##VIDEO ID:ia8B3og5X9E## thank you Madame mayor uh council member cson here council member do here council member Gilmore here council member Hill here mayor Hansen here all right do we have a motion to approve tonight's agenda I'll make a motion approving the October 7th agenda thanks Connie second I second all right K thank you all those in favor say I I anyone opposed right motion passes we have an approved agenda onto proclamations accomodations petitions and announcements our little TVs on our desks aren't working I don't know if we need them but oh okay so the September recycling award recipient is John Mattel at 786 Second Avenue North cycling efforts of the Grant from Washington County and then I uh we wanted to have a special thank you from the Bayport Community Action League to all of the different city staff that helped with Derby days they sent a very nice letter um thanking not only Public Works who does so much to keep the whole thing running um but also the police department the fire department in the library who does some of the activities Jill's awesome and thanks to the staff here at the city uh specifically Mary glette who get make sure everything's organized and we don't forget to get liquor licenses and all of those things so shout out to everybody and and B Community actually just want to make sure that happens so next is our open Flor um this is a portion of the meeting to address the city council on subjects that are not part of the agenda city council may take action or reply at the time of the statement or may give direction to staff regarding investigation of comments expressed total of 15 minutes is allotted for public comment during the open forum is anyone here that wants to speak about something that's not on tonight's agenda doesn't look like it all right move on to consent agenda consider resolution adopting it items 1 through 8 the September 9th 2024 city council Workshop minutes September 9th city council regular meeting minutes the September payables and receipts September building Plumbing mechanical and Zoning permits report renewal of the joint Powers agreement with Washington County for Mass emergency notification system also known as code red appointment of Wendy Robel hon to the library board I'm sorry if I butcher Ed your name Wendy special event application for Heroes sturgeon Excursion fishing tournament at Lakeside Park on October 12th and the purchase of new body Warn and Fleet cameras for the police department um using a grant by the Fred C Anderson foundation so we should point that out thank them very much for that um we have something on our desks that might want to make an amendment Madam mayor so the joint uh The Joint Powers agreement has some language that was added by the City attorney um and this was accepted previously by Washington County from a different city that they also work for here in the valley um so that um on the consent agenda it' be the joint Powers agreement as amended um which is what's in front of you um and it's the underlined version that has been amended and not amended actually added to okay so all that is new yep the County agrees in order to protect itself sorry we didn't get a chance to read this so we're all kind of skimming it now okay if you have any questions on it um so it's mostly about indemnification and insurance requirements yeah if you have any questions attorney can um specify anything it seems like it's helping protect us more so right seems reasonable to me okay so do we that was part of that it's part of the consent agenda it's Point uh number five I would just when you're when you're making the motion just um include um with the joint pars agreement as amended so moved perfect John thank you do we have a second I'll second it all right thanks Connie roll call vote council member Carson I council member do I council member Gilmer I council member Hill I mayor Hansen I motion passes then we're on to public hearings we're going to review a concept plan submitted by Pratt Holmes for a potential annexation and residential development at 4745 Stage Coach Trail in Baytown Township and Dan lick from planning compan great good evening mayor Hansen members of the city council Dan Le with the planning company working with City staff on behalf of the city to review this concept plan um this is a property located south of Fifth Avenue and east of Stage Coach Trail that's currently in Baytown Township the uh concept plan that's been submitted basically is illustrating the proposed development for review and comment purposes uh by the city council show it this way we um so it's for review and comment purposes as the developer moves forward to establish uh and develop engineered plans for the subdivision and development of the property if we want to switch to the PowerPoint presentation if we could get the ones on the dice to okay good great Harrison if you could please turn on the podium camera for the PowerPoint is Jay distracting him or helping no I think Jay J's attempting to get so while they're working on that I'll just keep talking about the procedure that we're working on here okay this will require a number of applications coming forward um including a comprehensive plan Amendment the annexation that the mayor mentioned a rezoning as well as preliminary and final plat approval so each to those steps uh if this proceeds forward would involve a public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission which would make recommendations to the city council for uh the approval of the project uh the council makes the final decision on the application the city does process this concept plan review as a public hearing for the purpose of transparency so that the public is aware that conversations are going on regarding a potential development in their area are and gives them the opportunity to come forward learn about the project as well as no here a shot there we go so I think we have it now coming but um great so we have trans Arcy through the process people have the opportunity to come forward and speak uh there was comment received via email uh that's provided on the Das as well you can pretty see pluged in for a second still plugged in this is Sarah's favorite thing techology oh so sorry here why don't we try a different port here come on okay oh there we go y kind of good got to be laptop is that your laptop no it's a settings thing oh I don't know what is doing that I'm sorry I wish we had time to test this stuff can we extend this scen um here what do you mean what do you mean just that there are two screens oh if he's got two displays up on his laptop is it it's our laptop oh that is I scroll I mean if this is what they're doing I'll put it on hold for a second e e that these are the people we we elected for that I'd be the first one to admit I don't okay where were we so we've talked about the procedure so let's get into the actual concept plan um again the request would involve an annexation petition for 26.2 Acres owned by the uh Andersons an additional annexation of 1 and a half acres owned by uh James and Christine Otto uh and then the concept plan review for what is proposed as 38 single family Villa lots and also a 52 unit multiple family senior housing building um for the annexation this is being done by petition from the two Property Owners uh property needs to abut the city of Bayport uh in the case of the Anderson property it already abuts the existing boundaries of Bayport uh and then the auto property will come with it um after that is annexed utilities can be extended and are available to the property and again this requires an adoption of an ordinance by the city council following a public hearing and then approval by the State Office of administrative hearing uh the criteria that the area is now or about to become Urban obviously the proposed development is urban in character uh that the municipal government is the best form to serve that area uh and with the provision of utilities required for development that criteria is qualified and that the annex ation is in the best interest of the subject area and that's basically finding that the proposed development is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan and development regulations uh the existing conditions of the property again just east of Stage Coach Trail South of Fifth Avenue North adjacent to one residential rural residential dwelling on the North side and the proposed ISD 834 Elementary School site as well as Barker's elps Park uh to the South there are some additional properties there's also in Baytown town Town ship further south of that is the inspiration neighborhood areas west of Stage Coach Trail are also within Baytown Township and developed with rural residential dwellings uh the separation of the property uh from surrounding rural properties west of stage coach ensures that there are no compatibility issues with the development it is consistent with the character of development in Bayport under the city's comprehensive plan we haven't designated a future land use for this site or included it within the area to be served by Municipal sewer and water utilities because it is outside the city but as I said utilities can be extended to this property so in amending the comprehensive plan uh we would follow the recommendations of the uh document stating that vport is a suburban community that new development needs to occur at a minimum of five dwelling units per acre uh single family dwellings are to be the primary form of housing in Bayport consistent with the existing character of the community uh but that Apartments provide opportunities for life life cycle housing in Choice away from single family dwellings recognizing the demographic changes that are going on both within Bayport in the Twin City's Metropolitan region in terms of the Zoning for the property uh the proposed density would be at 6.85 dwelling units per acre and that's largely due to the inclusion of the multiple family housing within the development in addition to the 38 single family lots because of the unique character of this property where you have it's surrounded by steep slopes on the its outside perimeter and has a large developable area through the center uh it's necessary to use a planned unit development District to apply specific standards to the development of the site that wouldn't apply generally elsewhere uh so we're looking at not having necessarily any minimum lot area width requirements uh we would need to identify a impervious surface limit to be uh imposed within each of the Lots so that the city can ensure that storm water management is handled appropriately based on the grading plan that is ultimately approved and then establishing setbacks that not only reflect kind of the standard that was put in place with uh inspiration but also the unique character of the homes being proposed here that have garage forward designs but which are side loaded so that they aren't you don't have doors visible it creates a different angle and approach to the uh the property so the initial concept plan uh as shown is the 38 single family homes uh within the uh Anderson property for the most part uh there are some that extend into what is the remainder of the auto property and then the 52 senior assisted living apartments within uh the southeast corner of the development access would be off of