um this meeting uh well today is Monday July 29th at 1M this is a meeting of the senior center site selection and building committee this meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice members of the public are welcome to attend this in-person meeting please note that while an option for remote attendance and or participation via Zoom is being provided as a courtesy to the public the meeting or hearing will not be suspended or terminated if technological problem interrupt the virtual broadcast unless otherwise uh required by law members of the public with particular interest in a specific item on this agenda should make plans for inperson versus virtual attendance accordingly this meeting will be live on Zoom the public May access the proceedings by joining Zoom meeting 375 414 6055 or by calling 92925 6099 for additional information about remote participation please contact Carly anelis assistant Town manager at ATM a.a. us or 978 772 8220 extension 100 prior to the meeting so I call us to order at05 PM welcome everyone thanks for coming um so first can I get a motion hopefully our new Senior Center will have central air conditioning so it won't be soow um all right so can I get a motion to or approve the agenda or any amendments moly approve the agenda second all in favor shair says I great so um as most of you recall from last last week's meeting we had a very productive meeting about the site plan um the floor plan the site plan and the soil work uh but the public engagement plan has sat at kind of the bottom of the agenda for several meetings now and we haven't really gotten to it so uh I thought this would be a good opportunity to really have hopefully a shorter meeting but one that's dedicated to this um particular topic as it's a priority so um let me start out by saying I don't have a degree in public relations um but I feel like there's a fair amount of steps that we can take over this process and some of it is work we could be doing right now to kind of Tee It Up I don't think we're ready for full scale in my opinion I don't think we're ready for full scale public forums yet I think we need a cuse testament in order to do that otherwise they're going to be potentially more questions than answered um but I put that up to the committee to discuss uh and then I just jotted down some ideas like what are the questions um that we could use to sort of structure our conversation so I mean one thing I think it would be helpful if we can count back from when that we anticipate the town meeting being either October 24th I guess or potentially a special meeting mid late November M um and you know kind of similar to what a private company might do is the product launch product launching is on dayx then what you need prior to that in order to kind of spe it up for the absolutely yeah so and in anticipation of the town meeting what information do we need in order to get something on the ballot at on the on the town warrant what information do we need to have so we we will need the maximum cost or the upper limit of what we'll need to spend and we need floor plans and site plans we need the site plan or the site itself uh I meant I meant a floor plan and then a sighting a document of the sighting like what's on the right hand side but yes we obviously need a a site a site so we need the site the floor plan and I think we want elevations as well and the cost estimate and you know how is that cost estimate generated well the contract you just talk about his goal is to be running for the full with the scope that he G so he will that is the architect will tell us what the upper limit of money will be yeah he's going to give us the cost estimate and I I think we don't have that number yet because we've been refining the building and we haven't selected the finance site that so do we need some um some level of programming um plan as well it's a good question um you mean as far as like what will happen in yeah well then I I would say I mean are we going to say we realize it depends on who's coming and what people's interests are but this is an example of what kind of programs we could be we would offer the first month or something like that just to give people an idea of what would be going on at the center yes we definitely need a presentation for town meeting I would imagine it would be some iteration of you know we started with one already and then it would tighten up as we went along and what they asked more than 10 minutes I think more than five to 10 minutes of town meeting so um yeah okay that's a good point when we get the cost estimat from the architect what level you know when we're reaching out to the public with with how much confidence should we speaking that this is the most you know I know probably be less depending on fundraising and grants and all the rest of it I mean I think that's I think that's cn's professional product and so it's part of their job to be have it be as reliable as anyone can be and part of that is us having our details in line as we're doing it but then there's also always the contingency in there that's what did he say the last one about 10 or something like that so typical so so I'm just trying to like when we present this to the public with what level of you know with what do we get mealing mouthed about the number or do we speak with like great confidence that don't worry about it w't go past this or I mean how do this is I think you say when we have the cost estimate this is the cost estimate the AR yeah I mean you don't know I mean it's like during Co sometimes things went up 25% he says that prices are coming down now I mean so I think it's the best that we have within this window of and what during the time that the construction is likely to take place of what it's going to cost and the thing is if the it's really out of bounds if he says oh this is going to be $20 million we need to look at the design again and say well you know what can we do to so you're you're bringing up a good point we have not set the town manager's office has not set a budget for us um we as a committee have not set a budget so I think part of the I think you're right part of the discussion when a cost esent is available will bead to say are we comfortable with it do we think the co the public is comfortable with it that'll all be part of a cost estimation piece I don't want to get too far into details of the cost estimation to today and we we know we need a cost estimate right so today we're trying to focus on the full public relations plan um but yes that would be part of feedback and revision um should we be asking the um Board of selectman and the town manager if they have a ballpark figure in mind okay they're asking for that the recommendation we give them um so I jotted a couple of notes down um which I don't know from the zoom perspective maybe if I get up and stand next to it Pauline will be able to see it the owl follows me does it follow me yes yeah it's following me okay all right can't read it though oh all right all right so I will say it out loud so I was thinking some steps we might use to talk through this because publicity plan is a really big idea a big concept so first we have to identify what the message is right the messages why we need a senior center um why we need that Senior Center why we need that Senior Center there and um then what some common concerns may be and what our opinion is on those but I think it's very important that we as a committee develop some cons consistant messaging so that we are all driving home the same point because we're all going to be leading different publicity efforts and we want to make sure that we're all saying you know a coherent and organized set of things um then I was thinking who needs to hear it right so um it's always very easy for me to talk about it with the existing Senior Center users but there are so many more groups of people people um that need to that we need to share the information with um then how are we going to reach them so what sort of methods will we use neighborhood coffees Flyers at youth soccer games or um big public forums you know there I think there'll be yard signs yard sign signs are a couple of those things right so what are the methods we want to do and very related to that is what are the deliverables right so we kind of started with that present that with that idea like what do we need to have for town meeting what do we need to have for the publicity effort in general need to have all those things that we just outlined and then how will we capture feedback right because I think part of our job with the publicity is to put the information out and provide education but we also want to provide opportunity for the public to offer feedback so how are we going to capture their feedback how are we going to organize it and then how are we going to utilize it as a committee so those were sort of my process oriented rain going