I'd like to welcome all of you to our big c meeting in January uh I'd also like to thank Readington Shores for hosting today for us uh and with this we're going to all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Al to of the United States of America and to the for stands Nation indivisible liy andice for all may be seated we'll start with roll call uh one of my favorites mayor Queen Hendrick mayor Readington Shores P Mayor John Doctor John doctor commissioner Treasure Island Jim rosc mayor Mader Beach David will mayor Readington Beach cookie Kennedy mayor of Indian Rocks Beach mayor I thought I was your favor well you're also Dave gtis mayor of b beach Kathleen Beckman Clearwater city council would you go out into the audience so that everyone can introduce themselves absolutely I'm Robin Gomez City Madera Beach city manager and I'll pass please use the microphone to state your name and organization please hi good morning everybody my name is Adam Ross I'm the executive director for your state attorney Bruce Bartlett and I'm also running for tax collector good morning this I'm Diantha Shear vice mayor of Indian Shores hello everyone Helen roll on with Balo media good morning everyone my name is Malcolm Summers I'm also with Balo media Lauren cornu city clerk of Indian Rocks Beach Randy MOA trust yo Law Firm good morning everybody Gina Johnson Waterfront realy Tim Johnson Waterfront realy Tampa Bay Beach's board of directors good morning I'm an Marie Brooks commissioner madir Beach District 4 Robin Miller Tampa Bay Beach's chamber good morning Amy tall from San k t with here on behalf of the sanki civic association thank you Christy herck citizen ready Readington Shores good morning CJ Hoy commissioner town of Readington Shores M mlin Town Administrator Readington Shores Jolie Patterson Deputy clerk Readington Shores Jeff Rosenfield Tampa Bay newspapers Michelle cognetti Tom George businesses Hurricane edes Bob Schmidt retired mayor of bore good morning Mark Grill resident St P Beach good morning Chita Clark Duke Energy good morning everyone uh Eddie mcin City Commissioner of District 3 here in Mader Beach Christopher Hollands citizen passig GR Fred Irwin also with the San key civic association and greetings to Amy good morning Jeffrey Davidson fire chief for Panella Sun Coast fire and rescue District good morning Ray Kerr vice mayor madir Beach good morning Sam Jenkins spc's Institute for strategic policy Solutions hey good morning Vince snoi candid for County Commission District 3 thank you thank you very much at this time we will have our swearing in for the new officers for the big CA come with me we'll do go start with the chair and then thank you start with the U president and then do the vice president so than sorry this is all um I'm good raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name I Joanne cookie Kennedy do solemnly affirm do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend that I will support and its defend the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Florida and the constitution of the State of Florida against all enemies foreign and domestic against all enemies foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and the allegiance to the same that I take this obligation freely that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion purpose of evasion and that I will well and Faithfully discharge and I will well and Faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter the duties upon which I'm upon about to enter and that I do further affirm and that I do further affirm that I will serve that I will serve the Barrier Islands governing Council the Barrier Islands governmental Council as president as president to my best ability to my best ability and will strive to further its goals and to strive further its goals congratulations Madam president thank [Applause] [Music] you and just so one clear I want to make sure what is your title going to be so I say it right vice president just wanted to make sure yes of course raise your right hand I state your name I David will do solemnly affirm do solemnly affirm that I will support and defend that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Florida and the constitution of of the State of Florida against all enemies foreign and domestic against all enemies foreign and domestic that I will bear true faith and allegiance that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint to the saint that I take this obligation freely I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion or purpose of evasion and that I will well and Faithfully discharge that I will well and Faithfully discharge the duties upon which I am about to enter the duties upon which I am about to enter and that I do do further affirm and I do further affirm that I will serve the Barrier Islands governmental Council that I will serve the Barrier Islands governmental Council as vice president as vice president to my best ability to my best ability and will strive to further its goals and will strive to further its goals congratulations Mr Vice [Applause] [Music] [Applause] President Jeff yeah I think it be great everyone ready okay so at this time what we will do is we'll have to form a committee because as we have moved up in positions here we now have to form a committee of three that will make a decision on appointing another member to be our secretary treasurer they'll make a recommendation to the to the board and then we'll right we'll vote on it right I volunteer for the committee and then one more I will Dave so um Lauren for this you'll put down that Dave gtis mayor Pat Serano and Mayor Bill Queen will be uh the three on the committee to nominate a person to be the secretary treasurer and we'll we'll vote on that next meeting okay thank you um are there any changes to the agenda move to approve all in favor I at this time I'd like the um the approval of the November and December 2023 treasure report which our vice president will do this time yes um we have two reports since we didn't have a November meeting so our opening balance November 1st was $1,234 eight we had one dispersement to digital eel for $266 57 bringing our total to $967 51 our opening balance as of December 1st was $967 151 we had no dispersements and no deposits so our current balance is $967 51 thank you is there a move to approve move to approve mayor queen with the first and mayor gtis with the second okay uh correspondence we had in our uh packet uh a a letter and from uh Lindsay cross and I did reach out to her and just asked her and I'm just going to read this real quick to you because I I haven't even read it