##VIDEO ID:0ucC33p90H8## eventually you're good do you have a microphone pull microphone thank you all right we're ready yeah okay I am calling the ver be Haven council meeting order on October 15th uh at uh 2024 at 6:00 and the flag salute will be um uh led by Mr M of the United States of America and to the repblic it stands one nation under God first to the new the open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs B Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis here cash receipts in the current fund account for the period of September 1st to September 30th was 900 8,434 cash dispersements in the current fund account for the month of September 2024 totaled 1, 398,375 cash receipts in the water utility account for the period of September 1st to September 30th were 141,000 35247 Cash dispersements In The Water Utility account for the month of September totaled 57,124 2017 cash receipts in the sewer utility account for the same period is 129,00 $179 65 while cash dispersements in the sewer utility account for the month of September totaled $1 15,8 1265 submitted by our Treasurer Sherie bowler moving on to ordinances ordinance 2024 29 c an ordinance amending chapter 177 storm water management Article 1 storm water quality protection of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to adopt private storm drain Inlet retrofitting regulations as prescribed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection final reading this is final reading so I'm opening the floor to any public comments uh regarding this ordinance if anybody would like to speak on Zoom are on the floor please raise your hand and come forward is anybody on Zoom no all right so if nobody wants to uh speak do I have a motion to pass uh ordinance 29 c so moved second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 20243 C an ordinance amending chapter 199 vle and traffic article 10 schedules in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to prohibit parking on the north side of Second Street from Bay Avenue East 85 ft from the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 4 pm final reading again uh this is final reading so if anybody from the audience wants to come forth and speak or on Zoom please do is there anybody on Zoom no all right so therefore do I have a motion to approve our ordinance uh 30C motion to approve 202 24-30 C thank you second Mrs Paul Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 31c an ordinance amending chapter 19 land use Administration in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to clarify when appeals can be made to the municipal Council final reading uh again uh it's final reading so if anybody wants to speak to this please come [Music] forward is there anybody on Zoom no all right is there a motion to approve 31 C is it 31 C yes 31 C I'll make the motion second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 32c an ordinance amending an ordinance entitled code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey as the same in chapter 55 pertains to use of beaches to increase fees for pre-season seasonal and collector's badges final reading again uh final reading is there anybody that'd like to speak to this anybody on Zoom okay so do I have a motion to approve 32 I'll make a motion to approve 2024 32c I'll second thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 33c an ordinance amending chapter 2 Administrative Code section 33 Beach Haven community garden and the burrow code with the burough Beach Haven county of ocean to remove language requiring community garden committee first reading again this is first reading so this not again but this is first reading so uh there's no public comment we did discuss this at the last meeting is there anybody on Council that would like to make a comment regarding this particular ordinance just that this is strictly just to um remove the language regarding a committee not not the garden itself correct so everybody knows right in that not do I have a motion to approve uh ordinance 33c I'll make a motion thank you is there a second second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 34 C an ordinance amending chapter 95 fire prevention of the code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey at it pertains to the uniform fire safety act enforcement to make application fees non-refundable and requiring for owners with more than one rental property within the same block and lot that they pay those fees first reading again is there anybody on Council that would like to speak to this particular ordinance no no okay there there a motion to approve 34C so moves your second second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 35c an ordinance amending chapter 212 zoning chapter 167 site plan review and chapter 90 fees of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to adopt new zoning definitions to increase the lot size required for duplexes to remove reference to outdoor dining that is now covered under chapter 137 to update the requirement for continued certificate of occupancies to be recorded at the county to eliminate the site plan subcommittee and permit site plan exceptions to be reviewed and issued by the construction official and Zoning official first reading this is a reintroduction of the one that we've been working on yeah had nauseum anybody on Council like to speak to this no thank you so is there a motion to approve it still moved second Mrs biller yes Miss Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 36C an ordinance amending chapter 184 tennis courts Municipal chapter 145 pickle ball courts Municipal and chapter 6 1 boat ramps Municipal in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to establish uniformity within the recreation Department's season of operation and past requirements and remove outdated information