##VIDEO ID:E6fbk4zA60A## car it we're gonna have to carry it to yeah you can call to order I mean kitty thank you okay second let me just get rid of this okay six o'clock um Welcome to our uh September 9th meeting uh we're going to have the flag salute led by Colleen Lambert tonight I Al to flag United States the stands naice pursuing to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the be in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs B Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis here cash receipts in the current fund account for the period of August 1st to August 31st 2024 were 8,583 3827 cash dispersements in the current fund account for the month of August 2024 totaled 1, 60,70 cash receipts in the water utility account for the period of August 1st to August 31st was 359,000 8469 Cash dispersements In The Water Utility account for the month of August total $ 372,117 43 cash receipts in the sewer utility account for this period totaled 34,43 while cash dispersements in the sewer utility account for the month of August totaled $ 7,162 40 it has uh the beach season has come to a close and uh Sherie has provided a summary total of the UN audited badge revenue for this year um the badge revenue for 2024 totaled 542,000 32 which is a substantial increase over last year $490,500 so good job to the checkers out there I have minutes for approval without formal reading from August 12th the regular meeting August 12th executive session and the August 29th agenda meeting so we've had a chance to review that do I have a motion to approve motion to approve second all in favor I thank you ordinance 2024 27c an ordinance amending chapter 212 Zone chapter 167 site plan review and chapter 90 fees of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to adopt new zoning definitions to increase the lot size required for duplexes to remove reference to outdoor dining that are now covered under chapter 137 to update the requirement for a continued certificate of occupancy to be recorded at the county and to eliminate the site plan subcommittee and permit site plan exemptions to be reviewed and issued by the construction official and Zoning official final reading so um I just wanted to uh tell Council that in this specific ordinance there's about 60 definitions that were revised things taken out and looked at uh by our zoning department but when it went to the luse board this week our bar burrow engineer wants to go through the definitions a little bit more thoroughly and make sure that we really did clean them up and that we covered specific things and there's no contradictions so his Frank's office wrote to the L use board and say that these definitions and the ordinance is in compliance with the master plan but he himself did not look at them specifically which he did not do his homework and I did you know School him on that and he needs a little bit more he needs a little bit more time with this I really want to get these definitions right so I'm going to ask the council uh to table this till uh the September 26th meeting so he can go through these I can make sure he goes through these so there's no contradictions and everything is good moving forward it's not very often that we get the chance to go through these definitions so we really want to make sure that he does it correctly and thoroughly another another set of eyes on these to make sure that that we're getting it right so I am asking uh for the council to consider to table this until the uh September 26 meeting I completely support that I think it's most important to be transparent to make sure you've uh done your proper homework and I'm sure Mr little will provide us with the information that we need and I agree that we should table it do we have a motion to table I'm sorry go ahead no I'll make a motion we want to just move along second yeah all in favor hi go ahead Mike sorry from me interrupting no I'm just saying get it right the first time yeah um all right ordinance 22428 see an ordinance amending chapter 74 construction codes uniform and chapter 141 peace and good order of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean to require temporary electric poles on construction sites and require paper brick concrete stone fiberglass and plastic dust be contained and disposed of properly final reading so at this time we are opening the floor to public comment um since it's a final reading anyone like to speak to that in the audience anyone on Zoom no okay and I call for a motion to approve I'll make the motion I'll second it Mrs Paul Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis again she said yes but she can't we can't hear her she give a thumbs up she gave us a thumbs up thank you we'll take that as a yes okay ordinance 2024 29 c an ordinance amending chapter 177 storm water management article one storm water quality protection of the burough code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean to adopt private storm drain Inlet retrofitting regulations as prescribed by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection first reading since this is a first reading there will be no public comment does anyone On councel You' like to discuss no this coming down from the state right so yeah this is I have a motion motion to approve 202 24-29 C thank you I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes thank you ordinance 2024 30C an ordinance amending chapter 199 vehicles and traffic article 10 schedules in the burrow code of the burrowed Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to prohibit parking on the North side Second Street from Bay Avenue East 85 ft from the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 400 p.m. first reading again first reading so um no public comment at this time I'd like to make a comment on on Council um I I this is uh I think this is really