welcome to the Tuesday June 25th 2024 meeting of the air planning board I have a a brief introductory announcement I need to make this meeting hearing of the air planning board will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this imperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance and or participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for in-person versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID number 833 6548 0732 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Danny Ruiz Town planner at D Ruiz a.m. or 978 772 8220 extension 144 prior to the meeting welcome uh first item is to approve the agenda I'd like to make a motion to amend the agenda to reflect the correct meeting minutes that we're going to approve we approve the May 28th meetings of the last meeting this meeting uh I want to amend the agenda so that we're approving the June 11th 20204 meeting minutes do I have a second second we have to do the individual vote for for the amendment y is this do we can we combine it for the AG approving the agenda or do we have to do a separate to for the amendment and then the approval um I would do a separately okay just to keep it for the amendment how do you vote Yes I Nathan Jeff yes and chair votes I I'm Kathleen and oh Kathleen can vote oh okay great and Kathleen I'm very sorry how do you vote I I and uh to approve the agenda as amended how do you vote Yes Kathleen yes hi Jeff yes hi chair votes hi uh we have a presentation from DPW wow okay good evening D Mr chair how you doing oh thanks you all drive this a little bus here I'm Dan V scal I don't think we've met before I'm the DPW director nice to meet you all right great um yeah so tonight um so recently as of what's today Tuesday uh yesterday we entered into a um outdoor water band and obviously it's not due to any drought conditions so in simple what it's due to is our treatment plant capacity so I'll kind of explain a little bit about our uh our situation now um is there a way to do I have to hit ESC or something yeah there we go um do you mind if I grab the keyboard here all right pass thanks so first thing I got to share the screen right yeah so for the is anyone at home uh no one's on right now right now all right so um right on the town website we do we put together a notice and there's an education involved with it so new outdoor water conservation met measures begin today that was yesterday so we click read more for more information please click here here's information about what the outdoor water band entails watering by handheld hose only watering can only all other outdoor watering prohibited but down on the bottom of this first paragraph We have even more information this is where the education component is um so scrolling down so there's two two things we have we have our water supply capacity and our treatment plant capacity and the one that's a problem right now is our treatment plant capacity and what the what the problem is is it's due to the Past treatment system that was installed and started operating in late 2020 so before we had the past treatment our water supply Wells could pump pump through our green sand pressure vessels remove the iron and manganese pump into our distribution system up to our tanks and we we could pump one and a half million gallons a day even more depending on the condition of the wells um so now on a Max day with our past treatment system our water supply pumps through the green sand then it goes through our past treatment system and this is causing a restriction so we we can't push the water any harder the vessels will get over pressurized and the pressure relief will will go off so we can only pump and this is a really good day about 780,000 gallons on a day that's when the the vessels are in the best condition and everything's working well so 8,000 gallons what's that 780,000 Gall yeah so it's basically about it's about cut in half our Max pumping ability from The Grove pond water treatment plant so that's really what's been driving the last couple years where we've had these issues with the outdoor water bands so another way is that does that mean 49% of one filtrate one no it's talking about the total flow coming out of the plant so we used to be able to do about 1 and a half million gallons on a maximum pump now we can only do about half of that all of air no so we have two plants we have a spec pond water treatment plant as well which that's not having an issue is that 1 1.5 million gallons per day um it's yeah it's at least that yeah so that one's doing the work right now we're we're down a quarter yeah okay yeah so looking at this graph here I can't really zoom in but basically what it's showing is since 2015 15 how much we've pumped from the gro Pond treatment plant past treatment went in right here and you can see our pumping has significantly dropped there's a few flips here and that's due to when we were working through the initial phases of past we had to shut down well 8 and operate different Wells but we used to pump on you know we could even pump some days up to almost 2 million gallons so you know those would be your summer days when you get your highest demand that's when you get your max day demand everyone's using water um so right now this is what's going on at grow pond so there is a solution and what it is it's a clearw storage tank so essentially just you can even forget the word clear well it's a storage tank that's in between that's just Downstream of the treatment plant so you got your distribution system all through the town up to the tanks and you have your treatment plant so in between the treatment plant and when you enter that distribution system that's where this storage tank will go and what that does it removes the head this is talking engineer the head coming from the distribution system there's pressure from the distribution system that you have to pump against so if if you you have to pump through the treatment system through the past treatment and pump through the distribution system to get the water all the way up to the storage tanks so this will eliminate the distribution system pressure and by doing that and we've actually done a test out there cuz we've pumped to a hydrant it it brings us back to capacity and this isn't it's not uncommon there's you know a lot of facilities that have these clear well storage tanks so the schedule on this is It's currently in in design we just went through our design basis report and the project constructions anticipated for next year we're aiming to get it out early next year and then get this tank in and try to be have a good summer next year and so by the summer you thinking and be able to pump it will be able to pump like we were before the pre past treatment was in place so that's you know in short what's going on um I can show a little bit of some numbers if you want um as well but that's that's really what's happening so it's not a water supply issue we have you know we have um approved for I think over 2 million gallons a day from The Grove Pond Supply we just can't pump that much because of the pfest treatment system reducing our capacity so when we get our Max days we're not able to keep up when I first started I was in 2014 and 2014 15 1617 we used to have a lead plant and a lag plant because it would they would get a lot of rest so right now both plants run almost all the time to try to keep us up pretty much all the time in the summer especially the spec pond plant has really picked up a lot of slack we increased the well sizes out there as part of the pat treatment project there too so look it was a good thing we did that former director Wetzel did so now that you don't have lead lag and they're both operating I guess that accelerates the maintenance schedule on the two lands exactly yeah so we we did have was it last year the I think it was last year we had a motor go on one of the wells but luckily it wasn't at a critical time you know we had water in our tanks so we do have emergency interconnections it's actually Spilled Out in here too you know what are we doing we have emergency interconnections with devans and Littleton so when we're getting in if we get in bed they can supplement us with water um we've we've been working with u the big users cpf Noya and they've actually worked with us and stopped production at times it's it's hasn't been very often it's only been a couple times but we you know our tank levels get so low it becomes a public safety issue you know if a fire happened you need to make sure you have enough water storage in your system so um yeah so questions or observation I'm glad that we're getting a tank in I'm glad it's going to supplement the amount of water we have and uh we as a town still need to work on reduction use of water yeah I mean this is not a let's go water everything in town anymore let's still be conscious of water being a resource a serious resource and I I could add too that you know because we wouldn't have this issue if we didn't have the P Fest problem in the past treatment the Army is working and paying currently for the design and we don't have it on writing but we anticipate them to pay for the construction as well of this clear well so um how large is a Quil is is the storage tank going to be um I think it's a it's still in early phase of design but I think it was 150,000 gallons so it's based on the it's actually the size is based on the amount of chlorine contact time that's going to be needed for the tank so if we're pumping 7 80,000 gallons a day it's about a quarter of that roughly yeah yeah so that it's not building a you're not it's not building a lot of backup no yeah it's really it's more it's not so much for storage more for relieving the pressure meet the coing contact time and it will give us a good source cuz so you know every few days we have to back wash our filters our green sand filters um with the iron and manganese that gets clogged up in them so that'll actually give us a good source of finished water to do that got relatively quick order so um yeah that's in short what's going on but I think you know if you get questions Kim really did a good job putting together this web page here which really describes exactly what's going on and just and just for clarification this will not have effect on future developments correct right so that's where you get so I brought it the water system master plan so this is required by D it's also if it wasn't I would still have it but basically in there we calculate you know our current water supply our water supply needs which are based on population known development and um and Trends to the Future um and so you you you calculate that and you look ahead to the Future and you say when do we you know how's our water supply is it going to meet that you look at your water supply capacity and your treatment capacity um and so in the water master plan it is actually around 2035 to 2040 we start reaching that Max day uh pumping that's why I had um actually why don't I show you guys it this is right from the master plan oh how do you zoom in there we go hey Dan yeah so does this does this I very much appreciate the