all right good morning everyone it is nine o'clock I would like to call to order the Barrier Islands government Council for April 24th Let's uh please stand for the pledge i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay we'll start off with our introductions my name is is David will and I am the mayor of Readington Beach and we'll go to my left and then around the room I'm Jim rosc I'm the sorry I'm Jim rosk I'm the mayor of madira beach I am the treasur of the big city I'm John doctor vice mayor Treasure Island make it Megan Power City madira Beach assistant to the city manager oh hi uh Jack Prader reporter with the Tampa Bay Times good morning good morning my name is Adriana nees I'm the town clerk for the town of Readington Beach good morning Don Peters penal County School Board and Readington Beach resident John fansteel Indian Rock Beech Janet Wilson vice mayor Indian Rock Beech Christy herg resident Readington Shores Larry Shear fire commissioner Panela Sun Coast fire and rescue District good morning Gina Johnson Waterfront realy good morning Tim Johnson Waterfront realy and Tampa Bay beaches chamber board of directors I'm Molly I'm just a resident um Colin or trash Colin I am a beach Advocate and local resident here in North Readington Beach Christopher Hollands citizen Pig I'm Megan Blancher Coastal colleges with Tampa Bay Regional planning Council hi I'm Mike Howard um Town council member with Indian Shores good morning Jess kamaro Aid to commissioner Kathleen Peters BCC good morning odet Bruce Aid to representative Bernie jacqu good morning Sam Jenkins sbc's Institute for strategic policy Solutions good morning welcome to madir beach Robin Gomez city manager Bill Queen May of North R Beach Denise Mike Denise hit your button there you Center you that's it that's it I'm Denise hburg the new mayor at Indian Rocks Beach but apparently I will answer to Diane house we'll just put d on there good morning I'm Dian theier mayor of Indian Shores good morning Rich Lorenzen the vice mayor of St Pete Beach good morning Dave Gattis mayor of Belair Beach all right moving on to do we have any changes uh to the agenda motion to approve second all in favor I all right agenda is approved and do we have an approval of the minutes move to approve second all in favor I all right the minutes are approved moving on to the treasurer report Jim all right good morning everybody thank you for coming our opening balance as of March 2024 is $748 one the only dispersement was to digital digital out eel uh check number 1049 was for $85 our current balance is 6631 and our balance is getting a little low the last time the big CA has come to any of the cities and asked for uh a little reimbursement into our fund was over two years ago and what we're asking for now is if every one of our uh representative cities here would go ahead and um send us each $100 if that's not too much of you to ask and if possible uh within the next month or so Jim do that in the form of a motion oh okay we'll do that in the form of a motion then uh requesting that all of the Barry Ireland Council representative cities uh send The Big C a check in the amount of $100 I'll second that thank you all all right all in favor I I all right then Jim uh you can work on that email and send that out to all the cities please I I will with who send it to etc etc here at City Hall thank you thank you all right then we'll move down to new business consideration of the nominating committee recommendations for the big SE officers Bill nominating committee uh met and decided to uh select Dave gtis as the vice president of the big SE for the next term excellent and Dave has accepted yes I have congratulations Dave thank you all right welcome AB board uh now the oath of office for our new officers our town clerk Adriana will do the oath of office Jim were you sworn in at the last I was not okay well then I was in dispos all three of us are going to go up front right we'll go out front okay okay please raise your right hand repeat after me I state your name I David will do solemnly affirm do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Florida and the constitution of the State of Florida against all enemies foreign and domestic against all enemies foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion or purpose of evasion that I will well well and Faithfully that I will well and Faithfully discharge the duties discharge the duties which I am about to enter which I am about to enter and that I further affirm and that I further affirm that I will serve the Barrier Islands governmental Council that I will serve the Barrier Islands governmental Council as president as president to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and will strive to further its goals and will strive to further its goals thank you thank you very much [Applause] okay um I state your name I Dave Gattis do solemnly affirm do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Florida and the constitution of the State of Florida against all enemies foreign and domestic against all enemies foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion or purpose of evasion that I will well and Faithfully discharge the duties that I will well and Faithfully discharge the duties which I am about to enter which I am about to enter and that I further affirm and that I further airm irm that I will serve the Barrier Islands governmental Council that I will further serve the Barrier Islands government Council as vice president as vice president to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and will strive to further its goals and will strive to further its goals thank you very much thank you okay right raise your right hand please I I James rosac do solemnly affirm do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States