good evening everyone I will call the air select board to order on Tuesday April 2nd 2024 this meeting hearing of the air select board will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this inperson meeting please note that while an option for remote participation or remote attendance and or participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting SL hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson vers virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on zoom and channel 8 public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID number 8979 8793 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Carly antonellis assistant Town manager at ATM air period ma period us or 978 7 728220 extension 100 prior to the meeting uh I'd like to ask anyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all thank you uh for tonight's meeting with the select board we do have two members present here in town and we do have um Mr Copeland joining us via Zoom so all the votes will be roll call votes uh do we have any changes to the agenda this evening uh I have none okay I have none I don't have any either I'll make a motion to approve the agenda as submitted I'll thank you uh Miss Livingston I Mr Copeland I and the chair says I agenda is approved there are no announcements this evening no excellent uh is anyone here for public input all right excellent thank you all right uh first item on the agenda is a continued public hearing Mass General law 148 section 13 amendment to storage of flammable and combustible liquids gases and solids license with JR realy Corporation of one NCO way there any representatives from Jr realy present this evening uh would you like to come on down please evening thanks for joining us you mind uh just saying your name for the record please Joseph AO company president thank welcome Mr chair if I may give you up to speed a little bit that would be great thank you so they came for the public hearing on our last meeting um they want to increase their storage capacity by an additional 500,000 is that it yes okay um and a question was brought up as to whether or not they had insurance so uh the other gentleman who was here um kind of said he goes no and that caused a little bit of confusion he realized that you know he kind of misspoke but at that point it was like okay we need proof um and of course you know there was questions as to whether or not that's actually required but there was so much confusion at that time that they were asked and they agreed very nicely um to come back uh with the answer to that question so I just want to say that I greatly appreciate the fact that you were willing to come back just to calm down all the confusion that happened so so that should get you up to date okay thank you very much I appreciate that uh so I do also note that we do have a memo from the assistant Town manager uh stating that bear with me for a moment I read this over the weekend that there is a in fact insurance certificate and there's no other issues just to um explain a little bit I talked to town council at length on the issue there's no requirement that uh Katan J realy provide a Certificate of Insurance in this instance but of course we asked they of course they provided one town council's reviewed it it's it's all set to go okay excellent thank you um any other questions regarding that was recall that was that was it and there like I said there was just so much confusion about it it was just like you know we'll just solve this excellent and this is a public hearing there any questions or comments from other members of the audience or the public no okay uh then I will take a motion if it Wills the board sure um I'll make a motion that the board approve the amended license for J R realy as presented seconded right uh roll call the vote Mr Copeland hi uh Miss Livingston I and the chair says I you're approved thank you very much I appreciate coming back very much yes thank you for coming back uh can I have a motion to close the public hearing please I'll make a motion to close the second thank you call the vote Mr Copeland hi Miss Livingston I and the chair says I the public hearing is closed next item on the agenda is the appointment of assessing administrator Miss April anac con is I apologize if I'm butchering that that's about as best as your thank you please feel free to come forward Mr chair yes members of the board good evening um it gives me great uh pleasure uh to introduce to you um Miss April Ina con um and her appointment uh to be appointed as assessing administ ministrator uh for the town of air uh you have all of the information uh in your packet including uh April's um resume uh she is currently the assistant assessor in the town of Littleton and she is uh looking forward to um advance to The Next Step um she has a wealth of Municipal experience as you can see um from her resum um we uh interviewed her and by far the most qualified um candidate that we received and I'm respectfully um requesting that the board after they have any questions for April I request that the board vote to ratify um her appointment as assessing administrator to be effective April 8th which will be her first day all right thank you Robert welcome April um do you want to take a few minutes and kind of tell us about yourself um your experience and what you hope to accomplish so yeah I have again a lot of different um experiences in town government from the finance to the select board to uh water sewer DPW um I have a good friend uh my boss