##VIDEO ID:MQuNNSBsX3o## but I mean it's okay Nancy we're on all right I'm uh opening uh the burrow meeting today which is um September 26th at uh 404 well it's 4:05 now and uh so we have the flag salute led by uh Mrs biller pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation under indivisible with liy Justice puru to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs ball Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis here Miss Snider would you like to present before we move to the police department yes it [Music] is hisor district and day and Joe Ryan Nam thank you so much yeah thank you Kitty thank you resolution 194 authorizing the hiring of Anthony McCall as a temporary entry level police officer for the Beach Haven Police Department do we have a motion to approve this resolution I'll make the motion thank you we'll do a roll call okay Mrs biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes officer McCall if you could come up whoever's going to be coming up with him [Music] I state your name I swear swe I support the constition of the United States theti of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and Allegiance to [Music] the the government established in the United States and in the state under the authority of the people people and that I will Faithfully partially and justly perform all the duties of the office of Poli offic off ability [Applause] yes well we'll have a we'd all like to congratulate you yeah I think all of us would like to congratul yeah congratulations congratulations welcome to the please first thanks could I have a motion for a five minute re is there a second second all in favor yeah okay we are reconvening the public meeting at 411 um moving on to ordinances ordinance 2024 27 C an ordinance amending chapter 212 zoning and chapter 167 site plan review and chapter 90 fees of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to adopt new zoning definitions to increase the lot size required for duplexes to remove reference to outdoor dining that are now covered under chapter 137 outdoor dining to update the requirement for continued certificate of occupancy to be recorded at the county and to eliminate the site plan subcommittee and permit site plan exceptions to be reviewed and issued by the construction official and Zoning official final reading this was tabled at the September 9th meeting it did receive some um legal guidance from our solicitor and our land use board solicitor requesting that the council wait until the land use board has an opportunity to Memorial ize their comments and writing although they did take a Voice vote that the ordinance was not inconsistent with the master plan they did have some other comments that they wish to formalize in a resolution that hasn't been memorialized and provided to the council um so they would recommend that we wait until the October meeting to adopt this but in the same breath they said if we are going to make a change which we all agreed that there were a few words that we needed to add to one definition that it would require a reintroduction anyway so we're looking to do a reintroduction of the ordinance Revis to add those two words Heating and conditioned to the October meeting so if we know that we're going to be reintroducing is there any other changes to the ordinance that the council wanted to discuss what we going to change we have a we had a couple additions too we've been on the side also working on a few other definitions so since we're going to reintroduced we're going to add to what we've been discussing it's just a couple more changes to definitions nothing changing anything zoning wise so one of the uh she had two other definitions that were suggested if we're going to do a reintroduction one was fixed location equipment platforms and the other was height limits so nothing changed the height limits but when we have really good thorough definitions then we don't have to repeat them in every Zone that we have so we want to really kind of solidify our definitions and make them clear so we don't have to repeat them throughout all of the zoning which makes it a larger document loopholes and things like that so that's why we're really kind of dragging our feet on the definitions to make sure that they're complete and thorough so I'm okay with moving this there's no rush to me and we need a we need a vote I mean we need a motion don't we to no I mean really what's happening is that you're abandoning this ordinance okay it won't continue we will do a reintroduction it will get a new number since it's being slightly revised adding a couple definitions but it will be pretty much the same except for those two other additions and the words he and conditioned added to the definition of floor area ratio was there anything else that was needed to be discussed we all okay with no I just I think it's important to note that Jamie um Miss B Miller has worked with our building department and our building inspectors with on this and and and for years we've known that there's many things in our code that needs to be cleaned up or to be you know button dob I don't know whatever however you would ra do a better job describing it Jamie but I think that um you know this is It's I certainly think we should follow our the the advice of our attorneys and just do as just as what you had suggested Sher so I'm fine with it but I I do um respect Jamie and the people the other the other U members of our burrow team that have worked on this and um look forward to seeing it in October anybody else have a comment everybody's okay with um postponing yes so procedurally when we introduce it in October it will be referred once again to the land use board to review at their November meeting and it will come back to us again for our final reading so we'll have to go through the exercise one more time having the luse Board review it um but their comments may not change since is taking too long but that's my opinion and it's very unusual and I don't know why we haven't already gotten this reports so that we could have moved on tonight the difference not doesn't make me happy yeah so the difference with our new land use attorney is that when we did any type of zoning change it never had to it was never memorialized that lus for would right you know give their comments you know did it match the master plan not match the master plan and then it would jump back to us without coming back to them to memorialized but our new L use attorney says that that is not procedurally the correct way to do things that you should have it memorialized after they so it just takes it longer but I think that we should now if we if it has to go back to the luse board why don't we just keep you're saying that with the two CH even with just the two changes in the F it's going to have to go back because that that was one of the com that was in one of the comments already they know that that's going to happen really what they should do is see that we made the changes that they had requested in that one instance okay why don't we not change it except the the changes that they understand and then when they memorialize then we can ruce it and then we'll do a separate ordinance for the new changes the definitions I feel like we're adding to the definitions let me get a clarification maybe it doesn't need to but you're asking that we not have to wait for another memorialization that if they're going to make any comments that they present be presented to us immediately after their November meeting correct yes okay I understand is that okay so I'm not sure I'm yeah what are we doing here so we're gonna move on this tonight no no okay I just because I'm not she's saying that if they review it again in November and they make any comments about it it shouldn't require another memorialization resolution and have to wait till December it should be something will go on a boiler plate just and you know we've been there right the B engineer counil already said it's consistent with the master plan the luse scort did agree that it was consistent with the master plan they did have additional comments that had nothing to do with the master plan but they won't councel to to read yeah I'm also glad that our new land use attorney is he's very thorough he's very that's what we want he's good explains things well too okay all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 195 is refunding a tax over payment 196 is acknowledging the hiring of a full-time laborer in the sewer water and sewer utility 198 authorizing the refund of a tax overpayment and 199 is awarding a contract of Vulcan construction company for the 2024 sad installation project at Veterans Park okay moving ahead with the park um any any comments or does anybody want to remove any of these for further discussion I just uh could you just clarify the last one that wasn't on our list um we received bids for the sad installation project uh yesterday uh was reviewed it came in at one 20 um 129,000 which is in line with our budget the Chief Financial Officer of certified funds and uh the bid has been reviewed for legal sufficiency and we should be able to award today thank you great news any other questions is there a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make a motion okay your second second okay go ahead all right Colleen you were my second yes Mrs ball Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes okay um we'll get into the capital budget discussion you should have a print out in front of you of the 2024 proposed capital projects list does everyone have one there yes y yes okay so if you just