call this barate Board of Education meeting to order please roll call uh notice of this meeting has been forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the beacon tap into Barn again and place in the fory barnegate Township school and the barnegate Township Municipal Building and has been filed with the barnegate Township municipal clerk in conjunction with the open Public's meeting act thank you roll call now please um miss churny here miss konanza here Mr fedori here miss jeie here mron M Levy m tarnowski right right uh please rise for the flag sued States invisible liberty and justice for all thank you all right uh all right item number five on our agenda is approval of the agenda and auditions I believe there's one slight change uh yep on page nine under Ed committee motion two uh we're going to be adding the verbiage uh just identifying that as a pilot program for this year all right that's it can I get a motion to the addition to changes please second roll call Miss Cherney yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr ion yes Miss Levy Miss tarnowski and Mr Sno yes all right motions carry all right um I try it again item number six on the agenda is approval of minutes and auditions one through four I had a motion to approve one through four please move second Ral Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr Fedor yes M jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Mr Sno yes motions carry thank you um item seven on our agenda is our student representative I will turn the microphone over to Mrs havlin thank you um hello for those of you who don't know me I'm the the senior executive president of the student government here at BHS and this week is our annual winter formal dance it's from 7: to 10 at BHS in the gym um ticket sales will start tomorrow and we're anticipating a great time and hopefully much more attendance than previous years um coming up in March we have two really exciting events here um one of them is Rumble that's on March 6 it's during school and a night event and it's a sports competition between two teams broken up by last names into a black team and an orange team and usually the whole school is involved and everyone's getting really excited for that it's really popular here and lastly is Mr bangle that's going to be the night of March 28th it's a senior hosted event where senior boys are nominated into like a pageant like event and they present a talent they perform dances and at the end of it one boy is crowned Mr bangle um this event benefits the class of 2024 so we just really want to encourage senior parents family and friends to come out and see the show and that's definitely going to be really exciting that's all thank you very much M appreciate the updates um next on our agenda item eight is our barate Education Association Le aison and I will turn the floor over to you hi the Bara Education Association would like to thank our amazing staff especially the bus drivers and ground screw for helping us deal with the uh horrible snow and ice we've had this past month and keeping our students and staff safe we'd also like to welcome all our new hires or hopeful new hires and um February had a lot of wonderful celebrations with President's Day Valentine's Day and the 100th day of school and we look forward to all of our March fund thank you thank you very much all right item nine on the agenda is committee discussion so each chairperson of the committee will give a report of uh what transpired in committee this month so I'll start out as it's listed uh Finance is Mrs tarnowski all right Finance M February 14 we discussed uh the RFP process for food services and the budget calendar as well as the budgetary uh Genesis School F accounting system which would come as a savings to the district uh we had a small discussion on the bills list and some line items were clarified we also discussed the confidence closet shared service Grant the high school and brachman and the transportation department also applied for a clean School Bus Grant and that's it all right thank you very much um next up is Athletics and the chairperson is Mr fedori good evening Athletics met on February 12th uh those attending were myself uh Mr Sno Mr Drano Mr nickel uh some things we're discussed you'll see in the Personnel side uh some movement in Spring Track and Field uh bringing on a girl Spring Track coach we're transferring a coach from the girls team to the boys team uh we also you'll see a middle school assistant baseball coach uh we discussed the barnegate High School indoor Color Guard uh they'll be going to Wildwood May 2nd to the 5th for the Tia Atlantic coach championships this is a trip that's done every year it's an annual trip uh the marching band camp they're requesting to do an offsite um event at Lake G camp in Pennsylvania uh during our discussions just they usually have done it they haven't done it offsite in some time um the cost for this is going to be through fundraising whether it be through boosters and whatnot and that date will be August 18th to the 23rd uh we'll be bringing in a lross clinic uh you'll see that there's a motion um we're going to wave the facility fee uh because it's going to benefit our students um it's going to open up to all barnegate Youth and the dates will be February 22nd 26th 27th and then March 4th 5th 7th 11th and 12th uh junior Roc they're going to participate in the American Legion parade down in Wildwood uh with the marching uh the the high school marching band on sat Saturday June 15th I believe this is going to be the first time that our Junior RTC is going to be participating marching band has been down there in the past uh you'll also see something for boy lacrosse uh we were approached uh regarding hosting the Ocean County All-Star game we currently have the All-Star game for the women's or the female um it's not set in stone yet but we're just trying to get this approved tonight so this way we don't have to run around later on and try last minute to get everybody you at the table uh you'll see football will begin June 22nd with h seven v7s uh with a rain date of June 23rd and this year's Camp will uh start right after that June 24th to 27th that's what we had uh discussed for current business uh there was some new business um discussed I think I just actually uh spoken about it uh nope trying to remember I don't have it in my notes because it was after the fact with the phone call from Mr jamao I we talked about I remember yes I can't think of it now either let me see if I can pull it up here at Lacy are you is that was that yes yes Lacy so we are looking at a co-op with Lacy for gymnastics thank you very much uh definitely uh a huge benefit for us uh we currently co-op with them for ice hockey um there'll be a small fee for for our participants but they will Pro Lacy will provide facilities as well as the coaches um I think it's a great opportunity to bring gymnastics uh back to barnegate um next meeting will be uh March 18th uh there's going to be a lot of discussion there it'll be probably a more robust meeting as we go into the scheduling for uh facilities and whatnot for the summer for for the fall uh and everything about that um as far as off the agenda we had a little bit of uh discussion on some you