presentation and and being uh alerted to what's going on but is do you need any action from the planning board or is this more inform a way to inform the public through through public it's a good way to inform the public and inform the board because you'll be getting you know Stratton Hills and you know people who are going to want water and want and you know so to be able to know that you know we do have it but the problem right now really is the treatment plant so this is straight from the master plan but as you look you get to 2035 our Max Supply capacity with our current public with our current Supply from Grove the three Wells at Grove and two at spec start hitting that maximum Supply so we're actually currently looking at a potentially a new well at spec Pond um it's probably you know if it gets a if it works out we're doing a pump test this year it would probably be another 3 or four years before that even becomes added to the source but obviously that would boost us even our Max Supply capacity would go even higher I should note this Max Supply capacity 3.76 million gallons a day it it's with our um with our this is with our best water supply well offline so if we had all of our wells online it's it's actually closer to 5 million gallons a day that we can pump but you know you want to look at it conservatively if you had an issue and yeah so this is all in the master plan and that's what we kind of use as our guide book obviously to you know here's your future Capital plans what you need to do to get more Supply etc etc so yeah any further questions Board hearing none Dan thank you so much yeah you're welcome appreciate it you've had a busy week yeah you too stop share okay you want D thanks thanks so next item on our agenda is um Strat Stratton Hill and we have received the letter from Bob Collins the attorney representing uh the applicant and they've asked us to uh continue the hearing to uh August 27th and the letter also extends the time for the decision until September 13 2024 so we do have that coverage yes this has been stamped in with the Town Clerk and posted in the on the board um as is required so I think all we need is a we need a continuance yep motion for it into the record or not I think we don't have to right you don't have to it's it's put into the record already as it's been stamped in by the to cler move to uh I'm sorry no go ahead yeah Mo move to um reschedule the off right Road Strat Hill map 6 process 1 2 3 7 8 11 through 55 definitive subdivision open space res development plan to August 27th 27th 2024 excent wonderful can Kath vote on this this one she doesn't need to now that Ken's here got it okay great so uh Ken how do you vote hi Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff yes chair votes I it's unanimous we'll see the continuance until August 27th the next item is uh this is of course continue we already opened the public hearing continue the public hearing for 91 gron Harvard Road if uh you want to come up gentlemen it is cold in this room this is it is Danny can you take the lead on this and where we are and what we need to do tonight um all right so uh on June 6th we had a site visit uh site walk we walked around the site um and um after that the applicant submitted uh additional revised information addressing the respon the the comments from review from uh DPW myself and conservation um they did adequately address most of all of those comments there's a couple of things that came up during the site visit that we'll want to discuss today um and uh they let me just make sure if there was other information and then I think also today we can also discuss waivers um now that we've gotten really a hang of the storm water and I feel like we're in a better position now okay so where do you want to start with the open issues or um yeah why don't we um I can just let me just pull up the new site plan and I can just let let them kind of just go through the revision the big ones yeah that be if cele with the board i' like to kind of just walk through all the um the different changes absolutely yeah please don't actually one thing just share the screen can you sure back to here yeah and this one here share ready okay so I'll start let see here I guess I'll start with this sheet right here this is the S layout plan and S utility plan C 4.1 um so the first thing that we changed was we included the snow storage area you see in the zigzag hatch pattern at this location here and over here right over here a little bit over here uh a little bit over here as well as a little bit over here um just to satisfy uh the the comet the data that the date on that is drawing I just open is going to doesn't am I looking at the wrong sheet we 3.1 yeah this is .1 4.1 4 oh yeah you're looking at the construction uh one on the next page thank you so speaking of the snow storage area taking up the the space over here you can see that we had pulled back the the buing a so that is is now lining up with the front face of the building um the building itself has uh been modified slightly to include this um you know bump B for the the entryway uh makes sense you know you don't want to be wet standing there um so that all lines up um as part of the um you know conversation about Landscaping we have included um a little landscaping area in lie of extending uh the hedge row at the front at the entry so that we have a location for the proposed sign uh which will you know um reach out to to Charlie once they're ready to put in uh a sign permit and there'll be Landscaping uh surround that area um do you want comments along the way would we would you prefer that we wait until you go through your presentation um I don't mind comments along the way you can help to address I have a question about this snow storage space right here mhm um I had the same question because if I understand correctly this is the proposed jersey barrier to prevent debris from being pushed down the slope as it Happ beened in the past and in fact I think one of the things we want to condition is uh no movement of material down the slope but this snow storage seems to to contradict that especially since we know what snow storage is is a plow pushes snow into the space which means it's very likely that they'll spill over down below does is that a crazy um so I had a I agree that you know pushing that area is is we're kind of getting adjacent to the conservation area so it it's a little bit difficult with that um and I know that's something that Heather is uh definitely um has some concerns about as well as in that area that's that's the exact area where the big pile of um invasives invasives and the mulch The Mulch pot pit yeah go ahead you got it so I I guess the idea behind this snow storage area is that you know we want to show a little bit of a strip so that it has an area you know we are peeling back the pavement a little bit or the gravel limit so you know the idea is that there's going to be um a slight Ridge um on the back end of the snow storage here once you peel back to gravel so that you have a little bit of an area that's a little bit higher put Snow there it has time to melt and then it gets into the catch Basin area roll backwards um you know I didn't want to show too big of an area that's fine okay I just wanted to check it out man excuse me Mr chair and I'm going to assume that that's no surges for the entrance way only right that's just so the plow can throw it off the side as he comes onto the property oh okay yeah you know and and asking them to plow it all the way back on a non-paved surface is going to come with its own issues moving the whole surface back just my 30 some OD years of doing snow work okay so that's open up the entrance way and keep it open type stuff and that's also pave portion proposed portion to be paved so you're really not going to be bringing that much so it's not about pushing that the space that you have over here is a shrink that right this is where you can push stuff to that's where you'd stack all right that's where you put it in the bucket and it around or a truck the other thing is you mentioned the invasives and the invasives are all in the slope they're not on the level you know they're on that slope yeah I mean do we want to talk about the the invasive now just yeah keep going okay um there is um we have extended the concrete pack pad in the back to include an area just for the hpster um I gave them a relatively big footprint just because you know they do have a couple back there uh to just to make sure they have enough room for um they'll likely have one for recycling and one for um domestic waste as well so as part of the uh staff review comments um that asked for specs for the uh exterior lights um which we have provide and we also included a note um just to say that the exterior light shall be uh dark sky client just to make sure that we're not pointing um out work that's all um obviously the biggest thing we want to talk about here is the the the burm and jersey barrier which um is shown here you'll notice that the hatching um is a little little bit different and it ends right here and you know the extra hat uh the extra line type that's in front of the other one is for the The Mulch and the idea is that you know from this point on because we have the slope pitching toward towards the catch Basin right here is that we we shouldn't require to put in the the extra you know burm against the the jersey barrier because at that point all the water is pitching towards the catch Basin and we're only providing the jersey barrier just as a a barrier uh as opposed to a way to to try to slow down water MH um so that barrier is being carried all the way up to top of the site there and I think that does it for this sheet I'll quickly jump over to the next one sheet C 5.1 this is the let me just zoom on a little bit there we go so I think the the biggest thing that we really want to talk about is this Area Redevelopment area that we had discussed before I'm trying to make an effort to catch this uh portion of land as well as getting into a treatment what we have done is we have extended out the chambers uh one row as well as pushing it an additional row to um kind of accommodate for the footing required for this Landscaping wall we have gone back and spoke with the applicant basically asking them you know what would you like to do we do have the option of doing like a you know CMU block which doesn't really have a footing it goes down for like a foot and it has a leveling pad at the bottom um but they kind of opt for the option of doing like a frost wall and pour at the same time as the building therefore we you know we had to move the chambers around to try to accommodate that so this ended up being the the result of that change as well as the the effort to kind of provide more Chambers for the area captured and then to treat more water MH so it kind of it went kind of a twer um effort um the proposed catch Basin located here as you can see we're trying to get all the water to come down there's going to be a high point here that pushes the water back and this catch Basin because it is located in the gravel area it's going to be fitted with