afternoon everyone um on this July I the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible and justice for pursuant to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burough website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times Asbury Park Press in the Press of Atlantic City Mrs Bal Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here Miss Snyder here and mayor Davis here all right first ordinance up for tonight is ordinance 2024 d2c and ordinance amending chapter 111 hotel and motel bed and breakfast room occupancy tax to establish a transient accommodation occupancies targeting but not limited to such accommodations conveyed by transient space marketplaces the purpose of this ordinance is to chapter 111 pursuant to PL 2018 chapter 49 which authorizes municipalities to impose a transient accommodation occupancy tax targeting but not limited to such accommodations conveyed by transient space marketplaces tonight is the second reading of this ordinance so um I know that at the last our last meeting uh Sher n had some questions about some concerns that she she to get answered for you know to make sure that we were about thisin so I I think defer to you Bruce on this so that you be able to to answer right one of the questions from the public was whether uh vrlbi was covered as a transient uh Marketplace and we did additional Research into that and it it is not covered because it does not take a fee like vbo or Airbnb would so in other words they wouldn't be so they would not be subject to the tax if some if a homeowner rents their property through vrlbi so yes anyone else have any questions does anyone on Zoom or from the public like to speak to this come forward say your name address John John Hal 319 fair you have uh first of all I I I applaud the council for seeking additional source of Revenue to help the burrow off expenses uh I do recall however that um Beach Haven has one of the lowest Beach batch fees uh among most of the towns on the island and uh the park and recck committee is also looking for additional source of Revenue through those beach bat fees either through incre ining them or as I indicated in the past uh greater compliance of of uh collecting them uh I noted in the paper recently that Surf City's collection is 40% higher than what we currently have in be shaving so my only comment is if we're looking for additional source of Revenue that may be one Avenue where where we should pursue thank you I just want I just want to clarify um just for the public that anytime you charge for a beach badge sale all of that Revenue has to be specifically designated for the beaches that cannot be put towards other General Revenue of the burrow so that's a misconception that a lot of people have is that increase the beach badge sales and we can excuse me use that for other purposes and that's not true beach badge sales have to be solely for keeping the beaches you know Prine and yeah and I don't when the parking recomended that I know this it wasn't no no one thought everyone knew you can't that doesn't mean that Parks and Recreation is going to get that money that just meant there'll be by raising the beach badge fees that there'll be more money available for the beaches and you know the railings and but everyone thinks they can just goes into the general not general fund it's just in general it would be good to raise tap badges so that it would bring more and I do have to say that I don't remember how much work up we're up this year well and the other consideration that came up during the parks and wck discussion is the fact that we had a new schedule in place but then the whole Beach replenishment issue came into play and you know we cannot charge people more to use beaches that are barely there so the whole thought was to hold off on that until next year yeah thank you does anyone else have anything that they'd like to add anyone on Zoom no one on Zoom right then I would like to um for a motion to approve 2024 motion to approve 202 24-20 C I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes and mayor Davis yes ordinance approved the second ordinance is ordinance 2024-25 it's a bond ordinance authorizing various water system improvements by the Water Utility in and for the burrow of Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating $2,450 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $2,450 th000 bonds or notes to finan part of the cost thereof the purpose is to fund the renovations of the water reservoir and elevated red tank of the Beach Haven water utility tonight is the second [Music] reading no I want to see our water source taken care of I did speak to our CFO about this because it is a lot of money a lot of money we all know that but 20 years necessary absolutely I mean I remember the reservoir is over a hundred years old it's time it's time um John H 39 19 Fairview Avenue Beach Haven uh it's more of a question than a comment uh I know uh back in 2021 the federal government uh implemented the uh infrastructure investment and jobs act and I know that act was supposed to earmark certain monies for infrastructure of municipalities is that something the Burrows going going to pursue or have they pursued if there's any funding because part of the purposes of that act was forward system so I'm just curious whether that's something they're going