##VIDEO ID:PikIQXYw78U## here Mr fedori here miss Genie is not present Mr ianti here miss Levy yes here miss tarnowski here m wurn is not present and Mr Sno here we have a quorum thank you please join me in the flag Sal flates the stand thank you all right all right item number five on our agenda is the approval of the agenda I believe there's no additions to it so I get a motion to approve the agenda as it is so moved second roll call Miss Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Mr imonti yes Miss leafy yes Miss panowski yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried you item six on our agenda is approval of minutes um we have motions one and two I get a motion to approve those two please so moved second or roll call Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori I'm abstain as I was not here for that meeting Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tanasi yes Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item seven on our agenda is our student representative Mr Daniel Hoffman um to give you highlights and updates on what's happening in our great high school here so turn the floor over to you mrman thank you so much Mr Sno good evening and welcome to everyone here today uh for those you who may not know me hi my name is Daniel Hoffman and I'm a senior here at BHS um I'm happy to be here today to represent the barnegate student body as the executive Student Government president at the high school uh we are finally back into the group of things and all settled into the new year and your high school as well as your student body has done nothing short of jump straight into action for change in the new year for those of you who may not be aware the barnegate high school has gone under a lucrative and rather intensive internal review for the last two years in pursuit of an accreditation from the middle States association's Commission on secondary schools the association accredits Early Childhood through post-secondary institutions in line with an intensive self-evaluation process that is used voluntarily by schools like BHS to demonstrate they that they are meeting a defined set of research-based performance standards uh we made it through self-evaluation highlighting a few key areas of shortcoming most importantly a need for improved benchmark scores um and the expansion of Greater and more comprehensive electives and clear career preparation Pathways uh but this accreditation stands to symbolize much more than a simple Milestone it is is the introduction and repetition of internal measures to continue developing a better educational in institution that continues to meet the utmost standards for educational Excellence this in no way shape or form is a linear process growth and development never is but this is a sign that the barnegate high school has the grit to go the distance alongside some of the best schools internationally the next step after that self-study was an on-site review and as such BHS welcomed a panel of four as an external committee sent in order to assess the climate here last week we welcome them with performances from our band the cheer team and the dance te team as well as a breakfast attended by admin Student Government representatives and staff through parents through the visit parents teachers and students were interviewed and were able to expand on what BHS does great and where we still need to make up ground the on-site committee concluded with great certainty that BHS is a place of great resiliance and possibility and we are very excited to say that we have officially been recommended for accreditation through the middle States Association again there is still a long road ahead but we are one step closer to a better BHS every day and that is what counts huge huge huge thank you and congratulations and admirations goes to the BHS internal middle States committee most importantly Mrs ktie Torres who is champion this cause with every bone in her body since the beginning uh on top of being one of the best world language teachers that BHS has to offer how she does it I will truly never know but the school and District owes her a debt of gratitude for such pointed and Monumental work on a rather related note BHS has already convened our first meeting of the student advisory committee we covered a lot of ground of what we need to do to improve our school and came up with rather loose action plans for the relatively close future in line with issues addressed in the middle States process our committee identified the need for valuable and efficacious relationships within the school and our best move forward seems to be a tiered mentorship program for all students but most importantly those who may not have someone to point them in the right direction or keep them on track while in the early stages of this process we are still determined to build a better Bengal Community for our students one at a time we also discuss the need for recognition of all achievements made by our students in their demonstrated domains every student who puts in hours of work and education into their studies or on top of them deserves to be decorated for them and whether that be a graduation or in an expansion of our senior awards ceremony it is crucial that we begin to look at students for their entire identity and what they work hardest for the committee also took up conversations on refurbishing the high school secondary Courtyard and repurposing it uh figuring out an efficient and helpful finals optout policy for all students in BHS and the need for philanthropy to give back to a community that supports the high school so often these last few topics are still being kicked around and have a need for further planning before paths forward are opened but all in all you can expect a lot more from the student advisory committee year moving forward that's for sure I did want to take a moment to highlight a significant accomplishment made by one student in particular uh if you saw education motion one on tonight's agenda you would see that Casey Selena a BHS High School senior is taking a rather non-traditional path this year Casey identified early on in her High School career that she wants to become a elementary school teacher and as a result is pursuing an independent study on early childhood education a faction of that is her gaining Real World experience in the classroom serving as an additional Aid to a variety of grades and schools schols Casey is attaining knowledge through untapped means that will prove vital to her future and that is exactly the type of work-based learning Barnette is exploring and what will set us apart from Traditional High Schools again Casey is setting the footing for so many students to follow after not only en forging her own path but specifically for those interested in pursuing education again it is these key initiatives I referenced back in the July meeting that will move us all forward and we are so lucky to have already made great strides in getting this work done for all of our stakeholders additionally it helps to note the opening of the Benny bites beastro it took a lot to get it to where it is today I know I personally stood at that Podium two years ago alongside 300 student signatories to stop the blockage of the Beast Ros institution but it's amazing to see that so many have hopped on board the project along the way to bring it to what it is tonight so thank you to everyone's hard work and now we can finally collectively celebrate such a great project um now just a few updates on BHS activities and day-to-day items our annual trunk retreat with the PTA was last night and ran amazingly and seems to only increase in turnout each year which we are ever so thankful for huge thanks to our