myself uh about the house Memorial Shoreline protection bill that she has um put forward with the federal government it says we are working hard to get the memorial heard in infrastructure strategies committee next week and I will attend the March meeting uh uh and and and that was that was what she wanted us to know so hopefully she'll be able to give us a update on the house Memorial uh with that is there any other question correspondence that anyone would like to talk about today that we've had in our packet anyone yes I would just say that it's uh representative burfield also with Lindsey cross so it's nice to have a bipartisan okay yes um appeal for that I'll reach out to Kim and see if she'd like to come too um and talk to us new business guest speaker Helen ralden from bahoo media and Kyra Everett but that's not you not no you're not introduce yourself first once again my name is Malcolm I'm also tag along with Helen today I'm the uh Vice President of Sales with Valley Hood media okay and uh we're excited to share with you a little bit about who we are and what we do perfect okay hello um my name is Helen it's a pleasure to be here um mayor Vice Mayors uh Commissioners and distinguished guests um we're here today to talk a little bit about um who we are and the different uh community programs that we offer um so a little bit about us we are predominantly an advertising and events company uh you may have seen us passing by in the beach um or at previous events in the community and today we'd really like to just uh introduce ourselves and and so you all know a little bit about who we are and what we do so who is Balo media um we are like I said a um we're uh predominantly an advertising company we are a minority Jewish own uh business um 30% of our Workforce are veteran hires about 30% are minority um minority members um we're we have a track record of generating you know Local Economic Development in the communities that we serve and working with small businesses to make sure that they're able to advertise at Fair rates in their in their Community um and we on uh we constantly offer different programs like Grant um Grant initiatives for for members of the of the community so we are water enthusiasts it all started with the water um we were founded out of our love for the water and our waterways and the people surrounding them um our company is a multimedia company where we really try to make memorable experiences for Brands Our Community Partners um in a memorable way with the with the public we have a very unique platform and so we use that to to our advantage um but we're more than just an odd we're we promote creativity connection and community so I'll talking a little bit more about that today we are the only billboard committed to protecting our waterways that's something that I'm so passionate about and um I'm happy to share the different programs that we offer and and that we do um 10% for the water is the first program that we started and so all um in for all of our advertising space 10% is always dedicated to environmental groups nonprofits but also to Municipal Partnerships and um and other uh members of the public that need to get a message out to the community um through the 10% for the water program we created three different uh programs that um we realize go beyond just just that messaging uh capability that we're able to offer um so I'm going to talk a little bit about those but they are the Blue Beacon program the sea program and our Reef program so little bit about the the sea program it's our Coastal communication Collective and that's predominantly what I I want to focus on today um this being the the big sea and the Barrier Islands Community um I've spoken to some of your colleagues about you know shared issues that um exist with the coastal communities and so we offer a platform that's able to spread messaging across the coast um that makes sense to to Residents um in the past we've worked with different elected officials different Municipal Partnerships um here we have two examples one in Fort Lauderdale um so we um the mayor of Fort Lauderdale welcome folks over to the International Boat Show um on the right uh we worked with the state attorney's office um in South Florida FL to promote a um anti-sex trafficking uh campaign um so it was a big launch um and we helped uh promote that launch uh when it when it occurred um a little bit um we know that one of the local issues is the uh Beach nourishment protecting uh and you know getting messaging out about sand dun so we have a little mockup about what an ad like that could look like um but in terms of local Partnerships on the right um it's a little unclear but you'll see we've worked with different partners here already like the national foundation for pediat cancer um so partnering with them and um uh their Halloween parade their annual Halloween parade something that um we've done for a couple of years now and we're we're very um you know thankful to get their mission out to the community a little bit about our Reef program so Reef stands for recreation events and um engagement for all and so what we like to say is our advertising dollars they help subsidize a lot of the cool programs that we do for the communities we try to make uh community events very um you know free to the public for the most part um so on the left hand side you'll see a scavenger hunt that we did with a a local newspaper um and that's something that got the community out they looked at different Clues on the screens and you know it's just a fun way to get community engagement um fun day in the community on the right you'll see we we did a a series of football watch parties at buoy um in Tampa Bay um and so that was a fun program where we we aired you know Thursday night football for the entire season last year um and then our Blue Beacon program this is something I'm very passionate about um something that we're launching in just a Sho a short few weeks is our clean water testing program so with our clean water testing program we're going to be out in areas that the state and local um governments don't necessarily reach right now um something that we realize is there is a gap in testing when it comes to uh water monitoring so we uh we have a very unique platform it's mobile we're able to get to areas that people do recreate in jet skis um and different um sandb bars um and we're able to test and see is a water healthy there um and get report that message back to um to the community so uh we're going to be partnering right now with Miami water Keepers for a pilot program and that's going to be starting in the next few weeks um