Stage Coach Trail uh this is a shared boundary line Road between uh or would be upon annexation a boundary line Road between uh city of bay in Baytown Township that would necessitate an agreement between the two as to how it's going to be constructed and managed you'll recall there was a previous concept plan for development of this site last year uh the terms of a boundary line agreement had been largely worked out relative to that concept plan and we'd apply the same criteria here essentially the street becomes constructed to the city standards and the city assumes responsibility for maintenance uh the one thing with the concept plan for 47th Street is that uh there needs to be provision of a culdesac at the Terminus end of the improved section for emergency vehicle access and uh turnaround uh the balance of the property would have a street extending North off of 47th Street ending in a culdesac uh with a 50 it be a 50 foot wide RightWay and a 28t wide Street uh and then leg extending back to 47th Street to pick up the remainder of the single family homes the intersection at uh stage coach Trail would have to be subject to review by Washington County as well as the need for any rideway along uh the section of Stage Coach Trail North of 47th Street again utilities can be extended through partially involving including the uh ISD 834 site uh for sewer and water utilities storm water management would be handled in accordance with City uh rules and regulations those of the mpca and also the Middle St Croy Watershed organization and then in terms of open space you have large uh preservation of the slopes and existing vegetation at the perimeter of the Lots those are proposed to be platted as an outlot preserved as open space owned by the homeowners association there's a second outla that's further to the east of that joining Barker's Alps Park uh which would likely be deeded to the city uh to provide connectivity between uh the three properties in the area including the school district site concept plan does show Trail Corridor coming off the north culdesac leading into the Natural Area and down connecting to the school site and park uh the design of which would have to be resolved based on the existing wetlands and topography in that area as this moves forward to a development stage application so the considerations for the council at this point this evening at a concept plan stage are the annexation criteria uh whether the proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan and whether it can comply with the requirements of the zoning ordinance uh as well as subdivision ordinance we did include recommendations as to uh stipulations and comments that would be applied to the uh review of the uh application uh and those would be addressed by the developer as they move forward into development stage plans and I believe the developer is going to present information regarding their project and they can also detail uh the types of homes being proposed for the development as well thanks Dan all right um it says that next we're supposed to get feedback from the Planning Commission members that are here but do we want to First hear from Mr Pratt with a little more information Madam or what it so you can call on Dan and then it says followed by applicant presenting details of their oh I missed that part I'm sorry so yes it is lens your turn to come on up I need everything in its own sentence or I don't read it apparently well Madame mayor and members of the council and staff and Consulting team uh my name is len Pratt of Pratt homes um and I'm going to present if you will some of the details that were laid out by the planner here let me make an introduction this is Dwayne sikic who's assisting me and in coordinating all the details about plans engineering surveying and he's going to be operating the PowerPoint and also here this evening is Susan far from ecumen or Ebenezer I'm sorry um which is a subsidiary at Fairview Hospital she'll be here to talk about the MTI family site okay I missed his name I'm sorry dway d d and are you with Pratt or with the i I'm going continue to develop the continue okay thank you so we're Co developing this project got you as well Jim Otto is here and uh Jim is here nice shirt yep and uh the Andersons are not here because of Co so they would hope to have been here so oh darn it okay it's been my U privilege to get to know the Andersons and the AOS over time what a beautiful site that it is and we borrowed the name Bay Haven from from Jan Anderson you know it was bayhaven farm and she kept horses there and did a splendid job of it and I want to now move into her presentation um Bay Haven is our name at Bayport next slide please I did a little drone fly over so we're looking East if you've been on top of the the null here but mm it's Splendid as the planner noted it's surrounded by these steep slopes trees Our intention is not to interrupt any of those trees but to work on the pastures that are there this is a great visual thanks for putting us in there so there we're looking West yes and there's her home there you can see it on top and her out buildings her farm horse buildings are there too right in there and now you can see the connection visual connection to Bayport and also to the river and the bridge uh going over between there it is MH and how close it is to the inspiration homes there on yeah okay next please and oh no we there we go a little bit of history about Pratt homes we've been building since 1973 which is now 51 years and my brother LOL and I started the company uh as Carpenters we paid our way through the University of Minnesota um as carpenters and we went to work because the jobs were available to us back then and it's been Now 51 years to my right is my new partner my brother LOL is retired but my new partner is artrat his son and uh I wanted to give you that little background um we actually U have enjoyed this 51e history having built single family homes remodeled single family homes but specifically have built over 850 Lifestyle homes homes in the East metro area we've stayed focused on our East metro area and um that lifestyle home is something that gives people less to care for on the exteriors uh where those Lawns are mode and the snow is removed and um it's been a project that we've been these homes have been a part of our project development over these years and uh we have worked in our industry as well I'll make this really brief uh Lola and I were awarded Builder license number one in the state of Minnesota um that wasn't a lottery we didn't win anything it was because of our viritual involvement in Builder licensing at the time this all started uh there was no requirement for a license per say in the state of Minnesota and we saw a need for that I was president of the Minnesota Builders Association at that time and we saw sometimes where things didn't work out and homeowners were left kind of holding the bag and had given people down payments projects weren't being completed and so we got ahead of all of this by volunteering to work with the legislature and my brother chaired the committee on that working with the legislature and after it was all done and said we were just glad that that job was done but the Commerce Department came to us and said we're going to give you guys license number one so that's just a little bit of background on us okay next slide please there you go and this is about our Pratt H's Villa this is a single family home once again with its own independent lot and the grounds are cared for by the Association the lawn is cut uh the the vegetation is trimmed the snow is removed uh typically the the Garden or excuse me the garbage PL cans are all uniformly set and maintained so there's uniformity on all this exterior work that goes on in a house our primary buyer profile is empty [Music] nester and I might add that the first Villas built here in the Twin Cities were homes that we built on Wedgewood uh golf course in Woodbury not far from here and it wasn't my idea we were asked by Minnesota Mutual at that time to build town homes on what is their 15th Fairway on now what is called Prestwick and I'd had enough people asking me well thenen I like the lifestyle but I don't want to be attached I want to have a detached home same lifestyle so I went to Minnesota Mutual and they asked if we'd be interested in building I said yes we are but we'd like to have you consider a detached town home called a v and they gave it some consideration and they said let's go for that let's try that so since 19 93 that's quite a few years of experience with this so we know that there's a buyer profile that's still here still growing lifestyle decision these are listed this is a listing of all the lifestyle residential communities in the East metro area that all add up to 850 houses there about and you can see town homes and Villas and actually we built condominiums and I've got experience and Cottages uh I've got experience with this lifestyle Choice next this was mentioned earlier about inspiration uh this is just kind of an overview showing where inspiration is in relation to um our B Bay Haven site and how close they are really and that I think that proximity shows where a blending of different housing types it's appropriate for any City kind of planning forward do you have single family homes uh do you have what I'll call Villa homes uh do you have senior Cooperative homes uh the the Continuum of housing is in my opinion is best uh satisfi by giving people choice a long life's journey okay thenen can I just stop you for one sec Harrison is he speaking enough into the microphone for everyone to hear because I feel like he's kind of off to the side yeah okay okay all right thanks l so all right next please now here's the blow up again that the planner shown here but this kind of shows how the relationship of the Villa home blend into the pasture that we saw in that aerial view that drone photo video and you can see where the tree Edge is and you can kind of see the pasture land and how we fit the homes into that um and then also the multif family where it's located there next please we have proposed 38 villa homes uh we we're proposing a Cooperative Community multif Family of 52 units and I'm going to have Susan far who's right here explain to to you what that is and the proposal then for a total of 90 units the we'll come back to this uh PUD in privious area design data I'd like to kind of move through that I'll have Dwayne explain that but here are the Villa photos this is a community that we're currently building right now in North Oaks called uh spring Farm up against that pond are the villa homes clustered if you will on individual Lots much like what we're proposing here and then here are some interior views of these homes next please I've included additional elevation s we have developed over time about 16 of these different individual homes and we're not suggesting that we should always come up with 16 homes for people to look at but after a while all of our customers have really caused the evolution of these designs but what's common to them all if you could go to the next slide let's go to the floor plan inside next slide those are elevations the next slide here here's the things that are common to it all I this doesn't show up I this like i' intended but what it has is main floor Master