##VIDEO ID:v05_eAzTQj8## i' like to call this barnegate Board of Education meeting to order please the notice of this meeting has been forwarded to the Asbury Park Press the beacon tap into Barnet and placed into the foer of each barnegate Township School in the barnegate Township Municipal Building and has been filed with the barate Township municipal clerk in conjunction with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 4-10 a roll call please miss churny here miss konanza here Mr fedori here miss jeie here Mr ianti here miss Levy here miss tarnowski here miss wasburn Mr Sno here we have a quorum thank you uh please join me in the flag suit leg United States of America and to the repu nation under God indivisible liy jce thank you all right item number five on our agenda is approval of the agenda and auditions any auditions all good all good so can I get a motion to moove the agenda as it stands so Mo second second Ral Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Mr s yes motion carried thank you item six on our agenda is approval of minutes we have motions one and two can I get a motion to approve those two please still moved second or R call Miss Journey yes Miss Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item seven on our agenda is our student representative each month we invite the student representative to give a report on what's happening in our district and as always I'll turn it over to you Mr hman thank you so much uh good evening and thank you to for everyone joining us today uh for those of you who may not know me well hi my name is Daniel Hoffman and I'm a senior at BHS this year and I'm very grateful to be here today representing the barnegate student body and the exec as the executive Student Government president at the high school as we get ready to head off into the winter break it's important to highlight all the great work that's going on behind the scenes that gets us further and further towards the goals we set early on in the summer a huge goal of this year student government has been enhancing our Phil philanthropic activity in relation to the school and our ever so supportive communities and we have made great strides towards that at the last meeting of the student advisory committee we heard from Mr Bob kazlo on this child study team at BHS who also serves as the high school's representative for pause for a cause and he led us in on a few projects and happenings for such a great districtwide project and how we can help we have also begun the logistical planning stages of the blood drive making sure we have the resources space and equipment necessary to serve as a host organization we've also received the green light for a student-based philanthropic fundraiser and after a great conversation and early planning we are moving ahead with an overnight lockin rathon so much more to come and we could not be more excited we have also started the drafting process of repurposing the high school second Courtyard so by next meeting we'll have a few formalized proposals generally surrounding the idea of an agricultural green sprace and what that looks like physically and monetarily we are also beginning the structuring of our new found peer-to peer mentorship program focusing on the role of the upper classman at the high school as I've said last meeting this will address a number of culture and climate issues that BHS Faces by not only creating smaller tight-knit communities for students to build connections internally but also to identify issues among students that can either be socially addressed by the student Mentor group or hand it off to the proper Administration as there is a consistent Mentor overseeing each student it can also Advance the idea we have of peer topar advocacy and becoming more seen and better heard in the Bengal Community it too has the capability to help involve more freshmen in all the sports clubs and activities Barnet has to offer again these are just the early stages of this process but we are determined to build a more inclusive climate for all of our students one step at a time information was also presented in our push towards a finals opt out policy for all our high achieving students at the high school two schools were notably the Trailblazers of finals opt outs namely Ridge High School and point burrow both having academically outperformed barnegate and both a state and Nation information was presented on the merits of how finals affect a student the committee identified troubling statistics surrounding the physical and mental health of students during High States testing cortisol spikes in students upward of 30% lack of proper hygiene and exclusion of soft skills assessments all negatively affect students in the worst type of way it is increasingly important to notice that there are other ways to commun communicatively assess students performance aside from heavily weighted final exams it is also worth noting that students in barnegate are some of the most heavily tested in comparison to other peers quarterly benchmarks midterms finals rounds of State Testing PSATs SATs data is good do not mistake my words but when we start prioritizing data in front of the students actual learning and in-class academic instruction we sacrificed the purpose of Education we brought up another of other conversations such as process of blocked sites and the history of option two for Jim but as I've said before you can expect a lot more from the student advisory committee this year moving forward that is for sure a few more put ups for the district Bengal Athletics has kicked off the winter season with great showings across the board in swim wrestling basketball and so much more BHS also had the benefit of meeting with Donna Sato this last week in regards to the move