##VIDEO ID:a3t6KGxjp-o## e e e e e e e e e e e e open up open Workshop portion of the meeting it's 5:3 okay trusty is not [Music] here vice president miio all right uh we're going to open up the meeting we're going to start with the superintendent thank you Dan appreciate that um trustees just a couple things as we move on um just a couple things I'd like to bring up uh first thing is today myself uh vice president naio and president Des met with the mayor uh we had a productive meeting and we look forward to having more of those meetings as we go forward um discussing some of the school needs um I space improvements those kind of things so this first meeting with the mayor so uh thank you president vice president um we are or I would like you to consider tonight to talk to amongst yourself in Workshop a couple things uh most importantly is uh number one I know we have committees we have Committee of personnel we have Committee of Finance um Personnel special education buildings and grounds and perhaps we can consider having a committee of the whole in which we would meet collectively as a board prior to the meeting this so today for instance we would meet as a whole to discuss the agenda and to go through it um before the actual uh board meeting so it's something to consider as well Dan can kind of work at the logistics with uh Mr Florio on how what what that looks like for us but again it's an opportunity to have a conversation and to to go through the um uh agenda items and delve into delve into those conversations uh rather than having them um in the committee and to have a report it's almost like telephone as we we speak to one group and then it just kind of goes to the um uh so what we've heard what we didn't hear you just hear from all of us as we go through it uh also as we we we talk about improving our buildings improving our schools in terms of the facilities a conversation to have is to take our actual board meeting and travel to actual schools so uh 12 months 12 buildings we can figure out where to go so we could we could actually put together with the help of our business U board secretary a schedule where we would go as a board to have an open board meeting for instance maybe next month we have it Henry Harris same start time for our committee of the whole same St time for the actual board meeting however then we get a chance to go to The Bu actual school buildings throughout the city from the northernmost point to the southernmost point and every place in between uh we can invite the public from that school building we'd have our children come present to the board on their school maybe take a tour to the school kind of see firstand what's going on in our actual schools and then conduct business in front of some of our our students you know as our Civic uh responsibility and to talk to them but that's something to consider um kind of talked about it a a little bit fire but maybe we can do that because if we do a year of that of going to all the was meeting with everybody in the community at the community school can actually address some of the issues and what's holding us back or how do we make that next step uh perhaps to talk about a referendum perhaps to talk about Capital Improvements on a grand scale to actually see and talk to the students and the families but um it'd be unique um I'm sure some of us might forget where we have to go but that's normal we'll figure it out um but to get the each board meeting and we advertised it way in advance but I I'd like for all of you to kind of consider that um another thing tonight are when I'm concluded I'll turn it over to Dan for our business report and then all of our committees on our assist suits will report out on there but again just remember that when we report out on our agenda items we have to be kind of cognizant of children with special special needs uh students some of the recommendations for that and of course Personnel not so it's kind of we'll uh work through that a little bit and if you notice on our schedule for uh July one of the things we're going to be doing here at the school is some improve some Capital Improvements um as we think about going long term and going out into the schools this room while epic and awesome uh we kind of think and we can have this conversation more but our special education department could really use a space um this would be ideal I know that's a complete paradig shift to what we talked about but to remodel it as you know we got couple we spun a week or two here so we got to we got to remodel this and that also bring the conversation of well isn't July when we do all our transfers and reassignments well we we I must get that done in June I'm not going to do this to teachers anymore or to and to our administrative staff and custodians and all of our employees to wait till August to start putting people in spots or sometimes even in September that will not happen we are going it's a paradigm shift but listen we can get it done and we will get it done and by by the time you leave school in June you should know where you're going um and and that's that's imperative that everybody has to get on board with that if they can't get on board with that well we have an old saying in my house if you don't like broccoli you're going to keep getting broccoli until you learn to like it so we have to do that so that's what we're planning on doing um without further Ado Dan all right so from the finance building grounds all resolutions were discussed at committee um it is our monthly Financial reports tuition contracts and transportation contracts throughout the district we also have several grants we have a title car carryover as well as chapter 192 193 revision and our Ida so that is from Finance pretty straightforward month we're going to jump into curriculum next right uh good evening from curriculum two resolutions