of the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Florida and the constitution of the State of Florida against all enemies foreign and domestic against all enemies foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation without any any mental reservation or purpose of evasion or purpose of evasion that I will well and Faithfully I will well and Faithfully discharge the duties discharge the duties which I am about to enter of which I'm about to enter and that I further affirm and that I further affirm that I will serve the Barrier Islands governmental Council that I will Faithfully serve the Barrier Islands Council as treasur as Treasurer to the best of my ability to the best of my ability and I will strive to further its goals and I will will strive to further its goals okay thank you very much thank [Applause] you trying to get the American flag in there no you're good no say right sorry what oh D It's Too Late I saw glasses I know exactly okay I saw um representative jocks walk in and if um that nobody Minds we could put representative up first because I know he has an appointment uh with the governor in a little bit so representative if you're available and want to go early and and he will give us a legislative update all right good morning everyone and thank you for your service to our community it it truly means a lot when ordinary citizens step up and and serve and so um and we can't do it without strong local governments and so thank you so much for what you do uh for our County and ultimately our state uh so I'm representative Bernie jacqu I represent house district 59 which is Mid pellis County uh portions of simol all of Largo a little bit of pellis Park un orporated Clear Water up to B Road and uh with the old configuration of the district this seat was held by um now Senator deigle we had some beaches so there's no more beaches um um in the uh current District but we go right up to the inter Coastal and our beaches are are certainly intertwined with everything we do here in pelis County um when it comes to our economy U many of my constituents work on the beaches they frequent the beaches for leisure and otherwise and so I I truly appreciate your leadership um here um on the coast uh so we just wrapped up the legislative session uh not too long ago last month and um it was a very successful one uh for our office we passed um seven bills uh relating to public safety education um and and and economic development and we uh brought back over $10 million uh to the area and I'll I'll point out one of the Appropriations that we're able to uh shepher through was $680,000 to amplify Clear Water uh uh the Chamber of Commerce um at the regional Clear Water Area to start a uh a lab or U an entrepreneurship uh Center uh that will be an incubator to help uh those who are uh small business owners entrepreneurs um within the tourism uh field uh to be able to upskill uh get certifications uh be linked up with uh funding opportunities and so forth in order to continue this great engine that we have which is tourism you know it's it's great for our County but it's also our state's number one industry and so this will be the first of its kind um in Florida and it will serve the uh West Central area of our state and so a lot of entrepreneurs will be coming um into there uh to be uh trained um and and be able to further uh their businesses and one of the things that I hear often from constituents is number one issue in our state is cost of living whether it's insurance cost I mean just general inflation um you name it um one of the best ways to combat uh cost of living increases is a good paying job and so one of the things I'm very focused on when I'm in Tallahassee is to Spur Economic Development and this uh entrepreneurship um uh Center uh focused on the tourism industry I think will help uh towards making uh businesses more successful and ultimately uh bring back uh high-paying jobs uh so people can keep up with the pace of inflation and and and cost of living that we're experiencing so that is it in the nutshell I do have to to go to another event I'll open up for any questions does anybody have any questions for a representative yeah I want to know how you bring back high paying jobs sure so there's a lot of different ways so one of the things is again I mean you have a uh incubator that can help entrepreneurs um uh sustain their businesses and to grow their businesses um and certainly what demand um that can definitely lead to increase and and and pay uh one of the things that we did the first session so I so I fell to mention I just got elected 2022 and um the first session so 2023 we brought back uh funding uh to create a um a Aviation related um you know economic development project over at the St PE Clearwater Airport um and so that will help with infrastructure costs and be able to attract businesses that are Aviation uh Aeronautics uh related to come down uh to the state of Florida and so when you try to bring high-paying jobs it helps to have the infrastructure for these businesses to relocate so that's one of the ways one of the other ways this session as well part of the $10 million I brought back was $1 million appropriation to St P college that will create a manufacturing lab and um when you see what's happening um not just in our state but Nationwide um the decimation of the middle class A lot of it was these manufacturing jobs that were offshor and and communities were hollowed um used to be able somebody used to be able to graduate high school and hit the ground running and a manufacturing job and provide provide for a family um those days are long gone but I'm trying to bring those days back and um and where somebody can get a certification not have to go through a