over awareness Campaign which seeks to educate new drivers of New Jersey's uh around New Jersey's Move Over Law overall it was a very informative seminar on a safe on safe driving altogether and we are very thankful for the opportunity to learn from Miss sento's personal experiences BHS also had a great experience running our annual cookies with Santa event for the staff and faculty and their children at the high school almost everyone had a fun time but a few of our friends were a little intimidated by Santa but we won't fault them for that BHS also congratulates the cast and crew of the never- Ending Story at the high school for yet another successful production and person Al I would like to go ahead and thank both Miss Levy and Mr Imon for their years of service to their to this body and to the students of this District on behalf of the student body we are ever so thankful for your conscious and practices over these last few years as always a huge congratulations to our upstanders but at least for now that's all for me thank you so much for your time tonight and I yield back thank you very much Mr Hoffman uh next on our agenda is the barnegate Education Association liaison Mr Morgan off I'll turn the floor to you hi on behalf of the barn Education Association we would just like to take this time to wish the Board of Education Dr lawis all of our Administration and mostly our wonderful Barnet families a very happy holiday and a wonderful wonderful New Year that's all I have thank you all right thank you miss morgano greatly appreciated um next on our agenda item nine is our committee uh discussions uh each month the chair person person of each committee will report out what is going on in their committee over the past month and I will start off with the finance Mrs tarnowski is the chairperson hello everyone Finance met December 11th it was a great quick meeting with all in attendance we discussed our usual payroll bills list and reports and out of District placements and homebound instruction we'd like to offer our heartfelt thanks to the amazing list of donors please take a look on page five and six of your agenda for the full list thank you for helping keep barnegate Spirit Alive we discussed Dylan's wings of change if you don't know about it find somebody here to discuss it with it's a beautiful program our next meeting will be in the new year thank you for allowing me to chair this year I truly hope um in the beginning of the new year that uh I get to sit in the seat again and bring reports thank you to Bonnie and Bruno for everything happy holidays thank you Mr tarnowski um next s is our Athletics committee which is chaired by Mr fedori good evening um Athletics committee met on December 9th at the uh Board office in attendance were uh myself Mr Sno Miss Washburn and Mr Drano um you'll see on the agenda a few motions tonight regarding uh some movement for some coaches um an assistant High School softball coach and then some several volunteers for high school basketball boys basketball softball um three for softball actually girls basketball uh the board discussed and you'll see a motion on tonight's agenda for um approval for the football staff to go to Glazer Clinic which will be held on February 21st uh that's at a cost of $499 um gives the uh staff some time to meet with peers and you know other like-minded uh coaches whether you're on defense or offense um head coaches and just a professional development for them uh we discussed uh and you'll see on tonight's uh agenda as well approval for uh firecracker 5K um that'll be held July 4th 2025 um it will be sponsored by the barate high school boys and girls track team as a fundraiser um so there'll be more information coming on that and then we had a lengthy discussion about uh potentially starting up a middle school club lacrosse team um very important um for those who don't know we kind of lost our wreck uh lacrosse in town just from being aged out uh we have a phenomenal lacrosse program here in the high school and just want to kind of be proactive to kind of continue that and build upon that so there'll be more information coming out on that Mr Jano is going to bring some information to the table in January for you know potentially we'll see that on the agenda for a vote um that is all we do not have a date yet scheduled for the next thought it's kind of pops in and out until the new committees are made up we we don't have anything scheduled all right thank you Mr vork uh next is our buildings grounds Transportation um committee and I don't know if Mrs wasburn she sent it she gave me her um oh her uh committee minutes to read out thank you that's okay you're all right with that yeah uh Miss konanza will report in place of Miss waser okay the b& transportation Food Service committee meeting uh was held on December 9th um it covered updates on Food Services facilities and transportation key highlights included the need for an additional ice cream freezer allergy considerations for treat bags and hiring recommendations for the maintenance technician facilities update noted plans for Fe field maintenance and improvements to do work order system transportation topics include Personnel updates vehicle issues electric vehicle Grant considerations and new routing software the committee also addressed driver recruitment shared transportation services with wtown and ongoing budget management for out of District students that's um that's all she had and we'll meet again in January um after the reor all right thank you very much Miss conza for standing in um next is our education committee a chairperson is Mrs churny hi everyone thank you Mr Sno um good evening the education committee met on December 10th you'll see on tonight's agenda several motions I'll only