we also promote Tampa Bay Watch so their oyster beef uh Reef ball program up here that's something that um we share in our screens and it's something that you know some of our um some of my col colleagues have gone out and helped uh helped with the oyster beef U Reef ball program um and the big part uh initiative that we've recently launched uh yesterday with the University of South Florida um we launched our seet expansion up here um in the Tampa Bay beaches area so every day that our boat is going out um and showing you know advertising images we're actually also um we're we're tracking the the shorelines we're tracking um the areas that we're operating in with with technology that they've installed on our boats and so what that does is it reports back uh to uh climate scientists it's part of United Nations initiative throughout the world and basically it helps not just with updating navigational Maps um I learned yesterday with the USF scientist team that um Maps apparently in the area haven't been updated since around the 1800s so they're working on um you know basically updating the information um for um for navigational um you know partners and um folks out in the water but we're also um collecting information on the seabed so as erosion happens as um you know things change in terms of climate um you know temperature sidity in the water we're monitoring those changes and Reporting it back so that the USF team can have that information and use it um to inform policy makers like yourselves um so that's something that we're very passionate about we already started the program last year um but yesterday we launched it up here in the Tampa Bay beaches area um and with that um you know we're dedicated to the community social responsibility um you know press relations government um it's why here today and um again just we we think that Bal who is a great fit for the Barrier Islands um we mentioned I mentioned this uh mockup that we created to promote Public Service messaging uh for instance like the sandun um issue for Beach nourishment um Community announcements clear water main libraries oh open now so that's just a sample of something that can go up on the screens um we have done different Public Service uh announcements emergency messaging so when hurricanes come um when there's like a a a main alert that needs to go out that's something that we also do and this is all in kind it's just part of our community program that we're offering and and that we offer continuously um here I I I come from a local government background I love Community engagement so you know let folks know that there's a city commission coming up um so that's a a mockup of that um and then lastly something that we're constantly doing every quarter as a company we go out and we do Waterway cleanup so anytime you guys want to partner with us we're we have folks that are ready to go out um and with that um one more thing I wanted to uh bring up on the sales side um we do try to work with local businesses to offer affordable programs that work with them um and their and their budgets so that they can advertise to tourists to local residents um and really make sure that they're also able to um you know to be on billboards and to to promote their um their companies um and really with that it's just all about stimulating the local economy so this is one of the clients that we've worked with up here uh different ways to use us uh we're here at your service um you know we also offer um movie screenings uh you know we have digital screens the capabilities are endless but like I me mentioned we we offer emergency alerts uh Community messaging um even art music and culture we've done art shows on our on our floating screens so if any of that is of interest to you um you know let's make waves I'm happy to answer any questions but like I said before um you know with this group being The Big C there's a lot of different uh messaging that makes sense for you all to come together and if there's something that makes sense in terms of you know CA communities that you'd like to to Reach the the public on um we're happy to to help you know with our inventory um help put some messaging on the screen and and work with you all to to make sure that your messaging is getting to folks so with that thank you so much thank you for the invitation to have us here today does anybody have any questions any questions from do you go inter Coastal and golf side we go on the inter Coastal um and on the beach side do you do the fingers on the inter Coastal side I you know I don't I don't believe so no so just the main Coast inter Coastal yes we have the ability to to go in but that's not where we we operate yeah anyone else any questions um I do Helen um can you just clarify for me the in kind services that you offer to municipalities that would be for educational purposes to the residents visitors correct so we um like I said 10% of our space is reserved for Community messaging and so that's part of our in kind program that we offer year round um so um basically uh the way that our Loop structure works is we get a request come in um we have a couple of allotted spaces that we we give out to um to cities to nonprofits Municipal Partners Etc and um that's just part of our in-kind program so we can work with teams to develop the ad ourselves in-house we provide that or um your teams can send over different um different you know messaging and then we can put it on our screens and that's just a service that we offer as part of our 10% for the community yeah might be a great opportunity with Turtle season coming into Turtle season uh yes oh absolutely yeah absolutely and we we can speak after words as well yeah good morning my name is Mark I res St Pete Beach but for the record I was was a commissioner and and vice mayor in St Pete Beach um until December so my my question is how you balance the advertising versus the environment that we want for our Barrier Islands um in this community um I will say that as when I was in office I had received complaints about these Billboards they don't fit in my view they don't fit with the Barrier Islands they may be good in Miami and Fort Lauderdale but they're really not what the barrier islands are all about so I would to to the the The Big C and I know it's we we don't have as municipalities we don't have jurisdiction on what goes on at a certain feet in the water but um it it really sends the wrong vibe I do applaud the work you do and the the environmental work and and the Community Development work um but it's really not what this area is all about and I just leave it at that thank you yeah I disagree