know individual and some uh group uh achievements uh wrestling qualify for state two years in a row uh girls bowling we got uh Jamie White who's number two in the state and actually just recently I think last week broke the school record which was her own record um AJ Walcott from boys pulled a 300 uh that's amazing because I'm lucky if I can get an 85 against my eight-year-old uh dance team scored the highest ever uh in their competition they did not make it to the finals but it's the first time ever that they've they've moved on um it looks like boys and girls uh baseball uh they're both in the shore in the state conference tournaments um we had three qualify for State sectionals and girls track and something that we didn't bring up the last time but it is noted Allison sojac for girls lacrosse has been she's on the watch list for the All-American so it's a great achievement looking forward to see what you know these men and women young men and women do um huge proponent of Athletics I'll just kind of give my little advertisement here there's more than just the classroom we learn a lot they day life skills whether it's adversity just how to work as a team so it's just great to see some of these achievements whether it's uh individually or collectively um that's all we got for athletics all right thank you Mr bork uh next up is buildings and grounds I am the temporary chair of buildings and grounds um we met on February 12th and it was me and Mrs tarnowski and Mr Brenan um we reviewed the 90-day facilities use uh plan we were notified the underground storage tank remediation was complete um and all done there no problems the uh at the Robert bra bman Middle School they installed new uh cabinets in the music room for the uh students to use um the I guess Fire Marshall came in to our fire inspection everything was good there no issues throughout the district um under transportation we will be adding a full-time driver on the agenda which again drivers are hard to come by we are adding a full-time mechanic we've been working with only one mechanic for way too long and we're back up to what uh we should have for our size District Two two mechanics um we got two rid of two of our buses for disposal on so they get got sold on there and we put a new bus a 24 passenger bus into service just uh this past month so that is there also under that under transportation we have applied for a Evie Grant which is for electron electric bus uh grant program and we also applied for a EPA Grant uh through Senator uh US senator Booker's office again funds for uh electric buses and think that was about it under buildings and grounds next we have uh education and Mrs churny is chairperson of the education committee Mr President uh good evening everyone the education committee met on February 13th you'll see on tonight's agenda we will be approving the district's extended school year program which will run from July 8th through August 8th we also have a motion to approve the adoption of the ELA Freckle pilot program this program will adapt to students needs and remedy the gaps that students are struggling with we also have a motion to approve Mrs Ashley Davis's research proposal as part of her master's degree in instructional technology then we have our regular motions of field trip locations College University placements continuing ed requests field trips and out of District workshops this month the committee discuss the CTC survey which will be administered to 6th through 12th grade students this survey takes place on March 5th this survey is anonymous and all parents will have the ability to opt their children out of the survey if they so choose a letter to parents and Guardians will be emailed before the survey takes place it's been brought to our attention that recent legislation was signed by Governor Murphy um that the beginning beginning with the graduating senior class of 2025 students must complete a faasa form as a condition of receiving their high school diploma our district runs a fasite to Aid students and parents completing these forms this is new coming from the state and we wanted to give families the heads up and more information will becoming the committee also discussed having a digital assembly this is an in-person assembly for grades 8th through 11th taking place sometime in March cyber bullying will be the focus of this assembly Corb Camp was also discussed and presented by Dr Saxon with more information will follow in the coming months the summer enrichment program was discussed in the last year the summer enrichment program has been free of charge to families due to federal covid funds these funds are no longer available this program can be run as a tuition-based program for this summer there will be a survey coming out soon to see if families are interested in this program the committee also discussed having a career day at barnegate high school for the entirety of the high school not just certain classes further planning will be in the near future to determine date and time and in Good News Miss Jackie South teacher of mathematics at barnegate high school was invited to be a reader for the AP statistics Exam that was a great honor also we have winter Delaney a barnegate high school sophomore performed at the regional three con test of poetry out loud at Ocean County College he was the only student from Ocean County Public Schools to participate in this prestigious event our next meeting will be March 19th thank you m JY um next Point clarification or just a few questions to fil form I know the acurate I'm assuming financial aid just for everybody else that's that's so we're going to be parents are going to be required whether their kids are elect and go to college or not right that's what but um they we also have we going to the state it's it there's getting a little bit of pushback on that so um we're not really sure what the guidelines are going to be this was just the heads up to let parents know that that going to be a the enrichment program is separate from the extended school year correct just want to make sure we weren't voting on The we just kind of minced words a little bit so thank you yes for the whole for the whole grade in its entirety all right our from the state thank you um next is governance and Miss constanza is the chairperson of that committee can you hear me Dorian yes can you hear me yes we can okay uh the governance committee met on February 14th uh um there's a few motions on tonight's agenda um there's a motion to approve the 20 uh 2425 school year calendar um they built some snow days into this calendar for next year the calendar will be sent out tomorrow once we approve it tonight there's also a motion to approve um to revise the 2324 school calendar um they extended the school year by one day due to a snow day on January 19th making June 19th the last day of the year with an early dismissal day for all we have a motion to approve the first annual submission of the ssds report um there's a motion to approve the annual memorandum of agreement between education and law enforcement officials this is an agreement that is done yearly uh the superintendent met with the chiefs of police in January to riew the agreement um in the committee there was a discussion U by the committee