highlight a few uh motion to approve the extended school year as follows the location will be at Cecil Collin School running from July 8th 2025 through August 7th Monday through Thursday motion to approve adoption of the essential skills complete elll program for schools online a program to support English language Learners another um motion um on the millennial Pool Management to visit barnegate high school during the upcoming lunch periods to speak with seniors about being hired as lifeguards for the summer of 2025 uh there was also um our regular motions um that we do monthly but um I'd like to really uh commend the committee was given updates on our student services as of December uh 14 of our students in the workplace learning program will be getting paid for their jobs nine students will be paid employees of their respective companies and five will be paid internship this is a first for any work-based learning program in New Jersey I would also like to recognize Anthony orio teacher of Music at uh Robert Horbelt School he will present at Workshop during the 2025 New Jersey state music educators conference in Atlantic City he was also selected to be a conductor for one of the South Jersey band and Orchestra director Association Elementary honory bands Mr Ario will lead a student group of approximately a hundred musicians in early may also barnaget High School will host a FASA night on February 5th to help assist families with filling out forms and we would also like to thank Donna satario mother of Fallen Trooper Mark Castellano on her presentation to bring awareness of New Jersey Move Over Law which was extremely moving and our next meeting will take place sometime in January thank you very much Mr Charney thank you um our next committee is governance committee and it is chaired by Mrs conon an thank you Mr Sno uh the governance committee met on December 11th on tonight's agenda there is for approval the following board motion a motion to approve the first reading of policy number 7450 property inventory um it's a revised policy will now state that the inventory will be done every 5 years for districtwide review of all district assets um there was also committee discussions on other policies that may be brought forward to the board in the future and our next governance meeting will be determined at the reorganizational meeting on January 6 okay thank you thank you very much um lastly is Personnel committee I chair the Personnel committee we met on December 9th uh um again uh we discuss Personnel matters uh I'll just highlight a few here on the agenda you'll see we have a preschool disabled teacher that's on the agenda for hire a maintenance tech um Power professionals uh Transportation AIDS uh pause art teacher and some advisors uh and several volunteers for winter guard and uh Winter Guard coaches also um on the agenda rest ISM that's about it just leaves yep that was it so that's all we discussed um our next meeting same thing will be sometime in January at a date to be determined so again thank you on that all right next up on our agenda item 10 is the superintendent district highlights and information I will turn it over to Dr lwis thank you very thank you very much uh we will start with the uh Proclamation presentation so I'd like to invite uh board members Bonnie and Bruno up to the front this would be the board would like to rec uh read the following Proclamation for Miss Levy and Mr IM Monti whereas Miss Bonnie Levy and Mr Bruno aanti did faithfully and conscientiously serve the barnegate Township School District as a member of the barnegate Township Board of Education representing barnegate Township and whereas Miss Bonnie Levy and Bruno aanti has served as a member of the Board of Education from January 2022 to December 2024 and whereas Miss Bonnie Levy and Bruno aanti has performed his and her duties as a member of the Board of Education in the best interest of the students and citizens of the barnegate Township School District and whereas as a result of his and her dedication as a member of the Board of Education Miss Bonnie Levy and Mr Bruno aaman has earned the highest respect and deepest appreciation of the barnegate Township School District its students community and administration now therefore for be it resolved as follows one the barnegate Township School District publicly acknowledges the dedication with which Miss Bruno Mr Bruno aanti and Miss Bonnie Levy did faithfully and conscientiously perform his and her duties as a member of the Board of Education the Board of Education wishes to commend and thank Miss Bonnie Levy and Mr Bruto aanti for their years of dedication service to the school district its pupils and staff extend their sincere best wishes in future endeavors two that the resolution shall become a permanent part of the minutes of the barnegate Township School District Board of Education of Ocean County three that this board secretary be directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be appropriately reproduced and delivered to Miss Bonnie Levy and Mr Bruno aanti dated on this 17th day of December 2024 signed Mr Brian lat with superintendent of schools [Applause] people EXP [Applause] I'd like to invite Mr Gunderson up to the mic good evening the upstander program is a wonderful opportunity to recognize and celebrate students districtwide who demonstrate a specific bangal pride trait these traits continue to enhance a positive climate in our schools this month our students exemplified generosity for the G and bangal pride we're very grateful to Our Community Partners and this month students will receive a gift certificate from lefties Tavern when you hear your name please come forward and join board president Mr Sarno and superintendent Dr lwis to receive your plaque and