with that I think this is a very good uh thing and I haven't heard any complaints on it at all do you have any cards with you in case any of the cities or yeah absolutely I can share card just so yeah cookie I had a question yes I um I appreciate your present I think you guys are doing some really interesting things I was interested a little bit about your Blue Beacon program um the clean water testing and then working with uh USF for seabed expansion so that's fantastic I've seen some of these uh floating Billboards out on the reef off of San key and I'm wondering you know and mayor Queen asked a question about are you in uh the bay as well as out on the gulf and you can be both uh we can be we stick um and Malcolm may be able to speak a little bit more about our routes but we predominantly um are operating on the on the beach side um yeah yeah so our motto is if there's a body of water chances are we can get to it right so although we have our daily routes that we stick to although we have our daily routes that we stick to from a operational perspective if there's an area that you would like to explore having the boat uh provide coverage for we can abs look into it have a conversation with the operations team understand the logistic that it would take to provide coverage there and formulate a plan that makes sense for you okay and to add to that I mean we always work with um you know regulating body authorities um making sure that anywhere that we're operating is somewhere that we're allowed to operate in um we definitely don't want to ruffle feathers so we don't we try to avoid being in waterfront homes um that's not something that we're you know we're interested in doing um more so on that beach side on the you know tourists uh residents that live over there but um we have done events um actually at St Pete Beach we did a a couple movie nights so things like that we we do um make um ourselves available for different Community programs okay I we just thinking the seabeds are a little more on the Bayside than the gulf as far as your distance from the beach right so all all good thank you thank you one more question and then you having lived out here on the islands for more than 40 years there's nothing that aggravates me more when than when I see a mat of seagrass floating um have do you know of anyone I mean that's kind of the basis to the seabeds um and do you know of anyone who's putting out the message to stay away from the SE grass beds you know that's a great um idea to put up on the screens actually um I know we've we've worked with Tampa bayw watch to promote some of their mess um that's not one that that they've shared with us but I can always reach out to them if that's something that makes sense um and now that we're partnering with USF um you know our goal is to promote some of the different work that their Marine sence team is working on and and the different um you know messages that are important to their work to to get out to the community mayor yes um I can see that there are some positive aspects to this and I know mayor Queen you had mentioned you haven't received any complaints but but to Mr Grill's point you how many boats do you have and how many other operators are out there I mean the the potential for you know this being a train of billboards right cruising up and down the beach I think is what the concern might be so we uh we operate one boat at a time up here we do have two boats in the area but we're we operate at one boat yeah um to my knowledge we're the only operators in the State of Florida yeah oh okay thank you very much thank you all and we'll be here um we we have our business card so if anyone wants to reach out thank you again it was a pleasure to speak with you this morning thank you um at this time under old business I'd like our city manager in Indian Rocks Beach as well as several of the Cities Randy Moore to come up uh I've asked him to kind of go over Senate Bill 280 and the house bill its companion 1537 to kind of clarify some things about that bill for us thank you Randy for taking the time to come on such short notice uh thank you madam president as it were Madame mayor um thank you Mayors just for correction in the record uh I do not want the promotion or change in career to city manager I am a City attorney I like the seat I'm in um I get to say that's a tough call and it's somebody else's uh so thank you all the same for the compliment cookie um with that uh I'm here to speak to you on um most particularly depend the the the current legislative session but as it relates most particularly I was asked to speak to the uh proposed legislation on short-term rentals uh there is a Senate bill Senate Bill 280 and a house bill House Bill excuse me House Bill 1537 uh the Senate Bill had two committees in the Senate it is already passed out of both of those it is ready to be heard on the senate floor it was supposed to be heard earlier this week um owing to some scheduling issues um it's been retained on the floor calendar and is likely to come up next week by all accounts um so the Senate it just has the floor of the Senate um for those of you who have not been big dorks their whole life like me um the legislative process requires that the house have a bill that matches identically the Senate bill and in fact there was an issue last session where it got through all the Committees in the Senate got through all the Committees in the house but the two Chambers versions did not match and then it and they ran out of time in session so presently the house bill um has three committees to go through it has not been heard by any of those three committees yet uh as of yesterday afternoon it has been scheduled for its first committee that's the regulatory reform committee it will be heard by them tomorrow uh at 11:30 that committee has 19 bills on its calendar tomorrow and it has allotted only three hours to get through those um as you've seen um for in the instance of Mayor will and mayor kenned who have gone up sometimes the discussion on this issue Alone um can take a substantial amount of time to say nothing of some of I mean there's a human trafficking bill there's there's bills of interest on the agenda for tomorrow so it's not a forone conclusion that it will get out of committee um that said procedurally a lot can happen between now and the end of session session ends Friday March 8th uh there's a few ways this could go it could get out of that committee and then it has to go through each of its other committees it won't clear two committees in a week um there's only I think three weeks of committee left committee meetings left so it's