evening everyone I'll call the air select board to order for Tuesday May 7th 2024 this meeting hearing of the air select board will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this inperson meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance and or participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular in particular interest in specific items on this agenda should make plans for in-person vers virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on zoom and channel 8 the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID number 8979 8793 or by calling 92920 5699 for additional information about remote participation please contact Carly anelis assistant Town manager at ATM a period M period us or 97 8772 8220 extension 100 prior to the meeting like to ask anyone please stand for the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you um any amend any adjustments to the agenda uh yes um I would like to amend the approval of meeting minutes to be prior to the new business select board member questions second that right all those in favor I I and chair says I remind me when we get there on the uh no announcements this evening I have not okay uh so then is anyone here for public input this evening please come on done come on now we're coming in a Crowd Oh wonderful okay so okay we're all coming so for those of you that don't know who we are we are the folks that are planning the independence in the air celebration that's going to be happening in air on June 22nd and we wanted to come here tonight to formally invite you all our select board to participate in our parade working on getting some kind of fancy car to drive you along so you don't have to sweat if it's a hot day you can be in a car but it's on June 22nd we'll have a parade kickoff at 12:30 it will start up at St Mary's walk through the center of town as we remember down to Peroni park at Peroni Park we'll have a festival food vendors vendors uh entertainment you name it please go ahead be there we will all be there and so I wanted to just introduce these two lovely ladies that are with me cuz they are just so important to make this happen so Beth if you want to take a few minutes hello I'm Beth Conan I've lived in town for 31 years and when we first came we had a big parade a Big Field Day wonderful town celebration stuff happened Co happened and then it wasn't here anymore and we have so many new residents in town that we wanted to bring it back so last year we did we had a parade and a field day and it poured it was a pouring pouring day terrible terrible but I was in charge of the games and we got our games in even though it poured so it's a time for family fun we have sack races and balloon toss and even pie eating with pies donated by our local supermarket and lots of Wonderful fun things for families to do together and that's what I'm looking for for people to participate in like a an old home day for families to come together and we have it early so that people can go and do their own thing for the 4th of July so please come just put on your best sup with short sleeves and marching our parade or come and eat some pie exactly so thank you and I'd like to introduce Becky Becky is our woman who knows everything about finances we can't get anywhere without Becky thank you um I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank this s for thank the town um for the funding um because without the funding we can't put on a parade we can't do all the things that make a parade a parade right um I'd like to also thank the sponsors and those sponsor listings will be going out on our independence in the air 2024 Facebook site um so I just wanted to take that moment to just say thank you very much and a big thank you to Jeff and the park and rec department for all they've done down to the park and with the park and all they've done for us we have a lot of people to think we take your entire time if we start that whole day we follow follow up with an email to see who would like to participate and be part of our our parade we would love to have you excellent excellent thank you very much it was a great time last year despite the rain I do recommend a vote just in case uh anyone else for public input pleas um can we turn that one on please Pauline good evening I'm sorry I was unmuted earlier I didn't realize that um on a different note first I want to thank ladies that you just listened to they did a wonderful job last year unfortunately I was away for the weekend but wish them luck again this year I would like to thank Dan Ben schwick for The Pedestrian crossing signs that were magically appeared this past week but I'd also like to ask him when he anticipates striping and stenciling will take place on Central end please mat yeah yeah we have we have Matt here this evening I pa um so I do know we're actually doing some striping work tonight on Main Street from what I was sold from Dan I'm not sure if Central LA is included in tonight's work but it is coming up well I'll let you know in the morning I guess but if you if if not tonight if you could at least get back to me to um I'd like to make sure the people who work in the building I work in are not in your way I'm sure you know Matt there's a lot of construction going on on Cambridge Street and we're taking up every available space we can find sure so um i' I'd like to get the striping out to hopefully make the intersection easier to cross um the sign helps people slow down but the striping and the stenciling will be will be an added addition so I'll keep in touch thank you all right thank you anyone else for public input this evening no all right excellent thank you uh so moving on to our next item on the agenda we have introduction of recently hired air police patrol officers Mr chair Chief Gil to come up uh for this section good evening evening Chief so uh what I wanted to do tonight is take the opport to uh introduce the board to some of our uh Patrol officers