##VIDEO ID:8ZWPLtvKR4U## make welcome everyone New Year welcome everyone to the beach Haven reorganization meeting Thursday January 2nd 2025 at 4M a flag salute today will be led by councilwoman ball Miller iance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for IT stand one indivisible andice all we have some new Oaths of office to conduct Lori Anderson you could come on up all [Music] St part [Applause] Colleen Lambert up unit States people and as a Moun un States states stes I will at this time once we have everyone seeded we'll take an official roll call of the new 2025 Council Miss Anderson here Mrs ball Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here okay and for the selection of Mayor right in front of you you'll see a little slip of voting paper take one of those um everyone should have a pen right just Mark uh on the slip who you would like for mayor fold it up and Mary CLA will walk along and accept the ballot vote are we voting on this is a selection for mayor no I'm not going to Colleen [Applause] Lambert M Lambert M Lambert and Miss Lambert congratulations [Applause] back up front again [Music] [Laughter] I support United States states I will allice congratulations Colleen thank okay we're going to do the same voting procedure for council president [Music] feels like Survivor right Mrs ball Miller Mrs B Miller Mrs ball [Applause] Miller Jamie ball Miller congratulations I I Jamie s that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the saints that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saints to the governments established in the United States to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office of council president all the duties of the office of council president according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so me God so help me God sure um' like to have a motion for a five minute recess photo op I'll make the motion second I sure you can you can la oh yeah okay congratulations everyone we're going to be reconvening it's 418 p.m. all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution one is the annual meeting notice two naming check signers three adop in Robert's Rules of Order four acknowledging General managerial appointments five awarding professional service contracts below 17,500 six awarding professional service contracts in excess of 17,500 seven acknowledging managerial appointments to the historic preservation advisory commission eight acknowledging mayoral appointments to the library Board of Trustees nine authorizing authorization of the municipal tax assessor or Municipal attorney as agent in filing petitions of appeal or complaint 10 adopting our cash management plan 11 acknowledging managerial class one 2 and three appointments for the land use board resolution 12 appointing man managerial appointments to the land use board 13 appointing certifying officer for divisions of pensions and benefits 14 establishing the 2025 fees for special services for special events 15 fixing the rate of interest to be charged on delinquent taxes in water 16 identifying the 2025 roster for prosecutor 17 approving resident requests for additional handicap parking 18 appointing a tax and assessment search officer 19 authorizing the tax collector cond to conduct an electronic tax sale 20 is our annual Declaration of civil rights 21 establishing fees for tax sale notices 22 is adopting our temporary budget 23 designating an authorized signatory for certified lists of 200t radius 24 executing an agreement with Regina litio for social media marketing Services 25 executing an agreement with Bonnie Wells for marketing and website Services 26 authorizing cancellation of tax and water balances below $10 27 authorizing a change fund for use by the tax collector's office the clerk and Vital Statistics office and the municipal court and finally 29 executing an agreement between the burough Beach Haven and my beach mobile to provide digital access Beach passes via the my beach mobile app any members of council wish to remove any of these resolutions for discussion or consideration separately no do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented motion to approve I'll second it Miss Anderson yes Miss ball Miller yes Mr mcaffrey yes mayor Lambert yes that is all I have you can open the floor for public comment okay at this time we'll open the floor to public comment please come up state your name address and please hold it to three minutes is there anybody in the audience who would like to make a public comment at this time no is anybody on Zoom I don't see anyone no okay then we will close the floor to public comment and uh go to final remarks by Council and um Mrs B Miller you're the senior member here how about if we s you first oh sure I don't think there ever has not been a public comment with the house with so many people here so uh must be because everything is going well in Beach Haven and everyone's still on the high of the holidays and spending the time with your family and friends I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday break and I wish everyone a Happy a happy and healthy New Year and I just wanted to say it has been an honor to serve you for the past six years I look forward to the next two years as your council president not that I'll ever be stepping in because mayor Lambert's attendance is impeccable so I can only he just changed it but I look forward to uh serving with with her as mayor and I look forward to the new Council woman Lori and continuing to serve with with Mike we I think that we'll make a great team and I look forward to the next year thank you all right next Mike you're next seniority I'd just like to thank everybody for giving U me this opportunity to serve Beach Haven for another four years I will do the best I can for this town as I have been trying to do and I think we have a pretty good team up here now and we could probably get some good things done hey thank you Lori hiy I also want to thank everybody for their support and all those who showed up tonight and I look forward to serving you and my community of Beach Haven I'll do my best thank you as everybody's already said thank you all so much for your support for coming out tonight it really means a lot to us um we are here for you you put us in office we are here for you if there's anything at all please reach out to us we will do our best to get back to you as quickly as possible we may not always always have the answer right then and there and we may not always have the answer you like but we are responsible to you and we will do our best to uphold that honor uh in addition to thanking you here tonight we also wanted to invite everybody next door to the Firehouse because some of you have been with us through three elections two one and we can't tell you how grateful we are but it is also a new beginning so even if you didn't vote for us it's okay uh please come over to the Firehouse help us start the new year the right way as you've already heard we have a great team and we're looking forward to working together and we would like to join we'd like you to join us and happy healthy New Year to all thank you very [Applause] much do I have a motion to adjourn it's been a it's a motion to adjourn second all right all in favor I beating adjourn congratulations thank you please join us next door there's a lot over there