##VIDEO ID:fOTA2_ksy9s## [Music] [Music] I would like to advise all those present that notice of this regular meeting of December 18th 2024 has been provided to the public in accordance with the provisions of the open public meeting Act of the state of New Jersey no notice of time and place of this meeting has been included in the annual notice of meetings which was posted and file with the city clerk and with the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger an additional notice of time and place was posted and file with the city clerk and was forwarded to the Jersey journal and Star Ledger on December 13 2024 the regular meeting of the municipal Council of the city of Bayon is now in session miss Medina please call the role Mr Booker here Mr Carol here Mr Perez here miss we here Mr laaloa here please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay starting with 01 has been withdrawn and it will be reintroduced at 013 O2 is a bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the city's parking utility appropriating $250,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $250,000 bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of B in the county of Hudson state of New Jersey it was introduced and pass the first reading held November 13th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 18th is now before the council for its consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by the council president Mr Perez will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carrol I Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title a bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of vehicles and equipment for the city's parking utility appropriating $250 million there uh therefore and authorizing the issuance of $250,000 bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized and and by the city of B in the county of Hudson New Jersey the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak yes question I have a question on please state your name and address Sharon nski 126 Avenue I a question on o1 I realize you're reintroducing it but once you introduce an ordinance and it's up for second reading you could take three actions um you know postpone it wrote it up or vote it down so you can't just move it it has something has to be done with the ordinance you can't reintroduce it until you right isn't there only three actions you can take postpone it vote it up or wrote it down once once you've introduced it something has to be done to it so it needs a public and some before anything can happen you have to have a the public hearing no no what would happen is they could go to a the motion to have the second hearing they allow for a public no public hearing they would just say moving moving it for to have a motion to move it first the second time to to have it heard if it doesn't move get moved and seconded and then voted in favor to put it up it just dies okay technically speaking I'll Grant your request technically speaking they should put put it up and not do it but that's just we know we're going to come back at 013 with a revised ordinance that was the plan all all along since last week and technically speaking correct but we knew it was going to die on the vine anyway but there was there was no requirement to have a public hearing just because it's scheduled for one because it has to be voted on to be put out for a second hear I didn't mean to hear and I meant a comment you always have a comment before you could take the final vote correct yes thank you and actually it's been postponed mult multiple times hasn't been second the second reading hasn't taken place at all I know right back to O2 anybody else on O2 no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or its passage has been F and on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laoa hi and resolution ordering final passage and on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I oh3 is a bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements and Acquisitions of various vehicles and Capital Equipment appropriating 7 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of 6,666 500,00 ,000 in bonds $500 in bonds or note to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorized in and by the city of Bon County of Hudson state of New Jersey and which was introduced and passed the first reading at the meeting held November 13th was published in New Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 18th is now before the council for's consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by the council president Mr perz will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weamer I Mr laaloa I second reading is by title the bond ordinance providing for various Capital Improvements Acquisitions of various vehicles and Capital Equipment appropriating $7 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of 6,666 500 bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof authorization by the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey the county is now ready to give all person council is ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance an opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or's passage has been filed with me may have a motion to close Mo second on the motion to close Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr P I miss weer I Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passage move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I 04 is an ordinance of the city of Bon amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bayon chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations which was introduced and past the first reading at a meeting held November 13th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin board as required by law with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 18th is now before the council for its consideration and the public hearing I'm going to ask um Mr skeler to come and just um give a little more information about you want to move the resolution do second reading first okay sure sorry about that it's moveed by council member Perez Mr Carol will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and second reading again is by title an ordinance of the city of ban amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 33 Planning and Development regulations and the council is now ready ready to recognize anyone who wishes to be to speak good evening Council uh so for this ordinance it's a uh simple uh update uh basically that uh a zoning permit if no action is taken within a year uh the uh zoning uh permit will expire uh we're we're asking uh that the council um you know adopt this uh this is a request from our zoning officer M uh tuy uh in regards to the fact that we're you know getting some applications coming in no action is uh being taken upon once they apply uh so this will also help clean up um you know the zoning uh files director can I ask you what constitutes action do we have a definition like for example I I understand there's minutia there where if they drive a nail or if they show up with a truck or do we have a clarified how we can prove they have within a year if there is no action taken within the ordinance it's not defin it's left ambiguous um it's just a one sentence liner that other towns have uh again we we're finding where people they'll pull the permit and then they won't take any action at all so this is again to you know prohibit that so all right so essentially if it's it remains flat for a year yeah okay and if they go in and start something and then again time that time passes and they haven't finished it that qualifies as well yes thank but currently right now if they just apply for it and they'll have it you know that's the Imp perpetuity right so this changes that this changes that I'll second it anybody else that I'll take a motion to close moving and on the motion to close Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and a resolution ordering final passage move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi 05 I have a resolution postponing this ordinance entitled an ordinance of the city of Bon amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of B chapter 37 historical preserv preservation and it's postponing it to the January 15th meeting it's moved by council member council president laaloa Mr Booker will you second second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 06 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bayon chapter 7 traffic which was introduced and past the first reading at the meeting held November 13th was published in the Jersey journal and posted on the bulletin boards required by lore with notice that it would be further considered for final passage following a public hearing at this meeting of December 18th is now before the council fort's consideration and a public hearing and a resolution given the ordinance second reading is moved by council member Perez Mr Booker will you second second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi second reading is by title and ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bon chapter 7 traffic the council is now ready to give all persons interested in this ordinance and opportunity to be heard concerning it the council president will recognize anyone who wishes to speak no protest against objections to or statements in favor of this ordinance or passage has been filed with me may I have a motion to close and on the motion to close Mr Booker Mr Carrol Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I and a resolution ordering final passage and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer Mr laaloa hi our first speaker is Mr saleri good evening Tom Larry 8 West Grand Street uh couple questions you I know he's not going to answer some tonight we have every day two officers babysitting at McDonald's I feel that instead of the cops being paid because they're walking the beat you were taking them off the beat to sit at McDonald's I feel it should go to overtime let the cops get paid and the city get paid we're not babysitters we got 7 3,000 people that live in this town we got a fire department that has to worry about that we got the cops to worry about that they're the best things that we have in this town now you have problems on 25th in Broadway you all voted for a building 200 yards 300 yards up the block correction where all but one all but one you where the guy where the gentleman's going to put a Rec Center you have problems on 2 25th in Broadway what makes you think that problem on Broadway is not going to go up the block that building shouldn't even be put in a rec center it's privately owned is the city paying that owner rent for that Rec Center that's that's that issue is over nowhere now the other one we have big development down theot Chosen Few get in touch with the turnpike put Turnpike signs at Chosen Few and Goldberg Drive make the left go down Chosen Few to go to the turnpike because everybody's going from down the block all the way up to 440 to make a right turn you got traffic going all the way down back down to the ship today I witnessed three cars one of them was mine that almost got head on by some coming across the Y Line This Is Where public work should be going down there put the lators from the driveway of T of Costco all the way down to 440 so they once they go over that line they can get back in also they got cars going down the right side cutting off cars to go left I says we have nothing but problems down there you got people coming out of Costco shooting across to go to Lial Starbucks or CVS then you got people making lefts out of uh CVS to go to 440 I can I can imagine the police department with the amount of accident list that they got there