uh jump real quick to page three you can see the total there is highlighted in yellow the and the uh proposed Capital list is 4, 358,000 which is well over our goal amount for our capital budget so um we want to be looking for places that we feel that we can cut uh the do road construction project at Essex and Glen Lola uh is 500,000 um we originally asked for Essex and glendola and asked for a larger amount we received about 375,000 in do Grant so we're going to be trying to reduce the scope of the project um to just maybe ess6 I think we were looking to cut glendola um so Frank is asking that we budget 500,000 for a reduced scope project Ocean County schedule C 100,000 we're looking to do three uh ocean top streets that are in need of repair just for uh milling and overlay not a full reconstruction repair of util utility ditches this is a a a appropriation we try to do annually or every few years so that we're able to do trench repairs as we have to open the street um that'll sink over time so we want to be able to go over and and fix those divots replace and remove storm drains 100,000 we're not putting any in for bulkhead uh the next one would be a refurbished trash truck trash truck 110 is rotted out and leaking unfortunately so we're asking for 50,000 to refurbish that one 75,000 for four-wheel drive pickup for Public Works 50,000 for a two-wheel drive for Public Works works and 50,000 for a skid steer loader there go ahead Mike what's what's the skid yeah skid steer loader so we do have a skid steer already um it's loaded the ground has a bucket lift no it's more of a bucket that's what we use to do the uh the walkways the I5 um the problem is if it gets tied up on the North End of town and the south end of town we don't have any equipment for um I did talk to Public Works about whether some of this could be moved to next year's budget um they were willing to acques to a four-wheel drive or the skid steer loader to be moved to next year but they felt the trash truck refurbishment and a two- wheeel drive pickup was absolutely necessary to get the jobs done so this is our second skid steer yes it would be should I keep going and we'll come back to those oh yeah right I can wait so we're continuing to work through um the construction specifications for the EOC renovation project it's been a long time long process um we're looking at our mechanical electrical and plumbing infrastructure our original cost construction estimate for the HVAC work uh needed to be revamped they were our original uh MEP Prof professional was suggesting that we reuse some of the existing equipment um which is not proper at this point we need to be circulating outside air uh that's new code and um correcting for humidity and things like that so um we are anticipating an additional 1.5 million added to the project we've already appropriated 3 million so at this point we're estimating a 4.5 for the project for the full renovation including new hbac and the addition Park improvements Chris has requested 200,000 in park improvements he would like to see the uh bathroom trailer at Walsh removed and the ticket booth at Walsh removed and a new facility built there that would Encompass both the bathroom and the ticket booth into one um the playground equipment this is the 1 million approximately 1 million in this line appropriation that would be for the possibly for the Jake playground if we decide to go that way um 30,000 for burall maintenance 120,000 for Library improvements 50,000 for continued upgrades to their HVAC and 60,000 for an ADA ramp I'm going to finish out this category and then we'll go back and talk uh 100,000 for improvements to the Dock Road Breakwater um the pilings and the break water itself need to be replaced right so let's go back up and talk about which items you'd like to discuss further well a bummer yeah yeah um I definitely think sorry Chris and Steve but I think personally that we have to put off at least one of those I mean if we have one skid steer loader I think we could certainly wait another year for another can you talk into the microphone we could wait another year for another skid steer loader that's my opinion that's 2,000 that's I don't know how anyone else feels about that and I don't know how old are four-wheel drive pi up is now that we're replacing well two four-wheel drives and one two wheel drive just got scrapped so that is more than we would normally scrap in one year so we're definitely short on vehicles Steve felt that the vehicles were both priority but um the two- wheel drive is very important to us since it's lower to the ground we used that to empty the cans downtown and he felt that was more important well I have to say that Public Works has done an amazing job uh of keeping this town looking great and um we also uh have the pumping systems in I think I've been on and off the island an awful lot and there's been a lot of flooding and Beach Haven has been the best town uh to go through I mean so our pumps are working and I I really applaud the Don Cactus who really got this started quite a long time ago this has been in progress for probably six years um from the time we started talking about it to to to get it going until we were able to finally put these pumps in and uh we're also seeing storm bows that need to be replaced and that's made a huge difference as well uh we're seeing still backup on the west side of town uh because the water's been so high it's been over the bulkheads but the pumps have really made it um beneficial particularly for people coming in and out of the town for our Merchants um I I was told that one business said uh because Beach Haven last Saturday you could park and shop uh there their business was so good that without that they they wouldn't have made 10% of what they made that weekend and this is a time when a lot of businesses are actually bringing in cash I mean they they' paid their bills and what they're making now is what they get to keep so I I really think that most of these Public Work Works has been pretty uh amazing at keeping Our Town dry and effective uh but I do think you know if they can if they can wait for the four-wheel drive vehicle and the and the the um what's it called the SK steer loader uh you know we could maybe eliminate that from the budget but uh they they they they certainly have worked hard to maintain this town uh so skid loader you know just keep the vehicles if Steve and uh Chris think that they're necessary you know so you're un unsure about removing the P the four-wheel drive or is that I I think we can remove it if they say they can work well with with a two wheel pickup for next year let's put that we could put that one off I'm just trying to what were the most uh logical uh uh places to to cut those budgets but um uh what about the floating dock at EOC um it's really that is um I don't know why that's on there really is the EOC improvements yes really the HVAC part of the renovation that's in the works well I think we've got to move forward with the EOC project I mean this has been Ono for a long time and and uh in the in the long run I mean we we have a very valuable asset that we'd like to keep as part of Beach Haven and not have it go to the federal government uh so I I do think we need to move forward with the EOC improvements I I think that I I agree with you in theory but I just the amount of money that we're spending on this building is a lot unconscionable to me I just think it's and I you know I think I mean we ar really own it we can use it but we have to use it within this you know we have many restrictions and we're renovating an old building and you never know know that the the cost variables can always fluctuate it's already up one and a half million more than we thought and you know I I just how much can we spend on it well you can't rip it down what are your what's your record what's your it's either spend the money or give the building away I let the government have it back and I I don't I think for the benefit of baven if we can keep this asset we're that's the right thing to do the renovation is going to make it possible for us to utilize it at its maximum capacity 365 days a year I know and I also think that that part I'm sorry sorry that was part of the original explanation is that we have a really hard time getting our you know police fire first aid water safety rescue housing them and this was supposed to be our Ace in the Hole I mean I don't know why it's taking so long I mean I questioned last year there was like a seven Monon time period when nothing was getting done and now we're not going to have it for next summer but I think it is critical to get this building up and running every town on this island is vying for the same personnel and we have to be able to offer something and if we have the ability to House people then that gives us a huge leg up I agree I mean it in the long run it will be a huge asset for the town and the other Advantage is right now A lot of people are using it as a dog park it's not labeled but I see people over there letting the dogs run around we have a service dog in our yeah we have a service dog over there I know that's it's pretty much labeled as a dog not you can't pick up after your dog's poop don't bring them in don't bring them in okay it's a dog it's a dog park so I mean there's a lot of benefits there we'll have a water rescue which is something that makes sense it's just a dog run all right well let's move on okay do anybody have yeah could you hold on one second uh the the road construction I know when we get there I know they talked about Essex and glendola