like to call this Barn Board of Education meeting to order please notice that this meeting has been forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the beac happened to barnegate and placed in the fyer of each barnegate Township School in the barnegate Township Municipal Building and has been filed with the bar barnegate Township municipal clerk in conjunction with the open public un act njsa 104-1 you roll call please miss churny here miss contanza here you have to unmute dorine can you hear was the big microphone not the little one here miss jeie here Mr Amante here miss Ley here miss M taraski here and Mr s here have for thank you all right join us in the flag suop to the of the United States of America and to the rep for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice thank you uh next item on our agenda is the approval of the agenda and any additions no addition so approval of the agenda please I get a motion so moved second R Miss JY yes Miss conand yes Mr pedor yes Miss jeie yes Mr aanti yes Miss leing yes MOSI yes and Mr s yes thank you next item on our agenda is the public hearing section um the section is for comment from the public dealing only with the superintendent's contract I'll turn it over to you can just read the actual there's a motion to open the floor for public comment on the contract for Dr Brian lless as superintendent of schools for the school year 2024 through 2029 as approved by the county superintendent schools by the time we're opening the floor is 6:03 thank you can I get a motion to open the floor so moved roll call please miss churny yes Miss contans yes Mr boric yes M Genie yes mrti yes Miss Ley yes Mr Miss tarnowski yes and Mr s yes okay thank you okay with that said this portion of the public comment is again directed specifically on the Dr LA's contract that has been opened up uh negotiations and the public has the opportunity to comment speak ask questions I'll open the floor online and those here anybody seeing nobody here anybody online once twice times all right motion to close a superintendent contract public session second R Miss churny yes Miss contanza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss Genie yes mrti yes Miss Ley yes mrowki yes and Mr s yes and motion is carried thank you item number eight on our agenda is approval of minutes and any additions oh vote on the Contra sorry I skipped it I exed it out before I said it my apologies just trying to sneak it by you no sorry um item seven sorry jumped ahead item seven the actual superintendent's contract that we have to vote on can I get a motion to approve the superintendent's contract um that runs from 24 2024 through 2029 please so moved second roll call on that this journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr ianti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tonosi yes and Mr SAR yes motion car now you can CL sorry about that all right we'll move on to item number eight and if I can we want to take a minute now or do we want to do it to make it official um congratulations Dr Lis we'll actually sign his contract public to City you go congratulations [Music] thank all right next item on our agenda is approval of minutes uh motion one and two can I get a mo motion to approve those two please so move [Music] second Miss churny yes yes yes yes Mr IM yes Miss Levy yes MOSI yes and Mr s yes motion Carri you item nine on our agenda is our student representative each month we invite the student representative to give a uh update on what's happening in our great high school here so I'll turn the floor over to miss havin thank you um hello for those of you who don't know me my name is Jane havland and I'm the senior executive president of the barnegate high school student government and there are a few major events for VHS happening in March um Rumble was one of them and that was on March 6th um the black team won and we've had more participants than ever before um it was so much fun and definitely memorable for seniors and there are plenty of events going on this week at BHS actually and one of them is the Vietnam Veterans Memorial event which is tomorrow it's from 3m. to 5:00 pm here at the high school and it's um a presentation of speakers on their experiences from the Vietnam War along with performances and tributes from The ROC um the band Ro Kappa and plenty of other groups in the barnegate community and it's basically just a thank you to Veterans um especially the Vietnam veterans next um this week is Spirit Week at BHS and Thursday is our spring pep rally to highlight the spring events and Athletics um we're all excited for spring break and the excited events to come like Junior and senior Proms and end of the year events and the last event happening this week is Mr bangle which is a class of 2024 fundraiser um it's tomorrow at the High School auditorium it's at 6:30 p.m. tickets are $8 for students and $10 for adults and it's an an extremely fun and famous event here for the high school and all proceeds go to the class of 2024 so we really encourage senior parents family and friends to come out and see the show tickets are sold at the door so definitely make an effort to come I actually have to get back to practice because I'm choreographing Mr bangle um but I definitely encourage everyone to come and just see the show that the boys are putting on and how hard they've worked and that's it okay thank you Miss havin appreciate