through so do we want to tackle and they kind of not that we have to decide all of these today but if we can think or talk about them and then determine if there's any homework we can be doing concurrently to the actual site stuff do you want me to move this over closer or put it on the table no you got okay all right and you said you couldn't read it do you no no they can't I want oh okay all right all right okay thoughts I thought I think that's well laid out um think we could spend most of today on number one actually but it is what it is we need to I did open up C's contract that we have right now because I think it's going to be important for us to just identify the work that we did along the way I think people will just I don't people this is what I've read phrase it differently I don't want people to think we're just walking into the town meeting as some people think is the job this what it cost let's vote for it I think we have to really give them a lot of background on how we went through this committee for like two years or two and a half years whatever the case might be the steps we took so and identifying the message I think part of the message will should be this real clarifying effort that people have put into it before we even get to the the town meaning and if you look at the the tasks I'm double-checking these tasks because of you a question and one of them says right on there confirmed cost estimate so part of his project of the 17 or 18 things that we put in his scope was definitely that um and you know the structural all the requirements schematics layouts design refin relationships and program Elements which I think we've probably done right but so step byep step as a group we should be following this list when we go to a meeting we should be reviewing we are doing this but in theend my my basic comment is that just be careful with the not assuming that the anyone knows what we've done that's just my thought Katie did an excellent presentation at um uh Autumn Ridge which covered everything it covered all the previous attempts and then this committee and what we've been doing and how we've approached it and you know then it went into what are the the land that we've been looking at and how we narrowed it down and where we are now and you know this is a very draft um site plan and ideas of some of the programs we want to do and asking for input so I I think she had an I don't know if you want to do that presentation for the gr I'm happy to do that um and then and I think that's good to say that in this meeting which is obviously for the sake of everybody who wasn't at that meeting and for the public record because they were all that was great I had so much information I didn't that was starting from when just prior to the West Main Street um yeah I started with um the 2018 2019 and I went Cally but you know built the built the timeline there so the background the need the background the need for a senior Center the background of how we got to where we are today and then um you know the so the need for the senior center that is this space too small senior population inadequate you know room for so that's all in in your presentation okay and then so um so it started with the need for a new Senior Center what a new Senior Center would look like like how what it Ser what it would serve what would the purpose be and that was sort of the counterpoints to what is lacking in the existing Center and then the vision of of it and then what have we done to date to realize that and then went through that process so we have you know as a matter of public record we have did we want to reiterate we looked at West Main Street contamination concerns da da da da da look at Fon Park joint project with property Recreation that declined do we want to as part of that presentation is that it was that was in there yep it was all in there yeah and she talked about how many different properties we looked at on town on land I will send that presentation to the committee I okay the other thing to keep in mind is before we go to town meeting will'll be making a presentation before the select Bo so should be almost identical so what you're going to do so we're going to hear it first yeah yeah we have a little time to to tweak it yeah they still have questions or concerns then we know right but it's got to be very clear by that he when he when CN was talking about how he was going to approach this thing he talks a lot about getting all the town um managers on hand meeting with them all individually doing all this has he done anything so I don't think oh you be the town manager or town department heads yeah pretty much everybody and and fire and police and um you know so he's ready for us to invite police and fire to our next meeting whenever that is to get input I have put that off until we had at least this because police and fire weren't going to really be able to provide any sort of tangible feedback until they could see how it was going to be cited right so and then we've asked for some fairly substantive changes from those um so my suggestion would be we could have them at the next one um I think it's the job of the committee to be Orchestra I mean I think he's going to attend those right am I I don't think I think it's our job to facilitate that yeah yeah I would agree I and is that well do we want do we want to bring them into the process in terms of we would like your public support for this or do we want to bring them into the process as part of as a public safety professional do you have specific concerns about the building I think we could be tooold I think as part of catlin's 10 meeting plan his involvement his desire to involve them is about public safety issues with the site now might we choose police or fire to do a little targeted coffee with you know sure we could we could definitely do that I mean that's could be one of the many subgroups around town that we choose to but that would be a different meeting yeah but I think initially I mean I think it would be appropriate to once we have kind of the S once we have the site the site plan for for you to approach the respective Chiefs or and say you know this is what we're thinking about do you have any initial thoughts on this matter from your perspective it would be really preliminary for them because they typically will not respond without some real serious drawings because they just have things can change until they see the real deal like the real final drawings they're GNA say you know what yeah okay this that they can't confirm anything so we won't get the final drawings until I know exactly this this phase doesn't get us that but I I do think we need to get them involved because I always felt when I did programming and different things that people support what they help to create yeah I see so if you wait too long in the process and you've got finalized drawings they're a they're not going to be happy about it they're going to spend their time nitpicking it apart whereas if they're in in the early levels they can offer something that says well you know we might need to get ambulances in there somebody has this and you better have a a defibrillator or you know something so that we have their support we've got their input we've been cleared their ideas and um and also people like uh what's his name manol um mono who did the who did the grants and stuff like that I think it'd be good for him and other appropriate I don't know if you want the town clerk or you want different people to be there who might have some thing that they want to say um early on that's a great um idea in the sense that I could ask to be the guest speaker at um an upcoming department head meeting exactly I would be able to get everybody who might not want that information there might not want their own individual meeting but um then that helps keep and I do at the department head meetings give a brief update of where we are but this would be more involved so yeah that's a even in terms of Public Safety even asking them at that meeting perhaps what information would you like to have in order to weigh in and then see what they say know this is what we be this is what we would like to have before we yeah but we should be getting the support of um the disability Commission because we we're giving them that that storage and stuff I mean that's something we never would have put in if they hadn't asked about that I I think you were in a good shape of doing what you guys recommended there is a um the town plan runs a meaning not every month but when it's appropriate all the ls meeting and they do bring all the parties into LS meeting on Thursday it's not defined by every single week that could be the meeting they want to go to okay because he brings all everybody into that meeting on ongoing site evaluations and they're not upset by coming in early so developers typically might go to that that meeting before they even