meeting for Tuesday June 18th 202024 this meeting hearing of the air select board will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this inperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance and our participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting SL hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless other work required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on zoom and channel 8 the public May access the procceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID 897 98- 9793 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Cari antonellis the assistant Town manager at ATM a.m. us or 978 [Music] 772-822-0151 with liberty and justice for all um are there any changes to the agenda presented I have none I have none I'll take a move I'll make a motion that the agenda be approved and submitted secondly all those in favor I the chair says I agenda is approved um there's only one announcement I have tonight and it's just a reminder of um this weekend's Independence in the air the Fourth of July celebration um it's June 3rd through the 25th on June 23rd 2 no 22nd sorry um oh the dates on the website are wrong so yeah 22nd is movie night yes Saturday the 22nd is the parade all the events with the vendors and and U games down at the park and then later on is the movie which I believe will be e okay and then on Sunday uh there's the festival and then on Sunday there's local celebrity softball game at 11:00 a.m. at Pon park right is there anybody here for public input sure if you want to come on sure hi I'm carollyn mcy I I just wanted to announce that um we will be having our second meeting of the um friends of the air COA Council on agent on next Tuesday at at 1:00 everyone's welcome where oh it's going to be at the COA Center okay thank you good to see you just one quick announcement um since we're in the midst of our first uh Heat Wave um we're going to open up the cooling center at the police station community room from starting this evening through Friday and we'll push that out on our social media platforms and we'll put on the uh website so like at the community room at the police department not seeing any other public input I'd like to um invite up Chris Henry uh from IC Federal Credit Union uh for a check presentation thank you very much um I see loves air and it's kind of that we're getting giving a check for $2,500 tonight for what we were putting as the home eating fund on the hottest day but we know that you you might use it this week because it's going to be so hot and you got to find ways to help everybody out in the community but it's a real partnership for us we love being in air and we just want to find ways that we can give back to help this community as much as we can um so just a a little donation on our behalf and thank you very much Mr Mr chair we greatly appreciate I's support and would like to do a picture with the board and Brittney bodri Our Town social worker if she could join she's been working with Alicia on this and we greatly appreciate support [Music] absolutely you one two three one two I'm just going to do one quick I'm sorry Janice and Chris your color coordinat all right than you there's two Chris I I'll be right down I Bank there all right and just close that out I'll take a motion from the board to accept the donation I'll make a motion that the uh select board happily accept the check for the town's Fuel and housing emergency fund in the amount of 2500 I will second that all those in favor I and the chair says I thank you again um our next agenda item I'd like to welcome up uh the representatives from the Massachusetts Nurses Association with for an update on the Sher Valley Medical Center hi hi welcome how are you good how are you good my name is Andre I'm a nurse at nishoba I have been there for 16 years I'm also the co-chair of the m& the nurses Union at the hospital so um we've had the pleasure of meeting with Mr Pont on um about a week ago about the status and kind of wanted to come and give everybody here an update um we don't know what's going on which is one of the biggest problems Steward has not given us or you guys want to hear any information for anything we do know that there have been in process hopefully for aova what our um goal is right now is we've been kind of planning for if there are no bins so what's going on is they're you know putting out all of these all the information to all the different you know businesses or companies that could buy nooba and take it over but because Stuart hasn't given us any information we don't know if there's any BS and on the 24th of this month so Monday all the Duds have to be in and on the 27th I guess if there's more than one bid which would be wonderful for us then there will be kind of an auction kind of where people can they're going to open them up and then they can sweeten the deal or you know like oh you know we'll bid more whatever and then we will remain open our worry is if there are no bids what do we do and if we wait you know to we find out we're going to be kind of behind the aball so you know for us what steuart has put us in a position all the hospitals in Massachusetts is that they have sold all the property out from under us so when essent used to own Stuart I mean who used to own nooba sold to steuart back in 2011 they sold the property the land the hospital the land in the two Office Buildings actually think it was just one at the time office building um for $6 million to stward that was in 2011 in 2018 stward sold the hospital in the property to a company called MPT which Steward owns a