four-year traditional path rack up all this debt um and and go into a job where there the pay is not even that much keep up even with their student loans and so um city of Largo have seen quite a bit of manufacturers in that area we want to expand upon that so what this manufacturing lab will do is to upskill uh provide uh certification uh opportunities um in various uh Fields uh they'll be able to tra um train in the most high-tech latest technology and one of the best ways when you're trying to attract manufacturers to come back you know not only to our country but to our state that they're going to going to look to see if there's an educated Workforce that can do the job um that that that they're involved in and so when we can have that piece and say look we're training these students and they're ready to hit the ground running and what you do um we can attract manufacturers who come into our area that will lead to high paying jobs and then how does that conflict with Tallahassee dropping the minimum wage in Florida dropping the minimum wage yeah didn't they drop it to $15 it was increased so the minimum wage has been increased here in our state I mean there was a whole referendum a that's not what I read about thank you yeah anybody else have anything for representative JS well Bernie um I know you don't specifically represent the beaches but you do vote in committees and you do vote on the floor so thank you for coming out and and and listening to our concerns and and you and everybody else in the penel county delegation always has an open invitation to come to our meeting the last Wednesday of every month and we always have a great breakfast so why not thank you appreciate the invitation and again thank you for your service right thank you [Applause] sir all right next up will be our presentation from Mr cin please come on up sir thank you for being here good morning Council thank you so much for having me out here today so today I'm going to be talking about trash um my name is Colin you can call me trash Colin if you'd like uh it's a little bit easier but so I was born and raised here in uh pelis County grew up I went to Oola High School uh played soccer lived in seminal for most of my life and then when I so I moved to LA a little bit I'm not going to lie but I didn't like it came back immediately almost and um when I got to the beach which was 2021 I was on Readington Shores at first and at the time I was working on St P Beach here hearing how many people would come out to the beaches and tell me how much they love bringing their family here how this is their favorite place in the world and then I would watch those same people leave the beach go back to Minnesota Michigan wherever whatever state they're from and leave all of their trash right there in the sand and it never really made sense to me how you would treat your favorite place in the world like that so I just started talking about it and it has led me down to a journey I could have never imagined um I started posting my videos on Tik Tok and I just challenged myself to see if I could pick up trash every single day I went for 500 days straight um and now I'm at 2.2 million followers which I think there we go and this is I like to tell my audience that this is not about me it's not about how many followers I can get how many views it's not even about how much trash I can pick up my account is to show why I started and to show my journey of why I care about these beaches and then to hopefully give that starting point to somebody to take everything that I've learned myself and for my end point to be their starting point so that's how I kind of look at it um this is my account on Tik Tok 2.2 million followers and like I said they don't follow me just for me they follow me to see our beautiful beaches the sand that we have the sunsets the sunrises which I will say our sunrises are absolutely slept on quite literally nobody when I'm out there there's nobody and arguably better than the sunsets I know it's a hot tape but I'm standing by it so what I like to do with my account is I like to encourage that every day action um just kind of how it started for me I saw that there was a bunch of trash and I just wanted to pick it up I knew that I wasn't going to end the trash situation with a handful of trash every single day but I wanted to show that um that it is an everyday action that is possible and we'll get into it a little bit later but uh visit St Pete Clearwater and I partnered up in 2022 for the unwind and be kind campaign um which was kind of diving into that idea of voluntourism and just being where you're at enjoying while you're on vacation also giving back a little bit so this is what I think is really um what I was not expecting any of this to happen I picked up one piece of trash one day and I got to speak at Dartmouth to their um to their students last week I've spoken at Harvard Harvard to their um youth Summit and then there's the unwind and be kind campaign and then uh this year I was also excuse me I was also invited to the White House to speak about um how this exact thing how I can I've used social media to work with alongside and collaborate with my local communities and my local governments and um I know there was maybe a few of you that remember but 2022 I also uh came to my first town hall meeting ever and kind of proposed the idea of the toy boxes of how there was so much plastic beach toys just being left behind in the sand and I was like hey what do we do about this guys and then we all kind of like came together came up with the toy box idea got one on Readington Beach and now I've just I I was at the Earth Day cleanup this week and there's madira beach toy boxes there's St P beach toy boxes and I think that's really awesome to see again