good evening everyone welcome to the board of selectman meeting uh select board sorry uh tonight is Tuesday June 4th 2024 this meeting hearing of the air select board will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this in-person meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance Andor participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for in-person versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on zoom and channel 8 the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting ID number 897 987-9365 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Carly antonellis assistant Town manager at ATM a.m. us or 978-772-4864 do we have any amendments to the agenda tonight I have none I have none I make a motion that the board approve the agenda as presented I second all those in favor I I and the chair says I any announcements tonight if I could just make a statement I just want to take the second acknowledge and wish every member of the lgbtqia plus Community um in our in our residents their family and friends a Happy pride month happy Pride okay anything else okay all right so if I can ask everyone to join me in a moment of silence in memory and honor of Mr Dennis Callahan Jr who passed away on May 27th 2024 Dennis was a true public servant and friend of the town of air he served as the elected Town Treasurer from 2001 to 20021 and served on the board of assessors from 2001 to 2019 our thoughts and prayers are with this family and friends please observe a moment of silence thank you very much okay does anyone have any public input tonight all right moving on J yep oh I'm sorry sorry Pauline you you I looked away just as you raised your hand that's perfectly okay I have two questions um for later in the meeting do I can ask them now and you can address them then or I can wait you choose uh go ahead and ask him okay one question pertains to the quick claim um there's no mention in the Quick Claim about the 21e assessment and I'm curious what the status of that is so when then we get there if you just if someone could just explain that would be great M the other question pertains to the time Bond transfer station study the study references um an operations proposal or something along that lines which was attached as an addendum but it was not in the packet um I looked at the packet and I believe you had everything that I had seen uh the other day but we'll address that when we get to it okay there is a there is an operations uh proposal from Dan dated January but the TI and bond report specifically refers to one they prepare yeah I didn't see that last week in the rate review yeah yeah what you what you're seeing in the packet is what I saw last week in the rate review so but again we'll we'll look into that thank you okay all right and with that um Robert approval of the quick claim deed for S 71 s Pond Road sure Madam chair members of the board um good evening so you have in your packet um the quick claim uh deed uh for the acquisition by purchase of 71 Sandy Pond Road in the amount of $700,000 as the board is aware $350,000 from CPC and 350,000 um from arpa uh the quit claim quit claim deed was written by attorney Katie Klein of Town Council um has been uh reviewed and is true to form the seller uh seller has also agreed um as his attorney has as well um to uh Pauline's um question if you look um I forget which section in the purchase and sale um one of the requirements is a environmental um transaction screen of of the property um that was and and through you madam chair I did send maybe she did not get it yet I did send Pauline an email on this um if you the board will recall on slide four of the presentation on article 24 which Dan presented at town meeting it had reference to the actual environmental transaction screen which was completed by Cooper toown environmental on March 18th um that was all posted uh to the website in advance of town meeting the environmental screening did not find find any hazardous materials it it's clean on that front uh the title search has been completed it's clean on that front um also we did do an appraisal as well so all of the all of the boxes are are in order so um with that we'd be looking for the board um if there's any questions we'd be looking for the board to vote to approve and sign the Quick Claim Deed by signature by the board and then upon that um town Council will um and myself will complete the the closing of the and we anticipate the transaction uh to be completed um either durun uh either June 18th or June 20th which is within the 60 days from town meeting okay any questions discussion I have any no this is exciting um I'll make a motion that the board approve and sign the quick claim deed as presented in our packet seconded all those in favor I I and the chair says I congratulations yay yay nice moving forward on this I know I I'm this going to be fun to watch the process and to see how this all Lays out with with public input before anybody okay all right and I believe if there's nothing else on that we we can move to your town manager's report all right um thank you madam chair and good evening to the to the board you have in your um packet the town warrants that were reviewed and approved uh since the board last met on May uh 21st uh in terms of the administrative update for this evening just a few things uh we're as we always are this time of year and are in the process of closing out FY 24 and getting ready to start FY 25 on July 1st in terms of the budget also looking forward to um completing um or starting the new round of capital projects um for the town so a lot of focus has been on that um on June 18th your next meeting uh the nurses um from the nooba Valley Medical Center would like to briefly come uh to just update the board just on their concerns regarding the steward um hospital they know that the board in the town is supportive um but they they've asked to um come briefly to that that meeting the board so they held a press conference yesterday down in Depot Square um we sort of found out uh sort of last minute um they did get some good coverage just about the importance of the hospital uh moving forward related to that when I met with them today um just for the board's benefit um as the board's aware Steward has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy uh out of Texas that actually happened yesterday they filed for it um the town is listed as a debtor on the chapter 11 schedule um Town Council is currently reviewing the chapter 11 as well as We'll advise on what we need to do further to protect our interests there are some small outstanding payments uh owed to the town and then there Water and Sewer that's owed to the town um that we want to make sure that our interests are protected on that related to that the bids are due June 26th um for anybody bidding on the hospitals there's nine of them of which noober is one of them and the auction is scheduled and this is over ultimately overseen by the court on July uh 11th so unfortun yeah so the frustrating piece I think for everybody I town has has just been a big cone of silence from Steward and on the state side too in other words it's not a lot of information which allows then with the media and speculation and so forth he can understand everybody that works up there you know being on on edge but I think the key thing that the town that this board and the town has continued to assert is the importance of the hospital continuing under whoever that ownership will be but we don't have any idea yet on that so um we'll continue to keep the board updated um June 18th they just want to briefly come at the beginning of the meeting just to address the board um just a reaffirmation of their support also on June 18th um the uh president of the IC Federal Credit Union um out of Fitchburg uh would be coming with Alicia uh to make a donation to the board to the town's emergency um fund so that'll be a positive uh thing that we're looking forward to the 18th is going to be busy also on June 18th on June 18th the senior center site selection committee which is zeroing in on its potential recommendations not quite there yet would like to come to briefly give an update to the board as per your charge they're required to do they're at a position they just want to give a a brief update to the board as to where they're at in the process and any questions um you may have lastly um zelman Livingston had asked me about um on the arpa funds so we we have approximately $66,000 remaining in the arpa we are just checking on one of the DPW projects that was appr Pro authorized it was up to 350,000 Dan may not need all of that so the 66,000 might go up a little bit um we can't give this stuff yeah so what I'm proposing is um for the 18th I'll I'll prepare this one is we'll have the definitive Accounting in two I was going to ask and you had asked this too uh selectman Copeland um I'm going to ask all of the Departments um for any suggestions and then when we come back to the board we'll have that discussion um on the 18th um so whoever has their name up I can't hand up I can't see name k oh K hi Ken sorry I I didn't realize you were going to get to the deed so quickly and I had a little trouble getting on anyway the long the sh of it is on the deed there's a typo uh way in the back of the deed on a signing page that refers to the town of M I already found it and corrected it okay it's been corrected thank you it wasn't corrected for the packet but it's corrected for the one we signed thank you mhm thank you thank you um so we can I have a discussion and and hopefully conclude the plan for arpa we're almost there um so it's a great problem to have though I mean every time we think you know hey DEC you know and then it's like nope we got more like wow but it's a great problem to have so unless there's any questions from uh the select board that's sort of my administrative update for this evening and then I just have a a couple of action items MH so the first uh as under appointments um the first is I'm respectfully recommending that the select board appoint Mr Jim perard of air to the senior center site selection and building committee to fill a vacancy uh Mr perard contacted the town manager's office expressing his interest in serving on this important committee and as the board is aware we did advertise that vacancy actually more than two weeks um and he was he was the only um the only applic so we're recommending his appointment uh to that committee I have no issues any questions NOP um I'll make a motion that the board uh appoint Mr Jim penard to the air Senior Center site selection and building committee seconded all those in favor I I chair says I congratulations Jimmy and then next item three as we've done in previous years and I want to thank uh Miss antonellis uh for all of the leg work on this and putting this together um we do sort of appointments and reappointments part one and part two for both uh June uh meetings so you have in your packet what we'll call appointments and annual rep appointments part one um I'm respectfully requesting that the individuals listed in the memo um be uh reappointed uh by the select board and you have the board and committee the length of the term and the current member I have no concerns about any of these reappointments neither do I so no and Carly can just remind me we can do it as presented for everybody at one time yep okay yeah and then you'll just notice too I just want to point out on the um senior or the council and aging board somewhere along the line their sequence got messed up so like three people are up at once and then two people are up at once so we talked with Town Council so um Bob Gardner's term will do a two-year appointment and then after that two-year appointment go back he'll go he'll be eligible for the three uh you'll see some um next meeting with the zoning board of appeals same issue like they they got out of whack and it was three years and then all at two years so um that's how they recommended to fix it okay um I'll make a motion that the board approve the um the re appointments to different councils as presented in the packet seconded uh any further discussion okay all those in favor I and chair says I congratulations to everyone on their reappointments and thank you and then number four um it's that time of year as we're coming to the end of the fiscal year and onto the new fiscal year for fy2 as we've done in the past I put on the agenda sort of an a brief initial discussion on the FY 25 goals and objectives and as we've discuss you skipped we you skipped which one we do we got to do our appointments oh no that's down below under the reor no no oh wait yeah no no appointments three appointments select board committee board assignments oh I had it as part of the reorganization of the select board oh I put I had it as part of under Town manager Report with the rest of the appointments okay and that's way it fell in the packet so um whatever whatever the whatever the chair's pleasure well since we're there do you want to go ahead and do the cuz it's It lines up in the packet and that's how I I just kind of flowed there okay so sorry no so you have in your packet um a memo um as for the select board committee and and board assign assments and just for the Public's benefit and a new member the select board each year you determine your representatives to the various committees that have a select board seat so I put um in the memo the list of the applicable committees and it shows the current um the current person in each of those so whatever the board um decides they're generally a oneyear appointment then you do it again next year so there are some that the ones that are vacant uh were previously um held by former selectman Scott Hood so I would like to stay on my committees um and the storm water utility working group that's pretty much going to be winding up uh because we're starting the public uh presentations and then go for the board but I'd like to stay on my two um for your benefit I the by board has been meeting uh I don't this I'm just letting them know the DAT okay I don't want anybody thinking I'm like you're doing it um so that's the meeting with the fincom