gift certificate Mario Nunes Lobo Mario is a generous and helpful student who recently demonstrated his kindness in an inspiring way one morning a staff member observed him sit with Miss Davenport as she struggled to carry multiple Starbucks drinks into the school without hesitation Mario approached her offered his help and immediately looked uh took the drinks from her hands as they walked into the building when the staff member later approached M when the staff member later approached Miss Davenport to inquire about the helpful student she admitted she didn't know who he was the act of self selfless generosity sealed the staff member's decision to nominate Mario for this recognition thank you Mario [Applause] Michelle yanes Michelle is a shining example of kindness and generosity as a dedicated member of the student council she took the initiative to organize a heartfelt project inspiring her fellow council members to create personalized cards for residents at a local nursing home with great care and thoughtfulness Michelle and her family will personally deliver these cards bringing joy and comfort to those in need her selfless nness and commitment to making a difference truly embodied the spirit of generosity leaving a lasting impact on both her peers and the community congratulations Michelle Joseph Jordan Joseph Joseph exemplifies what it means to be a generous and considerate individual always willing to go above and beyond to support those around him at the end of lunch Joseph approached another class table to clean up the mess left by a student who had departed early without hesitation he volunteered to help so the class could finish quickly and line up for their teacher his actions not only eased the burden on his peers but also showed great respect for the lunchroom staff Joseph's kindness and thoughtfulness are truly commendable congratulations Joseph McKinley Krogan McKinley demonstrates generosity every day whether she is helping a classmate or sharing her classroom materials she genuinely cares about others and consistently shows kindness in many ways in a classroom she is often one of the first to offer help or comforting words to a classmate in need recently McKinley earned two prizes from the prize box and chose to give one to another student simply because she thought they would enjoy it her thoughtfulness and selflessness are actions that make her truly deserving of this generosity award congratulations mckenley Carson Tavi Carson is a kind helpful student who always looks for the good the good in others he ensures no one is left out during recess assists his friends with schoolwork helps find lost items and is kind to everyone Carson is quick to lift others up when they feel down or troubled and his constant smile makes everyone happy at the end of each day Carson often shares jokes brings laughter and joy to the class a perfect way to wrap up our time together he is an exceptional student we're lucky to have him in our class congratulations Carson Jessica estrich [Applause] Jesse consistently demonstrates kindness and generosity toward her fellow students she's always ready to lend a helping hand and quick to assist when a friend is struggling whether offering support or sharing something appear needs Jesse does so willingly and wholeheartedly her positive attitude and willingness to help others create a warm and inclusive environment in the classroom her actions have made a her a role model for her peers congratulations Jessie Lucas Molina Lucas consistently demonstrates generosity and thoughtfulness both with his peers and in the classroom he's always willing to hold the door for his classmates and ensures no one is Left Behind in the group when a here seems upset Lucas shows genuine care and concern by asking what they like and seeing how he can help Al alongside focusing on improving his own skills he takes an active interest in the progress of others in the class highlighting his supportive and kind nature congratulations Lucas [Applause] congratulations to everyone and thank you [Applause] parents he's like I'm out looks like all dressed up I know the same time next I'd like to invite Miss anola up to the mic good evening everyone tonight for the barnegate brag we have the Don Hugh chorus our chorus is our made up of our fourth graders Mrs coun is our wonderful music teacher who has 130 fourth grade course students that is half of our grade level so tonight some of them have come here to spread some holiday cheer they performed for their peers last week and for the community in the evening last week and did a wonderful job we are so proud of them so spread your holiday cheer and enjoy the Most Wonderful Time of the [Music] Year oh [Music] like the lik this holiday by up the brightest Bri this [Music] holid put on your Mary put on your glow let your inner bring out the Happ bring out the cheer it's that magic time of everybody singing la la everybody singing la la everybody singing la la la everybody singing la la la la la it's holiday this [Music] holid this holid this holiday up the brightest price holid [Music] put on youry on your your in out Happ bring out the cheer that magic time of everybody singing la la everybody singing la everybody singing la la la everybody singing la la la la [Music] this holiday this [Music] holiday this H holid peaceful feelings [Music] Alles sharing Sweet Sound peaceful feelings all [Music] sh everybody singing la everybody singing la everybody sing everybody sing everybody sing La La everybody singing la la la everybody singing la la everybody [Music] [Applause] sing we're going to do one more for you um every time we get to this time of year everyone hears about Rudolph but we found a song about another reindeer uh and this I think was definitely our favorite