh right up in there in the top corner so right yeah right there so it's like several feet higher than the the gravel parking area and so when you got leveled to the gravel parking you had nothing and you're now asking water to go uphill to go into that area see the circle in the center of the building yep right there that's exposed ledge on the surface and as I got closer to that obviously that ledge became the surface if you look at the test holes where the suptic system are right up in there that was there where we were able to get testing for the suptic system if you look at the five holes that are right in there around the leeching area the three that are not in that leeching area this one no no or you're talking about these I'm sorry and the soil absorption area the three that surround that varying depths to a fill to ledge right to ledge now if you look down the slope off the slope either in the back where the machine went off the edge or down its the south on this side here there's exposed Ledge in many places around the tow of that slope we have in the neighborhood a 35 ft of fill as deep as I was able to dig we were finding Phil right on top of the ledge talk to you know the the landscaper that had been there for a long time and he was under the understanding that the guy just filled and filled and filled in the property over the years and that's what we found so by the storm water management handbook you cannot infiltrate into fill material you can have naturally occurring material you have to have 2 feet and you can have bad soil around it you can take that soil out and you can put sand in or and gravel in and you can fill into that and infiltrate as long as the bottom area is natural yep we're not finding that we barely found it in that area there you know we're looking at we might be able to expand that footprint by like one more row and right now we're meeting the requ requirements for what we look at as being the redeveloped area this area of slope that you're talking about we're taking a slope that's Steep and then Mellows out and we're making it so that it's more or less a consistent slope it's still a gravel surface it's a gravel surface now it's proposed to be a gravel surface in the future and it's still Redevelopment I understand you're saying that so what we're more asking for here is that relief from the fact of gravel to gravel as as being being not Redevelopment the area if we were to pave that area and put a structure in over there and bring it over into the into the one more row of Chambers it's not going to then meet that area we're going to be creating more impervious area then we have area to absorb it under the under the storm water management guidelines yeah and and so this is this is what I said to lont at the meeting provide us the US with those options as to what you're saying could be done but would be just wouldn't really be helpful before the board makes any opinion on that because I don't want them making an opinion on something if they don't have information to back it up so Danny and just to touch on one more thing the waiver request you guys are asking for it specifically says for only the Redevelopment portion of the site right it's not really you're asking for a fraction of the Redevelopment portion of the site because we have a difference of opinion on what so now I understand what our stor water regulations state that if you are altering changing grades it is considered Redevelopment so Danny part of the reason why we didn't want to give an option is because like I said that area is the only area that you can really do any sort of treatment that meets the soil water handbook like Bruce said potentially we could add another row at the end but at that point we're already kind of pushing the envelope of what's fill material and where we can actually uh treat the Water by adding another role we're still not meeting the minimum you know what's required per the town of Air Storm water regulations for that portion so we could certainly add the other row another row pave the area put up BM and we're still not meeting it from analytical standpoint that's why we want to come talk to the board a little bit more from the standpoint of look we can't you know we can't feasibly make it work even with the expansion of the additional row is there any way that the board would entertain with all these you know drainage Improvement that we're already currently proposing on site then you know the board would entertain the waiver as it stands um I want to see the options in Jeff you go so again I'm at a position where I think I fully understand the challenges you guys are up against mhm but I'm also dealing with this in two dimensions and in an academic in an academic fashion yep and um I am not in any way shape or form capable of doing strong water calculations I Rely Upon Our DPW for that and I think they're very good at it so I couldn't tell you either way right now if I would entertain hand wers not as you're asking for okay just to be you know flat out I think a sidewalk would be very very helpful I agree jul I'm not in a position to present options I'm not an engineer I think there's there's two issues here one is um one one is the uh the the Precision with which you're able to do a storm water calculation what it sounds like to me is um is there are other elements that help but but they're not um they aren't measurable is is how I understand it so I I think you know so there are you know and and perhaps we can agree with uh the help of the the DPW that these are directionally correct and um and the other the other piece of this is um on the developable land it's uh I guess I want to weigh this against the um the value of a business in the town of air and what um what should we you know there there's there's value to there's value to that and so long as um potentially you know in in a area where the math isn't going to be precise can our um can our DPW help us with that um the other the other thing is it sounds like um what you're asking for Dan is um maybe not Solutions but what are the um the hindrances I think you guys have talk through what the hindrances are and I'm curious if that would satisfy the request in part or in whole for options to to just write down what those hindrances are to a uh a precise answer of storm water management make sense mhm I think so I I guess I feel I would like to see the options in writing me then I can sit down with Dan Vin schwick and Matt hearnen and go through it I can't go through with you know assertion vocal assertions I need to have something on paper to say damn and then we could take it from there we wanted to get to this point okay good because we weren't at that point at the end of the meeting the other day so we wanted to get to that point okay good um that there are a couple of things that you want to hit find um I believe they already understand that we're revising the the waiver requests to include a few additional things like the stol water easement um as well as the bicycle facility M um see here the dumpster location I think I believe that was brought up during the last meeting um talking with the applicant and land owner we're proposing to put a dumpster location directly uh behind the building the proposed building back here no um so right right up where your the pavement ends and where that tank is you see that's there right