rep and the uh town treasur and accountant whatnot um they have been have been meeting monthly on Thursdays at 2 um so you know of course that would be with the committee whoever's on it to work out but that's the way they have been meeting um and quick question were the 14 March 2024 meeting minutes approved because they were never posted um March what 14th yeah was that the last time they met no April was the last time they met and it was on the agenda so I'm just I'm just wondering so um and then capital is normally November to December sometimes January it has been meeting on Thursdays at 5: again you'd work whoever's on it will work with the committee if there needs to be something rescheduled and then the devons resolution committee that's our local committee not to be confused with the Devon jurisdictional framework committee that I'm on that is finally on a uh regular schedule um my the the devons jurisdictional meets at on the second Wednesday at 3:00 in here and now the Devin resolution committee meets on the second Wednesday every month at 5:30 p.m. in here um and that's to um again for your benefit just to kind of look over all the pros and cons as to how it would impact the town of air should the air resume jurisdiction of their historical line in in uh de okay so that was till now okay you guys can figure out where you want um and I I would like to keep stay on the same two boards that I have okay I I am fine taking the vacant positions all of them or you want just one of them two of them what do you want careful we'll give them all yeah I I wrote down you know when they meet I should be able to make that commitment um to all these so unless anyone else has a you know strong desire to pick up something else I'm I'm okay taking these three yeah I'm fine I'm fine but only those three yeah not to exceed okay um all right then I'll make a motion uh that oh could how do you say your last name Taris Taris okay I make a motion that Chris tarus be assigned to the executive by board Capital planning committee and the devans resolution committee I'll second that okay all those in favor I I and chair says I all right so your first meeting for the Devin resolution is next week okay all right let me add hold those to my calendar okay so all right sorry if I got us all out of order just no okay good so on number four um it's that sort of time of year uh wanted to just start no definitive decision obviously has to be made tonight and sometimes the board we've taken a couple meetings is to have an initial discussion on goals for and objectives for the year ahead in addition so these are things in addition to all of the statutory and other requirements that the select board has and all of the other things that you do as we look to the year ahead are there some things um that the board uh would like to accomplish um it's also helpful you know for my goals and and Carly as well in the year ahead what would we like to accomplish so wanted to just get that discussion started um it doesn't have to get into great detail uh tonight or or it can and we can continue it to the to the next meeting um and I have a few um suggestions uh as as well on some potential oh what are they so I think as we look to the year ahead in addition to everything that we have obviously one is the conclusion of the storm water utility group I mean ultimately the goal of the storm water working group is to bring a is to bring a recommendation to to town meeting and ultimately town meeting will decide regardless of that decision I mean that's something that's that is upon us and the the target is for the fall the second one is um I think that the senior center project the site selection committee has done a lot of work um ultimately um they will be coming to you soon with a recommendation um on a site uh assuming it's a it's a town-owned site um it takes that piece of the town meeting out but there will be the financial the funding piece and that will also have to go uh to to town meeting as well so that that sort of on the horizon um I know something near and dear to the chair I we're due for an update and revision of the board's uh policies the select board policies I think we did um I'm trying to remember I think we're due that I mean that's a smaller assignment but I think we're due there um so those are some of the some of the the projects I I see on the horizon I think one of the things for select tarus on the capital front we just launched the cleargov um budget module and there's a module on there that can be used uh for the capital uh process so we'll talk about more of that in the fall which will streamline I think the capital process but also um will allow everybody including the public to sort of participate almost in real time as that process U moves forward some other things that are on the horizon Horizon I think I thought of this just before the meeting and I didn't get a chance to do it but I will for the next meeting but we could all do it is the master plan um implementation so the in the master plan there's an implementation plan um that's a 10-year plan that will coming up or just about that was approved in 17 17 and so we'll be due for another one yeah in 2027 but I forgot to I think we should take a look um on the we've accomplished the tal through its boards and committees and this board and the Departments have accomplished a lot of of that but we should check and see uh there's some other outstanding uh projects there that we want to to look to um for the year ahead should probably next year start forming the new committee so that way there won't be such a big overlap as the last time uh um I it's something we can do in 25 I'm just adding it to the year ahead list you know some other things that have have come up that are still on the horizon involve other entities but is also the issue of the elementary school which I know that the the school committee and the district no pun intended at least drive a big piece of that bus but um they did submit a letter of intent which has been delayed um wasn't it was it delayed or or it was it didn't make this round it didn't make this round I'm think yeah so I mean that's something that that is out there um out there as well so just wanted to start the discussion because it's always a process we may not have you know definitive ones you know obviously for tonight and that wasn't is never the expectation but just to get every body's uh gear is going and I'm going to check I have a department head meeting next Wednesday I'll be doing a similar exercise with the department heads but if you continue to to think and then usually by the end of the summer at the latest we've we've come up with a come up with a plan that sounds good okay and then um if there aren't any questions on that last but not least is summer is almost upon us if we could bottle this weather as in previous years um the select board's uh summer schedule um for several year several years the board has met once in July and August the board has always been willing to meet extra if needed if an unforseen thing Town sensitive time sensitive emergency happens and I appreciate that um and I just put it's ultimately what the three of you um decide sort of what the past practice has been the third Tuesday in July which this year would be July 16th and the um third Tuesday in August which would this year be August 20th at at 6 just as sort of a guide based on last year but whatever the board decides in terms of availability and then we'll go back to the first and 3rd in September those dates I think work perfect CU they're regularly scheduled meeting dates anyway so it doesn't disrupt anything so yeah yeah that's worked in the past just give up your Tuesdays okay just on on the few times when you have a Tuesday off you're like I feel like I should be someplace feel like that all the time no um yeah I'm good with those dates um yeah they work for me do you want a motion do we need one this consensus there consensus yeah okay so we'll go with July 16th and August 20th at 6: p.m. and then of course if we need to we can in accordance with the O meeting we I call an additional meeting if needed okay very good Madam chair that concludes my and members of the board my report for this evening all right thank you very much okay all right so under new business select board member questions I had put the transfer stud transfer station study update um so the reason why I added this packet in the packet is because one I want to make sure that the public is aware that uh the summary this is the summary of um what the consultant found so the first of all something that we all knew is that we have a very well-run transfer station um in looking at this you know we can see where there will be some tweaks uh coming up um no decision is being made tonight the rate Review Committee is hot on it um when you're looking at this when you're comparing like our bag prices and sticker prices to another town Acton for example it's apples and oranges it can't be a straight one for one comparison because how another town is running their transfer station is different than us but by that same token we're going to look at how they're doing things to see if maybe we can you know do those things in this town if it helps enhance the experience uh for the resident um so that's really what I what I wanted this in here for is to just make sure that everyone is aware um that it is here uh and the rate Review Committee is starting to talk about it we had a nice meeting last week what you're seeing in the packet is what I saw last week so if uh I Pauline I know you I said in earlier in the meeting that there was something missing um I I think what this was is a summary of whatever is their big report um but you know we'll follow up on that okay um so again there's going to be you know we'll look at the all the we're going to look at all the options and everything as far as you know like what can be tweaked um to be better um getting rid of the bags sadly just not an option um but we'll have to look at like you know are we pricing things correctly um and that was really a big thing as to you know what this is and everything and then of course you know with recycling um some states are starting to do away with that of course Massachusetts um you know we're the state is authorized that's it you're this what you're going to do um but other states are starting to make changes to their recycling program because it's so costly um so that's not something we're we're going to be doing that's not what I'm saying but I'm just saying that that help that is part of the reason why some of these prices go up so you know we're going to look through all this and see what we find so Pauline you had a question uh no Janice just a comment if you will all refer to page 10 paragraph 9 enforcement and monitoring of f bags the report specifically references an interim operation plan for the transfer station parentheses included as an attachment which identifies expectations and responsibilities that's for each employee including enforcement so something is missing from the report I'm not saying it's you I'm not saying it's them but maybe you could inquire and post it um so again I don't I haven't seen anything else in writing but I can state that as far as that paragraph goes this has gone to and you were at the meeting when we we were told the black bags were by employees um so it has been recommended that there be an operations change at the transfer station so that when the employees custodian whoever is bringing it um to the transfer station that they bring it to an employee only section so that we the resident can also see why they have the black bags versus the bags that we have to buy and hopefully hopefully we're going to find that that's what it was and not somebody just trying to you know slip in a black bag but um that does have to be um better enforced uh just to just to double check so um but I m chair I think it's Dan's memo it's Dan's memo that's he provided to them they put it in the report oh okay yeah that's on page 21 of the packet that's the only interim report is Dan's okay there isn't one from the okay so this is what Dan wrote and somehow how he wrote it is confusing us okay um so yeah cuz there's nothing else cuz if there was I would show it to you um so Pauline you still have your hand up I do Janice Dan's memo is dated January if you look at it yeah things be done tie in bonds memorandum is or report is dated May and in that report they don't mention anything about employee bags disre I understand that and I'm not quibbling with that but Ty and bond prepared according to their report a proposed language C proposed inform operations plan and if you don't have it if the board doesn't have it if the town manager doesn't have it I respectfully submit we pay for it let's ask for it we will get it if there's something missing we will get it thank you so much okay um so so again so but regarding the rest of this summary and everything like I said um it'll be tweaked it's all going to be done through the rate review meeting which is all public um so nothing is being asked of tonight of this board that will be somewhere in the months to come um whatever the new recommendations are that will be brought to this board okay any questions from the board no interesting read it is it was yeah so all right anybody else have any new business nope okay all right then so go to the meeting minutes um I looked them over and I had no issues with uh either one of them neither did I no no changes yeah the one that I attended it it all looks fine okay all right um since Chris wasn't here for the first one I'll do two separate motions okay I'll make a motion that um the board approved meeting minutes from May 7th 2024 as presented seconded all those in favor I and chair says I and then I'll make a motion that the board approved the May 21st 2024 meeting minutes as presented seconded all those in favor i i m chair says I all the meeting minutes are approved all right just Madam chair for the record for the first vote I would I'm assuming you abstained from it okay I just want to have that on the record all right so now and I do this for your benefit okay