it um next on our agenda item 10 we do our committee reports each month and chairperson of each committee will report out what is happening in their committee uh we'll start off with the finance Miss tarnowski would be first hey everyone uh Finance met on March 20th with all members in attendance we discussed the Food Service RFP and we T and we will tentatively be voting uh on the winning bid at April's meeting uh as you may know the board met during a special meeting on March 18th to discuss the budget and a tentative draft budget was sent to the county by the time we reconvene in April we will have the feedback from the county and be voting on the final budget at that time as we do monthly we went over the payrolls bills list uh transfers District placements homebound instruction students uh and thank you to the Davis Family for Their donation for the class of 2026 bunny fundraiser uh we discussed in length the nslp equipment assistance grant and the reasoning behind applying for that Grant and we also discussed the preschool education Aid and that's it okay thank you Miss turnowski um next up is buildings grounds Transportation I am the temporary chair of that committee uh we met on March 18th and some of the items we discussed were um um some some uh work will be done on the beastro back here over spring break some minor work um so I guess you can anticipate after spring break seeing some new Renovations done back here as we move forward that um we getting a delivery of a new 29 passenger bus um we are um exploring appr uh for uh new vehicle school buses for next year assessing the the need for next year what we need um on that end we discussed a potential new uh traffic pattern change at Horbelt for drop off and pickup for parents um and buses for next year and the esy routing and planning again start a preliminary routing and planning for pickup and drop off for the esy uh for for the summer so in that far um oh we did receive a letter from uh Senator Corey Booker um again on a a a EPA grant that we had applied for um through his office so that was it next would be education committee which is chaired by Mrs churny thank you Mr President uh good evening everyone the education committee met on March 19th you'll see on tonight's agenda for approval motion one to approve the application to the New Jersey Department of Ed uh to add the lldd program to the Joseph donu school and the Cecil Collins school for those who don't speak acronym lld stands for language learning disabilities motion two is to approve Bella Luna potty training Workshop um this is for the Lillian dumpy school this Workshop is for parents not for students also up for approval are our regular Field Trip locations College University placements continuing education requests field trips and outof District workshops in the latest update in student services we acquired six new business business locations for our work-based Learners beginning next fall barnegate high school will be offering a Saturday sat course for students we encourage students to seize this opportunity and enroll in this course also coming this fall to barnegate high school we will have a career day a possible date of October 14th is being discussed we are currently in the process of planning and we will provide further updates as they become available the summer enrichment program 2024 there was a discussion from the survey that was sent out to the district the district currently is weighing options on pricing for this program and we'll have more information at the April meeting a new business we're discussing next year's master schedule for the Robert har Horbelt School this goal is to improve the efficiency and have cohesive fifth and sixth grade experience we have good news to report um Miss Deanna buella forgive me if I'm getting your name pronounced wrong um a gifted and talented teacher and Miss Brittney Jen Janowski first grade teacher both received a $1,000 Grant from lead you which will provide assemblies to our students in Donahue Horbelt Collins school in the coming months congratulations on that on March 19th representatives of the Jersey Shore Clause came to barnegate high school to speak to Mr Cesar's career and leadership class also good news we have four students from the Horbelt School who were selected for the South Jersey band Orchestra director Association Elementary Honor Band this District started sending students to this event in 2005 and this is the most students any school in the district has ever had accepted these students are Olive giry Rex giry Asen Harker and Ryan Reed congratulations to those students and our next meeting will be held April 23rd thank you Mr churny um next up is governance and the chair of that committee is Mrs conenza thank you Mr President um the governance committee met on March 20th on tonight's agenda for approval is the motion to approve the first reading of policy 5111 that's the eligibility of residents and non-resident students the revision is an additional language to this policy now requiring at least one of the following documents to be eligible a property tax bill a deed a contract a sale a lease a mortgage sign letters from a landlord and other evidence of property ownership tendency or residency this is in addition to the other documents required um motion two and three these are policies and regulations um regarding managing for equity and education the state identified