##VIDEO ID:751HiNJlTmU## I uh call to order the regular meeting of the B Board of Education if we could all stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all right all right before we start the meeting I'd just like to take a quick moment of silence for our former superintendent paty mcgean thank you all right for the record this is a public meeting of the BAM Board of Education it is 6:32 um the 15th day of October and we are convening in the Alexander X oconor Auditorium go ahead for the record adequate written advance notice of at least 48 Hours giving the time date and location of this meeting was provided as follows notice was prominently posted in City Hall at 6:30 Avenue C on the bulletin board reserved for such announcements of the Board of Education the board secretary sent such notice to the Jersey Journal notice was filed with the municipal clerk of the city of Bon Miss meline Medina and notice was also posted to the Bon Board of Education website now do with the roll call trusty bashet here trusty Burke here trusty Desman is absent trusty gesi Rodriguez here trusty maio here trusty sanola here trusty scane vice president Gonzalez and president casayas yes here sorry it's okay all right we will now move on to the approval of minutes can I have a motion make that move and the second I second trusty bashet yes trusty Burke yes trusty gesi Rodriguez yes trusty maio yes trusty senola yes trusty scane yes vice president Gonzalez yes president casayas yes okay so we will now move on to the superintendent report which is under curriculum A1 through A5 and Personnel B1 through b28 can I have a motion make that move second a second s trusty bashet yes trusty Burke yes trusty gesi Rodriguez yes trusty maio yes trusty sanola yes truste cleane yes vice president Gonzalez yes president casayas yes but I'm abstaining for B3 okay we're now going to move on to the business administrator report that represents items C1 through C 13 can I have a motion trust AIO can I have a second all right trusty bashet yes trusty Burke yes trusty gesi Rodriguez yes trusty maio yes trusty sanola yes trusty scane yes vice president Gonzalez and president casayas okay so that is all the business I have but we do have two speakers our uh Board of Education representative from Bayon High School Miriam GED good evening everyone as the school year progresses tuga has been diligently sorry good evening everyone as the school year progresses stuga has been diligently working to make this year both exciting and enjoyable for B high school students first reflecting on recent events several stuga members attended a meeting at TCNJ on October 8th to discuss the nja we gathered valuable information particularly regarding the upcoming njc elections where North Jersey schools will have the opportunity to nominate a candidate Bon High School is eligible to send one candidate and currently we have six six students in the running we'll be prepared to have our candidate participate in the next njc trip on January 8th moreover our general assembly held on October 1st allowed us to share key announcements with The Home Room Representatives including the homecoming theme and spirit week activities the feedback was overwhelmingly positive and the representatives Rel relayed the news to their respective home rooms looking ahead to our upcoming events we are thrilled for homecoming on October 19th the event was announced on September 30th and we've been promoting it through our BHS dosta Instagram page the theme this year is old Hollywood and we are excited to report that every that ever since the announcements we have had a lot of sales and now all of our tickets are sold out to ensure parents or Guardian awareness we implemented a system where each student attending homecoming must submit a signed contract before they are are given their tickets lastly on the day of homecoming stuga members will gather in the main gym at 1: p.m. to decorate and ensure the event is a memorable experience for everyone our next major event is the tailgate which was announced on October 11th in both school and social media we've encouraged students to wear white and will be selling neon or glow-in-the-dark access accessories ticket sales will begin on October 16th and we've paired experienced and new stuga members to collaborate on both tailgate and homecoming ticket sales additionally we are excited to announce the pep rally stuga has organized a variety of fun games including Bubble Ball soccer which is 3 versus 3 and we'll be posting and a Slither IO competition also 3 versus 3 and we will be posting a peoli ballot on our Instagram for students to vote on the games they'd like to see finally the last upcoming event that Suga will be holding is going to be spirit week from October 21st to the 25th to start the week on Monday the theme will be recreate a FR day of school photo when you were younger Tuesday will be Surfers versus bikers in which we had a lot of exciting students Wednesday we'll be wearing pink to support breast cancer Thursday we'll have Marvel versus DC with no masks Finally Friday will be the color Wars where freshman will be wearing red sophomores wearing green Juniors blue and this year seniors will be white just for that week after that they will go back to Pink for all these events we'll be actively updating our Instagram page to keep everyone informed we are eager to make the school year Unforgettable and enjoyable for allb high school students thank Youk thank [Applause] you all right uh Mr Jean Woods good evening everyone I don't know how this will impact uh what was voted on already for B8 I I did right on there for this um but it says superintendent schools hereby recommends the below staff at the rate of 24 per hour unless otherwise indicated uh I have to ask does unless otherwise indicated mean the $30 that was negotiated yeah so the security staff rate is currently $24 an hour any Union contract will supersede that okay all right so that was uh number one thank you appreciate that uh Second part uh this is in general overall the last board meeting I I said you know thank you for that's all the way there thank you for uh us working together collectively to ensure a very solid contract something that was um in the works for a while settled a year ahead of time uh and you know we put that out there but then afterwards a couple of things have come up and and I hope that as we move forward that we continue to have the conversation to work on some of those things um that have come up because we don't want it to seem as if there were other kind of workings going on in negotiations that these are things that have come up that the district is trying to work on and uh we just want to make sure that we continue the open line of communication so we can fix any of the things that come up moving forward of course okay Agreed 100% okay all right um and outside of that again just you know keeping that um in that mind in mind that we want to continue to work together and make things better now we don't you know go backwards on anything okay all right thank you thanks J thank you all right um can I have a motion to adjourn I'll make that move second second okay trusty bashet yes trusty Burke yes trusty gesi Rodriguez yes trusty maio yes trusty sanola yes trusty scane vice president Gonzalez president casayas