CU I know last month there had to be at least two or three of them is the city waiting for something fatal to happen before they put get a traffic light put don't answer you that guy I'm not answering because I can see you're ready to think I I when you're done but it's getting really it's getting really bad down there somebody's going to get killed and I don't want to come back here and say oh I came back here on in December and told you about it but you waited for somebody to get killed to do something that intersection at chosen fuel in Goldburg should had traffic light up before any of these buildings even went in because you knew what the traffic the traffic study was I don't know what professional you had down there but you can imagine at that time it was probably the traffic flow was probably low now you got K has three of his buildings up over 600 and something St uh units now you got the townhouse is down a block you got the buildings you got the tavern on the Hudson it's all generating traffic now you got another highrise getting put up you also voted for a 50 story building correction except for one good job you know you don't see none of this happen down in God's country you figur you like that but the thing is you's got to do something with Chosen fewu and gos Burg because if I get if I get into an accident and I know the city knows about the problems they ain't doing nothing about it we're going to court and Jay he's he's gonna get all the paperwork sorry jay but you know my brother's starting to come out at me so the thing is you got to take care of the problem before somebody gets hurt because I'm going to be the one to tell you as I told you so all right thank you you're done yeah I'm done so so not answering your question but pretty much all day long I've had conversations with a whole bunch of people this is not back and forth but it's also on multimedia you follow Facebook you'll see it you got to go back to your seat and let me address this my way okay under the so I'm going to ask um Sue our planner to come up because I've had many discussions with her and as far as you saying nothing being done there's plenty being done so you're going to hear some about that now this is uh suac our planner and an expert with all that down the base yeah I thank you council president it's very kind of you to uh acknowledge me as your planner um I also am U um you know as planners you get certification so I'm I'm a certified Transportation planner I'm also a fellow in The Institute of Traffic Engineers so I always care about traffic and transportation it's it's just U it's part of my nature but I I do agree uh we have been really seriously concerned about this intersection at and and and I think um the comment made by the member of the public saying that we should have planned for it we did plan for it so when we did our Master planning we acknowledged that there would be traffic signals would be needed uh as the base was developed and as you know the base went through a SN because of the tax situation in the market and then now it's coming back online and we acknowledge it we have a development team meeting every week we discuss this it's on the agenda practically every week but there are a couple things happening and I think if there's any to be said possibly what we're doing isn't put out there enough that people understand that we do care about it so um because the development team which is head by Mr Skiller and everybody everybody's on the development team all the Departments are uh we have brought in Lieutenant KY who as everyone knows is our Watchdog for every traffic issue in the city especially around development he has alerted us the police department's concern with goboro and chosen fway that's where the real emphasis has been and so what's happened during that period of time um as the member of the public said when when you first plan a thing you can't just implement it because there was no traffic so now we've gotten to the point where we've we've done the study necessary to Warrant the traffic signal and that is based on volume it's also based on unfortunately accidents that occur in the area and this intersection of chosen F way and Goldsboro and Lloyd has been involved from the planning Boardman is now eligible for Signal there's a couple of other things going on the police department has identified that it would be part of the problem is the um left turn into Costco and that seems to be where there are many accidents and so the city has reached out to and worked very cooperatively with Costco uh since last April Costco went down to the New Jersey Department of Transportation to ask for an amendment to our Highway access permit the city of Bon has a highway access permit can only have one permit and so we've been working uh Mr Coffee was on the calls uh with the Department of Transportation and they basically told us what has to happen we have to agree with Costco and they they put a lot of conditions they they're not just going to give them a new entrance or 440 which would really help the situation they have to show they've looked at this they've looked at that and so our traffic engineer John pavich has been working with DOT forever and um what basically comes up now is is that we have a we have a proposal to do to have a right in WR out which would mean that a lot of the traffic that comes into Goldsboro wouldn't come in it would get on and off Route 440 so that's one part of it but dot acknowledges that right in might be easy right out might not be easy because we have a bridge so there's a design issue there that has to be looked at so what I'm saying to you it's not a fat to comp that Costco will get the right in right out which will help us immensely but it is a fat compa that if the city supports it which we are they'll get the right in and that will eliminate the need for the left turn which is the area where we are having the accidents so we've we've gotten that far in the process U Mr Skiller came up with a way way to advance this uh we are having a technical review committee meeting on January 8th with with Costco and Costco will come in with two Alternatives uh we will go through the TRC process and then I believe I will be able to get permission to set up this follow-up meeting with do and we will go down to do hopefully in January and hopefully um they will give us Direction but it's not bad news for for Bon EV way because we even get the right in right out which eliminates the whole problem or they come in and they come out on Chosen Few way what did we just say Chosen Few way choose chosen Fe few way will require the signal in any case it meets the criteria now and what we're hoping is either that as a result of this action Costco will be able to participate with us but we also have more people on the development team we have Mr Balman and Mr Wala who are working with the development team and Mr gillander on trying to come up with a uh a fair share cost Arrangement so that we can actually get the funds to do the intersection and we're working with again with uh with Lieutenant KY on that and we have cost estimates on what the signal will be we have cost estimates on what the design will be and we have a path forward um we acknowledge things take so much time it's it's so hard to even think of um uh that you know how long it takes to get something when it might be an emerging condition but there are people in this building starting with the police department their directors of safety the council the development team there's no one who doesn't believe that as M got developed we would not have to do something and uh we're putting a lot of effort into it and I'm putting a lot of faith in that January 8th meeting as being the start of the solution so and if I can answer any other questions on that I'd be happy too okay I was going to ask Mr skeler to add a little bit about the TRC yeah but I've had so many different discussions between you Mr Skiller uh Lieutenant KY who I know you know very well Mr salary yes and um he actually gave me several different things that I don't really want to go into I'll let Mr skiler do but well he does have he does have suggestions that could he has suggestions that could be implemented now and uh they could be implemented now but they would be in conveniences to the public without the overall picture but well so so some of the things he I'm not going to go on on ANM and say exactly what he said but by eliminating certain left turns and right it's the left turn also with the businesses across the street then we're actually able to redirect the traffic and it should eliminate a lot of the um cautionary uh things that are going on right now where that are causing some of these accidents the only before I yield Flor to DK Skiller has a better overview than I do I will say one thing when when Starbucks went in we went to the state the state's been very Cooperative to us this signal aside from making the warrant is out of the state's control now it's on us because it's off it's off Chosen Few way is not we will have to coordinate the signal with DOT with 440 but the one thing I would say that that Lieutenant kti comments on when we put in the left turn lane for double left turn lane for Starbucks we did the signal optimization there and there will be no there will be no other optimizations at that intersection because we've already done it but that that's a good point to remember because sometimes they well you change the signal time it'll help well we we we were granted that relief um when we put in the double the double left turn so Dot's been totally Cooperative as Jay can confirm uh the mayor and he have an excellent relationship with Dot and the very Cooperative with us but this right now is on we have we have an approval for the signal we have to figure out a way to finance it and we're hoping through what director skillin's going to inform you of it's not going to be a solution until we get a a sign off from dot so we're going to go down there with options so we hopefully in February we'll be back because the meetings should be in January we'll be able to say hey we went down this is where Costco is going and Costco can weigh in and see how they can you have opportunities they needed this relief and hopefully it'll be an opportunity for us um one one other thing I was suggested was uh certain signage which the city council would have to approve and we do that certain signage it would actually direct a lot of the cruise traffic down towards palaski Street which would also take congestion away from and we also we also have an estimate on that also so I mean I mean so there's good suggestions that came out of all this dialogue and it's just a matter of getting things done and and certain things unfortunately take certain amount of time yeah it it is unfortunate but there's been a lot of Direction director skiland can update you on it thank you uh yeah Joe if you want to Sure council president M Mack thank you so much uh so just quickly just on that with the trc's as Miss Mack has alluded to uh basically it's a informal meeting with the city and the city's professionals to kind of keep the ongoing conversations regarding uh you know the traffic issues on Mai and I know council president laa you've been intercal on uh you know these several month conversations on what to do with that so what this informal meeting basically does is it allows our professionals uh the opportunity to you know work with uh Costco and several of the other developers to come up with the solution to a understand what they're actually what Costco is looking to do on the their two plans of you know making you know the getting the uh exit on 440 or uh you know having a half exit and the other you know exit on uh chosen and few uh it also