additional measures in their class this revision is adhering to the state list that they just updated um motion four you'll see is a motion to approve the first reading and motion five is the regulations um to adopt policy 2423 bilingual education which was revised and policy 24 31.4 which is which is the prevention and treatment of sports related concussions and head injuries that's a revision uh the committee also discussed um uh the delay of St esme's policy for AI stuss Esme assured the district that they are in the process of reviewing and should release a policy soon our next governance meeting will be held April 24th thank you thank you very much um our fifth committee is health safety and Technology the chairperson is Mr Imon thank you uh the uh health safety and Technology committee held its meeting on March 21st 9 9:45 a.m. during the meeting several topic was discussed under the health department um every school in the district is fully staffed with nurses and upto-date certification also a nurse from dumpy school will be attending a g tube training at Jersey Shore uh Medical Center in Neptune um a G2 basically what it is is that doctors sometimes have to put a tube into Direct ly from the belly into the stomach to deliver nutrients to an adult child or infant uh so the nurse is going up there for that specific training all right the that's that's it as far as the health department the safety department the Ocean County school security committee uh along with Law Enforcement Officers held several meetings to discuss issues uh among the districts uh and Implement procedures to correct these issues as a result of these meetings uh the district on Monday this past Monday the 25th hosted a training session uh for administrators by the state police uh Bomb Squad at brackman brachman Middle School uh also a handout was uh was given to the staff uh by the district coordinator regarding lockdowns the difference between lockdowns and shelter in place uh again with security uh the district wi structural assessment was completed by our security coordinator his staff and the school resource officer this report has many safety recommendations uh of which many of them have already put in place um at this point I like to personally compliment the uh security coordinator his staff that came up with this it's a five-page um report and I have to tell you when I looked at it and I read every one of them they covered everything you could imagine as far as the safety uh of the teachers and of the district um uh and for that I give them you know great recommendation they did a great job uh also still with safety yeah they deserve it right uh the district Safety Committee um held its meeting in December and January to discuss concerns uh throughout the districts uh also that meeting the they were given an update on the structural threat assessment uh lastly on safety uh a behavioral threat team uh they're in place in every school as required by state law okay uh technology uh the Pitbull team will be running wires districtwide to uh for additional cameras uh and also the it uh department has implemented procedures for findes for Chromebook for damage to Chromebook loss of of uh Chromebook uh anybody have any questions that's thank you thank you very much Mr imonte um last on our committee reports is Personnel I am the chair of personnel committee we met on March 18th um again to discuss several different um Personnel moves um some to note that are on the agenda you'll see we have uh item motion number four a b and c is to hire four three new uh Math teachers in the high school um again trying to find Math teachers in high school or is never an easy task but uh uh kudos to our Administration for finding three very qualified uh applicants so again that's on our agenda um we have our some substitutes we have just trying to see what else we had on here I mark one other oh uh motion 15 just in case you haven't seen or heard um to hire uh staff for our kindergarten registration night which is April 10th and April 11th so you're not familiar with it or aware that's the date we'll be hiring uh staff to man that and I think that was about it as far as our personel goes so yes all right that's it for our committee reports uh next up I'll turn the floor over to Dr lwis well Dr lwis sorry um for superintendent district highlights and information uh thank you very much before we jump into the upstanders I just wanted to say a few words um I wanted to start by thanking the Board of Education um for your support and your confidence uh in May to extend my contract out um I wanted to especially thank president sorno um I think since you've stepped into this role you've really uh been focused and committed to District Improvement you've been an amazing partner um so I just wanted to express my appreciation to you um I have the privilege of working with one of the most amazing uh administr administrative teams um they are absolutely uh out outstanding um I really can't say enough positive things about them I work with uh such an amazing staff as a whole um it's truly an hon an honor to be part of this uh barnegate family um I say that all the time I mean it um we have accomplished so many amazing things over the last six plus years almost seven years um and it's exciting to uh see the trajectory that we're on and to look forward to all the exciting things that we have yet to accomplish so um I really