##VIDEO ID:2tgVHnfvoUM## [Music] [Music] I would like to advise all those present that notice of this regular meeting of October 16th 2024 has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey notice of time and place of this meeting has been included in the annual notice of meetings which was posted and filed with the city clerk and with the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger an additional notice of time and place was posted and filed with the city clerk and was forwarded to the Jersey journal and Star Ledger on October 11th 20124 the regular meeting of the municipal Council of the city of Bayon is now in session miss Medina please call the role Mr Booker here Mr Carol here Mr Perez here miss weer here Mr laaloa here please rise for the pledge Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all starting with 01 it is a resolution postponing to the meeting of November 13th who' like to move it move it and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr La I 02 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 24 Water and Sewer Services which was introduced and passed the first reading held September 18th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final Passage following a public hearing of this meeting of October 16th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and the resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by the council president miss weer will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol Mr Perez I miss memer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bayon chapter 24 Water and Sewer Services the council is is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to CL on a motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr Lalo hi and resolution ordering final passage move and on on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I 03 is an ordinance of the city of bay in the county of Hudson New Jersey providing for the special emergency appropriation of $4 million provided for the payment of contractually required Severance liabilities resulting from from layoffs and retirements of employees which was introduced the past the reading at a meeting house September 18th was published in New Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of October 16th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing this resolution is moved by the council as a whole given the ordinance second reading on that second reading resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title in ordinance of the city of Bon in the county of Hudson New Jersey providing for a special emergency appropriation of $4 million provided for the payment of contractually required Severance liabilities resulting from layoffs and retirement of employees the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close move it second on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laloa I and a resolution ordering final passage some move second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi o four is a bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of certain Veil property from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the construction of a ferry pier and dock improvements on portions thereof appropriating $6 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $6 million B Bond or notes to finance a portion of the course thereof authorized in and by the city of Bon in the county of Hudson state of New Jersey was introduced at the meeting held octo September 18th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for a final passage in public hearing at this meeting of October 16th is now before the council for its consideration and the public hearing and the resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by Council as a whole and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance providing for the acquisition of certain real property for the port from the Port Authority of New York New Jersey and the construction of a ferry pier and Doc improvements on a portion thereof appropriating $6 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of $6 million bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of Bayon the county of Hudson state of New Jersey the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with may may have a motion to close move second and on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and resolution ordering FAL passage and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I 05 is an ordinance of the city of Bayon in the county of Hudson state of New Jersey authorizing the city of Bayon to enter into a real estate purchase agreement and all other documents necessary for and related to the purchase of certain real property and the construction of certain infrastructure improvements within was introduced and past the first reading at the meeting held September 18th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bullettin borders required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of October 16th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member PR given the a second reading Mr Booker a whole as a whole you would do it as a whole and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title authorizing the city of Bon to enter into a real estate purchase agreement and all other documents necessary for and related to the purchase of certain real property and the construction of certain infrastructure improvements Within the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close I move on the motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and resolution ordering final passage some move and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi 06 is an ordinance of the city of B County of Hudson New Jersey approving the Redevelopment plan 415- 21 East 23rd Street which is identified as block 198 Lots 1 and two as shown on the official tax map of the city pursued to the local Redevelopment and Housing law which was introduced and past the first reading at the meeting held September 18th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board bulletin board as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of October 16th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinate second reading is moved by council member Perez Mr Booker will a second second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title an ordinance of the city of Bayon County of Hudson New Jersey approving the Redevelopment plan for 15-21 East 23rd Street which is identified as block 198 Lots 1 and two as shown on the official tax map of the city pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close move second on a motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi and resolution ordering final passage move and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 07 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic was introduced and pass the first reading at the meeting held September 18th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of October 16th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing this is for no parking at 46th and Broadway and a resolution moved by council president given the ordinance second reading Mr Perez will you second second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close Mo second on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr Lalo hi and resolution ordering final pass move second resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 08 is also amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 7 tra traffic and this is for restrictive parking zones which was introduced and pass the first reading at the meeting held September 18th was published in New Jersey journal and posted on the bullon boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of October 16th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution moved by council member Perez given the ordinance second reading Mr Booker will you second