PTA and our Community Partners for always producing such a great event for the community uh BHS fall Athletics has truly made a name for itself this year and we have the honor of sending three teams into state playoffs over these next two weeks our football team will travel to Mainland High School down in Lindenwood this Friday with girls volleyball hosting Pleasantville this upcoming Tuesday while girls field Hoy will travel to allent town we wish every team the best of luck moving forward and want them to know that they have the entirety of the Bengal Community behind them um big congratulations to our upstanders tonight and once again huge thank you to both Mrs Torres and Casey Selena uh but at least for now that's all for me I've said it before and I'll say it again I encourage anyone with questions concerns or interests to please reach out your thoughts and input are crucial to our success and I'm excited to see what that looks like moving forward thank you so much and with that I yield back right thank you very much Mr Hoffman um next on our agenda is Mrs morganoff to represent the bnate Education Association I know how to follow that up the Bea though wants to send a thank you to all the amazing staff members who came out last night to the trunk retreat we were able to give away books that were purchased through a grant partnership with the njaa along with candy it was wonderful seeing so many staff and families there we were also able to give out books food and fun growth charts at the LM at the dunby school math Carnival through an njaa Grant partnership the ba is looking forward to next week and seeing so many teachers recharging and learning at the njaa convention and wishes all of our families a happy Halloween okay thank you very much Miss morgano um next on our agenda is our committees each committee chairperson will give a a discussion on what's happening in their committee over the last month so I will start off with the finance who the chairperson is Miss tarnowski hi everyone Finance met October 16th which really seems like forever ago now uh we had no old business to discuss uh as you can see uh Benny's bangal bites is set to open soon so we'll look forward to serving students and staff as soon as it's fully ready to go we discuss the bills list and discuss the payments for uh Food Services and other line items we discussed tuition contracts and how those work uh from our ba super and director of student services we're thankful for the donation of school supplies from 92.7 wobm and uh that sums up everything we discuss this month uh next meeting is November 20th all right thank you Mr ali um next up is Athletics committee chairperson is Mr bork good evening uh we met on October 14th um as you'll see in the agenda there'll be seven motions that were discussed at that meeting uh their first four referenced uh some movement among some of the uh athletic teams uh you'll see head coach for uh the high school wrestling or excuse me uh Middle School wrestling as well as high school wrestling uh you also see bo boys bowling on there we discussed uh girls across they typically do this every year uh to get approval for a trip down to Orlando Florida uh it's funded by the team they do fundraising for that uh you'll see a motion there um bringing Mr koven some retroactive uh that was due as part of the Boe B baa contract um when all that was done and then at the recommendation from the ba you'll see motion s uh will list the salary guide for all the coaches uh within the district um that's it for that uh I just got one statement real quick for for the good order uh several people tapped me on the shoulder uh tonight because I been was missing an action the last two meetings uh not that I have to bring it out here but I think it's important um to recognize the folks that have reached out to my family uh unfortunately September 24th the morning of the last board meeting my father passed away uh it was expected just wasn't expected as quick as it happened um for those of you that do know my mother is uh participates with the uh the therapy dog program she's in and out of schools took some time off but uh it just really meant a lot to me and the family for the faculty and staff that have reached out so to better days I appreciate it back to you Mr s thank you Mr LC um next committee is buildings and grounds transportation is Mrs washburns chairperson was not here I don't know if there's anyone report out or anything report out okay we will pass that um education chairperson is Mrs churny thank you Mr President good evening everyone the education committee met on October 15th many items were discussed motion one to approve Casey Selena for the volunteer position that she's taking into the school that Daniel Hoffman explained very nicely um motion two also for I totally lost my spot um yes motion to approve the three-year preschool program for the lilan dumpy school for the years 2024 and 2027 you'll also see on tonight's agenda the rest of our regular updated monthly motions on the district's community- based instruction work-based learning locations College University placements continuing education requests field trips and out of District Workshops the committee discussed updates on career day at barnegate high school which takes place on November 18th in new business a presentation was given by the principal of Cecil Collins on allergy awareness lessons that will be infused in their literacy program we also had a presentation from the principal of Robert Horbelt School on our Freckle online program everyone from the students to staff are very pleased with the implementation of this program there was discussion on a youth tobacco survey conducted by the Center for Disease Control sixth grade classes were selected to participate in this survey however due to concerns regarding inappropriate content the superintendent informed the CDC that we will will not be participating on October 28th the barnegate high school had a presentation from the US Navy engineering program and barnegate was also barnegate high school was also selected to participate in an art opportunity for the Ocean County Department of solid waste management one will be on display at Sun Harbor uh the date for tender smilees visit to the Lillian dumpy school was changed from May 9th to April 14th and lastly Robert Horbelt sixth graders will be coming to barnegate high school to see the play Never Ending Story on December 5th at 9:00 a.m. our next meeting will be held on November 19th thank you Mr Cherney um next up is governance Committee chairperson of that committee is Mrs constanza who is online uh hi um the governance committee meeting met on October 16 16 on tonight's agenda there is for approval motion one to approve the second reading of policy 0168 the recording of board meetings motion two to approve the revised 2024 25 school calendar um that is under the new Bea contract there is an adjustment of the number of days from 184 to 183 work days the revised calendar for students and 10-month staff employees will now their last day now will be June 19th of 2025 after tonight's board meeting the revised 20242 school calendar will be posted on the barnegate school district website um motion three is to move the Board of Education to suspend the rules of bylaw 0131 requiring two board readings to adopt a policy and adopt policy 5770 student right of privacy with one reading to have the policy effective for October 31st of uh 2024 motion to approve policy 5770 which Dr lwis will discuss further in his superintendent Report with one reading by suspending the bylaw 0131 that's motion four and our next governance meeting will be November 20th all right thank you Mrs conenza um next up is