that we have uh brought on board within the last several months or so so without further Ado I'm going to go chronological order from um uh oldest to uh the most recent one so what I'd like to do is have J officer Jared Spain come on up Jared come on up uh so Runway so uh Jared uh came to us last October uh when he graduated from the uh Randolph police academy and he uh started uh his field training and then came off field training and started Patrol about when October or no off field training in uh January in January and he's been uh assigned to the dayshift uh dayshift Patrol and he is currently our Council on Aging uh liaison oh excellent so uh so that's Jared and uh any questions for Jared no welcome jar no welcome all right Jared thank you okay uh next next coming up is uh Jacob null so Jacob isn't unfamiliar to our area Jacob uh is a graduate of the air Shirley Regional High School um started his career in Shirley and uh recently as of December 23 came over to Air and is uh currently assigned to our 3 to1 Patrol so Jared's been a huge asset coming over with some experience especially with this general area so this is Jacob and uh we're glad to have him on board here so any questions for Jacob no no welcome jaob welcome to air welcome okay and our hot off the press Edition uh to uh the air Police Department is Officer Jacqueline Styles Jacqueline come on up uh Jacqueline just graduated from the Marat College Police Academy um and is uh and how long was that that's at a Long Academy it's almost a year mons eight months um and uh she just graduated this month and we swore her in and she's currently in her field training program assigned to uh our specialized officers that can help bring on new new people that's officer Gambrell and officer Victor and led by Sergeant Pearson so we're excited to have Jacqueline and Jacqueline also is not unfamiliar to the area as uh um originally from air and still is in the local area so we're excited to have Jacqueline here and uh on board here so any questions for Jacqueline no I do have a comment though I used to coach soccer against jacine my son's age um and I always hated the games I had to play against jacqu Head and Shoulders above everyone else so welcome [Music] jacine and uh not here is uh and the reason he's not here is because he's currently in the academy is Connor Murphy um so Connor uh started the uh lynfield police academy uh about 9 weeks ago um and we're expecting to have him graduate in July and uh we're we're going to do the same thing get him onto field training and into uh into a patrol status uh right after that and then uh after that we have more to come um the deputy chief just led a team to interview some new applicants and uh we're hopefully uh we're evaluating them right now and hopefully we'll be able to bring on uh bring on one or two of them from uh from that applicant pool so how many open positions do you have in total uh we have total in this is including the uh admin Sergeant so we're factoring that in we have three okay so we're look so really two of two openings and then the new spot for a three excellent so good any questions on any of these or our process or or the future of RPD no questions I thank you and and the new hires for coming down for introductions uh this evening it's great to put the faces with the names as there are changes within the force so thank you absolutely thank you for letting me introduce them you're welcome thank you welcome everyone all right uh next is the recognition and retirement of Jeff Thomas Parks and Recreation come on man he looked like he was going to stay over there he was hesitant to come down I don't know I've never done this before you haven't retired before no it's my first time you don't have to yeah exactly right yeah you could surprise us you're staying no it's uh it's it's take five more years it's working out well thank you for having me I appreciate it so do you want to start Robert sure Mr chairman members of the board uh as the board is aware uh Jeff um transmitted his uh retirement uh for the beginning of April in in typical air fashion we haven't let him formally retire just yet um but we do want to recognize him uh this evening um Jeff if I could just briefly turn over to the board Mr and take your time it's a long list um Jeff uh Thomas has done an excellent job in public service to the town of air in the Parks and wck Department over the last uh 18 years and anybody that knows Jeff knows that he is a tireless and dedicated uh public servant um the parks the beachfront anything parks and wreck um he treated as his own and took it to the highest level I think most importantly and others can probably say it better than I or know better than I but his dedication um to the town's uh youth um is just topnotch um all the all of the recreation programs whether it's swim lessons sports teams all the kids um Jeff is a celebrity as we know amongst Generations that have been here um is truly uh to be uh commended also he's always been an advocate to empower young adults to have had their first job usually through Jeff um's wreck program whether was a lifeguard or maintenance worker at the parks or so forth so Jeff from my uh perspective it's been a pleasure working with you for the last 14 years and I look forward to completing the transition of the department and uh Mr chair just want to point out that Jeff's Family I believe is is is here his wife Julie is son daughter grandchild new BR new so but I'll I'll I'll turn it to the board um I'll actually open up to the other board members first uh if you have any anything you want to add you want to go first no you go ahead um so over the years you didn't actually come to this table very often so my interaction with you were few but that doesn't mean that I didn't notice your passion you're very quiet you're you're very softspoken but you always showed that you really cared and and I think that's important for people to realize too