a permanent silk sack that has you know obviously a monthly operation and maintenance you know make sure they clean it out um because obviously gravel area is going to get a lot more uh sediment builtup um so we want to include that before it you know takes the water to a manhole where this will be the prim location for cleaning out the chambers so Li I have a question about the uh the silap bag and the is that is that a task that a an employee of the company can be trained to do or they're going to have a third- party vendor come in every month I mean what how does that work it should be the uh the companies the employees of the company and they have the tools necessary or the equipment that can do that yeah I mean it's just a it's easy I just it's a a matter of lifting the gr and the sack has bars in it and so you then lift the the sack you take it dump the the sediment out great clean it put it back in great I mean I I suspect it works it just has to be done that's 100% okay if it doesn't they're going to have a puddle in their yard or Frozen or Frozen or fro worse right okay yeah yep okay good so it's for their own benefit um so with the with the change to the the grading as well as the um the additional um Chambers um you know we're trying to capture as much as we can taking in this portion here um I know there was a comment about the uh planting within the the focus the focal point so we had actually reached out to the uh manufacturer just to say that you know what do you guys think um you know more or less they're of the kind of the opinion that they don't really care too much one way or the other they do Supply the plant if we ask them but they're also kind of you know if you want to pick a plant from the mass so water handbook they don't have preted so which we did so we have updated the plan list to kind of show like a you know a few species that they can choose from um not a big deal um so and I want to talk about this Outlet here so we did talk about peeling it back a little bit I think we pulled it back about 6 to 7 ft I want to say and obviously the grading for that has to be um adjusted accordingly but we also made sure to extend out that rib wrap pad to make sure that you know it gets to the end of the uh the flat spot um so that it has time to spread out and is a bigger pad so that you know hopefully no erosion occur uh let's see while can you go back to that for a second sure so one of the things I I wonder about is just are you at all concerned about erosion at this Edge where it meets the slope is do you feel like that there's the substrate is firm enough that's going to hold the rip wrap is going to hold the place in function or I mean the the rib WRA is sized for a typical 12-in pipe okay that's what it was designed to and you know there are big boulders it's not just like one uniform Stone there are big boulders being proposed so that we can stack them right at the entrance you know spread them around to make sure that the water gets slow down so they diffuse the flow of the water in amongst the the stone and you know with the amount of uh chambers that we're providing you know unless you're looking at like a 25e storm or bigger yeah I don't you know you're not going to see too much flow coming out of that right cuz that's just the Overflow that you anticipate that's um I think those are yeah so most of the time it's just going to be dry I mean just I mean the side of so you know we designed it to based on the fact that the the gravel was counting as impervious but obviously there is going to be some infiltration happening over the gravel surface yeah okay um I want to just point out we also included so the detail for the mul and stone jersey barrier as well as uh you know a landscaping plan we have taken uh consideration from uh Danny's comment about the the the Shar planting in front of the building as well as provided uh additional planting for the sign location here as well as well as the uh truck turning movement um as we're as requested um up in the upper left you can see the the boulder place type ideas again diffusing you have your rip WRA and you have the larger Boulders so as the flow comes out it gets forced around the boulders kind of creates some diffus I know for a fact that this detail calls for a certain length based on the pipe um but I think we did add additional note just to make sure that it is being extended all the way out rather than whatever length is uh being specified uh let's see here keep going down make sure I'm not missing anything oh this one is a comment that was made by uh Matt Town engineer during the uh the staff review meeting um basically what uh Matt was looking for is a a pocket of settlement area for the um the capture structure so as it's coming to come in from the top it hits this uh grade right here and it comes out of the side of the outlet and the area between this Outlet grade to where the the planting is you know you have about anywhere between 6 to 7 ft so there's going to be a micro grading happening in this little pocket I could hear you a micro a micro grading to to provide like a small little divot as a as a compression M as a point to kind of capture sediment okay and act as an area to for additional settlement cleaning basically um it'll treat us almost like a for Bay everything will settle in there and the water will go through yeah hopefully it doesn't see anything because obviously you're already have like this top grade and side and I'll be happy to mention because Mr disin asked for this um uh the previous meeting about the roof drain we have showing the roof drain connection um so you can see the breakdown of you know capturing over here here carrying that over getting into this manual over here as well as another section on the back end um so we're capturing the entirety of the roof and I think that's the hope of the the item that I want to bring up happy to answer any questions go ahead guys any go ahead I can go after um okay so to summarize this really only two catch basins on the on the job and then then that little proposed rain Guardian turret yes um so my concern is with the catch Basin at the very entrance to the I guess it's the South entrance mhm and the fact that Cape Cod burm on that side of the project goes all the way up to the proposed U you know one of Jersey barriers mhm but on the other side of the project it terminates so it looks like the water is going to shed across the lawn or over the top of that septic system rather than run I know you're you're kind of asking it to run completely across the driveway typically there would be a pair is what I'm getting at as you would normally do with the entrance you have on either side excepting that typically many of those in the cases where you have them on either side you have more of a crown grading can and this is a uh a super elevated or a cross pitch grade because that's the way the ground go right now and that's the way the grade would continue to go so it's super elevated from the north from the building to the curb yeah my concern is 31 310 309 I'm not sure it'll make it across is what I'm getting at I think it's going to wind down that side and just go out to the street you mean following see the gr starts up by the corner of the sidewalk what was it 3 3 11 31 11 10 it might just go 98 yeah I know I I'm having a little trouble seeing how it's going to run across that pavement to the other side to that catch base so I think it wants to Mo this was something that I know Matt Matt and myself did raise but their explanation does you know does make sense it's so at the end of the day when you go out there you're going to you're going to see that water go right in that catch basically you know this is but this is lower right this is 307 versus 308 here so is pitch a little bit higher here right does that that the first section of the road is the first section of the driveway is going to pitch towards the the road right right so the water coming down here at least it's good there there is this rise not very high but slight up so no it's other way it's going the other way goes down 308 307 here's 309 here's 308 307 so oh I see what you're saying right right that's what that's his concern but the the graded from the that southern fac out of the building the Contours are typically parallel to the building Edge so the water typically runs perpendicular to the Contours I think we showed it in our um our um drainage water shed map and you know the idea is that from the corner of this catch Basin right here if you're running the line parallel it should it should go up to right about here and then continue up from there you're trying to shoot it straight across what your Arrow Head just did M yeah in a straight line in a straight line because it is super elevated it is higher as you kind of come up I guess when they do the final course of Paving this would be something that somebody would check you know with the correct the final grading final Paving yeah to make sure we get the water to the catch Basin yeah I mean and the finalize built they'll have to show that you know everything was you know graded as properly well they're going to show it matches this well no no no so the finalized will have like final you know Topo shots showing that you know everything what was done out there will you know meet what it's supposed to be okay now the other catch Basin to the east I guess that's taking water all the way from like halfway up the back of the building right down that slope right there yep and a tiny amount of water that Ro Point excuse me l l pointed out from the high point 3086 to to catch me most of the water shedding across the site as right right yeah and this was the biggest concern this is where um this is where I raised about the waiver and addressing the Redevelopment portion and you know uh in my discussions with Lima and and Bruce about this we've talked about it we feel that they've addressed that concern by adding by adding that catch Bas wasn't there before correct yeah so now exactly we're also we're also looking at a semi- permeable surface here you're going to reuse the uh mil product that's kicking around out there pretty much probably yeah it's not an asphalt PA surface is what I'm saying yeah and we and we expanded the the um Chambers Chambers to the extent practical as well I'm good thank you I mean I just the only things that I would raise is um so on the landscape plan uh obviously uh so you did give us some some plantings some new plantings and changed them four of them are non-native is there any way we could try to get you know at least three of them to be native um we can always try the issue was to come up with uh plants that were going to be Hardy uh going to survive well on a basically a uh a northern slope I mean a western facade mhm you know you want to have some some uh winter effect you know so we got things that have good winter twigs and and color to them and good Fall Foliage to them you have the arbor VY hedge in front of it so that screens it you can't count on that screening to have um like a a broad leaf evergreen or a leafy Evergreen that will get burned in the winter from