##VIDEO ID:3a-FmjSRhbo## administrator Who Shall Serve as the presiding officer prot tempor until the election of a president and vice president so I will go ahead and call to order and do roll call Miss jurny here miss konanza here Mr fedori here miss jeie here miss tarnaski here miss wasburn here and Mr Sno here we have a quorum flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of United States of America and to the Republic repic which stands a nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all the notice of this meeting has been forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the beacon tap into Barnet and plac in the fo of each Barnet Township School in the Barnet Township municipal building and has been filed with the barn Township municipal clerk in conjunction with the open public meetings act njsa 104-110 um we'll go ahead and open public the public session if you would like to have anything to be said you may come up I don't know why it's there um should be report of the election first right yeah yeah so that shouldn't I think that was added by accident maybe uh yeah item number four should be reporting of the uh four but I think you should probably see the entire board and then go on with the rest of the agenda yeah there is a second there is a second public session but F first what should be done is reporting of the election results then swear in new board members okay we kind of copied from last year I apologize all right so reported the election official results of the school board election um are listed on the agenda uh there is four candidates being sworn in tonight Lauren wasburn John Horn and Hearn and Regina tarnaski for a three-year term and Kelly mea for a one-year term uh so now we'll go on to oath of Allegiance for new board members uh the board attorney will be take having those okay you guys want to front we too late can't say no now so somebody hold this in the general vicinity record it is someone taking a picture I your name do you solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution theit of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and theti of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the and the governments established estblished in the united states in United States and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God and I I state your name do solemly swear that I possess the qualifications the qualifications prescribed by law prescri by for office of member for office of M of a board of education of education and I am not disqualified I am not disqualified as a voter as a voter pursuant to law pursuant to law nor disqualified nor disqualified due to a conviction of a crime du to Crime listed in uh title 18a list in title and I will faithfully and partially justly perform justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability according to the best of my so help me God so help me God congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations yeah you guys stop take picture take your seats all right yeah you're over Kelly got get your pen but got a sign a sign right there I think your next thing is the next page congratul going sign right there okay all right then you're going to sign the next page too indicating you've received your your ethic sure yes we'll go ahead and do the roll call again miss Journey no I didn't here miss konanza here Mr vorik here miss jeie here Mr Hearn here miss tarnowski here miss wasburn here miss Isa here and Mr Sno here all right we have Quorum item number eight is approval of the agenda and or additions I don't believe there is any additions except the addition of the executive session that we added uh do I have a motion for first to approve the agenda so moov second and Miss jurny second okay Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mea yes and and Mr Sno yes all right motion Carri and we'll move on to the election of the president the board secretary will accept nominations for president of the board of education for the 25 2025 year any member present May place a member's name up for nomination do we have a nomination for someone yes I would like to nominate Mr Scott Sno for president of the Board of Education okay second uh would you that do we have to see if there's any others first is there any other names being nominated tonight for president okay with no other names being presented we'll close that portion may I have a motion to appoint Mr starno President first so moved is there a second second okay I have Doran and Sandra so we'll go ahead and do the roll call Miss churny yes Miss K yes Mr fedori no Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mea yes and Mr yes with that congratulations Mr Sno thank you appreciate it all right moving on um item number eight I believe it is on I so just got to do the election of vice president and then I'll hand it back over item number eight nine was election of the vice president yeah I think the numbers got yeah they're different than one so I apologize all right so election of vice president is there any names being nominated I nominate dine contanza for vice president of the bnate Board of Education Miss konanza has been nominated is there any second okay with no other names we'll close the floor for nominations do I have a first for Mrs con yes and a second second all right Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori no Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes Miss tarnowski no Miss wasburn yes Miss mka yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried congratulations Miss contan thank you all right uh next on the agenda is the superintendent information there is any Dr lwis I'm just going to make the motion to appoint your board president now as to hand over the meeting officially okay sorry it's on this is all right so at this point the board secretary is going to motion to appoint the board president as the chair to conduct the meeting going forward I have it first yes and a second all right that and Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes Mr hanowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mea yes and Mr Sno yes all yours thank you now we'll turn it over to Dr LS for any superintendent information I appreciate it uh first thing that I have uh is a standing item that we have each year January is uh board School Board recognition month um so obviously a very fitting uh month and meeting to have this in um as you can see here there's a resolution I'll read that whereas the New Jersey school boards Association has declared January 2025 to be a school board recognition month a time when all residents can acknowledge the contributions made by our local school board members and whereas the barnegate board ofed is one of 581 local school boards in New Jersey which sets policies at overseas operations for public school districts and