portion of for $94 million so yeah and they did it with all of the hospitals same thing like these huge inflations so now it's big rent that whoever comes to bid is going to have to pay this lease so that's kind of the biggest problem with all the hospitals that they have and they did it to all their hospitals 33 of them I think from across the country that are all going to run into the same thing so so you know obviously I'm sure you guys have all heard about the you know they'll be longer ambulance transports they'll be longer you know the access to care will be for for everybody we've kind of taken it for granted that we've had a hospital here for a long time and hopefully nobody will ever need to know how important it is to have an emergency room right in their town or right you know the next town over but without one it can cost lives and it will you know impact Health the health care of people with chronic illnesses their specialty cares you know come into the hospital doctors once a month that they would have to go to Boston for it's a big deal you know so I think people don't think about it they just assume it's there until it's not and then it'll be too late so what we've been doing and what hopefully won't end up needing help with but we may eventually need help from the town surrounding is um up until now we've been pushing the governor to sweeten the deals for the biders so that it will help kind of get so the rent that they'll have to pay won't be as hard for them because there'll be some sort of incentives for biders to bid on every hospital um also for them to address the issue with the m MPT the company who is now the we owns the hospital or the building not the hospital but um so that they can somehow maybe come to some agreement that the C the lease payments won't be as high know how that would work but that's one of the things that we've been pushing them for um also we've been encouraging the state to get all of the players together like the big owners of all the other hospitals and do something to help the public health of our state because if all these hospitals Clos or even a few of them we can't afford any of them to close I mean we're seeing in rer we're seeing anywhere from 40 to 60 patients a day Emerson and lster can't are ready they're you know overwhelmed and Moga never used to have a weight and now we have a weight and you know we have people coming from those hospitals saying well they said it was going to be 8 hours till we're seen 10 hours till we're seen you know so if we close to manage that on a daily basis it's a huge deal um the biggest thing would be obviously greater transparency from the state and from Steward to find out what's going on because it's all been nothing crickets we have not we don't know anything and then encourage the state and local government to be prepared if there are no biders in worst case scenario to seize the hosital hital by imminent domain and then have the state operate until a bidder or a buyer can be found our kind of worst case scenario but so that's where we're at we won't really know anything I guess until the 27th but where we are today question um yeah look I I I can't imagine this town not having access to a hospital you know there's always been a hospital in the town of air um I I guess what I I would like to know and maybe you know this answer maybe you don't and if you don't that's that's perfectly fine um but the process of actually closing a hospital you know just so people know it it's not an overnight thing no no you have to give notice I think it's 90 or 120 days I can't remember after the top of my head um but they have to give notice um and then there's Department of Public Health you know hearings to say what are essential services but there's the Department of Public Health doesn't have a lot of teeth to you know like what would just happened with lemonster they were you know they didn't want to close the maternity and everybody fought against it but it still happened they can ultimately you know close whatever they want but in some cases they can keep some things open for a while like in quinsey they did keep the ER open for say a couple years and then closed it but it's really kind of up to stward at this point I don't even know on the day of like the bidding if there is no bidding again because we have no information we don't know what's going to happen but I know in order to close they would have to give notice well kind of bothersome you know when you think about it and you're saying you know like in Lemer they didn't want to close the maternity Bo and everybody fought against it so who's making this decision if everyone disagrees uh so that's that's kind of troublesome so but you know um you have my support so what is your ask for this board directly I mean support but is it in what kind of form um the some of the letters that you sending you want to yeah so Mr chair as I mentioned when I met with them I think it was last week or the week before um the nurses Association is aware of the Town support and your board support has sent previous letters stressing the importance of this facility not only from a public health point of view which is the key in medical but it also is the second largest employer uh in the town of air in into the region so when we met um one of the things is perhaps the board would consider and I believe you've done two previous letters but perhaps another letter I mean so that would also copy um the governor and the delegation and so forth because you're absolutely right the most frustrating thing is there is a cone of silence when it comes