in the end I didn't want my name to be on it I don't want the credit for the toy boxes just going out to each new beach and seeing that there's a toy box out there was enough for me and so that's the kind of thing I like to to show is when I'm going to these classes in these different states and showing our tiny little Beach Town um and show all the cool work that we're doing even throughout all all of our um Beach communities I think it's really fascinating so just to really anchor that one down in there so the video I made about the toy box the first time it got 5.3 million views and 6,000 signatures to get this toy box at the time I think Readington Shores had 12,000 residents and with an average age of 60 so it was like almost half of the residents had signed the petition to have this toy box and I just remember the look on um the faces of the council when I when I went there was that many people car about this beach and and that was the first click for me that we can really really get some eyes on this beach in a way that is unique and hasn't really done been done before this is how I've done it so far um you know just sand Castle's Beach advice tips when people go out to the beach they actually don't know that sand castles and holes are bad for sea turtles it takes that just connection of like if a turtle falls into the hole they can't get out of it so that's basically what my account is about I have a younger following I would say about 7 to 14 years old as majority of it um so I talk about the toys the sand castles the stuff that you would have fun at the beach but in making those videos I've realized that a lot of this be beach in information has been lost amongst generations to the point where I get parents commenting oh I didn't know that either so I like to really just kind of start with the basics like pick up your trash you know um protect the Seas Turtles we have a toy box knock down your sand castles afterwards and that's always like a perfect Gateway into like I love going to St P beaches I love being in panel's County here some more information as to next time I'm on my vacation there and that's kind of what happened I I don't want to take credit for this but I do think it helped that we had one of our most successful sea turtle nessing Seasons last year and that's just because all of us are constantly talking about how to help these sea turtles sea turtles and then finally this is the part where I really think is really interesting is I've traveled like to so many beaches the past 5 years and I will say there is nothing like this community there is no Beach Community that lives on the coat that everybody is on the same page willing and working and coming up with new ideas as to how we can really further this Mission it's just keeping our beaches beautiful um and I've been to ataska I've been to dominan Republic Mexico um all over and every time I come home I just I get this sense of like Pride just of like how what awesome stuff we're doing and so there's some statistics about there there has been studies that 50% of consumers would rather choose an option that is sustainably sourced or eco-friendly and then TW they're willing to pay up to 12% more for that Greener option and so that's why I think we have a really interesting opportunity to kind of push the boundaries and what's been done before so um these are kind of the some of the Partnerships I worked with PBS they created robots that go in the ocean and spy on animals so they wanted me to show that PB uh peanuts take care they have this really cool initiative that they're doing that have makes it more interactive for kids to go outside fade straws that was our Gandy cleanup last year we picked up I think it was like 500 pounds of trash at that cleanup that was the largest cleanup of 2023 in penel county and then DHL they do sustainable shipping so they flew me out to Chicago to show all that um and that's to say I like to take the funding from all of these big Brands and put it back into these beaches in the way that's like is it a cleanup is it a is it a showing off a new event is it getting people to come out to something that's already scheduled so I think we have a really really interesting opportunity to kind of play outside the boundaries of what's already been done essentially that what I'm saying we have a unique opportunity let's PVE the way and this is how I want to do it um I know mayor Lisa is not here but she is such a bright shining star and I'm about to show you why well this is a video Us in theory all right so that was supposed to play but essentially the other day um I was out and I got a call in the morning and it was from Mike who works on the beach with us and Lisa they were just doing the beach Patrol and they're like dude you got to see this so it was a somebody had a wedding and just left everything out on the beach um we're talking like shoes the thank you gifts the setup the signs everything um and so I went down there we filmed it and while I was down there we were able to find out where to put all the shoes we were going to donate them we turned all of the leftover wood into a new toy box so not only are we getting this stuff off the beach but we're keeping it out of the landfill as well and we're also finding new sustainable ways to and and we were just joking around we're having fun thinking like what can we do with this stuff and so I posted the video and all of the comments were just like shout out to Mayor Lisa this is awesome to see this community happening like this um I didn't know that that this was even possible stuff like that and I think we're really starting to break through that idea of this is not we're not two different things we're not the citizens and the council we are all Beach residents and I think