whereas the Board of Education Embraces the goal of highquality education for all New Jersey public school students and whereas New Jersey local school boards help determine their educational goals for approximately 1.4 million children in prek all the way up to 12th grade whereas New Jersey's 5,000 local school board members who receive no REM remuneration for their services act as advocates for public school students as they work with administrators teachers and parents for the betterment of public education and whereas School Board strive to provide the resources necessary to meet the needs of all students including those with special needs and whereas Boards of Education provide accountability to the public they communicate the needs of the school district to the public and they convey the school administrators The public's expectations for the schools and whereas New Jersey can take pride in its schools which rank among the nation's best and key achievement indicators such as the national assessment of educational progress scores and the preparation for college through advanced placement offerings and sat assessments now therefore be it resolved that the barnegate Board of Ed does hereby recognize the services of local Schoolboard members throughout New Jersey As We join Community Statewide in observing January 2025 as school board recognition month and be it further resolved that the barnegate Board of Ed urges all New Jersey citizens to work with their local Boards of education and Public School staff towards the advancement of our children's education um so just to kind of touch upon this I don't think a lot of people recognize or realize the amount of hours that go into volunteering for this position um the the amount of conversations discussions deliberations and whatnot that happened behind closed doors for for hours um leading up to each month's board meeting um and and all this is done completely voluntary um this is this is obviously all of your uh free time that you give up to uh to give back to the district uh for the betterment of our our school district and it is certainly appreciated by the students the staff myself the administrators so we thank you for taking on this uh oftentimes very thankless position um and and and working alongside us and partnering with us to uh to make this the the best version of barnegate that it can possibly be so thank you for that um we have on here the fiveyear Strategic uh plan I believe that was just supposed to be linked as information only uh for the the new board members that were coming aboard um but you'll obviously see the goals that are listed below there um and last but not least I just wanted to uh uh give a shout out um obviously today was very challenging given the weather forecast and the timing of everything um as it turns out I think uh you know the right call was made um and and having been in the district this morning and driving around it obviously was uh was not good conditions for uh for students to be in school so I appreciate all the parents patience I appreciate the patience and the uh the partnership and support of the staff and a big shout out to Lisa and the transportation um department for all their work to get the buses uh running and ready to go for tomorrow a big shout out to Dean uh Adams and chriso and and their crew for all the hard work obviously you can still see them out there working right now to make sure that the schools are ready for for tomorrow um you know big shout out to the tech department for being here tonight so that we can have this meeting and continue uh moving forward with the uh The District Operations so uh big thank you to everybody that involved uh that they came together to make today successful and and hopefully God willing knock on W tomorrow we open up without uh any incident that being said all right thank you very much Dr lawis um under president's remarks just a couple things I want to touch upon um one I think Dr lwis had said um thank you again the staff especially for coming out here tonight school's closed you guys um made this meeting happen so we appreciate it thank you again um thank you to Dr lawis and the rest of the uh the grounds the uh maintenance guys everybody out there again like you said driving in you can see they're still out there actually shoveling plowing doing everything again to make sure tomorrow morning we're ready to go um so hand to those guys and women to for all they do to keep our schools running and keeping it safe for our kids that's that's uh job number one um secondly again just want to thank the board for uh putting me in this position again um my eth year as a uh board president um you know again I I take the position seriously um each year I try to evaluate that I've been here um I was first elected in 2004 so 21 years ago um you know I I always try to evaluate what can we do what are we doing how can we do things different how can we improve um what we're elected to do and what we're elected to do is um you know obviously give our children the best education possible um within our community um so again just trying to evaluate this year as we're moving into it um one of the things I've looked upon for the board itself moving forward forward this year is again I want the board to be more active in my eyes in the community I want the board to be more of a um you know involved in what is happening in the community um and again as a leadership I I take that upon myself to say what can we do to be more active what can we do to partnership more with their Community what can we do more to um you know again you ask 90% of the people in town they don't even know who their elected officials are so we get elected by them to serve them to do what they you know kind of direct us to do with the with the school district it is the biggest employer in town um you know we we're the biggest elected body in town so I think we should have more of a you know face in town and so that's going to be one of my goals moving forward is making sure our board our board members are more active in um the community and people are knowing what we are doing what we are fighting for what things we are trying to pass um you know and what what issues we are facing as a board you know especially coming um over the next year 2 years 3 years so again you know I ask each board member sitting here tonight to kind of if there's things that you think that we as a board can do differently there's things that you think that we can do better there's things you think we could uh add that we're not doing that maybe you see other districts doing other boards doing you throughout the state I mean that that's what we have to do again the school system changes the district changes and the same thing the board should evolve with it um and we need to we need to start like I said things from when I