and they're only they were talking about maybe getting away with just part of one of the streets so probably save us there if Chris says we can get away without doing the four-wheel drive pickup that that's a that's another good one if we could get away with it the skid steer loader if they don't definitely need it there's something else um the EOC we're going to have to put money into it because if we don't we're going to end up losing it um Park improvements the bathroom and stuff I know we had discussed something about just buying almost like a shell of a building and have Public Works redo the inside we do have a plumber we have guy that does the electric and we have guy that guys that do um carpentry so I think we might be able to save some money there um doc Road boat slip improvements I think that's probably going to look get a better look at what's exactly going on there what what were the slip improvements I I know we would like to put some uh catwalks between the slips that doesn't include that's not included in this what what is it just additional piling the replacement of the pilings and that break water we have to do that I mean if we need piling and and we you know if we need a bulkhead there we have to we have to do that yeah I go ahead Park improvements uh Park improvements yeah so I I don't you know I'm not a tennis player and colen could speak better to the bathroom and the shack at Walsh field because she you know frequents it all the time um and if we need to replace the bathroom we need to replace the bathroom but I think that don't forget we what about tailor bathrooms I mean I thought those were in really bad shape and we're having all kinds of vandalism I thought we were moving towards individual you know so I don't know and also um maybe Chris could have half of that money and I think the other half should go to Parks themselves I mean if we don't do Jake's playground then Nelson Avenue need shade they have no shade down there and we need shade sales we need you know some trees we have things going on and certainly so you'd like to leave the number at 200,000 and Al half of it for the replacement of the bathrooms at Nelson and the other half for shade and just so yeah like that's just a thought I don't know I just I mean honestly I don't use the bathroom down there that much I know the shack has been getting old and that was strictly that had nothing to do with the tennis players and I think sometimes people think it's a t it's not you've got the farmers markets you've got all of the different teams that are down there having their that facility gets used probably as much as any or if not more than any in town and like I said I don't really go in there that much but if Chris says because I know we had a major incident at the end of summer uh what was something broke things were leaking and it were breaking and all that um if Chris says it needs to be replaced I don't know if we can do it in house or not but again you know the concept that it's belongs to the tennis courts it doesn't tennis is a very minor part of that and because of the number of people you have done there just watch on a farmers market day how many of the people from the farmers market come over oh yeah I wasn't suggesting no no no I know but I'm just saying you know it it sounds like well here's this little place out in the middle of nowhere no it's very very well used I would go with what Chris says if we can do something in house all better I think we should up that amount because we need you can't you can't not I know but we're supposed to be cutting but you can't have zero dollars for Parks this whole for year that's just that's and also we had 150 last year that does not I do think that um taking Chris's word as far as the four-wheel drive and the skid loader if he says they can wait I'm fine with that um you know it's always tough you know people put these things down it's not so much as a want need situations like this is what our department feels they need and it's really hard to sit up here and say you can get along with this um I would try maybe to do something in house as far as the public you know these are all things that we use We Rent Out those boat slips we can't let them fall into disrepair so I'm okay with that I think I have a question on the um the library improvements specifically the Ada ramp um we have I'm not comfortable approving anything that or funding anything that has we don't even have a plan we don't even know what that will look like into the best of my recollection and Chris is in here tonight so I can't ask him he recommended that they don't replace that ramp so I definitely think that that 60,000 should be taken out that was Frank Little's estimate wasn't it yes 60,000 for the Ada and 50 for more hbac work that needs so the 60,000 we could cut well I don't yeah I have I would have a problem with that because if you cut that there's no ADA compliance for the library which is a public building it have you been down to that ramp of course have but very bad very bad shape it's um it could be repaired it can certainly be repaired I don't well you have the whole and also according to Chris if they once we change this it's going to be much much bigger and so what's that you know without a plan I don't okay I think you need to it has to be done is the point so at some point money has to be allotted for this to get done I'm not saying we shouldn't do it but I don't think we don't if we don't know what the plan is actually and we have hav seen it how do we know how much it will cost and since it's in the historic district not for nothing it has to be approved so that's a whole other issue so I think it's a little premature that's we just get Mone put aside right and we going our engineering a little bit of a situation because until we have an allocation for money we can't have Frank little work on it and prepare plans and give us those details of plan until we have some kind of engineering money at least in place so I mean you want to plan but then you don't want to appropriate till you have a plan so yeah well maybe we appropriate some of the money to pay for the plan and um and see what happens the following year we need have accessibility to our library it's a public arguing that but we don't know does it have you know what's it going to well well I guess it has to be approved well our professional has already given us an idea that's what I'm saying so I don't know why it's still problematic and sometimes you have to go with the estimate so you can get started on the details I mean because it was in really bad shape all year we're very fortunate that nothing happened anyone else want to weigh in on a library appropriation I thought that the H was last year we did have an amount for hbac um we unfortunately ran into quite a bit of hbac issues in this building and the building behind us and I think even the Lifeguard headquarters we had a lot of hbac issues this year so we had to pull all of our hbac Al Appropriations together to get our priorities done and knowing that what could be put off until we get a capital budget in place and that we're going to appropriate another 50,000 to finish off we had to just play a shell game to get done what was absolutely necessary to get us to the spring to do the rest so no none of the H yes some of the HB at the library was done and they were operating okay so now we have to finish up with the air conditioning on the upper floors for next season got it and that's about 50 or 60 so yes it's nice and cool and the right yeah so 60,000 for the for the HVAC on the second floor and then 60,000 for the Ada R now we were told 50,000 for agac okay and 60 for the Ada there is a heater involved too not 10000 well HVAC right but I'm saying they're they're talking about air conditioning I said there's a heating unit involved too it's not it's been the moving Target in all of our locations of what what was being done so you might be right it's just 60,000 for a ramp is just kind of Mike any input on that leave it I I mean I agree with Kitty the Ada ramp part there should be an actual plan that we can look at and get an actual estimate on what it's Clash sh can you come to this mic so I can ask you a couple questions about that because engineering we can approve the amount to Engineering Services isn't something we would put into Capital it's not it would be something that would come out of an operating appropriation right you're right if we didn't have a capital line item for the particular project and we had engineering fees for a project right we would just charge it out of the operating budget right General engine in we do have 50,000 from last year for the library that we haven't spent yet so is this we have to go together just want to make sure yeah that's the additional amount that we know we need right the M mats I think oh let's do you want to um we've got to finish up this tan category so the playground equipment sorry so let's have Don come up to the center microphone and talk to about the Jak's playground in this um possible project right sheot about that I think this m goes to sleep sometimes so give it a little test no this one it's up to you you can sit if you prefer okay I think I have okay thank you thank you okay I'm Don CX this uh live at 165th Street B New Jersey member of the parks committee and I appreciate the opportunity to update you as well as the public on the efforts that have taken place so far for Jake's Playground now I've handed out a piece of a an expanded piece of information for you with with some updated information uh let me start