right right against the building right there yeah and our feeling is is that the building totally screens it yeah we want to make sure you guys are okay with that so we're not putting up a fence around something that doesn't make sense okay um the truck will hit the fence anyway exactly and then Dan if you could slide that plan down just a little bit down the other way so we can see the Northern border okay there was a there were comments in staff review that the property should be excuse me no I was the allergies like no one's got allergies today right oh no I this oh spring has been crazy um that uh there should be the gaps that you see there there's one right where Dan's at and another one there that those gaps should be filled um all of the vegetation with the exception of the two trees right under the rose compass that are on the property line um all of the vegetation is on our site on our client site the DPW SL the um transfer station to the edge is paved right to the property line we think that there the The Limited in the low brush that grows up in through there naturally is more than enough vegetation and we're not sure you know we're going to have this beautiful building up in here that's going to be landscaped in the front and um hard to see we don't understand why the applicant has to go and throw additional money into Landscaping along the edge when it's already a vegetation rated burn that's there for the most part we have big trees in some places we have other stuff and others we don't see where it's not called out for to have a Oasis between one Commercial Business and another Commercial Business and so we're just trying to understand how much the board really wants to have Landscaping put into those areas and again the S sidewalk will speak a million words you don't need the answer now I just we the things that are on our list that were comments that came from staff that we want to throw out to everybody be thinking about I can't believe you don't want to screen that beautiful building next door from the people working here or or the things that come flying over you know when you get to the sidewalk you'll see where all the debris comes from okay all right so when would you like to do a sidewalk yeah let's talk about that um we usually do these at Thursday mornings Thursday morning at 8:00 that's typically what we do so I think we we're looking for a Thursday morning before the next meeting right how about sooner than later cuz then we can get stuff done and have plans into two days yeah that's what that works for me I don't know Julie and Nathan does that meet our notice do we have to do any notice yeah does that mean yeah we would public uh we would post the notice for that um me that's tight though we could we post a notice and have it for this th this Thursday oh this Thursday no we couldn't do that not for this Thursday you have to post the notice for a s sidewalk we do yeah we do okay yeah we would have we would have had to have posted it today the 6th so we the next day we could do is the 6th okay or I mean unless you guys the board wants to meet on another I mean do a site visit on another day Friday morning or E day is fine by me so June 6 yeah June 6th just makes it a so difficult time to have stuff in that you guys could review before the 11th well so actually on that we might as well talk cuz because I was actually going to bring that up as well so we're going to have two members that are not going to be here for that meeting as well yeah that's going to be an issue so so even if we jumped it up to Friday this week we probably won't have a full quum sounds like a plan issue yeah we just discovered that this evening okay so sometimes we volunteers go on vacation too yeah any so we're talking June 6th June 6 Thursday morning yep and we'll do it for 8 o' I'll get that a that posted 80 and you're going to send reminder by email for this y sidewalk I just want just remember everyone to wear you know tick protection and the usual stuff because we will be out in the woods going to go look around the side there uh Heather what was that sorry didn't hear what she uh Heather wants to be able to join yeah I think so um I will recommend that we meet on the north side of the existing building up here up in that area area Okay um you'll have a table with coffee and donuts for we'll have a table with coffee and donuts uh we're going to park in front of the existing building on the existing parking lot I know that's against violation regulation but that's where we're going to park cuz there's there's trailers yeah yeah yeah right up right up in that no no no that's a lawn right keep on going north right in there that's where we'll park park up there yeah okay all right and um then we can kind of walk the surface and then we can go down and around the underneath side that's the idea okay that's the plan Mr chairman we'll do walk you mentioned either Jersey barriers and what was the other barrier waste block we'll show them people when they're out there they they make up the yeah I understand I just didn't hear what Li was saying so my ears are aging as our M so uh it it looks like we're looking for continuance not to the next one but two meetings out because we're not going to have a sufficient number of people here and you guys okay 25th 25th and there's nothing we can do so what it is what it is yeah I mean I'd rather we discuss it now than to get get there on the 11th and realize that we yeah 100% so move to continue 91 um Gren Harvard Road map 13 lot8 to the planning board meeting on June 25th seconded any further discussion hearing none Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff hi chair votes I thank you gentlemen thank you have a good evening Mr chair may I have a may I request a minute or two to go clean on my head I was just going to say I'm going to call I'm going to call a five minute recess is uh Stratton Hill off the right Road um a few I want to talk about what's going to happen this evening in the order of of things so we are going to get a presentation of a new plan from the applicant um they'll give us the story they'll talk about the changes why they were made what's going on just a general outline and presentation of that this evening we will not go into the critical comments on either the DPW or green International to give the applicant more time to respond to all those because they haven't had a chance to respond to DPW yet that will be deferred to the next meeting because it's just simply logical um after the presentation I will turn to my colleagues around the table and invite them for questions when they've had the opportunity to ask their questions I will open it up for public comment and at that point we will welcome anyone who wishes to ask questions or make comments to approach uh the table and to do so um there's one other thing before we begin I want to clarify I think there's a great deal of misunderstanding of what the role the board is in terms of uh the subdivision um our judgment is not about whether a plan or project is good bad or indiff it is only to ensure that the plans are consistent with the laws and regulations in this instance we need to remember that the applicant can build housing on this site by right that's not a that's not a question that's not a question on the table whether they can build housing here the answer is yes they can and the only