##VIDEO ID:7Glgt6STERM## evening everybody I'd like to open the town of air select board meeting for Tuesday October 1st 2024 this meeting SL hearing of the air select board will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this inperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting SL hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast T unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on zoom and channel 8 the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID number 897 9879 3 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about the remote par participation please contact Carly antonellis assistant Town manager at ATM a.m. us or 978 772-822-0151 [Applause] Justice for All um any changes or amendments to the agenda Mr chairman yes members of the board uh just under the town manager's report if I could add an amendment um for appoint for appointments uh an appointment to the rate Review Committee and a modification to the 71 Sandy Pond working group okay thank you I have nothing so I'll make a motion to approve the agenda as amended seconded all those in favor I and the chair says I CH is approved um the only announcement for this evening is a reminder that this Saturday is the Newton Street um Festival um it will be Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. um with the rain date of Sunday the same times and um I'll hand it over to Janice for a moment of silence so Mr chair um as we sadly know on September 5th 2024 uh former select board member Frank Maxon passed away I first met Frank when I first ran for this seat um it was his seat that I ended up uh I ran against him and I must say that when I first you know got into it I thought oh is this going to be how nasty it can be on TV you know and it was not he was very pleasant um you know and when he ended up not re uh getting reelected and I got his seat he was ever so kind and said that you know he was at least pleased that I got it which I thought was very very nice of him over the years we'd end up at the same meeting together and I'd end up getting him a ride home I I never knew how we got to the meeting you know some dropping them off I know one time we had a meeting we were meeting meting up uh at the old J boss uh with Shirley and I know we had taken the train but you know most of the time I was like who's dropping you off and not giving you the ride home um and he had a long illustrious career um within this town and we could be here all day talking about it but what I do want to say is that he and I did not agree on a lot of things but he was always Pleasant and and I will and I always appreciated that that we could politely disagree and I think that that's something that um needs to be remembered that those days you know when we could politely disagree and uh I'll kind of Miss running into them and end up giving him a ride home so again Frank thank you for this your service to this town to your service to this country and with that Mr chair I'd like to have a moment of silence thank you Mr chair thank you um is there anybody here for public input or anybody online um Pauline good evening everybody I just like to um piggyback on what Janice said about Frank thank you for your kind kind words Janice it's hard for me don't you cry was my friend um but I want everyone hearing this to know if Frank loved anything he loved the town of air and I hope we are all remembered for that when it is our time thank you for that thank you ping okay anybody else public input okay um we move on to um recognition of the air Police Department Personnel for a missing child case good evening Chief good evening and thank you for having me tonight um so I just wanted to make sure that the board recognize some outstanding work that members of our Police Department uh had earlier in September uh on September 9th we got a very distressing call um one that as parents we can all uh kind of agree that this is kind of like your worst nightmare call uh worst nightmare that your child escaped from your uh residents open up the front door and you last saw them running into the woods in just a diaper um and then the quick search by the the the neighbors and the family couldn't find the kid um so they called us so uh our day shift went down led by Sergeant Eric pearon um and uh also uh followed by detective Brent Davis um officer Alexia seraut and our uh newest officer uh Connor Murphy went down uh Sergeant uh Pearson uh spearheaded um the search and and and and did a textbook you start right from the you know the immediate area and then you you work out in a systematic uh way um when we when myself and the deputy got there the the the sergeant had uh all the wheels in motion um set up a a very impromptu command post and uh started briefing uh myself and the deputy um in in where we were at and where the where our Manpower was out there searching um we were just beyond the 20 minute Mark which um if you're missing your kid 20 minutes is an eternity um and uh we were we had just started putting everything into place of all the things that we needed to to do our drone was ready to go up in the air um the airwing was uh on going to be on standby and we were calling in our assets from niml to to help search um as soon as we were just about to key the mic to have dispatch make all those calls uh detective Davis just radioed out it was a quick thing that we all wanted to repeat was like I got them and we were trying to get it you know get the get confirmation on that um we got confirmation and shortly after that we saw detective Davis walking out of the woods uh carrying um carrying the the um the three-year-old uh boy in in a diaper um and back to his parents um I can't tell you how proud I was of those uh those officers that day um to return uh a child to their parent um who uh was uh unbel unbelievably upset but extremely happy when we turned over the kid and and detective Davis was not uh just uh happy with just bringing the kid out of the woods he wanted to personally hand the kid to the mother and uh and that was done um so uh I issued uh we put it out on social media we put it uh you know I gave you know gave them Kudos in an internal documentation and I uh gave them a letter of commodation um and uh so I just wanted the board to make sure that they knew that this letter of accommodation was going out to everybody and the outstanding work that uh that we do every day but on this day it was it was absolutely exceptional thank you this is awesome yeah yeah awesome um to to see the look on I mean my face was probably just like ah you know is just you know cuz it it's not not wasn't my kid but I have kids and I know what that feeling that mother must have been feeling um but it was it was an absolute proud moment that I had that those officers were able to do that so um I don't know if any of them they've been working doubles in there so they think they're all taking some downtime but um the uh normally um I would have uh if they were here I would have issued in their their citation here U which I normally do in December um but uh this is the picture of Brent walking out of the uh oops did we have that there there's a picture of Brent walking out of the uh in the in the other offices walking out of the woods uh carrying the child um we did call in the fire department to assess you know that the child for any injuries just some minor scrapes um and uh they were releaseed back to the mother so um yeah great great moment in air PD history um sad thing is I won't be able to give this to to Brent uh detective Davis um because he's uh going to be no longer with us later on this month he's he's moving into moving down to a different area of the country and uh he resigned his position so I was hoping to give him a citation today but we'll make it special um there but uh it's uh it's still a great moment and he went out with a a great job on a very high point yeah exactly exactly so with that I don't want to take up any more time I just want to make sure the board knew this uh this great call and I thank you very much I appreciate you coming and and and telling this story because you know better than all of us that you know anything involving the police is is difficult and a lot of people you know we going to highlight the negative highlight the negative and this is a big positive and should go out um you know air police is the best and um you know I love hearing these these stories and and yeah like you said it's a big success and everyone should know and I'm glad telling these stories so thank you all right thank you very much thanks Chief all right uh next up is uh interviews and appointments um so Mr chairman um members of the board uh as you're aware there is currently a a resident vacancy on the senior center site selection and building committee and uh per the select board uh we publicly advertised uh that position and uh the town received um two uh interested applicants um for that uh position uh a Miss Linda Collins and a Miss Bonnie tilletson and you have their um letters of interest uh in the packet and so at this point uh Mr chair as sort of standard procedures the board would interview each uh candidate and then the board would deliberate and make the appointment uh by a simple majority vote and I believe