off by first saying that you I heard you say that there's a million dollars in the budget for Jake's playground that is not required for Jake's playground if you look at page five of the document it comes from Bruce vof who is the our representative for Jake's playground and he said you only need to budget 25% of the cost of the playground so from a budgeting point of view he's telling us the only requirement is to budget $246,000 not the million dollar our CFO disagrees well if you don't get the grant you're not going to spend the money just like the do we know we have dot Grant coming we still appropriate for the full amount and then we know in the bond ordinance that we've received a grant to offset it but we have to show it all okay but the public should understand that you're not spending a million dollars on Jake's playground you will only be spending $246,000 if you rece if you receive that Grant and that money if if you decide to go out for a loan for could be could be a zero interest interest loan that would be paid over a number of years so it's a 0% interest loan it's 246,000 which is essentially the amount of money you would have to spend to replace the playground equipment and that's been documented again on page five by the playground manufacturer and my understanding so I just want to get that point real clear in the beginning so whether you just have to replace the existing playground or whether you move ahead with Jake law the amount of money that we're expecting Council to spend on this program is $246,000 not a million dollar let me move forward and give you a a summary of what Jake's playground is uh the parks committee did a survey last year and the survey essentially identified uh a strong response from the public that we want to do something to upgrade our parks for our children kitty Snyder went to the league of municipalities and she found out about Jake's Playground now Jake's play playground is a program issu by the state of New Jersey that provides 75% of the cost to provide for playgrounds for all that's that are all inclusive so that children that have needs can play side by side with other children last year they gave out grants in the neighborhood of 500 to $750,000 each to 41 different communities so we thought about applying for it last February but we realized that there was a lot of work that had to be done and we wanted to make sure we improve our the opportunities and of getting the grant so uh the benefits in addition to getting roughly $700,000 plus from the state for a place ground so instead of having a playground that's valued at quarter million dollars we have a playground that's valued at a million dollars so in addition to that we you know all children regardless of their ability will have the ability be able to play together uh it' be a safer play playground for children than we currently exist and I've heard from some grandmothers during my age that uh there have been some injuries at the playground do be increased uh increase a significant increase in shade and the playground area for children as well as the uh caregivers the woodchip surface will replaced with a rubber surface that is ADA Compliant new playground equipment that provides fun and an expanded play for all children of all abilities and I got this last Point really from the comments that are listed in later in that document I gave you the interaction that will will provide children with new friendships and a better understanding of the challenges of others and that comes strong really clear in the response that we got from our surveys the uh we have a committee and the committee is not just made of locals but it's experts too we've got the uh State DP Green Acres representative Bruce bof we got Owen uh little engineer Allison I con design consultant Mike Novak for playground equipment and we've met and they've assessed our eligibility and think we have a good chance of getting this grant uh and they have the expertise and they have provided expertise to us at no cost to date in terms of developing cost estimates the uh we started a a one of the big parts of this program is to do community outreach the community the Outreach we did we had 500 respondents 99 this is 99.6% of the people support this program it's unprecedented we never had a response like that ever before we 99.6% of the respondents say we ought to do this there there were 784 children in the households that responded and 97 children or adults which with disability so there is a need for this you know that's being ignored uh by Society in general not Beach Haven uh and we've had 162 encouraging comments and ideas the uh so again the the cost that the total cost is in is roughly 900 look at my glasses uh here good I was looking for those the the total cost is estimated be 895,000 we threw a 10% contingency on it so the total cost of the program would be 985 th000 of which the burrow would be responsible for 25% of that cost no more uh there are concerns and feedback that I I've heard from people the maintenance cost would be per year would be the same as that of any other playground the rubber Bond service should last between 12 and 15 years when it has to and after 10 or 12 or 15 years the manufacturer basically says that you have to put a a uh uh surface coating back on and that would cost about 20 $220,000 uh it's the design essentially is the the same space that's there right now uh the replacement cost you have a choice I mean you could e the replacement cost would be about $526,000 for the F for the equipment in 10 or 12 12 years when it has to be replaced like any other playground equipment and an additional 20,000 for the rubber Bon surface uh you could look for research apply grants to offset this cost if somehow we are able to pass the open space referendum those funds could be used to cover half those costs uh you can initiate a fundraiser to help cover those costs to replace that playground we've done a lot of work but there still a lot of work that has to be done we've sort of came to a halt waiting your feedback uh we need to finalize the design Colleen asked about can we reduce the cost yeah we can but we still need to meet as a committee again which we haven't done because to do value engineering on the cost estimate and you got to keep in mind even if we took $100,000 out of the cost estimate it's only going to reduce the cost of the Town by $225,000 uh most importantly we need the inclusion inclusion in the capital forecast we need to complete a preliminary environmental assessment and I talked to Owen illino uh the uh Alison I con the other day and she said it would only take her a few hours to do this it would cost under $1,000 that has to be done we need a public meeting there has to be a public meeting as far the application the public meeting has to be attended by a quum of council members it has to be after 6:00 pm in the evening and it has to be advertised and then the council needs to pass a resolution supporting the application so that we still have a lot of work to done we need to get it done in October and November because this work has to be done by year ends uh once the project project will probably if it gets approved there'll be approved by the state of New Jersey in about June of 2025 and you have two years to build to do the project so you have until 2027 so all the money doesn't have to be spent in 2025 it could be spread over 2002 probably most likely you spending in the spring of 2026 but it has to be in the budget conclusion you know we had overwhelming support for the grant we this is something very special for children you know we think about what we've done in this past we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for tennis courts and pickleball courts uh it's maybe it's time to do something very special for our children too so uh you can see respondents comments you know people aren't in favor of it in the back are the cost estimates the details the the equipment costs uh the cost for the uh for the M for the uh for the for the uh surface the cost uh for site work uh you know we need to provide uh an ada8 compliant uh parking stalls uh the Press curve uh we provide a picnic area for caregivers with a shade shade sale there that's on page seven uh you talked about restrooms this restroom would be upgraded so I'm spreading what we need to spend 25,000 upgrade to essentially the state's going to give you 25% of that money uh there's a landscaping restoration and we're talking about planting more trees and we have to add some fencing to enclose the playground for the children so uh I hope you move ahead with this have a clear understanding uh any questions I'll be glad to answer from you Council or from the audience Don I just want to clarify something you said that I asked you about reducing the cost yes I asked you about reducing the size well that could be done too well that that and then possibly the cost but it was I mean not the cost per se because obviously you you've been given a fixed price well the and again these are this is preliminary estimate preliminary costs I mean we can but we can't do anything unless we hear from you to say go ahead and have these meetings so we're sort of styed at this point in time well my comment my comment is I think it's a no-brainer actually I mean if we if we don't get the grant we don't do it but we get the Grant and they're paying for 75% 25,000 isn't in in terms 2,000 what 250,000 oh 250,000 yeah I I forgot a zero there but 250,000 um isn't a huge amount in in in our budgeting calendar so to speak um and I I think it's a wonderful opportunity uh