party here who can quote block this or take this off the table is the applicant at this point their responsibility is to show us and demonstrate to our satisfaction that they meet the regulations and bylaws and it's Our obligation to be sure that they do so do so before we can make findings and make a finding of approval during this process there is of course back and forth and horse trading that eventually in other in our experience with other projects tends to improve the project more to the satisfaction that the town and its citizens and usually to everyone's satisfaction but I just wanted to clarify just some of the fundamentals so there's no or there's less confusion going forward okay would the uh Danny do you have anything you want to set up before we turn to the applicant the applicant just go I just ask the three the three representatives to ident identify themselves by name before they start so Bob Collins I'm uh the attorney for the applicant to my left is Stan Dillis the uh senior project engineer from Dillis Roy to my right is Frank mcpan who is uh also a project engineer from Dillis Roy okay thank you so with that having been said um the plan that you have before you is follows the design of the um design exercise that we discussed at the last hearing of the preliminary plan sharing there we go okay um we brought this design forward uh last November at the end of the preliminary plan process because we had been listening to the com many comments that were loud and clear that there was a very strong desire to limit the development area to the area south of the power lines so this plan does that this site is approximately 50 acres what this plan does is create a limited development project in the truest sense under the open space residential bylaw creating 17 lots that would provide a location for 34 units of housing occupying roughly 10 acres of the 150 Acre Site there would be 9.7 Acres south of the power lines that surround it as a an aesthetic and vegetative buffer that would be gifted to the town of a there is 121 acres to the north of the power lines that would be gifted we believe at this point to uh the Commonwealth and Mass Department of fisheries and wildlife as a wildlife sanctuary to back up to the 437 Acres that my client previously donated to the Massachusetts aabon Society so the beauty and there's forgive me there's another 10 acres of Shoreline that will be a separate gift separate from this um project primarily so that my client can get a tax advantage is that the Allison realy property thank you sir we were wondering that so that I'm getting an appraisal on that will be a separate gift that's unrelated to this so at the end of the day the beauty of this plan is that um better than I believe 85% of the total site gets preserved but the acreage that gets preserved augments this massive existing Wildlife Sanctuary that my client already donated you'll end up having pretty close to 600 acres of contiguous open space and wildlife habitat which speaks to um the goal that my client had in purchasing this site 20 odd years ago um to actually preserve he bought it to preserve most of it at the time the the site was toured by the then um Secretary of environmental Affairs Bob Durant and they were different studies that had demonstrated that this particular site both in the Groton and as side was the most important site worthy of pres preservation east of wora in the Commonwealth because of the number of different and completely separate habitats and ecological land types excuse me it and it it's through an accident of history that this site just stayed the way it has so the limited development approach on this side and on the gron side has essentially paid for the preservation of the property um the Lots average 22,000 Square ft they range in size from 12,000 Square ft to 33,000 Square ft with an average of little better than 22,000 they occupy roughly 9 Acres the road itself occupies an an acre of land um the road is 1,00 Ft um those of you that remember numbers will recall that the plan that was approved on this site um quite a few years ago was uh better than a mile of road so this really shortens the amount of uh roadway but also the the municipal uh expense in the future because there's vastly less road to take care of they'll be I believe it's about almost half it's yes yeah um Le more than half it's less than half yeah um there'll be one sidewalk on one side as the plan is submitted there is also this walking path that we thought would be a nice amenity um green International did not share our enthusiasm with that so we're actually going to just continue the sidewalk Road straight down and eliminate that just for everyone's help this is the path that Gray Line is the path that the council's referring to and what you're saying that no instead we're just going to have the sidewalk right straight down correct Mr chair just on this one the path that's shown on the plan was going to be a gravel um yes it it was and we're going to end up with binus that's correct that's correct just curious just because want to make sure y um um in addition um another nice um accident I guess of History the the road for the uh approved subdivision that went off into the hint lands was actually roughed in and so the road that has been roughed in will actually serve kind of as a a trail head I think the people to be able to access the land that will will be gifted to the Commonwealth um the one thing I don't recall and forgive me Frank did we show um an area of parking we have an area of parking up at the top of the oh there it is area to yeah between Lots um 10 and 9 and 10 and that connects to an existing Trail yeah yeah and that and that that actually sits almost on the road that's been roughed it does it does um it's almost close to where the cut through Road that's right so it'll provide a a place for you know people that want to actually uh hike because you could spend you could actually spend a couple of days hiking the site um a place for them to park um I did give you a a letter um with the waivers that we can discuss when the time comes there may well be a couple of others I think I covered everything that was on the green um um uh analysis but there may well be a couple that I missed so I'll go through that make certain by the time we get to that that um we've asked for all the different waivers that we need to a couple of minor things that I just did want to say is I do believe that this plan is probably going to ultimately be the best example of what your open space bylaw can actually accomplish when we were here 15 years ago you actually did not have that option um right which was sad um even even so however my client even then was dealing with a limited development approach me one moment yeah I I'm going to ask that conversations in the room be halted so that everyone can hear what we're saying at the table thank you please continue um so we were very pleased that you had adopted the open space uh bylaw which motivated my client to submit a new plan that would shorten the roadway and augment the open space if you think about the purposes that are laid out in your bylaw this as I say it's the best example it preserves important habitats it provides the contiguous open space that the public will not only have access to but will be able to enjoy forever um it provides a different type of housing