going to have to move expeditiously um to get through the house that said they could always do a committee reassignment and wave a committee or do a um some kind of Bill substitute on the floor of the house and they have all their own procedural wranglings they can do to expedite things but we're watching it closely but before we we talk about what it does we should know where where it is um so again ready for the senate floor still going through committees in the house um as far as the theme last year I came here and I I believe I was quoted as saying that the bill is enhanced preemption under the guise of empowerment and I think that's still true history may not repeat itself but it Rhymes this is fairly similar to what we saw last year in the proposed short-term rental Bill and so let's talk about when I say enhanced preemption what do I mean again a history lesson and for those for some of us who might be newer to this issue in 2011 the legislature preempted all municipalities from regulating short-term rentals Point Blank unless you had something in the books before 2011 um in some communities this has been referred to as keeping your grandfather clause or keeping your grandfather depending on the way it's said sometimes it conjures images of a lost relative but um you have the idea is you had to have something on the books before June 2011 then in 2014 the legislature walked that back and they said wait a second we're not going to preempt all of it we will preempt you local municipalities from regulating the duration or frequency of short-term rental so you can't pass an ordinance today that says you can only rent in this zoning district for less than 30 days five times a year you can't do that if you don't already if you haven't had that on the books now for 13 years um and so it was no duration no frequency and no prohibition um no matter what some of your residents have said to you or repeated to you you do not have the ability to stop the proliferation of short-term rentals nor should you quite honestly in terms of the uh private sector if you don't have the regulation on the books um when I say nor should you I want to be clear what I'm saying is in um there's in some communities there's this pen pension for monitoring hey that person sold their house to a short-term rental and they sold their house to a short-term rental we're all selling our houses on the open market and if it's a permitted use in your community then that's its own issue but getting to the point of the enhanced preemption what does preemption look like now if that was 2014 they haven't touched it since 2014 there's certainly been efforts to touch that preemption and that's found in Florida statute 509 032 sub7 subb what this does now is it makes an explicit provision preempting preempting the regulation of advertising platforms uh so you can't regulate Airbnb VRBO I wouldn't say that communities have gotten too far into regulating advertising platforms that's not a huge loss however in as much as that could be interpreted as preventing you from regulating what is stated in an ad that is a challenge a lot of communities have police issues such as occupancy through saying if we have an occupancy limit of 15 occupants you can't advertise that you are going to have 20 occupants or that it can accommodate 20 but is limited to 15 or something like that so it preempts to advertising platforms it also appears to recharacterize the pass preemption um this is a legislative priority of Senate President pasido um she's been quoted as saying that communities were already preempted on regulating this issue and that's true depending on how you choose to characterize it yes we were already preempted on duration frequency and prohibition but the idea that we were preempted altogether from regulating them is not true there's been no court to hold that what they're looking at is the language in 509 0327 a that says that the regulation of public lodging establishments is preempted to the state but short-term transient rentals have not Fallen squarely within that category when this issue has been litigated and so it's it's sort of a a a a false conclusion that we have already been preempted we have not uh and and the courts have looked explicitly at the preemption language and said this is not duration this is not frequency this is not prohibition whatever you're doing is fine and so this new um this new proposed legislation has language in it in the current version and I'm mostly talking about the Senate Bill 280 version in part because it's the one that's further along and more likely to be substituted in the house in the uh current substituted version of Senate Bill 280 it appears to recar that um preemption in in 7A because it says it creates a new section Section 8 932 Section 8 and that's all about what you can do and it starts out by saying not withstanding the preemption in 7A I'm like well up until now that hasn't had anything to do with what you're talking about from from Municipal perspective so it's sort of it's sort of a way to Rebrand that preemption it's like even with what what you've always been preempted on we're going to give you this so then let's talk about what is provided now what you can do again up until now if it's not duration if it's not frequency if it's not prohibition you can do it now it says that a municip municipality may require registration and we're look guys we're making it so you guys can sign them up and know who's coming into your community and who's operating these well we already have the ability to do that we don't need new language to do that under the current statute but they are making it it explicit fine you're making it explicit but in doing so it says you may only require one of seven things and the languages may only so everything everything that's not one of those seven things we can't do anymore and so one of them is the first one is we can require the identification of the owner and operator in the registration process so these are all the things that we can require in the registration process as local jurisdictions the identification of the owner and operator their proof of their registration with the um with the state uh Department of Business Professional Regulation and division of Revenue I believe it is um we can require their tax registration number uh information we can require that any updated information be provided to us as a condition of registration if mayor Queen owns the property today but he sells um to Mayor rusc then okay we you're going to be required to sign up again we can require that uh we can require a designated responsible party who must be