to show that we are compassionate uh towards many people towards kids and and they're they're playing with kids that uh you have handicapped kids but you have normal kids that aren't handicapped and it brings them together to play at the same site I don't I just think it's a wonderful It's a Wonderful opportunity for the town um I think it would look nice I mean we're dealing with improving the shade down there and the picnic area as well as the uh equipment for playing and having fun and exercising um it it's it would bring a lot more young people down there I think I think it's a great idea personally I'm in favor but I think I know that it seems like a lot of money but again the reminder that we may not get the Grant in which case it goes away if we do get the grant we're we're we're spending basically what we would be spending to replace the playground equipment that has reached its l lifespan in the next year or two is that correct MH yes so we're going to be facing spending 250,000 is regardless I think that um I know many you know some council members and and don't really love the idea of committees that work on these things but I think it's a It's Not only would I do I think that this playground if we get the grant would be um an asset to the town but to have to have a park that's all inclusive I've visited two of these Parks one in Cherry Hill and um at the Town the other one was in and they're great playgrounds any any child would love to play on this playground it's it's it's really it's a beautiful thing and I mean why not if we're going to be spending the same amount of money and we can provide a park where you know you think about these things sometimes and you say well I don't know but then down the road you look back and you say so glad we did that what an asset that has been to the town and I feel like that's what we'll be saying about this park if if it if it goes through I'm in favor of it and I'm grateful that that you guys have worked really hard on it I I don't think it hurts to try and again even though this lne item is there it's not money that we're we're going we're not spending a million dollars so I know has to be there but you want to speak yeah so I didn't know much about the grant particulars um so when Sher asked me about this to review it you know I read the email that um he said only 25% obviously we are going to issue the payment for the full million so without knowing much and I heard that the application wasn't even opening until January so we haven't even applied yet we don't have an award so in short answer you know until we really know more about it I said we need to put the full appropriation because will be spending obviously the full amount and then with the grant award we would be you know reimbursed if in fact um we will have an award which sounds like there's a good possibility of it and that won't happen until after the year after the new year right the award won't be until 2025 right then we could application period is 2025 as well right the application is in February but as I said there needs to be a money as Bruce said we need to at least have the money in the 2025 budget 25 yeah 25 budget and capital budget and we need to pass a resolution with your signature on the resolution as part the application that uh that the money is in the budget June we might see an award letter okay so I mean I would I would suggest at this point not to put the million dollars in hold off on that we can certainly put the 25% in um if we do get an award if next year we would then throw it into the grant budget we wouldn't put it into Capital so we remove it out of capital anyway and it's just a whole different accounting if it happens before we introduce the budget we can throw it right into the budget and the day we have the award we can start spending if it's after introduction we would just uh once after we adopt the budget we'll do a chapter 159 and insert it into the budget so so you think for purposes of the application do you need the 250,000 now we don't need any money unless it's approved by the the the application approved you said we have to have an appropriation to apply you need to have the money in your Capital forecast and you need a resolution passed by Council as part of the application so that to me means we need to have a 25% in an adopted budget budget in some place which would be now the 2024 capital and then a resolution going forward to authorize the application Y and the other thing we need is money for Allison to do the the uh preliminary environmental assessment that'll that could all come out of the capital L that would be Opera if it's for the capital project we would charge it out of capital I I mean I was a little worried about the maintenance issues with this but I as you say I mean any Park equipment is going to need maintenance anyway and it looks like you've done some research into grants for maintenance if you have to replace this equipment I you're saying it lasts pretty long well any as you when I talk to the manufacturer at the parks equipment he says you're going to do the same maintenance you do on any parks equipment it's not going to be anything different I know the W the the Sals or the shade uh you probably take them down in the winter time and have to put them back up in the spring time in the summertime so when you don't need the Shay we take them down so they don't get damaged but you know so it's a little bit more work for Public Works to take some of that stuff down and put it back up but it's but so far as the parks equipment go it's nothing more than any other pieces of parks equipment you have who offered a 0% loan for our portion well yeah I think you sent me out something on that but I saw that what D the D with the D the the document basically says that if you want to go for a 0% funding if you have a a funding need you can get a 0% funding so and it's paid over time and fingers crossed that the open space referendum passes word out everybody right well yes I think the the open space you brought that up I was going to say something about that you know the open space referendum we've been trying to pass that ever since I was in Council and I hope the public understands this that four of the municipalities on the island have passed open space referendums they've used that money very wisely I think harby Cedars purchased a piece of property there was the old Coast Guard Center and refurbished sad I think the township has refurbished the uh bought a large piece of property down at Holgate I know I've been told that the township has used the open space referendum for the purchase of a hotel a motel for housing their lifeguards so and you talk about the the EOC you know it may be an opportunity to reduce your cost in the see if if the public would pass an open space referendum I mean it's I think you're asking one cents one cent per dollar taxes and when you think about the opportunity to provid for this town it's huge to reduce our cost by 50% Thank You Well anybody El on Council I I think we need to give an answer of whether we're for this or not you know sort of a looking at this million dollars when it was brought to me yeah to us I'm sitting there looking at I'm going million dollars is a lot of money especially if we don't get the um the grant but if we don't get it we won't do it so we won't spend the money if we don't yeah you let me finish sorry but what he's explaining here makes a lot more sense and makes it easier to swallow that you know hey instead of a million dollars we're only talking a quarter of a million dollars and you would spend that anyway for the other stuff I I understand that and that's why I'm looking at it this is a win thank you and apparently it it looks great you guys put a lot of time into this and you did your homework so good job thank you and you know I was on the parks committee so it's not a huge shock um when I looked at the figures again I was looking in terms of what it would cost to replace the old playground and I was given a figure initially that was a little bit lower like almost 100,000 lower and I'm thinking you know with all our playgrounds in town that we need to maintain is it fair to put everything into this but now looking at what it would cost just to replace that particular playground um I thought we're talking apples and oranges we're talking apples and apples so I can support this great Jamie um so to replace the playground you're saying it's $250,000 where I'm not saying it it's a playground manufacturer who's telling me if that's what's going to cost you to replace it I'm not the expert on playground acost but Chris told us that's what it would cost to replace the playground equipment today but Chris told me something different that's right yeah I even that's why I went to the playground manufacturer they asked him what would cost and he just told me that cost have gone up dramatically so the 250,000 was um an estimate that came from Mike Noak who is the representative for game time and game time is a state contract vendor who's also helping us with this um Jake's playground planning process so there are other playground vendors so we did go to a non-state contract vendor King swings commercial um and they took a look at what we existing the existing um playground equipment um and they were pricing to replace the existing in equipment at 50,000 plus installation so I mean could you could bid it and get away with it for much less um but it's just you'd be also rolling the dice with a with a bid this was a state contract price and somehow the state contract prices are higher because