both candidates are here this evening okay um okay do we just want to uh Linda hello hello I'm Linda Collins bye I live at Samantha Lane hello um so what's your interest in the position like what's I I'm actually a Municipal Employee and I've been a Municipal Employee for four years and it's kind of really I really enjoy my work and I really want to get more involved with you know my my community and be part of of a committee um my previous time and job did not allow for that so in the past uh 6 months I've had a lot more available time so I've been looking for something to fill my time and this is when I've really been looking for different um things that I could be involved in when I saw a senior center I've always been involved with seniors and that's kind of like my I've always really enjoyed work with seniors I know this is a little bit different but that's what sparked my interest originally when I went through and started reading all of the um what you were looking for for you know people on the committee you know it was right up my alley um some of just you know the you know looking I know you've already um decided on the site it seems but just the um you know design and planning the um public Outreach which I do a lot of um and I enjoy doing that I identify the funding uh design and project I have a lot of experience and that and again it's something I'm very interested in I have a design background not in structural design but design in general in different areas um final design and construction of the project overseeing administering budget and and for the project I do a lot of budget tracking analysis I think I would have some good input or you know be good part of a team um public updates that's something I really enjoy I have a lot of different experience in reaching out um from a retail wholesale um side and from a public side I do a lot of that with my current job we do a lot of public Outreach and we are always trying to find different ways to make it effective um so and you know I've I kind of reviewed and watched some of the videos and you know what the questions you know what the messages potential deliverances how to collect organize and incorporate input all things that I think I could be very helpful and things I've done and things that I enjoy doing um I'm a good team player um I'm a good listener and I think I would have some good input and you know could be you know a important part or you know be able to add to different aspects of the what the committee is trying to do any questions I like the enthusiasm for sure and according to this year uh you work in conquer I currently work in conquer yep I work in con I've been there almost two years and worked in boxboro and actually when I worked in boxboro they're doing the same thing they were doing trying to do the whole site and design plan for a fire station which they still haven't done um I wasn't part of that but I was exposed to it and I helped prepare a lot of information so I know you know a lot of what's the process and things they have to look for and you know all the funding and again A lot of it was getting it out to the public so they you know to get their support so I'm very familiar with the process um and actually I really enjoy that part of it um so yes I've did that in box when I currently work in conquered for the public works a large Department sounds good yeah okay Chris than yeah I think this is summed up I have your letter here and um you know main thing you you have experience dealing with the public um you have a lot of public experience yeah because as you know on any of these committees it's one of the most important things is that and and knowing that the whole you know it's transparent you're talking with people all the time so you're comfortable so when I was in boxboro I was actually so I was in public works there as well so they were doing so Public Works we oversaw the fields so I was we did a lot of um we actually did the rules and regulations for the fields which I was a big part of we when they were building new fields we had to present a lot of information on you know the revenue that we brought in from fees um so you know we had to go be part of a lot of meetings um I did follow all the select board meetings there um and then Super I was co-s superintendent of the cemetery so I we did meetings a lot of public um you know so I'm comfortable dealing with the public good very good very good all thank you ly Alla yes question thank you all right and Bonnie hello hello hi everyone Bonnie tilletson from 15 oage Drive I know everyone pretty much here yeah um yeah so I'm to follow the same question um yes so I'm very interested in um the committee joining the committee as you all know I was uh a member of the Conservation Commission for a number of years uh when I first moved here um although I was working at the time um so I I found it to be very um rewarding um I'm a keen sort of environmentalist so that was sort of right up my alley being on the senior center um I'm you know there's a lot of work to be done um I'm very interested in um actually I was interested in site selection I know that's finished now but there's a lot to be done with respect to environmental um oversight and overview um construction um just the building process um I know how to read uh construction designs um there's a lot of uh things that I learned being on the the Conservation Commission um so I think it's a kind of a nice follow of follow through um being on a senior Center committee um I'm getting older myself I'm retired now from my job um as a research technician um in biotech so I have a lot of time on my hands um and so I'm interested in um getting back and you know being um kind of part of the the town again um and being on a committee so uh this was sort of right at my alley okay and I and also just to let you know you know I know that the current Senior Center um is limited in respect um so you know it's it's it's going to be like a joy to to get the larger Senior Center going and built absolutely any other question no no she adds things too yeah yeah so you add to the conversation also so okay great thank you bu thank you I hate when we're in this situation I know can we expand the committee so Mr chairman um at last Friday's habitat event the vice chair of the committee Mr disin had asked me if I would at least put this bug in the board's ear that um they have a strong committee we have this vacancy there are two really strong candidates and in his opinion and it would be up to the board that the committee could definitely use um an alternate um member as the board is aware since the committee has been constituted it has had very good attendance and involvement but there's been just this need for you know an alternate so again it it's the it's the purview of the select board as it's the committee appointed by you um as to how you want to structure it but there was a idea floated of of having an alternate okay and I said I would bring that up yes Mr I'm glad you did um if well I have a quick question uh through the chair what time and date does the committee usually meet through through the chair through they right there that's right we're meeting right now we're meeting um roughly every other Wednesday at 6: p.m. that day made shift um that has been what we been okay all right and to both of the candidates that time works for both of you is it currently is yes okay so I I should have mention so the second Wednesday of every month for 10 months out of the year I have a public works commission meeting that I have to be at because I'm the one prepares the pack for the commission and the director um however November there that meeting dates changed my meetings from 4 to 6 um but I just want to let you know that so okay and I I tried to watch look at the schedule and I see that they're not all on Wednesdays I don't know if they're going to be set on Wednesday this committee's meeting um so I other than that I'm flexible and I might have some flexibility with that if I did it remote at home it's just a just so we have that but that's the current schedule and it may or may not change it it may or may not change we already have one member who it might not work for anymore anyway so that was on the agenda for tomorrow's meeting to discuss anyway okay too bad it wasn't yesterday um thoughts yeah I mean it's a great problem to have right I mean you have two uh enthusiastic um very well suited people for or dis position or I guess if we have the uh alternate as well positions um you know you hate to ever turn away anyone that no is excited to volunteer for the town yes so um I agree so I guess it would be I just choose who to put on the committee and who the alternate would be right okay thoughts based on what we know right now I you know and based on the on the schedule um you know we have one that says it wouldn't be a problem we have another one who right now based on the information that we have at this meeting there is some conflicts so you know maybe maybe that would be a good idea to have her as the alternate I think that makes sense and then of course you know just as a reminder the alter can attend all the time uh you know it's not like they can't attend or anything but you know and