health safety technology the chairperson is Mr ayante thank you uh the uh health safety and Technology committee held its monthly meeting on October 17th at this meeting the following topics were discussed health safety and Technology under the health uh section a motion is on the agenda this evening to approve the health Health Service Department nursing and Health Service Plan um and standings for the year of 2425 uh the emergency action plan for the cardiac Response Team excuse me will be finalized in November also a majority of the cardiac Response Team have been trained in CPR and the use of EpiPen uh there are some that were not uh available at that time when uh to take the training uh they will be trained in the week of November 11th on the safety the district uh Safety Committee held its meeting on October 8th at the time this time the committee members were given updates on claims work compensation autoc claims and student accidents also the security update uh the updated the committee on things that I have reported to the board during the summer meetings such as structural assessment uh that was completed during the summer the up dating of radios and door alarms for the high school uh also estimates are being obtained for door readers for Collins In the Middle School uh and also the security department is working with vendors at this time uh for uh Window and Door Shades districtwide uh these are black shades we we um the SEC uh security uh Personnel have shown us the shades the black shades uh to be put over the doors and windows that would be used in case of uh in a lockdown situation where they be pulled down and will black out you know that they can't see into the classrooms right uh under technology the the view Sonic boards are being installed these are whiteboards that can be used for presentations and also for students work in small groups so that they can basically navigate to through a curriculum together as a group um um that's all I have all right thank you thank you Mr Armanti um lastly is Personnel committee I'm the chair of the Personnel committee um we met on October 14th I believe um some of the things I'll just highlight on our agenda is we have a retirement Miss Margaret uh zahansky is a principal secretary at the Horbelt School is retiring um we have a new Ela social studies teacher at the Horbelt School we'll be hiring a couple of bus drivers um as we always can use just going through uh a couple of I guess uh in-house I guess promotions in a sense uh ground super uh facility supervisor and uh buildings and ground supervisor they'll both be uh assum taking over new roles um got Dina discipline some advisors co-advisors and sometimes Personnel gets it's a little boring but it is the basically heart and soul of the uh the school and it's continuously changing so um just a lot of you know filling in the gaps as the year goes along maternity leaves and things as such but those are the main things that happen in Personnel this month with that we will move on to let me catch up warm [Music] up all right sorry h uh item number 10 on our agenda is superintendent's highlights and information I will turn the floor over to Dr LS thank you very much uh so I will cover some of the highlights and a couple things while I invite Mr Gunnerson to come up uh to the microphone uh so first uh on the list uh big shout out to Danny Hoffman uh this year the barnegate high school proudly nominates Dany for the United States Senate youth program each year two student leaders from each state the District of Columbia and the Department of Defense are selected for this prestigious opportunity to experience the government in Washington DC a and receive a $10,000 scholarship if selected uh as a New Jersey representative Washington Week will take place between March 1st through the eth so we wish you the best of luck and we're excited to put you forward one of my favorite events every year at the uh on the athletic field uh is when we have an opportunity to honor our First Responders which we did uh the other night at the football game uh where we were able to raise uh donation uh this gets raised from the uh staff in the district uh through participating in genan days or a genan day I should say uh so each of the groups organizations received a $250 donation on behalf of the uh School District as a uh small token of our appreciation for all that they do uh thank you to the be PTA for organizing the unforgettable Harlem Wizards game uh another year another huge success um and staying in the theme of the Bea uh big shout out for the uh trunker treat uh if anybody had an opportunity to come by yesterday it was extremely well attended I feel like each year it gets bigger than the last so that's super exciting uh Middle School boys soccer won the Ocean County inters Scholastic League white division championship so big shout out to them congratulations if anybody noticed in the side parking lot when you came in the BHS art Department in partnership with the Ocean County Department of solid waste management unveiled murals painted on the recycling eagloo which will be placed at local marinas in barnegate so thank you to the students who uh who paint painted uh those uh eagloo uh if you had a chance to go buy if you haven't had a chance to go buy and look I would encourage you to do so it's uh just another example of how talented our young uh young ladies and and boys in the school are in the arts program um just uh piggybacking on something that uh Mr Hoffman said before middle States uh so this is a two-year culmination uh where they came to do the on-site uh their on-site portion of that um and you know uh we I'm not trying to uh to touch uh touch the pot of money yet but we have uh gotten nominated uh they they said that it was a Flawless uh um what the word I'm looking for flawless review I guess I would say Flawless review um so they are nominating us to uh for accreditation so we will find out in Spring officially it still has to go through a number of different layers but if you do a quick search online just to get an example of how rare this is to go through only four other high schools that are public schools in the state of New Jersey currently have that accreditation according to their website so so um it is uh it was a heavy lift um big shout out to Katie Torres who took lead on that um and compiling all that stuff but there was a lot of hands in that so when we get a little closer to and we actually get the formal accreditation then uh we will have a more expansive uh ceremony at that time because it is something very special um as president Sno pointed out uh congratulations to Peggy on her retirement uh she will definitely be missed at the Horbelt School um and I think with that being said that's all I have on here so I will turn it over to director of student services Mr Gunnerson uh so we can go into the upstanders portion of our and then I will Circle back and talk about the wands do not really foret good thank you very much we on yep okay well welcome everybody you guys actually got to have a special night with the opening so I hope you grabbed some food if you didn't have any already it was excellent um so the upstanders program it's actually a wonderful opportunity that we have here to recognize and celebrate the students districtwide who demonstrate a specific bangal pride trait the traits continue to enhance the positive student positive climate in our schools as well as at home school and in the community um it plays an essential an essential role in our Student Success and for this month our Bengal trait is the E of Bengal Pride so we're very excited also that uh this month Naples is going to be our restaurant that's donating a gift CER C ific