so this is we do an annual reorg of the board okay for our policies um and at this point you know historically we've all made sure that we take a turn okay it's it's moved counterclockwise counterclockwise it's moved in a half-hazard way it doesn't matter okay that being said um as you know the chair we're all equal okay we all have equal input to the agenda and we all have equal say at the table as you know um the chair runs the meeting and approves the agenda the vice chair really doesn't do anything unless the chair isn't there okay and the clerk um will read um specific motions or public hearings um throughout okay so you know when so um that being said uh I know it's been a while since you've been chair yep and I think you'd like to be chair yes so uh I will make a motion that Sean be chair of the board going forward I will second that okay all those in favor I I and the thank chair chair says I did the new chair so all right so now on that since this is your first time okay would you like to be Vice chair or would you like to be clerk either is fine with me so you know I was on the Parks Commission chair there so I kind of understand the process um you know it's it's good by me either way so I would defer to what your judgment is I have no judgment I've been chair I've been Vice chair I've been clerk so pick one okay uh I take Vice chair okay all right then I'll make a motion that uh Chris devaris is the new Vice chair for the select board seconded all those in favor I okay and I'll be clerk very most democratic way make a motion I'll make a motion that board member Livingston become the new clerk for the select board I second all those in favor I chair T to be clerk says I all right okay and unless there's anything else no no um just one thing that I'm just going to throw out there is in uh on Friday I signed up for the newly elected did uh select board member meeting uh yeah uh over in Devin so I will be there all day Friday I think that's a a good thing to do is is it through MMA MMA oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah okay I should have said that yes it's put on through MMA so okay I saw that and I said hey uh learn what I don't know because there's a lot that I don't know so it's kind of cool that they're doing it on devons too I well I saw that well that's a no-brainer yeah so all right well if there's nothing else um I'll make a motion to adourn seconded all those in favor hi hi and the chair says I good night everybody good night --------- welcome to the air Shirley Regional school committee meeting for June 4th uh those attending tonight's meeting should be aware that the meeting is being audio and video recorded um any audience member who wish to record any part of the meeting should inform the chair we will announce the recording this is the comply with the mass wiretap statute the listings of matters are those reasonably anticipated by the chair which may be discussed at the meeting not all items May in fact be discussed and other items may also be brought to disc discussion to the extent permitted by law per our policy bedh public comment is not a discussion debate or dialogue between citizens and the school committee it's an opportunity to express an opinion on issues of school committee business citizens will have 3 minutes to express their views any staff member addressing the committee is reminded of their obligation under state and federal student record laws their obligations under state and federal student record laws with respect to maintaining the confidentiality of student record information uh that said I'd call this meeting to order and Sh will you do rooll Mr B here here Mard here Mr plenty Mrs re here Mr here stand all right with that let's do the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and jce for all right so our first agenda item um is I think Mr Christie the recognition or the introduction of our new student Representatives thank you uh good evening Dr Renda and members of the air Shirley Regional school committee I'm thrilled to introduce you this evening to our new student represent ative to the school committee last year at this time I was able to speak to you about Devin Delani and Nia Florence Swan these remarkable young women did a phenomenal job explaining the nuances of high school life and for Devon the college search process this year as we say goodbye to Devon we welcome Colin Holbrook a current sophomore Colin Holbrook is a student in the sophomore class who will next year be a junior Colin is involved in hockey robotics soccer Spring Track and NHS as well as serving as a class representative to his grade Colin is also an excellent student who has been described by his teachers as gifted academically and the nicest student you will ever meet Colin has an infectious smile that I'm sure you will enj and I'm sure you will enjoy hearing his perspective on high school life Nia will be returning next year as as a senior Nia as you may remember is a founding member of the RDA which is our racial diversity Alliance uh where she is a she is also a member of the student council e board where she heads up the public relations uh he is an accomplished musician taking both part in both the high school band and choir Nia also plays softball and is a member of NHS Nia has been an absolute joy to work with this year and I know you will you will continue to be informed uh with information about the high school and she will make you laugh with some amazing anecdotes about her experience uh I'm thrilled again this year that we will be able to have the perspective of two students each of whom is heavily involved in air Shirly high school life I know that both Nia and Colin are thrilled to share with you tonight some endof the year experiences that they have and some of their summer and future plans all right amazing take it away feel free to address from there or use the podium okay okay so um one big thing for the end of the school year that I started doing is um the college process so I just recently started writing a college essay and that's been kind of difficult trying to find the topic to write about because there's so many things that you can write about in your college essay but trying to find the perfect one has kind of been hard um another thing relating to college is I recently went to my sister's college graduation so I was kind of seeing like the future of what I want to do is graduate college obviously and the fact that she went and graduated from the college that I want to go to it's kind of like seeing myself in the future and just being proud of my sister for graduating college um so it's towards the end of the year for me I have a ton going on but I'm really happy that mcast is over uh been doing it since fifth grade and I'm kind of happy that I won't have to do it again and out of all my classes like I'd say the most fun thing I'm doing right now is the cookie project that I'm doing in my chemistry class I'm it was just we're substituting ingredients with other ingredients that would normally be in a cookie my favorite example is probably Mayo cookie that I made it actually tasted pretty good f um another like big end of the school school year thing was we just had prom which is really exciting I got to go to prom um it was pretty fun the music could have been a little bit better but you know there's always next year it's prom there's always next year for better music so I'm hoping next year we have like eight was it a DJ or a band it was a DJ okay I was hoping maybe the DJ had some better like dance music but it was just like um for the summer I'm starting a job this summer at Johnson's in Groton I'm really excited it's it'll be my first job ever and I really need to start that cuz my parents are really tired of me just asking for money all the time that job would be really helpful I already have a job that I was working at so I'm going to continue doing it at the summer it's at uh Pleasant Cafe down in air I'm enjoying it there it's kind of nice being able to have my own money that I can spend don't have to rely on my parents money anymore which is nice um I just got my like driver's license which was fun like it's more freedom I feel like being able to drive everywhere uh and yeah I'm going to be continuing to go to robotics CU that goes through the summer every Monday good um and for summer plans I'm going on a trip to Florida with my family I'm really excited to go to Disney World especially Epcot because I want to eat all the food I really all all over my tick talk for you page I see all the Disney World food so I'm really excited to try that over the summer I'm going to Cap Cod with my family and I'm excited for that because I love K God go there a lot so yeah and that's that's all we have for you today um go ahead D my for my pleas what college um Howard University in Washington DC with a great Salon yes with a great Salon um so Colin any um anything kind of goals or that you're hoping to get out of this anything that we can do to make this a good learning experience for you or uh I'm kind of just happy to be here so good well welcome great to have you thank you guys you appreciate you oh of the all right um You can stay seated but I don't ask if you had any questions um if you'll humor me for a minute Colin you're on the soccer team are you helping with the soccer camp here this summer I think I might I was going to talk to coach juo about that okay great if you do and you see a third grader named Kai really push him one um that is my son he's very excited about it um I'm curious Nia in terms of prom do you like how does prom come together like do you know how like who picked the DJ who's on the hook is that something you can influence it's all um like the class Council so it was a seniors who all decide that so um that was all them I wish we had a little bit more of a a student opinion when making some of those decisions about they should have sent like sent out like a playlist where you could like add a song or two so it was like really diverse in music for everybody but it's really the student council who plans prom and makes those decisions so we really didn't have like a say in really prom and so is that something that when you look ahead to this coming year like what are the opportunities for you to influence that do you like Colin is a class representative for the juniors or will be for the juniors so like I don't know is that an opportunity is that something that you'll put on your like agenda for the year or we're going to hope for the best I think maybe especially since it's a senior class and I'll be a senior next year and being on eboard like eboard is like the top of out of all of the there's the class councils and then and then there's the eboard so I guess I can technically just pop it and be like hey guys what are you doing let me see can I have a little bit a sneak peek of what's going on and give them suggestions on what they can do to better promt for everybody great yeah sorry for for pushing extra and I think again like you're you know active students in this community the school is going to be better because of you being engaged and whether it is advocating for activities or making sure you have the best DJ at prom like that is on you as members of this community to make sure that you know we're meeting your needs so I would just encourage you to to do that and to Kevin's question we love the updates it's great for us to be able to hear about things like prom and sports and getting a driver's license it makes us feel young again um and I want this to be something that is like it's great you can put it on your resume you can put it on your college applications and if there are things that we can do to help you build specific skills or create opportunities that will make this more than just a resume bullet let us know I'm happy to like principal crispy you you can reach me let us know what we can do to make this something that is valuable for you again it's great for us and I want this to be reciprocal so don't hesitate to ask thank you all right going to recommend Mr principal chrisy Christie excuse me for your um DJ next year excellent Taste Of Music so I I will say I actually enjoyed the music as the pr this year so um so I I did not recommend any songs but there was a wider selection of '90s era songs Oh 9s all right I'm the senior class Co senior class advisor so I can tell you how that happened um the senior class um student council put out a Google form and asked everyone what their favorite songs were okay and then compiled that gave it to the disty and went from there I didn't get that form I think it only went to the C oh the the DJ was also reasonably priced which challenging yeah um so so he was we found good to work with he was exceptional friend of a friend yeah and so someone we certainly are looking to rehire for future events um so certainly the the possibility of widening our playist um is out there so the question is are you going to let everyone have input or are the seniors going to choose the playlist again thinking about your experience as a junior think about that as you become a senior and have the opportunity to influence how you want the suggest that to them yeah we have social media today they can just put something on like Instagram and just send and everybody sees Instagram they can just put on Instagram and send us a song and then they'll have like hundreds of song yeah um amazing well thank you again if it's always a joy to have our high school Representatives um I'm going to keep us moving um Dr Renda the recognition of retirees yes so we are going to be recognizing some uh retirees tonight um there are some that uh either were not able to make it tonight or we found out late and their uh award uh will be in later and we'll be honoring them this fall but um what we're having done tonight is we're going to have building principles come up up and recognize the retirees from their building and we have three of the four buildings here and we will start with principal Lewis best start with the best that's what Spencer just said all right well good evening everybody um I am here tonight as a colleague to honor the exceptional service of