than what is generally being built lately um and it preserves areas that are of environmental significance it preserves all of the coastline that my client owns on the pond and it will be there for people to be able to enjoy um the bylaw calls out um 50% on open space this actually will be more like 85% um and the bylaw does Envision that it should encourage different types of housing types so long as you approve it as such so we have proposed duplexes in order to fit the number of uh units that we needed to pay for the site um on on nine acres so there would be um 17 duplexes that would be comparable uh to the duplexes that my client is building for the overa 55 development on the gron side and this is a reduction in units too it is it is yeah we um Reduce by three yeah um I three or four depending on depending on the submitt we were 37 or 38 we're finally going to get to the first question I asked you attorney col yeah I know how years ago yeah how many are we talking about we can yeah and we keep it keeps changing but yeah this is a further reduction um the other thing that is uh notable and then uh we can go to comments and questions one of the other things that we did again because of the GE to make the geometry work is um create four clusters that actually use some uh shared driveways yes um that shortens the roadway so shortens Municipal responsibility I'll create an association in each instance uh that will be responsibility of maintaining those um one of the comments you just said Association for each cluster or for the whole no for each cluster yes interesting um and then um one of the comments that the fire department had they had concerns about the width of those driveways Stan has already augmented that um on the plan that you haven't seen yet okay um logistically I want to tell you we have a meeting next Wednesday Wednesday over at the DPW for the engineers to hash out some drainage uh questions when you go through the very comprehensive review that green did for you um the meat of what's left most of the stuff has been taken care of but the meat of what's left is drainage questions um principally down front um so I think we'll be able to walk away from that meeting next week with uh a a direction on finishing the drainage or the the drainage Cals to the satisfaction of both Dan and Matt but also to the uh gentleman from uh green um and then we'll be prepared to come back and see you and discuss anything else that has to be discussed okay great now did I leave anything out I don't think so okay I have a com but you can go first go ahead couple things so um can you just talk about the pump station oh I did leave that out so I so forgive me um so originally 15 years ago the site was going to be served by its own Pump Station um and that would deal with the E getting the effluent into the municipal sua when we submitted the preliminary plan a year and a half ago we were in conversation with DPW about helping them re-engineer their existing one we're actually back to dealing with our own um so um the the infrastructure is there uh the basic part of it so it actually will be on the site where it's shown down near the street um it is subsurface if I recall correctly um and it will deal just with this development so it's gravity to The Pump Station gravity to the pump station and then Force main out to and SE connects into the existing Force main that was actually installed yep not it thanks um you're going to use the pipes that you put in the ground let's not get ahead of ourselves so so uh I just have a I'm going to juster chair privilege ask a couple quick questions and I'm going to open it up the first is you wouldn't happen to have is there any image available we can see before and after from the preliminary to this to to demonstrate how much well you know I know that we had one is that aail know if it's included in this you actually have one on the preliminary submission Dan there was one sheet that showed be helpful to everyone to see the difference yeah it it certainly speaks volumes on way we Mr chair while will that may ask a question yes sir um hopefully we we haven't lost the affordable units I believe I'm down to two I think that's where we were before and that's correct yeah okay and this is not not to be decided here but I'd like to see if we can't get put a local um preference oh and that would be fine and thank you very much I think we're we're really pushing hard to come up with more housing yes and we can talk about that later Mr chair if you want but it gives people who live here a preference over other folks have the preliminary yeah it's just it's such a big file it's loading while you're getting loading I have another question counselor yeah um and I don't expect to have a clear an answer this evening but something I think we want to talk about is the disposition of the of the remaining Disturbed area outside the new building area that is the The Old Road and then some of the piles of debris Etc I think we need to have a conversation about some of that old stuff as well and just what's going to happen to it yes okay Dan I think that one I think you just passed yeah so is that you can see the power line it runs through the middle of it yes so this is the power line now everything is to the south of that everything has been confined to this area to correct so this so imagining that the road then is just kind of cutting in like that now that's correct correct and actually you can if you go back far enough there's another plan that we submitted that shows the approved recorded subdivision plan laid over but it compared it to this it's not the best so Danny um if you actually if you call up the air um assessors GIS yes you're right the original subdivision is on there is that all all that line work is in there so you can see that actually extends further back it than even that interim and then that um that submitt yep you are correct because it was done such it was already in put it into the uh yeah well he's been paying taxes on the Lots oh there you go so so yeah so if I may please so this was the original approved sub subdivision going way back almost up to this Wetland complex here and coming around and down the last the previous sub submitt came to about here so we pulled everything down care can't touch it sorry that wasn't you that was Danny but scary for us to watch yeah so um the the site looped the road looped here right about there and now everything the the loop is we have we have we have a Boulevard entrance on this part of the double barrel Road and then and then it wraps around and down and it stays on the on with the the boulevard Y and you reduced the number of overall buildings from the last plan from around 2020 22 21 22 below the lines to 17 below the lines plus the pum correct so this one has this plan has 35 shown on it this one 35 buildings this is 17 buildings correct yes yes 35 lots and we have duplex and then there's some duplexes on there so there's 37 total that's right and then this one it just moved on me there you go yeah now this one has 34 units up right in 17 physical buildings yep 17 buildings yes that's correct okay so I want to open up the questions around the table I if I may start please do a fair number of the questions that I have are can be taken care of I believe with their meeting with the DPW in reading the plans I'm sorry a fair number of the