actually Kathy Miller in Littleton is um she was a chief assessor and she kept telling me what a great field this was to get into and that there was a lot of movement and it was a good time to start learning so of course I go in as assistant and I start taking classes and learning and I'm enjoying it more and more um it's a very varied position things are done annually lots of different um types of you know working with the public working with the finance team and uh works well with a lot of my background and so yeah I didn't quite expect to make this step quite this quickly but I you know air is a great community and I live in Shirley my kids have gone to school here and so I figured now's a chance to move my way out excellent welcome um Shan or Janice any questions or comments I have no questions but I you know am going to point out that April is being appointed in April so I'm just I just think I just think that that could mean something very positive so there you go there you go I did not I did not think of that all right I don't have any questions thank you Sean um I don't have any further questions uh so I'll take motion from the board I'll make a motion that the select board approve the ratification of appointment of the assessing administrator of April Ina con uh effective um April 8th I'll second uh roll call to vote Miss Livingston I Mr Copeland I and the chair says I congratulations welcome official to working with you all right uh so next item on the agenda is a joint meeting of the select board and the finance committee we're going to do a final review of and approval of the 2024 town meeting warrant uh Kurt I'll turn it over to you to call the finance committee to order please good evening my name is Kurt fres Kowski finance committee chairman and I call the uh finance committee meeting to on April 22nd at 2 April 2nd excuse me looking at the warrants instead April 2nd at um 6:14 p.m. all right excellent thank you and just to know there is one member of the finance committee who is participating via Zoom also this evening yeah thank you SC Scott uh yes just to uh note that uh we have Jin Hong is joining us by um zoom and present here is Bob France Eric zman Andrew SE and myself excellent so Robert I'll turn it over to you for sure introductions Mr chairman uh members of the select board uh Mr chairman members of the finance committee good evening um just a couple of um quick overview on um the warrant uh in the budget and you have a hard copies in front of you of the the warrant that was sent uh to to you through the select board's packet on March 29th um there are 31 uh warrant articles U to the annual town meeting warrant uh there were no citizens petitions received by the deadline of noon on March 29th uh per the town clerk I just want to point out since the select board last um met um on the March 19th meeting uh two articles um were added since then one was Article 30 the extension of the sewer line on Willow Road for benefit of 254 260 Air Road in Littleton and as it says in the explanatory note uh there will be a public hearing uh with the select board on this um for April uh 16th of of 2024 also added was Article 31 uh which is the senior tax workof program uh specifically this article increases the amount that the maximum reduction that somebody can earn in the program from $1,500 to $2,000 a year lastly um before I turn it over to you Mr chair I just want to point out as always there's always some some final things um just a couple of uh points under article three which is the contract funding for the air police patrol Association in the explanatory note it says um it says says on the draft original draft was 33,785 um that should be changed to 35,7 3 so 35,079subscriber costs of it says 3,331 184 that should be changed to 3, 79,2 again it should be changed to 3, 79,2 um per the finance manager so those were just two uh changes in the numbers lastly I want to point out as reflected in the Omnibus budget and draft four which was the final budget um per the select board and the fincom from the March 27th budget public forum uh the $2500 adjustment into the Council on Aging uh budget uh was made uh per the board so that that change is reflected in both the final budget and uh in the Omnibus budget so with that Mr chairman um that is um I'll turn it back over to you and if there are any questions um from the board of the fincom through you right um so would I'd like to we can just go through each of the Articles um I'll read just the art article number and the title if anyone wants that for discussion you simply say pass we'll make a note we'll Circle back on that article um and if there's no discussions then we'll take uh the select Court will take their vote afterwards uh so article one salaries of elected officials article two contract funding for a police Patrol Association article three contract funding air police patrol Association dispatchers article four the FY 2025 Omnibus budget Article 5 uh fiscal year 2025 a shley Regional School District assessment article 6 FY 2025 nishoba Valley Regional Technical vacational assessment article 7 uh Solid Waste Enterprise fund article 8 ambulance Enterprise fund article 9 sewer Enterprise fund article 10 water Enterprise funds article 11 capital budget requests article 12 capital budget requests part two apparently uh article three gby 45 OPB funding or sorry 13 uh 14 forward funding of the town's pension assessment Article 15 transfer of free cash into the town special Revenue fund for opioid article 16 