then when the appointments go to come back um you know everybody would re reapply if they still wanted to be and then you know maybe the alternate would not be the alternate there would be you know a member and the other member would step down to an alternate or something so um so that's just based on tonight's conversation for tonight's information yeah y okay that makes perfect sense to me all right um so uh do you want to make a motion to that effect uh are we do you want it one big motion or two motions I'll do two motions okay um so says two what she says all right so I'll make a motion that Bonnie tillison be the uh member to for the expiration date of when does anybody know there are I think it's open-ended oh it's open-ended okay um so yeah so I make a motion that Bounty Tillson be the regular member for the senior for the senior uh building uh whatever the name is yeah okay go uh I second okay all those in favor I the chair says I and then I'll make a motion that Linda Collins be named is the alternate and hope that things work out that in the future you won't be the alternate you'll be a regular member uh I will second okay all those in favor I I and chair says I thank you both thank you both for your interest so yeah both bring something all right and then it's a painful decision I know um nextt Mr chair members of the board is the Ward is aware at your last um meeting you authorized the creation of a working group uh to look at 71 uh Sandy Pond Road which was recently acquired by the town uh the working group's um main task will be to uh work on developing a proposal for that site we know that the site has to be used for Parks wreck or open space uh purposes and as part of that working group uh there are two resident uh Representatives uh again the board advertised those opportunities and we received the following uh resident uh interest um in that uh Miss Michelle rigs uh Mr Alex hack and all the material is in your packet Mr Ed or and Mr Jacob salom okay and again similar um procedure the board would interview candidates and then deliberate and by simple majority um select individuals and how many spots is this for two two okay remember the days when we couldn't get anyone I believe I believe there are two present um three I'm sorry there are three present um Mr edor is here Mr Alex hack is here and then Mr Jacob Salone is on uh on the zoom platform okay um the Miss Miss rigs had a meeting at six she was going to try to get here as fast as she could okay but she wasn't sure she was able to make it um um Mr or if you want to come down first good evening hi so if you just want to give us a little bit about what your interest is with this committee well I don't can't say that I have much that I could answer it I know what I read I know it's Crossman town beach and um I believe that there are concerns that I might have about where you guys going to go with that if it's trying to figure out what you're going to use it for I guess is what that and my concern about everything there is safety um other than that I mean finding a use shouldn't be too big of a deal but I think safety because of where it's physically located would be my prime directive janison or Chris do you have any specific safety concerns or it's just a general well the well yeah I mean the traffic and um the we I spend maybe way too much time on forums and I don't see a lot of uh fans about the sidewalks and things that have been done for town beach about safety so if this is going to compound it the these lot of trucks go on down that road and you can bring the speed limit down but um I think the um I don't have any answers don't have any plan I you know my interest is to be able to efficiently maybe things that are over here can be done over here and which would you know if that's really going used for I haven't even heard anything about red but if it's going to be used like overflow parking or something like that I would have a concern with that because when kids and families have cross in that road no matter what kind of mechanism you put in there lightwise or control little kids don't don't know so that's about it I mean cuz I um you know I've been a pro a program manager in a previous life um and uh I did that for uh probably about 10 years the I'll give you the name of the company because i' be curious the schlum oh oh you okay okay oh yeah all right I even know how to spell it I don't want to quiz you on it he doesn't spell like you yeah yeah Jenice any questions um no I don't think so okay I think it's good concern you know thank you Mr yep um Mr hack good evening how are you good how are you good thank you uh interest wise honestly lived here for about four years to trying to get more involved with the town haven't been involved too much uh decent background in construction myself N9 years n years or so doing six or so pricing estimating three or so of project management so just trying to I use my my work knowledge and talent my ability and always interested in how I can help the town and figure out what goes into it and maybe that help decide where we're going in what direction to use in space War okay okay any specific questions uh nothing specific but I hope that you'll continue to look at other stuff to do in the town too of course you know um not just this one um yeah I mean have you heard anything about you know what the site is being discussed for or like you said it was more open space public space I didn't know it was anything it was more for a mixed use not not so much like a a rezoning of anything yeah no resoning yeah so okay so like your desire is to help the town with your experience it's more so than interest in the specific y exactly y good experience would help yeah no that's very commendable okay sounds good all right thank you thank you Mr SL H hey there how's it going good how are you thanks for letting me call in here oh yeah appreciate it cool um um go ahead yeah so same questions um if you could explain just some of your interest in this particular working group or committee yeah definitely uh so I'm a resident of the Canon Canon gate Condominiums uh which is a 75 C po uh I'm also on the HOA board uh for that Association and uh I'm member of the pace group people there are concerned about the environment uh which is sort of going through a transition period right now so not Super Active a lot of things but I think we're going to be at the The Folk Festival this weekend which should be nice uh hopefully get some more recruiting going on there uh anyways um yeah so I'm I'm a basically a local uh you know user of the space um I have a dog that I walk with the dog park all the time and it's a a you know pretty much a staple part of our walking route um we go back and forth across those crop boxs all the time so it's uh know it's very frequently frequen place by myself uh so I'm I'm somewhat invested in how it ends up getting used uh I'd be happy to participate as just a you know a citizen input as well but I figured might as well put my name in the have for actually being on the on the committee uh myself so yeah uh that's sort of my interest in it um if you have any questions I'd be happy to to answer more any other questions no I don't I think I I mean it being right in Canon gate obviously this you know is kind of right in your backyard so yeah you do have sure is yeah yeah no I don't okay have anything forther great thank you than and then Michelle's not on there but uh she had put in it's in the packet yeah that she wants to plan the space to be useful safe and aesthetic pleasing um so that you know she's she sees it as a potential that spot to see his potential to serve the community so thoughts on the candidates yeah I mean again great candidates um you know they're they're you have four people for two spots which is awesome as you see um you know a lot of the even just uh different boards that have openings right now so to have four people for two spots is is a great thing to have and you know I think again the these are all uh great candidates um you know it's one of those Tipping Point kind of things um you know like again for everyone I think that was a great question that you asked last um you know for the last opening was does anyone see any um conflicts schedule conflicts where you know you might have things going on in life that makes a little bit more difficult to make meetings yeah cuz just to add on to that if I if I could through the chair sorry uh yeah there's no guarantee that the committee would be meeting in the evening or whatever I mean that's something that when the committee got together they would decide on the regular schedule so um yeah so so that being said I mean if if the meetings were at 4:00 would there be any conflicts for anybody I would you you would have a conflict if it was at 4:00 yes okay I'm not saying it would be at 4:00 I was just throwing out a number so yeah hey behind you guys I'm uh I also be uh I usually work you know 9 to5 also so that's sort of my my time period um I can definitely I'm flexible hybrid days um so I can be home on days that the other meeting so I can be you know home earlier for sure um and I'll be working from a you know from home in Canada gate so um other than that definitely more of a morning or evening time