submit a full set of plans just to get a feeling so we're going to have to think like that go in early good recommendation do you know anybody on the planning board who us Ona no you don't have to be the planning board that's planner oh just the the town planner in ch it's not a planning board meeting oh okay a land use meeting for I see I miss but that wouldn't be instead of the department head meeting no be my end up is exactly the same thing but try then have two if you need you know hopefully the town planner would come to the department head he is he is there he runs so he runs the landou brings in the brings in the things that are coming for the town and says these are the things that are potentially early in the castles and they bring in everybody s we know is he is he that is is the town planner aware that we're looking at these two sites in particular and the approximate size of the building does he have that the planning board knows all of that but does the town planner know that the town planner has heard my to the let's put that way probably taking again I've already Tak okay so and okay all right so then and the other thing you gotta keep in mind is Dan V gbook is involved and all these this meetings right there's not anything that doesn't belong Dan Vel who's on our group here he's so he's the first keeper thing that anyone TS you but R you some to because you have to have UI so as far as as far as we know to this point there is no Town Department all Town departments are aware of this information that is we are looking at the two potential sites and this is the approximate size of the structure we would like to put there at the last at the last department head meeting when we do the town manager has his agenda items and then we do a round table where each department head shares something relevant Okay so the last time we had a department head meeting last month got cancelled so in June I said you know we had narrowed it to I don't remember if we were at two or three sites by then but that we were putting together so I think at a very abstract level I think a a maybe August or September's department head meeting would be a good time to and thus far none of them have raised a a a drop dead kind of problem that they Envision I mean there's not something lurking In The Weeds about so and so's GNA not that heard and the school department is in that meeting too um so school department is not um I did ask me that's something that we really got to nail I'm adding that to our list I have requested um to be on their August agenda right what other what about Devin do we need to do because I guess it doesn't matter if we go with the school site but if we do go with the brush dump would we need to keep them a little bit involved um so devons folks don't vote in our election in our town meetings right no okay I just don't want them to come in at the last minute and throw a wrench they I don't know we changed our mind about moving the gate know we can move it we move we can move it ourselves okay all right never mind then um it's a good question a good question always something I'm just saying I think it's better to have a bigger tent and have everybody informed they probably aren't interested but um that sud works for them great very interested in this project so I'm sure she would mind for the sake of today's conversation I'd like to make a bigger list than a smaller one and if we decide some are not necessary um given given that so one of our sites is next to Oxo and next to Devin um are there any environmental groups that might get excited about the idea that you know that location might help bring more interest and more people to appreciate the beauty of Oxo are there environmental groups who want to make a present we definitely have to think about the US Fish Wildlife because they manage it but I don't know I don't want to go too deeply outside of the town no I meant Town groups like pace for example oh I I'm thinking of our publicity for the sake of the committee our publicity our public relations plan should be related to how do we educate the town's people so that they can make an informed decision at town meeting so I I would say the committee via the town manager's office kind of is with fish and wildlife and mass stuff so would we want to make does Pace have a regular meeting are there other groups Lori is stepping down as president PA and no one has come forward to um you know take the place uh and you know there are concerns have been um the Devin clean up the posos stuff toxics um you know more well the water test thing um but I you know I don't see that as very cohesive with what we're asking for no I agree but I and these questions have been raised in the building committee meetings that is if if not so much with the school but if we're looking at the the bishop RH site I I would anticipate from the public we will hear what about P what about potential contamination just kind of if if that's the site I think those questions will be raised should we preemptively get to any relevant committee or individuals and say that do you have concerns about this and answer those concerns that is the lot of Supply will be I think it'll be raised at either side yeah I mean I I think we could certainly offer to have a talk for any members of that organization if they choose to schedule us for a talk then great if they choose not to then then that's okay too um but uh PTO is it a PTA or a PTO in parent teacher organization I think it's PTO but I'm not sure PTO would be a great one regardless of the site because we want people of all ages are going to be attending town meeting they're going to be voting on it so yes I guess I'm missing the point I don't I want to clarify that when we go to town meeting we gonna have one site yes yes that's a plan yes what I say concentrate on the site why would we think about getting all those other questions about the environment if we wet land issue we don't have any environmental issue if we have utilities it's becoming more and more obvious to me that's going to be the spot but we don't know what's happen with the soil don't know on that but you can't build people will just shut your off yeah so the further we can get environmental isue I think as a as a group will probably help us but we don't know anything about P pass on that site yet we don't have the soil work done so in water it's not going be in the soil no be it won't be in if it is in fact Bishop Road she doesn't the water will either come from air Town water or Dev toown water there won't be a well right and there's no reason to suggest that dewn water is contaminated same as West cleaned up people just couldn't get it they think of it as a negative we're going have enough to over I'm just hoping we could concentrate on figuring out One S yeah I do think we need to do the when we're making these presentations we unless it's a like I did the preliminary one in Autumn Ridge and I've done these preliminary ones here at the senior center I do think that's why I wanted to talk about it today because I think we're going to be another meeting or two or three from the final site selection and then all of a sudden we're going to need to make a lot of presentations fairly quickly that's why I was trying to get the list so that we can narrow down who that is and then get them scheduled um so I think especially if it's Bron Harvard Road PTO um any other um any other school or youth related organizations in town that we would want to reach out to well there's all kinds of little leagues and things like that I mean Dave would know about that I'm gonna put that under parks and W I mean I personally would like to I would focus on the um aging population and their um and the soon toe agent population and possibly the families of the ing population I'm not saying we shouldn't worry about the schools particularly if it's on and Beyond school property well it's GNA be um adjacent to the school property okay on to okay on Town property j i yeah I but it's it's the people who are coming to town meeting that is is our Target you know um and I think that you know there's lots of um Town appointed committees like the CPC and you know there we should go to all of those CC pres are they at the um department heads no it's a boarding committee oh okay conservation conservation that would be conservation off agent Agent Officer conservation I want to say at the department right down my alley what you just said and I'll show you that that worked last year because janif over because he was very involved in a lot of his committees when we were trying to get the affordable housing zoning changes either she and I most and she went to every single one of those groups they to she went to conservation she went to you know the whole group they very good and they're the ones that are most likely to show up with 150 people will be on boards already commes in town okay support