will allow the opportunity then for our uh you know uh engineers and our professionals to you know kind of piece uh you know have one more piece to the puzzle uh you know in their uh you know to their knowledge on you know what other improvements have to be done uh such as traffic signalization uh other roads uh being built uh that haven't been paved but exist on paper uh you know so that's one of the things with this uh TRC that's it's going to help with thank you thank you for that and and Sue thank you as well it was very informative uh before we move on I mean it was mentioned and I'd like to just clarify a point I first I have enormous faith in and respect for the work that Miss Mack does and the council president I know you have been dedicated to finding a solution in that area my concern as I stated at the time that it was passed is this is reactive not proactive and now that we've eliminated and mention was made of the master plan and doing things with respect to our traffic plan as relates to the master plan we also in the last year eliminated a 25 story limit in favor of a 50 story limit which has now doubled the construction size that can be down there and if there's going to be more of that super siiz type construction then we need to be ahead of the game not waiting for the accident lists to pile up because go down there frequently and you do take your life in your hands so I think the suggestions that were made by the council president the suggestions talked about here are going to help but they're going to help the situation that exists today what happens now when construction's completed if and when that occurs and that's that's my concern so that was one of the reasons why I was against it then I'm not going to get into a war words with you but I would say that it's kind of proactive when there's no building built yet so I'm not going to get into the back and forth but you could consider that proactive and not reactive in my opinion absolutely problem to but but again we are moving forward with good suggestions and um after January 7th which is the TRC meeting um I think we'll be on the right path to fix it so do anybody else want to add anything to that okay mateline next speaker is Mr dupe thank you how you doing guys I can I'm worn out here I I've been doing three or four edits and everything involved everybody's stealing my thunder over here this fell over here so I'm not I'm not sure if I could follow you or if I was before but I'm over here revising my notes and everything just please give your name and address please oh boy um is my understanding that you're not allow Ken dupay 90 West 35th Street Long time my whole life except for college and the Army um am I correct you really can't ask questions it's not a question and answer yeah so I rephrase my questions a different way uh it's in regards to you know the approved 50 story building now I know I've talked with several members up here I you know I'm not going to call but out kind of disappoint that I have left uh text M message twice last week and a couple of members didn't return so if we're going to have dialogue with people secondly I don't know why you guys have your email address on a website I send that a mess mailing a while back nobody text your email you know I guess you're older because I know nobody goes on Facebook I mean I I called you back the same day you did other people did so I'm saying you know three to five did in other occasions they have uh I find out now with the younger generation you know they don't even go Facebook now it's the the phones they don't even go on a computer so everybody's adjusting to this whole new world here um some I was going to ask a question but I'm not I'm going to do it as a I wonder I know that young lady over there talked about the uh surveys were done prior so my suggestion would be ask your questions if you want to wait till the end of the meeting we'll wait and you can ask anything you want if we don't know it we'll find out for you no I would i' rather have other people here I was trying to GA public speaking portion we keep it moving I'm winging it I thought I was just going to be reading here but maybe it's better uh I know a lot of times I've heard from people they don't like to go on Facebook what people say this and that but really you're seeing what people are thinking in a community and when you come to this 50 story buildings I posted things on there for instance about speed cameras and I've gotten people say no no and and you know not not 100% you know back and forth but this is one issue which you know this Costco situation I don't have any person I've ever met Facebook and I got a lot of followers I have several different pages business pages I have a I have a bay on Watchdog page which the police send me that I thank them the reports of accidents people are following that you know I'm trying to be proactive for big thing is safety you know so that's one but you know I think you should go in there and see what people saying because I know you don't have time to walk around around the streets and everything uh but you got to know you know you're supposed to be doing it well with the people I think all right so anyway the qu I'm going to put this I I wonder if a safety survey was done prior to the approval of the 50 story building was going to be a question but I'm just saying I wonder secondly if there was a survey done I wonder if there was any report of accidents okay I'll share something with you excuse me nasal DP analogy uh I filed an open report on December 4th which stated quote I would like to know the number of accidents that occurred on gburg Drive since January 1st 2023 that's a little less than a two-year period all right based on a report I got I actually had to call up the uh sergeant and say is this a typo and he verified it wasn't this is the response since uh 1 2023 there have been 242 accidents is listed with Goldsboro drive as a location I don't know if that surprises anybody you can't answer that can you repeat the number what can you repeat the number 242 242 I was almost going to get a shirt on here when when you're done I'll make some comments okay can not help you will now you know based on this report and if you look at statistics and lower probability if everything stays the same no more new stores no more new buildings in the next two-year period you're going to have 242 accidents you know plus or minus 5 to 10% margin of error anybody study statistics lower probability that's going to be I'll put money on it now a lot of these things you're waiting that are out of your hands I know Gary you talked to me could take like you have to try and wrap up your comments please if you could we give everybody five minutes I'll a little little I'll come right up I'll come to the end game I think the one thing that you can do that's in your power is not to approve to vote re whatever revote this 50 story building is not going to do any good it except cause more problems and I thank you for voting against it you're welcome that's it so I I spoke to Lieutenant kti today he told me that between October of the year before and this October there was 24 accidents on Chosen Few or it was 15 on Chosen Few accidents nine on Goldsboro Drive in the year from October 23 to October 24 so this is wrong so it might be taking in Route 440 which is quite large so I don't know where on Route 440 those other accidents possibly the police listed as Goldsboro drive but the lieutenant Who's involved in the he's the head of the traffic department told me specifically today there were 24 accidents on those two roads well so I'm not saying you're wrong but I don't know what they're including if well maybe you wanted Jack maybe you can have him and his other sergeant and you and I can get together with I would love that I I would and I would I get together with you and the lieutenant we do that quite often one accident and one life is too many I agree I agree with you listen we're acknowledging that there's an issue and a problem but contrary to what anybody thinks I think we are being proactive now no you are being proactive but you could stop this 50 story building you want it but we don't need it differ of opinion on a 50 story building I voted for it also and I voted for it because I wanted to see something unique it's only a one block area it's not the whole base that's your opinion I get it what's unique I get it my my sweatshirt is unique you know but but again we're we're we're talking about a lot of different subjects here right now as far as the traffic is concerned um Mr salari and Mr dupe I hope you know we'll find out a little bit more my what I'm going to do and this council's going to do is we're going to review it and we're going going to have some changes on our own to be made before anything about a light or changing of those exits and entrances so we're going to be doing some things on our own that we know we can do and I'm going to give everybody the suggestions that Lieutenant KY gave us so we can review it as a body here as the elected body and get some things done and I'm hoping for next month Miss Medina Miss madowski Shon nski 126 Avenue a um first before I should have said it before my first time up just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year um hopefully um everyone has a good 2025 um I'm going to stay on topic um and I'm gonna find myself agreeing with um councilman Carol again because it's not proactive because you guys this Council everyone sitting up there back in 2021 you did an o study to justify the development not being halted when when the big headline came out that we were going to um halt on development till we did an occupancy study then the occupant study which I sometimes question the ability of that but said it's 95% on all these new developments so in 2021 you knew that all those buildings down there were at 95% capacity but you didn't know that there'd be cars until today when the accidents happened I I I I I see if you if you did a study to find out the occupancy was there we don't have any public transportation down there so people are only getting around via vehicles and if they have to walk they're taking their life in the hands Crossing that Highway which I see quite often um and it's very disturbing to see people with kids crossing 440 and that's been something that's in process way too long to The Pedestrian Crossways down there um and we had fatalities on that people crossing the street there and so and we keep I keep hearing reference to this our master plan we haven't followed our master plan at all and right because a lot of this is not in the master plan and then we can talk about yeah Mr Carol did vote no on some of them but down in the first board you voted to add and outside of uh the uh planning board to add stories to the cast building the 13th Street we add you guys voted to add more additional stories onto that 12th Street so you know we pick and choose which I get as good you don't say yes to everything pick and choose which ones and to say we are passing a 50 story building because we want to do something unique it's not a justification it's a burden on our we haven't added any more police right our police the number of police has pretty been consistent the number of firemen has been consistent with all this new development but they have a whole another area with hundreds a thousand we'll say that of residents down there that they're now responsible for keeping safe and patrolling that area and responding to these 247 accidents whether you want a a 42 um I don't want to say maybe they weren't exactly on goldberger maybe but our cops are responding and that's a direct correlation to the number of traffic that's developed from from the that the houses that are down