the Western Sun so it's you know it's it's kind of a a juggling match you know we're not in a buffer zone you know we're a long ways away so it doesn't necessarily have to no and I understand it's just something you know it's I've had these discussions with about this it's it's something that we're going to be going forward that you know about making sure there's a certain percentage of native versus non-native um so I just putting it out there to see if there's something that you guys could possibly do it with that we can look at Alternatives when time comes around and then the invasives along the the portion of the site yeah so they're actually more on the slow P yeah so I mean well it goes up pretty far it goes up pretty up to here right and then the dumpsters are in this area so you know it would be our preference if that were to be at least on the top of that area cleaned out um remove the invasives along that area what the so so with I may um the invasives that we're talking about are Japanese not we we're not just any invasive it's it's not like bittersweet it's really easy Japanese notot wheat is is a big problem um we can do all that you want within our property but there's a whole lot of that Japanese going down the yeah no we we we understand that and as whatever we do is going to be diminished if it's not all dressed hilarious dressed given that it's in an area where there's no proposed grading and no proposed other activity there I would you're going to have the snow storage there well the snow storage is on the flat not on the slope where the plants are and my suggestion would be that we look into where where that flat is is where all those cars are parked right now oh is that that Bay Park right there right up to the edge of the slope okay so the plants begin on the slope okay so my suggestion would be that there would be a um a uh a spring process put into play um and it's a methodology for you know for killing it it's a multi-year project to kill not weed be a spraying and it would be something that the town would have to you know be partner on because the bulk of that not weed in that area is on the town property and one we can't spray it on that two it's conservation three it's AJ into the habitat area obviously the spraying has to be done by a license sprayer etc etc etc um we're we have another project where um we've had to do the removal because it's into construction and it was um you know not weed that expanded from the the side of the road growth that was there and expanded into a pile of you know debris that set not debris of uh put on the site for a period of time okay and it just enjoyed growing into that that edge of that stockpile that disturb area um very very very expensive to cut it and have it hauled away to a know it's not just a onee kind of thing and and that's why I'm like just asking if we can get it I mean it's it obviously it's up to you guys cuz you guys are the applicant and we can't require that it's just something I'm putting on the table yep um my only oh so the debris on the from the landscape pile there's there's quite a bit along this area there's that big mulch pile and then there was more debris as you looked like down this way and as you got into near where their shed was there's a lot more of that dump debris um I don't know if there's any way to try to clean that up if going to remove that is that being used that's a question that um we'll have to discussed with the client and with their tenant yeah um I know that there had been stuff that put over there the tenant put the mulch pile there um primarily for the reason that it has been the low spot and they were trying to stop the runoff from the sediment from this the gravel site um the predecessor wasn't doing anything about it and as a tenant they saw it happening and they had the mulch available to them so they they put it down there it's done a great job of of stopping that so is it going to so it's going to remain so I think that the malt should remain I think that the pile doesn't need to be a pile taken down to the grade of everything around it we're going to be addressing the runoff in our storm water management for the area um it's clear that they had some debris that has fallen over the top of that I think some of that excess mulch should be spread over the top of that so that you know we have you know a mulch issue to look at rather than you know in a uh a non- foliage time of the year rather than a scarred Earth yeah and I'd like to see the same thing happen in the back as I mentioned when we were on the site um where the M where the crane went over the edge there's a couple ruts I want to see that graded off and excess mulch put down over those areas um the the ground itself is stable when we walked around the bottom there was no sediment piles anywhere there was no nothing down there that you could see that things were coming down it's been there for a long time and it's yeah the ground didn't sink to caus the machine to roll over the edge it just it was either Vandal or it was left out of gear we don't know what the issue was but yeah and then I think the other comment was that was was a screening that you when you rais so you know the Gap so if you can imagine the site you're looking toward the um transfer the transfer station look we can't impose it but I think it would be wise and beneficial to everyone involved to complete the screen so that you your applicant has privacy and it's not the applicant's property isn't visible to the uh people who using the the transfer station and I guess my question is what is the we're going to have a nice building uh nicely stored stuff Cubbies what is the issue of them seeing a from a a transfer station seeing a commercial property next door which has been there for years much much much cleaner than it has been I mean right now we're looking at a bunch of racks you know the the etc etc and also sometimes businesses they don't want everyone seeing their business I mean it's just like that you I mean do you understand I'm saying sometimes don't want that if they wish to do screening there I can definitely you know we'll think you message yeah okay although I quite enjoy the view of the solar panels they seriously I love I I'm sorry was that I hear what you said I'm sorry oh he said he said they have a great view of the solar panels great view of the solar panels yeah is there any other any other issue I think that we' those are the issues I think we can now discuss the um you want to take them in turn the waivers in turn if you lead us one through one through the waivers Mr chair yeah I'm sorry Nathan I didn't mean you go ahead um this is a super thick uh storm water management permit uh one question DPW has they have they yep they reviewed it and they reviewed the revised version and they had no comments um they uh they really didn't have a lot of comments on the initial storm report anyways um most of the comments that came out of that were really addressing the Redevelopment portion as well as how the uh storm water was going to be handled along the edge of the site and with the mulch berm with the stone and the Jersey barriers uh gpw feels that that's going to be adequate for the site great yeah and I just want to point out you know with the with the expansion of the chambers obviously the the runoff that we're we're meeting before we've improved upon that as well um I just don't have a paper front of me but in sumary everything's moving to the better yes yeah that's what it looks like to me right Danny yeah and DP in the meeting you had with the engineering meeting okay good yeah okay good so uh the waivers what do we start which one are we starting with get the mouse yeah there you all right so our first waiver is all right so the first waiver request is for um uh to provide a detail landscape plan um this is from section 3 l um so I think they've they've given uh us the information that we need for the landscape plan we've had the conversations just two minutes yeah we had the conversation about um you know the native or not native raised but um I think at this point we can uh it would be my uh recommendation on provid provide away how the rest do you feel I'm good um my I had a quick question Dan yes okay so this these are just to clarify these are waivers from the site plan regulations yes yes so um the first couple we're going to go through is for site our site plan um revieww uh requirements from our regulations these are from that section and then there will be uh two waivers from our storm water regulations but there's there's no waivers from anything that has to do with zoning or anything like that no no if waivers from zoning always go through zba but yeah yep yep just as a clarification yes okay thanks um so yes so section 3.0 is the first wer do you recommend that we go discuss them all or just vote as we go I go by each one and so we can vote right you recommend so if uh if everyone is uh if that's amendable to everyone can I have a a motion to wave that and could you give us number waiver from section 3. L of our site plan review regulations so move seconded any further discussion hearing none Ken how do you vote Yes yes Julie uh can uh Nathan I Jeff hi chair votes I so we'll wave section 3. L of the site plan review section yep okay good next wer the next is um from section 5 pointb which is to provide a traffic impact statement um analysis um I would recommend that we don't uh we provide the waiver on this as you know there's really not going to be an increase I just so the public that why why we would do this because there are no customers coming on site this is It's really employees come in they do their work and they leave at the end of the day and none of the tenants has a great number of employees it's small go ahead and I just want to add to that the majority of the employees do not come to the site right they go they have they have uh company trucks they go directly to the job sites so every one time there's only a handful of people there if that right yeah that's why that's why I think that's grounds for waving the traffic plant because there's no traffic and the two tenants that have been there with the former owner are going to continue to be there and so you know what their traffic is and we've gone from a trucking industry to uh basically a warehouse and a a grounds for storage y okay good uh what how do we frame that um uh so this is a waiver from section five point B of the site plan review regulations go moved second any further discussion hearing none Ken yes yes Julie Nathan hi Jeff hi CH vot high so that's unanimously passed next waiver request all right the next is from section uh seven b which is for the photometrics plan um based on how this uh where this site is what's around it there's really nothing but woods and and the transfer station um all there's very going to be very minimal Lighting on site anyways cuz there's no one's going to be here after dark and that lighting will be dark sky compliant anyway correct cuz that's the biggest concern being to the conservation is a dark Scot compliant it will be it's on the plans I Mr chair I'm assuming it's