members concerning artificial intelligence AI how it will be used in the borate schools um the committee asked the superintendent to follow up with a policy from Strauss Esme to be discussed at next month's committee meeting and our next governance uh meeting will be held on March 20th thank you Mr Sara right thank you very much um lastly for the Committees is Personnel I'm the chair of personnel committee um again many of The Hires that we have have already been discussed between Athletics buildings and grounds education but I'll touch upon some of them again um we have numerous power professionals that are being on agenda for hire tonight we have um three custodians and are vital to our district that are on the agenda for tonight uh um I REM mentioned the transportation mechanic um and several coaching positions that'll be filled um I get believe for spring uh season I think Mr fedori covered them and that is about it on the agenda for person all right thank you next item is item 10 superintendent highlights comments and I'll turn it over to Dr LS thank you very much uh first I'd like to invite Mr Gunderson to the mic so we could do the upstander awards there we go good evening everyone so it's my honor to be able to recognize some of our special guests here this evening um this is our upstander program which is a wonderful opportunity to recognize students who have demonstrated some of the traits this month's trait and the Bengal Pride trait [Music] is leadership so this month's trait is leadership so folks that we're recognizing today have demonstrated great leadership and when we call your name please come on up to the front to be greeted by our board president Mr Sno and superintendent Dr Lis first up Oscar o'a as an enlisted member of the New Jersey Army National Guard and acting as the drill team commander and drone team captain of the barnegate High School NJ Roc unit Oscar embodies the essence of leadership he's a natural leader that people gravitate to for guidance and inspiration he is an invaluable asset to both the school and the Armed Forces Oscar is also a student facilitator for the Dyan Wings program demonstrating his empathy and compassion for others congratulations a ell Billet haly demonstrates an array of qualities related to leadership in her work and in in her behavior she is the true definition of a student leader who takes pride in all that she does Hy recently caught the attention of her classroom teacher by taking the initiative to invite a classmate who is sitting alone to sit with her and her friends for these qualities haly is the perfect selection for this month's upstander congratulations Andy Lexi butcher is a wonderful example of a leader she is a member of the Horbelt student government where she is a leader in helping peers come up with great ideas and ways to help the school she also created the Keep The Playground clean project when Lexi was in fifth grade she got a group of students together and started cleaning up the playground during recess it's become a great success and she is continuing the program in her sixth grade year we're so proud of her and congratulate her on her great success congratulations life Joseph class class is the perfect example of true leadership in and outside the classroom he continues to impress all of his teachers with how honest kind and caring he is Joey is a true leader and he always leads by example he can continues to strive to be his very best each and every day as he allows students to see what true leadership looks like congratulations Joey Andrew lante Andrew embodies every aspect of a leader Andrew is a goal oriented honest caring hardworking responsible and an effective decision maker Andrew takes an initiative to help others without being asked he stands as a great role model for his peers by encouraging them to make Positive Choices from day one Andrew has been a leader in the classroom and is welld deserving of this recognition congratulations Andrew Avery blessing a is an outstanding leader in the preschool classroom that always sets an excellent example for her peers she consistently follows classroom rules and helps her classmates Avery is a true pleasure to have in the classroom and is ready to bring her leadership skills to kindergarten next year congratulations Avery Aiden kastler the AC's program would like to nominate Aiden castler as a true upstander who exemplifies the trait of leadership Aiden proves to be a leader both within the classroom with and with all of his peers in the aces program he is friendly welcoming and can often be seen taking classmates by the hand to encourage them as a aen models good behavior for others Aden will whisper our school rules to his classmates as a reminder when they're having a rough time Aiden is truly a leader among his peers and we are happy to recognize him for his awesome Behavior great job Aiden congrad thank you parents we're going to have you jump up next yeah we'll [Music] come let me know any yeah okay there a partnership between the barnegate school district and the barnegate communities that Care Coalition the real media program is being utilized as part of the health curriculum in my eighth grade classroom this program is an evidence-based youth message development e-learning curriculum to prevent adolescence substance use among 11 to 17 year olds it encourages students to reflect and offer their thoughts via open-ended questions as well as quizzes and optional depth sections where students can further explore their interest each level ends with an interactive challenge that allows participants to apply new skills as a culmination of lessons 1 through four the students are then asked to develop a poster or a 30- second video that includes an anti-substance use message besides the activity being used as part of their health grade the students are entered into a contest and judged by the barate communities that care public relations workg group the winners posters and PSAs will be displayed in the schools on our district website and given to all teachers to use for red ribbon Red Ribbon week next week next year sorry um the winners for the first and second marking periods are here tonight they will each receive a certificate and gift certificate for their efforts the gift cards are sponsored by the Community Partners and tonight's winners are sponsored by our barnegate Police Department PBA 296 as we announce the winners their Public Service Announcement will be shown on the screen our third place win winner tonight is Michaela crw she will receive a $50 gift our second place winner is Mercy at canola she would received a $75 gift card and our first place winners are Kylie Poler who couldn't be here tonight and David padet they will each receive a $50 gift card and they have a video that will be shown on the screen breathe air congratulations and thank you for your efforts aren you cing you're up all right next up is Miss Frolic and she's going to talk about a day in the life of a preet good evening everybody I want to take this moment to thank Dr lwis and the board of education for applying for the Pea funding back in 2018 and allowing me the opportunity to build this program from the ground up we've come a long way in 5 years and I'm very excited to Showcase