stabilization fund article 17 revolving funds article amend bylaw and establishing FY 2025 spending limits article 18 first year interest general fund borrowing Article 19 funding for aquatic weed control for Town ponds article 20 matching funding for firefighters Grant uh Community preservation acts article 21 the community preservation act article 22 Community preservation fund transfer of unexpended funds from old fire station project article 23 Habitat for Humanity article 24 acquisition and purchase of 71 Sandy Pond Road article 25 zoning bylaw Amendment update on the town zoning map article 26 zoning bylaw Amendment amendment to Section 320 that- 3.2.8 of a zoning bylaw article 27 zoning bylaw amendment of section 32 uh 320-5263 120103 D3 for includes inclus inclusionary housing article 29 West Main Bridge easements article 30 extension of the SE line on Willow Road for the benefit to 254 to 260 Air Road in Littleton and finally senior tax work right off program mgl chapter 59 section 5K is article 31 okay uh so we don't have anything else for um specific for discussions uh so Sean or Janice any questions comments well I did he say he had one he said he didn't no okay um so I never noticed this before but when you happen say oh part two so article 11 is capital budget requests it is a borrow article but article 12 is capital budget requests it is also an article um should I mean do we want to like differentiate those differentiate those a little bit well well I I see that but it's just that and and I agree but and there's never been a problem it's just when he said part two it just so Mr chairman I mean it can put where it says article 11 capital budget requests I could put Dash borrow and on on the other one I could put capital budget request Dash transfer stab Capital stabilization transfer yeah that works yeah just when to Genesis point when you're reading them over like out loud and thinking of the moderator when he's going through the process it's going to sound very repetitive never noticed it until you said part two and I was like I F on saying the same thing twice uh so any other questions I didn't see anything I I looked over the explanatory notes and I think that um everything looks like it's covered pretty well any other questions or comments from the finance committee none none okay all right perfect uh so for the select board we're going to take a vote to approve the warrant I'll make a motion that the board approve the warrant has presented with the changes that Robert mentioned okay second it okay uh roll call to vote Mr Copeland I miss Livingston I okay and the chair says I the warrants approved by the the um select board uh Kurt I'll turn it over to you for fincom recommendations okay um we uh as uh the finance committee we are going to um uh take a vote on in this case articles one through through 24 which are articles that uh call for the fincom recommendation not recommendation or no opinion um and I'm going to suggest I will need a motion in a second on this that we uh vote on all those articles at once and um so uh can I get a motion for that what you want to discuss it anyone has a discussion very good thank you Andrew um but before we do that is there any one particular article that anyone would like to discuss and or vote on separately no no no very good you want Jen Jen no okay I would like to make a motion to set our status as recommend for all the AFF forementioned articles second okay so uh roll call vote that the fincom committee will vote to recommend all articles 1- 24 of the um warrant um roll call vote Bob France yes Eric sechman yes Andrew silly I Jen Hong I and Kurt pres Kowski I all right excellent thank you Kurt I'm looking through some of these so article five and six which are the school assessments and then 22 and 23 there is a space on the warrant for looks like a select board recommendation um which one 5 six and then 2223 so the school assessment CU we're not the sponsors on those which usually I guess covers our recommendation um so I would be looking for if it Wills the board a recommendation from the select board for articles 5 6 22 and 23 didn't we just approve for we did do you want to use that as consent well I yeah okay cuz otherwise I feel like we've just gone backwards fine so um understood yeah okay no worries then right that's it Mr primary correct we're good to go on the warrant okay okay excellent uh thanks finding us for for coming tonight uh they are going to stick around for the next item which is a presentation of the clar go budget platform so Mr chairman I'm going to turn it over to the assistant uh Town manager in just a moment um appreciate everybody's patience for everybody's benefit on the 27th of March we had wanted to do a brief presentation on this and due to technical difficulties that wasn't possible but it is uh for tonight so just to be uh just to give a little history um before covid um the town was looking for a method in which we could put current um budget information as well as archive budget information in a very userfriendly way that anybody could access it right on um any device whether it's um a tablet or computer or so forth and be in addition to providing a wealth of that information allow the user to select different ways that that information is presented so with clear glove you can select different um graph Styles and so forth additionally by consolidating all of this onto this platform it will allow the town for the example the budget book which we present at town meeting has been