second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi m weer i Mr laalo I second reading is by title an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bound chapter 7 traffic the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close some move on the motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carroll I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi and a resolution ordering final passage some move on that resolution Mr Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi just Mulligan hi my name is Patty Mulligan zet 121 East Fifth Street in Bon okay do you need the spell okay my comments are regarding EMR the scrap metal yard located on behind Lexington Avenue and First Street you have all the facts the d results the complaints concerns Etc there's no need for me to discuss that and I'm sure you've all read the article in recycling today where EMR States developed with substain substainability at the Forefront the company lists that all concrete flooring and Innovative dust suppression system as features that will ensure potentially hazardous materials cannot leak into the local government environment excuse me well I beg to differ with that I'm here for me to discuss me and to discuss the new me possibly resulting from EMR conducting business in our city EMR already has a dark past history and moving to Bon conducting business one block away from residents with little supervision not being held accountable for their actions not following guidelines and their state-of-the-art words are meaningless to me I come from long line of generations living and dying in Bon and I've always proudly called bon my home I've lived on Lexington Avenue for 62 years I sold my home two years ago and moved to East Fifth Street I've always tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle caring for myself having yearly exams with several local physicians in the fall of 19 of 2022 which is prior to EMR I had routine scans the results showed healthy lungs and body and I got a clean bill of health as 2020 23 came to a close which of course is a few months after EMR I was not feeling very well just overall crappy I blame the weather change winter approaching the shorter days still mourning the death of my mom I told myself winter is only one season and I'll feel better in Spring Well Spring came I would sit on my deck and wonder why I still fed C felt crappy even crappier than before my breathing got worse my stomach was nauseous as the days got longer I knew I had to do something summer was coming and I wanted to enjoy it so I went to the doctor explained my symptoms the overall feeling of unwell and we began testing in July my first lung scan show I have 8 mm nodules in both lungs I also have clusters of smaller nodules in each lung 8 mmers do you know how big that is that's onethird of an inch that fit into a less than 9 in lung that's also equivalent to me standing at the way station at the entrance of EMR I've had two scans already with no improvement at all my third scan is next month in November and I am scared to death if my comments can make you stop and think before you approve the next mistake that will cause to our community or if I bother your conscience or make you remember the magenta haired woman that spoke at a council meeting or make you lose a minute of sleep for your actions then it was worth my time to speak I would bet that there are many more people like me suffering from suspicious nodules in their lung I would also bet the responsible party is EMR scrap metal as well as the city of Bon for overlooking their practices we elected each and every one of you to represent us to be our voice it's time for you all to step up and hold EMR accountable for their actions thank you Jean Perry Jean if I can consistent with what we talked about I just want to read a statement just so that we know where we are the city of Bon is aware of residents complaints regarding air quality issues in and around the EMR site on Second Street and so far as the city of Bon has no jurisdiction over air quality matters the city has been working in concert with both the Hudson Regional Health commission and the state of New Jersey's Department of envir enironmental protection for quite some time with respect to this site and the complaints associated with it indeed mayor Davis has had an ongoing dialogue with the commissioner of the Department of Public uh of Department of Environmental Protection Sean laudette about this site and our Fire Chief Keith Weaver has been in contact with the D about the site for over a year the Hudson Regional Health commission and the njde have sold jurisdiction over air quality complaints it is the city's understanding that both the Hudson Regional Health commit and the njde have been to the site and that an investigation is ongoing in fact I was advised today that the njde issued a notice of violation to the property owner on October 11th 2024 for two violations of the air Air Pollution Control Act and the air pollution control regulations that arose out of a compliance evaluation in October of 2023 in so far as there is an ongoing investigation by agencies other than the city of Bon we will not be commenting on the matter other than to say that we can assure you that the city has been and will continue to be in constant contact with both the county and the state regarding the site according to Hudson Regional Health commission there have been no complaints to the Hudson Regional Health commission about this site since October 1st 2024 if residents in that area have concerns about air quality they should contact both the Hudson Regional Health commission at 201 223 11133 and the njde P at 877 9276 337 that's 8771 d as soon as they see here or smell something it's imperative that residents make the call as soon as they aware of something because both hrhc and the njde need to be on site while an alleged violation is taking place thank you your microphone I want to first uh start by thanking council person Jackie weamer Juan Perez and Gary laloa for both all three reaching out to me after the last council meeting I do appreciate your concern and checking into the matter uh couple I'm going to go around my agenda I gave everyone a zoning map but I want to start with this this is the Bayon City's website mayor Dennis cins par Park is an extensive Waterfront Park along Bayon Southern Shore the park starts under the BM bridge and runs quarter mile East built in the 1950s the park provides opportunities for both passive and active Recreation we'll stop there passive accre and active Recreation downtown Bayon is gone out the window with this new zoning and the reason I'm saying the new zoning I pulled up four zoning maps and it seems that downtown Bon was rezoned four different times the latest in 2001 and in 1995 during the city's long-term plan or long-term play go uh re uh Redevelopment plans so my question is why cannot I know we're not answering questions Jay but I think the city should really look at why we keep resoning that area from heavy industrial to light industrial heavy industrial and back again we also took the military ocean terminal and reone that for residential which was Heavy Industrial in 1950s so something can be done you comment earlier Jay uh to call them great who should I call 2 o'clock in the morning when I can't sleep because they're dropping scrap metal maybe I'll drive down to Second Street to Mr Carol's house wake him up he can join us I have spoke to Hudson Regional numerous times and the state there's nothing they could do at the noise though us it happens at late at night we have a noise udience in this town I helped write it it was meant for construction and I believe landscapers but unfortunately this is quote unquote heavy industrial and they don't follow the noise ordinance laws but the noise ordinance that you and I worked on back in the day also requires Hudson Regional will come down and use the the deal reader