that you can show that you care without getting allowed and you know your passion always shown through and I can only hope that whoever you know takes over now follows the example that you set because what you did has been wonderful and I hope that you always remember that thank you Janice and I apologize every time I said Janet you know I completely forgot he did that until you said I just kind of echo what Janet Janet what Janet says um I haven't had many interactions with you but what I have observed in the few times that I have is that you were a great leader um and you were always there doing the work um and leading by example and thank you very much for your service to the town thank you Scott Sean I do it um so you and I do have a long history together um you actually also coached against officer Styles in soccer CU there was one season in air Youth Soccer that we needed a coach and you graciously stepped up and um that everything you've done with Scouts U my wife is here she was our Girl Scouts girl uh leader and you helped with the um Time Capsule that was put in um my experience with uh troop 3 and boy scouts you were always there if anyone needed help with eagle scout projects down in the park down at the beach um you know the the dedication just doesn't really begin to describe like what I observed over the years was you were just always passionately working on everything around here and that is going to be incredibly difficult to replace so thank you thank you Scott and obviously the same to you this is your last meeting so that's a we're going out at the same time absolutely In Style Style tell Louise oh no oh my God I really hope you're not out like thma and which one of you thma eared it I kind of forget who's who um so we do have a certificate which I would like to read um this certificate is presented to Jeff Thomas on behalf of the town of bear the select board extends its sincere congratulations on your retirement as Parks director the town is forever grateful for your dedicated service to the Past 18 years as Parks director the town wishes you all the best with your retirement and future endeavors so thank you very much we get a picture yes of picture thank you go right in front of the flag way here family one time they would right wouldn't be right to not have these SE they were did so much over the years all right okay right here very nice great thank you so much Lu enjoy get some you know if you ever want to come back let us not going anywhere anytime soon I'm goinging well like Robert says we don't let you go easily paen you have your hand up yes thank you I just wanted to add my congratulations to Jeff and to Julie we've been friends for 30 plus years and I've worked closely with Jeff um and I wish him all the best and if there's anything I can ever do to help either of you I owe you both thank you so much thank you Paul thank you paulen all right uh moving on next item on the agenda uh we have uh DPW we have Matt this evening set of D so why don't you come on up good evening again good evening so DPW has uh three items on the agenda tonight uh the first item is approval of a Construction contract uh for Sandy Pond Road uh complete streets improvements okay uh so this project is a road project between Snake Hill Road and Patriot Way We actually presented this to the board last believe it was last June which just a concept back then but since then we had a public input meeting we got a $500,000 Grant designed the project had a public input meeting um so we put the project out for bid got five bids uh our L bid was uh $ 68,7 65 from PJ keing and we have worked with PJ keing before they are a good paying contractor so um we're recommending the board execute that contract tonight uh any questions from the board I just uh just for the benefit of anybody watching or listening um this is the same project that was discussed like at town meeting when we were talking about 71 Sandy Pond like the improvements to that area exactly okay um so it is a a sidewalk in that area it's new pavement new pavement markings new signage so it's a complete overhaul no other question all right excellent I don't have any questions thank you okay I'll make a motion that the board vote to execute the contract for the Sandy Pond ro road complete streets improvements projects in the amount of $68,700 work area is the very end of Willow Road it's between uh Bennett's Brook and the Town Line so it's actually in the um the ongoing intersection project is actually right in those in that project PL um so that's a mop project that actually it's supposed to be complete this year so we have a water Man issue we've had several leaks there uh last year I think we had four or five leaks so we're trying to get this pipe replaced uh so the quickest means of doing that is really working with the contractor who's out there right now now um so we did negotiate a contract a price with that contract there was a very favorable price um it works out for both of us Mard has agreed to include this work in their contract um so this was a little different than putting it out for bid uh but this was really our opin for the best interest of the town to get the project done okay um just curiosity question on that intersection how long do you think the construction will be ongoing when you think it'll be completed so it was initially supposed to be complete this month this was last year um there was some delays and this work obviously further delays then but it was already delayed as it was so I anticipate it being complete the end of this year this construction season okay thank you any other questions no um I'll make a motion that the board um approve the extra work authorization related to the non-participating agreement with mastop for $210,000 for Signature by the chair seconded all those in favor I I and chair says I it's approved uh the last item we have is the execution of easement agreement across the DCR rail trail property