##VIDEO ID:EDL8ClY6AAs## e e e e e e e e e e e e e hey shh all right I would like to call the meeting to order Sarah would you please call rooll commissioner Kelly here Kip present sigfreed here and commissioner Oaks is absent this evening next on the agenda is appointment of chairperson Sarah would you please present this item commissioner Kelly was most recently appointed to serve as chairperson in 2023 for a term of two years or until her term expiration commissioner Kelly's term expired December 31st 2024 and she has met her term limit on the Planning Commission however due to the departure of planning commissioner uh Carl Bliss the city council approved a one-year term extension for commissioner Kelly to avoid having two vacancies on the Planning Commission for the first part of 2025 as a result the Planning Commission will need to reappoint commissioner Kelly to serve as a chairperson or discuss a potential alternate to serve in this position and make a motion accordingly if a new CH chairperson is appointed they will assume the role at the next meeting do you want to okay well I'll move to appoint commissioner Kelly if for a reappointment for is it for a oneyear term onee term or would it be for one year or two year one year okay on here it says two so one one year yes or it depended who was selected so it's two years or until their term um expiration commissioner Kelly term is one year one year okay I second that motion all right all those in favor say I I all those opposed I will abstain motion carries next approval of the minutes is there any discussion of the September 30th 2024 regular meeting minutes if not is there a motion to approve any discussion I motion to approve the meeting minutes as is a second all those in favor say I I I all those opposed motion carries next are the public hearings first on the agenda is Bay Haven Len Pratt project this is to consider the annexation petition for 4745 Stage Coach Trail owned by Bradley and Janet Anderson and surrounding properties owned by James and Christine Otto and Frank and Kathleen Thompson for the pro proposed residential planned unit development preliminary plat and related land use applications submitted by Len Pratt's home homes uh Sarah please present an update on this application commissioner Kelly members of the Planning Commission due to plan revisions that were submitted by the developer today uh the city has made a decision to postpone consideration of this development proposal until such time staff has had sufficient time to uh review and comment on the plan revisions to present them to the Planning Commission and Council um seeing nobody's here we would like to still formally open up the public hearing um to discuss the annexation of this parcel um and then a motion to continue this public hearing to be considered at the next Planning Commission meeting with the development plan all right I would like to open the public hearing and invite anyone wishing to comment to come forward to the podium State their name and street address for the record um no one is coming forward so I move to continue the public hearing add to an upcoming Planning Commission meeting with a date to be determined by City staff I second the motion all those in favor I I all those opposed motion carries all right next on the agenda is considering a conditional use permit for Lenny's garage um to conduct Auto Sales with outdoor storage and display at 379 fth Avenue North Sarah please present the details of this application thanks Harrison uh the subject property is located at 397 5th Avenue North in zone B2 Central Business it's surrounded by a mixture of commercial businesses on the north east and west property boundaries and residential on the South Auto Repair is a permitted use in the B2 zoning District but Auto Sales and display requires a special use permit applicant Brennen Swanson purchased the property in 2023 and has been operating under a temporary interim use permit with a primary focus of auto repair and online auto sales by appointment only the interim use permit provided an opportunity for the city to evaluate whether the use may be appropriate for the site long term the permit also specified performance standards and improvements required for the property the city council held a workshop in early December to review the interim use permit and evaluate the improvements that were made During the inome period following discussion the city council expressed support for consideration of a permanent conditional use permit for the site with conditions and operations consistent with interim permit the applicant is proposing to continue the same operations and performance standards that were stipulated by the interim permit primarily the use will consist of Auto Sales and display with the focus on online advertising and sales by appointment hours of operation will be Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. with the exterior building lights to be deactivated by 10: p.m. the inum permit required minimal improvements with the understanding that the applicant would be required to make more significant improvements upon the issuance of a conditional use permit as requested by the city council the applicant has agreed to replace the gravel area along the west property line in front of the building with concrete or side to comply with city ordinance reduce sediment runoff and enhance the apperance of the site the proposed site plan consists of 16 stalls for outdoor sales display and employees customer stalls are indicated in Orange on this diagram um an auto roll pair will be confined to inside the garage building it should be noted that the applicants sub midle included an additional exterior stall number 19 that's kind of in where that pink dot is in the lower left corner however to be consistent with the interim perit and to retain an appropriate Drive aisle for customers the site plan has been revised to eliminate that stall although the site is clearly deficient in meeting many of the dimensional standards of the current ordinance for Auto Sales such as lot area and setbacks there is an opportunity to bring the site closer to compliance with City code regarding impervious surface landscaping and storm water staff has outlined some items that the Planning Commission may want to consider including as conditions of approval for the conditional use permit such as replacing gravel with hard surface for landscaping and implementing some on-site storm water treatment like vegetated sale or a rain Garden this slide outlines the findings of fact of which staff is basing a recommendation of approval for the conditional use permit subject to the conditions listed in the staff report staff recognizes that the city's current ordinance regulating Auto Sales was adopted many years ago and is clearly meant to regulate more traditional type dealership with on-site advertising and display as well as an unanticipated volume of drop in customers during business hours the inter interim period confirmed that the use has not had a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood as and is an appropriate land use for the site some of the more significant conditions of approval are summarized on this slide for the record notice of the public hearing was mailed to all Property Owners within 350 ft of the subject property and published in The Still Water Gazette on December 27th the city did not receive any public comments for the record related to this application tonight the Planning Commission is asked to provide a recommendation to the city council on the applicant's request at this time staff would be happy to take any questions before opening