that's CPC is really important what about some neighborhood meetings um would as a starting point would you all be interested in hosting like a coffee at your house for either your friends in Social Circle or your immediate neighbors a small um think maybe someone who might not bother to come to an event big Forum at the high school but they might be interested in learning about it over a cup of coffee I think that's I mean for those yeah but the H one um most of my neighbors are St um but the U your neighbors will talk but is that something that you would that as I in this particular case would give the presentation of would you come to each of those and then give the Spiel I'm happy to do as many of those as people want me to do but I also don't want people to feel like I'm trying to run the process because I am one equal of the nine members and so I don't want to suggest that I am our chairman but I mean I I'm saying I'm happy to do as many of those as you would like I don't I every one of you to to I think we could put together the the presentation and then any of you can give the presentation yeah and I think that in terms of having you do most or that is how do we keep everybody on the same message which is extremely hard that is if you have different people making a presentation unless they are reading off the teleprompter well it it can get a the message can get a little muddied I would be happy to do that as some like my PowerPoint slides are really specific so it would be hard to go too far off message if you're following the presentation but having given a million and 10 of them there's a note section that can actually be printed out like you really could read the script if you wanted to but I could say you know make sure to mention this this this and this for this slide I mean I can get that detailed if if that makes people more comfortable but that's part of why the number one up there is what is the message so that we're all in agreement about what the message is so that it doesn't go off message probably more importantly I think you also want to establish the fact that we have a professional director we have an organization in place and by us scattering about it might seem like each volunteer is jumping in but you really want her to make she's going to be the one that's going to run the operation and she's going to be the one that's most familiar other trick is we can all be there to answer some questions so we can be in the audiences right there next to her so if question comes up you know that we could wander around on a question and make an answer I like the consistency and I do think it's important each of you are rooted in the community in different ways well I mean excuse me I mean in in like the neighborhood meetings certainly we are contributing and you know holding the meeting you know I mean we're going around I'm talking to people by time I I'm not having every time I go some and I'm updating other boards too at the same time yeah so when I do that I I talk about it I thought the accessibility one was a one one that you mentioned that's um yeah just we need to get out there all those boards but I feel like we might be a meeting or two from it I just want to have talked about it and have it kind of queued up and ready to execute once we're at that point so in terms of the what the message so we need we need the senior center for reasons y y starting in 2018 we have explored various sites in various structures and went through this process and this is why we're at um so why should the town invest that money now and how do we avoid sticker shock on the M that is and this is at this at this point in time this is a worthy investment because um I just want to say two things first of all I think we should consider holding some of those meeting meetings here because then you show people what we have I don't think a lot of people realize how limited we are in terms of space or versatility or anything this is it people and I think that we shocked some of them um number two um I think no I've lost my number two but it was about uh I'll have to come back to that it was about inviting people and um yeah and I I think we want to host some of them here I do still think we want to do some neighborhood coffees because there will be some people who just will not come out to do it but they will walk next door when they see other people Gathering um so I think it's a a multimodal effort it's a yeah many do we want and do we want to do comperable do we want to say as part of our messaging Community X did this it cost this much this is their advantage Community y did that is do we want to do comparables and say that what we would like to see happen here is not that far from what many other or do we want to not do that for fear that because in response to that message I think we will hear from some well we shouldn't compare ourselves to others those these AR anything like US Air doesn't do those kinds of or nothing like what I typically do is and and this is part of the messaging and it doesn't have to be today but at some point we should sit down and Mees and talk out what are the possible barriers what are the possible objections and then I tend to prepare a slide that's at the end that I don't show unless it comes up in conver from a question so my end my you all have seen my presentations before the last one is always questions comments feedback what do you think but the slides after that are you know how will this be funded what are you know why should we spend this much what did other people do what about ABC and d and I'm not I know I think I have some idea of what some of those objections may be but not all of them so my suggestion would be that we brainstorm about those and then collect the information that we need to address it I remembered what I wanted to um in gron they had a very successful campaign to um get it ped at the and they had a lot of push back about wanting to put it into that Parker whatever the school is and all this other stuff so they had to fight really hard um they had a a onepage handout I think they nailed that to everybody but um they and then they did postcards they had buttons they did all kinds of things but uh they also had a about a three or four pages back in front that was little capsulized information and then showed the um the floor plan it showed pictures of what it could look like the kind of things he's been passing out to us so if somebody it was a very informative handout of what we want to do with this so I think that's something that we and I wrote down all four of those things that she sent me her packet and I can look through there and see what other things they did but they had an amazing uh PR campaign that they did to first of all to inform people about it and then to promote people voting and going to the the annual meeting and stuff like that so I think we're going to need all of those um and then the question for me is who can pay for that running off flyers and stuff can the senior center do that or is that something that the friends group needs to do oh we actually that's true we have the money money from out use and we could use that money for like y signs that's I mean I think that's part of what this me because I would be willing to I'd be happy get a few hundred bucks to yeah I mean friends is not going to be a 501c3 for I don't know probably two two months yet but that doesn't mean we can't start collecting um you know money as we just can we do it on a tax exempt basis so we want to find out what the I mean in there something recently occurred to me just how powerful yard signs seem to be in small politics you do have a signage regulation in town you're not supposed to throw signs up everywh no no on people signs on people yard all right so yard sign so I see postcards onepage Flyers three to four page booklets buttons yard signs um those are all a good list of of things um should be sign the public can see there we go oh yeah know there is right along the fence there along the fence line where that little the center one is I think that would be great because it would capture the young people coming some families coming into the park and then anyone coming into the senior center yeah you could probably have a picture of them and what will those yard you know they're not gonna be forever um and Friends of the library does do a lot of printing and different Signs and Banners and all kinds of things and I think it's called JNS it's right they do a lot of stuff of cat proposal here's one of the bullet points prepare a project data manual including project description systems description and design criteri element so that project data man may include you know the elevation the pictures that we need to put a broch k be the one to do that you might have re have he put it down already but any other time so I'm thinking he's got a lot of data he could give us an example right