Suite the bedroom and a great room that's open with Kitchen open to the dining area kind of a grand room of sorts and we've got screen porches on these homes and decks for grilling and we got main floor laundry facilities and also storage facilities and a three car garage going down the stairs now to the lower level are rooms like a family room and a gaming area and large screen TV viewing and at least two other bedrooms downstairs and you could see that large utility room there for storage again and also utilities um and there's an exercise room there downstairs you know for equipment for for exercise these are the components that have been common to our evolution of these Villa plans and once again there's a wide variety of choices but those components are in virtually all of them next please these are some other elevations of different plans I might add the home that we just looked at is being currently built right now today over at the in uh Lake Elmo at the Royal Club we're building the last on the last lot I've got there it's it's it's called the Madison and that plant is the one we just walked you through so I put that in there so you could see it if you wanted to come out and look at it the floor plan is there being built these are other examples we'll kind of move through those um keep going by the way that is that home there is a is a slab on grade home we've got a few sites that'll work out here on our planning that will be could be on slab and that's become once again a request of our homeowners the idea of actually not needing to go downstairs for anything many of them have come back from Florida or from Arizona and they they're used to this lifestyle now that onr home is is what we've got an example of right here the next we've got a number of these and we'll just move through those keep okay now I'm going to ask um Susan far to come forward this these are her collection of Historia Cooper homes Susan good evening um my name is Susan far and I'm the vice president of Business Development and development for Ebenezer and we are part of Fairview Health Systems also so we pretty much keep that that separate because we are not a hospital we are dealing with seniors and their homes so about 20 so we man were the largest provider of senior housing third party Management in the state so we manage about 115 properties and so we work for Opus Mayo opin Ryan so we work for a lot of developers and very small and then we own some of our own but we saw a staff shortage happening and they also came out with some new regulations so about 2019 we all got together and they said I'd like you to go out and find some land and you're going to build two Co poops a year maybe three and one of the things working with all these cities is people want to get the seniors out of their home they they haven't really had capitals necessarily all the time and they're more isolated especially if it's a bad winter and the young want to come in here and buy these homes and take care of them so that's when we came up with the atoria cooperative we um one is being built right now in Lakeville and our second one is by Oak Mar golf course which is kind of Lake yo Woodberry Oakdale so and that um will be there tomorrow and that's been very successful people love that area they really you know enjoy that so it has a lot of common areas and the beauty of a co-op is let's say an average Condor uh house would maybe be 500 600 so we're half of that when you when they put the share price down at 300 so we're making it affordable for people that would never maybe be able to go and say well my house isn't maybe worth 700 and then I'm going to go buy a town home for 700 I'm going to go backwards and I'm 75 years old so that's why the the co-op is such a great um it's been around forever we did the first co-op in in the United States and it's 7500 yorky DIN and that's over 40 years old and it and it has a long waiting list to this date if you want to bid two bedroom it's 10 years weight list so one of the things about these is they're very popular and once they're built it's not like do we have what's going to happen for resale the manager is a broker and it's her job to um resell the units and there's usually very long we l can you explain just a tiny bit maybe we're going to get into it but I'm not sure everyone is understanding a difference between a cooperative and a condo sure I did some research but I don't know if everybody gets that a coop I'm sorry a condo you own and you turn the key they it's not a lifestyle and um it's just just a mortgage so you come and go as please so a co-op is the H insured so we use colar out of Minneapolis to um take down our Hud loan but then they buy a share in its community so what people love about it it's kind of like a farm co-op where everyone comes together everyone gets along but it's for the betterment of everyone so um my dad passed early and my mom was in one of the first co-ops and she loved it because she was very isolated she's like well my kids all have careers I really can't try to hand hang out with them all day so she's on the decorating committee she was on the or you know going to the play committee so there's a lot of committees and so you're not having a ton of people one one says well you know I've been handy I can maybe fix this for so and so so they all come together and um it's a great place in the winter they're playing cards they're you know that they're at the pub they're in the golf simulator and so it's just enjoying each other and so my guess is if someone was a complete more hermit introvert this probably wouldn't be their lifestyle but a lot of people say I'm sitting at home kind of tling my thumbs and I would love to be involved especially in the winter especially in the evening and then a lot of our co-ops too we have the snowbirds where they do have a place maybe they R to Florida or they own in Florida and so they come and go we have volunteers that water plants they do whatever so again it's that lifestyle and can anyone buy into the Cooperative or do you is there like an interview process that you'd go through or application process it's um age 62 and older so there is an application but it's more financial and talking to them about the lifestyle to see do you think that you would like this lifestyle and you own it you're just not owning your individual unit you own a share of the entire corre structure basic and um so people like I said it's um especially with the Boomers going like this not everyone can afford these prices and everything it's not that a builder is trying to make something expensive you bid these out they are not cheap so this is all I've done now you know my age since 1986 out of college and my friends are like you're kiding me I never heard of senior house in just had a career and um so this is all all I've done and I absolutely love it because I see that it makes a huge difference and the adult children can't always be there either they can bring in home care if they wish as they age a place could you recap the economics of the of the purchase this is a way as Susan has said for an affordable decision for a senior yes um so what they like about it is a lot of them have financial planners and the planner will say so they they love this because they're saying keep the other 250,000 or 400,000 with me put your share down at the atoria co-op and now you have some flexibility and of course um we would never build these if they didn't resell either but it does it does add a much more affordable for the moderate um price range and that was our goal goal our goal and it's again everything is on um your performer and your bids but our goal was to say let's and we're always going to keep this goal let's make it as affordable as we can yes yes and so we have the atoria website too and it shows all the plans it shows yeah all the amenities so you like the one in Lakeville and after Co we took a big a hard look at what people wanted not what we wanted what they wanted so we manag we're the largest manager of co-ops we managed 6 63 we said to them what do you like what don't you like what floor plans do you like how do you like how your trash goes down what do you think of the garage is it well lit enough so we got so much feedback from from all the people living there I didn't want the feedback necessarily from someone else I want it from the people that are living there and what's working and what's not and so they said Co it was really hard with our grandchildren so they want pickle ball outside they want a fire pit they want a grill area they want um like a bot ball so everything is outdoors a bench where you know it's all about um a little play area a dog run so that people can have their grandkids come come and visit them and not say this is not friendly we want them to come and we want them to use all the beautiful areas to community room Library woodworking Garden you see good job helping me out here I like that so um it's it's a lot of amenities it's chalk full amenities um pubs like I said golf simulators so it's not that people want to just sit they they really want to be busy and this whole area yeah you can rent out the community room you can rent out any of these rooms for parties or your family so just so I'm understanding the concept in how it works with what Len has going with the single family homes y it's totally separate he's going to have a separate HOA right people that live in that neighborhood on Bay Haven way and frian Trail wouldn't necessarily have access to those pickle ball courts and all that you'd have to live in atoria Lyon and I have talked about should we share that and so whatever can to share that maybe then we could do something else but correct The Coop like they want they want their own they're not yes okay I just want to make sure that's clear for everyone that's trying to understand it the storm water system and anything anything site related within that lot is managed by the co-op okay and then is what kind of what can you tell us about any research that's been done in about co-ops that in this area and the need for it since you've got um some other like what did you say Woodbury and yeah just want to make sure the demand is there yeah so we always do a feasibility study and Jay Thompson he at viewpoint he's the largest provider of any feasibility study he did the one for press homes down here and there is definitely a need and they either have lived here they want the taxes here now and they love the lake town small town Feld but a big thing is um um sorry I forgot my train of thought okay um not okay so sorry can tell it's been a long day but there's definitely a need okay there is more than the need okay for 52 yeah and so um pretty much every city I go to there's more need than there is product okay looks like Len has something to say yes just once again I'm gonna repeat uh some of the economics of this so if Susan's got senior cooperatives where people can come in and put in their $250 or $300,000 or more just no they can't they can yeah they they can yeah Susan's firm arranges for a big loan on the whole building and so anybody that buys a Cooperative share has their home they live in that that's their designated place but they pay not necessarily the full list price say a $700,000 or $500,000 senior Cooperative they put down on the average about 