appreciate it like I said I appreciate the support and the confidence um I'm really looking forward to continuing on this journey here as part of uh this incredible team so thank you for uh for that um with that being said well thanks Martin um uh anybody knows me knows it's it's rare that I'm at a loss for word so uh you can know I truly appreciate how special this uh moment is for me um that being said I will turn it over to uh Carolyn Johnson uh so we can move on with the upstanders Miss Johnson and all right all right good evening everyone the upstander program is a wonderful opportunity to recognize and celebrate our students districtwide who demonstrate a specific Bengal Pride trait these traits continue to enhance our positive climate in our schools as well as the home school and Community Partnership that plays an essential role in our students success this month our students exemplified perseverance for the p in bangal Pride we are very excited to present students with a gift card from a combination of two of our local restaurants either Dolce or Mama roses first up congratulations to Carly schisler come on up are they able to join us tonight well we can still recognize her for being an amazing student and a young lady she is challenging herself academically and working harder than ever to be successful despite being thrown life challenges she is always in school with a smile on her face although she couldn't make it tonight her positivity radiates to those who she surrounds so congratulations to her next up we have Nathaniel Davis Nate is the epitome of perseverance he never gives up and always has a smile on his face and the the brakman theater company he's a constant presence of optimism and hard work he learns all the songs dances and the staging he's an absolute pleasure to work with in and out of the classroom congratulations Nate next we have leis Warz l came here from Honduras when he was in kindergarten he did not speak any English at the time he's worked very hard to not only learn a new language and culture but also demonstrated his conscientiousness by always completing his homework getting outstanding grades and by being a great friend to others he's very respectful Pleasant and with everyone he encounters for these reasons he is well-deserving congratulations L Nicholas Riley Nicholas continues to try his very best at all times this school year Nicholas set a goal for himself to make himself Pride proud which has inspired him to persevere Nicholas has been learning how to bounce back when presented with challenges and how not to give up he truly works hard on everything that he does he sets goals and is crushing them we're so proud of you Nicholas Jackson ruti Jackson is kind smart and a good friend to others through his hard work desire to improve and support from family and friends he believes in his potential to overcome obstacles through the last year Jackson has developed even more into believing in his own power and ability that he possesses when you put all of his positive attributes together there is no stopping him congratulations next we have Braxton citz Braxton always tries his best at all tasks that are given he works so hard and gives his best effort to be independent in the classroom when communicating with others he perseveres to be sure that others understand and want he always wants to share with them as much as he can he's so giving with all that he does Braxton never gives up congratulations Styles Santos Styles is a sweet funny and hardworking leader in the classroom he has exhibited perseverance in many areas but especially with learning how to use his new AAC device to communicate with what he wants and needs learning to use a communication device is like learning a new language he consistently helps his teachers and classmates with following routines and has persevered through challenging situations to reach his goals we are so proud of you Styles congratulations upstairs we're gonna ask you to get into a picture together you can s some email they're getting their picture taken let's give one last round of applause congratulations all right we'll St out here we have M oelo uh going to present the Seal of byit soting good evening I am thrilled to announce the recipients of the cob by literacy an esteemed recognition bestowed upon students showcasing Proficiency in two or more languages to earn this seal students must achieve intermediate mid or Advanced levels in Reading Writing listening and speaking it brings me great Pride to declare that this marks our sixth consecutive year participating in this prestigious program I wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to our dedicated very dedicated World language teachers whose unwavering commitment and tireless efforts have guided and inspired our students throughout their L linguistic Journey this year we celebrate the remarkable achievement of 15 seniors and five Juniors who have successfully met the require this rigorous requirement in Reading Writing listening and speaking in Spanish and in Portuguese this year tonight it is with immense pleasure that we honor all 20 of these exceptional students for these outstanding accomplishment as I read your name if you can come grab your certificate and then stand for h a picture we'll wait for everybody to come Elliot Gutierrez lingas haly hickey Eva arari Dana Leo Torres Marina Lopez although Marina is not here tonight she is