that today I also want to recognize my amazing staff who show up for the kids every single day and provide them with a high quality education that is age [Music] appropriate okay we are recognized by grow New Jersey kid as a fourstar rated program so what does that mean there are leading Authority for Quality prek programs they provide framework for best practice with early childhood classrooms and they also provide us with resources for pre uh professional development that's free for all of our staff to be recognized for a fourstar program we do have to submit a lot of documentation regarding our PD that we um are providing our staff members all of our family events our curriculum training um our teachers and parents all have to get 10 hours of curriculum training for to be recognized through grow New Jersey kids we also have to have half of our classrooms get evaluated with the echer scale so that means that we'll have evaluators come in and they stay in a classroom for three hours at a time and they're looking for many different things they're looking at space and Furnishing so they're looking at our classroom Arrangement our gross motor space or our playground space our equipment our child related displays do we have artwork that the kids make our Lear learning activities so this is during our choice time our fine motor dramatic play blocks music and movement math talk and materials and art our interactions do we have individualized teaching for our children what is our staff and child interactions like we are also looking at program structure looking at transition times um because they're three and four they can't stand still for very long so do we have quick transition um we're looking at weight time our whole group activities and free play and finally personal care routine so this goes into meals how the meals are presented to the kids the toileting our health practices we're washing hands constantly every time they come in and out of the classroom they're washing their hands so these were some of the straints that were identified by Gro New Jersey kids when they came in they said that our staff helped children communicate verbally with one another the staff ask many questions that require longer answ answer so they're not just simply asking yes no questions they're getting the kids to think the staff rotate math materials activities urrent topics of interest every month we have a new um study right now we're in the pet study so it's all related to pets which gets the kids really interested we do have much individualized teaching while the children participate in free play so our teachers and our parent a big shout out to our parents they are just like the teacher in the classroom they're rotated in the classroom and they are playing with the kids they are a second teacher in that classroom and I cannot give them you know enough credit for that um they're also looking at Nature and Science do we have enough Nature and Science material they're looking for plants or some kind of H class pet so like I said we are in our pet study right now so at the end of the month we have all of our class pets go to the multi-purpose room and we do a pet museum which the kids look forward to every single year dramatic play the staff carry on conversations with the children but they don't take over the conversation they really let the children Le that um they the staff talk with the children about print and numbers in dramatic play in a way that is Meaningful the staff show positive interest when the children choose to use books independently we have at least five books related to the current study that are accessible uh we have frequent positive staff child interactions observed through the observation with no long periods of no interaction so that just shows that they're constantly moving our staff are respectful to children and guide them positively they're sensitive to Children's non-verbal cues and respond appropriately they're observed to teach children to use more complex art materials appropriately or um all children are able to use them appropriately staff frequently interact positively with children during free play and there's ample and varied materials so just a little bit more about our school we added two more Genet classrooms this year so we're up to 26 general education classrooms and five PSD classrooms for a total of 349 students we have 96 staff members uh creative curriculum is our our curriculum that we use which is study based like I said right now we're in the pet study there's building studies exercise music and so on we have report cards that get sent home um three times a year so the parents can see the children's progress we do have our preschool intervention and referral team so that's like the RTI of preschool uh we have 37 students who are currently on per and it could be for various things it could just be for speech Behavior social emotional academic or OT support and then we also have our wonderful child study team they are wonderful they are in our PSD classrooms and that's our case manager speech otpt Behavior they are wonderful we have have an early childhood advisory Council that keeps growing every single year we have community members that are on this our teachers um and they help us plan preschool events and really start to get the word out there our family events very proud of those we have a fall festival our Polar Express is our biggest event of the year we have lots of community members who come and volunteer including Santa and Miss CLA um we always get very positive feedback the whole school has transformed to PO Express we have literacy carnival coming up next week and we will have our book fair during that time as well our math Carnival kindergarten Readiness we we invite kindergarten teachers to our school and it's a great way for the kids to you know start to learn faces before they go over to colins school and we also have our annual art show so our our hallways are transformed into all of their artwork from the whole year and the kids are really proud to walk through with their families we've been very excited to have District who are looking into getting funding um or just want to come for a visit we recently had Lacy come visit us and Point Pleasant um Point Pleasant is looking into getting paa funding so they wanted to come and see our program ask some questions and get a tour over school so we've been excited to have different districts coming in to see all the great things that we're doing um okay so what our students are learning it's early mathematical con ceps pre-reading pre-writing skills early science Concepts language and vocabulary gross motor and fine motor skills problem solving and critical thinking skills social emotional skills and Independence the independence is huge because they're able to unpack and pack up their book bags they're cleaning up their own lunches which is really getting them prepared for kindergarten our literacy data I'm very proud of you know the data that we get from our four-year-olds every single year it is increasing so our standard is recognized and name many upper and lower case letters so they don't need to know all of them so I just brought up you know from 2021 to 22 the kids were able to recognize uppercase level