for each of the families of these students so we're going to call you up one at a time when we call your name come on up to the front to get your gift certificate and plaque so starting off kayen zakai Brown Shelly kaen is a hardworking student has shown remarkable growth in her academics each Summer she and her counselor review her schedule to ensure she can take as many rigorous courses as possible while still fulfilling her graduation requirements and participating in the ro2c as an honor and AP student aspiring to become an obstetric anesthesiologist Kaden Works tirelessly to achieve excellent grades in her challenging classes she's actively involved in various clubs has received multiple Awards and honors and truly exemplifies what it means to be a well-rounded student her hard work and effort do not go unnoticed congratulations kayen Matthew malanowski Matthew is an overall great student he is polite courteous personable funny hardworking and conscientious his strong desire to succeed drives him to actively engage in lessons and seek help when needed to ensure a solid education Matthew is self-aware and puts a great effort in to meet and even exceed his own expectations congratulations Matthew [Applause] Amelia GIC Amelia approaches each task with determination and a positive attitude one of her impressive qualities is her ability to advocate for her own learning when she encounters a challenge she doesn't hesitate to ask thoughtful questions seek clarification or request additional resources demonstrating maturity and confidence Amelia actively takes owners ship of her learning ensures that she fully grabs each concept before moving on forward and in addition to her academic efforts Amilia is kind and respectful student who Fosters a positive and inclusive learning environment all of this combined with her dedication and hard work makes her an exceptional candidate for this recognition congratulations [Applause] Amelia Nicholas zacher [Applause] Nick always puts forth 100% effort in everything he does he truly is a hard worker who sets high expectations for himself when he encounters a topic or a skill that he struggles with he perseveres and uses resources around him to be successful his grit and determination exemplify a never give up attitude congratulations Nick Gabriella [Applause] alaman Gabriella takes her time with every task in class and has had tremendous progress with following classroom rules and expectations on her first day of kindergarten Gabriella was so excited that she needed several reminders now she has made tremendous progress and is an amazing role model for her peers Gabriella con consistently follows all classroom rules without needing reminders and is earning bangle bucks left and right she always smiles and dedicates herself to helping her friends make good choices congratulations Gabriella Denver [Applause] kinsky Denver consistently works hard and gives his best even when faced with challenging tasks he remains resilient ilent and knows when to ask for help rather than giving up or getting frustrated his dedication and effort have led to significant progress in prek congratulations [Applause] Denver Xavier Ratford Xavier brings a brings a bright smile and positive attitude with him to class every day he consistently puts his best foot forward and pushes himself to further his skills Xavier takes pride in not only his own success but also the success of his classmates he often cheers them on when they answer questions correctly congratulations [Applause] Xavier thank you congratulations to everyone and thank you to the parents great job [Music] here turn around all right guys bring in real Qui [Applause] all right so while Mr Gunderson is making his way back up uh to do his uh presentation on hip self assess report I will take a minute to touch upon uh the board policy that's going to be updated uh tonight 577 and the update for this is going to be uh to include uh the metal detecting wands um reason for this is that um as a an attempt to continue to maintain a safe and orderly environment in high school um one of the concerns that we've have and constant battles is is battling The Vaping that transpires in the bathrooms um so although Administration uh does perform searches um if a student is suspected of of having uh a vape on their possession um obviously those searches can only go so far uh so the nature of having the metal detecting wand will be to help identify if a student uh is in possession of something and is is hiding it in an area that may not typically obviously be covered in a search um so we appreciate the board's support and and uh continuing to do everything we can uh to strive and maintain a safe and orderly uh environment at the high school for all students with that being said Mr Gunnerson Dr presentation Sor if I if I could and I'm just catching this now I don't know so I just want to clear what we're looking to do tonight is we're looking to just suspend the bylaw 0131 which requires a second reading correct so everything's done today um what it looks down here it says that it's effective for October 31st of 2025 24 oh it should be 2024 yep typo there's an error in the agenda so good catch we we will update that accordingly when we read it thank you I didn't catch it before and I'm looking through it now good clearly I didn't catch it either so good catch we're giving a lot of advanced notice that this time next year you better not bring anything to school but I guess if you insist that we do it sooner that's fine we can all right Mr gers I guess the the next part of that question is being that there is the error and it is found prior to us starting we make the amendment motion yeah when I when I read the the motion I'll change it okay um to update the the motion yep thank you for pointing that out all right good evening so once a year we report out um our hip assessment so there's a self assessment portion as part of that we have to identify a lot of the different activities that we do in order to prevent um harassment intimidation and bullying within the schools so okay so as part of the uh self assessment process each of the schools um has to go through the different criteria there's a rubric you can earn a certain number points in each of the areas and those points are all added up uh the total possible score that a building can have is 78 points you can see there all of our buildings scored very well um and we're going to get into some of the activities that counted towards the different criteria that go into scoring ourselves on this self assessment one of the things that we have in our HIV policy that's allowed for us to actually have thorough investigation and and the time to really put into those things that are actual um hivs or suspected hivs is this principle uh determination so districts have an option whether or not to allow for a principal's determination or not and in our policy we opt to allow that uh latitude of the principles so that we could spend our time on the investigations that you know are are ones that we need to actually look into to figure out if it's an HIV but the bottom line with this is basically if what is being reported and everything being factual wouldn't be an HIV anyway we don't investigate to see if it's true if we're assuming that that thing if it were true everything that was reported wouldn't be an HIV the principal's able to say well what's being reported here is just not bullying and it gives our Hib Specialists the time to put into the actual investigations where they conduct um interviews of all the witnesses and students that are involved so this is um we're appreciative that we're able to have this option on the policy uh hipster is the online software