50% down payment could be even less than that but then their share price would would pay that proportion of the loan the big loan y to pay uh on the obligation and that's important to recognize here as we look at our senior population not everybody feels free to come to Len pra and go well okay here's your 750,000 or 800,000 Len you know I want that house okay and they've got to come up with all the money and Susan's case they don't have to come up with all that money we're going to be covering the area above where Susan is and she's going to be covering the area below where we are so we have a range we can take seniors no matter what their financial plan is and work with them to get a house here at Bay Haven that range see that's important I wanted to make sure that point was clear and we like the fact that the senior Cooperative is not a rental Community why well we're building these executive level homes next door to it we like the fact that people that actually feel ownership there's an HOA in a cooperative and that HOA makes sure that the building's cared for looks good and I've looked over their their condominium home or cooperative homes and I know they look the part of a good neighbor to us that's a criteria that we had to make sure happened here see yeah they they much keep them spotless but they'll walk they love Trails our average age is 74.5 in a sort a senior building it's usually about 85 or higher so they walk they might have a pet they're going to take their grandkids places so it's really important and as they're out walking of course they'll get to know the homeowners from L um Villas too so it's kind of a one nice big Community but why people like the co-op 2 with the age 62 or older they really want it clean they don't want partyers they don't they said I don't want to go on rent sorry not my deal I want to know that when I get up the lobby is Beautiful Everything is in place some of them H runed and they're they want out all right thank you so much yes um I feel like we can probably move on to see what kind of what people are thinking yeah unless did you have anything else you want to add just a couple of things okay the proximity to the school I was here last Monday night and uh it was uh the school was going in and we're proud of that we think that's fabulous and we're but the Anderson property is contiguous to it and there's where that sewer line comes in and this and the school is planning to have a sewer line large enough for us to have that extended up the hill to the site here timing is everything and that annexation of the school site was critical and will play well into our request for annexation as we move forward here that brings up another question that I had um so you're just annexing what's outlined in red on this map which leaves out um the property feder's property for example just uh South and then I think his name is nass or whatever down or North and and South both both ends we have contact ask to the north yeah if I could is is there should we go back to the map so that would be helpful yeah that would be great I think oh I just because I think you were going to have some conversations with them the last time we talked and I just wanted to make sure that and I've had conversations with him as well yeah you were going to have in fact we had some Mr Tom Mr Thompson is here he's the gentleman that owns the tower and on the other side of the office to the east of the property okay right and he's agreed to join in that's great I'm glad you're here thank you yeah and so here he's in on the annexation as well okay and hopefully I've pronounced this name well it's down across the from the fire hall there fosi yeah right yeah I've stopped by introduced myself to them and I'm somewhat encouraged I Believe by perhaps their willingness to join with us in this as well okay so just so you know we've touched the basis has to touch so there is only that Nas is his name that no one's been able to con connect made efforts to reach out okay and I don't know what that means for the implicate maybe matter Sarah can help us understand that or Dan when it comes to annexation of all of this I feel like it should all be done at once if we can um and not that we're out trying to grab all this land but it just seems kind of odd to not you're going to do that not just yeah do it all I and I think B was on board with that too when we had conversations with them so um just wanted to make sure that people were understanding what was going on with this map and that we are having those conversations we made good effort to reach out to all pars okay and there is some also something helpful for the school if we're able to get the the line in before they finish their plans because it it uh changes how they have to do some water thing the engineer I'm understanding has to be big enough the sewer use that were right and that that's yeah but I think it was Matt can probably explain that to us if we need that later but yes yeah we've got a lot of work to do okay um you heard about it here do you want to talk it all about I feel like the the northern well I guess they're kind of Northeast because it bends those final ones that are in the trees there what's the slope like over there and have you been able to look so at the very end of that culdesac um yeah where the to the right of the culdesac if you're looking at the the image is you're good with the slope there okay because that's like one of the places where there's going to be some trees taken out obviously previous concept were farther south than theing so we're not falling off off the hill okay good and then we we're just losing some trees then it looks like on the um southern end too I mean it's not horrible because it is pasture land for the most part but it is it's and I assume we'll have some replacement of trees then if that's what happens right okay um if we we come out of this conversation and shaped and we're going to be rolling all the Consultants forward including the Forester okay for the tree AG okay and I know that it's cyale has waiting lists as well I know that's one of our senior housing options in town just so everyone's clear on how that works all right um should we keep them up there if anyone has more questions or should we just are we going to have the plan I think Planning Commission goes first um I don't know uh we have two members of the Planning Commission here right now we have Carl Bliss and Colleen Colleen Sig freed do either one of you want to come up and make comments or ask questions yeah okay come on thanks um for Carl Bliss 164th Street South uh thank you for the presentation thank you for of understanding the land and when I saw the the map the layout and certainly the Drone footage helps as well uh losing trees is a something we're all very sensitive to and so understanding and thank you for your faithfulness to use that that pasture land and keep the character uh as much as possible as a firste empty nester I'm texting my wife saying hey tune in right now and take a look at these check out the so the city comprehensive plan calls for kind of that mean of what five units per acre is that yeah that's me Council tells us that yeah so we're at about three without the the plan or without the uh the multi-unit uh area so I think it's for us it's just weighing is is that in keeping with the the spirit of of that uh request um but I appreciate the the work you've done to make that work even creatively like that oh thanks Carl Colleen any comments or questions you'd like to add okay all right well thanks for coming and listening to all of this um let's open it up to the public there I don't think anyone well oh we have public I guess are they counted as public then Jim and I miss your first name but um do you get do you want to come on up and talk about your perspective on this to add some more insight you don't have to I don't want to pressure you like where's Chris Chris would go up there but I don't want to well we we've been we've been working with Len and we have confidence in his in his plan and his character and reputation of his business I think that L us decide we want to okay Jim is shy didn't want to come to the podium but is uh Jim AIO Jim a that just spoke and he said that he feels very confident in Len Pratt's business and has been working with him closely so he is very comfortable with what what's being proposed it sounds like just not sure if you're getting picked up on the mic so I'm going to repeat all that for you all right I just say a word about that my name is Frank Thompson do you want to come would you mind coming to the podium it's way easier on me I don't have to repeat it all okay I'm Frank Thompson I own the property where the tower is speak into the mic I think it's uh pretty exciting to have that development down there almost makes me want to move oh well that's a silar place I have friends that live in senior uh cooperatives and they really enjoy those styles of life too and to get in them there's a a wait so okay there's I'm support the need so I don't think the annexation will really affect my property but it's uh timely to become part of Bayport I think how does it affect you in your eyes with the way because right now the road that's proposed for the development just ends and doesn't go past like to the Autos or your place so not that you have a home or dwelling there it's literally just the cell tower right but is there an out building of there's out building is used for the towers for the towers there's an easement going up Autos driveway that get to that okay so you you own the parcel but the sell company leases then from you or what how does the they only lease a portion of it oh okay just where the tower is and they're build they're out building correct okay and now what percentage of that of your parcel do you think that is maybe 10 or 12% probably oh so you own the majority of it is your just kind of open yes and you have no intention to do anything with that there's not much I can do with it what if there were Water and Sewer that went down there is there anything you would do with it might change it might okay all right that's all I have to say all right yeah thanks for coming I appreciate it all right I don't think there could be anyone else that could come up for public comment right oh was I supposed to open up something or do yeah I did it techn right all right we need a motion to close it though Madame yeah what can you just um go over the um letter that we received for public oh yeah forgot forgot thank you we did receive um an email um that is actually an objection to this concept and it's from um Sheila and William kleene who live in Baytown at 4760 Stage Coach Trail North and they are worried about um I don't know is it easier for me to just read it I would read it I just they live directly across from the the land that's being proposed for annexation we object to the annexation and your proposed Housing Development you may have taken land away from the DNR that no you have taken land away from the DNR that Anderson Windows purchased and did not decide to develop Stage Coach Trail is overloaded with traffic and this will be an added burden if you do decide to go ahead with this quote stealing of bay toown land and developing we would request that the driveway be designed in a way where vehicle headlights do not