yeah I mean it doesn't say publicity deliverables here though does it you know the elements are here right I think the elements I don't think he's doing any marketing deliver for us he's got two meetings with Town boards you know yep at least two okay so I think well one of those I think should be well one of those would be with the select board and what would the other one be planning use planning heads whatever you want call Department might be better yeah anybody talking they talk to as they go a so the architect will be talking to these people as he's doing the bronis he's not going to put something there that doesn't have a hiding on S plan or whatever it is you they're going to be working through as they move along yeah so we've talked kind of about what the message is we've gotten a good list of who needs to hear it um we've talked a little bit about how we would reach them if we're going to official committees official meetings and then neighborhood coffees are there other ways to reach people yes the big Facebook conundrum and how that is you know that rumors are are seled early in the process are you monitoring the comment section who's doing that is the Facebook page for the building separate from the town's Facebook page or not or how so I think we determined at the outset that we would use the town of airs Facebook page and I would argue that we could use the town of air or the town of air senior centers page because whether it's the senior center page or the towns I presume it would be me who would be monitoring responses and I currently can't I guess I can comment on theirs so yeah so I we could drive people to that uh Facebook or whatever on the flyers or anything that we put out for additional information and updates go to go to yeah town we in 2018 19 we had a very large meeting at the um uh senior high school and um was right in it walk into the entrance you know it's not where the town meeting and you walk in and then you turn left and you go into the auditorium it's right there and they have a lot of tables there right and it was led by the architect I guess Abacus or something and we had a a excellent turnout there probably had 100 people or something and all a lot of them seniors I think we focused on mailings to seniors or anybody like that and um a lot of people came out there was talk about what do you want there you know and I think that would be a good thing to do for seniors because it would be kind of a an echo of okay when we first started this we did this now we're redoing it we've we've got a lot more to show you and um do it there yeah you know and get a lot of people at one time um and I don't think that should be until early fall right because sum are so many people um out and about that should be the one shortly before the time by the time we have pretty much everything put together get the whole group out there the other thing I thought of I don't know how this live anymore there was a time when you'd go to churches and stuff in church groups and make presentations and CH before church groups I think we certainly can there's no reason we couldn't not sure how big those Church groups are anymore this well St Andrews is pretty engaged in St Mary's I guess I mean Habitat Humanity work for them we go the house and that's how I found it was a church group meeting they you know did a great job we go to the library def CL is there yeah I think it's a shared Harvard air shley oh the rotary okay yeah is the Sportsman Club Sportsman Club that's that's good they get a lot of votes and their vot is and their vot um I don't know what the makeup of clear path is do you think there's enough air residents at the like Thursday cens I mean I would presume it's what is that so um clear path for veterans is over in the old hospital building on the base and it's a veteran service organization and they have third Tuesday Tuesday canteen lunches um one day a week they have a a Conger get meal um so I would presume there would be enough residents there to make it worth asking to if not give a presentation to set up a table and ask questions um I don't know um I don't know what the fate of the Newton Street Festival is this year the senior center always has a booth there um I would be happy to share that Booth space that's not until October right but it's the first weekend of October it's before town meeting um it's going to beet F okay be what yeah it's schedu yeah the library signed upe yeah okay no I know but it it seems that the the driving the driving force behind it is going to have to find a new one what Al that was I thought that happed he's noer with us resigned he resigned he didn't die with us excuse me when did he he's no longer employed by the town we got half two weeks ago oh is that right maybe was it friendly or don't know we um but I appreciate your op this in regarding the street FES well it's scheduled yeah and I think that the um uh what the name of the one that does um sh Arts uh you know that gives grants and stuff like that the Massachusetts cult very involved in that too okay um I looked and I couldn't find anything on the Devin page is there no Devin Day celebration because last year there were Community booths there and that's a whole different again makeup of people that go to that you might reach other people has anyone heard anything about whether that's happening or not what I what I didn't find out until I was watching the news this morning and they said that the the Vietnam War Memorial wall yeah the wall the had come to Dev you know they but it was it it left on it left it left yesterday and I saw on the news this morning that it was going to be a de or about to be a de we had planned for last week in towns I went to towns and did you go well depends on you it's very good historically though it's very I would have liked yeah I didn't I didn't know about it that was way um C newsletter that's why I knew about it I looked at um I'm sorry what about um I just lost my Carly could probably help us Carly yeah or the town clerk I mean they know people that are registered and you know who they would approach other than just I mean they also have all the voting seniors yeah you know and they must have a list of who has come to town meeting I mean those are that's our Target but would you be targeting them as a mail like an informational mailer or are you inviting them to a meeting seniors well I think that so in terms of mailing the seniors so the town meeting warrant it's pretty close it's like a week and a half two weeks before the town meeting and it's usually right up to the deadline that people receive the warrant and then I think there's a lot of public you know anybody interested in town meeting reads that and and this one so do we want to between the between the warrant being approved and mailed in town meeting do we want to schedule something in that Gap or do we want to have it all before they get that's that big the big last one so that's the last one and that would occur between people receiving the warrant and meeting and there's this Nuance right so there's that meeting is like a this is what's going to town meeting I think some of these smaller ones along the way can be more feedback oriented right foundation foundational right building foundation so uh all right and and the Facebook I mean the thing with the Facebook I think that's where we will get initial reservations or initial questions that we have I think that's Facebook that's going to tell you if getting comments X Y and Z that'll be where we're going to hear it first and and there will be some feedback we will get not the tax yeah whichever one and that's the one that's not controlled by the town correct the community that that that name is deceptic to me but send in things to the community yes so and that's I think the thing for the committee to keep in mind going forward is that some feedback we will receive will be incredibly insightful and things that we'll want to act on some feedback will be helpful but maybe not actionable and some feedback will be way out there and not helpful we're should just expect to get some of all of that um as we go through the process yeah because very I don't know that I've ever been to a town meeting where a has been unanimous for something um very rarely all the time well some fin yeah not yeah I mean fire department budgeters so um that 35 or 40 articles one yeah right right but I I don't think this will be one of them yeah no so I I just think I just for the s for for my own I'll just say for my own sanity I need to remind myself that it probably won't be unanimous and then again as we're going through the public forums some feedback will be very useful very insightful some of it will not so much not so much so um all right so we've talked a lot about the first sort of four things on the list the last one has really to do with that feedback like how do we wanna Again part of this is