the comment I have from the city council person was there nothing to City can do because they are grandfathered that's on a zoning issue that's not on a noise not a noise issue thank you so on September 27th I was contact oh by the way 1952 162 lowincome housing units were put in a heavy industrial area and rezone to light industrial so I'd like to know when the city at another time when it got rezoned back to heavy industrial again with the 162 residents in low-income housing living there but on September 27th I was contacted by the news and news2 they were also at City Hall uh I gave to my side the story uh the mayor spoke and the one thing that got to me was one of the comments during this interview from the city was it was the first time you've heard of this that's okay what got me was close our windows and wear a mask from OEM that is the most asinine comment I'm sorry ladies that I've ever heard in my life we went through Co of two and a half years wearing masks to keep each other safe now we've got to wear masks because someone wants to put a scrap yard in bom because nor kicked them out because they had a fire that lasted two days the IMT and B the fire department had to be called in to put that fire out and I have that video as well and that's all I have right now on that on that news12 thing the mayor spoke with them for 20 minutes I I saw there was five different clips I recorded all five of them on my phone okay but there's different clips but there's 20 minutes worth of dialogue that's tapered down to what what stands out to me wear a mask close your windows if you're not happy that that that is but that's not the full context of it je it was if if there are problems and and you're concerned about it at that particular time close your window put on the mask it's it's not the Cure cure for everything it's not the Panacea he was just saying if there is an instant matter where um somebody's concerned about something close your windows put on a mask so so like Patty I had test them before Dr mpro retired I now have COPD and empyema and ndles on my lungs M Pro retired in 2022 had a full scan done thank you Council Teresa morch it's Teresa mariac I live at 54 laa Avenue I have a child that has asthma my daughter is 30 now she had at 18mths old she I she lives with me and we go in our yard with my granddaughters she can't stay in the yard everything's covered with dirt my cars are filled with dirt and I don't think why does my daughter because she has asthma has to stay in the house and like he said we have to wear a mask and I have to close my windows and I have to raise my TV loud enough because I can't hear my TV that's not right I'm wearing a mask we were a mask for a long time why can't we sit outside on our porch why because everything's full with dust my cars I have a white car it's filthy when the other thing is these this company that's down there they have a truck and every time they go down the wrong AIS or the wrong road and they come up Lord Avenue all of us got to move our cars unless we get hit with a truck there's no signs that say oh we'll make a left there no they come all the way down to Lord Avenue and we all got to move our cars not to get smashed so I don't think that's fair neither so I really don't think it's fair for my grandchildren that can't play in my yard because they have to listen to the noise and go grandma what's with what's that noise what's that noise or this outside riding their bikes and I tell them well we can't sit out here too long with your aunt because she has asthma she has the breath thank you Robert ninski Robert ninski I live at 41 Lexington Avenue B New Jersey I'm prole caddy corner I'm one of the closest houses to uh the the junk pile I have pictures and I I guess you you all know but I just had I've just painted my house or the the windows it's a brick house I just painted the in July I have pictures of the Dust it's just one month of how much black dust I'm calling it dust uh is on the window I have pictures if you'd like to see it um this weekend this last weekend I found a rat in my yard the biggest I've ever saw this size I could not believe it it drowned in uh my shed I have a shed and I I have a water like thing that's to get the water to water the plants and it got in there and died I never seen a rat that big it's like they're living in that big huge pile of junk over there it's unreal um I don't understand why the uh I've lived there now for 30 years at that house and when they wanted to um make uh the the old man of for building you know the senior citizen they sent them down petitions they ask if it was okay when they down at the end of uh Lexington when they wanted to put um one those storage places if you know if you know what I'm talking about again the community was asked is it okay uh should we do this no one ever mentioned or known this to us all of a sudden one time I look up and I was like where did that come from how did you know and somehow it didn't get to me right away you know uh I keep all the dirt like it you know how it comes uh in the in the spring it's you know the stuff from the treat so it never really registered quick with me but now like I just painted my house and then that um what's going on here Monday morning this this Monday morning I was laying in bed and and it's so annoying hearing that noise I mean they stopped I haven't heard it much at night now the summer because of the air condition on it wasn't such a you know I knew it existed I heard it when I went outside but in the house I'll have to admit the air conditioning I didn't it wasn't so uh annoying but Monday morning I'm retired it was like 9:00 and I'm heing that Scrapy it's almost it reminds you in a way of what it's scraping on a Blackboard you know that thing when when the metals going down a shoot um sometimes there's a big ship there I see I've seen it and I see the lights and everything I just looked at it today that I counted over six cranes gigantic uh cranes there um again another I belong uh I'm a retired staff sergeant and I uh and I have uh when I go to the VFW I have uh the thing that she that other lady said about the the nodules on my lungs I never put it until they just heard it now that may be that might be what's happened I never knew why but you know but I'm I'm outside a lot I'm I'm the kind of person that you know likes to be outside gardening and everything so I mean I don't know how this happened like how it got like that it's it's just like you know we have a nice neighborhood it's like they ruined it it's like you have a big garbage stuff you I like to show you all the pictures and pass it around when you go bye but I think you know what it looks like it's unfair I don't know how how this got to be like this but I definitely think something has to be done and I know it's not right to have dust where we're breathing it's just not that's not fair you know that's it uh okay dthy ninski that was my husband Robert thank you for allowing me to speak tonight my name is Dorothy ninski my husband and I live at 41 -43 Lexington Avenue that's on the corner of Second Street the second house very close after turning the corner on E second there has been for about two years not positive of the dates a metal recycling dump it has brought air and noise pollution to our formally quiet neighborhood the sound of constantly pouring metal junk into huge containers is horrific a huge disturbance along with that is thick dirt falling onto our windows and trim so our quality of life has been greatly compromised making us very unhappy and angry our neighborhood has been called in industrial by the authorities here but the people here have well-kept attractive homes we want peace and quiet and clean air we are experiencing air pollution to the MTH degree our taxes are well over $113,000 a year but yet we live near a dump why here it's unfair and it's inhuman remove it completely and restore our peace and quiet as my