to pursue or going to pursue in the future so it's more of a a question slash comment regarding that I wouldn't say definitively but I was at a meeting where I think Sher bowler talked about looking into all possible grants and anything we could to alleviate the cost I'm not certain though thank motion to oh I'm sorry sorry Adam eler bar be Haven you guys need my address or no yeah uh 100 S by uh the only question I have with this project is is there going to be any downtime with the water infrastructure but meaning would there be would we have a loss of water I would imagine with the reservoirs and stuff and what we're doing it shouldn't no any time that we do any type of project like this we always coordinate with with Long Beach Township way way in advance with I just wanted to ask question and do you have any kind of time frame on when this would be happening I know this question is probably ahead of it a little bit but not a big deal Adam this also is in conjunction with the water tank private partnership that we're doing that we have that RFP and that process going before the local Finance board so this is just part of funding for that part of a larger uh project yeah I know you guys aren't breaking ground or doing anything tomorrow so okay no problem just figured i' ask a question thank you anyone else like to I don't see anyone on Zoom then call for a motion for 20422 so moved second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes and mayor Davis yes all right we have some resolutions within a consent agenda tonight all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certificate of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution number 13122 authorizing the execution of a service agreement for full service maintenance and asset management program for water storage vessels in Beach Haven resolution 15522 approving membership to the beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company number one into the New Jersey state fireman's Association number 157-22 authorizing an executive session to discuss ongoing litigation Batista versus Beach Haven at all number 158 2024 governing body certification of the annual Municipal audit number 15922 governing body certification of annual Sewer Authority audit number 160-220 vigorously opposing the industrial offshore wind project number 161 d224 placing a referendum on the November ballot to establish an open space fund and assessment number 163 d224 authorizing to advertise for bids for the 2024 Veteran Park Veterans Park sod installation project number 165 d224 authorizing an agreement between the bur of beachhaven and the beachhaven Chamber of Commerce for the Chowder Cookoff and Merchant Mart and number 166-220 appointing C CAA hola and zabari as special counsel um is there anyone anyone any of these resolutions that anyone to remove the discussion yeah I'd like to yes okay I'd like to remove I'd like to remove the uh the wind turbine one uh the wind discussion I I don't 160 I think so okay remove number 160 160 anything else no I was just going to what we had spoken which was um well the regarding the S I know that we've had some concerns um and questions rather prob questions from residents concerned that possibly once we if we put s down wait hold on one second Kitty if we're going to discuss it I think we need to remove it from the agenda okay all right then we will remove 163 okay so 160 right number 160 and 163 are will be removed and do I have a motion to approve remaining resolutions motion to approve I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes and mayor Davis yes thank you so we will discuss number 160 uh I I just wanted to remove it because I feel that I need to having a really hard time hearing you uh oh sorry um why can you hear me now it's up as loud as it can go I'm talking really loud can you hear me it's up as loud as I can go Tom I'm literally try again Nancy okay can you hear me I can hear not barely barely we'll repeat we'll repeat what she said go ahead we'll try it oh I'm screaming but um I feel that I need to abstain from this uh this particular resolution I don't know that we need further discussion I just need to abstain from it okay okay she's abstained so noted thank you very much what did she say she abstained sheain that's all okay I just wanted to add to because I was going to remove it um I'm sure everybody's familiar with what happened up in man Tucket uh we went to a save LBI rally the other night [Music] how's that yeah that's better thanks Tom right um anyhow please if you haven't yet been able to do so get to a save LBI rally the new information that's coming in and what is happening around the country and the world really needs everybody's attention because as this project gets closer and closer um it gets scarier and scarier and some of the new information coming out is just mindboggling so that's all I wanted to say about that AG what happened in they many beaches the uh the blades came off one of the and someone told me lives up there now whether that's actually true or not I don't know but just I agree with Colleen 100% I don't know why everything like here how much closer so anyway I agree with get out there and definitely educate yourself yeah educate yourself and activate yourself yes um do we do both at the same time we'll do this one first okay so do I have a