and this is for water main uh Improvement project thank you I'm not sure how familiar the board is with this project uh if you want to give a brief overview just for the public that be great sure um so it's been the dpw's master plan to put in a new pipe it's very short piece of pipe it's only a couple hundred feet but it would connect Pleasant Street Extension to um Jonathan Drive in the Rosewood half neighborhood and that pipe would actually not just improve that you know short area but really be everything Park Street and everything north of it all those neighborhoods it would improve water quality pressure fire fighting capability so it's a really um good project but we have to actually cross private property to do it so we to dat we've we I think we have three easements already secured and this easement is with the DCR it's with the state it's the last easement that we need to actually get this product out for bid um excellent any questions nope I have none okay I don't have any questions um I'll make a motion that the board execute the grant of easement and meepa agreement on with the common M of Massachusetts second that all those in favor I I and chair says I thank you two spots still sign thanks Matt yeah thank you tomorrow because I'll motorize it perfect tonight thank you uh next item we have on the agenda is the town manager report Mr chairman members of the board uh good evening uh you have in the packet the warrants that were reviewed and approved uh since the board uh last met uh in April in terms of the administrative update which sort of ties into my second item which is the annual town meeting uh since the board uh last met uh we had a successful uh annual town meeting uh a special thanks to everybody uh involved that made that uh a successful event uh the town moderator the town clerk's uh Team all of the department heads the select board the fincom and of course the residents uh all 31 articles including the fy2 budget uh passed um so we're off to the races for another year um we're looking forward to at this point um some next steps uh the 71 Sandy Pond property acquisition as the board is aware uh for the purchase and sale upon town meeting approve upon town meeting approval we have 60 days to to close on that property uh Town Council is currently preparing the closing materials on that and we'll be coming back to the board for your final um approval and signature very shortly um that's on on schedule um same with this passage of the sewer extension uh into Littleton um the DPW director will be um um working on that and we'll have an update don't have a a timeline yet but an update on that as it moves forward uh the town clerk has informed me that all of the bylaws and all the materials on her end have been submitted so uh we're we're in good shape uh as we move forward um looking forward to working with the board on the fy2 budget implementing it as well as the various uh projects that passed also just want to give the board's a heads up as you're aware the senior center site selection committee continues to to meet as they are zeroing in on potential um sites and I understand from the chair that they'd like to come to a select board meeting in the near future um for an update on on their activities but all of their information is on on their their web page uh as as we move forward and then lastly uh the regional um dispatch uh agreement uh will be ready for the board to review and discuss um at the May 21st uh meeting which is your next meeting at least to start the discussion so um sort of coming attractions on that end um I didn't know uh if there are any questions from the board on any Personnel matters or on administrative matters um other than that I'll just have one other update which is my third item uh the only thing I want to point out so we talked just cing back on town meeting you and I talked about this after town meeting that the budget passed without a single question yeah and I do think that is attachment to the amount of work that goes into the Forefront of pres getting the information available to the public and also the budget presentations that I know are painful to do at times with all the work that does come together for that but it is greatly appreciated and I think that's a testament to the work that we do on the Forefront so we empower the people to know what they're voting on before they they walk into town meeting so thank you to everyone involved with that no greed and thank you Mr chair greed and then lastly on the my third item um is on the reserve fund transfer um front as the board is aware per the memo there's $175,000 in this year's Reserve fund of which none has been accessed to date uh as I put in the memo um just an update um there is going to be the need for Reserve fund transfer for the Town Council Legal Services budget largely due to a unforeseen and recent property enforcement uh matter uh we anticipate that rft to be approximately $330,000 that is to get the Town Council budget to July 1st we still have the April uh May in June um invoices um this does happen sometimes on the Town Council budget things happen that we were not aware of at the time of the budgeting but I just wanted to give the board a heads up on that as I have the fincom the plan is to come to the select board on May 21st with the formal rft we'll have the exact number and then to go to the fincom uh for their review and approval after that and if I could just add to that it looks like the only other account at this point in the town accountant is actively monitoring um as thei as is the finance manager is the it uh department is going to need uh an rft as well if you recall from like the first budget presentation there was security security requirements that went into effect in March that we had to implement that were not budgeted for at that time um the it uh director we're finalizing that as well so we anticipate to be before you on the 21st with that as well both of