uh uppercase letter 76% accuracy 2022 23 87% accuracy by the end of the year and right now we're at 78% accuracy which went up 16% from trimester 1 which is a huge in increase um they're recognizing and producing simple Rhymes we got this feedback after a couple of years the kindergarten teachers asked if we can focus more on rhyming words so we took that and we ran with it so by the end of 2021 22 they were recognizing rhyming words at 82% accuracy last year 84% accuracy and just a few weeks ago was 79% accuracy so I anticipate that to go up even higher for math um our standard is recognized the name on digigit written numbers up to 10 with minimal prompting prompting so 2021-22 we were at 85% accuracy last year we stepped it up a little bit we wanted to challenge the kids a little and we made it 0 to 15 just to see how they did and they did great 82% accuracy at recognizing numbers 0 through 15 which is above the expectation from the state um right now a couple weeks ago they did did the same test 0 through 15 and we're at 75% accuracy and we'll retest them again for trimester um three our shapes so shape identification they're doing great 2021 22 is an 8 86% accuracy last year was 94% accuracy and this year so far at trimester one was 81% accuracy we'll retest them for trimester three and this is something thing that I thought spoke volumes this is the kindergarten data from the beginning of the year um our the kindergarten students are beginning the school year more prepared with rhyming skills which is a vital Foundation skill needed in kindergarten so you could see that our kids are coming in with that Foundation that they really do need for kindergarten so our program is working um same for map if you you can see the bottom one is geometry they're coming in and their area strength is shape identification so this is what this is the fun part this is what we do so this is a day in the life of a preas student at duny we come in in the morning we have our morning snack our teachers and Paris are sitting down with them having conversations then we have our morning meeting we always have a literacy small group we usually have a teacher leading a group a par leading a group some of the teachers are now um having a third group an independent group where the kids are playing you know on their your own a little bit with Playdoh to work on fine motor we have the one hour Choice time with all of those things dramatic play toys and games Library blocks art science Discovery and music the kids can go to whatever area they want Gross Motors our outdoor playtime we have lunch and nap we have limited Choice time as they wake up we have another gross motor time read aloud a math small group music and movement and dismiss all and I justk have a video here so you can get a glimpse in the day of [Music] preap how many days are in a week how can you show me seven you can do five and two or you can have four ready let me my calendar helper is Max Max can you go put our arrow on today what day is it today Monday it's Monday it is the first day of our school week Max so today is Monday do you know what tomorrow will be Tuesday with us what letter very good that's right and if today is Monday you know what yesterday was Sunday very good you guys are getting really good lion just been looking does it look like there was more pets or not a pet all right should we double check will you help me count let's whisper count just looking I don't think they know how many was not let's count double check one two three four oh all straight lines easy for down to make the number four which number is great that's kind oh because when you keep counting you keep going up higher that means that number is bigger so the alligator would like to the five five is greater than four all right one two three three friends are not here can you write a three the rest of my friends we are going to write it in the sky when you make a three everybody get ready around the tree around the tree that's the way you make a tre good and Isabelle made three tally marks for us five six seven eight eight when you make make an S but do not wait keep on going make an eight our morning message is we will play in the classroom that's a long message can we write our lines for that have to help me don't let me for any words we will play in the classroom which one oh goes at the end period goes at the end I forgot thank you okay let's make sure we have all our lines ready we will play in the classroom who can tell me what this real big long line means why is this line so long because classroom is a long word right what letter says like watermelon good Noah W capital w we w w w what letter says w w w we [Music] will all right let's read our sentence that is an n we will play in the classroom and maybe the hallway isare that when we're rhing what part the word CH or beginning begin beginning CH so let's look over our bones and we're going to see find all right Kay you go first what do you have a dog so dog D good job find it do we have d o and we have f o r o g look do you see so we have the D changes that's the beginning sound like what this sound good job so the beginning sound On's one mates eight so we look on our board we have eight and eight right the Beginning Sounds are different but the end letters are the what the same they're the same all right s what do you have a hat a hat what do you think over here rhymes with hat hat R oh that's a good one I wasn't even looking at that I was looking at the cat that's a good one hat and grat what do you think rat starts with r good job hat what do hat starts with H H very good so we have rat r a t n hat you see the r and the H are the Beginning Sounds and they're different and the other letters stay the same which one is no no which is show me show me which one the penguin house is you are oh wait are you planning so what do you have here that's that's where the dirt is and and and water water and nice job okay C you're Up's working hard all right all right thank you look at that have orange on their board orange that's how many all right so ready you're gonna put four pieces down I'll do it like last all right Ben move the do four times ready four good AR can you hand the D to Ella oh what did she get four wow the same as the other group all right Joseph you're G to put four pieces down ready let's count one four good job is going to move the duck one two three four good you got your tie you're equal right now and what does it for good okay this letter that letter what letter is [Music] that right so finally our registration opens on March 1st at 8:30 a.m. last year we closed in just a few hours so we're hoping that that happens again um please follow us on social media for all of our events and I just want to thank everybody again for this opportunity to present and share all the wonderful things that are taking place at dun so thank you aw thank you very much all right uh the next uh portion of the bar and at Brag we're going to take about 20 minutes uh so as you guys know we do three data harvests a year uh the beginning of the year when we kick off it's usually setting goals for the year and kind of where our starting points are uh what you'll see when you go to the different stations back there now is a Midway