motion to [Music] approve I'll make a motion2 second Mrs biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes and the mayor is abstaining correct that's passed next we have resolution 163 authorizing to advertise for bids for the 2024 Veterans Park sod installation project okay Colleen and I I think we both like speak on this I'll try Jamie she doesn't need it she's a teacher voice so um there have been some concerns or some questions regarding um the possibility of putting some sod and irrigation in Veterans Park so it's not dead as it is now and um one of the concerns or questions is as to whether or not we would be still have having events or flea markets and craft shows and and in my opinion the answer is of absolutely yes I mean I I've never no one um wants to see those events go away and not be in Veterans Park um I know there's some rumors out there that that's the case but it is I assure you it's not the case and and I've met with Chris the engineer uh the irrigation person the turf takaho turf Farm um where Frank our Frank little our Barrow engineer is they've done all of Stafford they do so much work and and the saw that we would be using is a um commercial grade it's um it's it's I don't know it's we I'm really excited about it we're hoping that um coming next spring we'll have a nice beautiful Green Park for everyone to enjoy and um even with some driving on it for certain events um they all ass us that it's with you know some maintenance in terms of raking the grass back up the next day or blowing it back up that it it should be fine so um I think that's I think that's main concern that people have been having making sure that we were promis to keep the events we'd never want to see cap go away certainly not and I personally wouldn't I love all of the events we have in vetro's park and there is no no one that I know of is any intention of uh doing away with them so thank you yeah I just would add that we do have that grant for $770,000 that would be a big leg up to help this project Move Along yes we did get a grant for $70,000 to go towards the cost of this so anyway that's it anything else no so do I have a motion to approve um 163 32024 I'll make the motion second Miller yes Miss Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes and mayor Davis yes thank you we have some items for General discussion tonight sure [Music] okay the first item of her uh discussion are just some varies changing to the zoning ordinance or the zoning chapter so uh mayor Davis myself Sher Mason Phil Reed who is our uh zoning officer and um V who is also like the assistant we just really needed to clean up a lot of the definitions a lot of the definitions were very archaic and old and um Phil has such great knowledge he's been doing this forever he really helped us kind of clean up we went through every single definition in uh in the CH in chapter 212 and we cleaned things up we updated them we even had some crazy definitions that had like horse carriages and stuff like that uh so we had to clean up everything and that was the first part so the first part when you read through it it's every single definition in chapter 212 has been cleaned up uh Phil and be have gone through I have gone through this but there are experts and you know we're good to go with definitions we have a lot of new things that we haded to take a look at uh like permanent fire pits and uh outdoor kitchens and all these different things that are upcoming and you really don't have a definition for them so we consulted all of the books and whatnot and went through and updated all the definitions that's the first part it's the long one so if you're scrolling down the second part of this is to um change what we originally have for the square footage for lots of a duplex so in our books right now we do have uh rb2 family residential district where duplexes are allowed and for um duplexes the requirement is only to be 6,000 square feet and this originally you know years ago when this was zoned we had up and down duplexes and that's not the case now our duplexes now are two single family houses that are more or less you know bonded together so the recommendation is to increase that lot requirement from 6,000 square feet to 10,000 square feet now other municipalities on the island have done similar uh Surf City is also 10,000 square feet for duplex uh Ship Bottom is 8,000 square feet but their Lots overall are a little bit smaller uh barnan light has some interesting number it's like 9,375 square feet I don't know why and I cannot find anything in the Township's ecode I I think that they have almost gone away with duplexes so it's not something that I could find but I like this recommendation because uh what we're finding really is a lot of um people or developers kind of seeking out almost 10,000 square feet to make two single family lots which is fine but they're just short of that so they almost give like an ultimatum oh well I'll just put a duplex and it's not really where duplex would fit in the whole block so it just really makes sense to kind of increase the square footage of a required duplex single family lots are 5,000 square fet it makes sense that a duplex would be 10,000 square ft because the duplexes of 2024 or more or less two single family homes connected together so this makes sense um to me it makes sense uh we did