trilingual in Spanish English and Portuguese so that is an incredible accomplishment um hazel Martinez Julia Mills Raquel Rios Eric Vargas Brandon Zuniga balazar Juan varez Moa Grace King Luis Reyes Robert Ash Kelly Quinn and our Juniors Maria Lopez Sydney Collins John morera Sydney Alysia and Justin Pena apples don't fall fast [Music] hi everybody I'm so excited um to presenting my second grade chorus um under the guidance of our dedicated music teacher Miss Brennan our talented second grade students have been hard at work discovering the magic of music and harmonizing together with passion and enthusiasm Miss Brennan has instilled a deep love for music in each and every one of her students together they have practiced diligently pouring their hearts into every note and lyric showcasing the incredible dedication and teamwork that defines our chorus get ready to be amazed as our young performers take the stage and share their Joy of music with you go show us your talent guys e [Music] for e [Music] for 3 [Music] the [Music] you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all [Music] 1 [Music] you [Music] you that was really awesome guys that was really impressive I'm a big fan of Mickey Mouse so that was good Brandon you're doing an amazing job that was absolutely fantastic you kids were unreal you guys did great miss green fantastic so another round of applause [Laughter] please and last but certainly not least I would like to welcome uh Miss camarada to the G not really fair that I have to follow good luck M good what are you gonna sing for us he's gonna sing and dance next yeah you just got me in the while we are transitioning there I'm going to take a minute to uh talk about some of the district highlights while miss camarad gets uh ready and we allow everybody to transition uh so first I'd like to uh give a shout out to District held a k for family literacy night so thank you to all the staff and families that participated in that um I'd like everybody to join me in wishing a very happy 100th birthday to Charles biano a barnegate resident and a veteran of the 487th bombardment group of the eth Air Force United States uh Air Force Army Air Force our jrtc rppa and the Don students were honored to contribute birthday cards and celebrate this incredible Milestone with you so thank you for your service and happy birthday uh Horbelt we had four students were selected to participate in the SJ b o da Elementary Honor Band this doubles the number that we had last year so that was pretty fantastic are you ready Miss comado yeah all right we'll jump into you and then I'll come back all right so thank you everyone uh March is youth art month so every March I try to highlight a different School uh this year I thought it was best to highlight the brackman school and that is under the guidance of Mrs Lee and miss mikolo and so they brought some of their students uh to of talk about and work through this little presentation for you okay um hi I really like our art program especially our art Club it's just really nice to come in the morning and like do some art that's just really fun um I've gotten to work a lot with like materials I wouldn't have gotten to before like clay and I've found that we made stamps that was so fun I did it in art class and um in art Club um yeah thank you yeah I'm gonna second everything that she said it's really really fun um to be in the art program and to do all the the fun stuff um for the two years that I've been doing like just the regular art class um at brakman it's been my favorite class because it's just so fun and um we do like a whole lot of stuff like a whole lot of different stuff and then Art Club is like maybe even better because we do it all year um and we do like even more stuff and again like the stamps really really cool that's really really fun to make so okay so I'm G to do the exact opposite of whatever they said because they said everything so mean so yeah there's not much to say it's honestly a really fun experience you get to make new friends you get bullied by your friends I shouldn't say that but it's true you as they say uh you get to use a lot of fun materials you get to play around and you get to do a lot of interesting projects like we made gingerbread houses out of clay we made gnomes and we all we overall do a lot of fun stuff so I would encourage anybody else to come join the art Club or any of the other uh programs we offer at the BR brakman school or even the high school that's it hi my name is Isabelle and the fun thing I like about art and Art Club is I get to make clay and I get to make I get to do sculpturing and I like to make animals like turtles and I made a bat and and also Al I like drawing and painting and coloring and I use Wiki sticks what right to help me color and stay in the lines our club's fun because you get to go on cool trips but yes in our and I could share the presentation with you but they just basically have pictures of everything that they discussed uh and our teachers did a nice job of setting up some of their artwork over there for everyone to view as well so thank you everyone um I'm so happy you guys work so well together and have such a wonderful club and the kids obviously enjoyed it they came out tonight to talk about it so thank you thank you thank you uh finishing out some of the district highlights uh Jordan Ford is a senior he'll be releasing his first official music video the