going to be motion activated in the off hours because you need to have lighting to make it safe yes but yeah it's just you know we're getting really good at motion activated light guy this world so okay and what I'm sorry move to approve the way from section 7B 7B second any further discussion I got to just I got to backtrack sorry D I'm sorry sorry it's not my my error the the site plan regulations what's the date that we're working with maybe I have the wrong thing here think got July July 10th of 2018 that is correct so those sections don't seem to match but I'm looking at here this is B did you guys go through these is is that your numbers on the page here you put those on there yes y 31 5B and so forth yes yeah B is so is like I've got application procedures for three on page two I've got uh section five is 7 oh you know what I think I think you're correct Ken it might be the um I think he's talking about subdivision regulations maybe no different be older um you want to look at this um let me that's what I got right here just double check sorry that's e for the traffic and that's B what is 5B on that 3 l now is it different in the zoning bylaw yeah so maybe it's different that's why I'm trying to double check so the zoning byla might have a site plan section Danny do you happen to have the the site plan review section of the zoning specifically of the zoning bylaw yeah I think that is what is being referenced I have it I I have it here um 3.5 3.5 yep but even on 3.5 it doesn't have those wondering where that section 9 mon yeah cuz that's not on there I can't get how do I Mo this there's noiles and stuff like that yeah yeah site pl's 3.8 so um where is get it from another town maybe something like that let's see right here so here's our section you're looking at the same the side plan rigs yeah I'm looking at the site plan regulations let me see if it's on the application maybe those are different um forms review it is okay keep going where there from 7D photometric yeah there it is right there that it's cuz it's on the application um the way it's listed is different than what's our because we have it numbered in there it's it's it's numbered differently than our actual site plan um regulations so the number is technically correct based off on our application on how it's set up that's the waiver but from the rules and regulations it's the numbers are different so so the motion we made is no good as well so we have to amend those the motion I'm going to make two suggestions got you guys figure out which one we're going to amend we'll amended corly but we need to put the actual sections on this plan yep absolutely I I'll get that amended just in a p you got it section6 whatever it is okay yeah that to find that it's definitely an issue yeah so the first one which is for the landscape plan just get that exact that's why I get the big Bock even even that one does so out the lighting I got right there pH that's easy l is number three Landscaping I got it right here is the last one so it's number 14 so it's here's the actual section so section four Roman numeral 4 yep Roman numeral 4 C 14 and so we'll add that in parentheses after the 3 l that's there to your to your plan to a plan yeah to the plan yep and we need to modify we need uh so a motion to modify yeah the previous move to modify the previous approval waiver approval to include section the numeral 4 c14 correct seconded from the site plan review regulations yes seconded do i any further Ken yes Julie yes catch Ken Nathan I Jeff yes chair votes I so that's the landscape okay so yeah we we're on the second or third when we caught this we were on the third the first so we're on the third so we got to get the traffic one right the second one is the traffic one right which is uh section four move to amend yep section 4 e move to amend to include section R 4 e from the site plan regulations seconded any further discussion hearing none Ken how do you vote yes Julie yes Nathan I Jeff I chair votes I thank you good luck with this one so this seven the third one no we're going slow the third one which is 7B that they're looking for 7 on the application which on the application which is G Roman what 4 G four section g move to amend the third waiver requests to include section four Roman 4 section g of the site plan regulations of the site plan regulations thank you Ken seconded any further discussion hearing none Ken yes Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff hi CH votes I we'll get there you should never apprciate everyone's patience yes all right the next one is from our um from our zoning bylaw which is from the parking of 9.1 can I interrupt and just ask we didn't complete the vote the first time so did we do that correctly yes you didn't complete the vote for the phot ventri plan so when I type it out it will just say that was amended amended and we just approved it sorry just making sure keep no good good eye Julie thank you so this next one is from um 9.1 within our zoning bylaw which is our parking our off street parking um this is 9.19 A2 and it's about providing bicycle parking for any new development based on the location the use I don't think it's a the last ble ever to go to that property has been there exactly so that's a re yeah move to approve is there a a corresponding section no this one's from our zoning okay move to approve the waiver request for Section 91982 second oh the air zoning bylaws sorry The Zing bylaws I was actually looking at that to see if I actually read it correctly cuz I'm between my glasses tonight I I I just seconded it any further discussion here hearing none Mr disin yes Julie yes aan hi Jeff under duress I chair votes are okay good all right are we through the w we no so we have two more two more these are from the storm water um uh so from our storm water management requirements um let's just make sure that that's the correct number yeah we're going to just double check before storm water byla or the storm water regulation that's what I'm going to I'm going to I am I have both right here so I'm just going to pull it up real quick we have too many rules too many separate finders but you know what remember remember it was like 15 years ago we going under section four or section six come on guys I I prefer this it's definitely the reg for us for the first thing on this section the almost made my head explode when I sat the first one of those out let's see so three they getting a lot hours over there your daughter's over it's under good good this something not wanting to be home with you guys I can understand police looking that up how your ride go TR I see was awesome you know what I did started in Albany so first night German Town second night pipy third night at called movac pip moac is 50.7 Miles now he's looking at this one could you see if you can find it for the last one oh so the last one that one we do know you do know okay I don't know where is three miles I think that might have been an air beautiful Lake top 3 L I think it's supposed to be section c yeah that's what I was thinking of the new development portion yeah yeah that is section is it so it's D yeah that's the yeah and this one is also the regulation this one is D it should be B right 2.8 D yeah DB yep 2. 2.8 DB yep d1b there's so many sub D1 one of the storm water regulation yeah storm think about actually labeling each word in the regulation next time so I just need someone to form a um who's the one the engineer wrote for the public what this does this simply is a waiver request so that the the the storm water permit application reflects only the redeveloped portions of the site is that correct which again is reasonable and sensible if you made the motion I'll second it I make a motion to uh for CU you're clear on it w request uh for stormw water regulations 2.8 D1 pointb is that correct two let me just make sure 2.8 yep d1b yes there you go okay do I have a second I just got got a second from Julie any further discussion Ken V yes yes Julie hi Nathan hi Jeff Jonathan says I okay and then the next one is section 2 uh1b which is right of the storm water regulations yes of a which one is this is regarding um oh the easement Oh e is not necessary this is private property it's not a subdivision it's it's private property it's unnecessary maintenance onm is the responsibility of the property owner so correct move to approve the waiver request section 2.1 2.10 point B seconded any further discussion hearing none Ken yes Nathan hi Jeff hi chair votes I someone's got to vote in just to have Okay so we've gotten through all the waiver requests yes just one one more clarification so on the the drawing you happen to have what you wanted to do in the capital done right it says local site plan application waivers but we actually were doing site plan review that and used the right the right the right words we in the wrong place so but we'll go back and we will add section we have the section referencing the site plan regul regulation and I'll amend the application and get that up and it's to everyone's benefit okay thanks to get it correct okay thank you cuz some 3 years from now there'll be an argument thank you Mr chair I'm glad to be the guinea pig that P the problem out thank you thank you so what remains here for this for 91 what do we what remains work to do here um so I think at this point um they've addressed all the the comments that we've had unless there's any other outstanding comments that I'm going to ask one question I believe I saw it in the notes previous to this nhp says this is a no take no no no no no take a no take so no letter is required correct for the population who don't don't understand what I just said they're not encroaching upon the natural historic natural heritage natural heritage Endangered Species Act land protected under that act yes thank you yeah wow that they provided that as part of the information um that we requested very good that's that's a good thing to know I just want to say I wanted to say it out loud so it's done so I think at this point um I can work on getting a decision ready for the next meeting and um unless there's anything else the board wants to discuss I'm good do we need to close the public hearing or do we can we do at the next meeting before the deliberation you can you can close it now or at the next anything from the public at all oh yeah but yeah we do need to do public okay thanks go ahead Nathan are is the next step a site plan approval I will have a draft site plan approval okay um but that's up to the board as to what they decide on sure draft the decision with the finding what com the next step in the process kind of like what we did with 333r Street that's why they're smiling we came to the next meeting with a draft decision I'll have it sent over to them to review before the meeting and they can get me any comments okay and the major changes that we're expecting are so um they'll update the they'll just these are a lot of DET excuse me there was some requests that I and they'll that's up to them if they end up doing them or not changes yes I made not of them we'll speak with everybody check appreciate that yeah thank you