necessary uh I mean I live on the street uh I've talked to the neighbors um sometimes you'll see three or four trucks up there you can't get on to Bay Avenue often uh so to me to me it's a it's a necessity to do this I know we talked about it in the past I would like to actually I I would like it if Mr Lalah could um uh get their deliveries a little earlier so it didn't have to be uh sh off for four o'clock but this is at least it starts yeah we talked about it a lot last last meeting and I um I'm in favor of this I think it's a good idea and it should help all the Neighbors on that street do I have um a motion second B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 31c an ordinance amending chapter 19 land use Administration in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to clarify when appeals can be made to the municipal Council first reading again uh first reading so it's not open to public comment anyone want to speak to this no again this is just to clarify appeals and to pretty much just open up the what a d variance is so the public when looking at the code understands specifically what in fact that type of variance exactly is be good I'll make a motion to approve I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss lamber yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis what was that yes yes was it yes said yep okay 2024 32c an ordinance amending uh an ordinance entitled code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey is the same in chapter 55 pertains of use of beaches to increase fees for pre-season seasonal and collector's badges we've talked about this quite a bit that the uh Parks and Recreation committee has recommended an increase in fees of $10 and then uh historically the collector's badge has always been $20 more so we're um also increasing the collector badge to keep that same Gap did you want to speak to this col um no I as part of the parks and rec committee you know we talked about this a lot one of the things that came back on the survey uh it was the number one thing that came back on the survey was improvements to our beaches and the only way to accomplish that we felt without putting the tax burden on our residents was to up the beach badge fees um that pains me I don't like uping any fees but in this case um other than raising taxes this was our alternative uh we didn't want to do it this year because the replenishment wasn't done and some of the beaches are barely big enough to sit on but hopefully our replenishment is coming through real soon and um people want the MIM mats people want the handles going you know the railings excuse me going up and down the beach uh we were hoping to enlarge a few of the entrances we found out last year with emergencies difficult to get some of our vehicles up and over and of course all this takes money and unfortunately uh Beach badges were the easiest Target so I do favor it for the obvious reason well said I agree and I should mention these are I went on and looked at all the other towns and these are pretty much in line in fact we were below and uh it was nice and we all enjoyed it but I think at this point in time we're going to need to have to step it up completely agree anyone else 2020 and 2025 is a um another anniversary year so we are going to be designing another collector's badge this year for the 135th anniversary so we will see that Revenue as well this year I have a motion to approve 2024 motion to approve Kitty you were my motion or you were asking for a motion I asked for a motion colen and Mike thank you yeah M Paul Miller yes M Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis the next one I can't go to the next one when she's not go back all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 177 returning remaining police escrow detail 178 um returning dumpster bonds 184 executing a right of entry for temporary work area by in between the burough Beach Haven and the state of New Jersey 187 returning Street opening bonds 1888 resolution of intent to create a plenary retail consumption license theater exception pursuant to njsa 30 col 1-1 19.8 which permits such licenses for non not for-profit theaters with a capacity of 50 persons or more but less than 1,000 persons 191 is executing an agreement with code 96s spartech for it managed services 192 is authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement between the burough Beach Haven and the county of ocean to provide the 25% local share of the renourishment project not less than $656,000 is an insertion of special item of Revenue chapter 159 any questions any questions from Council um yeah what was um the last one um if we have h a revenue stream that was unanticipated so we received a PPE grant for firefighters equipment um this year we're going to be running that Grant through the Burrow Beach Haven so we need to insert that Grant Revenue into the budget so this is a formality to insert the the line of Revenue into our budget and get it approved by the state that way we can spend it thank you sounds good I'll make a motion to approve resolutions second Mrs biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill list this evening in the amount of 1, 48,562 everyone had a chance to review the bills I'm sure um um my questions have been answered and I have a motion to approve I make a motion to approve I'll second it Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes that's all I have okay um before we move into the public comment section um Sher would it be all right if we ask the chief to uh the fire chief to come up sure just to speak to um an issue that is we've been talking about with the fire pits on roofs and uh just to if you don't mind Adam just so we can believe it or not people put fire on the roofs great Adam eler fire chief of Beach Haven Wonder South B have um so it's been brought to my attention