shine in our house so something to consider there um just to clarify this was a um property owner driven annexation request and development idea this did not come from the city of Bayport we are not trying to steal any part of Baytown um it's just there was actually a um orderly annexation in place for this part of Baytown what 15 years ago or so so this is not anything new or surprising and it actually if you looked at a map would be surprised to think that this is actually is Baytown and not Bayport I think a lot of people were including me was surprise so um anyways thanks to the clients for their feedback um then I guess we can close the public hearing move to close the public hearing thanks John I'll second it Connie all in favor say I I anyone opposed all right public hearing is closed and now we will um see what the council has to say who wants to go first with their thoughts start down there do you have any ideas or questions you want to share Connie no I thought actually I thought it was a very thorough um presentation and I was a little confused about on the the senior thing at first but um I think Mr Pratt's help I started to understand how it was so and there is a need for that I'll put my name in first we got 10 years to go no um anyway no I guess we've had other ones and I I do like the answer of that so uh yeah I agree like the last one um I was in favor of it I think the uh the fact that there's almost no place left to build in Bayport um it would be good for taxes and everything else that we need for the city to help help from the city so yeah I'm in favor of it um Katie or you you wanna um how many houses were on the last one that we looked at do you remember way more than correct it Wasing to jam in there yeah yeah I like this and how there's less and the senior living that's key there's I mean yeah you either have to get court or doctor or to go someplace fast or be on a waiting list so that's needed I feel as well and just to be clear it's all independent living there isn't like any kind of assisted correct Living Concept there okay and but uh I guess the houses is that going to be senior living or that's just HOA and any any there anybody could buy it purchase okay it typically is the Mt Home Designs are designed also could be a young couple that doesn't want to have kids yeah sure or has kids John um I mean great presentation folks um you know looks like great products and all that I'm you know it's hard like personal feelings get involved I'm old enough to have um gotten produce at that when that was an operational Farm up there when I was a kiddo um and so you know seeing stuff like that go away that nostalgic stuff is is hard but U um I certainly understand progress I know Brad Anderson perfectly uh and quite well um he's he was a he was a supervisor of mine for a while and um so I I think a lot of that family um you know some some of the like personal things like we we had Villas in isn't it the Villas of inspiration yeah um like when I think of a villa I think of something sort of smaller and and I mean people are going to build what people want and what's profitable and all that stuff um and and I live in Inspiration now and in in an area that's sort of a a sea of asphalt shingles with these tall pitch roofs and which you guys have in your in your renderings here and these unnecessary trusses and I'm just personally not fond of that aesthetic I I think it um shows off way too much roof but that's just me getting up on my soap box if people didn't like it they wouldn't buy them um yeah they're I mean they're they're smaller but they're still you know these are some of these can be up to a four-bedroom home by the time you build out the basement and I think three bed or three baths and four bedrooms but I mean it it's a great concept I love that there's some diversity of housing that was going to be a huge problem for me if I didn't see that because we have enough single family homes in Bayport we we really do we have a lot of um we do have a lot of affordable older homes in the main part of Bayport and then of course the newer stuff is all a little bit on the upper you know toward the upper side of the price range so um I think you guys have have done a great job you seem very reputable and um I don't have any huge objections to it um I think it makes sense for a variety of reasons okay thank you yeah I know that um Len provided some research that they did on the houses in the uh and currently in Bayport and selling prices and and kind of trying to show that we already have have that sort of affordable entry level home in our current stock basically and so this is filling a need that we don't necessarily have as much of um we do still have some in Inspiration but um so so that was helpful so thank you for doing that um I I was super excited about the the Eco Haven project because it was all based on you know trying to be eco-friendly and all that of course that that didn't work out so that's the part that I'm kind of missing that like John said you know they're very very large very um affluent looking homes right with large roof lines and all and so not necessarily what I would have maybe picked for it but I also have we I think we have to also consider what he can what can if he can make money on this or not yeah what's going to sell and unfortunately things cost a lot nowadays uh building a home costs a lot and I um was working a little bit with Len on what what could that multifam place look like and I suggested looking into the coops I didn't know a lot about them but I had just spoken with someone who moved from Waterford here in Bayport went to one of the um Senior Living places the new one in Lake Elmo I can't remember the Lakes something with lakes in it and he was in Lake Elmo and then he moved to this Cooperative in still water and loves it and so I'm like what's a Cooperative start looking into it and I asked Len to look into it so I it was interesting to learn a lot more about it and I think it seems like a really good fit from what I've done for research so so I'm really glad that you came Susan to talk about that for us and and it's it do you have something you want to say just the still water has a weight list to okay okay good thank you she said that yeah Zago is what it's called and it has a weight list she mentioned as well right now so um anyways I I I'm I'm kind of excited about what I think it could bring I'm hoping for I know there's one um Trail proposed to connect the community on the um North End from that like culdesac area down into um Barker Alps park near the lower barers field barers field number two um I'm hoping that can work out I don't know if the slope is going to work I don't know about getting through the water there and all of that but it would be great if we could do that into connect and I wouldn't I think a southern connection would be nice too I know right now you can kind of walk past the autos and the cell tower and kind of get to the little playground area um up in Upper barkers but yeah so connecting it is is a little bit concerning I just want to we already have that issue with inspiration not feeling connected to the rest of us so I want it to to feel more connected if if that's possible um trying to think of what else I wanted to mention that might be it I think when you did a great job presenting I really appreciated the aerial view I mean I kind of knew what it looked like but I think it probably helped a lot of people better understand what we're what we're talking about here and it's also interesting that we don't have a lot of people here saying that they don't think it's a great idea so that to me means something I mean usually when people hear about it they're they're here to tell you if they don't like it right um so I don't know what else we need to do you want to have any feedback in on this Matt anything you want to mention no we're all good uh mad from a staff point we don't really have a well or shouldn't have a opinion there are definitely some from some items that would definitely be helped by this development H you mentioned the water line that would go in um it would potentially lessen costs for parts of the um school system that would go in depending on the timing um that would occur um that's probably about all that would comment on at this point you you might be able to help me with to or maybe Dan I don't know is the how the street just ends before the the other Auto properties where they actually live how is that going to I mean I can't imagine the safety people liking that and all that is something that staff has commented on there does need to be a call disector for fire vehicles Etc I did see that I just wanted it didn't come up it's going to have to be designed as they move to a plat and look at the grades and Madam mayor not to butt in but um there has been discussion with there has been discussion with Baytown Township um there is um a discrepancy in the plat um farther to the South there that does have an open Gap essentially of area that could be incorporated into the ability to put a culdesac um more conveniently in that location forgot about that um Matt for you it was something I forgot to ask about I I've heard a couple times some Rumblings and then we get a letter like this from The Baytown neighbors objecting to this can you you in you know maybe 30 seconds or a minute kind of explain where where Bayport and Baytown are either harmonious or not so harmonious in annexation and and just kind of get it on the public record um I I think there's lots of people that aren't very clear on that yeah I can provide some input like on discussions we've had in the past right a couple months ago we had a like a a combined workshop with the Baytown board and um the city staff along with the uh city council um I think from their perspective they realized that this section of property um is likely especially if it sells right for development um it's not keen on development for what their city or what their Township ordinance calls for the the large lot style right um and so I think they realized that in order for um the property owners to make a full profit on it that they would have to Annex into the city of Bayport now with that said they also realized that if if the Anderson property is going to sell then there doesn't seem to be a um a lot of reason for those other properties to also stay within Baytown Township so we we have a discussion with them um they're they didn't give full blessing but they indicated that um and partially due to the not wanting a shared Road access on an improved Road on 47th the currently goes in there as far as maintenance and different things like that they'd be interesting in here interested in hearing a proposal for the entire section to be haxed in essentially all right thank you for that all right so um if there is a culde act then what would how would the autos and um Mr Thompson get to their properties then it would they' still have like a a non City Road or what would happen after the city road that we would still fill in after I assume is in between the development and their homes yeah to it's for something that's not been engineered yet it's hard to discuss and point out but it's likely off of that culdesac potentially there would be their shared driveway essentially off of that it wouldn't be a private road or