to educate part of it is to get feedback um so how do we want to collect and organize and incorporate feedback well we need to take notes at each meeting don't you think I think we need to take notes of what's said and what's suggested and even if we pass out a survey or something you're not necess going to capture all of what was said so I I took notes at the uh at the meeting um at Autumn Ridge and some people said something and Katie would say that's a very good point is you you know would you put that in the nose you know so something we could follow up on yeah so so what were some of the um I guess outline comments questions that that you did not expect that came up with that meaning well I think every people tend to ask questions related to their own personal interest or their own lens so you know people who are very environmentally conscious were asking do you have the Conservation Commission on board already and said well we've had informal conversations oneon-one but have we made the formal presentation to them no um you know some people asked about well one person asked didn't believe in taxes just philosophically didn't believe in taxes grants and yeah some people asked people definitely asked how much it was going to cost and I said I just didn't have that number yet um but I would obviously let people know people asked how it would be funded and I explained the funding that we currently have to get us through the design process I explained the next round of um housing Choice Grant um that would contribute to it and um I talked a little bit about like the hybrid programming Grant saying that I was not phased by the idea of writing grants to fill some needs but you know the vast majority of that's going to be it it might be good to introduce the idea of possible fundraising because particularly and the idea that we're forming a friends group because in wilam uh he talked about those bricks that are in their um ptio the rubberized ones and I took pictures of the ones that they had sold well I can't remember how much they were like $250 yeah they were $200 they raised you know it's not a ton but it would help with furniture or something I initially thought it was like $20 or $15 a brick and Jun down and looked at me like what you think Brick's in your head yeah yeah well it's a permanent fir Factor attent yeah it's a permanent recognition of your seen the survey that I hand out at um Autumn Ridge so it was a modified version I'm going to see if I can pull it up and then I'll put it in I think without even showing that survey just yet I think um my question would be if you ask hey Cindy if you um ask a survey question you want to know what kind of data you're going to get from it and what you're going to use that data for so um what are things that you would want to know from the survey so because a programmatic survey which is kind of what we're asking about right now all the things in that list aside maybe from the golf simulators um are things that are a potential like they I wouldn't design the building differently around any of those so if if we want feedback that would change the way we would design the building right then what are those questions that we need to ask because again I I feel like the existing survey is asking about people with preferences but I'm not exactly sure what we would do with the data so therefore that's a lot of work well I think that for some and I think that the survey that is the distinction between a senior center and the community center notion and the partnership with Parks and Rec I think there are still some undercurrents floating around I don't know how strong it is anymore but some about well can't we have a community center or should we have a full sight gym or do we need a swimming pool or you know what have you and obviously this building is designed at a much lower scale for a more specific purpose um why do I say that I just to hear our talk um the but what could what would someone say at this point that would make you want to change something in the building or change something about the way you know what I'm saying like obviously we have more iterations to do but what could someone say at any number of these things because again this is a a com this Outreach effort is a combination of feedback and education to get to town meeting so what is the feedback someone could give you that would make you want to go back and look at that and that and then then I can figure out how do we ask those kinds of those questions well I I mean I think one of the things is what we've been talking about here is if people have this really want a community center uh H how do we accommodate that I mean can can this can our our big room be a full-size gym or how close is it to a full-size gym but I think scope of our the scope of our committee is like those that memo that appointed us specifically said it will not include a gym so I could see the interest in asking somewhere on there following the build of a senior center do you think the town should pursue a community center but that's outside of the scope of our thing so I would be hesitant to ask that question I think what what we will hear I mean we hear a little bit about what if it includes some of those extra things that are beyond the scope of what we do I think it's more likely that we will hear we don't need all that and that people will come here and how many square feet is this first floor here how this room and that room are 1700 square feet together so why do you need something that is eight times bigger you know what are you going to be doing with all that from what I hear and I'm being de playing Dev from what I hear people like going to the senior center now and you're doing a lot of good work there do you really need all that scope the job is not to serve 20 or 25 people the scope is to serve hundreds of people and move into the future plan for the next 25 to 50 years which this is not in fact we don't even own this building the building is under the control of the housing um so we're tenant in a building don't you think as a senior citizen or upcoming senior in this town of there it's growing and we deserve more Lear more build oh well I don't just to carry that out oh I certainly do are we need to put need to put you on stage I've been on stage is Pleasant on stage um I I'm very cynical about your question unfortunately um but that's why the reason I'm not cynical is that we working our asses off figure this thing out and I just think we will be in a better position on understand is really needed than wait for someone at the last minute to tell us what we need to change so that's my cynical response but I don't think that's cynical they want to come in come in now talk to us now you know and come to all these meetings when no one comes my my point with that was really we did the whole program for weeks agreed agreed so but that that's sort of my point about the survey is if you're gonna do you need to do a survey again if there isn't any data that you're going to collect that will be useful in the process you asking me well I'm I'm putting it out there so so do you so then then you're doing a survey for a different reason if it's a a programmatic survey which is what we have now that's a community building exercise that is helpful to me when we go go in the building right but then then that survey is something that you don't I don't have to feel as pressured to analyze the results I can look through them like I've looked through all of the ones we've gotten so far do you see what I'm saying like I'm trying to make sure that if we're going to do a survey we could be doing a survey because it's important for people to feel like they're part of the the process but if we're going to go to that effort it should be we should be get something useful for if you just left it more open that is if we had a senior center in a building like this what activities would you be happy to participate in or what kind of just and just ask that open-ended question and let them answer it or not and just see what feedback you get on boy if something like that were in town this is what I do yeah a lot of people but there isn't a swimming pool in that one so they could what's that what can we do we not going to have a swimming pool maybe we could phrase it you know our goal in this for this project is to create a senior center that will provide and I really like the way katn phrases that it's going to provide for nutrition exercise and social opportunities for seniors to help them to have them more active whatever and then that's the focus of this building if in the future there were an opportunity for expansion of some kind what would what would you like to see um included and whe they say a gym or they say a pool but there's quite a contingent that's pushing on this pool thing it just remind me something so I think they should be pushing the recreation