questions that I have for the proponent are related to as I started reading the comments from DPW abbreviations were missing things were missing on the plans I'm not throwing disparagement on you guys that's right you've started with a we're at e right now and some stuff still lives here from a yeah and that do happen that's going to get figured out so I'm going to honestly Mr chair I'm more than willing to um hold mine at this point I think they're going to I think it's going to get worked out by the professionals quite honestly Nathan uh in general um things like the storm water detail uh sidewalks what they're made of what the curbing is I is my I have an expectation that we're going to get into those details at a later meeting so I can I can hold those yeah cuz some of the waivers that are requested are we're going to need to discuss them absolutely okay um let me just briefly touch on the affordable units Cu uh in and I know Ken would be interested and I think it's responsible to uh ask away help me Danny because my understanding is that one in five units is required to be affordable no so they don't trigger the inclusionary bylaw because so this is not considered U multif family development it's an open space osrd subdivision um and based on our how ours Works uh it's not a requirement but in the osrd there is a section that if you provide affordable units then you can you get a certain percentage of add yes yes um so we actually aren't asking for any of the incentives correct right you don't want the bonuses yes so far below the number no no no so not 10.3 under the sub under the open space subdivision on 10.2 um let me just get the number the correct number it's actually 10.1 um under the SE 10.1.2 I think uh 10.1.5 it talks about density bonuses and that's where it talks about if you were to provide affordable units you get addition um if you provide certain open space and uh affordable units then a maximum of 25% is added to the calculation our inclusionary bylaw doesn't trigger on this project based on how it is written which is something uh the affordable housing trust knows and that we've been working on we're going to rewrite on how the trigger works because of the way it work the way our inclusionary bylaw reads it states so I can read it specifically in uh so this section applies to in uh 10.3 applies in all districts in any development for five or more townhouse or multif family dwelling units right so technically two families are not considered Town um multif family or townhouse dwelling units they are duplexes by themselves yeah that's why we're going to be rewriting the inclusionary bylaw and how it the trigger word is and and there's a further discussion on inclusionary because though we like to see and we wrote it the way we wanted it to uh the communities around us are more attractive so we're not actually able to attract units and that's a secondary conversation Al together I I believe that two family homes are more affordable lowercase a yep um so that's that's to the good of this development but that's that is a really interesting exception because air broadly is trying to get to 10% yes capital A oh yes affordability and this it's just the the way the bylaw is written right that is the issue here had that said any development of five or more units dwelling units units yeah it's the specification of townhouse or multif family which in our regulations is its own separate from duplex I know yeah so but to their credit they are providing affordable uh yes and I think I think that meets the spirit of affordability um but I think it's you know it's it's unfortunate to not get 10% and keep keep the town at 10% well if if I could just say one thing it would happily throw in another duplex except we don't have anywhere to put it there's no place to put it yeah I really I I really do believe that right hand side of the Road needs to stay the way it is and I really hate to have another building that much closer to right road down on the Boulevard and having a having a a house on a Boulevard yeah would be a real pain in the neck for the people living there yeah cuz there is no way of yeah and I it just I don't think we could fit it I mean we can think about that first lot you can't you can't we we would happily do it if we had the space but I have to tell you we really this is compressed it really is I I like your point I do about affordability as you know I work on it very diff very hard but it also yeah yeah but these will in a def facto sense be more affordable than most of what you're seeing I think that's to the good yeah yeah and that's you know kind of part of the reason with that duplex change in our table of uses things you know we've done yeah okay okay Julie no I'm good right now so I I'll just it's more of a comment than the question you know among the issues U to be discussed are would be the disposition of previously built infrastructure and I I notice in the plans we have some that are called remaining that will be incorporated some that are called the band and then there's a third category uh remaining abandoned I forget the third one is filled in or something or other removed that's third yeah so I just want to say I expect in future meetings we're going to have very robust conversations about that just set up and I think you can anticipate that as well that's got to happen and of course we have to have Assurance anything that would be intended to be reused have to be carefully inspected be sure that it's actually functional and you know that know and I know that Dan and Matt will certainly require that Y and our our our discussions with Dan Dan and Matt were that any any existing infrastructure that is reused would be tested to the current DPW standards yeah so it it's going to be treated the same as if it was just installed okay good and if it's going to be abandoned in place it's going to be slurry filled and stuff like that or removed yeah so we don't end up with sink holes dangerous things down the road that's right so it's best practices again to make it better exactly okay good any further questions I'm going to open the uh open this hearing up for public comment I'm going to ask that those who wish to ask questions or make a comment approach the table we got a chair we have a we have a chair right here we have a microphone state your name and address and I would just ask as a courtesy to everyone if someone who's come up before you has made your point please feel free to Simply say I want to add you know plus one to that comment it's not just for everyone's courtesy to repeat the same things over and over you could just say yes I want to make a statement officially that I agree with that or what have you um other than that I please whoever would like to step forward to comment a question please feel free to Maran come on up would you uh Julie could you get that microphone set up pushed over toward her please okay so hello Miss stard how are you I'm fine thank you Mr chairman I'm fine and thank you very much for the opportunity to uh to be here tonight to present my my comments and so I first of all I want to uh to thank uh thank you fure chairman and the planning board members for and the and the a Conservation Commission and Conservation Commission agent for the wonderful work that you have have done uh uh to uh uh protects as much land as can be protected for conservation