from a few people in the community about these fire pits that are springing up more and more on the homes um we just had a structure fire we were head out for a structure fire the other night for Mutual Aid in a neighboring town and it turns out it was exactly that it was just a fire pit that was on someone's roof but the average Community anybody driving by thinks they see flames on top of the house they think it's on fire they're dispatching the fire department we're coming to their aid um so I want to look into is you I want to look into how many we've had we've had two of these calls this year we've been hit out for structure fires that turned out to be um you know good intent calls for uh just these fire pits but I want to look over the years how many times this has happened and uh do a little bit of a study on you know risk management and what what it's going to actually impact how it would impact the town and everything to you know look at the safety factors right now under um I believe it's the uniform flyer code under Section 30 uh 307 I believe is where it regulates recreational open Burns and everything um that doesn't necessarily apply to residential uh areas and everything but the regulations say that has to be 25 ft away so that would be something that would be a consideration if the town was going to pass some kind of ordinances what the distances would be and what we would do to try to keep uh you know mitigate any of the the dangers or hazards that would be in this so I'm going to look over the the offseason look back into our book see the amount of calls that we had that were because of this if we have any other calls kind of keep my finger on the pulse and look at some other things going on within the country and look into if it is something that we indeed need to do something about all right okay doesn't seem doesn't make sense to have a wood fire on let's let's let's look espe I agree with you 100% if it's inherently dangerous and if there's you know fire pits on roofs and there's only one means of eress and somehow you know people get trapped up there and stuff I mean that's something that I think about so um that's why I want to look into it and dive a little deeper before we um was the both those calls just false alarms they were they were false alarms because they were fire pits on people's roofs so anybody in the neighborhood hood that looks out their window and sees that they're going to see Flames coming out of the roof of someone's house and automatically think that the house is on fire in the in the fire code it would be interesting to see like how can you how do the fire pits compare to your gas grill because so that's the other part of it because has a lot more propane and some of these fire pits the tank you know it's this those little I could also do a study if you want and how many grills have lit the siding of houses on fire because they're too close bunch of those yeah that's always that's always a concern us I mean I want to look into this and dive a little deeper and then I'll get back to you guys with um you know more of a report of where we're at as far as safety wise okay all right at this time I'll open the floor to public comment is anyone in the audience cookie cookie massic 196 Street um I'm just going to this picture here I and I just at a at a previous meeting we talked about that it had gone to court and the judge had decided in favor of Beach Haven auto but now the town's appealing it and I guess my question is why particularly when I'm looking at this picture of everything MH um the other thing is how much you know know has it cost the town and how much with the appeal how much more it would be particularly since I know that they would appeal your appeal so that's my question and yeah that's it um the judge invalidated the Redevelopment designation with condemnation power but our attorney is advising us that the judge um inappropriately used definitions outside of uh Redevelopment law so it was an error in law so um the consensus of council and strong recommendation from our Redevelopment Council that this should be appealed our Redevelopment Council has offered to handle the appeal capped at $5,000 it's important to and his profession to challenge a mistake in law okay but the work there is massive ongoing work going on there now so I would think that like mitigates the idea that they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing and as I understand they have oversight sensus of council was wanting to try to appeal to rein State the designation as an area in need even though there was a buyer line I okay um if I may um I have to say this is I find this to be very concerning also um for a number of reasons first of all the fact that our attorney did make the appeal before we actually okayed the appeal uh I know he was trying to preserve our right to appeal but I still think within that time frame Council should have been consulted I don't like the fact that somebody has taken the initiative to do that um another concern I have is the fact that yes the judge did rule in favor and we asked them to clean the site up they're doing that and they have been doing it they're doing it at their expense we can't do it any cheaper we can't do it any faster so the fact that we would now have to undertake it we win our appeal now the taxpayers get to pick it up and I don't agree with that either I think that's a waste um and I do understand about the appeal being offered but I have also heard that this will not stop here that if Beach Haven auto loses this round they're going to appeal what will the legal fees be then nothing was said about that and I just think it sets a very bad precedent that we have a business that that we ask to do something they're complying at their expense and yet we're still going ahead with this designation and you know