from our concert yeah yeah yes so we are going to share Len's Boogie with [Music] you and Dancer do you know do you know do you no [Music] BL he's a boogy boy right here andies all [Music] day you [Music] Daner do do you [Music] he's a boogie boogie reer and he boogies all day kind of when the season is away on [Music] and his are he [Music] aot do do do you BL [Music] it's a boogie boie reer and boogies all [Music] day a boogie [Music] boie boies all day a boogie boie reer and boogies all day [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah thank you very much we hope you enjoyed our holiday cheer can we get another round of applause they were amazing [Applause] to highlight a few of the other updates uh for the month few other highlights and a lot of people to thank during this uh incredible holiday season um first I'd like to uh give a big shout out and thank you uh to all that participated in this uh is the move over initiative that was done at the high school a few other individuals at the Das have spoken about it um but it was very impactful for our students and I know that there's been nothing but uh positive uh feedback that we've received from it so far um I'd like to shout out uh Dan McGrath and his music Ensemble uh that uh greeted everybody tonight and played I don't know if Dan is still here but uh it was also group consensus that he won the ugly sweater award so we do have a prize for him um if he is still here running down the list of uh some incredible things uh pause for a cause held a holiday family fun night last night was a huge success thank you to all of the staff members PTA students and Mr and Mrs Claus that volunteered their time to ensure that everything ran smoothly and everyone had a great time also thank you to Vinnie Pizzeria for donating pizza for all the volunteers they donated over 20 pizzas big shout out to the Beach Haven West Community which hosted a soldout neighborhood Gathering and toy drive at the manif furin to support pause for a cause all the donations will be used to help our Barnet families in need and we want to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those who generously contributed uh you will see more specifics of that in the board agenda tonight but it was a substantial amount of money and it was over 60 toys big shout out to the barnegate PBA 296 which hosted its annual toy drive to support families in need within our community officers collected delivered and sorted donations from local businesses and elf's house additionally officers generously Don uh contributed monetary donations so big thank you we have a number of holiday donors uh that we'd also like to include uh which includes Pheasant Run C Crest Pines Mirage men's club PTA sons of the American Legion barnegate Pride Rotary Club uh so operating room Nick Masa and our amazing District staff all who have contributed uh in various ways throughout this holiday season to help our uh larger barnegate family we would like to wish uh Peggy uh from Horbelt a uh very happy retirement uh we thank you for everything that you've done for us um you will definitely be missed the transportation department treated Meadows Edge Social Club to a recreational group of adults with special needs to a festive holiday lights tour around barnegate so big thank you uh to Lisa and her group for doing that congratulations to Nicholas Robertson who's the 92.7 wobm student of the week our annual polar event is scheduled for this Thursday the 19th from 5:30 to 7:30 at duny we have over 550 people registered so we're looking forward to a great night and lastly I just would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas happy holidays and a very happy and healthy New Year and with that being said pass it back over to you okay thank you very much Dr lawis and I know all the students are gone but that was a fantastic uh way to kick off our uh holiday uh season say be um even you know we're here I think the next few days but um I want to take a minute to uh put out my prayers and thoughts to the students and members of our community that were involved in the accident out here today um again wishing all them well Speedy recover Y and um you know hope all is well for them during the uh going into this holiday season that was a terrible sight to see and see pictures of um secondly I'd like to take a moment to thank Mr imonte and Mrs Levy for their service to the board um again it takes a a lot of time a lot of dedication to serve on a board of ed like this um Mr Le Mr my Monte and Mrs Levy again had a vast EXP experience in education that they brought to the table um at every meeting at committee meetings um again they had in- depth knowledge that I could say just about everybody up here combined does not have um they had a great perspective on things their sole thought every day serving on this board was about the best interest of our children um without a doubt without a question um so again both of you will be missed um your Insight your background your experience your knowledge um you again very seldom come across that uh uh since I've been here on the board and again I appreciate it I greatly greatly appreciate it and I'm sure the rest of the board members here do as well so again thank you for your time and dedication service thank you um thirdly I know Dr lat wased had mentioned uh Miss Margaret Peggy zansky is retiring after 31 years of service in our district on behalf of the Board of Education we like to say we greatly appreciate everything she's done for us and our students and our community um and lastly is just again everyone enjoy your time away your holiday season your New Year's with your family your children your uh loved ones neighbors friends um you know just enjoy the time of year it's that time