the rfts um are well within you know the balance of the existing Reserve um fund and we'll have all of the information for you at that point but I just wanted to give a heads up and with that answer chairless has any questions from the board that's my report this evening yeah excellent any questions or comments no all right excellent thank you Robert thanks Robert minutes yep thank you uh next on the agenda is the approval of the meeting minutes for April 16th 2024 um I did not have any problems or edits I didn't have any I didn't see anything I'll make a motion that the board sorry that the board approved the minutes from April 16th 2024 as presented in the package seconded uh all those in favor I I and chair says I minutes are approved uh so that Lees new business and select board member questions so I know that um I'll open up to the board or anyone else at the table first so Mr chair so the very first time I met you you were on the fincom and I came in front of front of the fincom um on half of American Legion Post 139 I do remember that because you were questioning our money and I convinced you leave it alone it wasn't a lot of convincing but I do remember it was you know um and that was my first time that I met you and then my next time um was when I first ran you got a hold of me and we went down to Marcos I and we had a nice conversation and I I've never forgotten that because I walked away from that um feeling good excellent you know um I don't think that you know there's a lot of people that don't understand what it's like to um to volunteer for the town and to sit here at these tables um on the fincom or whatever other committee uh and on this one and of course over the years there's been some tough decisions that have been made missteps along the way I will admit that you and I together on that on a couple of the yeah so um it's before your time but and and it's tough because sometimes you know what's the worst part is is that sometimes people get mad and they don't even know what they're mad about exactly and yet they're ranting in a raven and everything but they just can't do one click over to find out what really happened and I know that it can be very hard um cuz you take it to heart sometimes and you can't help it you know um you have served this town in many capacities over the I how many years about 16 years okay um and always with Integrity thank you and sometimes with some class too so I just I just G to you I I don't want to you know puff up your head too much but no I I think that uh you've done a great job and I can tell you not only having sat on this board with you and I know sometimes we had some rough spots we did yep um but you know at the end of the day it is what it is and we're we're still friends absolutely okay and so I just want to thank you uh for sitting at this table with me all these years very I want to thank you for everything that you've done for this town and just know you will be missed okay don't you get teed okay cuz I'll get teed you look like you were going to get period for a second um no I I I really hope that people appreciate all that you've done it not just you know one or two meetings there's a lot more that goes into it and it's a lot of stress um that people don't necessarily see and you've carried it well thank so thank you very much and thank you for all the work that we've done together both when I was on a finance committee and also sitting on this board I do want to say I think this board we've been together for almost 5 years the three of us and and um to be on a board with very like-minded individuals who bring that sense of professionalism that sense of dedication to community uh it has been a pleasure and it's actually made this job a lot easier um we have had our disagreements we've had our rough spots but we've always worked together to come to an agreement um and even for the most part if there was a two to one vote on anything it was always the board boards will is what carried the day for even for the one to Center and I've always appreciated that level of professionalism so thank thank you both I similar to what Janice says I know I'm the you can just say ditto if you I kind of like I'm H the newer Edition to the two of you um but yes like you said for the last 5 years I appreciate and thank you for welcoming welcoming me to this board um and always being there to help and um like you said we're a group of like-minded individuals which doesn't mean that we always agree which is great and although there have been very few 2: one or disagreements we have been and you have always been respectful and um it's very much appreciated and it's been an honor to serve on this board with you it's a small club that we have um it and yeah and uh um I'm glad that I'm a part of it with you thank you very much thanks Mr chairman um as I told you earlier there's a saying in municipal government that at the end of one's public service and I don't believe this is the end but at the end of one's public service if you've moved the glacier an inch that's an accomplishment and in your case sir you should be very proud you've moved that Glacier more than an inch in the 14 years that I've had the honor of uh working with you and um your dedication to the finance committee uh is topnotch and to ensure that it continues andan even now and that's when I first met you and your service on this board for six years and you were first chair when Co was starting and we had a lot of conversations at that time and your service on the community preservation committee and on by board and you were an architect for by board and and kept that uh going and your service on the Personnel Board when had one um from the fincom days and chairing capital and the list goes on and on you have always been passionate about the town we've always put the town first and one of your key things that we've talked about and I think we all have collectively made a lot of progress on is that