in there and to provide affordable housing it's very important so uh I want to just to thank uh uh attorney Collins and uh and uh and David molon and unfortunately didn't live I know he didn't live to see this but I know it was his wish that more land be protected so grateful for the land that he helped to protect in in Gren which ad joins this property and so it's really a very significant uh U uh act very much appreciated and joy he's here in the spirit yes right well we want to thank the family too yeah and so uh uh we're so appreciative uh that uh so much land now is proposed to be to be protected and which will provide help provide for better water quality and uh habitat for wildlife including nesting Turtles yes yeah that's right and uh we uh were just thrilled that uh that so much I think about 130 Acres Maybe is that that part of the proposal it's actually 140 140 yeah oh great yeah because the allisan realy Corp land that will be the separate gift I think that's right around 10 acres and that's all the shoreline right well about 140 Acres this is the most significant piece of land left in in air it is and so we just want to thank you all very very much and oh thank you Mary thank you m appre kind then thank you for coming to every single [Laughter] heing can she vote we have one more alternate seat yeah you would be extremely well served we've learned a lot from Miss da U my name is Lori ning and I've been active with an environmental group in town called Pace people of a concerned about the environment and I couldn't hear everything that Maran was saying but I think I want to Echo the uh essence of what she was saying and that this feels like a really good plan for air and um I spent a fair amount of time at Rocky Hill and gron and I appreciate the beauty that's there and having all this connecting property is a real wonderful thing for air um so uh seeing the changes that have been made over time thank you um I'm curious about the houses that you're proposing I haven't seen any pictures now I hear their duplexes if you drive over next time you in Gren if you go down Hummingbird Lane they'll be similar to those uh units that Dave is building now they're going to be a little bit different though in order to make the geometry work but same quality of construction um so they won't be duplexes like we used to see back in the 70s it's what you're seeing now which is much more um aesthetically pleasing than what you used to see and do you have a price range in mind you said some of them are going to be affordable housing apparently I'm sorry I apologize go what was the question yeah what was the question um I was wondering what the price range is actually street view of that no no street view yeah in answer to your question that I don't know okay um prices as we all know have been an incredible moving Target um the quality of construction will be similar to this development right here which is Nova 55 uh development there's 24 units there on 6 Acres um some are duplexes some are singles driveway so it'll be similar it'll be a similar design to that um I don't know I honestly I'd be lying if I hedge to guess on price range the last time I and I'm going to date myself the last time I answered a question like that um I said we you know we're hoping to shoot for the high twos and that was about 25 years ago um wow but yeah but that was about 25 years ago we really were hoping uh you know to get to that point I I would tend to believe these going to be in the fives and sixes if they're comparable to what you're seeing elsewhere in town um but I'm not sure oh yeah we're getting a visual on the big screen that's a single house right no that's that's a duplex they they look like a single I I would encourage anyone who curious to take a take a drive down there what what I've noticed is that it's actually kind of difficult to distinguish the two they look very similar single they don't scream duplex they don't it's a nice design and the same design so that's one of the singles single the one before it you go one right after it and actually ironically the duplexes show better and have a nicer floor plan and I said that to Dave when he first did it so that's what they look like they are separated by the garage um but the design will be a little bit a little bit different to make it work for this lot these Lots but um but it'll be the same designer so it'll be comparable aesthetically and um you may have mentioned this about are you on Town Water and Sewer here yes yeah okay um and um how would um would it be treated like like an HOA in a condo that the people who live in those two separate units would share some kind of a monthly fee to fix things roof and stuff yes okay um that'll be a legal Arrangement within the deed of the house yeah so in each so there's going to be variations I always have to make things complicated so there'll be so the few that are on their own driveway will be an individual Association comprised of two units they'll be condos right the condos um the ones that are on share driveways I'll make one Association for those six units that is the responsibility to take care of the buildings plus the driveway plus the grounds um so variations on a theme but in any event there'll be an association that's responsible the the buildings themselves and the driveways and um the last few that I've done I actually also throw in the ability to augment what the town is able to do should they so desire because often times people like to see additional Landscaping that the town is not in a position to provide so I make it so that they can do that okay so just to elaborate the where there's three units that share one driveway all three Association comprised six units so one of them needs a new roof the others don't all three all three have are contributing to the fund to build and there's Reserves you set aside every month inter that are based on the life expectancy of the different components okay interesting and is that um uh where the lines are closed together showing is that land going that's topography I yeah but is it going down or up it's going down right down yeah so you have a good view where those houses are this is all going to be buffered interesting yeah okay and most of them do back up to very nice views out the rear and these units okay Dave did the same thing over on hummingbird when you walk in they all just have this beautiful Woodland view except for the few that are in the middle okay um but if we could have had them all the way around the edge we would have but it does work and they do have a sense of a very good sense of privacy okay that's all I have okay thank you thank you for your kind words go to the town for plowing eventually yes once it gets up that strip yeah the boulevard yes yeah the boulevard yes that'll be maintain yeah even the grass in the middle okay because DPW didn't like that okay all right um yes please come welcome sorry if you'd state your name and address please I'm Joan quy I live on stannish Avenue yeah where we are flooded out all the time yes and to watch you put that road were they're going to come in and out right opposite ours well it's moved now it's away from yours okay that worries us it's been well I know and I talked to Jerry about that probably 15 years ago I know um so he's moved it Stan has moved the road you show it yeah closer to Snake Hill Road from where