Karen Lindsay to the air Shirley Regional School District she had a profound impact on our law and Middle School communities uh Karen's remarkable work ethic and genuine concern for our students success in occupational therapy has set a gold standard she consistently gave 110% in her evaluation reports and team meetings maintaining a professional demeanor throughout Karen's ability to connect with and support our neurod Divergent students thoughtfully tailoring her approach to meet their individual needs has made a lasting difference her departure leaves a void that will be sorely felt by all I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to caring for her outstanding contributions and wish her the very best in her future endeavors I'm jealous thank you thank you very much for your service [Applause] [Music] Mr Christie we'll just go right down the line sure so I thought tonight was a roast Tom Tom Brady apologizes that he can't make it um in all seriousness it's with mixed emotions that I have the opportunity to speak to you night about the retirements of chuck wood and Terry Wallace Chuck was one of the first people that I that spoke to me when I took the position here in 2018 he was also the first person to attend a co- teer training that same year and a champion co- teing at the high school before becoming a special education teacher at air Shirley chuck had a career as a businessman he left business feeling like he had more to offer the world and came here to make a difference in the lives of young people and so eight years ago Chuck came here uh in avid skier Chuck has not let a new replacement slow him down on the trails or on the soccer pitch where he worked as a goalkeeper coach at westf Academy we won't hold that against you Chuck Chuck is also unfortunately an Ardent Manchester United Red Devil supporter uh I support Chelsea and so this this has given us loads of dialogue Through The Years uh I'm going to greatly miss talking with Chuck about the English Premier League soccer Chuck we're going to miss you but we wish you all the best in your retirement thank you [Applause] uh Terry Wallace I believe started here when she was just a teenager as her 31 years in the district don't seem to have aged her at all Terry Berry as I call her uh started working in the cafeteria before working in the special education department paid and Page htop before joining the high school in January of 2003 Legend has it the floors of the Mohawk and thumbers are still reverberating the crazy dance moves that Terry and Deb raer put on display back in the 80s and 90s always W for a good joke even at her expense Terry's been the life of the high school for as long as anyone can remember Terry runs a number of events at the high school ranging from both senior scholarship and awards night as well as Panther Awards to sending student transcripts to colleges and University Terry asked me earlier in the year if I would miss her next year my answer is yes Terry there's no one who could replace you thank [Applause] you oh thank you very much congratulations thank you or good evening uh so it is with mix emotions that I congratulate um Heidi Galo and Joe Malo on their retirement um first uh congratulations Joan on your retirement uh your dedication as a special education teacher has left an indelible mark on countless students whose lives you've nurtured with your deep caring unwavering support during her time at air Char Middle School Joan worked with all three grade levels 6th 7th and 8th grade during that time she always worked closely with caregivers to ensure students had a whole team supporting their unique needs not only has she been a champion for her students but she also took wonderful care of her colleagues for example printing out schedules for all staff and bringing in fresh apples from home her teammates in the special education department and on the purple team will miss her partnership and passion for learning Joan as you transition into this new chapter we hope you'll enjoy more time your beloved grandchildren and husband um and I just learned I hope you enjoy your travels uh in on the rivers of Europe she'll be heading off that way um your TI's advocacy for students will be missed by many and remembered fondly thank you for all you've done for our students and staff now for Mrs G congratulations on your retirement Mrs G uh you will always be Mrs G to me some people just have that presence in a school she's Mrs G I can't go with with hype for some Reon so your time as a special education power professional has been a joy to be a part of um while at air shley Middle School Mrs G worked in our specialized programs for students with intellectual disabilities and those on the Spectrum uh she was had a remarkable has a remarkable ability to make everyone around her feel seen and cared for I'm confident that that feeling will sure she is remembered foundly by both students and colleagues alike her hard work and commitment made it possible for her students to access classes and socialized with their peers enriching their educational experiences those students always knew Mrs G was there for them and I can't overstate how important that is as a member of our staff she nurtured not just the students but also the staff she worked with creating a supportive and positive environment the front lobby will certainly not be the same without her warm conversation and laughter greeting every one each day Mrs G your kindness and dedication has made our school a better place and we wish you all the best in your retirement and hope you enjoy that time with your husband and grandchildren and also I should note I just heard that she is going to be volunteering at Lopes and fishes and doing more community service even in their retirement so just continuing to Comm you know to contribute to our community um so thank you for everything and congratul [Applause] thank you Dr Renda so there is there's one more um tonight not technically a um a a member of our staff but uh Mr Jeff Thomas is retiring from the uh Rec Department in air and the uh amount of support and volunteer time that he's given to the district certainly warrants recognition amazing so Mr Kendall thank you I just want on behalf of the district acknowledge Jeff on his retirement I I can tell you I worked firsthand with Jeff for the last six years uh and he has been an inviable resource for me uh both on dealing with people which he's excellent at but also field maintenance and if we needed anything we obviously went through a lot of things together between Co and gyms gym windows and scheduling that type of stuff uh and he's always been very flexible and easy to work with I feel like he's a staff member here even though he's not I mean he's been up here working on our fields and and helping us with the grass and and getting Fields line and at the middle school at the high school it didn't matter if I called Jeff and said can you help me he always said yes uh he will definitely be missed by I think everybody in the town of ha certainly so had an impact on pretty much every student when we had our our rally this winter spring we brought Jeff in he didn't know I brought him in and we basically had everybody who was impacted by Jeff stand up which was everybody because everybody in some way shape or form has something to do with prony park or the parks department uh so Jeff congratulations on retirement wel [Applause] all right um on behalf of the school committee thank you principles uh Steve Dr Renda and of course our retirees this District wouldn't be what it is without you you've given so much of yourselves um as evidence not only by the kind words but the outcomes that our students have seen um you should absolutely enjoy your retirement and know that these doors will be unlocked for you you come back anytime you want we could always use the help um and so volunteer substitute the door's open um and just let us you know maybe take a few months first but certainly hour two an hour or two but um but my sincerest thanks again our school district does amazing things every day for kids and it's because of all of your your hard work and and years of service um to this community so thank you Mr chairman um I'm sorry to interrupt but I have to call out to Terry Wallace because coming in from the outside and being more than welcomed and helped with food drives and all kinds of stuff and I'm always a pain and I never have anything done and she always helps me and this is not part of the job description um and so when you get receiving like that and you're not in the building I think that speaks volumes of how the building runs how the school mons thank you Terry we've done it for [Music] years thank you all so many years I there there are three uh retirees I just want to mention tonight that will be coming in September um first um on the list is Mr Fred deppy the principal of pH hiltop had 16 years in the district as principal and 47 years in public education uh Linda Bernell the education team lead for grades K through 5 28 years in the district and Maran Martinson per professional at the middle school 20 years in the district and again um we will be inviting them back in September for for recognition um We wish all of our retirees happiness success and good health as they begin their new adventure so thank you all for your [Applause] service thank you yeah sorry for not 12 as okay everybody down to the pick I'm sorry thank you do okay University a lot Thomas from day one when I started just all PA all right moving along to public comment do we have anyone on the zoom okay anyone in the room they're all gone all right well could be someone um all right with that let's move to the consent agenda we've got um several minutes and uh payroll warrants and AP warrants to approve any discussion otherwise I would entertain a motion you um I would we don't have to yeah I know we don't have to we don't have anybody here to to so it's okay yeah I think if when we enter the motion I think we can list I will make a motion to approve the consent agenda which includes regular s session minutes of May 15th and executive session minutes for um May 15th both for release and um uh six five AP warrants uh three uh AP warrants and two payroll warrants all right any further discussion I second all right um do we need we don't need a roll for this right we can just do a y all right all those in favor I right I um with that let's move on to new business and Steve Kendall uh so we're proposing uh two new uh co-ops uh both if if needed uh but because the Mi requires like 60 to 90 days advanced notice on any new co-ops we try to approve those in the spring through the league uh they were already approved through the league uh one is for us to be a guest in a co-op with Littleton for field hockey we anticipate based on Word of Mouth and talking with students somewhere between four and six students participating in that co-op with uh with Littleton all practices and games will be played at Littleton High School where buses leaving from Littleton High School to the destination the second would be Littleton joining us as the host for volleyball I don't anticipate truly needing that after visiting the middle school and and and uh meeting with students about the possibility of playing volleyball but we won't know that for sure until August so it's important to have the co-op ready to go just in case where it's needed so and in both cases that'll work too because littleton's in the same boat with field hockey um luy want to bring it to you guys to get your approval as well um to keep our programs both programs vibrant uh I know we're not far away from getting a a big influx of volleyball players uh again go back to Jeff uh and Mrs tabara starting a youth volleyball program several years ago and those students are about sixth or seventh grade now so we're anticipating the next two years a pretty good influx of volleyball players uh each Co-op is a two-year cycle they're approved for two years and the goal really is to eventually uh for those programs either to have their own or the program that's the host to grow enough where they don't need to call so and so when you say we might need that's because we've got middle schoolers who would fill our own team and we might not need the Littleton players to F the team or because we might our high school numbers will be high enough so the Mi required there's a minimum number you can have to be able to request to co-op balls 18 okay which if even half the freshmen who say they are interest flyball come out I think will be well over okay in field hockey it's 15 Littleton anticipates 13 plus whatever middle scores come up okay so I I think the field hockey is probably a more likely scenario for the fall okay since I know we've got a three definites and then three maybe okay for field talk um yeah the the volleyball I was definitely interesting to me because I um we played Littleton in volleyball I believe right they don't have they don't have a team they don't they've been talking about adding one for a few years but have been unable to Garner enough interest within their school they anticipate at most six six students coming okay I was curious about the numbers he had he had done a survey and he said he has nine but he said three of them he said don't they're not going to they're not going to do it so would be six at most he anticipates and is it Co-op for does it is it only Varsity or could be JV it be for both levels or if there was a j for a jb2 then for jb2 as well okay so is lilon about the same size we are uh they're about 100 students bigger at this point yeah that's what I was trying to remember thank you uh we're one of the we're one of the very few schools where numbers seem to be at least steady if not growing in most sports a lot of schools are losing numbers I'll credit our coaches for that outstanding job of one coaching and two recruiting kids and getting them involved in in activities and both our PE teachers here at the high school are excellent at getting kids involved in in sport Sports so I think our athletic director deserves some credit for that too well thank you no I think your Your Enthusiasm I tell all kinds