program that we utilize to keep us in our timelines and keep all of our investigations organized we've been using it for a few years now it's been very good to us and has uh you know kept us on points so that we're getting all of our investigations done not missing any of the components and keeping it within the timelines a couple of programs that we have that are uh part of hipster are also these training modules so for the teacher teachers we're coming up on the end of October everyone's got to get their bloodborne pathogen trainings and you know some of the other ones that we roll out these modules to teachers for things that they have to have training that maybe you're not doing in person so these modules actually help on both sides so someone that is having bullying issues where they're getting identified as someone who's bullying other students frequently um or even if it's just the first time they can get modules that they are assigned and they have to complete that help try to reduce from becoming repeat offenders and then also for the students that may be victims of bullying or felt that they were and reported it there's modules for them too this gives us more time for our counselors when they're doing group and individual counseling to support those students and uh really has been you know helpful for them to have something to assign to students for them to do other than just the individual counseling they have only so many sessions in a day when we were doing the raing for each of those buildings there's different uh things I mentioned that are all contributing to reducing the amount of bullying and harassment that goes on in schools so I'm not going to read through the programs but as we go through these slides they're kind of long list I'll point out a couple of things that are on there um challenge day is really really cool um the local prosecutor's office identified last the first year that it was done we were the first school to do it and those guys come come in and run the challenge day with a group of students at the high school and our experience is that has been very impactful um I know that the therapy dog program was mentioned a little bit about that uh a lot of times those dogs that come in and offer their services get partnered up with counselors and it's really cool to see how much sometimes the students like guard comes down and they're willing and eager to come down and work with their counselor when those dogs are here so that's a pretty cool thing that we brought to the district some years back and contined to do the whole another long list so each of the schools has different things so if you look up there like random acts of kindness we acknowledge students when they are actually caught being good and so from a behavioral standpoint it's intermittent reinforcement right you catch a kid doing something good and they get that random act of kindness acknowledged some buildings have like tickets and things of that nature and so students are always looking to be doing the right thing so that they're always having an opportunity to be caught doing good um the caring closets that are set up around I know we have a very awesome one here at the high school uh Tracy had Duc the assistant principle here put a lot of work into that one and we got some grant money and that is something that really helps with students self-esteem and works towards avoiding students that would be doing bullying right if you feel good about yourself and you have those fresh clothes or whatever it is that they're getting from the caring closet then you know they're doing better things in school as well I love the Buddy program the reading buddies we have a few different programs across the district where we have students reading with other younger peers very cool program they get to model some of that good behavior and then upstanders who's the guy who does that I don't know I was up here reading a minute ago but I really uh appreciate the board's support and continuing to bring in Partners from the community and to recognize students every month that have been truly showing some of those traits uh the bangal pride acronym each of those months that has a different letter from the bangle Pride title that we use all are pieces that contribute to students doing the things that make them better all around students and members of our school community so that's a really exciting one that we continue to do and that's all the website is going to have obviously this link to it if you want to look more over those extensive lists of some of the things that we do and I was very proud of all our schools that they all had very good scores uh when they did the self assessment so thank you for the time and that's it [Applause] last but certainly not least I'd like to invite up Mr barbier uh to do the language arts and NJ SLA mathematics DM access for Ells and NJ GPA as presented by Mr Barbary and'll all right good evening everyone thank you very much Dr lws Board of Education excited to be here tonight uh a lot going on very special T I'm not going to take too much of your time I just want to orient you a little bit to the information is out there um kind of walk you through what is available this will be posted on the district website um we are required by uh code to present this in public session but just you know the format with the data tables and the charts and stuff it's very hard to read the numbers so I just like folks to have an idea of what information is available where to find it what they're looking at and then you can kind of peruse this on your own time um so instead I'm just going to hit some of the highlights so as Dr lat was said these are the various State assessments um and concomitant with that are the next steps that we take after we look at the information look at the data and use that to guide our uh decision- making going forward so let's start with some of the uh Greatest Hits here uh we there there's certainly a lot to celebrate uh once again a majority of our high school students were were deemed graduation ready uh by the njpa uh that's a test for 11th graders to to show that they are ready to receive their diploma the NJ SLA is in uh grades 3 through 9 and a majority of grades showed an increase in fours and fives from last year so a majority of grades showed an increase in students at or above grade level so trending in the right direction you love to see it shout out grade five 14.8% increase in the number of students meeting and exceeding absolutely spectacular you love to see that hard work over there on the mathematics side huge shout out on the BHS team Algebra 1 plus 133% I mean listen folks if you've been here for a while if you've seen my show before adal one was not always that great man it wasn't a little bit tough but we we had turned a corner it is heading in a really good direction very excited about that and geometry double digit double double 22% increase in meeting are exceeding so that's just fantastic grade four math double digit proficiency and increase grade8 dlm science 29% increase so we have pockets of the district that are rocking and rolling you love to see it um of course there are you know some things that um are going to give us a focal point to work on going forward um we did have a little bit of a slight dip in the NJ GPA for some students with 504s and IEPs they did do better this year in ela but kind of struggled a little bit more in math um overall uh on the NJ GPA Ela did slip a little bit last year we had 77% of barnegate high school juniors pass the test this year 76% obviously we're not going to stop till it's 100% um but we we're always taking a look at we know that you know some classes are a little bit stronger