it's like well what if they don't well then we go after them again but based on the amount of money they're spending right now and the time and effort that's going into this I I don't understand it either I think that u s a poor message to all our businesses that you know we can condemn you and come after you if we feel like it because um you know you're not complying with what we think you should be doing and yet in fact they are complying with what we ask them to do that's my two cents on it I um I think that Jim malar attorney filed the filed the appeal because the deadline was was upon him and to be able to get it in in time he filed it and he he assured us um that he informed us that after the fact but he informed us a couple days later that we could easily pull it but he had to do it just so we could get in upon the deadline and I I hear what you're saying Colleen and you know I mean I struggle with this but I I think that you know it's been it's not all businesses we're not looking at all businesses to condemn all businesses I think that's unfair I think this business in particular it's been 31 years 30 plus years and I know that they're working hard right now and I'm I'm glad that they're doing it um but you know you read the reports it's it's a little it's scary and I just think that in my mind this I if if the if our attorney is correct and I I I think he is in terms of the the decision that it was not a good decision and for the rate that he's um billing us for an appeal I think unfortunately for the people involved it it's worth the try because it ensures us that it the cleanup will continue and that we will get to the finish line and that is what I care about so that's my opinion I understand I I mean I agree we want to get to the finish line but they're doing it and of course the the what happens if be chaven gets the next appeal and then be Haven auto files the next where does this end because I've heard that they're prepared to take it to the Grave they are very upset they're doing everything we asked and yet here we are and it's not every business but it sets a precedent and people have to wonder why are we condemning businesses why are we doing this and I agree there may be a time and place to do it but I just don't think this it's pretty clear why this this business is you know it clearly meets the guidelines I mean the um the um requirements for redevelopment I mean it's just I don't know we have a difference of opinion I mean yes it needs to be cleaned up you know some of us on Council don't mind going into to 10 years from now for certain lawsuits against certain people I you know it's just we can all agree just we all we don't agree on everything and and this is a hard one because of the people that own it and it's just that if it were you know I just I have to support it I'm sorry yeah um I agree with I agree with both of you uh this is a difficult subject for you mostly because it's more personal for you however at the end of the day you have to think of the town as a community and the bottom line is is that this business has been closed for over 30 years with just recently cleaning it up starting in 2015 that for me is a hard thing to swallow um we have to think of the people that live around that area recently all of the work that has been done if you walked around that and smelled what was coming up from that ground I would be nervous I would be very nervous and we need to be cognizant of that there are so many rare cancers out there that we have no idea what's causing them and as a community we have to be aware of these types of properties there are over five there were over five underground tanks sitting in that ground for a long period of time regardless of who the owners are if that remediation would to were to pause again the only way that we could apply for state grants and state aid is is if we went through these steps it's nothing personal however if that re re remediation were to suddenly stop this is the way the only path that we can take in order to remediate that site so we have to be careful and we have to take our personal issues aside and look at the community side and if there was another site that was also so contaminated we would have to do the same process and take our personal feelings aside and go for the betterment of the community so this is the step these are the steps that the state of New Jersey does and it's nothing personal and I know the word condemnation is a horrible it's a very negative word unfortunately this is the process that we would have to go to again if the Remediation in the future for some reason and it's going to take a while this is it was going to take a while if it were to Halt we would have to start all over again so this is what we have to do to secure that property for the future we have we do not want to to clean up this site we we want it to continue to be remediated however if it does stop we have to as a town be responsible for it thank you thank you well my point on this is I I just feel that we're keep hitting everybody for money it's costing us money it's costing them money are they going to run out of money and then all of a sudden nothing gets done anymore uh they're putting money out now to try and fix it um we're going to be putting money out to try and condemn the property not that we're trying to condemn but it might it might end up coming down to that but as long as they're working on it and they're digging it out pretty good from what I what I've seen of it so I don't think they could just stop at that point without completely finishing what they started so I that's why I have the problem with the lawsuit okay anyone on Zoom have comment do anything no anyone else from the in the audience good how are you Captain fer made CH bar one South uh just want to talk on fire prevention forment okay every year we