first got on the board in 2004 have changed for board members and um things have been added change different and again we have to keep evolving as a board and working together to say hey what can we do to um be better serving our community our students our district um so each day really I challenge each one of us um to evaluate what we're doing and and don't be hesitant to come forward with suggestions so with that I thank you again um next on our agenda is I guess we have three motions I guess go through them each we'll do each one at a time um motion number one motion to approve the Board of Education meeting dates for 2025 calendar year as everyone been able to review the upcoming calendar no issues any questions concerns one yeah can you speak into the I can't hear you were the dates for I didn't get a chance to review the dates um was November's date made sure that it didn't lay on parent teacher conferences um I'll leave like it did last year that's the do la I know we kicked us around for about a month between Administration yeah our attorney myself um just to make sure there wasn't any major issues in those areas yeah let me pull it up and take a look at it because I know that we originally had made some adjustments and then we went back and made some additional adjustments after that I don't know if the November one we were able to move only from the perspective um I think it is the 25th still so let me look and see if it's going to be the same um I think we're very limited in November with the the flexibility we have given that we have the week off um to get committees and things like that in but I will confirm in one second as of right now yes it is scheduled to be the same night I think the challenge that we had there was looking at the njaa week and then uh having a week in for business of the district and then obviously committee week and then leading into it so I don't know if we have much flexibility to move that to a different time okay thank you time we have time to adjust if we need to yeah you talking by the months yeah I mean we could always if something comes about we can always change and in you know in advance on a meeting but I mean for now you said it as is was another question one conflict but I mean again if you have a conflict and you have to be um virtual you can um as long as we have five members seated here personally you know we can do that it's not a problem all right so can I get a motion to approve the uh calendar year for 2025 as uh posted mov so moved Miss Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorek yes Mr yes Mr Hearn yes Mr hanowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mka yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you um item number two is there any a um volunteers to serve on the New Jersey school boards Association uh chairperson legislative chairperson I would like to same one two anybody else okay um I'm sure how you How do we want to handle this as far as with two um two individuals an alternate I'm sorry the delegate we have two individuals so you can name a delegate and an alternate so um I mean again is it open to vote or is it open to the president choosing I don't not positive on the delegate um uh I'm not aware it says a point yeah if it's if if it's a motion to a point then it' be up to the nine member board yeah um all right so we I guess we could have a vote on it is how we'll have to do it it's either that or rock paper scissors I mean c can I ask is there any volunteers for the just again not the just not the going to the motion also is there any volunteers for the second one the Ocean County School boards Association I would like to volunteer for that any for the Ocean County just one I could be her alternate for the second is there a um is there an alternate to that Scott or is it just a delicate what's that is there an alternate to the ocean camp we can we can always have an alternate because if somebody can't make it the other person would serve in that capacity of uh I don't mind I I go to the county meetings every meeting regardless so if Lauren to be the county uh the Ocean County School Board Delegate for for barnegate then I don't have a problem with it because I'll always be there in case you can't all right yeah we can always put a a you know additional because if some reason people can't make it we can always have a listen love it if everybody came to the county meeting so if everyone wants to hop on that's great so number three won't be an issue number two I guess we have two individuals interested um I'll let you name and we could vote yep each name that's it okay um yeah is it a motion for a delegate first and then motion for the alternate is that how you want to do it well what I kind of figured is whoever the the actual chairperson is the other one would be the alternate okay so for now we're going to do a vote for The Who The Chair will be that we send and then the other person that they choose to be alternate yep okay we're on the same page Okay so um for this one it's Miss tarnowski I'm going to do a roll call if you just say yes or no if you wish Miss tarnowski and then we'll do a separate vote for um Miss jurny okay yep so miss turnowski um Miss Journey no okay Miss konanza no Mr fedori I'm sure you don't want to just be an alternate I mean I don't mind just being being an alternative Sandra really wants it that bad I mean no no matter what everyone has to go to a delegate assembly as a as a delegate or their certifications for the board so I mean I have my certification Sandra went to her delegate assembly I backed out this past one so this way Sandra could attend as a voting Delegate for her and Sandra and I have been the delegate and Alternate for the last two and a half 3 years actually we have been the delegate and the alternate so if you want the delegate and I'll take the alternate I don't need a votee who opened the floor I thought we were doing a motion in the middle of a vote it's fine I'm fine with is she saying instead of that doing the actual vote that I'm fine with that we'll do that so I'm fine with that all right so motion number two is to appoint yes and motion three is lingt correct Regina will be the alterate for both okay okay who's the Ocean County one is that who's the Ocean County I'm sorry I just didn't hear you Kate the Ocean County one is uh Miss wasburn with the alternate as Miss taski okay so can I get a motion I guess to approve number two and well we'll go with number two first as read by the uh board secretary we need it first motion please oh so moved second thank you okay roll call Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorek yes Miss Jeanie yes Mr Hearn yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mea yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried okay thank you item number three motion to appoint the Ocean County