that's up for discussion too well that's a possibility um there's already a an easement um to the very end lot with the um um with the tower on it so they already have uh essentially what is a shared driveway um I don't I believe 47 does end um it was possibly given back to the Autos already a portion of it so depending on where that culdesac gets placed it's possible that the auto property butts right up to the culdesac potentially again a lot of it's going to have to get engineered yet yeah I think it's also very encouraging that the autos and Mr Thompson are on board with this as people who have to be right next to all of this and you're still like saying you think it's a good idea so that's that's encouraging for me um strange question maybe it's not we deal with it later but 47th Street just does not work with Bayport Street numbers would we change it then if it becomes our street you know how we're all just like low you like continue it like it would be whatever you actually continued that road into Bay I think we should mayor that's something we can look at as part of the plat process okay for instance inspiration has all unique street names so it it's happened before where the city's deviated from the grid so well because that's a Baytown Street number not a B Street number so just curious how that would work okay H all right and we don't have any issues with inheriting Outlaw b as a city it's just again that could be determined yeah okay just wanted to see what your thoughts were get it on record all right so mayor just to kind of wrap up staff wasn't looking for any formal action from the city council this was discussion only and the developer doesn't have entitlements to uh the project is at this point they need to fully engineer the plans and submit those and make those applications for comprehensive plan rezoning and plat approval that would be coming back through the Planning Commission with a public hearing and to council for approval okay do we have a timeline for any of that just curious because the Township Board could change over and who knows what could happen yeah we want to move forward with the petition for annexation yeah that's critical now okay and with the concept review I guess I was told that that's first step step along the way and uh so you've had a chance to see this now is it okay that we submit our petition for annexation I I don't see any opposition to that from the council so so I I will Madame mayor I'll defer to Dan and Sarah on this planning thing but I think it would be preferred kind of like we did with school that annexation runs hand inand with the um preliminary PL plans set plan so that um we haven't annexed them and then oh no we don't want that correct yeah that makes sense yeah I I would want to meet to that point I know inspiration originally there were supposed to be some different things and I was was way before I was on councel and I wasn't super engaged in that process but that wasn't including multifam so and and that's the other thing is I want to make sure these things move together hand in hand that we're not building all these single family homes and then we're not meeting our our unit requirements per per acre because the the multif family never gets built it all has to happen yeah okay I have a question just out of curiosity are there like I know you had the the slab homes and then you had the four bedroom you had the different concepts is there one that seems to be more what's the word I'm looking popular popular or in demand hone would like to buy one yeah why she's wondering no I'm just I'm just curious because you know there's a big difference between the slab home which slab what's it called I know maybe it's called a slab but slab on grade on versus the one that you had up there that had like the exercise room and all able to predict like curious because I would assume those would take a lot more area versus well it's interesting that it all happens under similar roof the roof itself whether you put a lower level you put a lower level in it and actually the lower level plans are more more popular they are whether or not they're utilized on a daily basis um but just having the space for family and friends as they come to visit providing for it or even thinking about resale potentially maybe that it might be more popular when they're done there's a shift going on now you know people's lifestyle is dictating this the reason I spent a little time talking about 850 houses I've built lifestyle my my I have a I'm on the pulse of I have to be on the pulse of what what's what people are buying and not buying oh right yeah we're confident that these plans will work okay you know giving people choice well I think that's important but I just was CU and and it's great that we're working with Susan's firm on other choices too okay thank you you bet great all right do we have everything oh I was just G to say do you want to come to the podium so we're getting it all what's amazing is every focus group I go to ding ding ding grandchildren so they want that lower level for the holidays like Len said they with price of homes with interest rates they want their child to be able to move in if they are purchasing or building a home because if they say it's too small we can't move in that would be like the the parent doesn't want that and so if you have the young people living here that just bought a house the parents will follow him here cuz that I mean I just have one child so wherever the grandkid is he's only 22 but I will be there m i mean that's just I think that's just kind of how it works now but I'm just shocked how many people are like well I couldn't scale dogs too much because we you know you never know and I don't the one thing I do not want my kids to say it's too small huh okay well interesting thank you yes okay so no formal motion or nothing is happening so I think we're done with this conversation we can move on to unfinished business which we have none we have no new business so we're going to go to City Council of aison reports thank you all so much for coming if you'd like to leave you're welcome to just head on out quietly and we'll keep going thanks for coming you all right thank you um shall we start on Katie's end with the liaison reports yes um so first on the September 12th I had my bcal meeting um they were just finishing up there day is getting everything ready it seemed everything seemed really smooth so I do want to say to everyone on Bale thank you for putting it together everyone in the city loves it there was not I mean the Party in the Park was great the band was great the kids loved running around the arcade was a big hit again I think so I think what they are doing is good keep it up thank you and then the next thing I think we're they're going to do is lighting of the Village Green so not till December um and then on September 30th I had a Planning Commission meeting um they were talking about the school annexing in um there was um a couple things like the sidewalk we're going we're going to have to do our safe scho yeah the safe road to school Grant to try to get the sidewalk to go all the way to barkers cuz right now it stops like two streets before if you're walking on Fifth Avenue North and then um the church so open the over uh the open public hearing that there's a couple people from the church that talked mainly about um feeling like the school is not maybe listening to the things that they feel are important but I think with the meeting that we went through they're now considering all the things um the main thing was all the handy the handicap people getting to the service when it's outside and it's all the way down back behind the school where they used to be able to just drive their car to where they're going to sit and now it's about 300 ft they were saying that they're going to have to walk and there is a road but that's only for maintenance and fire department or emergency vehicles yeah so and some of the trees that the school have put on their little plan um are not native and not invasive so we would strongly encourage them to look at the school or look at the trees and the shrubs that they're going to put in to make sure they're something that's actually going to last and not look dead halfway through the year and they seem when they closed it they added those two things to look over so it looks like we're got on the right track to making the church happy and the school happy as well and um the other thing was that I didn't know about was the parking lot one of the churches said like our Park parking lot will be losing half of its parking spots and when I look at is does look true cuz right now we have about 40 right we have about I don't know where they taking into account you can park where the bus where the buses are I know I was watering back too cuz I did count those on like during school hours you probably couldn't park there but the main thing is I mean Fifth Avenue is already a whole line of cars parked on the side and then you're taking away half of the parking spots and then they can't park on the other side of the street too so it's going to be all the way from the stop sign all the way down we also have to remember that there's a whole another parking lot oh that's the other two yeah the and there's not a they were talking about a fence but it's it's not like the fence will be like the school will be shut up shut down I don't think there is any fencing I think there was a question about I was there too I'm sorry if I'm stepping on your toes but and Carl was there too uh I don't think there's any this fencing proposed but I don't know it sounded like there was a question about fencing and then they North Side wasn't there the north side there's a fence Madame mayor I think uh I think council member Hill is referenc ing the fence that between um the federowski property and the scho yeah so there was there's talk about either putting it directly on the um property line or keeping it two feet off um I believe the um School District was possibly proposing just to keep it off of the property line so that permission wasn't required okay and do you know um the the school is okay with us parking in the school parking lot on weekends like the one that's on their property not the bus parking lot you know what I mean yeah Madam mayor members of the council um the City attorney and City staff are working through um the potential need for a shared use agreement in regards to um parking in that parking lot using the playground and also potential use of the Outdoor Classroom okay thank you for clarifying that um and then at the planning meeting we also talked about cannabis and hemp Sal um and that will be coming to us to approve to total number of businesses that we could have they talked about um locations from schools and dayc carees and treatment centers um and then outdoor use that we already have on our ordinance that you can't be walking down the street using it um and then two signs was it that they were saying Sarah I'm not sure if that's completely been decided yet but yeah that's it all right goodness thank you yeah it was it was it was a long meeting John you have water shed coming up so did you have it after the last meeting yeah but I don't I had sort of a family emergency and I don't have any of my stuff there's not really stuff super