it used to be okay um principally to address that yeah one of the other problems though is there were with the best of intentions there were two catch basins installed on the road yeah that actually a at a lower gradient than the the the area that collects the water so they were overflowing they were coming out that's right ders as they would because they were at a lower gradient yes we're going to talk about that with the DPW next week I personally think they should be eliminated um and and I think the world would be a better place um but we did we'll be discussing that next week yeah that's you know we've got some nice homes down there our the beach gets washed out all the time and it comes right into your yard I remember yeah yeah it does um but we did move the road so that actually won't happen okay tell Jerry I'm sorry he didn't come and that I was asking for it I will I will so that was our one of our discussion because it's a narrow road with two houses on each side and it's you know and I believe that that the DPW also installed some uh Cape Cod burm along this you know road to try to uh help with it I know it's it may not do the complete job but it's it at least does try to retain some of that water back as much as it can we're repairing all the time so when it looks good right little look better yes so we maintain the road cuz it's private yes so you know we've been maintaining it but um when I saw that I went oh my God not more water so all right we didn't move it away from you all right gentlemen thank you so much thank you and um just one thing in response to that comment about water is that the the infrastructure for the road that's been built hasn't been installed so there aren't the normal catch basins that would catch and direct runoff so everything that's been built is now water is now running down that instead of being caught in increments so so the the overall design of this will will drastically reduce the amount of water flowing off site in general yeah yeah good in fact you can't get your storm water permanent unless you can demonstrate your ability to do that a as reviewed by DPW yeah so okay Jerry say hi to Jerry oops excuse me would anyone else like to to ask a question or make a comment okay um I think we need to continuance now and I would think the second week in the second meeting in yes cuz you heard the issue before but also I know that we're going to be doing some more revisions wanting to get them to green and that should give us enough time for them to be able to you know come back I wonder and again I know that we'd be paying for this if it would be possible to have uh I don't know if it's Mr Thor that'll be coming next week so he will be at the meeting could he come to the next planning board hearing too I I can talk to him about having him attend yesth yeah and that way would all be cuz I I think that would be great you know we're down a very short list of stuff we have to wrap up and I think it would be be nice to have everybody in one room at one point yeah okay okay if you're all set Mr chair yeah I'd love a Contin I'd like to move for continuance and I should know the name of this off right Road Stratton Hill project map six Parcels 12378 11- 55 to vend subdivision open space residential development plan for to our next planning board meeting on I'm sorry to the next to the June 25th 2024 planning board meeting thank you seconded any further discussion hearing none Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff hi chair votes I thank you you thank you thank you very much Jeff by the time we finished with this you you'll be able to be an auctioner you know he's already almost there developing that speed you know but thank you all I thank you but I slow it down for you guys Mar what's up what's up Maran what what's happening I said I think that this is a wonderful Legacy oh thank you thank you thank you great we'll see you in a month we'll see you in a month stay cool literally yes okay we'll do it after thank you Mr chair yes I'm actually going to step up for a few minutes um need to meet with um Mary and her son okay you can you can complete without me okay I'll be back um Danny you want to give us some updates and um yes so so um 77 Fitchburg Road this is the um old the the C dealership used car dealership on um fitzburg Road it's on the right hand side yeah um there is a portion of the building that is currently not being used and it's going to be uh used uh for abs who is at 32 Fitchburg Road they're the ones who create these big uh um they had a fire next to the across from the funeral home yes yeah I know yeah I F what they make but they make they make uming uh they make all these like uh it's very Hightech so this is a change of use thing yes yeah so they have um they're taking over that extra space um because you know they're expanding and they're just they don't have enough room in their current use building um so they're going to be coming to site plan review just because of it's a change of use for the the um space um what's the excuse me what is the address for the the new spot is 77 fitb Road their old um their well their current space which is it's by the U-Haul that's where it is yes just in front of the U-Haul that's what I'm thinking okay got it their their current space that they have is 32 fitzburg Road they're still going to keep that it's just this is an addition okay uh zero Scully Road uh zero Scully Road uh we met uh with GPR last week and discussed um uh the project it was uh we had our uh pre-application meeting uh Charlie and I uh we met with uh uh uh GPR on this we they're hoping to be making a submission uh soon they have progress prints that were pretty pretty close to being ready for submission um so uh that's a proposed use of a uh sprinkler uh maintenance uh fire fire sprinkler fire sprinkler yes exactly they'll basically so they basically do installation of fire sprinklers and they also watch um the systems for sprinkler alarms okay uh so that'll be uh interesting yes um that's new that's new new construction yes new construction it is new construction right yep and um you'll that wasn't part of the so that's different from where when when we did the site visit this is a new thing this is a new new addition okay interesting new wrinkle to this it's a pretty small footprint they're keeping it to uh they do have to go to uh to conservation as well for an noi okay it's adjacent to the um the facility yeah shley hill shley hill Oh Boy yes indeed yes oh yes he was out on the site and he's the actually the owner was was he yes he was the firefighter from New Bedford oh no kidding so he's the owner yeah that's an interesting property okay yeah uh I thought we signed the zoning map no so uh the zoning map is um we have to sign it in in a public meeting oh can we do that tonight we can't because Ken is not here so we will have that's why I had it originally to be done today told us could but he couldn't come so now everyone has to be here at a public meeting well so that's I'm I'm going to double check with Town Council to see you guys can individually typically have really good attent like in I know it just happen to be the last couple of weeks I mean it's aever syndrome around here but it's the summer so I get you know this is bound to happen um MBTA zoning yes my favorite topic yes so um actually I was hoping Jeff would be here you know