husband said when the maid and form building was going to be made into senior apartment building we were sent letters did we mind of course we didn't mind that when the city was going to allow self storage units at first and Lex inton we were against it we fought it and it didn't happen but we were not asked if we mind it a dump we do mind we want it out of our neighborhood soon thank you Ral Pito my name is uh Ralph Joe I'm on Uptown 32 West 45ish Street I personally have noticed the Pony League field and the adjacent children's playground that is directly straight down from that pile of junk with the coating of dust in the area on on vehicles on some of the some of the uh children's play play swings and and the field itself which is artificial turf will absorb that dust and there's no way to get it out of there the rain won't make it go away you can't vacuum it up that's that's my concern for that I'm an Uptowner and this this isn't my problem but I do have something else to speak to you about later thank you back on the agenda oh 9 is a bond ordinance providing for the 63rd Street flood resiliency project in and by the city of Bayon in the county of Hudson New Jersey appropriating $3 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of not to exceed $3 million bonds or notes of the city to finance the cost thereof and a resolution fixing Wednesday November 13 at 6 P p.m. in the DAR the E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing and final passage it's moved by the council president Mr Perez you second second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 10 is an ordinance of the city of B County of Hudson New Jersey approving the Redevelopment plan 4173 d179 Avenue F which is identified as block 442 lot 6 7 8 and n as shown on the official tax map of the city pursuing to the local re development and housing law and a resolution moved by council member Booker fixing Wednesday November 13th at 6 p.m. in ad door the ehh Harrington council chambers as's a time and place for public hearing and final passage Miss weer will you second um I I will second um I'm going to ask uh anybody I I believe um Mr melli is in the audin OR audience excuse me and I just wonder if you might come up and give a quick overview of what this project is going to be and I'm hopeful that residents uh both here and and perhaps watching would get a little bit uh greater information about it before we go ahead and move it along sure thank you councilwoman council president with your permission Michael melli I'm the attorney for the property owner and the redeveloper of this project uh this is going to be uh a project that has about 52 units that's what we're looking at um the height is a littleit is a is a story this District already allows seven stories we're sticking within that seven stories we were trying to get it to six but because it's in the future flood plane um they made us lift the building we couldn't do anything in the basement so they gave us that that little bump um so it was to accommodate really Mechanicals and parking um like I said it's going to be fairly mediumsized project for for for Bon right now it's 52 units right now most of them are one bedrooms um we're going to have we're not sure sure about parking right now because when we went through the Redevelopment plan process locations of things Chang we're going to of course have more than uh you know the amount that what whatever is required in the RDP I think it's it'll probably come out to a little over one per unit provided not optional right absolutely um and we are going to have the opt we're going to try and put loading inside if we can't we're going to come back and ask for loading on the street if we can't get that then you know we'll we'll do our best uh but we're we're going try and design all of this like I said our original design and the Redevelopment plan didn't exactly line up so we're in the process of remodeling that now so that you will all see it before uh the adoption and um if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them okay thank you I I don't have any additional questions um at this point but I question just on the the timing what's your time frame for to start yeah no no you're going to make you're going to try and make all this work but you're not sure oh no no we I I think our I think our architect's done or or was working on it as of this morning so in the next couple of weeks we'll set up meetings with everyone just like we do before well before the next uh next council meeting I will reach out to you so within this next month that's yeah absolutely yeah yeah yeah definitely thank you no problem thank you Mr I appreciate it thank you mine I'll second okay and on the introduction Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi M Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I 011 is an ordinance of the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey approving the Redevelopment plan 4102 a5- 1116 Avenue E which is identified as block 467 Lots 10 11 12 13 and 14 as shown on the official tax map of the city pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law and a resolution removed by the council president fixing Wednesday November 13th at 6 p.m. and the Dr E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing Mr Carol will you second second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol uh I I waited till uh 11 because it pertains to both uh I intend to vote I I just hope that in the meantime between now and the redoing of the plan and making certain changes the developers would consider uh incl an inclusion of a percentage of Workforce housing in both those properties going forward both those projects and you're voting I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I 12 and 13 have been withdrawn 14 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the be advised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 7 traffic and a resolution moved by the council president fixing Wednesday November 13 at 6 p.m. in the door the ehar council chambers there's a time in place for a public hearing and final pass message Mr Booker will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa uh just a little background on this this is a pickup and drop off zone for handicapped students it'll go Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 3:30 and it's right in front of the school on the 38th Street side and I vote I 15 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 7 traffic and a resolution moved by council member Carol fixing Wednesday November 13th at 6 p.m. and a da e Harrington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing and final passage this is for adding nine restrictive zones Del leeting three and relocating one Mr Perez will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi oh 16 has been withdrawn 07 is a bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of various items of Public Safety technology and equipment for the city's Department of Public Safety appropriating two m55 50,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 2,550,000 in bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of Bayon in the county of Hudson New Jersey and fixing Wednesday November 13th as a time in place for a public hearing who'd like to move it move it second and on that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa Hi V 18 is an ordinance authorizing the purchase of certain real property which is out located at 442 Avenue C by the city of Bon of County of Hudson state of New Jersey from should be Nat realt not mat company Inc and a resolution fixing Wednesday November 13 at 6 p.m. in the door the E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage who'd like to move it and I can tell you the contract was signed today excellent and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi consent consent resolutions is moved by the council as a whole and it covers C1 through C3 any