they're they're vetted by the state and they have some requirements to do that cost them money so what's the life of of this playground you said 10 to 12 years or was that for the map it's 10 to 12 years that's what I've been told okay so I'm just concerned so in 10 to 12 years from now then we don't have a Jake's playground then we or we then we spend the half a million dollars to get an entirely new playground without this grant because this is probably a one-time Grant un this is the last year they're giving it was that yes okay so there will not be a grant in 10 years so we just then okay now we just have to go we have to go with the downsize now because we're not going to be able to spend a half a million dollars every 10 years for one playground when we have multiple playgrounds that facilitate a lot of different children in a lot of different areas of Beach Haven but you're not spending a million dollars in 10 or 12 years and think about it this way as an analogy I'm gonna buy a house for $250,000 somebody gives me another $750,000 I'm able to live in a million doll house for the next 10 to 12 years at no additional cost and the cost be $250,000 now in 10 and 12 years that same house that cost me 250,000 I would have spend to replace that again for 250,000 and that'll give me another 10 or 12 years or I can spend an additional 250,000 so for an additional $250,000 over a 25e span I will have a million doll house think about it that way the additional cost to me is that I'll be you know of a million dollar park for the next 25 years for an additional cost of 250,000 debt I'm not going to incur until years 10 or 12 years out so think about it that way the uh to me to walk away from $750,000 uh uh from at least applying for it would be a mistake so Sher saying we could get away with putting the 246 the 25% match into this Capital that we're discussing today would you like to keep that in I would I'm just saying that we have to cut somewhere this is the largest capital budget I've seen in six years so it's not going to it's going to hurt to cut some things but well I don't think this is one was a cut I think it's it's a pretty good deal for the town and I I think probably you could even have some some benefits to raise some money as well to build this I think people care about uh all kids and and it's a it's a way of really showing your care towards a wide range of kids with different of activity and so forth that having something like this I think is really a I think it makes a town look like we're a caring town and and I don't think it's going to wreck our budget I mean I think there's other ways we can cut a little bit it is difficult and wouldn't we be reducing it since you're yeah instead of a million we're we're reducing it 246 so you're taking out $750,000 on a capital budget I 246 I'd rather hold off in the bathrooms year on wasal field personally yeah I mean we're still not done so there's I mean i' I've removed the 750 already I've I've already done some numbers removing the two things we potentially said we were going to remove we're still at so would you speak in the microphone sure I mean I've we're still not done there's more on the list so I mean I've already removed the 750 because I I think that's definitely coming off um I've removed the two items that we hypothetically said we could remove mhm we're still at three almost three and a half million so anything else you think this top portion this section that's in tan that you would be willing to say that's cut no okay um the blue section is the police department uh there's a request for um about 20,000 to replace the light the light uh trailer hey this is the lowest request I've ever seen from the police department no vehicle this year um the next section uh Beach equipment so there's 84,000 in this line 24,000 of it was requested by the beach Patrol to purchase um new Rescue equipment cans boards things like that and then the remaining 60,000 we were looking to continue to purchase additional Moby m um the Moby mats the 6 and2 foot wide Moby mats are 6,000 each and the 10 foot wide Moby mats are 8,800 each we thought if we did budgeted for 10 of the 6 and A2 foot ones plus with the beach Patrol we requested that would be the 84,000 on that beach equipment line and then we put in an additional 25,000 to continue to make maintain and upgrade the beach Patrol headquarters what are your thoughts on those items um let me ask you a question I I know we've done Moby mats this summer and there's been a lot of uh I mean I've had a lot of emails from people some you know whether we put them to the west of the the Dune or to the east of the Dune how has all that worked out I mean have we have you had good feedback that these Moby bats are really helping people absolutely and I think that Chris uh in the public works department were pleasantly surprised that it wasn't as much maintenance as they thought but he also thought that the winds weren't what they normally are yeah um we had lot he he is willing to try some more to purchase some more I don't I don't think we need them on every street I mean I know my street doesn't I've never be nice if we had to do every street would be 200,000 300,000 yeah I don't think it's necessary I think some people I don't think every street wants them do you think 10 is too much no okay no I think that that keeps us a little under half the streets and then again not everyone will take them so maybe in the next year possibly two at the most we can get all the beaches that should have them yeah covered great and the last two items um is another onethird share of the fire truck purchase so that's 100,000 and then our last year of commitment to upgrade the traffic signals at 209,000 do we have a date on the installation for them yet unfortunately not so I mean we we approved these actually we approved the first set of three two years ago yeah and then counting a long time to to do I mean these traffic signals it's ridiculous yeah we asked at the last engineering meeting if we could nail them down with some dates and we haven't gotten any but we do have the 209 already set aside from last year last year and then the year before that it was like 84 and then that this is it this would be the last right amount I mean we're getting a fairly good deal from the state they're paying the county yeah the county I mean yeah uh I and I do think we sort of need these upgraded t i I never was that much in favor of them but I met with a couple people this Summer that were so confused about crossing the street that that they they just didn't understand if if if the they thought because there were those zebra straight crosswalks they could just walk anytime even if they were walking against a red light and I said no so I think some people really need that little signal that says walk you know just to me seems crazy but uh for safety purposes I think we're doing the right thing and we're getting paid a lot I mean the the count is contributing a lot to this and I don't think we have any option with the prior truck no no we got it down a little bit sh um I'm sure that that doesn't make Sher happy that we haven't cut that much this is the hard part right you know still work 3,483 so we've only cut the the two Public Works equipment and right and the the Grant I mean granted the additional amount for the EOC on paper will end up being um the original ordinance that we did will be amended so the capital ordinance will look like less but overall your Capital spending is this amount for the year regardless if it's in one ordinance or two right so removing the EOC which is the unique situation here even removing that if we were just looking and talking about General capital projects we're we're at 2 million we're at 1.9 million so do you want to take a closer look at the park improvements for the library improvements well I mean we could go back to 150 for the park improvements which like Chris you know for him to get it all for a bathroom I maybe we could wait a year on the bathroom and that's 50,000 we did we did 150 last year I believe right yeah yeah yeah it's right there I don't know have anyone else feels about that go ahead we still have 100,000 in storm drains from a prior storm drains okay 2023 we haven't spent it okay let's do that where is that she's saying uh the 2023 ordinance the storm drains is is still remaining we might be able to just foro another I don't so I don't know what I don't know what the plan is for that or what an estimate what is needed but there is still 100,000 unspent for 2023 okay I'll go back to Public Works and ask them if the plan hard to do it without because if the plan is that they need 200 to move forward that's what I that's what I don't know so there is 100 available okay good to know and I mean I don't know how you know how dire the four-wheel drive is so I think we need to ask well I think we already decided that that's going to get moved to next year okay if if it can be also we have 30,000 in burrow Hall maintenance from 2023 unspent all right let's do that too scratch the 30,000 burrow Hall maintenance what do we have for ball maintenance then we have 30,000 remaining in the account last year okay that's good so we didn't do oh just that's so we didn't do any maintenance last year the other thing is like a lot of these improvements if you don't if you keep holding off on them they just get more expensive oh that's another issue true all right any other discussion on the general Capital items no all right we'll move on to water um the water main project um 2.4 million um this is still part of phase 2 