check-in so you'll get an idea of how we are doing Midway and then you'll get get an idea of any kind of actionable steps that are going to be put into place to uh to attack any of the deficits that we're seeing but we'll also then highlight a lot of the positives that are going on uh so we're going to take like I said about 15 to 20 minutes uh to go back there and to walk around so without further Ado it's 655 so we'll go to about 710 7:15 all right all right thank you while everybody is making their way back up to the DI I just wanted to take an opportunity to uh give a big shout out and thank you uh to all the administration the instructional coaches the Master Teachers the staff that all uh rallied uh to put together this data Harvest I know a lot of work and time and energy goes into this um but I know even more time and energy goes into uh the results that you guys are seeing back there which is very exciting so uh thank you to everybody that was involved in that and then just going to read off a few highlights again as uh the board members make their way back to the day so uh first just wanted to uh recognize Brian Weber he's our SRO at the high school uh we recently had uh resource uh national school resource officer appreciation day so Brian's been with us a few years now and uh his uh impact that he has in the school uh cannot be understated he is an absolute uh um resource to the students to the staff he's an uh he Fosters amazing relationships with the student body um he is right there when you need him he goes above and beyond he is an unbelievable uh person uh and he really is a um has been an incredible addition uh for the last few years to the high school so cannot say enough positive things about Brian Weber so thank you uh congratulations to Melissa Hayes uh uh this year we started a barnegate school safety award and what that is is it's nominations by their peers um for something uh that a staff member does uh that goes above and beyond uh to keep our students and staff safe uh she was the first teacher to be recognized for uh uh something that she had done a few weeks ago uh when um uh obviously the event that happened in the town and the schools were in uh lockdown uh Melissa really stepped up and and uh reported something uh to the armed guard that then got relayed to the barning police department and uh she really did an exceptional job there kind of keeping her eyes and her ears open so uh very deserving of the first safety award uh there is a nomination form right on the website so if as a staff member you see something that a staff member does uh to go above and beyond for the school safety please nominate them for their chance to win a gift card um members of The High School uh safety ambassador program started their first round of instructional activities at Collins uh so that was really cool to to see those students go down there and teach safety lessons to the younger students um so I'm sure you've seen on social media some of those pictures that were posted so a big shout out to them uh there was a number of Athletics uh that uh board member fedori touched upon before but I'm going to run through these really quick but we did have a number of really uh outstanding athletic accomplishments uh over the last few weeks so congratulations to BHS indoor color guard on an outstanding weekend they took first place at the Scholastic Regional a division at Southern Regional High School congratulations to Sarah shager Liz watz Ka pis pizor pisor Zusi sorry if I butchered that which I probably did and Allison sojack on Breaking the school record for the 400 free congratulations to Christopher Duo on breaking his own School record in the 200 free congratulations to Tyler uh finle on Breaking the school record in the 100 freestyle congratulations to the girls freshman basketball team for finishing the season undefeated with a record of 13-0 congratulations to Winter Delaney for winning the BHS poetry out loud competition uh winter competed in the region 3 contest and was only representative from a traditional public high school in the entire Ocean County congratulations to the brakman and BHS cheerleaders took first place in the medium varsity game day and third in small Varsity traditional at the Roxy Rumble congratulations to the champions of the 35th annual Lakewood Scotch doubles uh Jamie White and AJ Walcott took the High series of 134 and bowled the third highest game at 227 uh something uh to shift back to the high school uh we've had uh care closets and confidence closets in the district for the last couple years uh thanks to donations that we've received from the uh Mirage uh Women's Club uh to to provide basic necessities to students that maybe can't afford it um more recently though uh we've had some very exciting news um at the high school and the Middle School uh we're going to see the confidence closets uh are receiving a robust donation of $166,000 for their partner uh through a partnership with the prosecutor's office so uh through that in addition to what we've had up to this point uh all the schools now especially middle school and high school now are going to have uh very robust uh confidence or care closets uh for students that may need uh some basic supplies or clothing or things like that um that they that they could use that that maybe they they can't get on their own so uh one of the things that really stands out about this district and this community is how they rally around um individuals uh that need that individuals in need um and this is another example of something that's a really TR uh really truly uh amazing program um that we're looking forward to having that put into place um and this is uh I believe going to be Mr Brennan's last meeting with us uh so just wanted to um welcome Kate no I'm just kidding uh so just wanted to take a moment again to thank you for everything over the last few years you've been uh an outstanding member of the administration you've been a uh an absolute I think resource to the board of education to the administration to the staff in general uh there wasn't one crazy idea that we brought to you that you weren't willing to at least uh entertain and try to figure out a pathway forward um but over the last few years we've made tremendous accomplishments uh in the district especially investing in our asset uh when you look at the fact that over the last uh few years we've been able to do $15 million worth in uh projects and that has been at no impact uh to the taxpayer as far as additional uh budgetary referendums or anything like that so we've done a tremendous amount of work to the district to continue to improve the asset and make the student and staff experience here uh a memorable one and uh you know we couldn't have done that without you so uh thank you for everything that you've given us for the last few years and you wish you the best of luck keep your endeavors thank you um so with that being said I will turn it back over to you president's thank you Dr LS um next on our agenda is president from Mars comments I have several things just want to touch upon um one I want to start off by m folic is still here again a great presentation showing us at Dan of Life basically the the prek student um very exhausting by the end to