department instead of us but um because they all are people with young kids they're not really the seniors necessarily that are doing that but I think we have to one of the big things that I didn't like in the beginning when we did the survey and we had that meeting I never saw the results of the survey you know we all F you know um answer the question yeah the results were published in the feasibility study yeah but they told the people who were at that meeting uh and they put it we're going to put it online and get feedback from people and then they were going to tell everybody what was collected a year later it wasn't there I mean it might have been in the feasibility C but they didn't make an announcement it's in the feasibility so nobody who participated in that meeting and wanted to know what um you know well you're making a good point that attendance with contact information needs to be collected for each one of these um presentations we did sign in and gave an email that predates me so I won't take responsibility for but I will follow for the present all of our interactions be it in the grocery store perhaps or at the coffee clashes or neighborhood meetings grabbing names full names email addresses and phone numbers if you know those are three very you know so I know that John Doe who lives here had a question about this or you know Jane Doe was very supportive and you know she said she would come to the town meeting and this is her phone number I think that just getting that database of people that we've talked to and who you know whatever right um so but to your where do we keep that data so for example just if it's a survey right if it if it's a survey then I create a spreadsheet with like you know coded responses for each one and I can analyze just a name name address name email address follow so those things if they're a senior they could already be in our dat they could already be in our database but I think we could have a running list of people who've expressed interest in the senior center I can create a in the Senior Center building project I can create a email email list and then we can send out updated materials to that you know and I I like to put I like to put like you're receiving this email because you attended a building you know meeting here's the latest thing um to orient people to why you're getting that email um so we can certainly you I mean I mean okay I mean I would any that's what I mean yeah oh you do in out here I could create an Outlook list but you can't release it to anybody no no no anybody who gives you that it's private and they don't want to distribute correct no you're not Distributing the list but people knowingly are giving you their name address and email address with the understanding that they would like to be kept informed right and I feel comfortable emailing them saying hey no I do think at least one I never give any my email I just I just don't like the idea of my email being out a lot I give people specifically that I know but even in a general way sometimes people aren't interested in that but either way get a list yeah if they if they want to give it and they want to receive the updates they'll give their email if they don't want to then they won't right so so in terms of the messaging and this is kind of to Ellen's point about John's the big three of socialization nutrition and fitness I think one of the big messages to the community for why we need a senior center is that it if well-run and welld designed it allows people to remain at home in place longer right that the Aging senior population will be able to you know stay in place longer if they have an active Senior Center where they can go for socialization you know get a get a nice meal day or two a week you know get some you know get to go up so that that is part of the message that it allows people to live in place longer I think and not sell their house to families with a bunch of young kids who are going to use the schools well and that's I think that's an addition I think that's an addition to the existing presentation because the existing presentation has been given to people who already understand the importance of a senior center I think that's bringing up a good point that as we go into a broader audience yeah there needs to be a slide about what senior centers do and why they are beneficial support a healthy Community yeah yep and we have to talk about the Aging population here and how many people there are and how many participating second head back to the beginning exuse me in your presentation does it must already got mentions the fact that we have a goal of trying to save like a million or two million dollars right up front by having China on land so I think that's a good that's a good point um grants that but we're trying to overcome an initial cost which we know is going to be a lot for land and part of the goal we spent probably a year on looking at re researching on land get I think they should know that right yeah I I think that's a great point you know especially considering how much we do spend on that land on S we could not build this on that even close what was that right but we bought we bought that land so we tried to make sure that no what I'm saying is that the point she thinking is that land is Tiny we need twice that much now she's making the point that that they bought that land for parks and R we're we're doing it cheaper because we number to compare it to we made two and a halfs they what two and a qu Acres of which an acre and a half is a swamp so maybe three4 and for how much 7 700,000 700,000 it's a SW oh you think SP a lot across the street from s Beach the town another committee you can join gonna have to figure they're not gonna put they already announced they're not gonna put meon what I'm not oh yeah I'm not I'm not going to be on that committee either so so I think that's a good point there are two so I had the financial slide um that needs to go on it and a more basic slide about the demographics in town and the what a senior center does to promote a healthy Community those are two important additions to that this should be seen as an investment in the community and that's an time Horizon is 30 50 years that is this is not a the vast majority of the benefits to the town for the building will occur long after no member of the committee is with one exception um are we looking at who is that and you know not to be modeling about it but I think kind of looking at the town of air as a that will have future Generations coming through it and will you know move in a direction or whatever that having that what we are doing now benefits those future Generations you know you know in a ways in ways that we might not be able to even conceive of now that is we don't know what that structure may be used you know something might have happened it's like wow isn't it great that we have this place now to do that right problem yeah well I really like the idea and we should probably mention that um that if it has the um generator it can be used as a heating and a cooling station even if we don't say it's going to be an emergency P right if it's a location that benefits the town because everybody knows I mean there used to be one week of hot weather and this year we had the longest period of back yeah you know that would make people think oh wow that would be great a place for people to go I we should and I would be happy to resign to do this um have a young person on this committee well we haveen a vacant seat so no do it put some numbers on young 30 30s 30 30s wow that's very that was kind say 50s no you need some else you need the future 40 the future represent so does anybody know anybody who's caring for an aging parent at home while simultaneously getting kids off to school I don't I don't but I mean that's the kind of that I think would be do they have nomin for the position and I don't know that it's been advertised yet I will follow follow up with Robert I I will ask my neighbors who are considering moving their one of their parents in you know building on top of the garage to move their their parent in there and and they're young talk um we probably don't want to talk too much about that since that was not on our agenda for today um is there anything else that I will kind of put this together obviously in the minutes but put this together and then I think maybe at the next meeting we could kind of go over um you know the presentation is something I'm happy to take as the you know the person who needs to work on that um maybe we can review this whole list of who we need to meet with at the next meeting and people can say can divvy up that and kind of get a sense of who's the contact person for that organization how frequently do they meet and can we meet with them sometime in September or early October um well timeline wise I think we should really shoot for September because first of all if they