what Nathan could you tap Jeff I know he wanted to help Maran with something but we're going to need his votes on the minutes okay yes so and I want to touch on this just while he's here that's fine like the hot hangout out there I know you know we haven't seen Ruth in ages Ruth um not I said I actually I know I said that to someone I was actually that's not fair I talked to her at the devans meeting journalist yeah I within a few weeks ago I would say so she's okay all right right before the election um we miss newspapers sorry Mr CH no no problem at all so we just need you in here for the MBTA zoning update in the meeting minutes got it um we can't Zone we can't sign the zoning map right now we have to have everyone here at a meeting we knew what Ken and everybody that's fine um so MBTA zoning uh just wanted to update the board so that everyone know knows us to where we are um two weeks ago 3 weeks ago maybe it was we um I I had a meeting with Alan Alicia um Jonathan and Ken uh just to talk about the MBTA zoning um we we had a meeting with Town Council on um how we were going to be addressing uh the NBTA zoning and out of that meeting what we came out was as opposed to going through the form base code and making all these changes or creating a new site plan review specifically for MBTA zoning we're going to just create an overlay District that just I know that just goes over the form based code and it's only specifically for MBTA uman I share that exasperation but compare to the alternatives I'm going to offer something yeah okay I can be convinced if at some point in the future we do a b we do a serious relook at what I I I don't like overlays yeah oh I and I understand that so I'm just going to say that now because they get confused I got here because our zoning bylaw was all messed up with quote unquote kind of overlay things so I let me get into the the reason we don't have to go into the details I details now we have a time we've got to get it done yeah yeah and and so just so that everyone knows why we're doing this the MBTA zoning as an overlay District MBTA zoning has its own type of review they call it a developmental plan review it's not s plan review it's you can't require special permits can't require those you can't require certain types of reviews that are within our site plan reviews uh regulations so basically what's going to happen is this overlay which is only going to Encompass the form based code will specifically only be towards multif family housing exactly so and within that um regul the bylaw that we're going to write for the overlay District um there's going to be specific call outs to sections within our bylaw and site plan review regulations as well as other you know sections in our bylaw like special like flood plane overlay District um Earth removal stuff like that parking that will all be referenced within our uh the overlay District but not require a special permit for it okay um we had a meeting a couple weeks ago on the one of the um uh one of the uh templates that we were using and uh we went through a lot of the comments of um uh on basically what's going to go into it we looked at several different different um drafts uh from different towns um I've started working on updating uh the draft that we have now and starting to input a lot of those uh uh regulations that we want a lot of the you know you know uh requirements that we want uh within it um we're going to be I'm going to be reaching out to the to the members again to to reconvene and uh just kind of go through cuz it I gave them some homework as to figure in out through all those drafts uh temp drafts zonings that they uh bylaws that they have uh which of the regulations that were referenced in those do they like that we can carry over into ours um so we're going to be reconvening hopefully within the next you know week or or two so in short the overlay district is going to get us to 1 and 10 not one in five yep and one and 10 we recognize and understand from the economic um the economic impact statements that are done in other towns is something that will give us more and more affordable housing because it doesn't price out affordable housing compared we're in competition with other communities we should be as attractive as them well frankly it's the state putting pressure on us I I said it a different way exactly um and I want to be in compliance um our town is man our town is well managed financially uh the fact that we're that we were one of the first be in compliance and then this all happened and we became out of a compliance was a little annoying but that's okay the way we almost got one in5 we almost got one in five you know just so that you know it's possible another thing May pop up true it can happen and I and I know that but advantage of an overlay is then you can just slip it into the overlay in the interest of keeping it simple U kiss principle for um if the intent is to encourage development and and to to reduce barriers so uh I would I guess I would request and I think I'm directionally correct with Jeff here uh if I understand that as you template as you come up with a template for this overlay District if at all it makes sense to to fold that into the form based code and everything so that because I I think the intent for the the form based code for air is to encourage development so if we have things that are impeding that unnecessarily then the I I think I think I agree that we could eventually roll this all together may may I can I just can I just touch on that the one reason we can't is because the form based code allows for special permits yeah so if we wanted to roll into the form base code we'd have to remove the requirement of all special permits within the form based code and I don't want to do that because that is that includes use regulations that's that's a whole Pandora's Box so if I may in short we have two types of zoning in this town that don't exist in most other place parts of the Commonwealth right now correct we were ahead of the game it's kind of biting Us in the backside right now um I agree I agree that going to a higher density townwide makes sense I don't think that's this is the hill upon which we should fight that back I'm not I'm not fighting I'm just saying you know if we can be moving towards less regulation simpler codes to understand and encouraging and encouraging development so that future volunteers from the town can ramp up to this position and want to serve uh all to the better yeah and and just so that you understand like so he we need to wrap this up I know I know we'll wrap this up want to get these votes and let's get out so close guys we're so close this the only reason this is coming up as an overlay District now is because of the new changes that came since that we found out in March at CP cptc an unwelcome surprise and did you guys know that Governor Healey appointed a new director of the MBTA zoning law today greato oh God I'd like move to approve the minutes from April 9th 2024 second I seconded uh any discussion Julie yes Nathan I Jeff yes chair votes I move to approved the April 23rd 2024 minutes seconded uh any further discussion hearing none Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff I chair votes I they're approved thank you very much everyone it was a very productive evening I appreciate all the done thank you so so so so done forever I