this is uh amber Street two sections of Amber Street Main and laterals a majority of the mains coming from the tower and a lot of mains and laterals on Bay Avenue um when I spoke to Frank before the meeting he confirmed that this 2.4 million is still necessary to move forward especially with the county Bay Avenue Road Project coming in right behind us so phase two is 4.8 million correct okay 35,000 for Street overlay or trench repair and then we have already adopted an ordinance covering the Water Tower and the reservoir repair we've already done that in order to award that contract to USG so we did put it on here to show you um but those ordinances are already in place and this I guess this is a dumb question but why don't we have anything in 2025 for water tower repairs and painties in it because going forward um the USG contract yeah of it all covers it okay yeah and then the contract is for 20 years right and we pay a small annual fee and that annual fee will be coming part out of the operating expense and not capital thank you sewer um we're going to put another 950 for sewer Mains and lateral Replacements again to coincide with these streets same Amber Street two section bayen any questions on those okay Shar go ahead and yell at us all right let's go what the shape I mean I I kind of went to Sher I said I met a loss really this year I don't know what really to say I I have the documents that I give you guys every year but it shows historically over the past 10 years what we comfortably have adopted as ordinances this year obviously blows us a little bit out of the equation the past few years we've been spending more I know prices are rising but we have been spending a lot so I just you can take these if you like I didn't hand them out to you guys but I have them here one for each of you if you want to take it and digest it it just shows Trends over the past 10 years what our debt is in our budget a percentage of the budget how it's risen over the past 10 years we've we've doubled um you know we're funding the budget more with Surplus we're at a 25% level of of support just from Surplus to fund the budget or you know our pay down of our debt we have we decided um years ago to get very aggressive on our pay Downs a lot more than the the required legal amount but yet our our debt still increases every year so legally I think we have to probably pay down I mean it's it's maybe 300,000 and we're we're appropriating 1.2 million every year and we stayed consistent with that 1.2 million we started that I don't know maybe six seven eight years ago and but yet our debt still has risen you know we're not aggressively lowering our debt with this aggressive Debt Pay down because we're we're borrowing all these ordinances these ordinances are put in place we discuss them but then you know we have to borrow the money we spend it so I can just I know it's very difficult to chop every you know you listen to the discussion and every project seems to have an importance but we have to just watch what we're spending so you'd like to see The Debt Pay down be comparable to the capital spending every year to maintain a I mean last year the current you know we had 7.3 million in notes we paid down 1.2 which again is much more aggressive than legally where we should but we added 1385 in new money to our notes so we had about 7 and a half million in notes just on the the current account you know water historically over the years didn't have any debt now over the past two years the water has has about 3 and a half million we've got now a million in sewer so we had over 11 million last year was our our rollover for debt so you know we're paying last year was we had over 300,000 in the in the current account for interest um so you know interest rates are rising I think maybe we could take this take it home take a hard look at it sleep on it think about it and contact Sherie and I over the next two weeks and just let us know if you've changed your mind on anything if there anything you'd like to discuss further right I mean are we looking to introduce we should we need to introduce soon yes so okay okay any other discussion you'd like to have on it I think it's a late meeting right October October 15th okay that's good we have a little bit okay all right the other item under General discussion real quick is a proposed ordinance um about the community garden uh we were in there taking a look at the code we noticed some language in there that uh says something about a community garden committee uh so we would kindly like you to remove the language that discusses a community garden committee and just let us manage the community garden inhouse I think that's just I mean we you know it's hard we we have some really good committees working now and let them go the community garden we haven't had any problems with it's just people like it they run a spot there's never been I don't any I think Mary is pretty much running any like a great job put in okay thank you I have a bill list tonight in the amount of$ 53,5 18812 okay uh if is there a motion to approve the bills or any questions motion to approve second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes mayor Davis yes that's all I have okay um so at this point sorry uh at this point we have um public comment so that means anybody here in the public can get up and speak to anything um and if you'd like to express your ideas on the budget we'd be willing to hear those uh so I'm opening the floor to public comment anyone on Zoom that would like to participate in a public comment if you could raise an electronic hand John okay first of all my the work that Don diding the N playground upgade I think as we talked about it's a no-brainer $700,000 savs having functional playround and and I think bigger picture it'll it'll bring it'll bring uh outside community [Music] good for buses the more visitation bu uh my other comment is and part of the mention that part of thegr funding could be through the open understand have passp so maybe be that's a good idea for and these are some of the things that that could benefit EOC we increasing F to thec by another another million and a half maybe if if we get this refer gas some thank you thanks John definitely be caught just you have to get the public to vote favor right IDE to put an in thispaper 16 stre uh when I work with J&J share Services was a really important part of what we did to reduce costs I think I had communicated to you to some people in Council conversation I had with John and peral John and peral was interested in utilizing the shared services agreement available to the state of New Jersey where perhaps be pick up their our trucks pick up their garbage he would pay us the amount of money they P for a private carrier and the shared services agreement from state of New Jersey will be timately receive new truck value of about $700,000 now I don't know whether anybody's gone back and approach John about this I know you probably have to revise schedule may have to add some more people but I think the the fincial benefit you get every year from Gage help you know benefit down and you know you talk about capital I mean it's a $400,000 gift of the truck that our expenses just means that we may have toise our schedule maybe have a people something like that but hope you guys follow up John I think Sher has been following up I have not talked to John Imperial can you make sure that's on for me hit the button just hold it down for a second when I talk to uh the public works department they uh did not feel that that was um even feasible um so if John really feels that he needs a shared service with us to function as a town he can approach us and we'll sit down and take a closer look at it I don't want to bend over backwards and burden us to help if they really need it they they should come to us well they don't I think it's a win-win it's not a win for John it's a winwin for both towns the fact that you know you talk about capital I mean here get you get a shirt Ser a brand new truck and I mean that's a win for us I mean the costs he he's paying the same cost as you know to us uh as it would so maybe we have you know with that money what think it's about quarter million dollars a year that he pays for his services so maybe you have to hire somebody maybe you have to revise the schedule yeah Public Works I mean it's but again I think I don't know how many PE when I was on Council we did talk to the other Mayors and the other towns and I think we should not isolate oursel I mean maybe that could lead to something else that's even better so I think there's a dialogue should be ongoing with the other mayors of the town and the high okay thank you thank you anybody else okay CH walkter 2192 Street and as always I'm really passionate about all the open space that we have in Beach Haven we have a gift that no other Shore town has we've got the equivalent to probably five full blocks of open space and our little one square mile and I'm really pleased to see you know Don especially committing with the parks committee doing the right thing doing the surveys listening to what the people you represent want and uh it really does mean a lot and to see us the the Parks look better than they ever have welshfield looks great Veterans Park now is going to have grass um tayor uh everything really looks good and it's nice to see that you're taking some time to you know figure out how to get this done and for this committee to find three4 of a million dollars for our benefit I it's it's amazing as long as you can get it right and as far as the budget goes that's a tough