go to the be school show the kids trucks the equipment that we have uh this year we're going to be doing a open house at the firehouse October 12th be 3: to 7.m so we invite Council and the public to come out see the trucks toward the firehouse we'll be doing some props for the kids and giveway and some food stuff like that that's great thank you if you want to make a flyer and bring it to my office I'd be happy to put it up on the website and send it out to our social media team be great thank you thank you anyone else in the audience Adam then we do have one on Zoom okay whenever you're ready um just tocko what Captain said thrilled that each School actually just uh offered up to us an invitation to come out for Patriot Day on Wednesday obviously it's a day of remembrance and everything like that um so that the fire company could be part of the celebration part of the event raising out there a few people um but Captain had a great idea of doing an open house again same around the same time so be going to be school like we nor do on that project way Saturday you to the community have people come in look at trucks give out smoke protectors educate them on you know just Public Safety and everything got through good good summer this year we got by so thank you guys also thank you guys for the um gr I appreciate that um something that we've been working on you know is trying get our building rebuilt and we're trying to you know this year we put $100,000 Capital away to start to just make any repairs and bandages that we can so we can figure out how we're come up with 10 million to reu our company so we redid the roof we red the siding um we had to replace a lot of stuff inside leaking so this little bit really actually helps us a lot so I thank you guys and the last thing was a just want to wish a happy birthday to Chief I know happy birthday it's a big one that's all I'll say okay on Zoom we have someone yeah Deb withcraft yes Deb witcraft 528 doc Road Beach Haven um one of the questions that cookie messic brought up is how much money and legal fees has uh the burough of Beach Haven expended on this Beach Haven auto and nobody ever answered that question so that that that I would like to hear an answer to and I would also like to point out that the incinerator property that adjoins the Beach Haven bro property uh Jamie doesn't seem to be concerned about the contamination of the soil on that property which could be quite extensive and has not been looked into and I think if you're concerned about contamination on properties you better look to the up property that adjoins Beach Haven auto and see what contamination is existent on that property but it doesn't seem to be concern of hers um I would also like to point out in a recent article sandpaper where um the chief of the fire company was talking about the EOC uh Center being used for housing for uh fire you know the Volunteer Fire Company I would like to point out that having been on that committee uh with regard to the EOC it was my impression that the burrow was making housing at that site available to fire first aid lifeguards and other essential Personnel in the burrow of Beach Haven so I would like uh some clarification on that to ensure that this isn't just a fire company site for housing that it is open to all First Responders within the Burrow Beach Haven thank you yes it will be Deb all right because the Sandpaper made it pretty um obvious that it was being you know used so for that of Fire Company volunteers and and I think the public needs to know that it is open First Responders of all agencies thank you yes and about the legal fees can we get an answer on that I'd have to I'd have to do some calculations Deb how about a a a guess it how much has been expended so far I I couldn't guess I'd have to take a look okay I but I I think the public would very much be interested in seeing how much we're spending for this thank you thank you sure thank you anyone else Jerome MC Cartland yes good good evening um I'm a relatively new um attendee I live at 1102 Street in Beach Haven um moved up here 18 months ago and uh I just have a couple of questions about the ordinance that was on the agenda uh 30C about the parking for uh Second Street what's your question so so my question is I'm under the impression that currently there are not supposed to be any deliveries made on Second Street that's not correct okay then I'm incorrect on that I I thought it was I thought the deliveries were supposed to be on Third Street and into the driveway no so so okay why is there a sign no idling say that again a sign that says no ID okay so the sign saying no idling that that's a whole different that's a whole different issue okay um so then I'm under the wrong impression I thought that it was passed that there were not supposed to be any deliveries on Second Street so am I to understand and that the council in tonight's meeting is approving removing the four or five parking spaces at the corner there so that deliveries can be made in those hours they won't be removing them they'll be designating them to receive loading and unloading between the hours of 6: a.m. to 4 p.m. from 400 pm on they will be available for public to use is parking and is that year round yes so so in the height of the season when parking is limited to begin with when the deliveries are at their highest yes we're going to allow those designate those spots to become designated for delivery yes 6 a. okay and what's the reasoning behind that to provide them a space to to load and unload not in the street blocking and making a safety hazard and Mr mcfarley I just would like to say that last meeting um and Mr wner is here today many of your neighbors oh John spoke for them on their behalf so many of the residents on the street have um are in favor of this and in fact have requested it so okay all