see everything that goes on how busy they all are all day um and the things that they're learning at that that early age um that's fantastic to see so great job uh again for you and your staff at the uh dumpy school um secondly is the data Harvest Pro uh presentation that was just given again it's awesome to see that as a board member and I think I could speak for old board members seeing a trajectory that each district as as the year goes by where they're at how the improvements are happening and to see year-over-year uh Improvement in the district um from each School each class each grade um it's a testament to our our staff obviously um students and the administration um you know the hard work and dedication that they keep putting in um into our greatest you know investment is our children so again we thank you we appreciate it and uh proud of everything that uh the uh presentation shows us is happening in our district so thank you again um thirdly again just wanted to touch on for the public and for people that are here the board over the next month will be going into the budget process to work on the budget with the administration um we will be doing budget as a whole board this year so all eight nine hopefully nine member board will uh have input on what is happening on the budget what um discussions are had um and working through whatever we have to work through with uh Mr Brennan and our new PA that'll be working with us also um to get to where we want to get to to go and that again is to enhance and hopefully add on to what we are doing in this district and keep things focused and going in the right direction um again of enhancing our education for our students so that will be our main focus over the next month uh I'd like to take a moment to wish Ace get well and we miss you from the born family to uh Miss cochinada who is a counselor at the brakman school and has been under the weather a little bit we miss her and we are all looking forward obviously for her to come back and uh you know be back in the school again working with our students uh as uh I think everyone would say has greatly missed um not being here and lastly again I I know Dr lot was have touched upon it that Mr Brennan's last day again on behalf of the Board of Education um Steve I want to thank you uh again I was here when you hired um from day one you have been and I think Brian said perfectly because I think it was the word that I was going to use the pathway you always found the pathway um to whatever was brought to your table on either projects things that we were looking to do change that we were looking to make um different Direction with things you always tried to find that pathway that would work for everybody um you know and you always brought a different idea a different philosophy um on how to do things again you no matter what it was you you were there um and I again you can go back when you first were hired I think it was within your first year again bringing in a new superintendent and then a new VA all within the same year is kind of a big change in the district um but I again I couldn't be more uh grateful for what you've done in the time you've been here and um you know again I can only wish you the best moving forward and thank you for everything you've done in our district uh you'll be greatly missed um going forward so again I appreciate it thank you Steve still a lot of I'm you know I'll uh I'll fill it in later no hey we we've had our back and force but again just like in any family whether it's your family our family our school family you're never going to agree on everything 100% and people that are passionate and care about things will go back and forth and we'll you know um speak to each other but again always had the greatest respect for Steve no matter if we agree didn't agree um I know he was always honest and above the board with everything so again thank you again uh from the board of education for everything you've done for the district so you'll be greatly missed all right with that being said our next item on the agenda is item 12 public session right uh the baring at Township Board of Education appreciates and welcomes public comment advice and suggestions especially when it's intended to assist the Board of Education please feel free to speak to the board during the public session comments and discussion will be limited to one five minute period per individual unless requested by the chairperson to continue on a point of clarification public comment and special meetings of the board shall be related to the call of meeting in accordance with with the Board of Education policy each participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name addressing group affiliation if appropriate your anticipated courtesy to the members of the public and the board is appreciated so we just need a motion in a second all right can I get a motion to open public session please move second roll call Miss churny yes Miss conans yes Mr fedorek yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss leevy yes Miss tarnowski yes and Mr Sno yes's open you wna [Music] wait sorry I just had one more thing I just wanted to jump in on the uh uh to give a shout out before I forgot to do that uh I mentioned the confidence closet I also wanted to uh highlight you'll see it under uh donations under the second one the champion schools program $1,000 for the teen driving safety award so that was another initiative that was brought aboard so I just wanted to recognize uh Mrs duac she took lead on both of those uh items um and was able to secure those for the district so thank you for your hard work with that so thank you okay now we will open the floor anybody like to speak right here front row please Elizabeth F 15 heatherway barate um I have a question regarding the governance committee sure um the calendars are the links are there but we have no access to review the changes or the proposals so when I click on it I can't see what you suggesting what are the changes I heard in the beginning they said that there was only a change to add one snow day for this school year so I could I could touch on them so I believe those get released after the board votes on them uh this Year's calendar the only adjustment was we were ending on the Tuesday now we're going to end on the Wednesday so I believe was the 18th to the 19th if memory serves um so we're just adding one more day to the end of the year at this point no change to the upcoming day days or any no we actually uh so typically uh sometimes we would move a PD Day to a half a day um however this year we have two professional developments that are booked for that day for two different parties that we couldn't reschedule so uh one's for the administrative assistance and then one is for prek and the pre K1 is uh something they need to have for the compliance aspect so to try to uh shift that to another day would have been nearly impossible so we added the one day to the end yep absolutely so we added one to the end of the year and um I have made sure not to put my pajamas inside out so we get no more snow days so we should be fine okay um and I have a question regarding next year's calendar yes um this school year we had 17 half days 17 early dismissal days what are you