while really trying to lay that down it will encourage more people to come out to these meetings and encourage more people to be creative in the way that they want to either share their message or get involved in the way that they think is fit so um yeah I mean super super open to any ideas that you guys have I know David and I had talked Lisa and I have talked a little bit and just coming up with different ideas that we can do and so um yeah I'll put my my trash Callin at is right there at the bottom my name is spelled a little bit weird but please reach out I would love to come up with some different ideas even if it's just a cleanup or if it's a whole zero waste plastic Festival either anything would be cool and my I know my followers would love to see it so I I'll open it to any questions if you guys have any as well guess anybody have any questions for how can you ban plastic on the beach I think that's up to you guys yeah that's I think um I I would love to know that actually we just got to get it out of our society I I agree I think yes the prevention I agree and that's something I love to talk about as well is is not just cleaning up the Afterparty is stopping it from ever getting there in the first place and that's what was really cool about our Earth Day cleanup too is so I'm sure you guys have you guys are very aware of people coming in and be like can we get turtle safe lights um and I'm sure that has been a hot topic for years now and just through the collaboration and the network that we have had building The Last 5 Years Caddy's switched over to their Turtle safe lights at the Earth Day cleanup as an announcement Festival so it was like this cool celebration that we all got to see that like we're making those turns and we're we're inching that away and that's something that isn't just picking up trash it's like that prevention aspect so I think if more people just understood the difference between like anticipation the pro anticipating the problem and then reacting to the problem we could start Banning some Plastics a lot sooner well yeah I picked up trash last Sunday on Indian Rocks Beach and I'd say in my bucket the only thing that was in there was plastic plastic candy wrappers plastic caps plastic everything was plastic that's another thing is being really specific on the type of plastic cuz there's some disabled communities that need certain types of plastic but really the issue is those single uses the straws the forks stuff that you use once sometimes not even once and then throw it away um I I think that would be really awesome and that's part of the thing that I was saying is Paving the way is um Cades being the first like major restaurant location to switch over to Amber lighting is going to become a trend like I would say in the next 5 years we' see most of our beach locations have these Turtle safe lights because as the Community start to understand the importance they start spending with that understanding um and so if we can get the idea of prevention um across to the idea and really highlighting how that's important and and really getting these single uses out and switching and finding different Alternatives I I would love to see that happen and I know it could happen like that because people are ready right we have trouble with people still bringing their dogs to the beach yeah yeah that's a one you know I mean we can put out all the information and educational pamphlets we we can possibly publish and people don't follow the rules I yeah it's the rules too I agree is it's the sign I get that comment all the time is well you just need more signs and and if you need a sign to remind you not to litter then that's the problem like we we don't need signs we need people to follow the rules and it's not even so much as to like tell people what to do or not to do but un having them understand why that's a rule why we can't have the dogs it's not I mean same PE is what penel county is one of the most dog friendly cities in the entire us so we're not saying don't bring your dogs here it's like here's why we can't have your dog here and I think it's a lot of that Framing and the messaging that is resonating people the first thing I realized while doing this is people want to feel a part of a team working towards something bigger than themselves as a part as opposed to this is their issue and they need to fix themselves so um it really is just comes down to messaging and framing certain ways to get that Community aspect and get them not only involved but like passionate sweet all right well thank you um I love your your energy is is amazing and I love your the Simplicity and I agree with you I think anything is possible so just spreading the word and just going out there picking up some trash and we would love to participate in any kind of cleanup or any way that we can help or we can work together with you uh please and you're always always welcome to come to these meetings and awesome and all of our commission meetings and um you're also going to help us bring some youth to the Barrier Islands government Council right yes yes that that's my main goal I really want to get some youth in here yes you're reaching a whole different audience and then getting that word out so thank you for what you do thank you for being here thank you guys so much awesome all [Applause] right all right next up our our discussion items the uh Coastal communication PSAs with Balo uh Lisa asked me to place this on the agenda and we talked a little bit about this last uh go around this is the boat that goes uh North and South along the beaches with the advertisements on it um it was her idea to see if we could get uh well they said they have some free advertising space for us for things like no dogs on the beach or pick up your