of kids I meet like go you could come to air Shirley and when you walk in the door the athletic director will ask you what sport team you want to be on and so you'll be playing sports before the day is over and they go oh yeah we got to few that way I don't play anything I'm like let me tell you about what we have all right well you can say that he can't that might be an MIA I can't tell them I can't tell them until they're students here once they're here though they walk in the front door and these aren't Stars I'm recruiting you understand it's just so if you think if we feel like we do have enough to feel a team would we really not move forward with the co-op or I'd like to have it just in case because if I've learned over the years that sometimes eighth graders will say they're interested in something and then when the time comes they don't actually fall through because we could be at as few as 17 for for volleyball uh based on conversations I've had with you know students um doesn't mean we'll use it but I'd like it to be available should we need it what's I said if we're if we're over 18 it won't even be on the table what's the top cap for these uh top cap events I mean for for three team how many kids can we handle in well you got girl we could do it jb2 team you could have up to 36 probably 12 per team so we could use them we'll have a good but again we won't we won't if we're over 20 cuz the miia won't even over 18 because the Mi won't even approve it anyway won deny it we have a provisional approvement from from the Mia to use it if needed so we we'll have our registrations open through mid August and then if we're at 16 or 15 at that point I would reach out to littlet tenant incorporate see what you gra and is field hockey the same number field hockey is a little low I think it's 15 is the the number which said to me feels low play 11 on 11 and and it is probably the it's a tough sport I don't think people under often underestimate how tough you have to be to play field hockey uh it's a pretty pretty challenging and dangerous at times sport that falls pretty hard and those sticks are solid wood um it seems like everybody that I run into now is playing lacrosse are we playing lacrosse yes and I'll bring that in our sports update uh our girls lacrosse team is is going with gr dut one our boys are with lunenberg and actually one of our teachers here coached the lunenberg team this year so it's the coming thing yes it's been growing for us over the last few years so thank you um so this is what you need to vote for this um and again as this I would entertain a motion to approve um our entrance into the co-ops with Littleton for volleyball and field hockey Mr chairman I make a motion that we approve Bing in the midline watus league co-op with Littleton for volleyball and for field hockey okay the next year is it so for the 2425 season 2425 is that the way you do it okay um if there's not further discussion I have a second and with that let's uh vote all those in favor I I all right thank you your two teams congratulations go Panthers go so sports update it's been a it's been a great spring it's still going uh where will I start we'll start with track so track has had as it seems like every time I come here track has had a lot of success uh they had the state championships a couple weeks ago we had three two teams win a state championship uh two ra teams and individual our 4x400 girls team uh Jordan kakowski shandre Eli Johnson Elizabeth crew of Emily Churchill uh won the division six State title breaking their own School record probably the fourth time this year um so they they won the states and then they finished eighth at the all states which is all divisions so the top rated teams from each division participate uh the 4x400 boys team of Don a Arnold Cole new Jacob Tao and Arthur robero also won the division six state championship also finished eighth at the all states this past weekend um they have officially qualified for new englands the girls I think are still waiting to hear uh but the 4x4 boys have qualified from new englands and they'll compete at uh UNH this Saturday at new englands um congratulations Mr presen his daughter Isabelle was the state champion the 400 meter hurdles um which is impressive enough as a sophomore but I think also just to make it even more impressive she also ran it in the middle of running the pentathlon events so pretty much ran from I believe was long jump she ran from to go run to the start Line run the 400 hurdles win and then go back to long jump or shop putter dis otherone she was participating in so congratulations to Isabelle uh for that and she also had a pretty good performance at at all at all states in a very very competitive uh division not an easy that's not an easy event at the place at the all states uh we did have two students also qualify for Nationals from our high school team Jake Leone qualified for freshman Jake Leone qualified for Nationals in the two mile uh an eighth grader Julia May qualified in the triple jump uh for Nationals and they both be competing in Philadelphia at the end of the month uh at Saturday Middle School track state meet uh we had a student win the state championship in division three in discus um EB Levy an eighth grader at the middle school um won the state championship there so congratulations to him uh and it was a very successful Middle School track season 47 students uh participated uh we won all but one of our meets I meet last was to to Hudson in in the last meet U so we did extremely actually was to hail at Hudson hail Middle School out of of Stow uh in the last dual meet of the Season uh baseball W their round of 32 State playoff game yesterday they defeated Monson 6 to1 Tyler Crawford struck out 15 batters that game which we believe is close to a school record we're trying to track down Justin lamro to find out if that's accurate he wasn't sure yesterday when he was here uh they'll play tomorrow in the sweet 16 at home against wear high school at 4 p.m. uh should they win that they would play Saturday and Sunday in the Elite 8 uh last year they made the State final four and we had an opportunity to to repeat that uh Tyler Crawford senior also our class valorian was our league MV uh League MVP so congratulations to Tyler softball had a great game yesterday in their state tournament game losing to Clinton 9 to8 in Extra Innings uh they had come in as a 24th seed and and really gave the ninth seed all they could handle um of note in that game I don't know good batter or different but Gabby Sweeney one of our seniors uh probably set us a record in the state for most intentional walks in a single game she was walked five times in t w once with the bases loaded which I found interesting force and running uh but yeah so that that's that's got to be a state record i' I coached softball for 17 years and I know I didn't remember seeing anybody uh intentionally walk that many times so that's that'll be a good record she'll brag about 10 years probably um but they had a great year the boys are ranked six in the state by the way they were the sixth rated team so we have home games first two rounds for sure and then should we win tomorrow and Boston English loses we' get a home game if not we'd be heading to Jamaica plan on either Saturday or Sunday uh girls lacrosse had their opening round game um yesterday in round of 32 Carly EA one of our Juniors scored two goals and had an assist as they defeated Wakefield they play tomorrow against the top seated team from Medfield at 6 p.m. down at metfield our boys across team had seven players participating from May Shirley they were a very young team this year uh Phil Moore or one of our science department teachers technology teachers was there coach for most of the season JB coach but then elevated to Varsity when the varsity coach had to take a a leave of absence our flag football team participates in the semi quarterfinals tomorrow at doy excuse me Thursday at Doyle field and lemonster they'll play greater L Tech in the Central Mass playoffs if they win that game they advance to the semi-finals but it also secures them a spot in the state tournament at Gillette Stadium next week so good luck to them at Doyle at 6:30 on Thursday uh boys varsity volleyball team won its last five four games of the season they finished 9 and 11 just missing out on the playoff breth they finished 38th in state ratings our girls golf team doubled their win total from last year winning two matches uh Emily o'hagen our a freshman member from gr dunow and our Co-op as our league Allstar representative and we had 10 girls participating in golf which doesn't sound like a big number but when I started here in the boys golf he only had seven players so uh to be a 10 in year two of golf is pretty impressive and coach which is Casey sepon and Peter guini have done a really nice job of bringing girls in and teaching them the basics of the sport our Middle School softball and baseball teams had successful seasons and once again I'll thank Jeff Thomas because we play all our games at prony Park for Middle School softball and baseball and he always had the field ready and accommodated us um couple more things from today uh great great events at both elementary schools today uh Justin O'Brien our physical education teacher at Paige Hilltop held his annual 678 race which is a uh during the last month of school each grade each student runs a mile rate a mile run during PE class anyone who has a time under 9 minutes we'll do an all School race so all the students and all the staff are out on the uh track today um watching the 25 or so students which range from grades 1 to five participating in the 67 and8 we had seven volunteers from the high school out that Ryan Gil was the Pacer and he end up getting passed by another Brenan Dean Brenan at the end to to win that uh I believe her time was 6113 which incredibly impressive for an elementary school student um and then on the other in the afternoon I was able to get over to Laura White and credit to to Beth and and Dr Don her and and to Deb watet the gym teacher over there for a very successful field day today uh perfect weather kids participated straight through uh it was impressive to see the kindergarten first and second graders out there in the 85 degree heat running right through the end of the day so and it was well organized and and the kids had a great time and the staff had a great time and more importantly the 30 or so volunteer parents appeared to have a great time at it as well uh and then lastly we do every year give out 12 season awards to our seniors who have participated in four years of three Sports uh it's a very impressive thing to have happened we have more here than most of the big schools uh bigger schools have this year we had five so I wanted to um acknowledge them AA Murphy Marissa Grace Tess Eric kellian Jordan kakowski and James Churchill we all our 12 season athletes for this year for seniors and I know we have a bunch coming next year as well with our junior class and that's it unless you guys questions busy thank all right thank you thank you Mr Kendall um Dr Renda moving on to the superintendent report yes first half yeah um I'm going to share one thing that um actually isn't on the report but um I think will be of interest uh and we'll show some additional uh graduation stats um after graduation where they're kind of finalized at that point but we will have 94 students uh walking across the stage this Friday hopefully um and all but two are receiving diplomas two are receiving certificates of attainment and speaking of graduation graduation will be held this Friday evening at 6 o'clock at the heral G Norton field as long as weather is cooperative if not the rain date is Friday June 7th if the weather does not uh cooperate on Saturday also it will be Saturday inside um and tickets will be needed for attendance uh limited seaing and depending on the size of the graduating class will determine the amount of tickets given out to each senior if seniors are in need of extra tickets they must coordinate with fellow seniors so Friday at 6 if the weather is good looks like rain right now ify it's ify I know 30% at 5:00 but then going down Mr Christie is is looking at that every 10 minutes from now until Friday at this point I I'm playing my best doctor Rena as an amateur meteorologist we we really start looking Wednesday uh on out the the forecast becomes a little bit easier to determine it's not going to R it's it's ify right now Saturday's not looking great um so we're really hoping that there's going to be a chance for Friday night to happen we did host inside last year and it it actually went really well um so for the first time in 18 years or so um we would be happy to do it again I think for for most of our seniors uh they want to receive their diploma and uh enjoy a great summer are those flowers sitting out front for the graduation because if they are they're not going to make it so the the flowers that are outside those were from our senior award and scholarship oh good because add just to the front entrance um I saw them I went what they're here early no just a little bit late but uh for for being almost a week after the event I think they still look pretty good they look really good yeah my 2 and 1 half-year-old son made an appearance on the stage that night good yeah used to it was fantastic yeah um and Dr just to confirm because so Friday if it looks like rain or is going to be rain we move to Saturday Saturday looks like or is rain we move indoors but in the update it says if it looks like bad weather it'll be indoors Friday do you like is is that so that's it so like Wednesday Thursday that's correct what we do is is starting again starting tomorrow we'll really start taking a look at the forecast okay if Friday night is not looking great but Saturday does look great at any point during the day we will move to Saturday during the day where we have a window within there that's why we don't put a specific time we want to give ourselves a little bit of flexibility to be able to hold it outside if at all possible right again last year I think was the perfect example where unfortunately the whole weekend