A1 and A2 a1's our monthly professional development opportunities and A2 is a partnership with the Bayon Youth Center for African-American history month um for the high school students um doc Dr D would you one more time um tell everybody with the um what number is it a oh oh yeah the accounts right fund 20 is a federal account that would be Grant funded and fund 11 are the local accounts so I'll make an adjustment next month and I'll I'll put federal or um local account in the box so you're aware thank sure two additional good evening everyone to additional resolution from culum the A3 is uh just stating that our NJ vpa data was presented to the board last week and A4 is just our monthly bill trip report in in Personnel B1 to B16 standard resolutions obviously dealing with names we can't go into too much details um however we did a job virtual job fair back in December we were able to pick up five staff members from that job uh job fair three of those five will be contract officient number one and then one more note on Personnel uh b14 we're going to hold so when we go through for approval b14 will be held I'll make sure to say that um excuse me are there many open positions left um we do have a few because of leaves and resignation we're working on uh we are filled with the appr um or people inity you have a couple strling what's that said we're not struggling not strugging har but a moving Target all right that's all I have anything El um just if the board would like to discuss um meeting as an entire Committee of a whole if you would like to do that and also in reference to our board meetings if you'd like to have a discussion your about going to spot how that works that thing yes um personally I love the idea of going to each school um I think it as I said before it spreads a lot of Goodwill you're showing a keen interest in what's going on in that building in that Community hopefully you get to me parents and students and teachers up close and personal but it's a legitimate way to assess each building each site and get a a bird's eye view of what really needs to be done in each one I I think it's a great idea agree yeah I agree that because now we can have contact with more of the public too more the community yeah you know reach out to other people instead of been watching on TV we should have more people coming to the meeting I agree I also appr appreciate the fact that we involve student right we have student government in every single one of our buildings and they're truly committed when you watch them like honestly they're an inspiration and role models to us as board members and I think they should be given the same opportunity to present and grow and learn um and be transparent with their Community within their schools as we should be with our community and within our schools than anybody disagree not at all so we'll work on a schedule and yeah just so everyone's aware of the mechanics our dates and times are already set so if we're going to change the location we just have to read vertise we'd make sure we get that out to the whole community so everyone's aware of where the meetings would be held and we should probably do it we're going to do it all at once so we get every meeting everybody um another if you would be so kind as to speak to a Al or somebody and publicize absolutely carefully um and the committee as a whole I don't like playing a telephone game I love when everybody knows the same thing at the same time I I I really like that kind of an exchange so I don't think requires a lot of um explanation on my part I just really think it's the best way to do this so I would vote Yes on that too so I do I actually fully agree my question question I guess this would be to our Council right is any conflicted matters need to be handled very cautiously I'm assuming within that group so as a committee as a whole if there's any topics that involve conflicted board members I just would like to make sure that's managed appropriately so that we're following all ethics guidelines that was already yeah they'll know ahead of time before I think we discussed all that right yeah the other question is when are we getting the stuff prior to that meeting so it would be similar to what we do now it would probably be the Wednesday or Thursday prior to the Tuesday board meeting so we last Wednesday we got it for this board meeting everyone got it Thursday morning it would either be Wednesday or Thursday before the Tuesday and that's the latest if it's ready earlier we will obviously get it to you earlier I also um I don't want to disband the Committees the individual committees there's there's going to be things that need to be really worked on um particularly the special services buildings and grounds um those specifically are going to require some grass Knuffle stuff um so we won't disband them um put them in beer when we need them yeah we have placeholders for that and if something were to come up that would be the perfect upd to do it all anybody anybody anything all right all right you're all that's great CL open work I just want to say one quick thing I want to just um you know say a nice thank you to Mrs ve ear and Mr Tyber um there's been workshops happening every month I know a lot goes behind the scenes and you are making an impact on families and students at all levels but the fact that we are making more information more accessible to our parents and our students honestly is a step forward in the right direction so please continue and please everybody else support that process so that all of our students have equal access to their education so thank you very much and to the members of the community just remember it's now 5:30 and 6:00 is the regular meeting and the regular meeting for this meeting only will be in here just so that everyone's a you don't have to walk around all right we're all setri