to Steward and the state on this and it seems like they're running the clock down to the auction so one would be another letter additionally I understand that the noova Valley Chamber of Commerce all the businesses and so forth is going to be doing know a letter of support as well and I had offered and I've been in contact with my respective colleagues of the 17 towns in the mova valley a letter coming from all of the towns um as well as in support and they did do uh a press you did a press conference a couple weeks ago at Depot square that the board is aware of um with the some of our firefighters were in support of that so I think at this point the the most frustrating part is we know that something is going to happen but we don't know what is what is going to happen so I think just a continued um position of solidarity of the importance of the hospital and one of the things we talked about another fear is we don't want in an Ideal World we want the same level of services at nooba now a concern is we don't want it to turn into one of these urgent care places or so forth so perhaps that could we could further stress that in the letter um as as we move forward and because it's been no transparency and um that's sort of where we're at at this point and it's the end of this month right as you mentioned and there are nine hospitals in Massachusetts that well doorwood is closed because the FL nine but eight actual functioning hospitals right now that are we do have a petition going um I don't know if that can put up on the town website a link for that that's or not just in support of keeping it keeping Hospital open from the official name but um to get a link to that just in support of keeping the hospital open it's another of pressure to show the support to can you check on that y it's possible I just yeah and Mr chair and members of board I know that Senator Eldridge and the state the state legislative delegation is aware and is supportive and I know that not to speak for the state senator but the last time I talked to him he was on a he did not get much information from the governor's office as to what the the plan is well I mean it just I mean not only will this you know affect Public Health um but it will also drive up all of our costs you know um including our a that's fun usually the time to get Emerson back or you know so this this is this I think everybody who uh is listening to you and and is aware of this needs to start talking and you know we have to let's get a bus and we all go to um state house and say Hey you know it's you can't let this happen I think it's a little hospital so it's a small impact but it's a in my opinion it's a bigger impact because there's not a hospital on every corner you know like to get it's another 20 there was somebody in PE that came up to me when I was at work and said you know you guys close I it'll take me 35 40 minutes to get to an ER not just walking in the door no less to be seen you know so it's right and I and I think it's disingenuous if you know the state talks about hey we're always here you know for Public Health and all this and we want to stress this and then it's it's allowed to happen then it's like well that's bit of hypocrisy so she keeps using the verbage like maintain access to care maintain ACC no we don't want to maintain access to care we want the care we currently have agre and you know maybe she needs to come here yeah difference yeah I agree you don't have to convince me so thank you very much for your time thank you thank you com um our next agenda item um it's the senior center site selection and building committee update hello Dr how are you hello Mr dis just wanted to go right give you guys a report uh in your packet as well but um since September we appointed our committee we've been working hard uh we have uh the need for a senior center still is very pressing our current facility uh is just not large enough to meet the diverse programming needs of our seniors we don't have enough program space we don't have confidential office space um like the walls in my office don't goit to ceiling so I can have a confidential conversation uh it's not ADA Compliant there's not enough um parking uh there's no commercial kitchen and as we are leasing a space from the Housing Authority we are subject to their schedule as well so for example we were closed two days this week so they could replace flooring in our adjacent room um that work won't be done on time and so we Clos a third fourth day um for that and then same thing again coming up next month for a roofing project so we really need um a bigger more suitable space a space the town um can maintain uh so we looked at uh we per your charge we looked at all 53 town-owned sites and based on the size needed for the project Road accessibility deep restrictions things like that narrowed the 53 down to 11 and then five and then three and then at our most recent two sites um those sites are um 115 Washington which is the school complex um but we're looking down on the G Harvard Road side near the practice field not on the practice field but near the practice field uh as well as Bishop Road out on the DPW land near where the brush down so in addition to looking at all the town-owned sites we issued an RFP the second one um overall in this effort for town-owned land to see if any of the private land owners were interested in selling their land to the to the town um for the second time no viable applications were submitted so we continue to focus on those two Parcels we've also hired catlyn architecture from um a a pool of six firms that were looking