trash and she also wanted to use that to advertise for the barer islands government Council that we do exist and you know we have meetings on the last Wednesday so we can try and reach some more people so she was looking for your thoughts on that if anybody has any thoughts or if they would want to go ahead with something like that or and then if so what would you like to see on it the idea of no dogs on the beach and things like that's a great idea to try to promote the Big C I I don't think that's a great idea I think that we promote the big CA by all of us Word of Mouth through our communities and obviously we have a very small crowd here today because of the governor signing up and ready in Shores but uh if we just we get guys like this kid here you know talking about these issues we'll get a lot more people here talk about flood mitigation uh talk about the things that are affecting us big time get those things out last night there was 150 people in this room Jim had a thing on you you did the thing on flood mitigation it was a couple residents from our town decided to just share uh their information on what helped them during some of these floods unbelievable they did it at our town hall and we were busting out the seam so we moved it here U same thing happened so now we're they're going to be looking for a larger event space so there is our there is our key right there to you use this forum to talk about some of the things that are affecting us out here like flood mitigation somehow we need to work that in I know that we're we're limited to an hour so we need to figure out how we can you know 15 20 minutes of flood mitigation at every one of these meetings it's it was amazing excellent idea yes there definitely a need for that so um you're you like the idea of the using that signage for no dogs on the beach pick up your trash things like that absolutely bsas those are very basic yeah okay as far as promoting the the government Council I think we try to get more people here into the room you know yeah and you I think it can be used by the towns too for the events that they're doing for like the cleanup events that I think almost every single town have cleanup events a couple times a year sure you're specific to that town right excellent okay well great bill you have an excellent idea about maybe bringing in one person 15 minutes you know starting in January Big C boom boom boom and then that way we're not inundating people with a lot of information but with the meeting last night I saw so many people walk in and walk right back out because there was no room to almost breath in here it was so tightly packed which is a great thing maybe a second no I think it's a great idea and remember that was only announced to the Readington it really wasn't anywhere else so everybody has this issue treasure from from St Pete Beach to clar waterer Beach we all got flooded so you know it's it's an issue that will it'll get people in here well we will I will speak to those gentlemen who put that on and when they first approached our town and asked if they could put on a little seminar even they said we don't even know if anybody's going to show up you know so and luckily it turned out to be the opposite well now we can't find a venue big enough for them so we will we will go move forward with that it was great they were there they were not trying to sell you anything they were showing you products that are out there that can help you mitigate the problems or minimize the issues and they did they're excellent speakers and with the video presentation I I give it a 10 out of 10 but we have to do it again yeah I'm sure all right well we'll get them Encore performance we'll get them back John you have anything we're all good okay everybody all all right then um we've already had our our representative Bernie jacqu speak today so we'll move on to uh City events Bill everything's quiet North Ren Beach Indian Shores we're having our I'm sorry Indian Rocks yeah I'm going order Dian Indian Rocks yes it's all quiet It's All Quiet on on the Rocks all right we did it last weekend uh Indi insures is having their annual hurricane party on May 1st uh featuring a meteorologist Brian McClure he comes every year and we usually have a great turnout so people understand what they need to do in case of hurricanes and what the what they're thinking that the hurricane season will be but it's a very interesting event it's May 1 um we're also having in conjunction with our presentation today our Great American cleanup on uh Saturday May 25th 8 uh am. to 12:00 p.m. and that's in conjunction with uh keep panel's beautiful organization which uh we support and uh have cleanups multiple times during the year and we were also having our traditional uh Memorial Day picnic on May 27th uh at our Pavilion behind the M municipal center I think you all will probably get an invitation to it all right sounds great we go thank you thank you good morning well Lots going on in St Pete Beach I can tell you that um so first of all on the good side we have um the Army cor Engineers we're going to do a partial Beach re nourishment so basically taking sand out of the Grand Canal which is causing a problem over there moving over between uh fourth and 9th Avenue so we got a partial fix to that problem but we obviously all still have a long way to go on V tree nourishment uh last night we had another uh Marathon session part two for a conditional use permit so if you haven't heard already uh the uh committee excuse me the commission we voted three to2 in favor of the Trade Winds Resort Redevelopment which is a pretty big deal and uh trash Colin you made some great comments about Turtle stuff and that was one of the big issues is Turtle lighting and uh I'm happy to say that the trade