we come a long way this is the first plan I'd prefer to continue it just in case yeah in case in Cas something comes up I'd rather if that's okay do I I need a continuance right y move to continue is there anybody here that's oh I'm sorry so I want is there anyone on Zoom no so just uh so for the room any any questions from the public any concerns anything in I hearing none hearing none rivet it out there I know they move to continue the 91 run Harvard Road map 13 parcel 8 application site plan review and major stor Water Management plan permit being North Atlantic concrete to July 9th I just want to make her type a lot uh any any further discussion hearing none Ken yes yes Julie says I Nathan hi Jeff yes chair says I thank you gentlemen we'll see you at the next meeting I'll I'll get you guys that before the meeting so that you coms thank you um thank you I believe I read the public hearing notice before you know I'm going to ask I'm going to do a f minute recess I'm going to do five minute recess and then we'll get we'll get to you so I have a public hearing notice for the site plan review the air planning board will be conducting a hybrid public hearing at 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday June 25th 2024 in the first floor meeting room at air toown hall One Main Street to consider the site plan application submitted by AVS Inc for property located at 77 Fitchburg Road air the applicant is proposing to perform light manufacturing within a portion of the existing building for more information please contact the air planning office at 978 772 8220 extension 144 or planning at a.m. us as advertised June 7th and June 14 in the nooba valley Voice come on up and I think we need to do a opening right we need a motion to open the uh public hearing I'd like to make a mo I can do the right right I'd like to make a motion to open up the public hearing for 77 Fitchburg road map 11 parcel 16 uh applicant ABS Inc do I have a second seconded any further discussion hearing none Ken yes Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff yes and the chair votes I welcome if you could identify your name sir Jacob crashman the CEO of abs welcome sir thank you and will you take us through this Danny yes let me just uh pull up the side plant no that's not what I wanted all right um so this is a uh change of use uh for the site uh currently the uh site is a used or a new it's a car dealership I'm not sure if it's used or not um and uh the the applicant's going to be taking up about 2500 ft of the existing building over here um the on this side is the cars uh the car dealer and there's in this big area right here is where they keep all the cars uh parked um so the applicant is a uh light industrial manufacturing um and I'll let him explain as to what they're what they do over there um so the use is very uh they're only going to have a couple of employees there um maybe a box truck coming in and out of the site just to pick up the manufacturing from that uh that building um and it's yeah there's not really a lot to this application doesn't seem like there's any modifications even to the no the only modification that's being proposed right now is adding this driveway off of Oakhurst street right here that's a big fence over there with a lot of trees and stuff that was a requirement request from the fire department there's no trees along here there like five minutes ago there's like Bush that's further down here along the existing propane tank um Charlie and I went out there privacy fence too yeah there is a privacy fence you're right it's a privacy fence but there's no um there's no like bushes along this specific area and that's why we we specifically talked about this area and that's a response to yeah there's no driveway over there now there's no so there's a request for a driver from from Public Safety yes from myself Charlie and from from public safety reasons is request for access to the back of the building which makes a lot of sense and in fact I just want to just say for the rest and that's actually one you'll see fire department one of their comments was that in fact yeah the only interde departmental comment we got that was it from fire and the one comment they said and I can I even wrote it down I know I wrote it down here somewhere um yeah they wrote consider having fire department access from ocher Street those are literally their words consider was their words it was a conversation that we had with the applicant uh Charlie and I as well as with fire and I spoke with Chief Johnson about this um because of if you go out to this site right here there is a gate right here but the cars are parked all along here and here so it doesn't have the best access for a car showroom yeah it there's almost look like looks like Lock Storage in the back like it was a toyard and they used to lock the cars in for secure yeah I'm not sure what it was but that's what it looks like yeah so I'm not exactly sure what's back there I know there are some containers right there there's some containers there's uh cars back there and the owner of the property he's got some equipment and stuff back there yeah and so uh you know what we were talking to them is having access off of Oaker would make it much easier iier for the applicant to come in and out of the site especially with how many all these cars are parked here and we were thinking about access for how they would get a box truck their box truck in and out also for Public Safety in the yes abs and also having fire department being able to get in there and with how congested this area is having this additional entrance here makes it much easier for the fire department to get in back here and if they if they need to get into this area did this get a but a notification this okay all uh so and as of right now since we don't have minor site plan review every site plan review does have a butter notification that's my only concern we creating traffic on a street that had no traffic on it so basically you look at it works like a driveway to the U yeah so there's a U-Haul back here there's a U-Haul there there's a U-Haul back there so these guys across the street are going to get it's going to change a little bit for those is across the street the only traffic that's going to be coming in and out of there is how many employees we have there we're going to have two employees working at that site okay I have five five parking stalls and the so our main facility is across the street from there 600 ft away we can hit it what our Wi-Fi yeah we know where than yeah so so basic is deploy coming in out and anything else in terms of traffic um so we're going to have our box truck we're not going to receive any shipments there our receiving departments across the street um second shift will then move over any materials and bring it into the building for the guys on first shift did we get this it's on our website but yep no hard copies yep you have a hard copy right in there thank you yep oh so David Roston it yeah and there was in AB Butters uh letter that was sent um to us from a uh one of the residents in town um who raised a cons who raised uh traffic as something to look at um and asked about potentially doing a traffic study for this project this project yes I do not um feel this project meets that standard um um there's only employees and the box truck there's not going to be any customers coming in and out of there they're not going to be picking they're not going to be uh drop off materials or anything so I don't I believe this is this the impact of this use is very very minor I would agree if I may Mr shair I was approached by a resident here in town um unfortunately your facility across the street was had an accident um was it 2016 2019 2018 2018 and I I believe somebody was hurt in the accident yes yeah and that is still fresh in the memory of some of the people in town and the people in town are also sensitive to the uptick in just general traffic in town and this area of the town has also seen some recent developments so the person contacted me and said I'm very concerned about the level of traffic over there I I'm just relaying this I'm relaying this to the board because you know different residents who approach different people on the board um I just wanted to put that out there that was a request I had so so I guess if I could take that in two pieces yep whatever accident happened in 2018 that's a if that's been resolved in a matter of public safety that's that's not us that doesn't affect the application in front of us today so the second issue is traffic but as described two employees then the box truck second shift which sounds to me like that would be off major hours anyway correct I mean it's it's not unlikely that it would go over there during the day as well but we're talking to employees and if they're not going to work there they're coming across the street so you're within 600 ft of these where these people are going to be going to work regardless is this um well actually I was so concerned so you fabricate metal fabrication and stuff in ABS I don't know tell if you could tell us what you do so ABS um we we we manufacture Capital Equipment um mostly um furnaces for processing different types of Alloys materials surrounds uh we've got about 73 to 74 employees right now uh we ship all around the world we we've got stuff in China France um South Korea um so and lots of stuff in United States that's going to be a supplement for our manufacturing Department uh which is going to be um um uh what we call a Hot Zone so that is the insulation that goes inside inside our furnace um so it's made out of graphite it's like 1in foam graphite um it's an insulation material it's very expensive it's cut just like you would um wood so we're going to have a table saw there we're going to have a router a dust a dust collection system there as well and you call it a hot site a Hot Zone a Hot Zone so hot in that you're working with materials not that it's temperature it's not it's not going to be hopped the materials are ra for 3000° but we're we will not be heating it that material up there it goes inside our furnace all of our testing takes place at 60 Fitchburg thank you I just got around a hot shop out in Deerfield and people get really scared about that hole you know it's a welding fabrication company so yeah and I can imagine that building raised to 3,000 Celsius they they glow sorry and uh small space and we we don't plan on doing any welding over there or anything like that um so it's just going to be like I said it's going to be cutting graphite insulation materials doing the Assembly of the hot zones there and then um receiving and inspecting the materials so the materials will be delivered at EVS they'll be delivered over there they'll receive a box with probably you know 200 Parts in there they're going to take each part out they're going to inventory it measure it inspect it close it back up in the box and then it'll be shipped up Oho this something that being brought to you being manufactured by somebody else cor oh so so you're okay you're doing palz and uh inspection yeah it's of subassemblies that we're