Bayport related stuff necessarily anyway okay um I did want to um commend bcal for I was I did drive through town and was it Friday night the Party in the Park that that seemed like maybe we found the perfect setting for that part of Derby days I it looked like it fit perfect and it was bustling and um looked fantastic so hats off to all those folks for that yes and that's uh Kudos is Sarah shorter for heading all of that up to be perfectly out there she's the one who comes up with the vision and all of that and she has a committee and she does a great job so um yeah Ethan did you get to go to a cable commission meeting we did not have a meeting so I Connie how's the library doing good we did meet on September 16th um a couple things um they're still looking for another new library board I we oh we have the one but there was two well because cleen moved out of cleen moved out of town and then Mary will be her term will be coming up so we need a new board member goodness um and the sou checkout area they Jill says they hope to be having it up and running by early November she's excited about that whole new like a second one or a different one no it's the one a substitute for the one they have get going and then um let's see this weekend Friday night is stuffed animals sleep overnight I guess the kids the kids they can leave their stuff animals and the library will take care of them for him and they can have an overnight without them free night cute kind of cute but um then on the 17th over mea there'll be a movie at two at the library and I think it was Despicable two I hope maybe not one it's a Despicable movie anyway so and the library will be closed on the 14th for well Columbus or whatever but also um the library is going to have a staff training that day and I think I reported last time that Jill is excited on the 25th she'll be presenting down in Rochester at um it's called building the next chapter and her and Sarah Wagner will be down there presenting and kind kind of discussing about the pros and things with our new library and other than that I don't think there was anything else but thank you to jillo that's right I was going to thank her for her time and stuff that she put in for the Derby Days yes stuff yes she's awesome so okay and I am continuing my conversations about the Bayport Foundation concept and how it fits with the other foundations we already have in the valley including The Still Water Foundation um so kind of keeping that ball rolling went to a few ribbon cuttings through the chamber um St C United Church had one now that they're merged with the the church from um still water and it was beautiful they had nice cake and they did a blood drive on the same day that I couldn't participate in K2 and Company up in the um Country Club golf club off of mcusic I forget the name of it cuz I forgot to bring my notes I was just think but anyways went to man Power which is located inside of Walmart in Oak Park Heights and it's like a staffing agency basically I mean that's kind of the simplest term for it but it's a really kind of cool Innovative um company even though they've been around forever and then Club Pilates in stillw Water 2 is brand new so it was kind of fun to go out and talk about how wonderful Bayport is and remind people to come down and visit our restaurants and all of that I also got to go visit Britney and jail at croyale I don't know if any of you guys made it over there but she raised over $600 for Alzheimer's research so she did a great job and then um Derby Days was fabulous I I don't want to beat the dead horse here but thanks to Beal it was really really fun both days and the the Lions did quite a bit too Al Lions so thank them for um they uh helped with the Duck Derby itself and they sell burgers and things on the the night of and I was down there with my broken or my foot issue but it was it was fun I made my way around we're also the Halloween committee is meeting again with the police department um from the Lions have a little subcommittee and we're going to do the event in the old fire station again it was such a big hit last year so come on down and say hi on Halloween night I believe we're going to go from 6:00 to8 and have hot dogs and popcorn and candy and Ma will be there and I'm sure Jay is going to tell us about that too um I got to sit in with City staff on um demonstration for a new website that's much more simple I feel like the one we have is I think we all feel that it's a little too cumbersome so and it's a lot cheaper to go with a new this new person so we're pretty excited about that and I'm work with Sarah spending some time kind of going through what we really need and what we don't need on our site and if anyone has any feedback send it my way or Sarah's way like if there's things you for sure want to make sure obviously you know city council agendas meetings all that stuff but other things that you want to know about um and then I spent some time down at rivert RiverTown Art Festival for the chamber to sat in the welcome tent and had a chance to greet people and I was on that committee to to plan it though I didn't really do anything because they kind of it plans itself with Sydney she does it all so anyways it was it was a nice weekend for that a little windy but great so I think I probably told you more than I needed to all right Matt we got staff reports uh fire chief Eisen good evening Madam mayor and council members uh for October excuse me September our call volume for the month was 108 compared to 123 for 2023 our year to date is 866 compared to 9 135 um in uh 2023 uh monthly drills uh quarterly scbas and Ladder operations our fire inspections are ongoing as well as plan reviews uh Derby days again that's my squat box oh I'm on I'm on duty now we had that a little incident for our duty officer so I'm covering for him for a couple of months uh Derby Days was well attended as you mentioned we had our 343 the 911 tribute run um that starts over in Hudson and comes across and goes underneath County Road 21 we had the Washington County Fire Chiefs uh meeting or pony pony football standby and homecoming I don't know if anybody knows they throw a carnival there and it's just well attended yeah it was on Derby Day's Night though it was Friday we stretched on that night but yeah it was very well attended uh we went through five huge bags of candy up there so nice was fun we had our Capital City regional meeting um was over in Lake Elmo our anniversaries this month our Barney Sachs is 12 years cam gfre is four years uh we're still working on our new tender delivery we've had some little hiccups with that uh good news is you didn't have to pay the $680,000 yet but hopefully in a couple weeks you'll have to write a check uh we did have our fire pre our this is fire prevention week uh we have uh this may have seen the fly or the banner out at this uh fire station smoke alarms make them work for you is this your saying uh we did have her open house on Saturday from 9: to noon it was quite well attended we did have some people asking about smoke alarms and that so we're always happy to do that we do have our fire chese uh conference uh this next week and we have uh Pony football standby so with that I stand for questions what does Pony football standby even mean like you have to go hang out up there and make sure we we stand by with a a rescue truck or an engine which I don't know if you SE in WCCO news or car 11 uh two weeks ago we did have a pony football player I did see that yeah so yeah he went into like needed to use the yep the Train the the trainers did an excellent job and one of our firefighters drove the ambulance and kind of hits home cuz we know the kid birthday yeah still actually was at a birthday party with him last night so he's doing well that's great that he's doing well and yeah what sounded like it was the coaches or the some someone the trainers that helped him right away and then emergency Personnel came in and yeah it him out and he's living when you get those calls hustles yeah yeah that was that was really nice to hear good outcome we tried to standby when there's a lot large community of people coming together so can I ask you something totally off of what your thing just because I heard do carbon because I just heard this from someone that had lost a family member to carbon monoxide poisoning do carbon okay the batteries go bad but she said that she learned that's why I just want to confirm with you that the actual carbon monoxide things do expire MH and smoke detectors yeah I think that's good to announce cuz I never knew that I thought the batteries were these are not the wrong poal set up and forget it cooking devices or whatever no you both your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors you need to check them once a month you should be pressing the button to make sure they activate you should check them replace the batteries once minimum once a year um they're coming out and saying that they last 10 years they don't about 7 years your carbon monoxide that's smoke detectors carbon monoxide is 5 years when we get a call and they say it's beeping we just send one truck and they I ask them where it is the first thing I do is I either take it off the wall or pull it down I flip it over and I see a date code that's passed five years I say you need a new one okay so that's good for residents to know cuz I did not know this until that tragedy that they actually expire yeah on the Fire Department our monitors our Co monitors are calibrated well just like Anderson once a month and when we're going to a call we bump test ours we hit the button let it cycle through the process so when we get on scene it's monitoring so when we go into the house we actually have one on our body that we carry so if we get to a medical unknown medical situation if our alarm go starts going off we know it's a CO alarm and everybody's got to get out out of the house but then we carry our for gas where we go through and monitor all the gases okay so good thing for people to know to those years tick by fast so it's amazing you know people really do need to get in there and look at what they've got going in their house and they've changed changed the code fire code now so when you sell your house you're supposed to have a smoke detector in the hallway plus one in every bedroom so that's starting to come around people are saying well I didn't have to have it before but the code changed I want to say it was lash we don't have a and one on every level or you know at least whether one on every level plus one every y all right thanks Al that was just good question Connie thank you thank you thank you ex down uh police chief Jackson uh Madam mayor councel I was pretty busy um month for us I want to start off by telling that if you notice I do have my pink patch on um which the council approve for us to raise money for breast cancer awareness we are selling those patches here at City Hall the front desk has a few um they are $10 each so if anybody is interested in a pink patch they can uh talk to city hall or just make contact with me and we get it worked out support a good cause all of the uh profits will go towards that cause uh we had the Bayport bat bash at the First State Bank uh officer Cornell attended that the Fall Festival on September 15th was officer lowski and Sergeant Slinger as