proposing for next school year so I don't believe there's been any major changes to the half days the half days typically are the beginning of the school year contractually uh they're before any break uh they are the days of the teacher um uh conferences um so I don't think any of those have made any adjustments we've had half days for the finals at the end of the year um for seniors only for seniors but I think next year that might be one of the changes we were doing it districtwide for the last couple days um for the year and then I don't think there's been any major changes between last year to this year for the half days so with the increased number of half days at the end of the year for our elementary kids will there also still be the half day PDS through each month yes we have well we have three I believe half day PDS for the year okay full days or half days I think we have three full three half I believe is that contractual no uh the full day ones are we have actually Four full day PD days because the staff comes in before the school year actually starts so there's four full PD days that's contractual the half days are complimentary to the half the full days so the way that our PD Academy is set up is the full day provides that level of instruction the half day then supports what's on there and then provides PLC time and things like that so I just want to the board to consider the more half days we have the less instructional time there is the less we're achieving standards the less you know instructions happening so the more we can minimize that the better I feel as if this year's 17 days was excessive so so if you're saying now we have 17 plus more at the end of the year I that's definitely so um I would just ask the board to consider that um as far as instruction goes how much instruction is being lost and how much is being gained with the professional development I know our PD Academy is beneficial in many ways but also not replaced to instruction for our kids so that's all thank you thank you thank you very much anybody else in the public anybody we have anybody on line no all right uh seeing nobody can I get a motion to close public session please so move second roll call Miss churny yes missc an yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr Monte yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes and Mr sarup yes thank you door is closed all right next item on our agenda is item 13 finance committee motions motion one through 14 can I get a motion to approve those 14 please second roll call M Cherney yes Wisconsin Ana yes Mr fedorak yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski and Mr Sno yes all right motions carry athletic committee motions number item 14 on the agenda we have motions one through 11 can I get a motion to approve those 11 please second roll call Miss churny yes mcin Anza yes Mr fedorak yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes and Mr serno yes right motions carry thank you item 15 on our agenda is education committee motions we have motions one through nine I get a motion to approve those nine please Ral Miss jurny yes wiconsin Anza yes yes Mr fedorek yes Miss jeie yes Mr Imon yes Miss Levy yes Miss turnowski yes Mr serno yes motions Carri you item 16 on our agenda is Ed education committee information only no vote needed on those item 17 on our agenda is governance committee motions we have motions one through four and I get a motion to approve this Bo please mve roll call Miss Cherney yes Miss konanza yes Mr Fedor so I'm gonna go no on one um Miss Bas does make a compelling argument to have it looked at uh yes on two three and four okay Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Miss turnowski yes Mr Sno yes motions carry thank you item 18 on our agenda is Personnel committee motions we have motions one through 20 can I get a motion to approve those 20 please M churny yes mcin an yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes and Mr serno yes motions carry thank you item 19 is Personnel committee information information only for the public to review no vote needed and item 20 on our agenda is executive session and I get a motion to enter an executive session to discuss Personnel matters legal matters and any Hib incidents roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Mr Sno yes all right we're an executive at 7:30 I'm sure on how long we'll be several things to discuss I guess in executive all right cool ready when you are Scott just breathing in the mic a legit snore wasn't it right yeah now thats all right we got everybody yep doren's back up yep sorry one second okay good now all right call a meeting back to order please roll call Miss Cherney here miss konanza here Mr Fedor oric here miss jeie here Mr imonte here miss Levy here miss tarnowski here and Mr Sno here thank you 822 all right thank you uh I just want to real quick before we get uh into new business I know during the public session a question was raised about the um the schedule and a half days um we went through it Dr LS went through it and currently there are we have three days at the start of the year half days we have three professional de four professional development days we have two that occur during parent teacher conferences we have three that are contractual before holiday breaks and then we have four the very last week of school um um for students so in total you have seven 10 12 so it's 16 um with three at the beginning of the year the first week and four four the last week of school um so in the main body of this the school year you're looking at nine uh half days again just wanted so it's out there for everyone to um I know you could you couldn't see the actual calendar but it should be a calendar probably tomorrow probably the actual calendar should be back up tomorrow that you can uh view it so just to clarify all right so under new business I believe we have uh three motions yep we got hi okay we'll do number one motion to approve the hid report given in executive session by the superintendent a motion to approve that please so move second roll calls Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr Fedor yes Miss Jeanie yes Mr imonte yes Miss leevy yes Miss tarnowski yes and Mr Sno yes motion carries thank you uh under new business item two leave Mr Brenan will read that we need a motion to approve the separation agreement as discussed in executive session for employee 6621 okay thank you can I get a motion for that item please so moved second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorak yes Miss jeie yes Mr Imon yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes and Mr Sno yes all right motion carries thank you item number three on a new business Mr Brennan again we'll read uh would be a motion to accept the resignation of employees 6621 effective April 15 2024 have motion to approve that please so move second okay Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorek yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonte yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Mr Sno yes motion carries thank you all right item 23 on our agenda is adjournment can I get a motion to adjourn please meetings Jour M Journey are all in favor hi oppos abstentions all right we are adjourned at 827