available to respond 24 hours a day that is again non-controversial most jurisdictions who have a regime in place already provide for that the other thing that we can require is maximum occupancy based on the Florida fire prevention code I will tell you and I'm I'm presently litigating this on behalf of another jurisdiction but maximum occupancy from the Florida fire prevention code while it provides some kind of objetive measure that people are familiar with is not really appropriate I would contend because what when you growing up where I grew up there was a small little nightclub I think it was called orbits what orbits nightclub could do was go to the Fire Marshall and the Fire Marshall say you get 250 people in here because that's how many Warm Bodies we can safely fit in here and evacuate but those are three those 250 people are there for a 2-hour concert 4 hours at a nightclub for the night that is not a sustained use that is a a trend that is that is a that doesn't contemplate people making trash cooking parking and all those things it's just how many people we can safely fit in a building not how many people we can safely fit in this District this street and all those other things so the Florida fire prevention code calculus is not necessarily appropo for a resident or transient lodging use is my position um but that is how that is the maximum occupancy so if you have 2 * 2 plus two or something kind of calculus like that it goes away and then the other one is that they must pay all leans all recorded leans that the city has code enforcement leans in full those are the seven things you can require if it's not on that list it goes away so when I talk about preemption as an and this being empowerment and really it's just another form of enhanced preemption I say that because in the last 13 years the that we have been preempted in full and and maybe cut it shorter to the last 10 years if you're going to go with the 2014 preemption municipalities have adapted to the legislative landscape whether you're in homes Beach or you're in Flagler County or you're in Indian Harbor Beach all over the state communities have adapted and the current form of this would preempt everything we've adapted to over the course of a decade it's not narrowly tailored to say you can only do these things unless you've had a system in place before day x it's whatever you're doing before 2011 well before 2011 you weren't registering people you I mean quite honestly this form of the economy didn't exists right this Airbnb itself mostly launched with the Democratic National Convention in '08 um it's it's a newer platform and government moving behind Tech we've adapted and now you're being told your adaptations are no good and so there has been talk of an amendment that would preserve any programs that were in place um adopted by ordinance honor before 2015 but again most communities don't fall inside that window um I'm I'm certainly not going to suggest a date certain that I think it would be better for I would say it' be better to let us to continue to adapt in this landscape without these added restrictions um I'll move a little more quickly out of respect for your time but some of the other Provisions in this uh we have 15 days once if we have Once a community establishes a registration process we have 15 days to approve a registration upon application if we don't do so within 15 days it's deemed approved unless the parties agree to some kind of extension for that process uh we can um and if you're going to deny somebody's registration for some reason you have to provide them written notice of the precise reason hey you didn't provide me your tax registration number it has to be one of those seven things we talked about so it's a pretty short list of what they did or didn't do um the one thing that is noticeably different is it does make some provision for a magistrate to be able to recommend suspension or revocation of a license there are some communities that have done this in their ordinances already and there have been legal F there are ongoing legal disputes on whether that is within the scope of chapter 162 the Florida statute governing code enforcement or not I can say it's not explicitly prohibited so I would say that we have the power to do it now it's saying oh we're going to help you we're going to make it clear that you can do it but the terms on which you can suspend and revoke are are pretty strict it's um for suspension it's one violation at least one or more violations five times or more in a 30 or 60-day period in a smaller Community one of the challenges with that is think about what your code how many code enforcement Personnel you have how targeted they would have to be to get to that level and then also somehow thread the needle to not be accused of targeting that property and disproportionate enforcement or something else it's going to be an interesting Balancing Act to get to that threshold um interestingly it also provides for potential revocation and in that revocation process it allows you to appeal as a as a property owner if it's you know which is great we should provide for due process one interesting thing that I'm not sure was thought through in the draft is it presently states that when you appeal you have the ability to recover attorney's fees costs and damages well I don't know how you have damages because at the trial level we were just determining whether or not you should be revoked and now it's on appeal what evidence is there going to be of Damages and and damages aren't really the result of an administrative appeal that way um so that's an interesting question that I I believe is unanswered and the last thing in the um and there's a lot in this bill um as it's regulating advertising platforms and telling the department uh the division and the department what they have to do as part of this at the state level but from the city level there's this interesting language at the end that it says this subsection does not prohibit um a local jurisdiction um from adopting local ordinances if it is uniformly applied without respect to whether residential property is used as a vacation real and so it's this sort of weird catchall safety net preemption arguably that says oh and you guys can pass all the laws you want as long as it's not specific to short-term rentals I think the intent in that language is to make it very clear it is this and only this and nothing else if if if it is going to um be directed to short-term rentals um so if you have noise ordinances they can't differ if you have trash ordinances they can't differ parking ordinances you can't differ even though