there so to say you didn't see this coming it just like I don't know where where it was right so I I don't think this is reactive you wouldn't even be addressing this today if you didn't know because it was on Facebook that Mr Dupri did all this research and everyone was outraged and he was trying to get people to come to this meeting to address it that's why you were very well prepared today because you did your homework because you knew people were coming to ask the question so that's and also um just a followup on the scrap metal downtown I know we kept hearing that people were going to follow up but nothing's been said and it's continuing and the noise is still continuing just so all you know that the noise is going the dust and Metal's flying so um nothing there has changed thank you and just so you know it's not just from his Facebook and it's not just from his call I've been working on this for a long time down there just wanted you to know Miss Medina m 07 is a bond ordinance for excuse me one second I'd just like to jump in if I may sure um real quick um Mr drowsky I I appreciate what you're saying and everything that you're talking about is legitimate okay they are our concerns but you made a statement on 20121 I was not here so what I'm doing is I was not here in 2021 all right wait this is not going to go back and forth you made your statement he's allowed to make his statement now okay that's the way it works all I'm saying is the fact that I recognize everything that people are talking about did that article though oh well well my point I wasn't sitting on a day at 2021 so I didn't vote on anything that's all I want to say thank you I would say we should both play the lotto though to have a night where a salarian and adrai agrees with a Carol is a it's a big moment moving on ordinances for proposed for introduction is a bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of new water chiller and various additional Heating and Cooling improvements to the City Hall appropriating $3,250,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 3,9 95,200 bonds or notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof and authoriz authorized in and by the city of Bayon County of Hudson state of New Jersey and a resolution moved by the council president fixing Wednesday January 15th at 6 p.m. in the D the E Harrington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing and final passage Mr Perez will you second second second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I 08 is a bond ordinance amending in part Bond ordinance number 0 24-42 adopted July 17 2024 providing for improvements to various roads to improve in order to increase the Appropriations therefore by $800,000 for a total appropriation of $3,500,000 to increase the authorized bonds or notes to be issued to finance a portion of the course thereby thereof by 8, $800,000 for a total debt authorization of $3,500,000 authorized in and by the city of B County of Hudson state of New Jersey and a resolution moved by the council president fixing Wednesday July 15th at 6 p.m in the Darth the E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing and final passage Mr Booker we a second second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi 9 is an ordinance of the city of Bon County of Hudson New Jersey approving the Redevelopment plan for the property located at 361-373 Kennedy Boulevard which is identified as block 262 lot 78 and 9 as shown on the official tax map of the city pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law and a resolution fixed in Wednesday January 15th at 6 p.m. in the dth the E Harrington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing and final passage the resolutions moved by the council member Perez Miss weer will you second second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa iops what happened to 010 010 is an ordinance of the city of Bayon County of Hudson New Jersey accepting the dedication of Avenue G and other roadway improvements and resol resolution moved by council member Perez fixing Wednesday January 15th at 6 p.m in the D the E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing and final passage Mr Booker will you second second on a resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa I 01 is an ordinance of the municipal Council of the city of bound County of Hudson New Jersey authorizing and approving the title 39 traffic laws enforcement for applicants applicant redeveloper bayw JV LLC designated the redeveloper of certain property located at 219 West Fifth Street also known as block 3.01 Lots 1.01 3.01 3.02 3.03 3 .04 3.05 3.06 and 3.99 and parts of block 511 lot one pursuing to the city to the planning board's application p2320 and amending and supplementing section 7- 38.4 of the city of Bon's municipal code and a resolution fixed on Wednesday January 15th at 6m in the DOR the Eon council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage who'd like to move it second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 02 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of bay chapter 7 traffic and a resolution fixing Wednesday January 15th at 6 p.m in the Darth the E Harrington council chambers as a time and place for a public hearing and final passage resolutions moved by council member Perez Mr Carol will you second second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weamer hi Mr laaloa i o 13 is an ordinance amending and supplementing the revised General ordinances of the city of Bay on chapter 4 licensing registration and business reg registration and a resolution fixing Wednesday January 15th at 6 p.m. in adart the E Harrington council chambers as a time in place for a public hearing and final pass who would like to move it move it second on that resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa hi4 is an ordinance amending the scattered site Redevelopment project Phase 2 site 14 Route 440 West Redevelopment plan to include interim temporary uses as permitted uses and to study block 45 2.02 lot 67 and N to determine if the properties qualify as an area in need of Redevelopment puru to njsa 40a colon 12 A-5 and a resolution fixed in January 15th at 6 p.m. in the Dary har e Harington council chambers as a time and place for public hearing and final passage who' like to move it move it second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr pereez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi and consent resolution is moved by the council as a whole it is a resolution ordering the following Communications to be received and file it covers C1 through C6 any questions on the communications and on the communications Mr Booker hi Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weamer I Mr laaloa I the offices report is a resolution ordering the following officers reports to be received and filed and any resolutions Incorporated within to be adopted and moveed by the council as a whole any questions on the officer reports and on the officer reports Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi consent resolution is a resolution moved as a whole it is a resolution ordering the following res resolutions to be adopted it covers cr1 through cr44 any questions on the consent resolutions and on the consent resolutions Mr Booker all Mr Carol oh you do okay CR 41 CR 21 and 41 so on all the remaining consent resolutions Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi m Mr laaloa hi you said 41 and 21 CR 21 is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to T take any and all actions necessary to execute any and all documents to exercise the city's second one-year option to renew the shared services agreement with the Bayon Board of Education whereby the city agrees to provide Solid Waste Services to the bay on Board of Education grammar and high schools for an amount of 345,000 453003 you have to come to yeah you got to come to the podium Sharon nski 126 Avenue Bay so I think two months ago we had on the agenda to re to do the one to twoe extension of our current Garbage Contract which it ends January 31st we have not had that back on the agenda so we currently January 31st we don't have a A Garbage Contract but yet we're renewing our chair service agreement which is essentially saying we're going to operate you do your your pickup under our contract which we don't have and we're committing to a a cost on that but we don't have a contract so I'm not understanding how you can provide a service that you don't have a contract to provide so it's going to be the same question on the next one because that's providing the shared service with the Housing Authority we have a contract through December 31st 2024 this and that's in a couple days Curr the current contract runs through the end of this year yes so you'll have it renewed by then had some public meeting we'd have to have a special meeting or ratifying a firm after the new year right now we have a contract through the end of this year if it gets if it gets to January 1 we have that's an issue my point is that but you're you're entering into a contract independent independent of whether or not we have a garbage contractor with a contract with the existing uh provider I understand J I'm not I'm going to I'm not I'm really going to just address this the res resolution says it's subject to the entry into of a Garbage Contract okay um well we don't get the full um thing in in what you read but on like the council people I would think that you know in good conscious or in ethics like you're you're passing something that you know you don't have the services I know you can because technically just like technically which really wasn't before you always have to have a public he and want you in to do something but um I'm going to correct but I'm going you don't have a public if a public hearing comments public comment you only have to have public comments uh a public hearing is required in connection with the passage of an ordinance at its second reading if it doesn't receive a second reading there is no obligation to have a public hearing but you have to call for the vote to know you didn't have a second reading we just went over this technically speaking yes but you in either case you don't get in either case you don't get a public hearing perfect thank you but technically speaking like Jay just said Tech Tech Al speaking yes so technically speaking you gentlemen and and Jackie you don't need a contract to enter into this because you you got an out but would that be The Prudent thing to do ENT we don't have the budget passed yet for 2025 finish what I was saying and we don't we don't can I finish let her finish so I'm just saying I it's just I'm I'm not I I just find that a little odd that and that's I you know that you're passing a contract two contract that's saying you're going to provide a service that you don't have a contract to provide starting that date which is not that far away right it's what's today the 18th or 19th I'm not even sure 18th yeah so I don't know but that I'm just letting making you aware I wanted to make sure that you know everyone understood what they were doing now you do thank you so on CR 21 Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi m Miss weer so as I understand it in both of these instances and I'm quite familiar with reading contracts and and agreements so what cr21 requires and what we are agreeing to is to provide a service no matter who it is the vendor that we contract with we are providing a service and are sharing that expense in the case of cr21 with the Bon Board of Education in the case of cr41 with the bong Housing Authority so we are committing to assisting two organizations that assist our residents and so what we are agreeing to is that service agreement to