right that's that's and you're right this is my first uh time that I've attended both in a zoom and I didn't realize that we were allowed to come in person so next time I'll come I'm on down and welcome I'm glad you're um thanks for joining us good deal okay thank you very much thank you very much that it anyone else all right oh all right John come on John walk 219 Second Street and I just want to uh address what Jerome was saying um we did have deliveries being made on Third Street and that was a great solution it seemed to really ease the pressure on second until it was discovered that it is not an even so the diant tur reality parks in such a way the trucks can no longer get in that's that's one of the issues that we had this year has been exceptionally busy we've had as many as three traffic trailers at the same time on causing serious safety line of sight issues uh very concerning so the idea of giving up those that area for a certain amount of time which maybe in the future I know Council said maybe adjust the hours but I really thought long and hard about the timing and I know um this Mill said was really leading way with 4:00 when I think about Beach Haven and I say you know what during the day it's our our residents and the people who are in town as the evening comes on people from all over the island want to come to Beach Haven and it's a wonderful thing businesses Thrive you know we have um rest resturants and shopping and entertainment so that's when it really starts to come all the people from all over the island come and I think that uh I think it's a good starting point and as everybody said see how it goes and if if it is a problem it can be adjusted responsible about that so I appreciate your consideration on it and I thank uh my neighbor for the comments and you can feel free to reach out to me too thank you very much anyone else with this time we'll close the floor to Public public comment and move on to final re remarks by councel mik you want start okay I guess it's my turn to start all right U apparently there's some confusion confusion with the chter cook off everybody calls it Chow Fest this year it's not Chow Fest it's Chow cook off so apparently they're cook they're calling uh the Chow Fest number and they're saying that it's not going on it is going on it's going to be in the same spot it's the fifth and six yeah the fifth is they they broke it down to two days the fifth is going to be the merchants Mart and I spoke with Todd who stated that they are getting more and more people involved in it every day they're going to have a lot of people there they definitely have at least 10 restaurants that are going to be doing Chow Fest he has two more that are in the are waiting around and they might they might be coming in he might even have more than that but what is going on the Chow Fest when they call Chow Fest they're not giving them any other information that other than Chow Fest isn't going on it's the Chow Beach Haven chatter cook off it's being sponsored by The Beach Haven Chamber of Commerce and the hunger foundation so it is going to go and it's supposed to it speaking with Todd it's supposed to be a really good one it's going to be up to where it was before preo how many soups did you say yeah how many soups you were telling me earlier they have how many how many restaurants restaurants are uh 10 with two two that are waiting and it might even be more than that and he said that he's got between five and 10 people signning up for merchant Mart every every week it should be a pretty good you want to hold up the posters they can have a visual and they say look for the poster so if you want to find out it's BH chowder Cookoff docomo Fest because they don't have the right AKA yeah thank you Mike okay okay well I basically I had the same conversation only with a different member of the Chamber of Commerce and they were very concerned that this misinformation was out there and I said' i' bring it up the meeting and then Mike said he'd bring it up the meeting so basically exactly what he said and Merchant Mart if you notice the last couple years was not part of it and this group The Beach Haven Chamber of Commerce is going out of their way on their first year to include Merchant Mark so they're really making a wonderful effort to get the whole event back in and up and running to where it used to be I know some people say oh my God it was so crowd but I mean it is a great thing for our town and our Merchant so please and if there's anybody you talk to because I I know our office staff is getting calls all the time about is chow or Fest cancelled technically if you're going to use the word chow or Fest yes that's done it is the Beach Haven chowder cook off it's almost the exact same people who are running it the overall management has changed that's the big difference please tell everybody and hopefully we'll see you out there Nancy right we just do one other thing oh sure apparently last year if you went to chter Fest couldn't bring your beer in this year you'll be able to have your beer yeah which was a really important to us nany's off the meeting oh okay Jamie um no I don't have much now that we are H in September there's festivals every weekend there's one this weekend I think October Fest October Fest down at Taylor Avenue the brewery yes the brewery I'm sure there's something next weekend I don't know exactly but I'm really excited for the Chow cook off and I know that they have already started selling T-shirts and sweatshirts and whatnot tickets and tickets aw yeah it's it's really great and you know bringing it back to town it'll benefit Beach Haven and hunger foundation so um show your support um again re iterator birthday greetings to our fabulous chief of police um happy just happy fall y'all that's it thank you all for coming do I have a motion to adjourn thank you