debut single will be available next week on Apple music Spotify and all major social media platform so stay tuned for that release date Jordan's full 10 song album is set to drop on April 1st so that's really really exciting uh super proud of uh him congratulations to the BHS jazz band for being awarded a superior rating at the Tia Egg Harbor Township High School jazz festival they also receiv received the best saxophone best trumpet best Rhythm Section Awards senior trumpet player Colin Hall was named the best soloist so congratulations to them congratulations to the BHS OverWatch Esports team for winning the state championship uh this is our third state championship by that program this year alone uh so if you have an opportunity to uh walk in the hallway you would see um we have those uh championship belts uh proudly displayed on the the wall so we're quickly running out of room there so very exciting uh for them congratulations congratulations to the BHS cheerleaders on Winning State Championship and game day large Varsity congratulations to the girls bowling team for winning the njsi AA great group two state championships this is the girl uh girls team is the first team to capture an overall State title in the history of barnegate school so we will be highlighting them and honoring them at a future meeting so I look forward to that congratulations to Jane havlin uh she was named the 9 2.7 uh wobm and gateways Toyota student of the week so obviously uh she had other things that she had to jump out to with uh Mr bangle this uh weekend but congratulations to her March 18th 2024 barnegate High School hosted a metac helicopter landing in partnership with the aviation Department uh of the new uh New Jersey State Police so big thank you to them that was a really cool experience for our students and something that was unique uh for students that want are interested in the junior RC as well as the shield program so uh very cool experience and a lot of really cool experien in those programs so if you have any interest in that I would encourage you to look into that uh would like to uh thank uh thanking the Vietnam veterans um we'll be doing this for the second straight year at barate high school obviously not the second year that they've uh done the ceremony but we've been honored to partner with them to host it here for the second straight year that'll take place tomorrow uh from 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock it's filled with so many veterans and community members who come together to thank and recognize those who served um and big shout out because everybody likes food uh we had a number of people donate a number of organizations donate food so big uh thank you uh for the subs and sandwiches will'll be coming from Wawa the Rotary Club uh Jersey miks and our very own Chartwells here uh so big thank you to them uh we will also be enjoying homemade veton cha Gio which is fried spring rolls uh from the New Jersey Mutual V seniors Association uh W will be donating uh pretzels we will be having our own uh barate High School's uh BD Bakery will be providing baked sweets and beverages will be uh donated through Wawa as well as the thanking Vietnam veterans part uh of barnegate uh so big shout out to T and Jim kav cavagnaro uh who uh spearhead this event um this very special event so looking forward to that and then last but not least a big thank you to the uh B PTA uh as you know we're going to have a solar eclipse on April 8th it'll be the first day we're back from Spring recess and the PTA donated uh safety glasses for prek through grades eight uh reason why they did that uh grade span is because uh those uh grades will still be in school at the latter part of their school day when the uh eclipse is uh happening so this really affords an opportunity for our students to be able to go out and enjoy it um so big shout out to them and uh thank you to the PTA for donating that uh with that being said I I think that's it I turn it right thank you thank you Dr LS appreciate it um next on our agenda is President marks um a few things I just wanted to touch upon again um Mrs Green is still here principal green again outstanding performance by their uh chorus and I love the Dr L was it said but I love the outfits that they were wearing everyone was kind of in a Mickey Spirit which was really cool to see so uh congratulations to you guys for a great performance so um I'd also like to take a minute to uh again on Dr was his contract I know crowd has in out but again just to say to him on behalf of the board that uh congratulations on the next five years um again i' I've been involved with this board for quite a long time um and I've had my ups and downs with it I've been here with three four different superintendents um and I've never had a second thought about speaking out or saying what I thought about the district about who was leading it um in my previous stints on this board um but on this end like I say I in talking to Dr latw since I came back into the seat again um sharing my vision of where we are at this time what our next five years looks at what our next year looks like um multiple discussions we've had the board's had um on my end I could say complete confidence that um you know we have the right person sitting at the helm directing us moving us forward board over the next 5 years um you know do we always agree on everything no we shouldn't agree on