than others but we're always trying to you know raise the bar for everyone um and we have a couple grades like I said you know we had some pockets of huge success um and then we have some Pockets that are going to be a little bit of a focus for us this year grades three six and 8 took a little bit of a step backward this year um again we know that some cohorts are stronger than others maybe some new teachers in different locations things of that nature um so that kind of brings us to the next thing is well what are we going to take and do about that how do we take that and inform us to keep moving forward so I just want to highlight a couple quick programs professional development Academy you know we try to support our teachers u in any way possible and the best way to do that is to listen to them so who knows better than uh than the practitioners themselves okay who knows better what they need than the teachers themselves so professional development Academy is run by teachers for teachers uh years one through three are scripted out with topics that the um that the admin team has uh ized based on the data based on test results every year we're going back and looking okay we think we need more of a foundational support in this area or teachers need a little bit more help in that area um but those years 1 through three are scripted out by us years four and Beyond okay the teachers get to propose courses of their own design so if you're passionate about you know centers in the math classroom or if you're passionate about um you know uh using uh Choice reading in a in a uh you know in a high school School Ela setting whatever your topic is you know folks that have maybe graduate school experience in a particular area folks that hey I I went to an awesome seminar last spring on such and such a topic and I want to TurnKey that for my friends great fantastic so they uh proposed the course if you can get about 15 of your friends to sign up it's like a college you know course catalog teachers pick and choose which ones they want to uh attend uh if you can get that magic number then the course runs if not hey too bad so sad we'll try again next year um but really we found through that process teachers are able to um select you know tailor their uh um professional de development experience to what's the most gerine for their own individual needs and of course that leads to higher engagement uh more uh teacher attendance in these workshops and ultimately better practices in the classroom for what is the most important uh aspect of our school which is the children uh so helping children is the um kind of theme of these next few slides so again we're trying to improve practices we're trying to help teachers um and um which is indirectly helping kids of course and then we're trying to help kids directly through a multi-tiered system of supports mtss helping them with their academics with their attendance with their behaviors um and so we have a variety of tools in our toolkit um you know that are provided for them to help them in these different ways so we takeen look at uh all these different types of things uh they attendance data Maybe discipline referrals of course all the academic data they're passed through a three tiered system of escalating supports so if the kids aren't being successful at tier one which is your general classroom instruction we'll escalate that to tier two try to give them some small group targeted support bringing in a maybe a coach to help with some of those things and then tier three is like your basic skills and even more intensive support with some of our more specialized programs so we're always looking for ways to help kids um we have uh you know these are fors again I'm just kind of orienting you to this stuff you can produse it at your leisure on the website and again for behavior and attendance those three tiers um and we've had a lot of success stories with kids that were you know we were able to maybe intercept if they were going down a bad path and kind of reorient them to a better way or if there kids that are struggling in a classroom before they get too frustrated and you know and before it starts to uh you know lead to more behavior issues and things like that we're able to identify hey maybe you're getting frustrated because you're struggling with this particular concept and then once they learn that they're like oh this isn't so bad right so um again really just want to highlight uh the data Harvest process that we've put in place please do come back uh in November um we're excited to Showcase of our fall data capture um what you're going to see here in the next uh about 21 slides and I'm going to go through about one slide per minute no I'm just kidding I just no the format's not great but there is a tremendous wealth of information out there um uh we we do look at data by every variety of way you can imagine clearly I'm not going to go through this uh you know and it's entirety I did just want to make you aware um this will be posted on the curriculum Department website there is some really uh you know deep dive stuff in there so you can kind of take a look at some of the trends the areas where we have seen those growth um some of the areas where we're you know maybe making progress but not quite as as much um and then some areas where you know we have some work to do but but that's okay so um once again you know just in the interest of time here there's just an enormity of information as you can see it goes on and on and on I'm still going on and on and on I really like this stuff um but uh again if you have questions Jim Barbary curriculum Department please do reach out I I'd be happy to sit with you and go over this stuff and I will once again encourage you uh to please come visit us uh in November at the data Harvest so right thank you very much with that being said I conclude and I defer back to you thank you very much I was looking forward to all 128 Pages Jim had my schedule cleared for the night um all right under item 11 on the agenda is President's remarks just a couple things I want to touch on um item number one was um again I and I I've said this many times before uh as a board as a district as administrators uh we are obviously all here to give our children your children the best education possible um but to me and and I think everyone sitting up here the more I wouldn't want to say important but the thing that really stands above that that we look at every day is the safety of our children um you know that is uh on the Forefront every day um without a safe environment you don't have a great education so again safety is Paramount in our district um and I I know Dr L was myself and the board Prides ourself on that it's something we're always constantly looking at um so with that I wanted to touch upon again a situation that happened last week with an our district and kind of give some recognition out um at the Collin school um again my background I was a corrections officer for 14 years um worked in a prison so I know how a simple situation simple incident can go from nothing to um 100 miles hour in a second you you you always anticipate when you're in law enforcement that you know it could be the worst so when hearing that uh and again this is coming I heard from a couple parents that reached out to me directly and said that um they were actually in the school when the there was a lockdown last week um they were just amazed at how the staff um principal green and everybody in the school handled the situation um how the students were I mean as calm and and prepared for it as could be um they had nothing but great Kudos things to say and I shared it with Dr lwis um last week um so again just wanted to put a not