was not great weather um so we were happy to move it inside on Friday night if both Friday night and all day Saturday are not looking like it's going to be appropriate um for us to be able to hold an outdoor graduation we will move inside Friday night um to the auditorium and if it's inside I guarantee it will be live streamed okay wonderful thank you for clarifying for cynical amongst our viewing audience the reason why our preference is for out side is because then there's less there's more room for everyone right like we can we don't need to trade tickets and who can borrow so Grandma can come absolutely we we order a th000 seats if it's going to be outside and we have all the bleachers yeah um so we we've had very well attended graduations the past when it's been outside uh and be that on the field one year we actually had it in front of the school we that was my personal favorite I I thought that that actually had the best image for graduation um but we want folks to be able to attend this is a community celebration for us yeah wonderful so so our hope is is that we are able to do it outside um I know students love the pictures yep amazing so is the plan now for the field outside the plan this year is for the field because that setup with the different divisions was the best setup I've ever SE and it was probably because of Co and you had the different divisions it was awesome because everybody could see everybody yeah it was F fantastic I think you'll find something very similar this year uh hopefully we're fingers crossed able to be 94 you can do a lot of different things yeah um but but agree we we want folks to have proper sight lines and be able to hear well all right just the fields upgrading the rain all right don't worry about any M out there it rains go all right so moving on last day of school Monday June 17th this will be a half day for both students and staff um extended school year for um students that have an U individualized education plan will be happening again this summer uh the program will run Monday through Thursday 8:30 to 11:30 beginning Monday July 8th and ending on Thursday August 1st we were asked by the air Shirley Education Foundation to announce make an announcement of a generous donation that they received and we are certainly happy to do that so the a Shirley Education Foundation also known as ASAP would like to express its sincere gratitude for the generous donation made by the late Lillian Lily Johnston who named ASAP as her benefactor in her will an endowment has been created with her donation which will be used to fund additional grants in each of our four district schools for years to come with the goal of impacting the greatest number of students possible a scholarship has been established in her name for a graduating senior who plans to further their educ ation with an interest in entering the teaching profession that is fantastic we need more of those uh for those who are unfamiliar with this special person Lily was a former first grade teacher in air public school systems for more than three decades and was simply known as Mrs Jay her joy and passion for teaching was evident in the fond memories of her shared by many former students and their parents Lil loved people and was at her best one around them making friends wherever she went always ready to help when needed Lily was a volunteer at heart her years working at the shop for your parents program brought her much joy her small acts of kindness knew no bounds touching the lives of many who knew her sadly Lily passed away in 2022 but her memory lives on ASF is honored to carry on Li's Legacy that she has that she has had on our school community and because of her gifts that nurturing spirit will continue to be present ASF looks forward to working together with our district Educators to continue to provide opportunities and support for all students thank you that is all for the superintendent report that is great all right with that let's move on to new business oh no not new business ongoing business and we're going to talk about a draft implementation plan for cell phones so really a really simple implementation plan um but there is there's a lot of work that would need to go into um putting any change in the policy especially if if the school committee so chooses to collect phones at the beginning of class it's not really something that we could probably I don't know if we could turn around and start this this day one there's a lot of communication that needs to happen um with not only parents and students but but our teachers also about how all of this is going to work um and first uh and the first step would be actually finalize a policy uh with the school committee and as uh Mr chair you know better than anyone um getting policies to the Finish Line is is difficult and important work so if we only have four members present we can do a lot so sorry it'll go through like you know that's that that's a good point um so first would be uh finding likes in the policy then it's communicating to um all of our collaborators um so students parents faculty members um using all the channels that we do then there the actual Logistics and resources um finding the money for if we are getting containers to keep these phones in which I believe we would absolutely need if that's theout that we're going um and then ensuring that uh our staff uh support in the check-in and checkout process is finalized so that on day one when we do start this there aren't those questions um and it works smoothly um we would set an implementation timeline um we would we would have to train staff which could probably happen either at the beginning of the year or one of our training days either in October or November um and then monitoring and evaluation how is it working do we need to change it um getting some feedback from our teachers and and our students um and tweaking that as we go again this isn't anything Earth shattering here but but it is something that we need to consider as we're going through um considering this and then if it is happening um uh absolutely doing it so um my guess is from um looking at and talking to uh some districts have done this and have done it successfully there certainly going to be some bumps in the road that we're going to have to make adjustments uh with that being said um we as a central office and administrative team uh is something that we would absolutely support if the school committee does decide to to go this route Jo So reading this um my question is if you don't mind um why wouldn't so beginning of the class for grade school and is going to be the whole day you check them in in the morning and you check them out at night right and um why wouldn't you simply do that in the other schools instead of having confusion of like picking up your phone dropping off your phone picking up your phone dropping off your phone etc etc and I think some schools have done that with the locked pouches I guess is that the correct terminology um bags whatever that works huh lockers bags um and to me it's like if I'm a teacher and I have to say okay everybody put your cell phones here and then when this class is over doesn't that cut into my teaching time when I say okay here's your phones and get onto your next class it seems like that that passing back and forth is a lot of Hysteria that certainly would be simpler um however I mean you're doing it in grade school I've checked with a couple of parents I asked them I said well we're going to take away the phones wait till all hell breaks loose yeah and um one person said good I'm glad you're doing it this was a high school student it would I would be very interested to see what middle school and high school parents would feel about us having students phones all day um I think we we will'll have probably a differing of opinion between parents about whether or not they don't want their their student to have access to that phone at all during the day though it is an issue at the elementary schools it's not nearly the same type of issue I can't tell you the last time I saw kind started there so it's like yeah I mean we have we have to have the policy um this one but there's not um there's not many many of our elementary school students don't have phones there aren't many middle and high school students that don't mhm there's a big shift there um so though we do have Elementary School students who have phones I'm certain if I talk to the principales and administration there have been issues with cell phones every day well not maybe not at the elementary schools I tell I can tell you for certain that there's issues with the uh cell phones at the middle school and high school every day uh many of those issues make it up to my office um the the other part of that is when you tell an elementary school student or many Elementary School students to keep keep their phone in the bag for the day the phone stays in the bag for the day when you tell a middle school and high school students to keep their phone in the bag for the day they they they don't stay in the bag for the day there's um compliance in the the desire to teacher please tends to start going like this after fifth grade um so it's a different it's a it's a different animal um and I don't know if we would necessarily have to lock elementary students phones for the day um like we would middle and high school it just the the problem isn't as present as it is in middle and high and that's part of the communicating that we're going to have to do with families um is to find out what everyone feels like this who what percentage of our students actually have phones um we can tell you that it's most middle and high school kids I couldn't give you an accurate number in elementary because we don't see them um but if you go in the lunchroom at the middle of high school you will see phones in kids' hands at lunch um and that security blanket that the phone is for kids it's just as much of a security blanket for parents and I think it the parents might have a more difficult time at times not contacting their kid during the day I've been guilty of it I have a student in in high school and I wasn't paying attention to the time and school had just started and I called her I was like and I you know and she's like I'm in class and promptly hung up on me like she should have but I did not need to ask her the question I was going to ask her um when I asked her it was not that important so um for as much as this is about kids this policy is also going to be about about parents and that's where we we not not necessarily need to tread lightly but we need to get the information see who's going to turning it in at the beginning of class and then turning it back I agree it's it's a huge but I I'm making an assumption here we don't know yet because we're going to have to survey parents to see how they what what they feel about and get bring you that information so ultimately you can decide on what that policy will be but I have a feel we have two parents here three parents here they probably have very different opinions but I just happen to interact with a couple of them and this one person said oh yeah call the office oh yeah there's a nurse there they don't need me you know and a few other things like that I mean I don't know if thousands of kids have gotten through school couldn't I couldn't agree more I mean my parents didn't know where I was from 1986 until probably 2002 but U that was in 1986 what's that I said that was in that was in 1986 right it was different it's not different yeah um Kevin so why was curious what you were saying that um so logistically if if it's a bag solution is it the kids lock the phone in the bag and then they carry it with them and it's just like a locking mechanism or is it stored it would be stored in a class they would come into class they would put it in the bag there's different things there's individual bags that can lock and then there's these almost like huge lockers everybody puts it in the whole thing locks yeah um all right so either one of those though are in the classroom they're not being carried with students they I have not seen a policy where student is carrying their phone with a locked bag there would be a bootleg sales of whatever that key unlock that someone to make a fortune very quickly Ste get serious actually do we have any input from the teachers on what they would prefer like cuz I think Joyce has a good point like the logistics of when they're doing it but if you do it before school then the teachers wouldn't necessarily be involved and that's not fair to put on you know a principal or other administrators so do they have any input for us on that we don't have input yeah we do have input that teacher um want it um we have been approached by some of the um union members at the high school they were planning on and probably they they wanted to come and speak to the school committee about this um but there's only one meeting left so we will check in to see but I I think now that they um are aware that there is some support possibly for this they they might not come for that but yeah there is interest by the teachers but the logistics of it and how we're going to roll it out we have not asked yet okay but we plan on on asking teachers so they will have to be involved in some part of this because if the high school does 400 students there's no way you can have two administrators locking up 400 phones I just think you need their figure support I think this is so important and we need I think we need to figure it out as soon as we you know can but I also don't want to make it a burden on anyone where they're kind of resentful of the yeah and it's going to no matter what the process is it it probably will take some time for teachers but we have to weigh it will it get us back time where we're not dealing with cell phone issues yeah so it's it's you know it's it's um soon it will be second nature it will be like you know it will be but I completely agree whenever you're doing this type of change you want the input from the Educators and the people are going to have to make it work yeah yeah um TR I saw your hand I'm going to ask two questions and I'll turn