traditionally a hard copy this will be the last year I think of the budget book in that format this will replace um the budget book it also gives the ability for anybody from a town Department to a resident to anyone interested in the in the finances of the town of air to get that information and also to to play with it a little bit if you will so with that um Miss antonelis is going to give a brief um overview on this uh we're looking to launch this live Friday on Friday it will be launched live um we are be more than happy Mr chairman of the fincom to come to one of your future meetings for more in-depth presentation same with the select board and lastly any residents have any questions or or want a tutorial we'll be happy to work on that and lastly I want to thank Carrie Cooper the town accountant and Barbara tney the finance manager and Miss antonellis who uh really put all of this together so with that I turn it over to Carly thank you uh so up here on the screen you'll see our FY 25 budget book um we're still toying with the idea of printing these for town meeting it's much larger than our former budget book cuz there's so much information historically I think um we'll probably if someone wants us to print it by request we can certainly do that and I'll show you a cool feature once we get to that point so as of um Friday there'll be a link on our website um on the town manager's page the finance committee page the town accountants page the finance manager page to to bring you to this this is the public web view of our budget book uh so so what we have I'm just going to shrink this just a little so you get an idea there's an introduction just basic Town Hall hours Etc um and then we we kept what we had we have the history of the town just a little you know blurb um demographics this is populated automatically by the cleargov software uh so that should be popping up any second but it basically will tell you uh average uh household income how many households we have uh Etc I'm not sure why it's not loading at the moment but um we'll go to the org chart which we had in our former uh budget book we have um the residents guide to town meeting which has a uh a lot of terms we also have the glossery um and then the budget process in calendar you know where we're at for the year um which we had in the in the old version and then we've added the financial policies so it's an attachment right on uh the website so these Financial policies were updated and adopted by the select board in December and by the finance committee uh in January so you'll be able to access them right with all the budget information um we have a budget overview that's been loaded for this year's town meeting um it shows what our recommended uses for free cash R stabilization fund balances uh the school assessments and I I you can't really see those so we got to change the color there but um and then we have our staffing counts by location updated um which again was a piece of the budget book um we have our fund summar so you're able to go into say the sewer Enterprise fund um you'll be able to see historic from fiscal 20 forward um revenues and expenditures what those expenditures are for um and the you know his the breakdown by year of what the spending associated with each year and for each category so in each of these um graph representations you're able to change it if you like bar graphs better than py graphs you can change here um you're able to again change to your to your preference all the information stays the same it's simply presentation um but this is a cool feature where where we actually have the numbers loaded in the background so you can pull up the spreadsheet View and see the exact figures and then the changes um just in a more succinct way so we have that for all of our funds um our funding sources these were again um in the budget book The this chart um just what our annual what we taken and then you know the percentage difference over the prior year um and then what we do do here on the Department's page you're able to so each department will have a page um it gives a little brief description what the spending history is is in each department again if you want to switch chart types you're able to um and then if you click down to the spreadsheet breakdown uh everything is there including you know what what has been spent and what we've asked for in the fy2 budget so all the information um is current um I know let's see Chuck is here we'll pick on him so each department head will you know have a photo and then just an overview of what their department does any goals some of the bigger departments you'll see uh for Public Safety um where' It Go Los my oh there it is okay uh the police department it will have the bigger departments will have their own um or charts you know many departments here at Town Hall obviously are two people departments you don't need an org chart but uh for the bigger departments they're listed here uh the Capital Improvements um this was a slide from our old budget book you know highlighted in different colors what we're borrowing for what we're going to transfer to pay for um so that's uh and then the debt The Debt Service by Department you're able to look this was a slide in the former budget book um where we're at for debt and then so both general fund debt and the um Enterprise funds so one of the um there's several ways you can do this but when you are if you're looking to print you can have a PDF of the whole um budget book email to your email they'll give you a