the mayor mentioned the jail Bill event at croyale that officer lowski raised $610 for Alzheimer's awareness uh the Derby Days um as always we helped with um the crowd control in fallout area and then we had a special request this year to assist with the traffic leaving the event um so the officers uh went ahead and shut down Highway 95 to have an orderly exit of all the vehicles and that seemed to really help out a lot this year from fireworks at the end of the night so as everyone tended to leave uh on Central there to get back out on Highway 95 plus The Pedestrian Crossing being after dark um and just kind of an influx of a lot of traffic uh that seemed to get a lot of good feedback from the residents so we will be continuing to do that uh in the years to come and then also as the mayor mentioned we are in the process of upgrading our body cameras and Squad cameras with the donation we received um so that process will be ongoing hopefully you know will be up and running probably sometime after the first of the year with that whole system so there's still a lot of stuff to work out logistically technologically and getting all that going so um that's one of the big things we're working on now also as the uh mayor mentioned the Halloween event we're continuing what we started last year partnering with the Lions Club and uh worked out really well last year um really took a lot of stress off of uh me and the officers so that we could just kind of show up and enjoy the event and meet people so thank you mayor for facilitating that uh meeting of the two groups and we are still in the process of finalizing our scammers Trends and awareness class that uh I will be teaching along with officer leowski at the Bayport library in the upper conference room area it's open to the public that's going to be on November 7th at 6: p.m. um the First State Bank did reach out and wanted to participate with us because oftentimes they are the first line of defense and they see a lot of these things um so I met with uh uh one of their staff members and um we had lots of War Stories to exchange about just how many people in Bayport specifically have been affected by this so we're still ironing out the details of the presentation and U what we're going to have but uh we're hoping to um get people in there so that they can learn some stuff and the bank is also going to provide Refreshments so if for nothing else you can show up and get some eat and drink so a treat um and then finally still on the agenda December 3rd officer lowski is still being honored by the Minal wild for her community service so tune in so you can see her on the big screen and I will stand for questions did we last year for Halloween end up closing I know you've been kind of an advocate of closing Fourth Street a little bit around the fire station old fire station I can address that mayor uh so we will be shutting down Second Avenue like we did last year just because there's really only one house that it affects and then it's the um obviously City Hall so we will shut down that entire Road um working with Simon on also putting barricades out on all of the side streets kind of in that heavy area where a lot of trick-or-treaters go the barricades um are just kind of used as an Avenue to slow people down um they're not actually shutting the road down but I did get some good feedback last year that that did seem to help as far as just keeping everyone really uh watching for the kids uh another good reason to get there early to come down with the fire hall is we're hoping to have uh uh some good glow sticks this year so that the kids can be a little more visible good glow sticks not bad glow well just they kind of fell apart yeah it was all our first time using those so uh we're hoping to upgrade those a little bit so it's a good place to start your so that way you can get some glow sticks uh and then obviously we're hot dogs and popcorn and all the things that we did last year so it'll be a good event yeah any other questions thank you thank you thanks thanks Chief uh Public Work Work director worth Madam mayor members of the council uh just a few updates uh solar on public buildings the Grant application has been fully submitted uh anticipated date of whether or not we are awarded is October 21st so more to come on that hopefully by the next meeting we'll have uh good news for everybody and uh we can get working on that they have been in contact with me they wanted to do a site survey I kind of said to them we haven't been approved for this yet so me you guys can go for it they're eager that's great um ice rank warming house big thank you to the Bethlehem Lutheran volunteers um kind of asked me for a project told them it needed to be painted one thing led to another it was a complete revamp of the exterior um I think it looks fantastic so uh staff kind of worked on that one um looks nice take a look at it if you haven't seen it um our public Workshop got LED for fluorescent swapped out um with um pretty hefty rebates from EXL contractor worked all the details out on that um should be a pretty good savings over the next 30 Years um they're warrantied for I believe at least 5 years so um they'll be good through the payback period um next thing is Perell Creek stabilization on the north side of Perell Creek Park um is pretty much wrapped up the boulders are in place I think it looks fabulous looks really like much needed upgrade and will serve this community for years to come for uh beautification of that Park seeds going in next um for further stabilization some native plantings um we should hopefully get success with that by next spring um kind of an ongoing project and then lastly the city hall Garden out front here just got some some work done um take notice of that uh this was all kind of made possible through the Washington Conservation District so um they were able to come up with quite a bit of funding to help the city with those projects so uh we definitely chipped in um and like to just thank the staff for certainly helping out with that Derby Days project that was uh these guys did it every it's all hands on deck and uh spare no expense so that was that was a lot of fun um with that I stand for questions I just want to commend you on all of the work you doing on that solar project and the the lighting and all that that's that's great to hear and also thank the staff for and you for putting the historical marker signs in the Pavilion yes they look great we Matt Simon and I went and tried to figure out where they should be placed and took us a while but we figured it out and I think they look wonderful so Tom thank you for that interesting content and you took Kyle's picture off of the one so that was I went and checked I was like did they remember to take's picture they were trying to be funny and picture of Kyle light any so thank you for that yeah all you all you do is certain it's great now we got to work on the lighting we're getting there right in the Pavilion yes that it's on the list for sure yeah need a need special equipment need a lift I noticed the party ball doesn't get lit up at all now is it just unplugged I think it's unplugged it still has a bird's nest in it though does a nice little home for bird bird alone yeah I know thank you you bet all right maybe it'll move to the uh assistant administrator Taylor Madame mayor members of the council um absentee voting for The November 5th general election is now open residents can either vote uh early in person at the Washington County Government Center in still water during their business hours or request an absentee ballot application from the county to receive a ballot by mail uh polls will be open for in-person voting on November 5th from 7 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and just as a reminder all Bayport residents vote at the new Fire Department I also want to recognize and thank the 22 individuals that volunteered to help me administer the elections and help staff the polling place this year I really couldn't do it without them so thanks um council member Hill provided a good summary of the September 30th Planning Commission meeting which considered the school project and the Canabis and hemp ordinance both of those items are anticipated to be heard by the city council at the November 4th meeting Ramsey and Washington County food scraps pickup program is now available to Bayport residents to participate um residents can visit the County's website for more information and finally the city is once again partnering with Second Chance recycling to offer free curbside pickup of mattresses and box springs on Tuesdays and Thursdays through the month of October um to participate um residents can go to the second chance Recycling mn.com website and click on the curbside collection program and there they can schedule a pick up date and time that works best for them that's all I have and I stand for questions those are two great programs food scraps and the curbside mattress I hope people take advantage of both of those it worked really slick I got my bags like two days after I ordered them and I already got my first one in this morning and the garbage collection and all you have to do is literally collect it and tie it off it's really stick it in your garbage can it's so easy so the County's worked really hard on that program yeah and then they have looks like it's all um automated like there's a there's a machine that picks sees the bag and picks it out of the trash as it goes down a conveyor belt so that's why you have to use their specific bags you can't just put any compostable bag in there but it's it's a really cool program I would like to maybe get a tour if we could of that how that works um mad mayor members of the council actually I know the director of the facility and I ran into her not too long ago at a conference and she encouraged me to schedule something so if everybody's open to that she was very willing she did tell me a little bit about how they're training um the AI to and the machines to recognize the bags and pick them out of the piles of yeah debris and it was it was really interesting she said it has to be that certain color of green otherwise they can't recognize it or sometimes they pick up something that looks Aqua because they haven't tiled in all the um recognition yet so yeah it's a work in progress yeah but it's what a cool program so thank you all right Madame mayor um just have a couple of items uh Union negotiations are ongoing uh the goal there is to still try to come to resolution prior to the final budget Levy certification which is currently set for December um and then the um council member Hill um touch baseed on the safe routes to school Grant um that preliminary item is a letter of intent that you send a mindat um this kind of for smaller projects or organizations who have not submitted um an actual application in the past um just to make a determination that your project is viable uh and qualifies so we will be submitting that um by October 18th we just had a site visit today to go over um with the city engineer about um getting a price estimate together for that application so with that I will stand for questions any other items or announcements Council motion to adjourn move to adjourn thanks John I second thanks Katie all in favor you oppose all right passes we're out of here e