for for the job and we've done a lot of work um with them that this initial package um is valued at $100,000 and we have worked on a draft program plan for an approximately 14 s foot senior center with a multi-purpose room that seats 150 for lunch a classroom that will is dividable as well as the multi-purpose room that will seat 60 a reception Cafe and Library Space Game Room arts and crafts space fitness equipment room commercial kitchen Wellness room for staff spaces um so we are coming along making a lot of progress on that and our next steps include examining the soil data and traffic data for the two sites that we're focused in on now doing an estimate of the utilities cost for both of those sites contined conversations with um the relevant Town departments the DPW and the school department related to both of those sites and uh coming up soon we hope to have some conceptual plans available for the committee and then eventually the public to look at and last up there with really focusing on public but to get a sense of town thinks about it I just I guess I had a couple of thoughts first of all the the Outreach to to private property was pretty disappointing it's the second time we tried that and so we basically came in with the idea we try to find couple pieces of town to work on which is where we're at right now uh we've been fortunate in in having DPW has been a big assist so we have to mention that every time we report to you guys we should tell you the tpw has been a big help in helping us research the land and the fact that we have quite a bit of internal engineering available here and the data that they can provide about the land and so forth so as Katie mentioned the kind of the process that we're in right now to get to the architect that we selected we did a extensive RSP again with help to scul work from the DPW and then we had six candidates that she met mentioned we cut it down to three and finally made the final selection and it was very close to choice because fortunately for us the Architects that were came in and bid we all basically all six qualified and had done similar kind of work so we did end up with an architect who happened to be one has done 60 be combination of senior center construction a senior center development project conet plans and so forth so very very qualified probably the most qualified gentleman in the state so we do have top-notch team working on that aspect of the job in addition what was interesting to me is that the architect he wants to be more involved than just the design of the building so in my experience I typ would typically relay you know with maybe civil engineers and other other people along the way he's very interested in the soils he's very interested in the civil engineering wants to be part of the entire conversation so we feel we'll get another assist along the way with that and before we get the concept plans we won't just looking at the building we'll be looking at how the the building sits on the land as well and how the land works for parking how the land works for accessibility traffic and things like that so we're well on the way to getting more in-depth um understanding of the project and eventually budgeting for the project and so forth down the line so it's been a it's been a very enlightening and good process you have a good committee think we had nine on the committe um and we've had good attendance and I think it's it's been a good process in mov ahead right it's very exciting questions I know they're all working hard well thank you very much for the update thank Katie um moving along our next is uh updates for the Department of Public Works Dan Kim how are you hey good evening good hello I have a mixed bag of good news and uh the first thing I want to talk about is the challenges that the water division is facing me to B um so whether it's the hot weather or you know people irrigating their lawns or the recent lack of rains we've seen an increase in water consumption and um we're just not meeting the demand um under I'm sorry could you speak up sure no problem thank you so we're just not meeting demand and so I want what I want to kind of do is remind you of what it was like before P treatment so before P treatment the tanks would be full then they would lower and the the wells and the treatment plants would start and they'd meet demand and fill the tanks at the same time and once the tanks were full the the wells and the treatment plants would shut off and that would happen every day for several hours a day I'm heard I've been told that the wells and low treatment plant would be off for maybe 17 hours a day something like that so that's not where we're at now where we're at is post P treatment where there's a restriction with the pep bus treatment plant and so we're just not able to produce the water at the same rate that we were prior to P bus treatment um so what I've estimated is that on a daily basis we're making 600 to 800,000 gallons less water a day than we used to prior to treatment we're just in a 24hour period we're just not able to produce enough water and so um because of that and the treatment plan and the wells are just running 24 hours a day seven days a week so I also want to just kind of emphasize that this is a PS treatment problem this is not a supply problem the aquifers are not in a drought situation um and prior to the PE B restriction our infrastructure was such that we were able to meet demand we were able to um to have enough water for expansion and economic development um and we have several of Master plans that kind of allude to this so this really is