provide um as far as cr41 is to provide dumpsters for refug services to our our bound Housing Authority buildings and so it is with that understanding whatever that cost is to us we have agreed to a dollar amount of $60,000 um towards the bay housing authority authority and um 345,000 in change with the ban Board of Education so I am certain that if that dollar amount would change which I'm certain it is subject to the renewal of the contract um that Miss nadki referred to I'm certain we would have to come back and reissue our vote so so it is with that understanding that I vote I Mr laaloa I 41 is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to take any in all actions and any and all documents necessary to execute any and all documents necessary to exercise the city's second one-year option to renew shared services agreement with de Bay on Housing Authority for the city to provide 20 10 yard dumpsters to be located at the Bayon housing locations throughout the city for an amount of $60,000 payable by the Bayon housing authority to the city of Bayon and on that one which is moved as a whole Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa I R1 is authorizing and directing the planning board to conduct the preliminary investigation to determine whether the property located at 1037 1041 Broadway which is identified as block 45 lot 20 constitutes an area in need of Redevelopment pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law and it's moved by council member L council president laaloa Mr Perez will you second second Mr Booker Mr Carol I'd like to add an amendment I think I'd like to move that we authorize this to go to the planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation with an analysis provided to the Council of potential affordability options affordable housing Workforce housing Etc options council president mayor I represent the property owner the potential developer of this site um just give your name Michael melli Yes uh uh that's that's not permitted under the law and I would not want any such attachment to that resolution the resolution is permitted under the local Redevelopment and Housing law and that is to study an area in need of Redevelopment if you want to do something separate about affordability you can do that um that but the law doesn't permit you to tag it on to a preliminary investigation so if you want to do a separate resolution I that's up to the council but if you want to do it as part of this process you can't and and you can ask your Council that but that's that's we would object strongly to that and I don't think it complies with the local re development housing law thank Mr skeler did you want to talk about this uh this memorandum I think this is a proper time for you to speak about it now sure than so if you would like to make some comments after as well sure okay so so the council was provided a letter a memorandum drafted from our affordable housing planner Brian law within that memorandum it did uh two things one kind of uh defines kind of the broad parameters of your type of affordable housing and kind of a background on affordable housing uh within the state of New Jersey uh with that it goes into quickly the limits of what low housing is what moderate and then also uh what Workforce housing is and kind of the standards uh that uh pursuant to the HUD guidelines uh furthermore what the what the uh memorandum also does is it expresses then the next round of what's coming up for uh 2025 for our round four obligations and kind of sets out a time frame over the next uh you know year uh to year and a half on what actions the municipality has to do regarding um its uh present need obligation or in layman's terms a rehab component uh there's uh also uh another component which would be uh a new build obligation uh luckily when you say rehab you're saying Rehabilitation of of existing housing yes okay yes uh so the existing current housing stock that we have because uh we have been spending the past couple of U you know months uh you know with Miss Mack uh Mr slow uh and the administration just working with uh understanding the next round of COA obligations uh in regards to what you know Bon's uh need are you know we're one of the uh 21 towns that qualifies as an Urban Aid municipality so we don't have a new build obligation uh we will have a rehab so current residents uh you know the current uh affordable housing stock will have to be you know rehabilitated uh so again what that memorandum uh does is just kind of lays out those uh Concepts uh furthermore uh you know was also provided too as a guidance uh to the council uh were two um public uh published documents from uh the housing uh and Urban Development uh websites uh about the Jersey City metropolitan uh area which Bayon is a part of um it's basic basically uh a uh HUD looks at you know geographical locations they and you know kind of takes the biggest municipality there uh they decided Jersey City does and within there they create you know certain data points uh for tracking on um you know the uh area median income uh which kind of helps with the formula of you know what constitutes you know Workforce housing low income moderate uh and also some of the affordability standards within that HUD has published data that the area median income for you know bay Jersey City Hoboken Harrison Carney North Bergen Union City we haulk and the other towns in Hudson County is $100,000 uh and from there uh they then create uh you know the different standards of you know for Workforce being between 80% to 120% of Ami uh so for a single person roughly about a little less than $775,000 a year there uh you know again you know I could go through the the chart on that but a family for would you know for Workforce housing have to have a salary minimum of $107,000 uh again very large numbers uh in there but we you know Bayon you know is kind of subject to the luxury development that's occurring uh with on the rest of the Gold Coast within downtown Jersey City hope oen uh we hawk in and you know we're lumped in uh that area uh so uh the second uh attachment also provided to was about the what HUD studies is the fair market uh rent so what they think roughly uh you know rent should be for the area so it breaks them down by ZIP code and then within you know Bayon limit you know it states for an efficiency at 1,800 uh a month to you know one bedroom being 18 uh sorry $1,830 uh you know roughly with that when you break down the the numbers uh between about 34 to you know 33 to $34 a square foot on an annual average basis for there so when we look at some of the analysis for that uh quite frankly uh you know for Workforce housing uh it is our market rate so uh you know based on these uh HUD guidelines so for uh you know the the other studies here on that if um you know because it's a new HUD uh Workforce housing is a New Jersey hmfa uh guideline there it's not really you know HUD based uh you know the memorandum kind of goes quickly into that but um you know in looking at the data points here you know Bon we are the affordable option within the area uh that second uh page it also list the the average rents in the by ZIP code has one other uh you know area uh that's slightly less on the rent uh Carney but just one of the two zip codes there otherwise you know we are U you know on at the second to lowest within uh the county as listed on that sec would you clarify second to lowest what Market rents Market rents so as it states here so looking over this document that you sent the the package which if this is to qualify as the rent control study we as for a year ago which was to have a six-month limit which is now 6 months overdue providing this is that study even a cursory glance demonstrates that there is a need in this town and in this state and definitely across the country as has been called for by the federal government for the last year and by me to have Workforce and affordability put forward further to look at the efficiency apartments which I assume is another word for studio apartments it's $1,800 which to put in real terms in the city of B own would be half a teacher's take-home pay per month if you're in your first seven years of your contract so there's a need and that again that's a studio apartment and while this is good on paper to say well we we've met our requirements there's no need because we match the local area median income there's no guarantee that the renter is locked in for that price once they move in if you enforce a Workforce housing component then it turns this from a simple document it takes it from being academic to being in place so even if we say well $1,800 is a lot of money why do it at all because it gives that person a little peace of mind so director I know you provided the information I appreciate it with respect to this the motion I made would our law director weigh in on its efficacy or or the legality legality the question as far as putting limitations on no limitations all I asked for was that the study the area need study include an analysis of affordability is that yeah so let that's not that's really not with that's really not within the Ambit of what the planning board does yeah okay let let Sue uh make some comments I'm only here I'm only here toy so and I don't mean to make Mr Meli sit down but I just you I'm your planner but I'm a licensed professional planning state of New Jersey and I have to concur with Mr melli the law says an area needs study is done for specific reasons and Mr Booker could attest we have more we have more a anrs probably than many people in the area it's it's not it's not eligible to be added you examine the a criteria and that's you base it on however the reason I stood up is because next month as Mr Skiller has forwarded over to you the Department of Community Affairs in the state of New Jersey requires that the city council you all look at the regulations and the numbers that they've assessed for Bon for our affordability for the next year we have to have it in by January 31st which is why Mr Skiller asked Mr slau our planner affordable housing planner and at that point in time I would say to you you start a process from January it's in the memo from January to June there are num numerous steps that have to be taken I'm your affordable housing monitor by the way through 2025 and then 2028 number of steps which include meetings with the council meetings with the public meetings with the planning board it culminates in a fair share housing Amendment to the master plan we do it every you know so often and I totally uh agree that this would be the place that you would then look for legislation for Workforce housing to be considered as other towns have done but that's the that is the place to look at that and we are asking the council to get very involved in this the state of New Jersey is county is we are and I'm just saying to to Neil I've heard you a lot of people have heard you that affordability is an issue as towns develop and Workforce housing is very important for the people in Bon who work here who need affordable housing but I I really would just say the area in need it's it's not you're not you can't amend that that's state law however you have an opportunity coming up starting in January which I hope through Mr skoler that you Embrace and we get to chat about it and I I believe that's kind of open-ended how you handle that you do have to adopt the number that has to be down to DCA in two days of your two days within when you approve it so you you confirm the number which is for rehab and then you know I think you open up a dialogue for the next six months where you have a lot of opportunities to to figure out where Bon's going to go in the next 10 years these plans are for 10 years the court you know we start