talk about this at our our zoning meetings as well so I wanted to get your take on on that also and the duplexes that are in the R&B two family residential district and the other districts that are allowed they will not be non-conforming they will not have they're not non-conforming like my duplex is in a single family zone so it always will be non-conforming no matter what but increasing this square footage would not make the current duplexes non-conforming so they won't have an issue with updating their duplex they wouldn't have to go to the L use board or anything like that any questions on that one I think it's a great idea I think one of the things that we're hearing the most is how crowded and overcrowded this town has become and we're basically doing it to ourselves because you say the the up and down is gone with the flood plane all that and you know we're literally greatly increasing the usage of a lot without all the commensurate things that they should be having so I really like this and then um the next one is uh for chapter 167 site plan review and what this does is uh eliminating the three member committee which was a a subcommittee of the land use board and what we found is that it's just not really there's a miscommunication you know the zoning department gets together the necessary documents and whatnot for the business district when uses change and then it goes to the three-person committee for a site plan review to see if it goes or doesn't go the land use board and it's just kind of it's too vague and we feel that we'd rather would have the professionals inhouse looking at this that are pretty fluent with all of the zoning requirements versus the subcommittee which there was just it was too gray an area so I and I felt and um we also felt that the experts in the zoning department should be making these decisions not the three member subcommittee back in the day when they had the three member subcommittee it was um members that were very fluent in chapter 167 but unfortunately there's just too much of a gray area and we wanted our experts in in house to to do this paperwork they're doing it anyway and then they're just handing it off to uh the subcommittee which doesn't make sense to me either I I think it's a good idea I mean I understand is recommended by our yes and I think it's I think it's yeah we worked in the office they came up with a schedule where they have a checklist and it's just just smooth it it eliminates the gray area and it's you know yes or no you have to go or not and these are the reasons why thank you very much for doing this I know you've been at it for months and months it's been a ton of work I like I enjoy it oddly um so that was the the first one that's that's all those ordinances are written up uh ready to go uh the other ones what's number two number two is the the dust containment okay so this is just this is not written up this is just merely yeah this is the second discussion this ordinance has not been formally uh written up this is merely just a discussion what I found because uh on my street I've seen probably four houses go up in the last five years consistently so just watching the construction and seeing what's happening one of the things that really concerned me was everything's plastic very rarely do you have a cedar Shake home any longer everything is plastic things like ASAC ASAC Tre you know fiberglass plastic poly compound materials and what is happening is they're just everywhere I mean if you go to any construction site the dust from these are are a lot lighter and they just they go everywhere you can't even determine the plastic from the sand in around these construction sites it it's just everywhere so what I have been seeing in New Jersey specifically um Mammoth Beach this year in uh July uh has an ordinance that it says contractors operating within the burrow of Mammoth beach in addition to other regulatory requirements shall it adhere to the following guidelines to control dust trash and plastic contents at their work sites when cutting or drilling ASAC tracks any fiberglass plastic poly comp El materials plastic near Wood contractors shall use a vacuum attachment on all saws when practical to minimize the release of dust and microplastic particles contractors sh cut and drill and confined spaces to keep dust levels to a minimum and facilitate ease and cleanup not engage in cutting or drilling activities without placing a tarp under power tools to catch the breeze and contaminants tarp their work areas and clean the area of a minimum of once a day to prevent the dispersion of dust and plastic contaminants and then clean up all wood and plastic before leaving their work sites ensuring that no waste is Left Behind nor can be blown into neighboring uh Properties or the street so when I actually one of the houses on my block I actually took a sample in the school and looked it under the microscope because it was all over my car car and it kind of looks like pollen but when you look at it under the microscope it's clearly shards of plastic so there's these microfiber dust particles that are that we're inhaling constantly on our streets during construction not to mention that the actual people working on the sites with no masks or anything like that I think with the amount of development that is happening in and around us that we need