link you click you download it onto your own um system and then what you what we like on this is you know you want to print the budget book but NE you don't need the financial policies or the bud the residence guide to Town Meeting those are some the longer documents here so you're able just to click what you'd like and it will actually create your own version of a budget book what you're looking for so you can do you know all departments or you can just pick and choose so um it will create a digital budget book once you get the link it will ask if you want to print it it's you know it it um transfers so it prints easily um we've been playing around with it so I think um it's going to be helpful definitely and that way you can select what you want to see and you don't have to put in what you don't want to put in um again if anyone would like budget books printed for them um we're happy to do that the whole for parts of it uh you know we usually print about 150 for town meeting and that's now with printing costs that's probably about $1,500 to do so this I think we'll be able to save some some money but again we're happy to print them for residents if they require request um so this will be live Friday we'll do like a an announcement on the uh website and the Facebook and the X page and then we'll uh we'll get it out there and if folks have questions they're certainly welcome to call our office or the town accountants office and we can walk them through using it but it it is pretty self-explanatory and very direct so yeah so that's where we're add on that excellent thank you um and thank you Carrie for all the work I know it's not hasn't been just carried so thank you everyone who's worked on this it's been a long time coming um any questions or comments from select board or finance committee that was great thank you looks great Dennis question yeah just a couple of quick questions on um the demographics that is automatically loaded by CLA go into the module do you know where they are pulling those that demographic information from yeah so there's several different sources um I'm going to try to just pull it up while you're here it does site them all I'm not sure why it's um why it's oh here we go yeah let me share the screen again just so everyone could see uh yeah so it will tell you where they're citing the data from um down here so This Is Us sens Census Bureau um our daytime population po population by age group um and these again are all automatically populated um so it gives you just a snapshot of where the town's at 30% where is it renting in air um so and then you'll be able to go right on our budget page and get this information right now it's not easily accessible you'd have to go through a couple different steps to get to the budget so we think this is the best way to display it for folks sure and and secondly um is there a does it have the capacity I mean how many years prior can it go like if you wanted to look at rate of growth or whatever over the last five you know I'm not asking for 1978 but you know per five perhaps 10 years can it kind of say so we Mr chair if I may yeah so we started loading the data in fiscal 20 right Carrie yes so right now we'll have like a 4 year fiveyear look back and then we'll add to it every year um I'm sure we could put you know as we build it um we'll be able to have everything will be stored there so what's being displayed is I think 4 to five years of History um I'm I'm sure we could do more if needed but that's what we're planning on for now and and that's what's there now the Y yep okay excellent thank you D good questions uh Pauline you have a question yes uh thank you Carly for the presentation how soon before town meeting will the link be available if you said so I'm sorry yeah we did in the beginning but it will be loaded uh April 5th Friday this Friday okay thank you so much and just for the record I'd like a printed copy please of the whole thing everything yes ma'am okay thank you thank you any other questions comments good question so you said 20 and forward is loaded now and we sort of continue um just to I wasn't sure if you if I understood it correctly it'll only like let's say we're 10 years in the future it'll only show five but we'll be able to look back further is that what you were saying do you know the answer to that Mr chair the question is so we basically set it up is it goes by the fiscal year actuals so it will go back to your actuals it will not show the budgeted amount so so right now it's set up as fiscal 20 to 20 25 that'll show the actuals for 20 all the way up to 23 cuz we finalized we closed out 23 so those are your actuals there's no more budgeted in 24 I have it set up right now as it's showing our budgeted amount but it's showing us an actual as of the presentation that Barra did for the the spreadsheet of that date so I uploaded it from November I believe believe November 4th and that's the actuals as of that date this and then I did the 25 budget as of I believe last this as it was yesterday so it will only show your actuals it's not going to show your budgeted amounts and it showing from fiscal 20 to 25 it's not showing projected revenues or anything past what we just did as a today right I'm sorry I meant like if five years down the road from now will it only show like let's say we're in 2030 will it only show the last five years or will and we'll have to search for previous years it will go back as many years as we want to publish but you got to remember that you're looking at your you're