the public hearing and the applicant brenon swansson is all also present and available for questions all right at this time does the Planning Commission have any initial questions from staff or the applicant before opening the public hearing do we have any questions for right I did not no so the The Pride PR um the prior stipulations you gave that you wanted for this past year or whatever they met all those I saw they updated some things those are all done and it's commissioner SEC yes those improvements have been completed okay so um I noticed in your application you're the property owner right okay um do you want to come on up here to answer questions thanks um I noticed in your application you had noted you would like some time to um put concrete or asphalt in the area that has gravel right now what are you I I I know how ridiculously expensive it is for exactly super expensive to do it um I plan to do it anyways along with other like repairs that like the concrete that's there is pretty old and there's some stuff that needs to get repaired on the concrete so I'm going to do that as well um I I just you know it's going to be like probably 20 or $30,000 to do all of it I just don't want to be slapped with it like do this now to get your permit yeah I plan to do it anyways I just don't want uh an upfront uh large bill in my lab to make it happen like instantly yeah Sarah how long do we usually give uh Property Owners to meet the um conditional use commissioner Kelly that's at the discretion of the Planning Commission and Council I think staff has recommended that this be completed um by the end of kind of the construction year of 2025 which would be usually October for concrete weather depending if the Planning Commission feels that's too restrictive we can extend that um I I would say usually about a year is an appropriate amount of time um if the applicant feels that's too stringent you could look at extending that into 2026 construction season if you feel that's necessary what what would yeah I would like I mean a minimum of like 48 months or 2 years um or no sorry uh 24 months 48 months would be nice just cuz you know we're a new business and to to start the year off with putting an extra 20 $30,000 into the place really it's going to be tough for a young company so but the one portion that they're saying um um that should be made from that's gravel that should be concrete I mean that that's going to be like 15 to 20,000 I mean so that portion could be done I know you're saying like the other oh the other stuff yeah that's not required but I mean I want to make the place look nice obviously right I own it so I mean it's not like uh I'm renting it or something like that yeah do you know what I'm saying so do we say like a certain portion has to be done within a year like this well it kind you're kind of saying you want do all at the same time it probably won't be all at the same time but in the yeah I mean I'm planning to own this place for a long time it'll be continuing to do upgrades forever so so um so the the required portion then could maybe be a priority right so that required portion I'd like at least two years to be able to to tackle it I would like to do it this summer you know things are going well I'll do it right away but you know it's just a big uh pill to swallow to pay all that right up right away so really um if we gave extra time it wouldn't exactly be two years because you'd really have to get it done by October is 2026 because yeah that would kind of be as late as you could go with late in concrete yep that'd be fine with me yeah should be able to handle it um we can certainly discuss that more uh I just wanted I saw that in the application so I wanted to does anybody have any other questions for staff or the applicant I don't have the staff report in front of me but the staff report was that was October of 2025 right correct okay so you're saying October 2026 well that's what I think he's kind of asking for it'll likely be done this summer I just want to have a little bit of cushion just in case something comes up we have an unexpected bill that we you know something happens and we have to pay it I don't want to not be able pay it because I had to do this right away or something you know just a little cushion as all I'm totally fine with extension fine um does anybody have any other questions then we can just got I mean it's been gravel since 1920 so it's couple more years so I think we'll all live um all right uh before we get to our discussion uh uh I you can sit down if you okay or you can stay up there uh I'd like to open the public hearing on this application and invite anyone wishing to comment to come forward to the podium and state their name and street address for the record there is no one so I move to close the public hearing is there a second I second that right all those in favor say I I I all those opposed all right at this time I'd like to entertain further discussion or questions from the Planning Commission um I agree that giving extra time this is you've made improvements on the property you're following through on what you've he's done and is keeping that property do yeah I I think that would be appropriate to recommend to the city council that be to October 2026 um is that what other do you have any thoughts on that Colleen or any other thoughts I I think that's fine um we can propose that um yeah we just I guess if that was part of the whole plan originally we just want to make sure it gets done so yeah if we want to put that time frame just a stipulation on it that has to be completed before then like you have to meet these requirements on that one portion not on all the yeah updating yeah the other stuff that he wants to do that's know at his discretion right this is the one thing that we really have to go Pine on so yeah yeah plus the putting signed and striped stalls where they want them and other we are not putting the extended time frame on that I would say I was worried ask permission figure sweet I don't have to do make me all worried that I'm to battle a whole long process all right any other discussion no all right think so I move to recommend the city council to approve a conditional use permit to conduct Auto Sales with outdoor storage and display at 397 fth Street or Fifth Avenue North subjects to the findings effect and staff recommended conditions of approval as well as uh the planning commission's recommendation for the extended time frame on Paving the gravel area is there a second a second that motion all those in favor I all those opposed motion carries there is no old business or new business all right General announcements I would like to announce that commissioner Orin Kip has been appointed to serve another three-year term on the Planning Commission through December 31st 2027 thank you for your continued service I would also like to congrat rulate Carl Bliss on being elected to the city council the city is currently accepting applications to fill Carl's seat on the Planning Commission if you are interested in the position please email a letter of interest to cting city planner Sarah Taylor all right next on the agenda is the open Forum the open forum is a portion of the meeting for the public to ask questions or comment on subject related to Y land use that are not a part of the meeting agenda anyone wishing to comment shall State their name and street address for the record no one is here to comment all right so that concludes the business of tonight's agenda do I hear a motion to adjourn the meeting I move to adjourn the meeting I second the motion all those in favor say I I I all those opposed motion carries thank you