questions on the communications on the communications Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi officers report is a resolution moved by the council as a whole it covers o1 through O2 any questions on the officers reports and on the officers reports Mr Booker I Mr Carrol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi consent resolutions we are removing C 12 14 and 15 and it's moved by the council as a whole and it's a resolution ordering the following resolutions to be adopted any questions on the consent resolution mine what was it 124 it was 12 14 and 15 and 15 okay thank you any questions on on on the consent resolutions Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi r one is a resolution affirming that the council members have read at a minimum the comments and recommendations of the section of the calendar 2023 audit and affidavit CER certifying that they have done so would like to move it move it and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Mr Miss Meer hi Mr laaloa hi and just have to take one minute and get signatures you talk to Jack there's a question about the amount of the contract going over the uh you're talking cr12 and what contracted inob 23 soob de3 and this says 24 so but the the total amount of the contract for 15 months understood and we're extending the contract another three months What's the total amount of the contract 495 what's the bid I'd like to say that but the the but the four okay I will go get the resolution we'll put it on as as a non-consent okay r two is approving the correction action plans for the calendar year ending December 31st 2023 it's moved by the council president Mr Carol will your second second on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R three is authorizing the agreed modifications to the December 20 2012 concession agreement with between Bayon water joint ventures LLC and the City of Bayon regarding large water meter Replacements would like to move it move it second on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our four is authorizing a $100,000 payment to CI HB urban renewal LLC for the construction of the street Improvement in accordance with the Redevelopment plan between the city and CI HB urban renewal LLC move four on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi just so so this is in dealing with Avenue J uh Road Improvement so pursuant to two Redevelopment agreements uh which had conflicting language one said that uh one developer was respons ible for building it when it came to the payment of the $100,000 one said that it was supposed to be paid directly to to the developer the other said that it was supposed to be paid to the city the one developer paid the $100,000 check to the city this is just acknowledging the fact pursuant to the agreement that the city accepted the $100,000 payment and it's been paying it off to the developer pursuing to the agreement it's been vetted by our Council uh Christopher zangaro uh to make sure that's also not part of any lawsuit uh in that regard that so that we could release it but we we are in receipt of it and and this just allows us to authorize it to pay it to the other developer you said Avenue G the new road the new road yes okay no G yeah it's avue F yes so right so this was paid to us this was yes pursuant to one Redevelopment agreement which had conflicting language as to who was to receive the payment this is just to show a paper trail okay I I agree well look I agree but this was back down done in 2017 so this is yes okay going because R5 actually has four parts you can vote on it Al together the first one is authorizing the city's execution of a consent and agreement to the second modification to access to assess utility and easements between the United States of America and P Bon industrial urban renewal LLC as redeveloper of the property which is identified as block 118.0 one Lot 2 on as shown on the official tax map 5A is authorizing the execution of a Phil easement agreement with Port Authority with the Port Authority in New York and New Jersey NPR Bayon industrial owners urban renewal LLC as redevelop redeveloper and the property which is identified as 118.0 Lot 2 as shown on the official tax map IC is authorizing the execution of a water main easement agreement with prb on Industrial urban renewal LLC as the developer of the property identified as 118.1 lot one and 5D is authorizing the execution of a water main easement agreement between Bayon Logistics owners urban renewal LLC as redeveloper of the property which is identified as block 11801 lot one who'd like to move it move it and and so right before we do that in in layman's terms in in layman's terms so little history on this the there's multiple parties here this is the UPS facility site and the other Warehouse that Lincoln equities group built so just for geographical purposes there's also a coast guard uh building there uh now pursuant to when the city accepted the entire base from the federal government it was a condition that Coast Guard has certain easements and water utility rights uh that were you know as a condition of us accepting the property so pursuant to the Redevelopment uh grp greement between Lincoln equities group and then the city of Bon uh this is just finalizing up some of the you know easements between water utility Phill between the Coast Guard Port Authority uh which is part of the land owners and then um you know with the city Bay own and the the developer of the site so that's that's what these four are and can we assume that these have all been reviewed and through director Kavanaugh who this has been done through Andy re special uh special engineer regarding the base on this this is one of the close out items um they've been in the ground already for this this is just acknowledging from a legal description these utilities and fill easements um you know pursuant to the Redevelopment agreements in place so Andy reel has vetted it uh John witches scala's office has vetted it that's why you know per his uh Direction it's four um resolutions not one so that's why it's being done this way and again it's just to be recorded in the county um registers office to acknowledge um the easements there thank you sure so on 5A through D Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo all R six has been withdrawn our seven is designating 40 Cottage Street LLC as redeveloper of the property located at 80-84 East 25th Street which is identified as block 442 L 14 as shown on the official tax map of the city and authorizing the preparation of a Redevelopment agreement for same like no one like iiz R seven yes I'll move it on the second second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi r eight is authorizing and directing the planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether the property located at 935-939 Broadway which is identified as block 85 Lot 23 as shown on official taxes map of the city of Bon constitutes an area in need of Redevelopment move it on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I but this I mean this is an example of we should be more Discerning well this is to send it to the planning board I I know had a discussion about whether something is in need of Redevelopment and the building and the grounds don't look like they're disheveled anyway I think that's the discussion you and I had right especially when something was recently in active business and you know how about you and I agree with that but this is asking the planning board what they think sure when they come back I would just want to see what their findings are before we say absolutely okay uh I want to jump in real quick I agree with what you're saying but this property has been vacant for a while and I I am on the planning board I've been saying that for a few times and I'm aware of what's going on and I agree we should wait and see what comes back but that property has been vacant for quite a while and it has been