with a year you amend it but the last one was 10 years ago it's under the Hudson County um Superior Court and we had a lot of flexibility in in terms of it and I I really believe that you'll have a lot of opportunity to create a really good affordable housing plan for Bayon Mr sker will be I think we all have all five of us have our own ideas about affordability Workforce housing we've discussed this Mr Carol you and I personally discussed this several times was not expecting you to add this on obviously you did it as a surprise to all of us so it's it's hard to do that plus the legality now we know we can't okay so we're going to stick with what we have here Mr nski you could say that because you probably answer I just have a question I I know that probably not on it's on the topic they were talking about which really wasn't the Redevelopment um have we met our Co requirement I know what we did them I I'm not I haven't seen what is actually going to meet the requirement that's due now what what was the project I'm sorry just because the court order which Jay has in his file and is pretty familiar with predates Mr Skiller coming on um in 2015 we were required to to submit a plan for Bayon to the Hudson County Court it said that we had 638 rehab units that were required we had no new growth just based on what was going on on and because this was a new thing for for COA went from being all handled down at DCA in Trenton to the courts So the plan was adopted and we were able to take a one- Time credit for work that had been done back to 200 2005 and because we had done such a great effort when you were here uh with the with the Housing Authority we were given a credit and Our obligation was basically 48 to 58 units and that 48 to 58 rehab units was was met and they're they're on the website right now if you go on in just in that right hand corner of the first page it's the uh midpoint monitoring report for COA and it outlines it outlines which projects made that rehab so we have met it and now but now the new report out are new obligation and we will not have a credit we we'll be starting from scratch on that okay I'm going to is that report going to be online or do I have to open that they got it's online right now yeah it's it's called midpoint I I I don't know if it says Co but it's in that right hand column Jo so the the question I have is the rehabilitation can that be used from the affordable housing trust yes it can okay and and I think there's been I think what Mr skander will tell you is is that he's thinking about we have a we have a substantial amount of money in that and how we will obligate that and if you could just before Mr skiler explain to the public what the affordable housing trust fund is and how it gets funded from the developers so on the the affordable housing fund Mr skoler may have more on it even than me but it was set up it was set up by the state of New Jersey in reaction to um the Mount Laurel decision which was decades ago and it was an attempt to have richer communities fulfilled their need and they had an obligation but they also then we we became a receiving district for other people's obligations at some point this goes back many many years and what you do basically is that we had a growth everybody had a growth share so every building you put up the last building we had under the growth share was Park View on the Boulevard and so they actually had to either have it on site Harbor View Point down at the base had to have it on site and or you had to contrib it's in our ordinance by the way our ordinance is still valid it says that you have to contrib you have to have certain unit number of units on site or you can contribute into a housing fund and there was a set rate the rate was high it was like $76,000 per unit and it was based on COA Cola and so they put that money into the fund the biggest project we funded uh was for milestones we paid this Council uh paid over a million dollars into putting affordable housing units there for disabled residents uh and at that point in time we had met our new growth and therefore we were able to go into the rehab and we have not funded uh a rehab project um recently but we do have sufficient funding in that fund right now um most of our funding comes from non-residential fees where it's assessed by State War at two and a half% of the value and uh Joe bank and Derek orth from John walis firm and the tax assessor they're they're very uh diligent about you have to pay 50% when you come in initially based on that and then before you pick up your Co you have to pay the other 50% so we have this real opportunity as we hit this next this 10 year that we're going into to develop a program that we'll be able to you know really support different initiatives and that that's all at on the council level it's policy is based on the council thank you for explaining that to the public as wellbody yeah so Mr Skil so while council president La just before you go let's let one ask question sure you define market value fair market value is again the average uh rent on um what people are supposed to what you know willing and able to pay uh again for how HUD looks at they do their uh studies based off the census collect data in that point you know those points and come up with uh you know data to publish uh those findings and so the the attachment of that is the uh 2025 uh fair market value uh uh rent list for the Jersey City metropolitan uh uh HUD area so if we force these Developers give us uh Workforce Workforce housing do they pay their same fair market value or do they have well if we if the council you know makes a decision to put in for Workforce housing and require that couple things uh happen with that obviously the market is going to dictate you know the price uh as I've been saying that Bayon is the one of the affordable options within Hudson County and the Jersey City metropolitan area our affordable you know our Workforce housing is our market rate so the developer you know may get a better benefit depending upon the pilot law uh on that so they you know because they will be some affordability controls with it could be subject to uh title 55 um uh K on the pilot setad of the 4A uh pilot uh so with that again basically you know if you mandate to do Workforce housing the you know the one of the fears is you may actually be giving the developer a better benefit because of the financial terms so would it be legal to do that would be illegal I mean look it it's legal to to do that the council does have the ability to require and mandate it it's just you know the the market is basically stating that you know we are the affordable option you know for Workforce if you want to have low income and you know moderate housing that's other conversation but that's not again the past couple months discussion on Workforce housing sure say I I have a lot of questions about it so I don't I'm not prepared today and I did say that we would revisit this Mr Carol I know I spoke to you recently last week as a matter of fact about this and I wanted to be able to ask my question to some of the professionals you're saying gives a developer a discount but to mandate that all development gives a percentage I don't know if that's necessarily how I want to go because I need to weigh out the pros and cons of all that well within the next couple of months you'll have that topic of conversation uh and again kind of with the pilot law and also some of the affordable controls for it again it's improper it's illegal for the State uh Sor for your municipality to collect Section 8 vouchers uh under the pyw it you know the law Chang and you know restrictively prohibits that that pilot that that payment actually be deducted uh from the pilot so uh you know look affordable housing with the regulations that are set up is a very complex conversation you know topic here uh but we'll be discussing this you know over the next you know year or so uh and then in one of the conversations I had with you just recently and you mentioned about the rehab I would like to set an amount for the rehab and see what's left over to see what my options are to provide more affordable housing agreed in another way whether that's through Workforce or we say purchase a building with housing I you know I don't know I want to explore all those options but I want to do that soon and I know this month is you know would be a good time especially the beginning of the year agreed so back to the memorandum uh quickly on that so it kind of lists you know one of the timelines so we the council will have to adopt a uh its housing plan uh by uh June 30th of 2025 so like I said over the next couple months uh you know we're going to have a lot of conversations um as Miss Max uh stated in front of the council in front of the planning board with this um as for the rehab um you know component of that that probably is going to be a big portion of our uh the use of the affordable housing trust fund there uh we still have to do our analysis of you know what we have currently um I asked our finance department to track was in the trust account it's a little over $113 million so that's um you know a very large number uh you know through efforts you know funded by uh you know as Miss Mack was saying the non-residential affordable housing fee of Two and a half% so as UPS comes online uh as these other bigger warehouses uh that have been um you know built you know they're paying into uh this fund to help us you know cover Our obligation you know by the state thank you very much you're very very informative M Mac thank you also very very informative and we appreciate all the info thank you okay now there is a motion on the table from Mr Carol is there a second do know so r on R1 Mr Booker as it's written as it's written as it's written all Mr Carol well in the interest that it will come back and we'll get a second look at the plan I'll I'll vote I Mr Perez I miss weer hi Mr laaloa and Mr Carol one other thing nobody on this Council has said absolutely not we're not doing this we're not doing that we're trying to explore the best options that we think everybody has different opinions but obviously there's a legality issue to add what you wanted in there so with that I'm going to say I the way it's written okay R2 is authorizing and directing the planning board to conduct a preliminary investigation to determine whether the property located 18-22 east 15 Street which is identified as block 253 Lots 39 and 40 constitutes an area in need of Redevelopment development and authorizing the planning board to prepare a Redevelopment plan for the said property pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law would the director speak to this is this a business that going down 15th Street is that it's a wide looks like a a wide parking area attached to a carriage house is am I thinking the right area and so the homeowners requested this the property owners have requested this yes and it's R1 or it's commercial it's R2 it's R2 uh and it's also subject to the 8 street it's actually split Zone cuz it's part of uh the uh 8 Street Rehabilitation plan okay r two is moved by council member Perez Mr Booker will you second on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carrol I I'll vote I but I would I would caution and I know we have a a member here that's on the planning board this is a very thin street with very limited parking it is it is a tough tough road to Ho down there and so whatever the planning board is going to do I would hope they would keep in mind it's very tight area there a couple of dead end blocks off of that too exactly right yeah several dead end blocks that are even thinner than the block just to uh make my council member aware of the fact that the Council planning board is aware and