##VIDEO ID:NgWMCWtIh7A## and C15 is the esa or title allocations for the year was just approved by anybody have any questions [Applause] on all right that's actually all we have um I believe we're going into a de session yeah all right go into executive session down in superintendent 4 and then we'll be back out here thank you everyone thank you thank you thank for accommodating the change too to keep you on your e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e oh y okay okay uh I'd like to call the order the regular meeting of the bay on Board of Education could we stand please stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all for the record this is a public meeting of the Bome Board of Education it is 6:36 the 17th day of September and we are convening in the Alexander X oconor Auditorium Judy for the record adequate written advanced notice of at least 48 Hours giving the time date and location of this meeting was provided as follows notice was prominently posted in City Hall at 6:30 avenu C on the bulletin board reserved for such announcements of the Board of Education the board secretary sent such notice to the Jersey Journal notice was filed with the municipal clerk of the city of bay own Miss meline Medina and notice was also posted to the B Board of Education website I'll now take roll call truste bash is absent trusty Burke here trusty Desmond here trusty gesi Rodriguez here trusty maio trusty senola here trusty scane here vice president Gonzalez president cise here all right now if I can get a motion on the approval of minutes I'm using you second okay trusty Burke yes trusty Desmond yes trusty gesy Rodriguez yes trusty maio yes trusty sanola yes trusty scan yes vice president Gonzalez president casayas superintendent oh before we start I just want to in reference to uh to thank Mr Jean Woods president of the Bea and Mr copz our deputy superintendent for working out uh some lunch coverage questions that we had at the start of the year so I thank both both of you for getting that done as fast as you did thank you all right good awesome all right we're going to move on to the superintendent report which consists of A1 through A9 and B1 through B30 can I have a motion and got it all right trusty Burke yes trusty Desmond yes trusty gesi Rodriguez yes trusty maio yes trusty sanola yes trusty scane yes vice president Gonzalez president CID all right let's move all right we will now move on to the business administrator report which consists of C1 through C15 can I have a motion make that move I'll move can I get a second second truste Burke yes trusty Desmond yes trusty gesi Rodriguez yes trusty maio yes trusty sanola yes trusty scane yes vice president Gonzales president casayas all right that's all the business we have we do have a card from M and GED our Bon High School Board of Ed representative good evening everyone as this new school year emerges stuga is very excited for this upcoming school year and to be hosting new and upcoming events for the students at Bon High School to start off with our past event um the freshman orientation was held on the 20 8th of August and happened to be an excellent success the event was able to show our newly incoming freshman um around the school and help help them with the navigation so they could have a smoother transition moreover the The Freshman were also presented with a little a little show regarding the high school's uniform policy many of our sua members dressed up in good and bad examples of uniforms display what should and shouldn't be warned during school hours finally The Freshman were also able to get a rundown of all the rules and regulations of the school and even um be told about opportunities that Bon high school offers throughout this event we were able to provide the newly incoming freshman with backgrounds on their new school and help them with a smoother transition as for the new and upcoming events firstly we will be having uh a homecoming date that has been set and decided to be on October 19th um the tailgate and homecoming game has also been decided to be on October 25th there will also will be a pep rally held on October 25th between periods 7th and 8th Suga is very excited to perform those upcoming events for Bon high school students and create a more fun and engaging school year for everyone thank you thank you thank you okay you can just come up and speak that's okay you can come on up okay thank you go ahead oh I can yeah okay thank you um my name is arela Bon I have a couple questions if you could please answer them for me um with regards to the gifted and talented program I know that we did a way with oresco school and now every Elementary School in the district is supposed to have their own version of the gifted and talented program my child was one of those children that participated in that program last year my question to you is are you going to have a more challenging curriculum for the kids that will be participating in the gifted and talented program and as far as field trips for the kids in the gifted and talented program um we have very talented children in art music Sports I think the coolest trip last year was to to meet a member of the Giants team um for music why can't we send the children let's say to NJ PAC to keep them motivated rather I mean this the band The Orchestra B high school is awesome but why can't the district send them to njpac to see the New York philarmonic orchestra that would be awesome and I think it would be an excellent stimulus to those kids that are really musically talented um textbooks it's the second full week of the school year how come that there are children that still do not have a textbook to go home to to go home with to do their homework like who's responsible for that how come that happen and what can the district do to ensure that next year we have a smoother roll out and that the kids can have the material that they need as well as the teachers to start you know with the um education program summer Bridges assignment I'm sorry I know have a lot that the time is limited but um summer Bridges assignment for the past couple years the children have been getting Scholastics book bags I would like to know is that free to the children or does that come to a cost to the taxpayers in this district oh so a lot of the book bags to that specific question are donated uh for instance at our last board meeting we had another 300 donated by Costco so a lot of them are donated to us so um some of those are free and at no cost of the to the taxpayer and to the superintendent um what percentage of the kids in the district actually complete the summer Bridges assignment is the there a place where we can find that information because if I have my child complete the assignment how come the kids once school start they still get another 21 days to complete the assignment if it's summer Bridges I believe it should be completed within that 8we period if they haven't completed it within eight weeks I highly doubt that within 21 days of the start of the school year they will do anything about it and lastly wait a second I would like to know how is the district measuring learning I know that we did a away with the district assessment um how are we measuring progress in this District as far as learning is concerned okay good evening hi so