first reading again uh is there anybody that would like yeah I just wanted to jump in real fast because I have heard about this for many years in fact we discussed it before I think this is a great idea and a little bit off topic here I also heard from several Neighbors from the pickle ball courts and how thrilled they were with the new situation with the daily passes and we got something today from the committee as well so thank you for that and I think this is a great idea thank you anybody else on Council like to speak to this in that case do I have a motion to approve ordinance 36 C I'll make the motion second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 189 returning piling bonds 190 refunding a 2024 certificate of smoke detector carbon monoxide alarm and fire extinguisher compliance application fee 197 returning Street opening bonds 200 approving membership to the beach Haven fire company and the fireman's State Association and resolution 202 we're adding awarding a contract to climatech heating and cooling for the 2024 hbac installation at the burrow gym uh would anybody like to remove any these resolutions from the consent agenda not me no okay in that case is there a motion to approve the consent agenda motion to approve resolutions within the consent agenda thank you second I'll second M Paul Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill list this evening in the amount of 1,136 n981 and 98 cents is there a motion to approve the bills so moved thank you so moved is there a second a second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes that's all I have so this is a short meeting uh right now I guess our next uh our next thing is public comment uh so if anybody has anything they want to say this is is the time to say it either here in the room or on Zoom would anybody like to speak anybody on Zoom want to speak all right so I'll close the floor to public comment and we're here for final remarks by Council I'll start with Jamie is there no public comment no wow okay yeah I don't want to take up uh much of everybody's time but it seems like we're kind of smooth sing going into fall the last few weekends the kite Fest was a success the chter Fest uh was a success the last two weekends with the weather it seemed like it you know felt like summertime but uh the lights are off now so and we actually have a I was looking at my calendar we actually be meeting next Thursday also so there's not much to say within yeah gez there's not much to say about the next um upcoming weekends I'll catch everybody up uh next Thursday except that I'm excited for the uh meet the candidates tomorrow night at at 6: pm. and I do not envy you I know that I mean the pit in my I know how you feel uh Kitty and I both uh know how you feel We wish all you the best of luck and we know that you're all wonderful honest people and you know I look forward to hearing your answers and just don't be just be likeable don't be stressed out thank you easier said than done yeah k you want to go sure um everything that Jamie said and I don't and also um yeah I want to wish all the candidates good luck um also I don't know if any of you were lucky enough to get to see the Northern Lights last week I was did you text her my daughter in New York and she's like Mom go up to this to the beach I think you might be able to the people are posting they seeing the northern LS and I went up and I was like I don't see anything and I took a picture of what I was going to say to her is this what you're seeing and I took the picture and it blew my mind because I didn't realize it was not really visible with the naked eye it was wild so beautiful I've never seen Berkeley Avenue Beach looked better and I hope a lot of you got to see it it was beautiful um I think it's fire prevention month right Chief so well it's October isn't it the whole month I was gonna say check your smoke oh oh sorry I thought it was the whole month well anyway still check your yeah there you go and that's about it yeah I'd like to send out my condolences to the Raven family uh re Reggie passed away this past week um great lawyer really nice guy and uh we're gonna miss them uh the chatter the chatter cook off I was up there if you didn't go for merchant W Chow cook off or even the uh Firehouse everything worked out really nice the Chow cook off was I don't know personally I thought it was probably the best one that was run so far because I really opened it up and uh a lot of well I guess I don't know if there was more people than usual but there was a pretty good crowd and it looked like it was very successful well pretty much everybody else said um congratulations and Kudos the Beach Haven Chamber of Commerce and all businesses volunteers and patrons who worked so diligently to make it I thought an outrageous and incredible success in their first one um the merchants Mark the day before also had a great turnout as did the fire company block party always a good time uh the candidates forum is tomorrow night you already know about it 6 to8 at Beach Haven Elementary School um and again our um sincere condolences to The Raven family I think Reggie probably represented everybody in this town at one point or another in front of the L use board and his son James or Jimmy has stepped up and is doing that currently he was a great guy and our sympathy goes to Gail and the kids and their families thank you thank you um I I I I say ditto to everything everybody said and I I just want to mention that we we had two beautiful weekends where the weather really cooperated it was wonderful to see all the people at these events the Chow Cookoff was magnificent and uh the weather helped uh so things are wonderful and be shaven and uh we love this place so with that do I have a motion to adjourn all right fantastic thank you meeting adjourned