everything we're we're different people all all of us sitting up here and we don't but the the the whole object is for all of us to come together have open discussion respect everyone's opinion um and set our sights on what we think as a group where we want to bring this District where we want our children's education to go in the future um and again with those discussions that we've had um he's been open he's been he's communicated we've had one-on-one conversations with him he was willing to sit down with each board member during this process share with his thoughts were share what you know hear what other what their opinions are what their concerns were um he addressed everything that was was brought to his attention um so again you know I couldn't be uh more confident in in where we're going and and the person that's leading us and I think the best of rest of the board would uh echo my uh my comments so again congratulations and uh look forward to at least the next year and a half that I'm sitting here so um the other thing I wanted to address again on our agenda is I believe it's on our agenda was the nich I didn't want to say it thought I seen on there was uh Mr Nichols uh resigning from the district again um I'm sorry I don't want to say Steve but Mr Nichols has been with this district for quite a long time um I've always been fond him had a great relationship with him um he's been a principal here in high school he's been a principal at to brakman school um he's held many different titles within the district um always been part of our family always stepped up to the plate when things were needed so again to I know he's not here tonight um I'll reach out to him myself personally but again appreciate everything he's done for our district in the time that he's been here and uh I will miss uh you know Steve uh and only can wish him the best in his Endeavors moving forward so um with that we will move on to public session the barnegate Township Board of Education appreciates and welcomes public comment advice and suggestions especially when it's intended to assist the Board of Education please feel free to speak to the board during the public session comments and discussion will be limited to one 5 minute period per individual unless requested by the chairperson to continue on a point of clarification public comment at special meetings of the board shall be related to the call of the meeting in accordance with them in accordance with the Board of Education policy each participant must be recognized by presiding officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name address and group affiliation if appropriate your anticipated courtesy to the members of the public and the board is appreciated can I get a motion to open public session please so so moved second roll call yes yes Mr Mr dork yes Miss Genie yes Mr imonti yes Miss leevy yes Miss horowski yes and Mr s yes motion car thank you all right the floor is open to anyone here anyone online not seeing anybody here anybody not seeing anybody online with that can I get a motion to close public session please so moved second Ro M Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss Genie yes Mr ranti yes Miss Ley yes M turnowski yes and Mr car yes thank you uh next item on our agenda item 14 is finance committee motions we have motions 1 through 12 can I get a motion to approve those 12 please go moved second R Miss churny yes Miss yes Mr yes yes Mr Monti yes Miss Levy yes mski yes and Mr s yes thank you item 15 on our agenda is education committee motions we have motions one through seven can I get a motion to approve those seven please anyone so moved second M Journey yes Miss tanza yes Mr yes Miss yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss taski yes and Mr s yes thank you item 16 education committee information uh two items on there for information for the public to review um assemblies not District workshops um item 17 on the agenda is governance committee motions we have motions one through five can I get a motion to approve those five please second Miss churny yes Miss contanda yes yes Miss Genie yes Mr IM Monti yes Miss Levy yes M taski yes and Mr s yes you 18 on our agenda is Personnel committee motions we have motions 1 through 18 I get a motion to approve those 18 please so moving second roll call mne yes mza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Ley yes Mr Nasi yes Mr s yes you item 19 on the agenda is Personnel committee information which is information just for the public no motions there and we have motion 20 motion to move into executive session to discuss Personnel matters and guess H reports second R jurny yes Miss yes yes yes Mr yes Miss Ley yes kki yes Mr s yes thank you um don't think will be that long but don't hold me to that I'd like to call this Board of Education meeting back to order please roll call Miss churny here miss conand here Mr Fedor here miss Genie here mrti here here MOSI Gina there sheep okay yes she's here and here uh okay under new business we only have one motion can I get a motion to approve the Hib report as presented in executive session please M Journey yes Miss contanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Ley yes Miss taski yes and Mr s yes thank you can I get a motion to adjourn please second r m churny yes Miss contanda yes mror yes Genie yes Mr R Monti yes Miss Levy yes saski yes and Mr s yes meetings Jaren thank you everyone