for g&t gifted and talented in 2019 the law changed we used to have a state alone school we made great strides to make sure we had a larger net to go out and capture more students all right we Al only had grades five 5 to 8 g&t now we have K through 12 so this is a wonderful thing you'll see tonight that in some of these resolutions we are approving more field trips we are also working with Johns Hopkins University to provide more activities and if there's a specific question again with what's going on in your your child's classroom you need to start with the teacher that's differentiating instruction if you're not getting the challenging work that's expected you'll have that you should have that opportunity to speak with them so I that's what I would say with respect to g&t with respect to textbooks I'm not hearing this districtwide this is the first time I've heard this I don't know if anybody else has heard this I I have not heard anything about if there's a concern in your building have you spoken with the teacher have you spoken with the principal I spoke to the principal and the principal told me that the books were ordered late and that they would be coming here but my question is how come you have a whole summer for that correct the books were in how come the books are not present on day one well the books were in in August if if there's a concern maybe you don't want to say the principal's name now but after you we can speak afterwards okay um summer bridg is an opportunity to close the achievement Gap or stop the summer slide it's voluntary it's not required um we do it in math and we also do it in ela yes um we did the St Math this year we also did the the book bags that you referenced and those book bags were provided to all students it's a it's a wonderful opportunity to provide reading materials for students we've done that for two years now um why do you go until the 20 21 days well because the population what happens is a lot of students come in over summer they get their assignments there are students that come in we want to be Equitable and provide everybody with opportunities to complete those summer assignments now how do we measure it I mean we we give extra credit for that it's because it's not required again it's not required and then finally how are we measuring progress we we are moving forward with the I ready program and math and Ela and that's what we're using for Progress monitoring this District in elementary school all right and the last thing and then I'm off your hand sure when it comes to student conduct I would like to know what is the district doing to ensure that the teachers have the necessary tools to deal with kids that are unruly and that are disruptive in class my child goes to school to learn she knows better what do you have in place there should be a zero tolerance policy for kids that are disruptive that are violent that are disrespectful to the teacher the job of the teacher is to teach and I believe there is a lot of material that needs to be covered throughout the school year so what is the district doing to make it the parents problem to deal with their problem child because it shouldn't be my kids responsibility or the teacher responsibility to deal with that nonsense and that's all I have thank you thank you ma'am ma'am I have your information I'll reach out to you but uh the most important thing that we do is enforce the code of conduct and I think our teachers do a heck of a job with that but most importantly is we meet with our teachers we meet with our guidance counselors our Mental Health Counselors the most important thing we can do is have restorative practices in the classroom and in the district but I'll be more than happy to meet with you to talk more about that of what we do for individual and if there's an instance that you have to deal with that we don't you know that that's causing concern for your child we will take care of that immediately teacher get AG children that are constantly in class if the parents are not listening to the teacher if the parents are not listening to the guidance counsel why should children that are there to learn have to be you know like put up with that nonsense like me out learning a lot of material I need to be forward throughout theol and then take constant complain yes I have great teach I have no complains about my teachers they have be awesome and my school my principal everybody's great but what are you doing to hold parents accountable for children that I just going to school to be I tell my kids to listen she knows better she to listen she's going to get it at home will you come with me and we can do you can come we're have a we're going to have a seminar you're coming with and we're I agree I agree with you rules for that kind of behavior I don't want my school to be a j and quite frankly I lose sleep at night thinking that I might have to send my child to W on high school so what are we doing the parents are the ones that are supposed to be held accountable not the teacher the teacher goes to the classroom to teach and I expect to be met from September to June to be the whole thing to be tght to my child so she can do better when she do hard or whatever you know um things assessments that is given to that and that's not the case again because being disruptive and the are not being tell the council and I really hope that you're going to come down with the H hard on those people so that we can have a better atmosphere in our school and if it is over all thank you thank you Mr Woods we're pretty good I just on behalf of the um Bayon Education Association negotiations committee and our members we'd like to say thank you for ratifying the contract tonight uh the last time we went through negotiations for the 2125 five contract we settled almost 9 months ahead of time this time we settled almost a year ahead of time with a lot of uh changes positive to bring more people into the district retain more people in the district and to continue to grow our Educators and everyone who uh takes part in our association so on behalf of our members on behalf of our negotiations committee I want to say thank you very much for everybody who was part of the team thank you for the district and uh we look forward to continuing our process and making things better here and like superintendent said earlier today when there are issues that arise you know we we're in conversations quite often sometimes we don't always agree on things uh but we work very hard to get stuff done so again we appreciate it very very much thank you all right can I get a motion to adjourn president Casas yes I'm sorry I'd just like to um I think we all want to address what you just said Jean this is the I've been here a long time on and off this is the first time the first time since the 1990s don't start calculating that anything substitute has been done that benefits the teachers as well as the district at large I am very impressed with the work that was put into this and the resolutions found still more to be done but this was huge and um all in the right direction so congratulations to you all right can I have a motion to adjourn second chy Burke yes Ry Desmond yes chy gesi Rodriguez yes Mr maio yes Mr s yes Mr scan yes vice president Gonzalez yes president Cas all right 553 uh 653 and we areed I