going to sell as aftermarket parts got it thank you do the members of the board have any further questions or concerns yes please can lay it out okay so just to point out to everybody and I'm sure the applicant understands this driveway we're talking about is a gravel driveway it's not a paveed driveway um I don't see that as being you know a great asset to anything but I guess it's okay um there's no Ada required I believe you should have an ADA parking space I would think of the five this a requirement but not sure if that goes to us or the building department or who so I believe this did come up um there's a there was a there's like a building code AS to or the Ada um a Aba or I forget well Mass but yeah but Ada so on the requirement of what the handicap is I don't believe a handic C is required for this because there's no retail there's no customers coming okay I'm concerned about that I mean as a company would you want one of these to be ADA Compliant um so we're we're doing manufacturing over there so we only have two employees that are going to be working over there and um the only we went through Charli I believe it was and Charlie said it wasn't required for this I mean it is it is handicap accessible in the back so I have five stalls I I don't have a problem putting a handicap sign on one of the Stalls if we need to but we we won't be using it yeah it wasn't a requirement from yeah Charlie yeah when we had the meeting uh when we had our our meeting with Charlie myself and um uh uh the engineers as well we talked about that that did come up and I believe because of the fact that there is no retail like no selling coming to site it's not I don't believe it's I just think it's a prudent good practice for any company to have an accessible space there that's my own opinion um there's no need for traffic study we talked about that obviously so those are my only concerns okay oh one other question do you need to pull a this is not our purview but just of interest do you need to pull a building permit to build a demising wall here a rated wall between the two SS one there that's already been done it's done okay W good Nathan um where is the the loading and unloading door so there's a overhead door right next to the parking stalls right there okay right there so the box truck will come in you're going to use the urst and the and the new cut to come in correct to the box truck we could use either one depending on which gate was open okay okay well that's important now so either and either way either o or or fburg Road correct and both gate both gates are locked okay y okay okay um my only comment on the traffic this is not not pertinent to this application is the Noah application right that's that did or already has oh the the 40b yeah that would that would you know if there's concerns about traffic in the region would that have covered concerns so I don't know so I wasn't part of that process with the 40 the comprehensive permit I don't know if a traffic study wasn't was done I would I would assume that there was yeah I that's what I'm saying like I don't know look up that project yeah yeah so the the that based on how the proximity to this site would address any of those issues any further questions from the board um we have to talk about waivers for this like lighting and other things and like we did in the last application do we need to go through all of that stuff yeah so that was something that um you're considering it a not a full sight plan but a miner so this is yeah we'll discuss the minor and major later but this is something that I was actually thinking about today um that I think and that's why we're going to leave this open until the next meeting cuz I believe that we will have to do waiver requests just like we did with um all the other projects is like 333d Street all those the ones that typically wouldn't be a major site plan review but we have to do the process so I understand excuse me just a second so what you're going to do is with your decision with the findings and recommendations you'll include the list of of ofal waivers okay and I'll reach out to Kevin on this it's just kind of like a written request kind of like we just you just saw in the last one sure I'll give them the list of all the ones that need w a request so that he can just provide it to me and that way when we come at the next meeting within the decision they're already you know written out and everything is set and it's just they can vote at it at the next meeting good great anything else we going to ask one question I believe this is a request for a change in use mhm okay can you just do a quick explanation on that for the people in the world who don't understand yes so under our site plan review there are uh actually we at our last meeting I gave an explanation on this actually this it that meeting no um so there are uh several triggers under our site plan review and one of the triggers for um for site plan review the first one is a change of use so in this uh in this situation the use is currently vac so the change is going to be to light industrial um due to that fact it gets brought into site plan review and if I may to expand on that light industrial is allowed by right in this in this in this correct so they don't have to go to zoning cour of appeals for a change it can get confusing and I want to make sure it's laid out there's no special permits that are required this is a by right use thank you I'd like to open up for public comment or questions no okay so I think we need a continuance to the next move to continue to the July 9th meeting 77 fishburg road map 11 parcel 16 application site plan review applicant ABS Incorporated second any further discussion hearing none Ken yes Julie yes Nathan hi Jeff hi share votes I thank you sir we'll see the next to be clear that at the next meeting a decision will be made y okay plan yeah and I'll get the decision over to to you and to Kevin so that you guys can look at it time thanks have a good evening thank you all righty okay um so we are up to project status update and committee reappointments yes anything notable on the updates yes project status updates so uh last week Matt and myself met out at air Solar 2 with RIT to go through some of the uh outstanding issues uh um we had a zoom call about 2 weeks ago with um town the you know Town departments that are involved with the project and uh R heat GPR and um their Council um attorney Costa we went through the open items that were uh that came from our original sidewalk that we did in I believe February or March uh I maybe it was March um out of that uh conversation we came up with a list of nine items that needed to be addressed uh at our site uh visit with uh Matt myself and rohi last week uh we discussed what needed to be addressed which was uh the main things when you go out there it's now pretty much fully grown in uh when we were first out there there was an issue about whether or not the uh site the where the solar panels was actually take you know actually grow in um I had some concerns but after my site visit with them uh there were it had really grown in over that couple of months um there were some areas that were Bare still that I asked him to touch up so he did address those um uh they did L and Seed those uh they addressed some of the sailes that were um around the site that led into basins where they was some sediment um erosion uh they lined those with stone with Crush Stone okay um the we did come to the to the conclusion after just you know GPR and Matt going back and forth on calculations for the storm water uh that bigger Basin um so they have enough capacity to deal with the storms it's not getting it is not draining down within the 72 hours but we based on the options there's really not much to do about it um to address that so we uh ledge yeah it's it's on L so Matt Fields you know based on what's out there based on the structures it it's it should um it should be uh fine for the site to function properly the system at least um they did address there was some other um one of the pipes was pitching backwards um that was addressed uh they did also uh when we were out there we did talk about the um Culvert and um where the stream crossing the new stream Crossing cover was out there they did add some additional St bigger stones to kind of slow it down and break it up at the Culvert that is kind of outside of our purview it was something that Matt and I suggested to row heat to kind of help um but that is in conservation's perview they'll deal with that with their order conditions they won this is the first time heard this okay so yeah this is something that um we we gave him a bunch of suggestions he just emailed it today to me with showing me what they did which was add some bigger boulders to kind of try to slow down that stream so that it's not picking up so much speed and just going straight down Matt and I you know we hope that that that's going to address the issue but uh Heather's going to be the one who ends up dealing with it when they come back for their cooc um and then other than that everything else so on our list was addressed um I told Rohit I think we're at the point where I I feel comfortable um with uh signing off um but I I wanted to see if the board wanted to go out there I know part of our process typically is to have a site walk at the end of the project um and just you know to make sure to so that you guys can see the final project uh but kind of I'm opening that up to the board to see what they want to what you guys want to do I have to recuse myself because of the discussion yeah go ahead oh yes sorry about that I I totally forgot about that I'm going to lay it on the table I am so fatigued by this project that I'm going to uh move that we allow our professionals to take care of this and they get this thing plugged in and turned on cuz otherwise we're going to have a white elephant on our hands I'm sorry to say it like that but this I think I've been out there these times you know what you described is sufficient for me what you there's nothing more for me to see that you haven't just said because we went out there just a few weeks ago wasn't maybe two months ago most I don't I I'm will I'm open-minded if my if my colleagues feel that we should make another visit I'm open to it but my feeling is it isn't necessary at this point Nathan Julie I agree do you need us there like I okay think it's a fair question want your honesty but you got your back for some reason that's helpful I don't know why want to make sure that the board felt and I know for a fact that conservation is living in Roe's left left left pants pocket and I know Danny and Matt have been working in his right pants pocket let's get this thing to the goal line I would say leave it to the pros like the way you said it perfect that's it and I'll send you that letter I just got it today so it was like I'm still waiting for the CR to yeah you I know and that's not a matter that needs to vote right no it's just informal just yeah yeah bring C back please any other projects um other than that there's really not much else um 42 Park Street obviously it's moving