wins agreed to uh all the new construction will definitely be compliant with Turtle trackers uh um interaction and then at by the end of phase one all the older buildings are going to get completely converted over to uh Turtle friendly lighting so that that was heard by all on the 29th of May we're having a boat ramp town hall there's we only have two boat ramps in St Pete Beach and this does affect other folks because there's some people that want to close one of them and I don't think that's going to fly very much in a Beach Community but that would have an impact so 29 May boat ramp Town Hall if anybody are nearby neighbors you might be interested in that um next month we're proud to host the big sea uh meeting at St Pete Beach so uh there'll be a lot going on that day and we look forward to hosting everybody uh lastly we um just I'm sorry we just hired a new city manager for the city of St Pete Beach uh a lady named Fran robustelli who I think is going to be a great asset for the city and uh we're all just floored by her her presentation her credentials and she'll be aboard on 8 July that's all I have thank you thank you very much all quiet in biller Beach right oh Readington Beach is all quiet just how we like it Jim M deer beach we're busy as usual which is a good thing uh we have our Market at here that's going on on Wednesday please feel free to stop by on your way out there's plenty of nice acuts to purchase King of the Beach we have coming up the 25th 26th and 27th we have final Friday on this 26 Dan and John's Pass May 4th we have the trash Pirates monthly Beach cleanup and on the fourth also we had the Founders Day celebration at Rock Park go ahead John couple of things happening down in Treasure Island uh we are doing a city manager search uh we had 61 applicants everybody wants to come to Florida uh but uh we have now narrowed it down to 12 and uh we'll be continuing our search over the next three months and uh we've had a lot of uh resident participation which we're very proud of people uh do want to see uh who we're going to put in charge of of our city and uh so that's all moving along very well and the other thing that we have is uh our Rock The Block uh I'm sorry Rock The Clock IT Rock The Block was the one that was on television that one's over everybody probably has seen who won but uh if you uh if I guess it's a uh would I say a um an alert of uh the announcement but the the last show did play and it was the twin sisters were the ones that won the competition for rock the block but we're going to have a rock around the clock event on May 11th starting at 6 o'clock going to 10 o'clock it's right in the downtown area we'll close it all down and uh so we hope to see folks from not only Treasure Island but uh all of penel County at uh Rock the clock thanks all right um I saw the Linda Cheney's Aid came in late so if we don't mind i' like to hear what um L they have to say to give us a legislative update as Linda is uh with Bernie uh the governor yeah so how are you guys my name is JP Gutierrez I'm actually Linda Cheney's uh campaign manager for this upcoming election um but I can I can give the the legislative update really quick um R Cheney was the one of the most successful legislators this session she had co-sponsored and sponsored a total of 12 bills which is the highest out of um any of the represent representatives in the Florida house for this uh this past session that went from January to March um and then the one that we're most proud of and we've wored we're working with Colin on how we're going to implement it and show it off in the community uh Governor D santis is going to sign it in a couple weeks but um the we passed a bill where it makes it a legal um um a a f and a penalty for you to intentionally release a balloon um so this is a bill that was um it was brought up from rep Cheney we worked on the on it in the process last session and then we finally got it over the Finish Line in this session and Governor santis is expected to sign the bill um for in in a couple weeks ultimately it it's going to protect our beaches and surprisingly it's going to protect the central Florida and all the cattle all the cattle industry within Florida um so really it it spares and it helps out a large majority of Florida with balloons being eventually when they fall they become litter and then trash and it's ate by Turtles and it kills sea life and it also hurts cows um you you believe it or not cattle will end up eating the balloons that fall on these farms and then they die because of it um it's a real issue within Florida and we're glad that we got it over the Finish Line um and rep chain will be back to talk more about that later um at a further further events but yeah if you guys have any questions I'll be in the back before that um thank you guys so much for letting me be here any questions for me um does anybody have any questions no I wanted to just point out that um Linda Cheney uh a very important subject for us uh the vacation rental bill yeah so I wanted to thank Linda Cheney I don't know if anybody's aware of Linda Cheney voted against the vacation rental bill so I wanted to say thank you for that yeah um that that's one of that's one of the biggest things when I go door knocking and we're trying to meet constituents and get to know one another but the biggest for me and going forward is seeing how we need to keep this Beach area very much a Beach area and a neighborhood we don't need it to blow up or do anything crazy like some of these other places around the coast of Florida so we really appreciate that and that's what we're trying to implement in in Tallahassee so excellent thank you very much all right right then with that uh we are adjourned everybody thank you thank you for being here e