unless there's a really important thing that open takes time for but that's definely possibility all right great thank you all right any other thoughts yeah yeah it's hard this one I mean you're forming the committee so you know you don't have a schedule or anything like that so everybody's got to meet so ironically they got to come up with the schedule so that they can all meet together to come up with the schedule so so that one it's just kind of hard to answer but it was a good question to at least you know get a feel for it so yeah yeah I I don't have you know any other you know besides Mr hack you know that it I hate to say well you know you you have conflicts cuz you know we all do but when you have really great candidates it's like okay what are the small kind of things that you know might be um you know put someone just that small amount over um but other than that can we have alternates Robert yeah as I mentioned before I mean that that is the prerogative of the board yeah it wouldn't become too unwieldy because I know sometimes when you get you know a committee that gets too big it no I I I think because it's a working group and a lot of it's going to it's going to be a a a shorter assignment and it's going to have a lot of public involvement we could do an alternate I I believe if that's what the board would like to do yes that's true this is working yeah so there is no they're not making a formal decision they'd be right you know bringing it forward for the town to make the formal decision so yeah that does work and that would help that would help solve because you know to be honest this working group could say okay we can meet on Tuesday at 4:00 it works for everybody and then the next time they go to meet they all have to meet on Thursday at 5: and there might not be a regular scheduled night so if there's an alternate that could help with that situation too okay you know I think that works again I just it hurts me to you know not include everyone that wants to volunteer their time you know so we can appoint the two members and two alternates that way um okay so does anybody have strong thoughts on the two members or the first member um you know I guess for me um there's uh I'm sorry I got to bring up uh Michelle is that her name um obviously she had a a conflict right now um which doesn't disqualify her but it just shows maybe you know maybe she could be an alternate and Mr hack be an alternate so um you know the uh Mr or and um MR Salon would be my I think Thoughts with the two spots yeah that sounds reasonable okay that's reasonable how's everybody else feel about that okay so take okay all right so you want to end four motions no you can just do a big one okay no no Carly said no all right take motion all right let me uh make sure I get all the names um so I'd like to make a motion to um uh nominate let's see uh Ed or and Jacob salon for the 71 Sandy Pond working group that's seconded okay all those in favor I I CH says I and yes and then yeah I guess I was supposed to do it all together but um and then I'd like to make a motion to uh you now nominate uh Alex hack and um uh Michelle rigs as alternates to the 70 Pond uh 71 Sandy Pond Road uh working committee second all those in favor I all right I apologize for the extra work thank you guys um thank you Jacob thank you very much everyone thank you everyone for coming out all right thanks for inviting us thanks um the next is the parks [Music] department hello good evening how are you good how are you guys um so the only thing that I really wanted to present to you guys is we have a change order for the playground from um Cella the change order for $35,900 um and the reason for it is when we first um installed the chain L fences as a commission we agreed that it was too far down that could have caused some safety concerns for children um so we needed them to move the fence up just to close it off a little bit more um with our maintenance gate so we have three doors um and then we also decided that we wanted recycling bins and trash cans in the playground as well um just to make it more clean um so we also asked them to um pour concrete pads for those benches and trash recepticles so um everything is saved and ready to go mhm everything looked pretty straightforward in the yeah so any questions presented well no no and it would be um by with signature by the chair okay y all right so I going take no questions I'll take a motion on it okay the amount is the 35,940 mhm okay uh so I'll make a motion that change order number one for cell Construction Company LLC for Kitty Junction playground improvements re approved in the amount of $35,900 with signature by the chair second it all those in favor I I chair says I it's approved all right and Mr chairman members of the board um on the second item on the update in the proposal for the assistant Parks director uh position uh with Miss erst here we just wanted to give a brief update to the select board as the board was aware the original plan and proposal uh was to create an assistant uh Parks uh director position and the Parks Commission and the parks director and looking at it the challenge was we want to start the position sooner uh than later so that that person can get on board in train during the busy season of the parks department now the proposal the whole time was contingent upon the town's free cash uh being certified because the proposal which we don't do that often but have done was to put before town meeting consideration uh for funding for this position so that it could start sooner um we have since been um informed by the Department of Revenue that our free cash will not be certified by the Fall town meeting and that's not entirely unusual some years that happens there no reflection on the town of the department so um where we stand on the update with the the plan on the position is the job description has been developed the position has been um classified at a at a grade nine uh step one through three and uh working with the finance manager the town accountant uh the parks director myself um there is some funding under the parks revolving account the parks department revolving account that would allow an opportunity for the position uh to start sooner uh that's the perogative of the parks uh commission which um is going to be meeting to discuss that they were originally we'd hoped to meet before this meeting but there was an issue with Quorum um if that's the case um they would start the funding for the position but the position will also be in the FY 26 budget that we're about to develop you know for full funding moving forward um there is funding um that the position could start if the commission uh would like to uh with their funding as of uh December 1st to get the position going through the busy time and through the spring and we'll keep you updated on that no action by the board is required and of course you and the fincom and through the budget process we'll see the whole you know position as part of the part of the budget so there is no article uh for funding for this position when we get to the warrant article and we just wanted to give that update and keep you updated as we move forward okay yeah cuz we meet tomorrow night commission meets tomorrow night so more more to come all right right thank you Sarah Sarah uh next up um we have the Department of Public Works report hello Dan good evening Mr chair how was Pearl Jam oh you heard about awesome I appreciate mat sticking out sticking it out for me um yeah so should be quick you ditched us for pear I got tickets month ago I didn't think about it um yeah just one item tonight should be a easy one so the Shaker Pond Road that's the Shaker Mill Pond subdivision is going for Street acceptance at fall town meeting um so the planning board did vote at their last meeting to recommend um the select board vote to lay out um Shaker Pond Road as a townway and continue the process for Street acceptance so in the packet is a an order of lay out that was prepared by Town Council um and which would be is the request tonight is for the select board it will be signatured by the board to um to sign the order of layout of Shaker Pond Road and then that would get filed with the Town Clerk and then it would move to the town meeting vote after that through the warrant and then subsequent to town meeting if it does get authorized for acquisition then the select board would acquire shakon Road within 120 days of town meeting so it's pretty standard to our street acceptances um the developer has completed the punch list we've uh created for them so um I don't see any um reasons for for not doing this so okay any questions no it's pretty standard y all right um so I'll make a motion that the select board execute the order of layout of Shaker Pond Road as a public way uh I second oh that's in favor I and Cher says I all right that's it tonight that's it all right e thanks just one thing to to bring up um so it was um brought up uh maybe a meeting or two ago about um the street light that's at Adam Street over here uh by the Sha Club yes the one that's no one owns no one owns evidently uh we own that one the one the one on the on the poll over at Adam Street the corner yeah yeah it's it's across from um I'm trying to