to take a more active role and it does seem maybe a little bit you know I don't want to say against but I don't know if the developers necessarily will be happy with this but this is an upand cominging thing across across the country the whole uh micr Plastics I mean they're just everywhere they're in the soil they're in the water and I feel like with the amount of development here we just have to be somewhat cognizant and do something as far as solution Wise by bagging these Plastics do have a question what do you do with I'm sorry when they come around they're sanding the fiberglass is there we already do have have SE we do have a section on that that is actually supposed to be bagged that this ordinance does include fiberglass but we do have an ordinance now again it would have to be an Enforcement issue uh we do have lists of every single house that's being worked on it and whatnot so we would have a we could create a schedule you know making sure that this is done but once the word is out that this is supposed to be happening it only takes one or two times for most of most of the builders that I've come in contact with are very you know on board with a lot of the things now I haven't specifically talked to anyone about this we would be the first on the island to initiate something like this but I think it I think it's a good thing I mean I after I saw it was on my car and I looked at it on the microscope I was like this is ridiculous um would we when would this go into effect I mean we're just discussing yeah this is just a dis this is such a discussing it could be C out of respect to our workers Builders you know um just I don't know you might know better mik how expensive this um dust collector would be to to we have like six month head lead time before it's going to be enacted so that they have time to purchase there's stop no but yeah I understand so I wanted to just introduce this now to council but I can I'll reach out to Mammoth be because they already have this on the books and I'll see you know the reaction or you know if they're getting any type of anything back of and if the developers are and the builders are you know on board with this what what have what have they faced th far because this is already this is on their books and so anything that's being built in Mammoth beach has to have this requirement so I'll reach out to them and I'll Circle back with you but I just wanted to kind of what about demolition yeah I mean demos of plastic houses all vinyl houses you know yeah the only thing with again with the only thing with ocean now is is the asbestos but this is kind of like the next thing that will be regulated but there are no really now we tear down plastic houses but the houses that we were tearing down we tear down the asbestos then there was like perfectly good siding underneath that and then it was all wood everybody wants main yeah and with tearing down stuff there's you have to keep that like wet and there's all requirements for de for demolition OSHA has not OSHA has nothing on the books no no just like we have nothing on books about battery facilities yeah with with cutting the Plastics I could see the tarp because everything usually just Falls it usually Falls straight down but it's when they get up on the roofs with the Sanders and they start sanding all the fiberglass that that stuff goes all over yeah that's supposed to be bagged I mean that's been on the book for years that's the problem is how do you bag it I've seen bags and I've seen no bags on the sander code enforcement enforces that keep an eye yeah I mean but again one of the biggest things was what Happ that should be our neighborhood watch John what happened like uh with the stone industry with the Masons is when they started to and this was almost 20 years ago when they were starting you know to cut stone that had silica in it people were breathing in and had kind of no idea that they were breathing in shards of glass like mini shards of glass silica that's what it is and and it's in sand so it wasn't until you know people were actually unfortunately dying from this you know five years after five to 20 years after the fact is when they started to have requirements on that so that is a a higher requirement for Masons and stone stonery and stuff like that but the plastic is kind of new and up and coming with only in like the last 15 years or so so I mean it is I am no yes talking something else so it didn't get put on but another discussion thing because of I learn a lot from a lot of uh just watching and um it seems that a lot of municipalities have an orn ordinance that requires that when you are doing construction that you have to get a temporary electric Pole now most Builders do most builders get an electric pole because they really don't want to kind of anger the residents because they're they're going to be there for a year or if not more building a house we don't have an ordinance that requires that so what we have is some builders that totally build for months at a time with gas powered generators 24 hours a day gas power generators I have one on my street and I I was like two on my I was like what is happening here I feel like I was back with like Sandy when my generator was going on forever and ever and ever it it just it's constant and we don't have anything on the books now so I look