out of operation sure I live a couple blocks from there it's been a bank for many many years since I'm a child and um I understand what councilman Carol is saying and that's why I said I want to come back I want to hear what what their findings are maybe there's something under the ground that I don't know or maybe there's something else going on here and that's why we sent to the planning board that maybe they'll come up with something that we're unaware of so we have a lot of other um departments that will look into this that will have to sign off on this um and so let's see and see what they find out okay Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R9 was a space holder I didn't receive anything on that so I'm going to we move it yeah Ju Just on that yeah we're not pursuing that yet we haven't um been contacted to Contin effectuate the transfer okay now we have a couple add-ons Joe um if you don't mind sure Jackie and I yeah we we wanted to know could you just go over R six why it was with drawn yes so R six um initially when again this is from a history perspective um in speaking with John wcala on that when he was hired as special Redevelopment Council here he had standard forms and then obviously through the evolution of time as different requirements from the council has evolved you know different you know paragraphs and Provisions you know we added to each agreement so you know for instance you know not being able to get a parking pass having um you know pick up uh garbage uh in that regard uh you know those are just some of the examples so so in talking with our special Redevelopment Council when they actually you know were reviewing the agreements they've they've just gotten away from the original standard template of that and they're just reworking the past couple months on getting back to a standard you know language in both agreement you know on this so that's why it's not finalized yet it's just you know going back and forth with some comments with the uh developers um attorneys on that and um it's really just um a review at this point for denoi in a a few other other the Redevelopment agreements forward but it's just you know a lot of time is going being spent on working and updating a new template on our Redevelopment agreement so again AL like for the financial agreements like you know 10% of the the Board of Education you know those things you know evolve and just sometimes it's just easier um just pulling the last agreement that you worked on because you had it instead of the the the standard template so that's kind of where that's where was withdrawn I I couldn't explain it as eloquent as you so I had to have come so it's not to that that project come line yes it's just this is going back and forth on making sure that our our language in the agreement is comfortable but also again you know because of the process with our ping sheets you know I I can't walk uh you know nor do I want to walk on an agreement for it so I I have to have a placeholder you know really in place and that's kind of what that was so yeah okay no I have four add-ons also oh we do yes so if we have to we'll wait at the end for Jay first one is authorizing the execution of a RightWay agreement between the city of Bayon and Comcast business Communications LLC to permit the installation use and maintenance of telecommunication facilities within the public rways for the purpose of providing telecommunication services okay so a question on this this is for um cell phone towers what is this telecommunications it's well I don't know what that is I want to know can anybody answer that that was a Mr Coffee add on yeah I'm just gonna say why don't we wait till J comes back because I don't want to uh I'd like to add a line to that I don't want to give my approval to something I don't know right so we'll be and um well that's the thing I want to add line there's six Provisions that's why it made it seem like it was the the cable company I like the seventh provision to be within six months or a year they have to remove any dead or discontinued lines so because they're crowding up our po so I need to know a few things also uh one would be this says non-exclusive so that means Optimum or CA the old cable vision who at one time had an exclusive company contract by the way um I need to know obviously that contract I would imagine is not exclusive anymore if we're going to have them come in and do that so I need to know that and I need to know when they say telecommunications what exactly are they including in that because like I said that could be it could be internet it could be cell phones it could be uh streaming television I mean there's a lot of possibilities here so let's put that for now we'll come we'll revisit that with some information so going to move on to air two which is providing for the financing of the special emergency appropriation of the city of bound in the county of Hudson by issuing the special emergency notes of the city it's so I we had this before didn't we the $4 million for retirement for the emercy okay but this is the same $4 million for retirements okay okay and I'll move that second and on air to Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi okay okay all right we'll go back to that one and do we raise These funds through the issuance of ipal bonds how how is it that we and when you say by selling not you mean a a bond it's not okay so we okay right okay thank you and three is authorizing an access agreement to allow performance of environmental due diligence in relation to the construction and installation of the twin Aqueduct pipeline system on block 294 lot 20 in Carney second on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi fourth add-on is authorizing the purchasing agent Andor any other appropriate City official to advertise for cell phone based pack a parking payment system utilizing the competitive Contracting process on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer I miss laaloa I okay we're going to go back to cr12 which is pink taking uh the necessary steps to extend the current maintenance contract with Jan Pro cleaning and disinfectant services from October 1st 2024 through December 31st 2024 for an additional amount of $877 making the total contract amount not to exceed $49,500 so it's definitely 15 months and that's the right amount okay and the 8779 additional is for the three months is that what it is okay right so then next January will be the next contract okay um we could do that on a hole is that okay with everybody and R cr12 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi with Mr Cory not back I'll take a motion to recess motion a second and on the motion to recess Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi motion hi they on and comast business commun LC I've asked uh Mr Coffee to explain some of our questions okay the Comcast came to us a couple months ago and under the uh an order dated February 15 2001 issued by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities they're authorized to provide communication Services they came to us and um they are looking to occupy public rights away within the city for the purpose of constructing installing operating repairing maintaining replacing a telecommunication system essentially it'll authorize uh Comcast to operate within the boundaries of of the city and and Comcast has to apply for permits and do everything else they have to do install and operate repair maintain replace telecommunication systems on on our on whatever is ours there's also uh psg's polls and other thirdparty polls that are out there that they might have to access but as far as the city's um uh consent is concerned we're only concerned about any right rights of way that we have over the over the public ways so right now you've got Verizon up there you've got cable vision stuff up there you're going to have Comcast stuff there's really nothing to stop us because of the the