think of Adams and Central yeah not at the yeah I guess that's but but at the parking lot of nooba so not right up the corner further back all right um and it I've gone and looked at it and it is aimed a very odd way okay and it's you know brought up by uh Miss Conley that that intersection there that that crosswalk is very dark and I drive it all the time and I I do kind of agree so I was just curious on first of all who owns that light um if it's not the Cobra head light on the street on the pole then I would have to look and it wouldn't be us so Tech usually it's the private property owner sometimes they'll have those like too tractor has some that point at their facility and they own those even though and they pay National Grid for their their fees so it's probably what it is but I'd have to look so that' be the ownership there okay cuz um one of the thoughts was if it could just be turned you know uh cuz it's it's not doing any good right now but you know who would and I did I did learn that um yeah Pauline did uh bring this up at that last meeting so I did reach out to her and we're going to look at that crosswalk again and uh and I know she had some suggestions on lighting and reflectors on the signs and things like that so okay it is a dark road yeah yeah okay yeah so I mean we've already tried turning that Cobra head light to give more light in that intersection Central atoms but we'll take another look okay yeah paen it's hard to find that unmute button thank you so much thank you Chris for bringing this up um Dan that light is not owned by any of the three businesses that circulated not by Markham not by tag and not by missa so hopefully if it doesn't if moving it or or turning it doesn't do anything maybe it can just be moved to the intersection but I'll just leave that with you to figure it out I nobody seems to know who owns it my guess it's been there for well over 30 years okay just real quick do how do you know no one owns that you checked in with all of them just so I know if I'm well I work at one of the companies and I know the owners of the other two companies and yes I've asked them all they are not being built and I can assure you my company is not being built so nobody seems to know who owns it [Music] um a legacy light a legacy light's paying for it but not us and I've lived here 35 years and it's been there since before me so I don't know what to tell you but it's a great light it it sh way more than the the lamp that's on the pole so hopefully something will come of it I just want to share that with you I I you know I'm sorry to be such a nudge about this but it is really dangerous out there really is a dark Road Jokes Aside it is a very dark Road thank you all right thank thanks Dan thank you all right uh next item on our agenda the finance manager um the vote for useful life of ambulance um for borrowing hello good evening hello what do you got for us today all right so in the on the April 22nd 20124 annual town meeting article 11 authorized me the treasurer to borrow 550,000 to purchase a new ambulance when we get authorized to borrow there's a legal list of requirements I I need to complete in order to proceed with borrowing in the future so this particular item the ambulance falls under Mass General Law chapter 44 section 71 which stipulates if the useful life is determined to be longer than 5 years and I'm going to borrow for more than 5 years the select board must vote on the duration of that useful life the f I um consulted with the fire chief and the deputy Fire Chief and the recommendation is the useful life of the ambulance to be 10 years so I'm here today to ask that the board vote to approve a 10-year useful life on the ambulance questions um I just have one question in the packet it says enclosed is the voting certificate where's the voting so I did bring it with me I did notice it wasn't on the packet I apologize for that yeah and if a signature by the CL so just the clerk of the board signature and then um it's blank like that because then I'll have it notorized by the Town Clerk and so it fills in the bottom part of the memo so it starts off saying I the clerk that's you mhm so since it wasn't the packet you want me to read this is it necessary no no I think you can make a motion um okay the motion to um for the useful life of 10 years uh for Signature by the clerk okay so moved so moved okay all those in favor I chair says I okay this say October 1st okay okay october4 okay great thank you very much have a good night thank you thank you thank you next up is our review and approval of the 2024 special fall town meeting warrant so Mr chairman uh members of the board uh you have in your packet um the draft special 2024 fall special town meeting warrant for October 28th of 2024 for uh as um also reviewed um by Town Council uh as I put in the memo the cover memo asking the board to review and approve the warrant uh this evening upon your approval uh the warrant will be physically posted and officially posted by this Friday on the town's website as well as various physical locations throughout Town it'll also be sent to Printing and to the mailing process and will be mailed to all Air households in advance of town meeting on October uh 28th um in the packet the special annual fall town meeting warrant there are 10 uh articles uh there were no citizens petitions filed by the deadline set by the board of Friday September 27th uh at 1 p.m. um I on each of the articles I also want to point out upon approval of the board uh we will be doing a lot of the Outreach as we do every town meeting we'll be doing articles of the day where we'll feature a synopsis of each article leading up to town meeting uh we will be activating the town meeting uh web page on the town's website for this where all of the supporting uh documents for each of the Articles uh will be available um for uh the public uh also materials available on file from the town clerk so I'll just very briefly just go through each article not in great detail but um just for the record if there are questions um Mr chair from the board uh or so forth um be happy to answer those um article one uh the adoption of General Law chapter 44 section 54b which is called The Prudent investor rule uh is being put forth by the um finance manager um is also being recommended um by Town Council as a best um investment uh practice uh if this statute is adopted by town meeting it allows a broader range of investment opportunities for the town's various trust funds and so forth um does there potentially risk come with that yes but we that's why we have both the commissioner of trust funds and a professional um uh finance manager to handle that with um Bond councel AR two which is shouldn't we we have from time to time is to resend unissued borrowing balances these are previous um projects that uh were borrowed for that have been completed and that in often cases have an unissued um balance asking town meeting to resin those to clean up um uh the town's borrowing schedule there and we've had this type of article from time to time I also should point out that the finance committee met last week um and did vote um to recommend articles uh 1 through 4 uh which are Financial um articles uh with financial impact article three and article four and the board was been given um an update a presentation on this as of various boards and committees article three is uh the creation of the stormw water utility Enterprise fund uh there will of course be a presentation at town meeting on on this there is a page on the town uh website with all of the supporting information that has gone into this over the last Almost year and then the second article which is is related to that is the storm water utility um fee Collections abatements and leans so article three would create the Enterprise fund article four would allow uh the town um through the select board uh to issue abatements um fees and leans and per the statute they have to be two separate um articles then the board was briefed previously by the town planner and a public hearing was held by the planning um board on the next four articles which are zoning bylaw Amendment articles article five is the adoption of the MBTA multifam overlay District um which um we've been advised that all towns are expected to adopt by the end of the calendar year per state law again the board was given a presentation on that there will be a brief presentation at town meeting and the town planner has done an excellent job with all of the supporting materials um for this uh article six is the zoning bylaw Amendment for the inclusionary housing this has been the efforts of the the work group um again the planning board held a public hearing on that and has also voted uh to recommend with a presentation at Town meeting article 7 as a zoning bylaw Amendment for some definitions specifically modification to the definition of affordable housing and adding the definition of air affordable housing trust sort of a mechanical article that's needed based on the other two um article 8 is a zoning amendment to update the town's zoning map so assuming that the MBTA article passes those zones after to be uh shown on the zoning map and that's what article 8 would do the map is available on the town website