we do take into consideration thank you thank you and your vote Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa i r three is designating the property located at 657-663 Broadway which is identified as black 15 158 Lots 22 23 and 24 as shown on the official tax map of the city as a non-c condemnation area in need of Redevelopment and authorizing the preparation of a Redevelopment plan for set property pursued to the local Redevelopment and Housing law it's moved by the council president Mr Booker will you second second and on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weer hi Mr laalo hi our four is designating the property located at 935-939 which is identified as block 85 blot 23 as shown on the official tax map of the city and authorizing the preparation of a Redevelopment plan for the property Lo um pursuant to the local Redevelopment and Housing law who like to move it move it and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi r five is designating J par realy LLC as the redeveloper of the property located at 21-29 35 and 37 West 25th Street and authorizing the execution of a development agreement would like to move it so move and a second second on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our six is designating 173-179 avue LLC as the redeveloper of the property located at 173-179 Avenue F which is identified as block four make sure we got the right number I think this was the one in question 44 block 442 lot 678 and n as shown on the official tax map and authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi our seven is designating 15 East 23rd Street LLC as the redeveloper of the property located at 15-21 East 23rd Street which is identified as block98 lot one and two and authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement on and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Miss Perez Mr Perez Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi our eight authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement with 111 Avenue of Partners urban renewal LLC for the property located 107-111 Avenue f n 86-92 East 22nd Street which is identified as block 456 slot 1 7 8.01 8.02 8.03 9 and 10 move it and on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer I Mr laaloa I our nine is authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment agreement with John and Maryanne LLC for the property located at 456-462 Avenue C which is identified as block 219 loot 2.01 and on resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 10 is authorizing a Redevelopment agreement with Chanty 5 urban renewal LLC for the property located at 562- 568 Broadway which is identified as block 184 Lots one two and three move it second on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr perz hi Miss weer hi M Lao hi R 11 is authorizing a Redevelopment agreement with denoi residence urban renewal LLC for the property located at 1099- 1105 Avenue C and 66 West 54th Street move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez Miss weer I Mr laaloa I our 12 is authorizing the W waving part part of the amended site plan and subdivision application fee schedule um before we vote I asked Mr skiler to come up because we had some questions at the Corpus about this sure so uh little background first on this um under the ml uh the city uh is allowed to ask for reasonable fees to cover administrative expenses basically any salaried employees uh you know that are reviewing the application so anyone in planning zoning uh myself Miss Mac uh for that so for this application you know specifically we have an ordinance that kind of um that lays out you know the different fees so for in this unique case this is one that may run a foul of the law um after discussion with our special Redevelopment Council uh you know Mr Wisher scalla uh basically Ally you know of how we got here uh bay submitted a site plan and paid an application uh to the tune of about $200,000 uh because they came in on a preliminary on a final um site plan application and then in order to help on um do an amended s plan application which in effect was to redo you know a subdivision to help the the road networks nothing you know substantial um you know any buildings you know new apartments like this was really more of a road network uh of how our ordinance currently written uh the amended fee would be half of the original fee so $100,000 so what we're asking for uh with the advice uh you know at really at the direction of our uh you know special Redevelopment council is that uh you know really for a 15minute hearing that the $100,000 the the amended site plan be uh waved they've already paid uh about 29 a little over $29,000 in that uh you know which I think is again fair to cover you know the administrative costs uh you know I will also say that you know because of the statute and we've had the conversation that the fees aren't there to you know really generate you know money for the city um as much as I'd you know love to say that uh the statute doesn't really permit it uh so you know upon the you know advice of our legal council that's why we're you know putting this resolution out there asking that the $100,000 be waved is it based on on a scale yeah yes it's based on the scale of their original site plan application so they paid $200,000 already to the city but now they've done something else that on the scale equates to 100,000 anytime they would come in now for an amended site plan it would be $100,000 they have I think what you said was the DI Minimus nature of the site plan amendment is what brings us to to where we are we can't really in good conscience say as I said to here before Mr Carol the statutes are not designed for us to profit it's it's supposed to reimburse the the municipality for the causes costs that are attended to a particular matter in this case they're coming in they did submit a full-blown application uh they did everything they had to do then there's a minor change change that really facilitates the overall project and our special we Development Council has said it's it's a little bit um aggressive and and maybe um almost like a taking to ask them to spend another $100,000 to make a minimal change to a plan that was just approved and they paid 29,000 yes and they paid 29,000 and again back to the administrative part of the fee it's to cover City employees you know for their review and time our outside Consultants are paid by the escra which this has nothing to do with so you know that fee you know their bills um are paid out the escro account so you know we can't even say that all right this is to cover you know our lawyers fees because that's paid out of escrow so moving forward with any changes that they're going to make moving forward what is there a formula is it 29,000 is it a smaller portion how are we going to figure this out if there's more CH well for for this as they would you know depending upon what the plan would be be if they come in for an amendment um you know we have to review what the uh changes are so currently our engineer reviews our site plan fees and uh again that's then recommended to uh our uh planning board or zoning board secretaries and then you know Miss uh lansi then you know tells the developer here's the fees in order to process the application I think this is one of those unique situations here uh where you know even if based on the original application application yes you said 50% 50% so regardless if they come in and let's just say this changes are substantial then we're going to not ask this ever again it's going to be $100,000 um so again I'm just looking for a measure of substantial so out of curiosity what is the change now well the change was uh to better uh effectuate the uh the road Network so with the Dollar Tree property uh there that uh the roads would Connect into that property that was the subdivision part of this does any of that let out onto a or is that internal so they would also have so the other thing too just to be mindful of regarding the traffic there is a traffic um and a fair share obligation in the site plan uh for Bay View AV uh Gamal uh nasar Rema the film studio all have to contribute to uh this traffic light will be at the intersection uh where 440 uh and the B Bridge load off onto Avenue way uh so miss Ma's been integral with working with the port authority to get that uh done and um you know all the developers have agreed to their fair share cost of that M Mac you want to add to that I I just wanted to clarify we've been working with the Port Authority for a couple years to put a nice signal out there with that's all done um Dollar Tree had one driveway amp had a second driveway during the analysis with the Port Authority it was suggested that we combine the driveways they're right next to each other and that's why we're doing a site plan Amendment it's to move put one driveway instead of two driveways and so it seemed a little unfair to pay a huge fee for to do that since it was it came out of Cooperative effort to make our signal which they are required to pay for work and Mr reel at Mr skoler meeting today clarified no harm to the city in terms of fees all fees have been paid all fees for the city professionals have been paid so I would definitely recommend you take Mr skiller's suggestion and so I I just have a quick question Joe director Skiller so do we obviously we've reviewed that and and do we not see any additional risk or any potential by combining those two driveways with the influx of of residents or or retail you know are are Engineers patrons our Engineers have looked at that and they um it's in their opinion that uh you know this helps the uh the flow of traffic uh so that there's not uh one entrance and exit uh you know currently uh at the between uh North Street uh that there's uh other uh means of Ingress and egress there it also helps with our um you know uh First Responders you know fire trucks you know having more access uh to the property okay that's fair thank you and and then the the other thing just to also add too to this that uh Mr melli reminded me uh from this one of the one of the conditions uh you know for the amended site plan is that they actually agree to this traffic uh light that they have to then fund so this this request was not necessarily their request it was rather a suggestion made To Us by the Port Authority in which we then had to pass it along for them for them to incur these costs and and change their site plan in layman's terms yes okay thank you okay yes actually um kind of um SHI 1267a I'm kind of shocked because I knew this plan I went to the planning board meeting I think it was at the high school for some reason um when they discussed this um it was moved there for some reason I don't remember and this was the plan to have the two the driveways combined and I talked about it then and there were the light wasn't yet in the thing because there's still going to be two the& one's going to be there and this one's going to be a little close that was my suggestion last time I think they're really close but what I'm up here is are we going to be proactive or reactive in this because you said that the light was approved are we going to have to wait till 900 people move in there before we put it in or are we going to put it in anytime soon no be before any construction is done the light will be installed that's good because um it needs a light there when all the trucking companies went in and no light is still there and the speed bumps they're already flat from all the trucks just to confirm for Sharon um the city has approved it we're waiting for um Christian Booker just to approve the U the cabinet that's make sure that we'll be able to maintain the cabinet and then uh we're ready to do installation we we're working with the