federal Lobby on this uh and their belief is that we should have choices which would I I think Warren Harding would want us to have have choices Hoover was against he was only we learn the lesson of the quote ho was against cable waren Harding was big he was way ahead of his time it's the Elon Musk of his day and he felt that everybody should have choices I I don't have a so Jak seriously there's no um there's no uh non-compete or whatever you want to call No in fact it's a non you right now we have non-exclusive agreements exclusive right with all the cable providers that that there was a day I remember back right back in the day when before Neil was born when when it was it was a dark time they they they didn't touch other they all had a territory cable vision took care of here and nobody else was allowed to come here Verizon was somewhere else or comcast with somebody place else now it's all hands on deck so all this is is a consent that we really don't have much of a choice about because they they are ascribed with the power to put this stuff up so this is essentially lines of All Sorts cable lines correct communication lines etc etc are we prohibited from adding because so there are six stipulations on page two right and can we make the seventh a a timeline if you want if it's a year or even if it's 24 months to remove dead and old lines and as a beautify correct reduce however you want to word it unfortunately unfortunately those aren't their lines to remove no I I think what we want is for them to have to so in in paragraph in our in our whereas as part of the resolution in in addition to I think that should be revised that they're going to apply for permits as necessary to construct install operate repair maintain or replace there has to be some language added that they are obligated to remove any non either non-working non inuse nonoperating equipment and given that this isit wait wait their equipment their equipment they don't they they would have to do that they we don't have any I don't think they have equipment up here no well well how about lines that are no longer in use lines that are breaking lines that hang down there's one in the middle of 29th Street right now they're other people's lines it's like me saying I've got a well that's funny cuz I called psng cuz it's hanging from a psng pole and they told me it's a cable line they can't touch it this wants to take but what I'm saying is why can't we add that that they have responsibility to remove any nonworking but but they have to come to the mic but but but for them to remove nonworking a it's got to be determined it's non-w working and it's not theirs to remove I can't take uh hey there's a lot why why can't I as a homeowner say there's a of wire that's doing anything I can take it off that's owned by Verizon cable vision I I think agree the issue is going forward once they install their property once they install their materials if we had something here like for example all these other companies that have them I don't believe there's anything in there that we can use as that has teeth to say you need to go and strip all those extra lines off can we add that here think when when their contract comes up again in 50 years no no no they have they have to do other things besides that every once while they'll come and say we want to go to 5G or we want to go to 6G at that point you can impress upon them you're not doing that unless unless your old stuff is taken away right but so can't we add that to this as a start as a as a condition of any renewal of a contract prior to the renewal a a plan of what's the what's a good word so so when when when when their lines are no longer in use they have to remove the lines correct okay then then we don't I have something to say but I want to hear what council First Council Jun speak I was with Verizon for many years so what the councilwoman is speaking about 90% of the lines that we're seeing right now that she's referencing are dead copper lines from Verizon or they could be cable vision lines um we're not going to get a new renewal for Verizon because they have a Statewide franchise agreement they don't go to each municipality once FiOS came about in 2005 they went to the state and got a Statewide franchise agreement so they stop negotiating with each municipality so we don't have that what we do have is the ability to contact Verizon and cable vision and we do have the ability to put pressure on them through their government relations people to come in and start cleaning up some of the deadlines we do that now with double woods so when there's two polls side by side sometimes there's always a problem with public we have to wait for public service to place the poll they'll place the pole move the power and then two polls will sit there forever because you got to wait for Verizon and cable vision to come and and swing the wires from the old to the new they'll come and do that and then they might walk away and then we'll have a situation where we have a double wood which you absolutely have the power to go to Verizon cable vision and public service and put pressure on them to remove those double Woods you could probably do the same I would be glad to talk to you I could put you into into contact with the right people at Verizon that could help start to remove it I would say the the the number of people that still use the old Antiquated copper lines is nil we stopped installing them that's right 20 years ago we don't even install it no more you have to if you get service from has to be on files we get homeowners that say this wire is hanging in my driveway and they call all these companies and nobody takes responsibility for it so I personally they'll call me up I don't know whose line that is or whose wire it is we need somebody who can detect Whose Line it is get in touch with that person and have the ability to do something if they don't take care of or the wire and that's what I want even if I have to do a separate resolution or whatever it is to get them to come and do what they're supposed to do if the wire is hanging the only recourse I have the fire department comes and ties it around the pole and it still looks ugly right and it does want that I want to beautify the town and get rid of the water just so you know how it works Verizon is the bottom then cable vision is the next row and then there's a large gap and everything above that is psng so it's Verizon is the bottom row of wires then cable vision and then but this is going to be Comcast installing new fiber I'm assuming dark fiber through the town uh that'll be somewhere in that cable vision space I assume or above there but they're not going to have you're not going to have anything to go to them with because they're installing new they have nothing okay but they they're looking for something and and I can build it in it says that uh the you're authorized to execute the mayor and clerk authorized to execute a RightWay agreement that's subject in similar to to to have a general form subject to the review and approved by the city's law director I I'll tell you point blank that if it doesn't have a provision in it that says that um they have to remove dead cable or dead wires within six months of of notice that we're not signing this but who are you asking to remove de wires what's that who are you asking to remove no no they have to remove 20 years from now their own wires whole thing that you just volunteered to coordinate the the uh removal of the old Verizon and um I could get you in touch with the people at Verizon the problem is cable vision uh they've changed but we could always find have who that is right but we do have the ability to put pressure on them to come in it would take a long time but they have to go in and start cleaning up there is a lot of dead wire out there right and that's why % of it is dead that six Monon period of time is more than sufficient um my $459 cable bill evidences the fact