one I don't uh when when I'm looking at whenever I was looking at budgets I would just go through my list and I would prioritize and then I'd say okay what can we put but I thank you guys for great job many isn't getting paid they're doing it for us we get paid a lot make it big bucks okay thank you thank you John is that on give it a littlez that thing falls asleep so quick hold the button yeah I don't know what sit down and there you go just give me your address I got the name uh 220 Center Street thank you I just had a question for uh Colleen um I know as mayor you appointed the trustees to the library and I know there's been a lot of controversy surrounding the library and I was just asking if you could maybe explain the controversy to us and if it will affect our taxes well I don't know that there's a big controversy um yes I did appoint them and I have the utmost confidence and faith in the people that are there um they have because of circumstances have Arisen they consulted an attorney and they found out that there were things the library was entitled to that they weren't previously getting and I know there have been meetings and I have great faith that our manager our attorney in the library the Board of Trustees will be able to work things out satisfactorily um I I think that the Board of Trustees we have now is excellent when you think that that 100y old building was in really bad sit uh condition situation and they took the initiative to do what needed to be done to make it safe for our town our patrons um I think they've done a wonderful job and I think there are some things that have come to light and I think they will be worked out but specifically beyond that what did you need to know and not only that um mayor Davis has appointed three of the current trustees and all of them have voted lockstep without any controversy so it's not just whom I appointed it's also the people that she appointed so I'm not sure exactly where you want to go with this thank you anybody on Zoom no okay anybody else in the Audi take that back yeah we got one Deb whitcraft oh okay uh debcraft 528 doc Road Beach Haven uh first I wanted to congratulate officer Mcall uh for being appointed to the beach Haven Police Department on our first date Squad calls he and other members of our Police Department play and incredible role in helping us deal withs that we encounter not just lift assists but um I just can't thank them enough for for the support that they give us we have answered as of today 867 emergency medical calls and I know when you were talking about the budget you're talking about you know monies for fir Tru and all that one of our we have five ambulances and we recently approved at our Board of Trustees meetings the expenditure of almost $150,000 to retrofit one of our five ambulances we are not asking the burough of Beach Haven or Township for financial assistance because we have those funds in our bank account we appreciate the support of the municipality but we're not not asking for help in retrofit one of those ambulances um the last thing I'd like to mention is that I want to thank Sher Mason I recently sent an email Sherry because we have been advertising that the Beach Haven first a squad is 85 years old that is wrong being the history not that I am I found out that the Beach Haven a squad was called to send ambulances to um help during the marrow Castle disaster which was September 8th 1934 so that would actually make the squad not 85 years old but 90 years old so in an effort to dig into the the actual year that the Beach Haven first aid Squad began I asked asked Sher if she could look back to whatever records are contained in the burrow and to her credit within 24 hours she sent record showing that in 1931 Mrs mm green requested that an ambulance fund be created now if in fact in 1931 those monies were appropriated for that purpose that would then make us not 90 years old but would make US 93 years old so I'm trying to to work on an actual date of art the first a squad so that we can make preparations for a 100y year anniversary so I I thank Sher for all the work she did to help me on this but I'm also asking for the Public's help in going beyond what Sher found in 1931 to see when we actually began operation by the way when we sent ambulances to the marrow Castle uh shipwreck in Asbury Park we were not called The Beach Haven first aid Squad we were called the memorial ambulance Commission of Beach Haven so again I want to thank Sher for helping me on this and ask for Council and the public help in finding out any more information about the year that we began operating as an EMS Squad thank you Deb although mm green requested the appropriation be made it actually wasn't made until two years after I see that Sher I see you said in that email to me 1931 but then it goes five years later $300 was appropriated to the ambulance fund so yeah so was it was years it was a few years later that they actually inserted that line into the budget so that would make us if it was 1936 that would make us 88 years old instead of 85 if in fact that was the year that it began operation but but see that can't be correct either Sher because in 1936 to appropriate monies for the ambulance fund two years prior to that we had already had ambulances responding to a shipwreck in Asbury Park so we must have been created prior to that appropriation yep so I'm just asking for any any help from the public and counil um to to find out most anybody who could really answer this they're all dead but I'm hoping that before I'm dead we can celebrate uh a 100y year anniversary but I'd like the year to be right thank you thanks Deb anybody else Jerry on Zoom anybody on all right nobody else in the audience so I'm closing the floor to public comment uh so we have final remarks by coun we were to start cooling okay uh quick reminder chowder Cookoff I'm sure everybody else is going to say the same thing chowder Cookoff is coming up um please come out and support all our local merchants and everyone else who's participating um Merchant Mart on Saturday October 5th and Chow cook off on Sunday October 6th thank you thank you Mike just one question Fire Company have there yeah they're picnic okay right after the merchant that's right okay good um I just hope that everybody goes to it it's always been a a good time and it looks like it's going to be uh back to where it used to be [Music] yeah that it that's it kitty yeah it's going to be a great year it's hope for good weather we need it I want to thank Sher bowler for coming tonight and as always doing Stellar Stellar job helping us understand complex situation and Sher for also as always helping me understand things um Jamie did we ever congratulate Mrs feta no so I was I thought maybe you hadn't I was like last night so Beach Haven school as a teacher and and you you know her I don't really know her but I want to congratulate her Mrs feta was voted the Ocean County teacher of the year which is a tremendous honor and I'm sure welld deserved for our little school it's just a great place to be and um I really want to congratulate her think we have a date for the meet to candidates am I right uh October 17th at 6 o'clock 16 16th yeah 16 at the Beach Haven School at the Beach Haven School approved last night at their meeting pres service 16 it's a Wednesday is that it no that's it Jamie um check my notes Here welcome to uh officer McCall so he's exciting to get a new policeman on board and work together with I look forward to working with him the capital budget discussion is my least favorite meeting out of every meeting there's been some really interesting meetings uh but this is my least favorite I don't like to cut everything but I will take a you know I think we all need to take again a good look at it I love the you know advice which I use I don't do budgets but a really prior prioritize to kind of take a look at all of these expenditures and make sure that this is the appropriate time for each of them considering we are higher than I I'm really comfortable with so i' would ask the council do that and the only thing I can uh remember for the chatter Cookoff is that the PTA the Beach Haven PTA also does parking in the school for uh $15 so please support our uh local PTA and our school with that and that's it thank you um I'll make it short um I I would like to uh and congratulate Jill feta as well I wanted to go to her uh last night to the school board but I wasn't up to it but she was my granddaughter's first grade teacher and she just was incredible and uh I think my granddaughter went after she left bavan to go back to California she was by far the best reader in her class and I and and just got so much out of her education at the Beach Haven School it was a wonderful experience for all of us and I'm so proud of um Mrs feta she's wonderful um I I also just would you know agree with everything everybody else said I mean we have a lot of activities coming up in Beach Haven and we're excited to get the chter Fest back and that's going to be hopefully a big weekend with nice weather um and I I just want to thank everybody in town that's been so nice reaching out to me about my surgery and that sort of thing but today's the first day I kind of feel like I'm going to make it so um that that's a good thing and so thank you all and uh I I appreciate um everybody that comes to these meetings and listens to them your your advice and your opinions are very important to all of us so thank you and with that I will motion for an adjournment thank you so much meeting adjourns thank you okay well could have been