you wanted the town's finances to be public and to be transparent and that remains obviously work in progress but has come a long way between you were one of the authors of the town's Financial policies that we've continued to update um the budget presentations whether at town meeting or the public budget Forum um the concept of using the meals tax getting the meals tax passed and using it as OPB contribution um your leadership there the concept of the budget calendar and the list goes on and on so you should reflect upon all of your um achievements there and your expertise in finance which is hard to find and to find people passionate about about Finance I can appreciate that and if I may just say I know that your lovely wife Heather is here tonight and Heather we want to thank you for lending him to us for the last uh 16 years and obviously your great children Robert Allison and Kaye that I remember were with the coloring books here and times you would bring them to me to meetings and and as selectman Livingston said that sacrifice um we can appreciate and just to conclude it's been a privilege and an honor to work with you Scott your leadership your support I'm forever grateful for you're a true gentleman and a friend you're always fair and honest and you always put this town first and I know you'll continue so don't be a stranger and I know you're a big Star Wars fan so to conclude May the force be with you always and don't be a stranger and all the best no you want so maybe before we give you the last word as I say but before that if the board wants to present um there is a a momento from the board and a gift uh it's from us with love but at least you didn't throw it out I know where I'm get standing oh wow thank you says uh Scott Hood select book oh God it says stuff we'll just leave yeah if you don't mind I'm going to get it Scott a hood select board 2018 to 2024 finance committee 2009 to 2017 in appreciation and gratitude for your dedicated service to the citizens of the town of air soon fine I try to get through it with humor um so I do want to say thank you to a multitude of people um but I also want to put things in perspective for everyone um so officer Styles as I said I coach soccer against so she is my son's age and um so as Robert alluded to in the early days of finance committee U my wife was on air Shirley Education Foundation there were certain nights she couldn't bring the kids to her meeting so I'd bring them here and they'd be over in the corner you know coloring reading and occasionally they' come up ask questions of me and um and that was really why I did this um sorry it was just to build a great town for my kids to go home and it's been a lot of work it's been a lot of fun it's been a learning adventure that's for sure um we've come a long way my first budget cycle back in 2009 we were looking for $10,000 to pay for a lawn mower for the parks department and um scuba breathing equipment for the fire department and we we had trouble finding that and you go from that Spectrum to having 1.5 million in free cash you know that's a testament to um the leadership at this table the leadership of um our town Robert Carly the department heads um who set a high bar on who they hire what the expectations are of those people look at you sorry um but um I think that you know I've been able to accomplish what everything Robert listed just simply with working with great people like-minded people hardworking people I I you know everyone speaks about my years here I mean there are people in our organ in our town that I look up to you know who've been here longer who do more uh Jeff was always one of those um I think it was fitting that he came tonight for his retirement I was very happy that we were able to do that for him tonight um I want to thank Harley especially for bearing the brunt of the last six years when I came over with the agenda of we're going to do a budget book and we're going to do these presentations and this is and um she always worked extra hard to do that she was always there and supportive so thank you so much for everything helping me recognize that vision for Robert we've been working together for 16 years um right 14 years sorry 14 years that's right I've been 16 14 um I've seen two other administrators one interim one at the tail ends and by and far your head and shoulders above everyone else that I've worked with in that capacity I don't think that people of this town really understand how valuable your approach to your job is to our community because you set the bar very high and you have built a wonderful organization here and everything you listed off that we were able to do together is really because you just we have an organization that has been able to handle that and and work through that so thank you for that um to the department heads who passed and present thank you all for dealing with me especially the past ones who had to deal with me on finance committee dragging them in on you know every night during January because we used to meet with every department head during the weeks of January um to kind of go through their budget in detail what do you do here what's this money for what is that for um you know I came here as someone who had no idea what I was getting into a shy introvert and I learned so much about our town our community the people in it the way we work and who we are so thank you everyone for helping me be successful and finally I am not going away you all you love my submission for Capital planning committee next next meeting because I get the summer off on that one there you go well said thank you well Mr chair just one last thing yes uh first of all Star Wars great story about a galaxy far far and away okay Star Trek is about us where we've been where we're going so with that I want to say live live long and prosper and I make a motion to a journ I'll second that and for the last time all those in favor I CH says I thank you oh [Applause]