to to celebrate enjoy and uh you know be safe that's the other thing be safe please with that and my presence marks we will go into public session okay sorry I have to F the page sorry Bara Township of Education appreciates and welcomes public comment advice and suggestions especially when it's intended to assist the Board of Education please feel free to speak to the board during the public session comments and discussion will be limited to one 5 minute period dur per individual unless requested by the chairperson to continue on a point of Cl clarification public comment at special meetings of the board shall be related to the call of the meeting in accordance with the Board of Education policy each participant must be recognized by the presiding officer and must preface their comments by an announcement of their name address and group affiliation see I got if appropriate your anticipated courtesy to the members of the board and the public is appreciated thank you can I get a motion to go into public session please mve second roll call Miss jurny yes Miss contanza yes Mr for dorik yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss leby yes Miss sanowski yes Mr Sno yes motion carried okay that is there anybody in the public that would like to speak once twice oh miss we here just uh your name and address you thank you hi my name is Lori padet I'm at 56 mutin AV and I'm a parent of child in high school um so tried to write this up I've already contacted some of the administrators so I was putting together some of my emails um but I don't know if you're aware but the high school currently has this great elective class it's intro to Aviation um it's taught by Mr Foster an amazing teacher if you haven't already heard about it um a brief overview it's a the curriculum was created by the aopa which is the aircraft owners and Pilots Association the entire curriculum including Labs activities everything is provided to the schools um so they don't have to do anything and it's supposed to be a four-year program at the end of the four years if students complete all four years they have all the book workk that they need to become a licensed pilot and then it's on their own to do the flying hours it was something that really Drew my son to this school we were considering sending him elsewhere and he's like this is for me um he loves the class loves the activities they've made hot air balloons they've had you know paper airplane challenges as they learn about aerodynamics and just really cool stuff that gets them interested um I did he came home basically disappointed the first day of school he's like my teacher awesome but he said we don't offer the other three years and in my opinion why start this program if you're not going to follow through so that's kind of why I'm here um when I did inquire I was told it's not an our curriculum guide so so you really never should have expected that the other years would even be offered um but I really feel that you should follow through um I do teach at a school that is offering the program we just started it this year we only have 10 kids in it but the school is already committed to see this through no matter how few students end up continuing um from what I understand right now there are two sections of this first year class with about 15 kids at least in my son's class so I'm assuming the other class would be similar so my thoughts are that you know even if half those kids decided to drop out there would still be enough of an interest to continue the program at least for the next year and see what happens Beyond there um I do understand budgetary constraints and that's one of the things that I did bring up with the administrators in my email um but I also know that barnegate is committed to helping our students achieve and grow to be Future Leaders and have some great careers um becoming a pilot is a career that is currently in high demand and I did I don't have that now but I did also in my emails to the administrators I posted a bunch of links to them as far as why this is needed and how it's needed and how it's really a great program that barnegate has um I did suggest some options like perhaps if you're worried about budget maybe next year only offer one section and have some sort of criteria to enter it maybe you have to write a short paragraph maybe you need a lack of discipline issue something which would at least open up one more section which might make the teacher schedule a little crazy but it would at least give an opportunity to continue to the second year and see what happen Beyond there um I also again know the teacher schedule is very busy so possibly looking Beyond just Mr Foster even though he is a great teacher but there are currently and I know this from just teaching at a school that offers it there are no um certificate requirements so anyone can teach this class so I'm thinking with the six schools in the district there's probably a part time teacher or another teacher that might be interested in taking on an extra class to help continue this for our students and the worst option in my opinion would be just cancel the program altogether because why start something if you're not going to see it through um I look forward to speaking with any of you that had any more questions in the future and you know the administrators that we've already been communicating a little bit um my son also learned at career day which barnegate had a great career day all kinds of different people came in and he learned about this something called the Civil Air Patrol which the administrators had suggested why don't you try and pursue that and we have and we're looking into it and something happened he wasn't able to go the other day they the guy forgot we were coming but besides that