you're regulating an industry I have I have been able to get past the legal fiction that these are not businesses and residential communities fine it's a use of property but it's the use of property as an industry and we otherwise regulate Industries um and so why not have reasonable restrictions around that that try to at best harmonize what is left of our zoning structures um you know and I know that we had a little bit of this discussion when I was here last year when you take the sum total of the homebased business ordinances the short-term rental ordinances and a series of others you start to see the erosion of of what we calling the law ukian zoning you know in Industry over here homes over here entertainment here that's blurred substantially in this in this um regime so I think I've talked plenty uh but I'm happy to answer any questions you have there's a lot more to this legislative session I was invited by mayor Kennedy to speak to this particularly so sponsor of the bill the sponsor of the bill locally is um it's Senator deigle Senator who Senator deigle is the sponsor of the Bill thank you um and it is and it is absolutely at least publicly being represented as a priority of leadership most particularly Senator pasedo the Senate President any other questions for Randy today this side yes um or just to clarify uh when you said they were uh giving Provisions to uh revoke or suspend uh based on five separate violations that's just for suspension and then you there's a separate threshold for relocation um in 60 days so can uh code enforcement board or magistrate get five convictions in 60 days administratively it's it's very very difficult it would be very difficult if not altogether unlikely based on notice provisions and the times you go now again I on on our side as City attorneys or advisers we would have to argue whether okay all the violations were 60 days we got them we got them adjudicated in 90 but all five of those violations happened in 60 days I think that argument could be made but again the challenge you get down to there is resources um and again not being accused of targeting retaliation or anything any of the other number of equal protection claims that are going to come when somebody gets five violations in 30 days my point is that this may sound good because we can go after people who are causing problems but say you actually initiated that could you get to the completion I I think there is a way to get there I think it's it may be prohibitive and difficult if not altogether and you also they can appeal so yes and which which again I I I totally support appeals I I believe in the due due process I just wanted to get that out also in in um the ability to distinguish or you said uh the last part of that uh ordinance says uh if they're uniformally applied uh in 2014 that was the key to that legislation that gave the towns the ability because they are different these are like you say these are businesses in residential communities so that was the balance to be able to allow them in these communities but to regulate them differently than regular houses because they are different we lose that now right and and you lose other things you lose the ability to inspect for those communities that are conducting inspections you lose the ability to make required postings um for some communities have that whether it's the designated responsible party posting or or otherwise um there's you know know different communities have different needs that is the Cornerstone of home rule and the Cornerstone of our constitution as it was constructed in 1968 and not allowing the American experiment that is let's allow each Community to have its own charm its own rules its own community and Vibe as it was stated earlier um is is lost in this thank you for the presentation and thank you for clarifying the facts and where we are now yep thank you anyone else have any questions one question if you don't have a registration process right now you have nothing in place um can you do that or do you have to have a business tax process in place before you can do a registration I think the business tax receipt process is separate and distinct from uh whether you're going to have like a vac a specific vacation rental registration uh process and again if you already have some I want to be very clear if you have something on the books from 2011 you you need not do anything different and also as far as this preemption goes if you have something but but you want to make it less restrictive you can do that too um this this memorializes your ability to create a registration system after um 2024 if this does get if this does pass and get signed um but in doing so it it makes it very specific what you can and can't do right now we have the ability to craft our own registration processes that reflect the priorities of our individual communities right regardless of the BTR great thank you anyone else Randy thank you so much for coming on such short notice I appreciate you so much appreciate the opportunity thank you one last thing on this I'm finishing up my degree in public policy in May and um I have to do a Capstone project and I'm doing it on the pros and cons of short-term rentals and I'm going to be sending each of you a survey that's part of my project uh it has seven questions uh six of them are uh just either true or false or uh I give you like four choices and then the last question you can answer um um your thoughts on short-term rentals and I would really appreciate it if you would fill it out for me to help me with my survey and my project uh for this semester so I'm I'm just going to you're going to see it and I would appreciate if you did that thank you yes any other old business okay yeah uh couple of months ago I guess uh The Big C sent a letter to the county uh requesting that some enhancements be provided uh on Park Boulevard as you enter on the Park Boulevard br oh okay sorry I would have talked louder anyway after a rather lengthy discussion with the County Administrator um I couldn't get anywhere uh it seems to me that uh that's almost an iconic roadway with those wide medians that we do a better job uh I think we do everything we can to enhance the beach experience and that's one of them uh it's kind of a minor issue in some respects but uh I'm at a loss right now as to how to get the county I I don't think it's going to cost a whole lot of money uh but uh they're digging their heels in on this and uh I don't know where else to go well I I you yeah I support cors Pat in this and we all know County Commissioners reach out to them and and let them know how we feel so should we