to you um so looking at the draft implementation plan I wonder if it's worth adding a step I mean I'd love to have us do a field trip let's have a student Representative members of the administration a principal member of the school committee there are schools within 30 minutes MH who have implemented similar policies with similar technology we should see it in action we should talk to a student a teacher an administrator about how it's going what were the things they learned from implementation um I think the second thing in terms of it's sounds like we're not looking to implement this for day one so thinking about like when it'd be helpful to think about a Target goal and what is a sort of natural moment in the school year to implement something like this like a random Tuesday in November is probably going to be hard but if you can think about is it after a break is it after yeah is there a moment when it makes sense to sort of have a massive policy shift um I mean it's going to be hard anytime but it's funny you bring that up great we had some thoughts love it um so we thought January 2nd okay um if that is a I have to look at the calendar I believe we're back January 2nd I don't think that's a Saturday or the day we are back from winter break this would allow us time to kind of work out some of the Kinks on this and do all get all the feedback that we need this time of year is is is tough to get the feedback people are there's something every night teachers are on overload we can certainly send out a survey now uh response rate will be zero it will be less than it than it typically is but if we send out a survey parents might respond now but if we send out a survey in August and teachers starting to get a back they're going to respond to that right uh and give some input and that would give us time to work with everyone because quite honestly the people we're going to need to work with to create the logistics of this it's not just going to be Mr Christie Mr all no it's going to be we're going to need teachers and staff we're not going to have them um and you know the the response right now to some of the summer work um isn't as high as it was in in um pre-co uh and that's understandable I mean they need to recharge their batteries so for this to be successful and not rushed I I would prefer to to hit the ground running with the planning in August and when teachers are back and ready to go and really want this and Implement um January 2nd when we're when we're back if that's a Thursday it gives you two day two really hard days and then a weekend to catch a breath CU it will be two hard days for students and staff and we can we can start communicating this uh to students to day one that this is happening and this is so let's get ready Joyce how many quite a few districts have done it already and so there should be some pretty good groundwork and feeling and pros and cons floating around there and I'm just talking just in Massachusetts but it's going all over the United States um and um so the PD that we have at the beginning of school it does it make sense to start incorporating it into that and getting we could getting opinions from people if nothing else well yeah we could run some focus groups and send out some surveys um in in August and run some focus groups at the beginning of school uh I think it would make more sense if we're going to do an actual training and drive run of this to do we have a PD day a full day PD day in October and we have in November it's not going to take a full day I don't believe but we could absolutely take a part of that day where we have everybody it's a captive audience they have to be there um to to run this and to go through the the what the process will be daily and the process might look different at the high school than the middle school and if depending on when we start this if if we decide that this is a k through through 12 if we decide this is a three through through 12 or four you know we could we could have those processes done and ready to to and give that training um on those days fairly easily that makes sense I think you might turn out to be somewhat easier than you think it might be but from I hope you're right not Kevin he disagrees I say no I mean this this won't be easy and I think just as um I mean the other thing that I am looking at Within the implementation plan our current policy says and the current student handbook says students should not be using their cell phones during school I don't remember why I was at the middle oh I my daughter forgot her flute so I went to the middle school I happened to look over the cafeteria and we saw the student advisory sign right like or mediation to get mediation you need to take a picture of the QR code cell phones are part of our school Community culture despite our current policies right so there's something to be said for previewing we are moving to a cell phone free school where your cell phones will be locked away that is already our policy that you like there's something in the in between of a just previewing and like when we see things like that nip it now because that will make it easier in January if we are not again it's like maybe you don't fight the fight in the C cafeteria yet but like right in the classroom in the like there's places where I think you can think about the how do we make sure that we're not again the teacher who's letting students I asked my daughter I'm like when do you use your cell phone in school she's like well some of our teachers let us listen to music while we're doing work some of our teachers let us you know they're using them quite a bit yeah for like I'll put it in air quotes for those who are listening but like instructional purposes and I think if we can start to dial some of that back it will again the less we are encouraging students to take their phones out the easier that transition will be um and again our current policy doesn't allow cell phones in the school to be used so um I mean we're just implementing a more rigid policy that has infrastructure behind it right which which will have to be enforced Y and it will be brutal like the first um whenever you make a course correction on on these types of things whether it's the beginning of the year or the the it's like the first six weeks of school um every teacher knows if you set your expectations in the first six weeks of school and you are hold levels very tight and you enforce them the rest of your year is going to be easy but we're going to have two to six weeks of this new policy where kids are going to test it and they're going to try to get teachers to relent and give in and as long as we teachers know that when they call the office for for support that they're going to get that support and that phone call home to parents and that meeting with parents if it becomes an issue and it's taken then they will enforce it and and prepare your teachers and for the parents the parents are probably going to be worse mhm about demanding that their child needs to have access to a phone right not all parents many parents I I think it's going to be split almost down the middle I yeah I don't think it's going to be everybody oh it certainly won't be everybody no no but you'll have some and again it's like and you will absolutely be hearing from from some parents that yeah well those are the parents you're going to hear from anyway so well not necessarily there will be families that you don't expect like this will there will be look I don't want to I don't think cell phones have a place in our schools I'm not thrilled that my daughter's got one in sixth grade but it it happens um and there are going to be plenty of parents who have very real concerns for student safety on a daily basis and that phone is one way of helping them feel some connected again yeah in 1986 again I was running around all over and my parents had no idea and I like to know where my kids are running around even you survived no yes and I know some people who didn't right like it child mortality rates have decreased um I don't know so there is something real about the ability to reach your child and I think as much as we can continue to reinforce like your children are safe in school we have procedures and policies where you can reach them if need be and we will communicate well to you if there is an issue like that'll be important but it's um yeah I I I don't want to minimize the feeling of families because I think some of it is not it's not flipping um and and that point that you that you're making is really one of the reasons why some schools tur it in at the beginning of the class during transition from class to class kids have it they can check a text they can check an email um at lunchtimes some some schools allow it during lunch they can make calls to the parents if need be but we're going to have to not only survey but educate parents on this too for instance when there's a school emergency if there's an intruder it's actually better if it's the teacher that has a phone and no one else because the police lines or the parents giving advice that they should not give and that type of situation actually can make a a situation a lot more dangerous than than it needs to be but that comes with we're going to have to hold some some nights parent information nights of educating parents why no we don't actually want them calling you if there's an emergency well and then somebody said if there's a emergency in the school then actually the law enforcement don't want a bunch of parents showing up they don't know who who is and then they can shoot the wrong person you know because there's people there that well it certainly makes it much more complicated if there's an emergency and we have parents showing up trying to get at their trying to get to their their students when we have um police trying to do their job 100% correct yeah yeah makes it much more dangerous which was I guess that's been touted around a bit so yeah we had a we had a a a very minor bus accident a few weeks ago uh and we had Parents showing up um at the at the bus accident it created a much more difficult situation for us to manage then and this was before we had had I believe at one point we called an asked we we asked some to come but this was before because every kid has a cell phone and we at this street mom parents are coming and created a traffic issue and and of course the bus driver doesn't know um who the parents are right and and actually in and and the police might not know either so um it they can for as much as they are a a safety device they they can also hinder the ability of the people who are supposed to work to keep us safe to keep professionals yeah the professionals um good point yeah um before we move to the policy in terms of the implementation plan again I think there's some little things if we can maybe as a next draft have some like put the Milestones on here if we're working backwards from January 2nd you know like what are the dates for communicating um to families again I do think we should do some sort of either site visit or someone come here where we can there's no reason for us to reinvent the wheels there there's others who have done this um field trip yeah I mean again we can all drive to Salem or a group of us can drive to Salem to see how this or I think there's some schools in L that have done this there's schools who have done this within driving distance that we could um learn from again you mentioned um like family nights I think those things making sure that those are called out um we can certainly do a presentation with the voice over we did that for the budget that seemed to have a pretty good response uh from people very easy to do but we can also do um certainly have a night where we can have a question a presentation with questions and ANW to your I think once we have a clear policy on this date this is what's going to happen it's going to be at the beginning of the school day this is what the bag looks like this is how you can some are going to worry I mean a cell phone's a major investment how are you going to make sure my cell phone isn't mixed up or taken by another kid like those are questions that we need to be ready to respond to I I know Joyce the easy answers we'll keep the cell phone home and then it won't be taken but it's the Oh I like that you're quite good I knew where you're head but again like being no what was I thinking is you can steal cell phone yeah exactly where I think my cell phone was stolen so yes it doesn't have to be in school yes I think all but those are things that we're going to want to be able to speak to and figuring out again is the goal to be able to have a presentation at you know X night um in the different schools and even with the roll out again it's like are you starting with the middle school high school or do you like do it all on the same day is it start with Elementary then middle then like I think there's things that we can sort of think through and flush out um adding dates for the implementation plan not a problem at all um the field trip is that something the school committee would like me to schedule or try to schedule before the end of the year or we talking I think it could be at the I mean again if we're talking January I think it' be at the beginning of the school year um I don't think so in fact seeing at the beginning or towards the beginning of the school year might be better than the end of the school year because you're sort of seeing how it's working how it's working at the start when again sort of you're rolling out the procedures to students um so I will send in the meantime I'll send an article um from Kim Marshall um I believe it was ined Weekley um he's essentially summarizing a study out of I believe might have been Norway or Sweden but Ju Just it's summarizing some of the benefits of this there were 400 oh excuse me Norway 477 Norwegian middle schools um banned cell phones between they're way ahead of us on this 2010 and 2018 uh some of the results number of consultations for psychological symptoms went down by two to three visits per child per year and incidents of bullying for girls and boys were reduced girls uh made gains in their GPA and externally uh graded math exams on an order of a 0. 