delegate of Miss Washburn and the alternate of Miss turn owski for the 2025 calendar year second roll call M churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr vorik yes Miss jeie yes M Mr Hearn yes Mr turnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mea yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you okay on our agenda next is public session the Bara Township Board of Education appreciates and welcomes public comment advice and suggestions especially when intended to assist the Board of Education please feel free to speak to the board during this public session comments and discussion will be limited to one 5 minute period per individual unless requested by the chairperson to continue on a point of clarification public comment at special meetings of the board shall be related to the call of the meeting in accordance with the Board of Education policy each participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface their comments by announcement of their name address and group affiliation if appropriate your anticipated courtesy to the members of the public and the board is appreciated you can get a motion to open public session please so second roll call Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes M turnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mea yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you the floor is open to the public if anyone would like to speak you want to speak just checking anybody else last call all right can I get a motion to close public session second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes Mr turnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mea yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you all right under items for reorganization motions we have five different motions we'll go through one at a time uh motion number one motion to designate board president board vice president School business administrator and treasurer of school money as the officials authorized to sign general fund checks for 2025 school year said checks to include signatures of not less than three of the above motion to approve that please so move roll call Miss churny yes Miss Conan yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes Miss turnowski yes Miss was bur yes Miss Mesa yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried item number two motion for the Board of Education who adopt current board policies and regulations V moved second M Miss Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss Genie yes Mr Hearn yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss M yes and Mr s yes motion carried thank you item number three motion to approve the asur report press the beacon taping the barnegate as the official newspaper for the 2025 school year I have a question can we add patch to that Poss can we add the patch yeah is it possible to I mean we can do it if you want to make it an official paper or we can just make motion to I feel like patch covers us more than tap in the barn again I don't yeah I mean yeah the patch I mean it's it's not like an it's not an official newspaper because it's not a a hand a published newspaper but you know you could send them a courtesy copy was that just brought down sorry the no longer allowing no longer requiring School boards to publish in a physical copy we sorry what yes we can do digital now we don't have to put it physically in the paper I do believe the exceptions are the budget and um I I don't think the the law has been signed I I I I thought it was it was just for like a for like 60 days or something like that I thought it was signed like two days oh okay I'll look I I I wasn't I think New Jersey school just send something like verbage out that we can now just do digital but I think like the budget and there's still one thing I think still has to be published paper but we'll clarify but you still have to assign them as the official paper whether we do it digitally or in paper really you asber park press and then the others were just indicating that I mean that I just know that we usually skim through this and then mid year we have problems and then we resert back to this so I'd rather like us talk about it like right now so this way we can make sure that who we have on the list is who we want on the list and if we want to make an addition we can make an addition or vice versa I just I think to Chris's point the others we can publish but the only one on here is a real newspaper that would be clarified under the state regulations which is as as po press so as long as we continue to publish be more of a courtesy that we're sending out to the others um so it doesn't again if you want to add another one on have it sent out that's um no issue I just it doesn't have to I was just curious again just don't want to do more work for you that's all I'm I also don't want to do more work for you know have to deal with contacting other papers and whatever their deadline is and yeah we'll be happy to reach out to the Pat and see what it is now you're really I think the the meat of the motion is the asber Park Press okay perfect all right so motion to approve number three as it stands second thank you roll call right Miss churny yes Mr Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss MSA yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item number four is motion to adopt Robert's Rules of Order for parliamentary procedure for the 2025 school year so move second second Lo call Miss Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fik yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes Mr taski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mea yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you and number five motion to review and adopt the code of ethics as approved by the New Jers scho New Jersey school boards Association for the 2025 school year as follows oh thank you Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes Miss taski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mka yes Mr s yes motion carried thank you all right can I get a motion to journ into executive session to discuss uh student matters any legal matters that we may have at this point second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes M turnowski yes Miss wasburn yes Miss mka yes Mr sorno out um I don't think so Kate yeah are we going to take any official action after executive there's nothing else to I wasn't exactly sure yeah just a couple things to yeah you don't think we are then no I don't think um so with that can we get a motion to adjourn after executive session second y Miss churny yeah yes Miss konanza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss jeie yes Mr Hearn yes M tarnowski yes M wasburn yes Miss mea yes Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you with that after executive we will be a journ e