send a separate uh big letter to every County Commissioner sure rather than uh is why don't write a letter and then we'll send it to we'll get it to us uh Lauren and then we'll send it out to okay all of us how does that sound okay with you yeah we've already got the letter written we' already sent so we can just we can recraft it and send it out to to each of the Commissioners I think that's the way to go I'm I'm going to have one more conversation with Kelly okay uh and uh before we send it out out uh but if we all agree uh that that would be the next step I think that's where we need to go um for those of you that go down Park Boulevard uh it it should be one of the most attractive entrances to the beaches and it is not that's the only that's the easiest way to say that anyway okay thank you we do we need a vote on that or um I have a I have a comment yes so was it that Kelly was portraying from the County Administrator that if we the community here on the beaches wanted a higher level of service we could discuss a partnership with the county providing funding to the existing level and then the difference to achieve a higher level of service would be covered by us am I understanding that correctly the capital side of it they were requesting that the beach towns provide funding on the capital the actual construction of the medium okay and they would continue they would then would then maintain it well frankly they'll do a good job of maintaining what's there already so I don't think that's feasible I think it's part of uh I don't want to get into it I mean the beaches are are the cash cow for the county oh no doubt and there's no reason why you wouldn't spend just a tiny fraction of the budget to enhance that beach experience I I it's just mindboggling to me I mean it's kind of a minor thing in terms of what we do every day but it's just silly that they're spending all the money repaving it uh and not going to add $50,000 for a median or yeah I understand your point Thank you any I I think that would be um I had a conversation about when Pat told me about it with the County Administrator and I think it would be a good idea for each of the County Commissioners to know you know how we feel about um this and exactly what you said was what he said to me when we spoke so um I think it's a good idea to send it to the County Commissioners and and let them talk to him too okay well and mayor Queen's been you know I'm going to single him out but uh he's been here the longest of all of us and so he's got a longer history on this issue um the only thing I can tell you is the county gave us $70 million to improve Gul Boulevard so it's a drop in the bucket to do add a little bit more to work on what you're talking about so we just need to talk to them and see okay thank you any discussion items to come before the board today hearing none we'll do legislative updates um uh Beach watch 2024 week one and two we have an update letter I sent you the letter um that we sent from the city of Indian Rocks Beach to Senator Hudson that was one of the Committees for the short-term rentals that's in your packet and then the uh the piece from representative cross that went to the federal government about the sand uh that's in your packet and we'll start with City events and mayor Queen everything's pretty quiet North ran Beach thank you quiet in Readington Shores too but I'm a little excited about um Helen's presentation and I don't know maybe an April or May we might see um bay boat flicks in our Nature Park who knows nice great we have a tribute to the late great Jimmy Buffett this coming uh not this week next week uh the ninth um at the city park and then I'm putting uh Treasure Island madir on notice we're starting preparing for the boat parade in February so we're not going to be left behind this year God I think that uh this is probably from madira Beach as well as Treasure Island but the uh Gulf Beach's Rotary Club is going to be doing a carnival here in Rock Park and that uh is from the 14th to the 17th and um brings in thousands of people and a lot of contributions so that the rotary CL Club can redistribute those to all of the not for profits M dear Beach the only thing we have going on is we have the trash Parts clean up this Saturday come out and join us we'll appreciate that and uh we had a very successful uh Seafood Festival down at John's P us a couple weeks ago thank you all right on uh Saturday February 17th Readington Beach is going to host its annual Marty gr golf cart parade and gumbo Cookoff so this has been a huge hit in town so decorate your golf carts and um bring your crockpots full of Gumbo wow uh in Indian Rocks Beach on uh February 10th we will have the mayor's women's tea um we have it every year and uh so anyone can come yeah you don't have to live in Indian Rocks Beach it's a great event we usually have about 240 people it's packed and then on February 17th we have the Winter Fest uh at the Calvary Episcopal church and that begins at 10:00 a.m. yeah um we are in the final planning stages of our iconic St Patrick's Day Festival uh have more information on that at our next meeting and uh we do have a morning Sunday Morning Market in front of town hall every Sunday it's great little uh event I invite all of you to attend that's it all quiet in berair beach in Clear Water we have at the sound our um outdoor Amphitheater we have Willie Nelson on February 10th we have our sea Blues Festival that'll be at Coachman Park of February 23rd and through the 25th uh we have sunrise and sunset yoga at that Coachman Park as well plays in the park we're really activating it fully we've got a community Advisory Group that's starting to form to advise how to use the green space on our uh Coachman Park the market Marie is going to be down there they come the second Tuesday of every month there are over a hundred vendors at um Coachman Park and it's really lovely it's right next to the splash pad and the children's playground and um we have lots of parking for that Air Supply is coming in March Alabama is coming in April and Melissa Ethridge and juel are set for September 26 so those are some of the highlights but there are certainly other concerts sprinkled along the way thank you um with that uh we will send a letter for the March meeting for all of our pinelis County delegation to come and then I'll personally call all of them too uh so that we can get an update on their thoughts on the session and um with that is there a motion to adjourn second all in favor I I want to thank everybody for coming today for our transition into our new leadership I appreciate all of you very much thank you