um I was also told that barnegate is trying to have a k38 like stuff Incorporated through the Civil Air Patrol to just help the kids this is this was potential um I'd heard it from Dr lwis so if you're going to incorporate stuff in K through 8 why not get this program fully running in the high school so by the time those younger kids get there they can have this program ready and inclosing I just wanted to say a conversation that I had a few weeks ago I was at a school event was talking with another parent and a student overheard me he's a sophomore I'm not going to mention his name it's not important but he said hey you know I was recently on the middle States at a middle States meeting um where they wanted to hear from students and he proceeded to tell us that the biggest issue that students brought up to the middle state committee was that barnegate starts so many great initiatives but they don't follow through according to the student his classmates think that barnegate likes to make themselves look good and either drops the ball or doesn't fully commit to seeing things through and it was really a shame to hear this from a student that he feels this way about his school and his district again this was not my son but just whether it's the aviation program or something different that is an elective that's a career in demand I feel barnegate should at least consider it in the future so thank you for at least considering this um I appreciate it thanks thank you again for bringing it to our attention I don't know if Dr lwis would want to comment any further on it sure so uh obviously we're in receipt of your uh followup email today um so I do look forward to responding to uh your email a little bit more in depth um yes we did obviously uh uh introduce the idea of Aviation as an elective um that is because we do believe that it's important and we do see that or we do feel it's important to have a pathway forward um obviously you know last year you talk about budget constraints you know obviously last year we lost $2 million in state funding so a lot of the great ideas I think that we wanted to continue to pursue um became a little bit more challenging obviously with the with the cut in in state and federal aid um you know I'm very disappointed to hear the student feedback as far as middle States I'm also kind of surprised to hear that feedback when middle States came and presented back to us they told us it was a Flawless uh visit um and they that didn't get mentioned at any point um and I'm also surprised to hear that given uh when we look at a lot of the initiatives that we've rolled out uh we have continued to expand upon them so just some of the examples um would be Ceramics had 160 requests and that became a Ceramics 2 uh recording Arts was popular had 48 requests and now we have a recording Arts 2 and we have a recording Arts three um so I would be very interested to hear what initiatives uh the student feels that we started and that we haven't uh followed through on you know because you know honestly that feedback uh definitely hurts uh to hear that because um that has not been the experience um as far as anybody can teach it I know you obviously mentioned the six schools um I think that becomes a little challenging when you just you know pluck somebody from prek and bring them up to the high school to teach I don't necessarily know what that would look like as far as coverage and things of that concerned um but we do have a number of obviously teachers at the high school that have a sixth period stien some of them have a seventh period stien um that is one of the areas budgetarily that uh obviously I'm sure the board can attest to this this has been a conversation over the last couple years about how do we continue to get more um people here how do we work that into the budget um obviously last year in our preliminary talks that was Conversation Piece was to add more staff up at the high school level um and then obviously we got a almost two million uh cut so um you know career day I thought was incredible I thought that definitely opened up a lot of uh different opportunities and eyes um I know you mentioned in there as far as uh feeling like you know introducing that and then not having it was kind of like uh dropping the ball um a little bit but I would you know uh respectfully say that we had a lot of different career I don't think that was the intent behind career day was to kind of open up the students eyes to some of the various things that were out there um and and by that logic I feel like we'd have to probably launch about a dozen or two dozen more uh career path so I will tell you that Aviation is something that um you know we can all agree I think is a demand a high man job at this point it is something that um we have discussed as far as continuing to expand out on I don't believe that um that that mindset or Vision has changed or shifted in any way um you know I think the feedback that we were giving at this point was it was it's difficult to commit to that at this point not knowing exactly what the upcoming budgetary situation is going to look like so I definitely I think your feedback is valid I think you know we are very interested we're looking for creative ways I really like you know your idea about having a second section and maybe having criteria to enter into it so maybe it kind of parses out some of the individuals that are more serious about it versus less serious maybe um and and create that pathway for individuals like your son um so you know certainly didn't fall in deaf ears in in that regard um so I I appreciate you know your your willingness to continue to partner and look for those creative options thank you very much um anybody else like to Mr s so the public record reflects Mrs