a p problem rather than um a supply problem and the good news is you know you may have heard is that we have a solution coming which is a clear well and pumping station and we we're in the design stages right now it's an engineering solution to an engineered problem and so we hope to be in development or in construction by early 2025 and this will maybe be behind us for next summer but we have to get through this summer and so far we're not getting through this summer um in the packet I put up I put this morning tank levels and so what I really wanted to emphasize with this is that this is just a snapshot first thing in the morning what tank levels look like what we really want them to be as full first thing in the morning early in the year in the winter time you see that it's kind of stabilized and then once we hit Spring it becomes more variable and now we're hitting summer and it's become very variable and the two lines are really important the top line is where the tanks are full and the bottom line is when the tank is considered empty and people are losing pressure and people are losing water so when you're looking at those levels that are so low to begin with and then they're just dry down during the day after that and we're getting very like critically close to not having enough water for the day this is why over the last last weekend I believe it was the 6 to the eth we actually had to uh we were in a critical situation and we had to purchase water from K so that was unfortunate the good what helped us is I reached out to our large customers and they were accommodating Pepsi in particular they they slow production on Friday they stop production on Saturday and Sunday like they are trying to be as on board as possible but we still um just aren't quite making it so um what I'm asking is I'm making the recommendation that we declare a a state of water supply conservation due to the fact that the demand for the water is approaching capacity the system um I don't know if anybody has any questions not really a question but I I think sometimes what what doesn't see come across at least some of the comments that I've seen on Facebook is that they're not understanding you know the supply versus you know so basically what you're saying if you want us to depute your water you need to you know conserve so that we can deute your water and and and you know without affecting you uh with this massive drain and and I don't think that that somehow that mass is is coming across and and I the way I've word it is not the way you would word it but I'm trying to simplify the message we're actually very proud that we're able to produce people spray water exactly exactly and we are so ahead of the game on on so many towns and everything but you know everybody's out there squawking like well you should have done this you should have done that and that's why we don't have a supply and again and I'm just trying to kind of help repeat your message of it's not a supply issue you know we got to treat the water and that takes time so what used to take 30 seconds is now taking 90 seconds and if everyone would just you know turn off the faucet just a little bit quicker instead of running it for three minutes run it for a minute and a half you know little things it would make a big difference and I think that that that message gets lost with some people and and you know so I'm just trying to kind of reword it a little bit in hopes it help yes thank you the chair we will be ramping up our educational efforts in the coming weeks to try to make that message a little more known throughout the I I think you guys are terrific job and you anticipate um the new clear well um bringing us back to normaly if you will yeah very close to if not right at the pre def treatment levels of production okay very good Mr chair just through you um I just want to say first of all special thanks to Dan and Kimberly on this issue and the Water Division that you keep as the board knows keeps us updated sometimes more than once a day just to build off with selectman Livingston said distress because I think it's important is one we are one of the first Water Systems in the country that are effectively treating for past and one of the challenges is when you're the first to do something we've learned that that treatment is affecting the output the good news has said just to stress it this this is temporary we have to get the clear well constructed and built the other good news is through this board that's been authorized it's in the design phase and it's going to be funded not at a cost to the taxpayer through the efforts of DPW our challenge is to get to next spring when we get the clear well online so that's it's temporary and I would say that the last point I would support I support the recommendation on the water conservation it's the same one this board authorized last summer um and I think the final Point Kimberly and the DPW director spoke to this before is it's a temporary issue that there is adequate uh adequate capacity it's just this technological challenge we have so thank you thank you any other questions or comments I'll take a motion I'm trying to think how to work U make a motion that the board um declare a state of water supply conservation and Implement an outdoor water use ban effective June 24th 2024 outdoor water use are controlled as follows a watering with a hand pose only B watering with a can water can only all other out watering with shall be prohibited second all those in favor she pass this thank you um the second thing is the execution of a contract The Grove pond water treatment