and on file with the town clerk article 9 which the board talked about tonight and took some action on as the street acceptance for Shaker Pond uh Road and then article 10 is a home rule petition an act relative to Disability Pension and critical incident stress management for violent crimes uh it's being put forth um by the chief of police who is here to um answer any questions that the board may have um the explanatory note in the article I I think um is well done to explain what it does but it is Seeking a home rule petition is if if it passes town meeting it authorizes the select board to petition the general court the legislature um to adopt this um for a accidental disability retirement uh for one of our sergeants that was um severely injured in the line of duty and if there's questions for the board I know that the police chief is here so those are the the 10 articles um they have been reviewed by um Town Council and again be happy to answer any questions Mr chair that the board may have and then ultimately looking for the board uh to approve any questions I have a question about article eight um I think that uh it'd be my recommendation to add a note on the explanatory note indicating that you know article 8 is contingent upon article whatever article number that was okay um being approved yep otherwise people might you know it'll get approved everything approved but it is but you know on the off chance and then they would know right away um you know you'd know right away that if the other article didn't pass like just skip over article 8 you know correct so article 8 is contingent on the passage of Article Five okay so I'll put that in the note other than that I have I have no questions um no I don't either nope um um Mr chair if there's no further discussion I make a motion that the uh special town meeting for October 28th uh warrant be approved seconded all those in favor I chair says I okay um moving on all right um now your manager report Mr chair members of the board um in the interest of time I know we're running behind on the administrative um update it've been largely focused on preparations for town meeting the beginning of the budget process um as well as the hospital issues which we'll talk about momentarily so unless there's any administrative questions from the board and you have the warrants in the packet since the board last met I'll move right into the action items have questions so the first was I for the let go with the amended on appointments so per amenda to the agenda so I do have one U recommendation on an appointment um for the rate Review Committee the rate Review Committee met this afternoon uh there is there's been one resident vacancy for quite some time on that committee uh the fincom selected Mr Bob France as their representative but uh Mr Kurt frow has not only attended all of the meetings but has well briefed on the rates as we're developing them in the rate process so the committee uh wanted to recommend that he serve as a res president member um until June 30th of 2025 so for the balance of this rate process and then when we do the annual appointments we'll visit it there so um on behalf of the rate Review Committee which um did take a motion uh to that effect but the board is the appointing authority I would re respectfully recommend that the board appoint Mr Kurt rowski as the resident as a resident rep to rate review for a term to expire June 30th 2025 basically formally recognizes his contribution to the community you know um so okay any questions nope okay uh then I make a motion uh to appoint um Kurt F Kowski to the rate Review Committee um with the term ending June 30th uh 2025 yes second all those in favor I I Shon I okay the second the second amended item under appointments Mr chair has to do with a modification of the 71 Sandy Pond Road work group when the work group was put together um it was an oversight the conservation agent is on there but there should be a conservation commissioner on there just like the town plan is on there and the so I'm just respectfully asking that the board just take a vote to modify the working group to add at a conservation commissioner which they'll select okay so move all those in favor I I chair says I all right um the next item um in the packet is the the uh FY 2026 town uh budget calendar and of which we've been talking about um for some time and I didn't know if there were any other questions obviously we will be populating it with the um by board rate review and capital planning committees as they get you know up and going we will we will put their um um times in in the calendar but as people who have been involved and know and just for the Public's benefit all three of those committees basically are meeting every month from now and leading up to town meeting um the only other thing which we'll talk about um later that I had highlighted in yellow is the rate Review Committee is has been discussing they haven't taken a formal vote yet they meet on October 15th again but doing the transfer station public hearing for the rates for the transfer station for the first meeting in November which we've got to uh iron out tonight because of the election is sorry um is it a typo in under September where it says calendar year 2024 no uh um yes oh it should be yes it should be calendar year 2025 yep yep so I think we're in pretty good shape on the budget calendar I didn't know if there were any questions from the board if we wanted to uh finalize it um or if there's anything I can answer on that I got nothing I no that was my only question all right so do you want a motion to finalize it please okay oh you want a motion for the budget calendar yeah oh does say review and approval then I make a motion to approve the fisc fiscal year 2026 budget calendar seconded all those in favor I chair says I um in March it's also there's a um typo okay a couple of them just that just the date got it okay um the next item uh is the nooba Valley Medical Center updated Mr chaired ask if there is an objection have a fire chief um just join me at the at the table um so a couple of things on the update so uh as as the board uh is aware as of last Friday uh the governor has created three working groups in the state to look at the issues that have been created by the closure of these hospitals and she has put together a nooba group working group to look at um all of the issues and she asked me to co-chair that um working group along with the assistant secretary for Health and Human Services um I also want to mention that Chief John it will also be on uh the working group um with his expertise um in emergency response the working group is getting off of the ground once it gets off of the ground I will give regular updates uh not only to this board but to the public because that is um very important um I have and there's a lot of support um on the working group on this front there are three not to oversimplify it but there are three immediate fundamental issues as we see them the first is the future of the hospital in the facility so what do we we have to continue the efforts to um restore the nishoba Valley Medical Center um the future of the facility in the hospital um because if it hadn't closed we wouldn't be in this position the second issue is the Emergency Medical Response meaning right now which I'll have the chief speak to in a minute right now there are immediate impacts and concerns we're seeing now um as far as transport times as far as a bottleneck that is beginning to form at UMass lemonster and other concerns and so the Emergency Medical Response there are two pieces to it one is immediately what do we need to do in this unfortunate and new landscape but also what is the long-term plan because as this board knows and we have made this very clear publicly that none of the towns out here have the financial resources to sustain this and it's going to require efforts from the state and the federal government and we'll talk about one first grant um that we become aware of but we've made it clear that that's just just the beginning and then the third area is access and Equity to use the state the dph's terms on this so right now the access to health care has been devastated out here you talk to any doctor I'm sure maybe even your own doctors and so forth they can't even get referrals for people people have lost their primary care doctors they've gotten new doctors only to find out that they're not in their insurance it's a huge mess and it's only started and so we have to address the impoved access to health care out here as well as the equity to it because we've lost our only hospital the other piece to it is the physical access the S the COA director not just in air but the other COA directors we're already seeing the need for more transportation resources to get seniors to their appointments it used to be great when it could just go to noova now it's tying up Vans um to further distances and I have we have repeatedly have said to the state um but no mystery to anybody out here we don't have Mass public transportation out here like they do for Carney or some of the other hospitals it it's a unique um issue there and it has been suggested that the Massachusetts Department of Transportation get involved with this