been congratulations out thank you to principal green to the whole staff at Collins um to our students I mean again you always prepare and hope it never happens but any situation can turn to bad really quick and to to and you can never Monday Morning Quarterback and say well should they have done this should they have done that should they have locked down you know what lock down and as long as everybody's safe who cares be safe be safe be safe you know that's that's the motto don't uh don't worry about you know second guessing the next day so again I know I think Mrs Green is out there okay so with that I I would ask you please pass along to your staff um again our gratitude on our end um for everything you guys do and the situation how you handled it um greatly appreciated so thank you address what's that is there an opportunity to address situation the situ um at public session you can yes yeah um then the second thing I wanted to bring up was and I I didn't get a chance to bring it to Dr lwis but somebody in the public had come up to me I think it was last Wednesday and it said um they were behind one of our school buses on one of the streets in the development and they said they were again extremely impressed how the bus driver bus driver number was bus 28 in the morning I he didn't get a name or whatever um but he said there was a line of cars behind the bus the bus at every bus stop even though people were getting a little impatient maybe late for work or whatever um the bus driver pulled out when at every bus stop to ensure that nobody even though you're not supposed to nobody would go by to make sure the students got on didn't have to worry about anyone trying to pass the bus and then after after about four or five different stops pulled over to the side and allowed you know 10 12 15 cars to pass again putting the safety of our students first um so I know Lisa is back back there somewhere again um so again the dedication of our staff again it should be pointed out when they go above Beyond and uh you know do what's best for our students so again just want to acknowledge it not that I know who the bus driver was he just gave me a bus number um and said he again was really impressed um and how they handled the situation with a bunch of impatient um drivers behind them and kind of beeping and getting you know a little testy um but handled it professionally so again kudos to them and with that that's all I have under my remarks so we will move to item 12 which is public session you want to make a motion want make a motion do we make a motion you read it at all okay the barnica Township Board of Education appreciates and welcomes public comment advice and suggestions especially when it's intended to assist the Board of Education please feel free to speak to the board during the public session comments and discussion will be limited to one 5 minute period per individual unless requested by the chairperson to continue on a point of clarification public comment at special meetings of the board shall be related to the call of the meeting in accordance with the Board of Education policy each participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name address and group affiliation if appropriate your anticipated courtesy to the members of the public and the board is appreciated with that can I get a motion to open public session please so moves second roll call beat everyone up here um one second one minute please M Journey yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Mr ianti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you and with that anyone from the public like to get up and address the board um please state your name and address and you can hi my name is Amanda uh I have two children in the Barnet School District um sorry was that okay uh so first of all um one student is in duny school the other one is in Collins and I'm here to comment on the Collins incident that happened last week uh first of all I'd like to commend the Colin school and uh principal green for taking the appropriate action last week when it put a lockdown in place I agree with you I think safety is number one but we've been talking about Improvement here throughout this entire meeting so I think it's an opportunity where I could share where I feel Improvement needs to be made and that's with the communication front for the past two months uh this is my first time in the in the Colin School my daughter's in kindergarten but I've had a positive experience in dumpy school there was a lot of information portrayed to students to parents I have a three-year-old and a 5-year-old I need information they're not giving it to me um and the information that has been coming out of the colum school from Principal green has just been very frustrating leading up to this point but the lockdown was kind of like the final straw for me uh I'm sure everyone here dealt with peanut gate at the school the amount of emails the text directing to emails was ridiculous but let me just talk about the lockdown on Friday October 25th at 9:08 all children at the col School were safe and more information would be forthcoming that was the text that was sent out now the day before we received the text stating that students should be in school because school starts properly at 8:25 not 8:30 so again the 9008 text said this is why it was extremely disturbing to me all children at the Colin School are safe they should be safe school starts at 8:25 I had no idea if they had evacuated the school if there was an armed person in the school I had went to the school previously for a girl scouts event the door was left wide open so somebody could have been in the school I don't know and then 10 minutes passed without any further information so now I'm trying am I calling the school am I calling the police department now there's other resources that I'm taking away from because the school didn't properly provide information 10 minutes without just sending a text that said that my student was safe and she's five I just want to understand I want I don't even want to understand anything I just want to express that I don't feel that this communication was appropriate I think more action needs to be taken to properly train principles or other people who are sending out emails on how to properly communicate with the teacher with the parents and especially the parents with young students like me who have no other way of communicating like I'm relying on the teachers I'm relying on the principal so these were all minor incidents leading up to this again I'm happy that principal green locked down the school I still don't understand if it was the right parent or I heard that there was a gun that a kid reached for and again I'm hearing conflicting reports there because you're saying that parents emailed you and said that they were you know they saw the situation I've saw other messages from parents that said they were also in the school and that they saw a student reach for a gun twice and that's when an Irate parent came involved is that student school like allowed on student property is that kid still allowed on students like I just I just want you to understand how frustrating this was again I appreciate the action that was taken but the communication needs to be addressed and I think there's always room for improvement there's always room for training and and again uh I just came up here and I attended the meeting tonight this is my first time it was really nice seeing all the upstanding students and I hope I can come back one day for something more positive experience but I just wanted to make sure that you understood how upsetting to receive a text at 908 when my kid should have been in school that she was safe