looking at your um it will show you'll have to go back and just keep going right now I only had it set up okay there's other data in there I just only have it set up from fiscal year 20 prior thank you thanks excellent uh any other questions or comments no all right excellent thank you everyone um so with that uh car I'll turn over to you I think we're done with finance committee for this evening i' would like to make a motion to adjourn second second roll call vote to adjourn the finance committee meeting Bob France hi Eric zuckman hi Andrew suly hi Kurt pres Kowski says I and Jin H hi very good the fire committee is aded as of 6:42 thanks for joining us this evening appreciate thank good job car thanks all right uh moving on in the agenda so we we have Alicia hery program manager Community Development Office uh looks like Alicia's not here so Alan you're going to cover for Alicia where's Alicia I know you're bummed out you're always happy when Alicia is here not so much my apologies well you're the next two on the the next one on the agenda also so two vers with one stone but thank you and through you Mr chairman I I will say Alicia uh does have a family commitment today so I am uh I'll just address the issue with thank you and uh yeah very uh straightforward for the past few years uh we've been fortunate Our Town um the uh neighborhood of affordable housing Noah based out of East Boston they acquired property at 65 Fitchburg road we've been in a process for 3 years of friendly 40b development yep and again 100% it be 106 units a really important and acutely needed thing in the region no has done an excellent job at getting uh securing um their permits and everything through the um uh the state the Commonwealth they have been successful with their low-income housing tax credits they have a $4 million gap right now the good news is they've been in communication with Senator Mary and Senator Warren's offices so Noah is going to they are making a submission request for a $4 million US Senate earmark for this year so what we're here today to uh request a letter of support from the air select board to both Senator Mary's office and Senator Warren's office and I believe we have also included us congressional representative Lori Trahan so there are three letters and uh it's important for the town to support them they're they're in the home stretch they're in the home stretch of securing all the funding for so they can begin construction which would be wonderful they're saying if they line this up all right I won't go that far but their hope is Carly's I don't over promise but if all goes well they they should be able to start until next year and this that would be a great thing so this is it we're requesting the uh the letters of support and I'm here to answer any questions or provide any details okay excellent thank you chairman um any questions from the select board I'm I'm always for asking for money so I support I don't have any questions Sean any any questions no I read through the letters support no questions right excellent um motion for support I'll make a motion that the select board um sign a letter of support for federal earmark application for the air Commons 40b as presented I'll second that roll call the vote Miss Livingston I Mr Copeland I and the chair says I it is approved we we are supportive Thank you very very much thank you maybe I'll stay put for yeah please uh cuz now you're going to talk to us about the office of uh the sorry the FY 2025 udac budgets yes thank you and again through you Mr chairman please yes we're here uh before you this year again as we've done in past years for the FY 25 the air office of community and economic development our budget um half of it is funded through the Omnibus budget and half of it is funded through our udag of funding for the town so uh we have the memo before you and um again we're simply requesting and again here to provide any information or answer any questions with regard to the department what we've done and what we hope to continue to do going into the coming year and um this is the budget we're presenting for the udag portion all right so the total portion that you're requesting from udag is 128 27323 that's correct and then there's a corresponding amount on the FY 25 operating budget correct Mr chairman just for just for clarity for the Public's sake I have no questions I'll open up to any questions from other select board members I have none this is pretty straightforward okay none here okay excellent thank you so I make a motion that the board approve the request um for the sorry for the AOC CED F525 budget the ud portion funding seconded uh roll call to vote Mr Copeland i m Livingston I and chair sayi you are approved thank you very much thank thank you thanks for coming Alan appreciate it thanks Alan thank you okay and with that we move to the town manager's report Mr chairman uh members of the board good evening uh you have the warrants that were approved since the board La last met on March 19th um in the packet as far as the administrative update unless there are any specific questions from the board on any administrative matters it's been mostly budget in town meeting um preparation I'll get right into my um action items um I just want to just point out that we have had a lot of exciting uh Personnel changes um at the Town Hall um we have a new assistant Town accountant Lisa Castro who started recently um the new administrative assistant in the select board Town manager's office Marine maren Adama who