plant resin media replacement so this is all part of the grow Pond P treatment there are two vessels that have media one of the vessels had media has become spent and it's time to replace it so we went out to bid um bids came back and we're recommending that we execute the contract for Calgon carbon Corporation in the amount of $211,400 I just adding curiosity the What is the lifespan of um the resid that's a very good question we're still so new that we're still trying to figure it out we're still trying to gaug how long we can go with with the resins so I had to tell you I'd say we can last about a year per vessel so this will be a recurring once a year replacing a vessel okay that my question question yeah um this would be toward to Robert maybe you're going to be talking about it later and and if you are I apologize for jumping ahead um do we have any arpa funds and do you do you want to use ARP or everything cover being paid for with the Army ground excellent okay okay that's even better so so never mind robt yes I will be touching up so um take a motion I'll make a motion that the select board execute the contract for the Grove pond water treatment plant resin media replacement project in the amount of $211,400 for Signature by the board second all those in favor I I chair says that it's actually on a signature by the chair it looks like just okay it was written in so thank you and the last thing I have is an intermunicipal agreement for emergency water supply interconnection between the town of air and the mdfa it's the mass development financial Association I believe and um who is the owner of the devans water utility so we've had kind of a gentleman's agreement between devans and air where um like just last weekend we had to purchase water from devans but now we have a formal contract that's been looked over by Council and everybody's approved and the last step is for having the the board sign the contct any questions no no I'll make a motion that the select board execute the interm municipal agreement between air and mdfa owner of the devans water utility and for Signature by the board yeah okay second all those in favor I chair says that all right Mr chair so the next item on the agenda is the Sandy Pond School Association license agreement so in the audience is uh Irving Rockwood from Sandy Pon School Association as well so in late 2023 IR contacted me um about installing a pathway and also a handful of parking spaces behind the school along the sort of dead end driver way back there and that dead end driveway that area if you look on a map is actually part of the town's RightWay um so we went through the process of how do we you know formalize this and you know protect the town and also protect s School Association um and so what we came up with with Town Council was to put together a license agreement and basically that allowed s Pond School Association or allows them to construct and manage manage his liability as well um of this pathway into parking that they're put in and also allows the town to revoke authorization of that so say 50 years from now the town needs that right away as a road or something so that at that point have just protect yourself so um you know it's great working with her on this and it's important for school I think so um the license agreement was included in the packet and for Signature by the board any questions I'm all for anything we do for the Sandy Pon School s all I'll take a motion I'll make a motion that the select board execute the license agreement with Sandy CL School Association as provided for Signature by the board seconded all those in favor I I and the chair say I okay Mr chair the final item is a storm water utility advisory work group update um so as you're likely aware um there is a public forum coming up in for input meeting it was going to be scheduled this Thursday but due to the extreme heat and the air conditioning potential loud sounds up in the Great Hall we pushed it to Monday the 24th so so this coming Monday but the meeting will be at 6m in the Great Hall on Monday um the work group's been meeting since September and working on rates and regulations and gotten to this point where we're ready to um present that to the public get some input show them this option that's being considered that that potentially help um um fund storm water in the future um and we we need that feedback from the public um and one thing I'd also like to mention we'll be getting a video out it's actually up on the web but I haven't advertised it fully um just it's kind of basic here's the importance of storm water here's storm water management there what we've been doing what we're looking at as part of this storm water utility so take a look at it you get a chance that's kind of where we're at so we'll have a lot more information at the next update we give the board question up town manager report Mr chair members of the board good evening uh in the packet you have the town warrants that were reviewed and approved since the select board last met on June 4th uh in terms of the administrative update um a few items um I'm looking for for the July 16th um meeting with the board um to do a brief presentation on potential recommended goals uh for the board and myself for the year ahead as I mentioned at the last select board meeting I've talked with the department heads and we're in the process of sort of setting their goals and so forth which would help you know fuel this discussion also doing a review of the current master plan implementation plan so on the 16th uh the board will have in the packet we'll just do a