working group to talk about the issue of Transportation so the the working group is just getting off the ground um I we it needs to be successful that's why some of us are there we're not there just to be there and these are the three major um issues and um we'll have more information definitely by your um next meeting on the specifics the second thing um I just have four things under the report the second thing is the select board's letter to the governor remains with no response which is concerning and this that this will be the third letter in invitation from this board that hasn't even been been responded to even in a form letter format we know it's been received but there's been no response just so you know I've checked as far as all of the other 15 towns nobody else has received any formal response in fact the chair of the Gren select board contacted me on Friday and was just very concerned that there has been no response so respectfully I think that the board should consider and we get tired of these letters but we have to keep it going I think the board should consider a third letter in an invite one of the themes could be we just passed the one month mark on closure and there's been Silence with the exception of this creation of this working group but it's been a month that your offer the invitation for her to come out here to meet and to discuss the future and the local partnership and just so you know the other towns are supportive of that they understand she should come to air that's where the hospital is and once we get a response to that invitation then we can begin to structure it but we still haven't been asked by the state formally what the local towns are willing to do to solve this problem and then I think reemphasizing the importance of the site um not only to the town of air but to the region and also the economic piece of it so again as the board has done previous i' recommend that the board consider authorizing a third letter and invitation um do up a draft have each of you weigh in um stronger Lang firmer language um perhaps than me at times and we get that out there we have to just keep keep at it I 1,00% agree yes and I want it as Stern as possible because at this point I mean you you rude does not even cover it right you know she's been at the Big E she's been on a horse I think she's had more ice cream seriously lay off the ice cream honey she was out at celebrating um the hospitals that have you know been saved which I wholeheartedly agree but I don't think she understands that you're not just supposed to be there for the happy times you're supposed to be here when things are bad now we've sent help down to the Carolinas I wholeheartedly agree that's great our governor sent help down to the Carolinas great do you do you know that they might you know have to go through this area to get down there you know why are you ignoring us this is I don't know who her PR team is but she needs to fire them because they are giv really bad advice because to ignore this to not respond it's my understanding that secretary Walsh is that the the person was rude to Robert I no no not going to happen not going to happen so it just this whole thing is just oh don't get me started yeah so yes the third letter please okay so we will we will prepare a a third letter for your input and to get that out the last two items which sort of go together the Mr chair and which I asked the fire chief um to join us is there is an initial Grant opportunity that's out there that the chief has been proactive on and wants to just share some initial thoughts as to what our plan for this grant is it's about 200 to 250,000 and then the second thing I'd like the chief to to speak to his memo that he put in your packet and just some of the data um some of the initial impacts that he and his Department are seeing and then any questions from the board so yeah I can just I can just give you U Mr chair I can give you like three or four bullets off the memo I'm sure you already saw it it's no different than what we spoke at a public forums we knew the transport times would be long we're seeing the ambulances gone you know it's it's an hour and a half sometimes up to 2 hours um sometimes they're passing each other on route to you know things like that but that's what we expected the problem is a lot of the times now like those ambulance calls taking an hour and a half per ambulance so you're passing each other there's an issue with station coverage at times we don't know who's back how many people um and the important thing to remember is we always cross staff so ambulance and firetruck to side by side whatever the call comes in first you know is what they go on um so the numbers are the same um the Korea staff's an issue at the same time we talked about about wall times what wall times is when you arrive to the hospital I can tell you last Friday real busy day they had 14 runs and they got to the ER and Emerson and there were 48 people in the waiting room so this is what we're up against sometimes our patients go into the waiting room depending on what the tree aers says so it's not just EMS it's when you get to the hospital so and I think we're all we understand that fact you know it's a it's a larger issue than just air um both the hospitals are busy um and I also put in your packet there just everyone's always wondering where we transport to and as you saw in the packet it tends to be 67% just in that first month we're going to lemonster the majority after that were Emerson then went had trickled depending on where they needed to go you know we we've been to Clinton occasionally we've been there I think three times now we've gone to uh St Joe's we've gone to LOL we've gone to UMass you know it all depends what specialty care they need too um and like I said we've certainly I think the department members have met the challenge and I think we bent really far back and I think I told you I'm like we just haven't broke cuz at times it's like there's nobody left you know um and I'll end it with we've been fortunate enough we had two fires the week before last they were in the middle of the night so and both fires all members wi the station so they got to go on the first responding truck it's just a roulette game that we'll play you know um and this is across the the region too you not just a thing you know it's all the members that um were involved as for the grant actually I talked to the town manager yesterday and later that afternoon the dph official did call me to say that each of the I think it's 8 towns are going to get a check for 250 is the way they put it of course it's like the state will stay tuned um and then there'll be certain rules I guess when you get your 250 and I know it's based on equipment and training it's not for labor cost by any stretch but we certainly have a plan we have U my old Chiefs car is a class five ambulance now so what that means is when one of the ambulance say is broken we put all the paramedic equipment on that ambulance so if we have an ALS call out of town we send that first we still have an ambulance back so our idea is to buy another car have paramedic equipment on it all the time so that just gives us a third option like if it goes ALS to Shirley let's say we send the paramedics we still have two ambulances back and I think it less wear and tear on a half a million dollar amulance so that's our initial thoughts on that um we'll see how that goes in the time frame for the 250 any questions we have answer them I don't have any ch um what determines where um patients are sent cuz you know for the different Ys yep so one it can be a patient request and two it can be determined what their illness is for instance if they're having a stemi Emerson and lemons they do not meaning a heart attack they do not accept semi so they would either go to Worcester or low General for trauma for instance you go to Ley or Worcester you Mass okay thank you for that um and I also see there there's just a thing that says null um yeah those are just yeah we can't correct that for some reason so that means Mutual Aid we received in so four times we had have mutual just yesterday we had it twice it was a real busy day so yeah we can't seem to get that to put Mutual but it's a great question we saw that yep so that's how many times someone else came to had to transport a patient um yeah this is great um as I had mentioned in the past more numbers and and things like that you just saying you know going to Emerson there's 48 people there you know yeah that just happens to me cuz I talk to the crews all the time like when they get back you know they'll just you know it was crazy they waited 25 minutes you know so we hear this all the time so yeah it's a constant you know well that's good to actually put real numbers because you know in my head I you know it was going to be bad but now I picture you know I have that in my head now you you get to emergency room there's 48 people there you know in my mind in the perfect world right you get right off you go in you get treated and all that and now I'm just thinking like 48 people all you know and that's what's happening here so this is this is great yep and like I said be happy to come back whenever you want and we'll keep everybody informed as