have any they have any suggestions that might result in changing something we need to get that done right away but um but the other thing though is we need to have a single site yeah right do that so we have 27 organizations on this list there are but we don't have how many um you know what I'm saying is I think we are going to have to meet with some of these in August as soon as we have the site selected in the cost estimate done which yeah particularly the town related groups I think we need to do that uh so we can always give presentations and then send updates as we have them but I do think we need a site and a cost estimate before we can really do this but like the the meeting I would consider you know I see it as like Town related people which would be um the uh Selectmen and then the boards and the committee you know Town departments and people like that and then also if you want to say schools and organizations but then the Aging population which is our primary one and I think we need to have a big meeting at the high school sometime early to mid September and we should start working on that and planning to have it in the newspaper and to have a mailing go out to people to invite them because some people are not on um emails or anything like that isn't that but isn't that the meaning that we wanted to have between the town meeting warrant going out and the town meeting itself the one at the high school it's that's very late yeah because we're trying to get their input into um I I don't know you know and I think that's I think this is subjective right I mean c c may have questions on that too about what's the best timing to bring in different groups because I think there is there are the meetings that you think you're going to get some meaningful feedback from and then there are the meetings that you're intending to Simply educate and publicize and so um you know I agree with you that the town boards and committees if I took a list look at all this whole list they are likely to be the ones that might have a plan altering feedback um you just you never know you never know where you're going to get the PE of wisdom you don't know but um I think maybe I can take a stab at this list and maybe putting it in kind of order of presentation if that makes sense um because again we talked about how do we reach them some of it will be presentations some of it will be mailings um you know mailings take a fair amount of effort if you're doing mail merges you've gotta like I don't have a bulk mail code we should be able to use it towns yes I I guess what I'm saying is like that's a great example of a test since I don't folk mail the newsletter that's a process that's a homework project one of us can be doing in between meetings is figuring out how does that process work I'll help you okay um a mail merge out of right tricky well they have no they are and they can go out like I have them all in my senior center so yeah that's that part's not but we' have to work with barley or whomever because they mail out the um uh the bulletin or whatever for the um yeah the warrant right but I guess what I'm saying is when you come down to the logistics of that I think everyone needs to keep in mind that this will all take time that's why I'm wanting to start get started on it now so like whoever's in my senior center which should be everyone who's a registered voter over the age of 60 but then you're going to either have to send it all through the printer that way or you're going to print out a list of labels and then someone has to scan the list to find the married people and take one of those labels off and then you're going to have to fold or stuff your envelopes if it's a flyer you have to put the little sticker two little folded stickers to hold the ends and then put the I guess I'm saying do a lot of that at JNS the printing people way a cost it's for a cost yeah but we have money it's not a big cost yeah so right but I guess right so I guess what I'm saying is that's why I wanted to have this bigger broader meeting today so that then you can get down into what is the nitty-gritty of each one of those things because then somebody has to take over the nitty-gritty of each one of those tests whether it's getting a quote from JNS for that or whether it's you know coordinating a group of less than a quum of us to stuff envelope and the labels yeah how I've never done them before what would be a number at neighborhood coffe here you know come over and we're going to talk about this like should I think of is it five or 35 for neighborhood coffee neighborh coffee I thought so for a neighborhood coffee I mean how many seats you got on your couch how many seats are around your kitchen table I mean like that's that would be determined by you how many people you would want to cram into your house right but I I'm thinking probably no more than 10 to 12 people because in that setting you're asking for a more intimate conversation about it I have to I have to go back to c m said there's only one goal that we think we're trying to accomplish that is we're trying to get it approved to the town so in that vein we need to get I don't know how many meetings you're going to have one but theel is you need to get most people to a town meeting even if someone likes the project and they don't go to town meeting they don't vote so we can have all these meetings everyone says I love it I love it I love it and then they don't see so the goal is how many people do we need can we win it 60 attendees a town meeting can we win it with 70 attendees a town meeting I think our number one thing is to find a list of the people who regularly attend town meeting right and then they they are primary number one target right and then you need to add a group to that of 50 or 60 or 70 people then you've got a majority and is that that's publicly attendees the town clerk has a list of you just take all you have to do is every committee that's got a person on it in town is listed right so that's a source of every single name anyone that's on a community only like no no but in terms of people but you know they know how many people vote on you know for for elections and stuff oh yeah yeah they have a list Che them and I you know I have no idea if that list is something that I'll ask about it my sense is that since we are a town appointed board yeah um or group that we can have access to you know I I'll talk to Susan and see I will talk to Susan and see I will too yeah concern because I'm gonna go by there today anyway to drop off to meeting minutes Al has left are we in danger of you know are they going to have someone who's going to have his connections to the people who said they would probably give us a followup grant for this project so I think assuming question to ask and I have some thoughts about that but I don't know that I have public me thoughts about that because I don't know if he had somebody who was his assistant who knew what all that was done and that person's going to continue or whatever a big we all have a concern that's a shame it was so good all right anything else before we adjourn yeah when's our next meeting that's a great point so it's the 9th is when the um test pits I think are being done next week no I think he said the okay so that's a Friday so um he said he really didn't D said he didn't think there was a lot to creating the reporting from that no W so um do we want to do the week of the 12th like Sometime Late in the week of the 12th or um we usually do what Wednesdays Wednesdays so Wednesday would be the 14th um I don't know middle of August you have to a lot of readings unfortunately yeah yeah so I don't know that we're bound to Wednesdays anymore we were doing Wednesdays because of because of Dave grub and then because of the Dan's sports team so they're done so I think we can pick any day that we would like yeah Wednesday that would turn out to be a pretty good okay general for other meeting do we wanna do we W to H plan on the 14th and then um we just not screen sharing so let me just pull up to August this here make sure well we have to make sure C can do it and um he does he's I mean he is excited about getting this project done I mean you got to give the guy his props brings it so so the 14th yeah are we going to continue to do the meetings here um that feels to me like the most reliable place to do them because we don't have to work around anyone else's schedule and and but if we think that's optically a problem then I'm happy to I'm happy to inquire whether that day is available that is a second Wednesday so August 14 6 tentatively here have we lost our public meeting yes she signed off but we're still recording we're still in a public meeting so um all right so next meeting August 14th 6: to 8m do I have a mo to adjourn or any other discussion before we adjourn I will that we adjourn all in favor I chair says I we adjourn at 2:36 p.m thank you everybody