Port Authority we discussed that today just need some uhu the insurance element um we have to go on Port ofy property when we put the it in um discussed it development team Mr Skiller discussed it with Mr Balman this morning morning um I would say we were within 3 months of actually installing it thank you who'd like to move it and second on the resolution Mr Booker I would uh like to just say that the way it was explained to me and moving forward uh waving that fee I vote I Mr Carol given the explanation here tonight and the pros potentially outweighing the cons I vote I but I have a concern about this type of thing going forward and we either have a scale for a reason or we don't and so we need to make sure we stick to it Mr Perez I miss weer I Mr laaloa I was happy with the 50% um explanation of the original application fee and um that this will be a one-time thing and again the council has oversight on this to vote so if we feel something is not absorbant even if somebody else does we still have the oversight to vote it down if we want and with that I'll vote I our 13 is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to enter into an agreement with the Hudson County Improvement Authority for solid waste disposal services for a period of one year commencing January 1st 2025 for an estim estimated amount not to exceed $4,100 th000 for solid waste disposal and tipping fees move it second and on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr pre hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi R1 14 authorizes the mayor and city clerk to enter into an agreement with John elino Esquire for the Lord depart um for professional legal services to act as the rent control board attorney for period of one year commencing January 1st and ending December 31st 2025 for an amount not to exceed $40,000 move it second have resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol Mr Perez Miss weer hi Mr laalo hi our 15 is in a contract with Triad advisory Associates for Consulting fees related to the planning and implementation of the city's County develop Community develop development block grant program for a period of one year commencing January 1st through December 31st 2025 for an amount not to exceed $110,000 so move on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 16 is a resolution authorizing payment to sh she International in the amount of $34,636 for the gener ACs security system for the municip municipal building move on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr perz hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R 17 has been withdrawn R 18 is authorizing payment to she International in the amount of 58126 66 for security system for the police training and gun range onor resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo hi R 19 authorizes payment to Safe Weare Inc for the B Department of Public Safety emergency radio maintenance agreement for a period of one year commencing January 1st 20125 in the amount of $250,000 second on resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi M Mr Miss weer I'm losing count I'm tired and I'm getting cold Mr lapalosa hi R2 authorizes payment to Shay Inc for the Citywide radio communication system for a period of one year commencing January 1st under New Jersey state contract Omni contract 448468 in the amount of $3 39,2 on that one Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Mr weer hi Mr baloa all all 21 authorizes payment to Safe Weare in the amount of $ 4,454 55 for the Citywide Public Safety camera maintenance plan for a period of one year commencing January 1st 20125 under State contract Army contract 448468 tit on that that be January 1st 20244 the current year okay you didn't mention that thank you you're welcome who like to move it on resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol Mr perz hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R 22 is awarding the contract to neat freaks cleaning service for cleaning service for the police department for a period of one year commencing January 1st for in contract amount to 44 $4,200 and4 move on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi lot to go R 23 is executing an agreement with Timothy Mariotti to act as Chief municipal prosecutor for a period of one year commencing January 1st 2025 for an amount not to exceed $777,000 and an agreement with Steven R hmel Esquire to act as the alternative municipal prosecutor for the period of one year for an amount not to exceed $557,000 and an additional agreement with ly beler esire to act as an alternative municipal prosecutor when the prosecutors aren't available for a period of one year here move it on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr pre hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi order R 24 authorizes the agreement with Clark Kon hints for professional planning Services as Co on affordable housing a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $75,000 move r24 Mr Booker hi Mr Carrol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi R 25 authorizes the agreement with consultant and Municipal Engineers LLC doing business as CME Associates for professional engineering services at as the in-house engineer in connection with the developers and redevelopers for a period of one year commencing January 1st and ending December 31st for an amount not to exceed $500,000 second on that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi all 26 is an agreement with CME Associates for professional Engineering Services as in-house engineer on behalf of the city for a period of one year commencing January 1st 2025 for an amount not to exceed $1,200,000 Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi 27 is an agreement with yaker glot LLC for professional legal services as a municipal court public defender for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $440,000 second on that one Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laalo hi r28 is in agreement with engino Webster wiard scalar and Taylor LLC for professional legal services as Redevelopment land use attorney on behalf of the developers and redevelopers for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $100,000 so move on a resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol Mr Perez m weer Mr laaloa hi part 29 is an agreement with engino Webster wi scalla and Taylor LLC for professional legal services as Redevelopment land use attorney on behalf of the city for a period of one year commencing January 1st would an amount KN to exceed $100,000 M second uh The Firm went through a rebranding it's in Lino Taylor if that matters say again the went through a rebranding it's engino and Taylor engino and Taylor yes Webster and Witcher Scala uh we're you know they just did a rebranding it makes a little bit simpler for their their emails uh Webster left the firm yes and which is Scala is impossible to spell no matter how long you know but I can pronounce it so on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa I just want to say I've been spelling witches scalla before Neil Carol was born so I vote I our 30 is an agreement with McManaman and Scotland and Balman LLC for professional legal services as special Redevelopment land use Council in connection with developers and redevelopers for a period of one year commencing January 1st for a total contract amount not to exceed $150,000 who' like to move it move it on that resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr laaloa hi R 31 is an agreement with M uh McManaman Scotland and Balman LLC for professional legal services as special Redevelopment and land use Council on behalf of the city for a period of one year for a total contract amount of 50,000 believe that isn't wait that should be the 50 $50,000 sorry about that I moved it okay Mr second it and on r31 Mr Booker Mr Carol I Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi R 32 is designating Chason lamparella Malone and capuzzo and dork and dorkin LLC MCM Scotland and Balman LLC and engo Taylor Attorneys at lore as qualified panel counsel for a period of one year commencing January 1st move it2 on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weamer hi Mr laaloa hi part 33 author IES the mayor and city clerk to enter into an agreement with McMan and Scotland and Balman to act as special bond counsel in connection with the city's water sew utility for a period of one year commencing January 1st for a total contract amount not to exceed $120,000 come move on the resolution Mr Booker I Mr Carol I Mr Perez I miss weamer I Mr laaloa I R34 authorizes an agreement with Delworth Paxton LLP to act as Bond counsel for a period of one year commencing January 1st for an amount not to exceed $100,000 second on the resolution Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss wher hi Mr laaloa hi R35 is authorizing the mayor and city clerk to enter into an agreement with USA Architects planners and interior design lltd for professional architectural services as the city's architect in connection with the mun with Municipal work for a period of one year commencing January 1 for a total amount not to exceed $25,000 move it on that resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss hi Mr laaloa hi our 36 is also with us Architects and planners and interior design for professional architectural services in connection with the de developers and redevelopers for a period of one year commen in January first for a total contract not to exceed $100,000 move on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi M weer hi Mr apaloosa hi and I have two additional add-ons the first one is ratifying and affirming the actions of the Fire Chief Fire Chiefs for the procurement of Services of Mark White phdp for pre-employment testing for fire department candidates in the amount of $30,000 on the resolution Mr Booker Mr Carol hi Mr Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi last one I have is from the honorable James M Davis appointing the following individuals to the urban renewal Enterprise Development Corporation board on that one Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi I have nothing else if unless M unless Mr Coffey has uh Mr skeler uh there's just uh one add-on um and it's more clarifying uh uh 04's introduction uh so uh while uh the original Redevelopment plan did the area need study the law of that changed so um by State Statute it's a resolution regarding the area need study uh so I'd ask the council to consider a uh a resolution um or authorizing and directing the planning board to uh to conduct a preliminary investigation um on uh the Northwest uh portions of 440 between East 22nd Street and East 25th Street uh uh known as block 42.0203980 [Music] the preparation of a um Redevelopment plan for the property uh these are the Clayton Block sites uh there uh within the original Redevelopment plan of scatter site 14 uh the old imtt tanks uh were actually not designated as an area in need of Redevelopment they were classified as an uh an area in need of uh Rehabilitation under uh the um original authorization that designated the whole city and the tanks are no longer there no the tanks are no longer there yeah okay would like to move it move and on add three Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr perz hi Miss weer sure hi Mr laaloa hi um before we adjourn I want to wish everybody a happy and healthy New Year and happy holidays uh no matter what you celebrate um take time to uh thank all your Rel reles and friends and uh enjoy the new year thank you and with that take here I'll take a motion to close I want to wish you a Merry Christmas I'll make a motion to close and a second and on that motion Mr Booker hi Mr Carol hi Mr Perez hi Miss weer hi Mr laaloa hi good night everybody for