along very slowly you see that it is moving it's moving oh it's it's huge the the change at 42 Park Street and the change in the building next door to it is also huge just the repaint and the clean up and everything it's it's been big yeah there's been talks about what they may be doing there um but may I yeah the company that is currently occupying the downstairs of that building does property cleanouts and they use it for storage of things that clean out of properties and stuff that doesn't get moved through to somewhere else they actually have it like a a um it's not a vintage shop yet but the perception might be that they'll be coming to the town to open up stalls that people can rent to sell stuff yeah wow it's it's a big industry so that's what I've heard is yeah in in in motion for that I won't get you in trouble I asking you what's going to happen that's what I've heard okay anything else Danny um let me see um well Panther place is moving along pretty well as um too if you go out there um we I think they're they're getting close to that point where um they can start working on um the rest of the uh cuz they finished most of their that um brag Circle I think it's called um is it brag Briggs Briggs Briggs so they're almost you know at the point where they're done with that and they can finish off start finish finishing the rest of the project um the Shaker Mill Pond it's a neighborhood now yes yeah sh what's up with that so um Heather and I went out there when was it oh that was not last Friday the Friday before no it wasn't a Friday it wasn't even a Friday it was a Thursday oh so about 2 weeks a week and a half ago yeah we went out there um met with wednes that's right yes we it was a really hot day it was one of those really hot days um we met with a couple of the residents that live it's the first four Lots um there they put in some signs the conservation restriction signs and uh there was some complaints on the size of them where they were all that kind of stuff and there's some mowing that's occurring back there um which is you know part of the conservation restriction area residents are mowing the area yes part of the open space yes it's part of the open space so it's it's something that we're currently uh in in the you know trying to work and deal with to try to figure out what our best options on on how to deal with that um they were not I guess told about that open space area and not being allowed to mow it um when they bought the houses so we're trying to find what's the best you know uh balance of both to make sure that every everyone is at least um getting that it's being addressed in a way that I understand one I understand both sides yes yes it's I'm I'm trying to you me a favor when you thank you for the could you do me a favor when you go out there and ask them if they were trained on the E1 systems see I was just going to go there go ahead I'm sorry that was it so there's a there's a pattern here that as developments become more sophisticated and there's more moving Parts because of regulations and Technologies think about this so conservation restriction Wetland buffers E1 units all these things or things on a deed that a land owner a property buyer wouldn't necessarily know I wouldn't know buying a home about any of this all this would be new to me and I'm just feel that there's a gap between our decision here and then what information is communicated to the about what the responsibilities and limitations are in the future and and that Gap isn't being addressed and I'm wondering I think we have to come up the town has to come up with some kind of solution to this and so um how do I uh I don't want to trample on anybody and and I don't like speaking ill of other people um I think the ball was dropped on certain stages of the project okay when certain things were signed off on there were uh items that were not installed and and things were not done properly that should have been over you know there should have been oversight on them and there was not um so going into the future there the more detailed decisions that we've been working on and writing for these uh projects will help um prevent any of the ball dropping you know at certain stages of the project I think it's I don't agree I'm sorry I don't agree with that I don't think the ball was did this next time then so I think the problem is a minor problem of people understanding where their conservation land begins on their property yes um sounds like that to me there's there's that and there's also the fact that like the residents said when the building permits and everything was signed off for final occupancy why were why were the signs not already up as they should have been why was um why were we not told that open space was back there um there's oversight the I understand what you're saying but I believe that in my position had I been there a lot of this things would make a suggest I I don't I don't want this to devolve into a blame Point thing exactly that's that's what I'm TR I don't I don't want to go back in the past something said my point is that we've seen this this issue come up multiple times in the last few years and I just think that collectively we have to be thinking forward about how do we prevent these confusions or what have you from happening go ahead Jeff I'm going to step in I did a 230 unit property in methan I did 171 propert unit property in um Acton for different developers every single purchaser signed a piece of paper yeah saying that they were told we recorded each one of these pieces of paper and every single time as a management company I would go to them and say do you realize XY Z they'd say nobody told us exactly at which point I would present them with the piece of paper that they signed a lot of things so so what you're going to end up with is well GI didn't know is a convenience way of they're going to leave nobody wants enforcement in what they perceive to be their property and that is truly the issue we don't have an association over there it's no homers Association corre so we're always going to have this and when I got to town 10 years ago and we talked about this last night in the storm water we had all these detention retention bases with with um operations plans nobody was doing it of course so our DPW put the foot down and says we're going to do it and charge them and that's the way it's going to be and that's how we solve that problem we can't do this in this situation but it's these fits and starts they didn't in fact get it they didn't vac sign it but they just so much going on when you bu Happ plus they really get to buy the house I did okay wait can we just it's already 8:00 we just offline Nathan I don't want to shut off Nathan though you did we covered this when we did 33 and Third Street last week it's in the deed it's so legally it's covered okay good um not that brings us to committee reappointments yes can everyone look at the sheet that uh so I gave everybody kind of a a chart just these were all the the the um appointment positions that were came out of the planning board I know Ken I know everyone is on a lot of different boards you're not necessarily they are appointed through the planning board um so these are only for the position that were appointed through planning board on Julie's so your CPC yes you were supposed to be reappointed last year so I'm done no no no no you're still you're still on it I appoint Ken cuz his name is not on sheet so so this is where I think we can discuss if you want reappointment that's the whole point yeah this is do you want reappointment um and if you do so on the CP specifically on the CPC mean I don't know so specifically on the CPC this one would not be like a normal 3year you know it would because it should have happened last year it would just go through 2026 so technically it's two years thank you it would be an honor to serve you guys and obviously I have no problem with the store in fact I don't know how long the stor more utility group is going to but yes whatever the length of that is I have no issue with staying with that obviously uh how about the Devin resolution that's Julie and Jeff you guys were I'm especially concerned Jeff on three of these things here um so let's talk about that if you don't mind I do want to talk about it de resolution is one day a month is during the day typically late afternoon is that okay it's perfectly fine just the just the level the affordable housing trust um I would like to stay on that because we're still working on um uh a comons um and quite honestly Alicia carries most of the load on that I run meetings at this point and write a write letters mrpc is again one day a month and that's going to start heating up probably in about a year but I'm just getting my stride in there do you want to stay with that I'd like to stay with that if possible unless somebody else wants to jump in what I was going to ask you though Mr chair is yes sir and I know Kathleen is involved in many things in other groups here in town too but I don't want how do I say this don't feel excluded from any of this if you want to join is what I would ask I can't commit anything I would ask when the meeting I would ask that we would you know just make sure that that's always an opportunity and Nathan you okay with the affordable housing working group yes Ken is there anything on here or is there anything that I need to add in terms of you cuz you're on a lot of different boards and are is there anything here that you're appointed through through the planning board I don't believe so I'm on the senior center working a senior center site selection and construction committee but that comes from a select board I yes um I don't think it comes from the planning board so what action do we need here so we're going to have to vote on each of these can I move that we reappoint given the sheet yeah can you do the whole sheet the Slate I just made that motion yeah let's let's do it just just keep on the same right yes buto us we're all reappointed yeah I'm I'm just going to use this as a reference send it the document and you second it I seconded it any further discussion hearing none Ken I Julie yes Nathan I Jeff yes and I say I terrific thank you everybody appreciate all that and so going forward I'm just going to keep using this kind of as a template you know so that we know when uh each of the terms expire what needs to be reappointed so that way I can keep track yep point of procedure does that need to be given to the select board no no these appointments are these are outside of just want to make sure because they do that good June 11 minutes and we have the June 11 minutes I I uh I move that we approve the the June 11 minutes as with the the edits I suggested as sent to all the members ahead of the meeting second second any further discussion no hearing none Ken yes Julie was there oh yes still voted I will abstain of course thank you I forgot I I say I technically I don't have to obain but we do that tradition tradition oh look at this I am so impressed just the sign here you'll put the date yeah can we move to a journ move to a journ good night everybody thank you so much