started just yesterday and tonight we're pleased with the board's support for um April inone the the new assessing administrator to start on April 8th and I'm working with the Parks Commission as we speak with the um hiring process uh for a new parks director as the board is aware you Mr Thomas is going to be um um scaling back and ultimately retiring but we have a transition uh plan in effect so unless there's any questions we'll get right into the action items uh for tonight uh Sean Janice any questions no okay no questions for me great so just briefly on the annual town meeting update with the board's approval of the warrant tonight as I indicated in the packet the warrant will be officially posted by this Friday April 5th um at the latest that includes on the town's website as well as various locations throughout town the warrant at that time is also sent for printing and mailing to all households in advance of town meeting on April 22nd we will begin the articles of the day um which each day will feature leading up to town meeting feature a couple of the Articles from the warrant different ones each day uh with sort of a executive summary of what the article does as well as links to additional information just as we have the budget uh web page we will have the town meeting web page um that Cindy has started to put together that will have all of the material organized by article um so you can find everything in one spot for example on the CPC projects everything um will be there if there is something missing or questions let us know um there will be presentations through the moderator at town meeting just want to point out like on the two contract articles article two and three you usually do a brief snapshot there'll be a presentation and article four the budget uh the schools uh through the moderator Article 5 and article 6 each superintendent is looking to do a very brief presentation on the fy2 budget for their respective schools and then all of the capital as the board knows but just for the Public's benefit all departments that have Capital are prepared uh to make a presentation at town meeting and all of the capital can be found on the town's budget Pages as we speak as we move forward so there will also be a presentation on the acquisition the proposed acquisition of 71 uh Sandy Pond uh as well so I think that we are in in good shape uh moving up to April uh 22nd um again um if there are any questions let us know we want people to have all of the information and their questions answered ideally before town meeting but of course at town meeting as well I have two action items very briefly um the first one um on behalf of the senior center COA director um respectfully requesting that the board vote to approve a donation um in the amount of $22,000 um to the Council on Aging it's unrestricted and I believe it's an anonymous donation so both Anonymous and unrestricted and we're for always grateful um when we receive these and we're just looking for the board to accept that gift um any questions or comments from the board so I'll make a motion that the select board approve the unrestricted donation in the amount of $2,000 for the air Council of Aging all right uh roll call the vote Miss Livingston I Mr Copeland I and chair says I it's approved and then Mr chair through you if there is an objection I ask the fire chief to come um to the to the table item number four uh we are respectfully requesting that the board vote uh to authorize uh two letters of support for the Central Mass um EMS one to state senator Jamie Eldridge and the other one to state representative Denia Senna and through you Mr chair I think the fire chief could best capsulate uh the request sure thank you Mr chairman thanks coming Chief um as the as you see in your packet the um template they use to um ask for support kind of explains everything but we do lean them on them as an EMS service and I'm not sure how many towns your remember Deputy but it's several it's a large area of Region 2 in Central Mass so I thought it was important what they were asking for they're not looking to gain extra money they looking to get back what they didn't get two uh two years ago they cut some of the money and then was just looking to get back to the level funding is what and I thought it was important um not only as a department but as a town to throw a support um towards that excellent thank you any questions John none no okay no great I'll make a motion that the board approve the letters of support um from the selectboard for the EMS service seconded roll call to vote Mr Copeland I miss Livingston I and chair saysi appr thanks you Chief thanks Chief thank you and Mr chairman uh members of the board that concludes my report for this evening thank you for your time and consideration all right thank you Robert appreciated uh next item on the agenda is new business and select board member questions there's nothing specific on the agenda but it open up for any questions or comments from the select board members nothing John no all right Mr chair Miss Livingston I'd like to make a motion that the select board move into executive session pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 30A section 21A exemption number two non-union Personnel assessing administrator contractor and that the board not reconvene in Open Session but adjourn from executive session second Miss Livingston I Mr Copeland hi and chair says I we're in executive session thank you very time for thank you very much for your time tonight everyone