wurn she joined okay thank you um anybody else in the public like to speak okay seeing none if I could just again I'll use this time um I didn't have I didn't think about it during my president remarks but I wanted to pass along to Dr lwis and um I don't know if Mrs Green is here didn't see her oh she is sorry um I again I was out with my wife for lunch last weekend at the doy's um sitting next to a couple gentlemen overheard discussion and the one was talking about his daughter saying she was a student teacher in our district or just finished up being a student teacher in our district um and she said how much she loved it it was the greatest experience um she it she this is the place she desires to now work she that's her goal um she currently lives with her parents in one of the Senior Communities um and I again he's dropping a little bit couldn't miss overhearing him asked him you know do you mind telling me you know a little bit about more about what she where she was and whatever so he was like yes she worked in the Colin school um she was student teaching with Miss Fitzpatrick I think it was um she said nothing but just glowed about how extraordinary she was um said she still even to this day even though she's done still reaches out to her and helps her and asks her if there anything she can help her with a sister with um through the process that she's still going through um and again he he said nothing but glowing things that she had passed on so again wanted to pass that on to you guys um didn't didn't think about it right down during my me my uh my president mors but again just to pass along um again it's great hearing that and just sitting there and hearing people talk about positive things and about um in our community I know you know a lot of times we do hear you know sometimes not positive and again that both goes both ways so I think it's important to bring out when when we do hear these things which is um was really nice um so again tell her thank you and greatly appreciate it on on behalf of the board so with that um can I get a motion to close public session second second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedorek yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tar yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you all right on our agenda item 13 is finance committee motions we have motions 1 through n can I get a motion to approve those nine please second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr poror yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Ley yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item 14 on our agenda is athletic committee motions we have motions one through eight NE get a motion to approve those eight moved so moved second roll call Miss churny yes Miss contanza yes Mr fedorek yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss sanoski yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item 15 on our agenda is education committee motions with motions 1 through nine can I get a motion to approve those nine please so move second second Ral Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr ranti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tanasi yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item 16 on our agenda is educ education committee information which is just information for the public to review no voting necessary I um 17 is governance committee motion we have one motion can I get a motion to approve that please so moved jaet R Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss taski yes Miss wasburn yes Mr sorno yes motion you and lastly item 18 on our agenda is Personnel committee motions with motions 1 through 17 motion to approve those 17 please Mo second roll call M churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss sanowski yes Miss wasburn yes yes Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you item 19 on our agenda is Personnel committee information again information for the public nothing to vote on and item 20 is executive session going to get a motion to move into executive session to discuss Personnel confidential and hi report moves second roll call Miss jurny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Mr tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you we shall be back out shortly like to call this Barn Board of Education meeting back to order please roll call Miss churny here miss konanza here Mr vorik here miss Genie here Mr ranti here here Excuse miss Levy here miss turnowski here miss wasburn here and Mr Sno here all right have quorum thank you all right item 22 under new business we have two motions motion number one can we get a motion to approve the Hib incident report as presented in executive session Dr lawis so move second second roll call Miss churny yes Miss konanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr IM Monti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tanasi yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried and motion number two on a new business is is motion to uphold the hi findings in case number 27251 0 motion to approve that please so move sove second roll call Mr second yep Miss Miss churny yes m contanza yes Mr fedori yes Miss jeie yes Mr ianti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tonosi yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you can I get a motion to adjourn please move mov second R go Miss churny Miss konanza yes Mr fedori Miss Genie yes Mr imonti yes Miss Levy yes Miss tarnowski yes Miss wasburn yes and Mr Sno yes motion carried thank you everyone please enjoy your holidays and thank you for your time uh during this year greatly appreciate it and we will see you come January well thank you are always welcome to come by meeting a Jour we'll we'll save you SE