like that I never should have received a text like that and I just want to make sure that that was clear all thank you thank you I don't know if you want to address anything dris or give her address give her address so uh I did receive uh your email um and responded to that um you know obviously I think in in those moments uh when you're trying to navigate the crisis and you're also then trying to send out um information and I think in many times you're trying to then get ahead of the rumor mail that ends up getting online and things like that I think then you try to send out a message as fast as you can to try to uh calm the situation and then come back out after with more information as you're able to do so um so I can understand your point of view for e e e e for for addressing um that anybody else none I get motion to session yes yes yes thank you all right item number 13 on our agenda is finance neotion we have motions 1 through 10 make get motion to approve yes yes [Music] yes yes thank you item 14 on our agenda is Athletics committee motions we have motions 1 through I a motion to approve those seven yes yes yes [Music] yes yes item 15 on our agenda is education committee motions with motions 1 through 8 make a motion for two V [Music] Mr yes um item 16 on our agenda is education Comm many information is information just to the public nothing for us to vote on and item 17 on our agenda is governance neotion prior to going to the Motions um I get a motion to amend number three to read uh motion to move the Board of Education to suspend the rules of bylaw 0131 requiring two board meet readings to adopt the policy and adopt policy 5770 student right of pracy with one reading have this policy affected for October 31st 20245 so a motion to amend yes Mr yese and yes thank you now with that back to the regular motions can I get a motion to approve governance Comm motions one and two only one and two only um oh sorry one two and four and four M yes Mr yes yes and I'm going to get a motion to approve number three of government I'm sorry is this for health safety and Technology no this is number three under governance okay yes thank you um next up is it g te on our agenda we have one motion I get a motion to approve that yes and item 19 on our agenda is personel motions we have motions 1 through 31 motion those um um yes on everything but I'm staining on motion 28 um I would like to see further discussion on that motion item 20 under new agenda is Personnel committee information again just information for the public to review nothing for and next is executive session get a motion to Executive session to go personel matters matters and so [Music] yes okay your signs are looking like my sign I need to number seven this book has no know why you WI oh yeah but really is somebody [Applause] all right I'm getting joh John you leave him John fantino John I'm saying [Music] goodbye and she just figured it out good night Barn family you where is there they're uh having session in there [Applause] got to go you got to go know TR yes a you cut the fir it's only on it's only on almost and now a little oh yeah I wir be right now I've just got the one XLR audio hour at the uh graduation I had the two two in from graduation the do Fray no I found the way do no work [Music] right but that the parents tell it'll never happen of America but I don't know why [Music] [Applause] I know that well swear right at yeah what I what I read here the and yeah quality of and then I read cost spret about 80 times expensive 100 potatoes and two OV or [Applause] whatever I you can't mess I feel weirdin oh wow remember right I'll text that dude mik and give your number okay and I'll try to get a good clean picture of that shirt so you can let us know okay thanks you got t-shirts this is how I started you got t-shirts that B on I'm like I want hoodie he's like oh I get to order too many and I was like I might have a PL see you [Applause] later the board now pretty much St at the end for [Applause] well they still have a lot of work to do sink the oh yeah you'll notice everything everything that people can see is yes had people cleverly stationed standing in the doorway um you said maybe we do a little bit ofing now yeah it's not much put one speaker away yeah for for for days oh yeah Lo think I have 50 yeah a little it's a dollar blend margarit e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e oh yeah Mr D yes ma'am e e e e Tom I'm not hearing you are you muted can you hear me yeah we can yes good okay all right good all right ready you go like to call this barate Board of Education meeting back to order please roll call I'm I'm sorry I said it Miss churny here miss contanza here Mr fedori here Mr imonti here miss Levy here M chowki here and Mr Sno here motion carried roll call all right all right um under new business we have a few and I'll go through the first one and we'll you can pick them up from there under new business motion number one a motion to approve the hi incident report as presented in executive session by the superintendent motion to approve that please mov second okay R call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Mr IM yes Miss Levy yes Miss tanalski yes Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you motion number two under new business all right that motion is to approve the list of service providers um there is a b and c a is Alan J Lee and Associates LLC rates are attached motion uh B is to approve MC bilingual evaluations rates are attached and C motion to approve bilingual child study team Mo uh rates are attached can I get a motion to approve number two please so move second second R call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie I apologize Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Mr turnowski yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried m motion number three on the new business motion to resend employee 7317 as the high school head Winter Guard coach and as the high school head Color Guard comp coach positions were approved on the following board meetings May 28th 2024 and the October 29th 2024 agenda any a motion to approve number three please so moved second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes M Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tanasi yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried you is there number four there is and that motion is to file the uh motion to approve the following tuition contracts can I get a motion to approve number four please I'm sorry I didn't hear it Scott it's tuition contract so motion to approve a tuition between Barney for of Ed and little egg um for second grade General ed student for $1,146 B motion to approve a tuition contract between baring and Board of Ed and little egg for a kindergarten General ed student for the amount of 9,373 motion C to approve a tuition in contract between the barate Board of Ed and Neptune Township for a general Ed 12th grade student for $1,837 and d a motion to approve a tuition in contract between barut Board of Ed and a Tuckerton Board of Ed for a pre special ed student for the amount of $628 67 sove can I get a motion now to approve number four so move second Excuse Me Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss not I apologize my lines are all getting messed up Mr IM Monti yes Miss Levy yes and M tarnowski yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you and that was it yep okay can I get a motion to adjourn please second roll Miss churny Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Mr imonti well they have the the man on second with only one out so that's great Mr IM Monti yes Miss Levy yes Miss turnowski yes and mrno yes all right motion carried meeting adjourned thank