very brief presentation as to all of the things which is exciting that have been accomplished what's left and of those which do we want to you know prioritize um moving moving forward um on that related to that since the the last meeting when I met with the Departments right now there's approximately the $66,000 outstanding in Opa funds and I've asked um all of the departments to submit um potential um projects uh programs um that could be considered um would like the board to think about that as well as we talked about last time and and for the 16th we'll be prepared I'll have a memo in the packet um with specifics and the plan is on the 16th to have a plan to spend the last of the money there's one last project um with DPW I'm just reviewing that um the good news is due to some efficiencies on his end might be a little little more than 66,000 we'll know for sure on the 16th but we will have a a plan and in talking with the accountant and the finance manager um we put that plan into effect on July um it'll give enough time to close out all of the ARA I think you said it best it's an interesting problem to to have the goal posts keep moving also related to that a as everything goes as planned on Thursday June 20th um the town will close on the purchase of 71 Sandy Pond Road um Town Council has everything as does the the seller and that closing uh should be completed and reported on June 20th and we'll notify the board once that happens in terms of next steps um Miss antonelis will will add the the property to the town's um Insurance DPW has been looking at for initially can we do some interim parking right now for this season I want to stress interim parking because the public process hasn't happened and the decision for the final uh what we're going to do with that hasn't happened we could put a sign this is interim parking until we've decided what we're going to do right it be some signage to that effect the the other the other piece to that um as the board is aware that um the DPW director has the Sandy Pond Sandy Pond complete Street safe Street infrastructure project so a piece of the land is also going to be used for some staging for that so we'll have a uh update on what the interim plan is what I'd like to have prepared for the board to at least start the discussion on July 16th is how the board how the town would like to proceed I give this some more thought with the process as to developing that for the purposes as presented to town meeting and obviously we want select board input parks and wreck input planning board input and most importantly public input so this is a good thing it's exciting uh it's been a um an interesting process and since town meeting authorized it um we're finally closing on that so more to come on that front um in terms of that uh we're in good shape closing out for the um fiscal year um for fy2 4 that we're closing out um we're in great shape on the budget front we go into the finance committee on Thursday to have the fincom review and approve the rfts that this board previously reviewed and approved we there are no other rfts needed everything is in good shape on that front and we're looking to the new fiscal year on July 1st so so with that I don't know if there's any questions from members of the board on any um Personnel uh matters or any administrative matters and then I just have just two quick action items questions nope all right one appointment uh for tonight um respectfully recommending that the board appoint Mr Scott hood of air to the capital planning committee to fill a vacancy as a resident representative for a term to expire on June 30th of 2026 and you have in the packet his request never heard of him I mean will he does he show up is he come and everything I mean he does I don't know so oh we had to pick up I have none all right I'll make a motion that the select board approves Scott Hood to be on the capital planning committee seconded all those in favor I I and the chair gladly said that than and then uh secondly we sort of have a part two of the appointments and a special thanks to miss antonellis for putting this together you have a memo in your packet of individuals that are seeking to be uh reappointed uh to their respective boards and committees and to the terms um everything is in the um memo and you'll see that we are just adjusting um somewhere along the line on a couple of the zba appointments just as last time on the COA appointments we lost sort of that Cadence we consulted with Town Council to correct that and we're in good shape so recommending those individuals in the memo be reappointed by the select board any questions motion I'll make a motion that the select board uh approve the appointed appointments as presented in the packet seconded all those in favor I shair says iint are approved Mr chair members of the board that concludes my report for tonight thank you thank you um there were no new business or S member questions listed any um move on to the approval of meeting minutes for June 4th 2024 any changes I saw no issue I saw nothing um I'll make a motion that the meeting minutes from June 4th 2024 be approved to submitted seconded all those in favor I I sh I Mr yes I'd like to make a motion that the select board move into executive session pursuant to General Law chapter 30A section 21A for exemption number two non-union Personnel COA director contract ratification and that the board adjourn from executive session not returning to open session second all those in favor member Le yes board member Tris yes and the chair says yes thank you everybody we are now an executive session