that they could hire someone a maintenance TR I honestly think 6 months is too much I think you should do three months well I don't I don't I think that's not realistic but as months is realistic as long as language is so so you're agreeing you're going to add a number seven not to your resolution in the body of the right of way agreement it'll say they're responsible for removing upon six months notice from the city of Bon they are responsible for removing any and all at least begin the process of removing uh any and all non-used wires yeah I can't if they fire the whole town it might take him two years to take it it take take him 5 years to put it up it might take him 5 years to take it down so would think that they would do that as it becomes necessary one would think that but then we see all this stuff that's line that's that's lining our streets understood okay so the the the caveat to me is upon issuance of this right of way agreement so again I'm GNA say this again and let the council decide what they want to do if that wire is hanging in my driveway and you give them six months they're going to take six months that's the minimum right so to me I don't want that wire hanging for six months I think you're giving them way too much I I wasn't thinking only talking about removing I wasn't thinking on an individual basis I was thinking on on a like right now Verizon has a whole network and I'm guessing Junior cable vision has a whole network of copper based wires and so does the maybe the phone company uh that's okay yeah uh to be right Mo mobell lines are running all throughout the city for the past 50 60 70 years and they're never going to be used again but they're still up there in fact maybe just tell the the people who go around and scrunch copper start climbing poles and start shipping the wires I think we're talking it's not the recommendation but V Vincent back there is going to be okay so so so the the bottom line is I don't think we going to do it on a pecem mail basis it'll be replaced on on a grand scale but the thing we have to do to start it off is we've got to get in touch with Verizon's reps and and cable Visions reps and see if we can initiate that process Comcast isn't going to be an issue for for many years because they're going to put new stuff up they're can put uh fiber optic cable and that'll be it um so the caveat for you tell me what the right I'll come back to you as a group before that right of uh right of by a way agreement is executed and you're telling me 6 months is too long um they have to initiate there has to be a process let's say that that I think I think you do have to allow for for necessary process internally in their organization so if not six months then I wouldn't I would suggest no less than four months 120 days right ipromise I think six months is too long so it's all right I don't think it's out of the realm a possibility to request a written receipt of our complaint with within three months and a completion of or correction within six months or four well that I'll leave that to I'll have to sit with them when we're doing the right away agreement okay what are we going to do in the long term about unused wires they can't do anything about the existing unused wires that's we're going to have to go back to the existing companies all right so in honor of Warren G Harding I think I think for actually we're we're we're honoring FDR he was a big government can do guy Herbert said everybody will do the right thing boy did they let him down so you hold no I was gonna say this all right so resolution goes as is but the admonition is to the Law Department that we got to come back with the for the actual execution of the RightWay agreement it's subject to my review and approval which I'm telling you will come back to you to say okay here's a language what do you tell me is okay all right okay so who' like to move it second and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Caroll hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi okay on the two consent resolution items that we pulled regarding uh Chief gisler and deputy chief Scerbo you recall back in August we had because of a change in the New Jersey administrative code with respect to terminal leave uh and retirement um payments to uh uniform officers um we had to amend the fmba contract both of them and then we had to amend the contract for chief um Weaver and deputy chief baros the same thing was going to be done with respect to the uh s SOA and um the PBA and that contract was just signed by them at 5:45 tonight so I don't have that the chief gisler and and deputy chief scuro went to their own attorneys and came up with rised we have employment contracts with each and we actually just revised there independent of this memorandum agreement which hasn't been approved yet by you we revised the language consistent with what we did with Chief Weaver and chief uh and deputy chief BOS for both deputy chief Scerbo and deputy and chief gisler on on the police side we we are not doing the police Superior officers Association or the PBA till next month because I didn't have the wherewithal to do it in 15 minutes so I've done a resolution that says whereas on honor about July 12 2023 the division of local government services read adopted uh New Jersey Administrative Code Title 5 Chapter 30 sub chapter 15 which among other things establishes procedures for local government units to account for accumulated advances and for the payment of to employees for such absences including the dollar value for AC acred or compensated vacation leaves of absence and whereas due to the afores said read adoption it was necessary for the city of B to amend its collectively negotiated agreements with the B police superiors officer Association the B and the police benevolent Association local number seven by way of memorandum of agreement and whereas due to the change in administrative code is now necessary to amend the city's employment agreement with both police chief Robert gisler and Deputy Chief Joseph n scuro to reflect a change to their terminal leave and payment of accumulated retirement hours of reimbursement now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and clerk are hereby authorized to execute amendments to the existing employment agreements with both uh Chief Robert gisler and Deputy Chief Joseph nurbo as set forth in the attachments the attachments are the the actual agreements with that language revised like to move it and on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr Laos I and with nothing else I'll take a motion to adjourn move have a happy Halloween everybody oh uh Mr Booker would like to add something okay real quick um I gotta I gotta stop saying all right real quick again I forgive me forgive me uh Bayon uh police department along with the mayor Davis tomorrow we're going to have a very important uh event down at 16 Street Park it's called the calming Sirens it's open to the community but it especially addresses uh our special needs Community where they come down they get a chance to meet all the uh EMTs police and fire and all the special services uh that are provided to the community and they have it's a free event I think it's uh it's very important to go out and meet these people I've done it for a couple of years and they get to play around with the trucks and the police cars and so forth and so on but it's essential because it really reassures the special needs that when they hear these sirens and things going on in the city that they don't get too alarmed about it so you get familiar and you understand and it's it's a very important program and I just want anybody that's stuck around uh tomor at 5: to 7 at the lower level in 16 Street park open to the whole Community please come out support and help this community thank you and on the mo don't leave on the motion to adjourn Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi have a good evening for