barnegate light has something very simple and it's just um prohibited construction operations power generators gas powered electric generators shall be prohibited on construction sites but rather a temporary electric pole shall be installed and activated to bring electric power to the construction site and there is an exemption exemptions may be made to the to this section under the following circumstances in the case of urgent necessity in the in in the interest of public health and safety so there there is an exemption if it cannot happen because of some public health and safety reason so I did reach out to uh one Builder and I did ask like how long would how long did this uh you know delay construction for you for the electric company to come out and get a poll he's like it it didn't it was a week so I mean it was just so they're very good at what they do and they can they can schedule their building around a temporary poll I think it's a great idea especially with a lot of people I know I've got a few emails this year about how how come we let construction go in the summertime well we have to because that's people's that's their work that's how they feed their family but I think this is a this should happen they should have to get electric the neighbor quality of life I think neigh happy I think that's I yes so I did have that um so that's that's some that's I think that's a very easy back to the beginning when we talking about um sort of fire pit this I mean we talked about this at the Fourth of July we saw a couple neighbors that had fires on your deck that's got be a terrible idea personally I'd like to see that yeah away with that's on our list for the next meeting fire pits on the roof on on our roof of our plastic house yeah right right okay any other questions no good job J thank you so how do you feel the dust thing I'll get i'll Circle back with you but what about the um power generators do you want that sounds reasonable okay so that's good how do you feel about that one oh absolutely okay so then the dust I'll get more information and and circle back with you and you know feel out some of the builders and see if that's if this is even you know it's sometimes it looks great on paper but the reality of it you know can it actually happen so I'll Circle back with that MTH County you thank you no problem and we have one more General discussion continuation oh curfew continuation to curfew and so I think this is because we yeah we T yeah we said we would Revisited the last week in July here we are but I mean I'm in favor of contining unfortunately I think it's necessary and we I don't know if the chief is here do you want to speak to this Chief there's anything you'd like to say or yeah Chief why don't you come can you come up here for one second please so we said at the last at last year that we would kind of reconvene and discuss the 10 o'clock curfew so we're asking you is the 10:00 curfew still necessary do you want to in in the 10:00 curfew keep it as is is it a tool for managing our groups of teenagers I think it's great the way it's it's working right now uh we start at 10 o'clock giving warnings by the time we clear out all the parks and everything we start going up to the um the boulevard give them warnings uh by the time we get the kids out of town most of the kids out of town it's 11 o' um a lot of times they get multiple warnings but it's hard to identify some of these kids so um you know by 11:00 we're pretty much clearing out town and then we're dealing with the ones that are causing problems so okay I think it's working great the way it is right now uh the only time they're really issuing a lot of tickets is when they're dealing with kids that are causing problems or not straight up just not listening okay so thank you sure thanks I've gotten a lot of positive feedback and uh I would definitely favor keeping it as it is I would definitely favor be in favor of keeping it I spoke with the chief from another town and I asked him about his juvenile problems he says he doesn't have any the only problems he has is when they stand on the corner waiting for the bus to pick them up to take them down to Beach Haven so they're all coming here so if we get them out of here they can go back to their town and they can enforce enforce their curfew well I agree okay yeah so we we're agreement Nancy do you have anything to say on that no I'm fine with it can you hear me yes Chief the only thing the only thing I want to add to that is that um with the buses since you guys talked about the buses um it's working out great with the buses because buses generally stop between 10 and 11 and we're able to get the kids that are are trying to get out of town back on the buses before they're gone um what was happening before was the kids were here till 11 1130 12:00 and then they had no way to get home and they were you know walking all the way up the island or then waiting an hour for a parent to be able to come down and pick them up so that it does help with the busing too yeah thank you that's it so let's move on to the um we have a bill list tonight for your approval in the amount of 3,495 $146 53 I'm assuming everyone had a chance to look at the bills um any questions concerns no no I talked to Jen because it is so high but a lot of the things are just coming due a lot of our yearly fees and things