you know the grant moves forward and like I said I can see Staffing become an issue and I um express some concerns to the town man like they're const it's like non-stop certainly there's slow days you know quieter days I guess but it's like when they're gone like you put eight or 10 ambulance calls I mean it's like 16 hours you know what I mean they're you know cuz when you get back they still got to do their PCR you know if they're not doing it while they're driving so not driving riding so sometimes sometimes they're on the tablet typing you know and then they often take calls like I've heard them coming in from Harvard ala they're always taking the next call so yeah it's challenging yeah and the things that you know have to get pushed off or you I think you had mentioned um you know training you know like that's important you need to have that time for training and and that's going to be one of the first things that get cut understandably but it's like but we need that you know so that's a great point you used to have a little bit more time there there you'd squeeze that training in but it's getting to be where you barely have enough time to sneak a meal and rather than just training perhaps yeah right right okay thank you Chief thank you thank you thank you can I just add one comment Tim thank you for all your work and on that grant for you mentioned that they were diving up 250 for all the towns yeah um maybe bounce back to them that since the hospital was located here we were you could probably come think of a lot of different reasons uh that we should maybe get 500,000 we should get a bigger piece of that and we can certainly work to that effect throw back throw that right back to him we will thank you thank you Mr chair so more to come and we will continue to keep the board and the town updated all right um item number four just briefly uh Dr Renda uh the superintendent of schools um contacted me recently uh the teachers contract is going to be up for negotiation uh this year um at the air Shirley Regional School District and he's putting forth a proposal and a plan where he would like to have a member of the select board from each Town air and Shirley on his negotiating team he feels that um it would be important where it's one of the largest um expenditures um of the district it would be a good opportunity a good bridge between the town and the district um during that process and so I wanted to get this um on the agenda for the board to be thinking that the the board should consider I'm selecting someone I'm waiting for his you know formal letter which hasn't come yet on it so that's sort of um number four I think it's out of the box thinking um and it could be uh beneficial well I mean yeah it's out of the box thinking but I and I'm just throwing this out here for discussion because you know the teachers used to fall under the town right before we regionalize yep right and then they don't fall into the town so I'm wondering if we might be crossing a line again I'm bringing this up for conversation because when I saw this I was like wait a minute this is new when when have we ever done that before and I'm just wondering if we're now Crossing back into a line I mean I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad idea but I'm just I'm just a little concerned because yeah we pay them in a way but we don't pay them you know what I'm saying um we do it in a roundabout way so I just again I just I'm just I don't know I don't know how I feel about it so I just thought I'd throw that out there I see what you're saying yeah yeah no I I get it when I saw it I was thinking you know kind of like I can see how the town might want to have someone just kind of in there to observe think about things because yeah ultimately the money comes from the town so that's what I'm thinking that that was the the thought process but I didn't think of it that way yeah cuz I mean they got removed from us you know cuz even that was even with the the pensions wasn't that uh yeah pretty sure yeah I'm pretty sure that you cuz we used to have that and then oh correct they have their own you know I'm just I'm just wondering if we're inadvertently stepping back into something that might I'm just just saying caution right at the moment you know um I going say it's a bad idea but yeah well that's why I wanted to get it at least get the board thinking about it like I said I'm still waiting for his letter which I anticipate his proposal will come before your next meeting um but the board should consider it why all of a sudden I mean if if we were never a part of it before why now maybe just well it just it sends off alarms you know which alarms can just be you know woohoo caution wait a minute so I'm just just yeah I think I mean so the function of a board member there correct me if I'm wrong is you know being more observational right I mean you're not going to be doing anything formally well I don't know because it's saying it wants us on to be a part of the teachers contract negotiations okay so you know so we're we're kind of into a lane that you know you're right we've never been in before and I'm not sure if we should be yeah if it's more just observation kind of thing then I think that's probably beneficial because the more information that a board has the better but I agree I don't think it would be a great can you um can you ask him yeah before he sends you the formal letter to kind of outline exactly what the expectation is yes I mean does he have members of the school committee on it I I mean don't you think the memb the the the negotiation people should be on the school committee not us yeah I think he the question is if he he is he looking for observation folks from the town let me find out yeah yeah because I mean I just I don't think right no I I I just don't think we should be a part of it because we don't oversee anything like that that I agree if you know we don't get the finan on that or anything like that that's something that the school committee did and I just think we're stepping into a lane that that could cause an issue yeah yeah yeah that makes sense um I'll ask him to clarify and I had hoped by now that that's not a criticism to have the the formal proposal but I know that it's something that the board would want to discuss as you're doing tonight and to consider yeah yeah I think yeah definitely understanding more what the expectation is yeah I agree if it's a you know an actual active person then I don't think that's a good idea yeah okay more to come okay two last items real quick uh you have in your packet a request for a one-day beer and wine license for St Mary's parish 31 Shirley Street for their October 26th Saturday October 26th from 400 p.m. to 900 p.m. for their polish dinner social I'll be looking for approval by the board um pre-standard yeah I every year we the annual thing going to say it's an annual thing and there been no issues in the past issues enough by me okay um is this again the 26 26 okay um I'll make a motion that the select board approve the uh one-day liquor license uh for use in the Parish Hall at St Mary's Church church on Saturday October 26th from 400 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. seconded all those in favor I I chair says I all right and Mr chair members of the board last um the November meeting schedule as the board's aware there is the presidential election on Tuesday November 5th which would normally be when the select board met at 6:00 p.m. but per the Secretary of State they don't want any public meetings in any polling place during voting uh so uh the board respectfully need to select an alternate um date for the first meeting in November um just to start the discussion it was proposed you could do Mo Monday November 4th at 6: p.m. um there's also Wednesday November 6th um that would be at 5:00 p.m. we'd have to do a little earlier because there's a previously booked meeting at 7 that night with a public hearing that's sort of what we did I think for the primary or date of the um board's choosing but I we will definitely need uh the two meetings in November yeah I'm good on both dates but I think that the uh the 4th at 6:00 p.m. would be best it's my wife's birthday but I'm sure she'll will she forgive us send you home with some cake for her or something I'll blame Sean okay okay no that that should work all right we can also just sorry Mr chair we we could also do five on that day too I meant to put five or six but it it doesn't matter either or I just wanted to I think six would be good cuz that's the when our our Standard time is so six would be fine all right so 6:00 p.m. on Monday the 4th what okay good Mr chair that completes my report thank you and the board all right thank you um no new business or select board member questions this evening right um approval of meeting minutes from September 17th did not see any I did not see any issues yeah no funny typos I was disappointed batteries in the keyboard um so I'll make a motion that the meeting minutes from September 17th 2024 be approved as submitted seconded all those in favor I chair says I and they're approved and Mr chair yes unless there is any anything else I make a motion to adjourn seconded all those in favor I chair says I and we are adjourned