22 standard deviation that that's a that's a significant difference um benefits were especially strong for students from low economic uh socionomic backgrounds excuse me and the effects were strongest in schools with the strictest bands um so I'm not going to I won't go through this whole thing it's this is a very nice summary and the good thing about this I believe the the full study is free uh from the link uh so I will share it uh share this with you it was pretty fascinating but they've been doing this for eight years yeah um which is interesting because we are just starting I believe this year might have been the first year of School in Massachusetts uh completely banned them to have them uh locked up um yeah there seems to be some huge benefits to this but there there there's going to be push back um we're going to have it it's going to be divided it might not be 5050 but there'll be a large percentage of of the community who might be against this and I think we should be prepared for that would there be a possibility to get maybe a guest speaker or I know um where I work the library in the police department recently had I want to say it was called Justice for James or I can get back to you on the title I can't remember exactly but essentially it was a family who lost a child to suicide and it was all due du to like social media kind of scam they got caught up in one of those scams um and I from what I heard it was extremely powerful and I think you might get a lot of people to attend just because of the presentation not really realizing what the moral of it is going to be and then kind of maybe teach people without some people might be resistant to like the information if it's coming from like a here's our new policy standpoint but maybe kind of get them in a different way at first just to kind of get them cuz I don't even think that I realized how bad it was my kids are too little they don't have cell phones yet thank goodness but if we can kind of maybe get to the parents who before it becomes a problem so absolutely I mean we we can we could certainly try if you could get us that name yes we we could look for them but I'm sure there's no shortage of people who would want to come out and speak to this issue yeah yeah I mean social media is maybe the biggest problem that we have to deal with at the middle of high school it's and the especially these these um Tik Tok is terrible Snapchat is terrible you know there's in my opinion there's no reason for any kids to have them um if you've had if you've recently had a fifth grader um have the the moving on ceremony at paig or or Laura White I ask parents to take a pledge that they won't allow their kids uh on social media till they're I think I say 17 um it's not not working obviously but it's it cuts in on not only teaching and learning but administrative and the work of our school counselors it cuts in on time where they could be spending that time dealing with bigger issue something that should be a more important and bigger issue they're dealing with who created this Anonymous Tik Tok account and and posted pictures of kids or teacher uh who posted a video of a fights happened sometimes it's school who posted a video of this fight how do we take this down a page dedicated to just being cruel to another student I mean and that's you know this is everywhere it's in every District um in in the country never mind uh Massachusetts justly so yeah I I that that could certainly be part of uh how we communicate that out and if we have an emotional presentation that's tugging on the heartstrings that's going to be much more effective than me standing up there saying this is why we need to do this we can raise test scores and you know not that that would be our approach but well I think do both but I'm just thinking a work around to get those parents who might be a little bit hesitant or think they really need to connect with their children because at the end of the day it's not well this could happen to their children it could I mean it happens to happens to lots of families um kids sometimes feel like if they're doing something they shouldn't on the phone they can't reach out to their parent they feel trapped um and they make really poor decisions so getting that message out is important for for many reasons so absolutely could try to make that and I think just I know that we want to move to that actual policy I'll just name this policy prevents cell phone use in a very narrow window of time again to protect sort of instructional time presumably the reality is students will still be using social media on the bus at home right I can it was pre-o my then second or third grade daughter like had kids taking pictures on the bus and putting Snapchat filters on it and drove her crazy like and that's relatively mild but again that was a she was in second grade it's on the school bus um these policies won't stop that and so I do think to your point like there is something around cell phone culture how can we help and so that I think is something that sort of goes beyond what we can do but thinking about what can happen through pto's through student groups through other means I think is helpful um but yeah I mean I think it's a it's a good idea and I think there's probably more you know beyond the like what's happening during the school day that we need to support families with do we want to shift to look at the draft policy do you need this to go into the handbook this summer no time thing on this no we could Absolut with the policy yeah no we can do an appendix okay appendices um curious yeah then that would just require I mean as soon as whenever the school committee vot votes to adopt a new policy um all of our handbooks would need to be updated anyway so we can certainly add that um and so when we look at the um draft here what's in blue was added for today's meeting that is the excerpts from today's handbook so that is not a new proposal that is just what is current state um and so it doesn't look like there's anything that we would need to necessarily change in the handbook again as of although I suppose when we actually update the figure out the procedures we would want to document them both in the student handbook and yeah absolutely so we would take we would take that policy and make independencies in the in the student handbooks okay so there there was not much add to this policy so that is a policy now essentially the blue is what what the what the policy is now right yeah so in the red is there's two choices there in the red one is to um have the phones turned off and in their pockets which is currently not really different than than what we're asking now um and then underneath where after or is to hand in the phone and there's really um a couple things that the the school committee would need to decide um one is is if we're going to have students hand in their phones do we have them hand them in for the entire day and they get them back at the end of the day or is this going to be a Class A Class by class um type of hand in and get it back during transitions I should know this do we have what are the in the middle school high school are there home rooms at the beginning and end of each day or you walking into your first period um there are advisories but not every day okay so they're often walking right into right into their first class that shouldn't matter uh unless we're asking them to hand them in for the day well that's why I they're going to need right they're going to need Logistics mhm because you would I I would imagine again you wouldn't want to have a rack of 400 cell phones in the front of this building that as students are walking in you you and you know Mr chrisy are there managing I imagine you'd want to be able to do it within a relatively small group if it was for the day um and so again like within advisory within a Home Room Block it's you know you can have that classroom teacher manage it that's where they start their day that's where they end their day that's where they drop and pick up their cell phones m um there's obviously complexities with that student gets sick and needs to go home early they need to go and you know potentially disrupt the classroom but um go to the office go the not if they would like to bring their cell phone home for the day right so if a student checks in at the beginning of the day day and it's in a classroom right like so in any of these scenarios there's going to be some operational complexity to work through would you we can try to set up a field trip before the end of the year try to set up what try to visit a school before the end of the year I mean we could um I I know the schools that I know of I I don't believe are holding them for the day it's a class by class but at Le even if we just see one of them oh it' be nice if we could see or even if we can get a zoom with someone like can we ask questions of someone now and what did they consider what have they done what were the and we could see it in action in the fall but like again I think we could try to set that up and I think Zoom is probably um easier for the people that we're going to be asking to yeah allow us just because of the time of year but we we might we should be able to to find someone who's willing to to talk to us for an hour yeah and I I I think if possible if we could have like a student rep on our side and a student rep on that side just as a you know again I know largely we are making this policy decision along the way though we're going to want to engage students families and I think I don't know having a 16-year-old on the call to be able to ask them like real talk what happened we have two student reps to the school committee I we could certainly ask to join us and um I'd be happy to try to set that up okay we can try to do that um well I was going to say but no school will be out the next school committee meeting so uh let us let me reach out and get some dates that are work for whoever we're asking and we will reach out with u possible dates to the school committee um hopefully by Friday but if not early early next week okay yeah that'd be great I mean I appreciate why logistically within a class might be a lot easier and I and also like I don't know all the things you're trying to prevent like they happen in the hallway they happen in the cafeteria they happen in the you know the bathroom y are you actually solving the problem by having the sort of like no well I'd rather learn from others experience fig on our own aren't sitting there telling them every 5 Seconds to put your phone away sure yeah and and that is not an insignificant like win um and if our aspirations are more than we don't want teachers to have to fight the battle for 60 minutes then um okay any other discussion on the policy all right more to come with that um no chairperson's notes are there any other topics for discussion not reasonably anticipated I would just like to put one little note in that the day on the hill had very very interesting speakers for the morning um and the new uh um temporary commissioner is he going to be commissioner if he's not full commissioner I'll be surprised um was excellent uh I'm sure he was a teacher or had been because after he said something then he would say it again to explain it better I'm like this is good CU he could started uh they had some other people who had done a lot for schools and stuff um I personally had a problem because all the people I went to see after a wonderful lunch that was prepared by every culinary school in Massachusetts and these kids were all there with these little things that you couldn't possibly taste them all um but then I couldn't none of my the doors were locked for every place I went in the stay house so I spent 2 hours finding doors locked upstairs downstairs whatever governor's office huh governor's office that well you were trying to see your local guys and tell them to spend money on schools but you know I didn't go to the governor's office I'm sure somebody else did that's all right even their even their AIDS weren't there the doors were locked like I came all the way down here and found this the bows that's too bad well it was it was still good because speaking with the new commissioner who was they gave a very very very good presentation about the positivity of education and everything so that was excellent it was worth the trip just to hear him in a more relaxed organization group you know he going to fund schools H is he going to fund schools sounds L sounds like it's better than it has been I was got to say it's well that was the whole idea the whole purpose of that is rough time to be is to knock on door and say give us money you know or thank you for giving us money whichever way it goes um wonderful um announcements computer has died could I defer to someone else right here sure um yeah there you go going on paper oh it's okay um Wednesday June 5th class of 2024 senior Car Parade from 3:30 to 4:30 the route is to be determined Wednesday June 5th high school music banquet from 6:00 to 8: at the high school at Thursday June 6th Laura a white Arts night 5:30 to 8: at Laura White uh Thursday June 6th is the Middle School spring concert at 700 p.m. at the middle school Friday June 7th is the air Shirley Regional High School class of 2024 graduation with the rain date of Saturday June 8th 6:00 p.m. at the high school Tuesday June 11th the middle school grade 8 graduation with the rain date of June 10th 6:00 p.m. at the middle school Wednesday June 12th is the page Hilltop PTO Family Fun Fair from 5:30 to 8: at page Hilltop Wednesday June 12th is the air Shirley Education Foundation meeting 6:30 p.m. at the high school Monday June 17th is the last day of school half day dismissal High School Middle Middle School at 11:20 Laura White and Page Hilltop at 12:15 and then Wednesday June 26th is the school committee meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the Middle School library thank you Ashley thank you um and with that I don't believe we have a need for executive session Mr chairman I make a motion that I can't see the clock 804 at 804 that we second all those in favor all right