are are semi-early so it is a big one it is a big one do I have a motion to approve pay motion to approve the bills I'll second M Mrs bound Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes and mayor Davis yes um this time we're going to open up the floor to public comment if anyone here in person or on Zoom would like to um come up to make a comment please come up state your name and address and if you're on Zoom raise an electronic hand so we can answer you anybody come on up Lori Anderson 1001 West Avenue improving Veterans Park sounds great just you probably already kept in mind the fact fact that I think the fire department parks on the East End of the block you know when we're going to have a storm so you might not want to put underground sprinklers there right because of the weight that's all just thank you it does get used yeah that's part of the whole plan I mean it it's been addressed and we're well aware but thank you you're right it's important anyone else anyone on Zoom Mar CL no one on Zoom wow John are you sure okay um okay then at this time we'll just we uh we'll do our final remarks before we go into close session does that sound good sounds good okay start with you Colleen um yeah I just want to thank everybody for coming out under the adverse conditions hopefully they're better when we leave and uh Jamie thanks again for all your hard work that was like I said months in the making and um thank you all we're about halfway through summer and our police fire first aid Beach Patrol been doing an absolutely outstanding job so thank you all again it seems like it's quing down a little bit from yeah you said the Q word you can't say the Q word but U know it's definitely if you get a chance to go one of the to one of these seminars on the wind turbines yeah the information that they're coming out every time you go to one something else is coming out um there it's going to be a mess yes it really is so if you get a chance go inform yourself on what's going on with these things Jamie oh well I think I think I talked enough this this meeting but I also want to um Echo definitely about the wind turbines uh Colleen and I you know we've been kind of listening to these meetings for day one yeah almost four years now I feel like and so much information is is available to anybody that just wants to take the time to to look at it and I was really concerned when because we're Atlantic Shores one and Atlantic Shores to there's two zones right off Long Beach Island but the southern one off of Atlantic City when orad dropped out they're like the Porsche of wind turbines they're like the I mean if you want wind turbines built that's who you want and when they were like it's just not economically feasible to do this like that should have been a wakeup call for everyone in New Jersey being like why if they're not doing it like why are we G to take a second best company or third or fourth to to do this and we just don't know enough information and the small turbines smaller turbines that are now breaking down keep in mind that the turbines that they're putting off the coast of Beach Haven they haven't even been constructed yet and used anywhere anywhere they're the largest turbines ever in the world with the radius or their circumference or whatever uh diameter that's what I'm looking for is larger than any other turbine that has ever been built so again I I don't want our Shores to be the guinea pigs of what will happen it's just not fair and educate yourself isn't against Green energy or anything like that I taught ecology I'm well aware of green energy and you know everything like that but we can't subsidize our electrical appetite using something that's not going to work in the long run so just please go out there and educate yourself because once it happens there's no turning back so that's it Nancy no comment do you have any final remarks nothing okay so I'll just say um again you know echoing what everyone has said as we usually do but um I would like you to all please activate yourselves get involved write letters go to us go to an event and um really take it seriously thank you Jamie for all your hard work that was amazing um and you should run for Senator it um did you want just mention I'm sorry no go ahead the signs oh yeah oh yeah yeah just just to acknowledge that us as a burrow are go ah Township has really taken an initiative uh putting up I'm sure you've seen you know the little signs about the wind turbine and how to find out information but the township also has put up larger signs well with bigger pictures so we've also have done that as well so if you see these larger signs that they are from you know they are from the burrow they are us saying like we're not supporting this so just be be aware that that we're on board with opposition of the wind turbines thank you um so at this time I will right we already adopted the resolution to go into Clos session it's to discuss uh litigation there may be some other attorney client communication discussed um we anticipate it'll be 30 minutes or less and no action will be taken after okay thank you all for coming thanks Bruce okay say it Kitty okay um at this time or I don't know how to say this Rec a motion to adjourn a motion to adjourn I need a motion to adjourn do I have a motion to adjourn second third motion I all right Jed thank you