##VIDEO ID:Mp0ZFjOCn1s## he is really all right kitty it's four welcome everyone some issues with the microphone sorry welcome everyone to the final meeting of uh 202 4 it's 4:00 we're going to rise for the flag salute led by Mr mcaffrey stands one nation indivisible Pur into the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the Beach Haven website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs B Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis I have minutes for approval this evening uh October 24th agenda meeting the November 12th regular meeting November 25th agenda meeting December 9th regular meeting and a December 9th executive session without formal reading we have a motion I'll make a motion I'll second it all in favor I I thank you all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes do any members of council have any um resolutions that they'd like to remove for further discussion let me go through the list one time and then we'll Circle back okay 211 is appointing Emergency Management officer Adam Ender 219 is the 2024 salary resolution 222 is returning dumpster bonds 224 returning remaining escrow 225 appointing Sharon bowler as tax collector for the burough Beach Haven 226 authorizing the reappointment of Sharon bowler as Chief Financial Officer for the burough of Beach Haven 227 approving membership to the beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company 228 is approving employment agreements Sherry Mason Eric Eisen Bice Steve lets Shan mcot and Michael winkl speec 229 appointing Stacy Kerr as Municipal magistrate 230 returning piling bonds 231 authorizing refund of a tax over payment 232 is also refunding for tax over payment 233 is acknowledging the hiring of Karen Garcia as court administrator and approving an employment agreement for her 235 is budget transfers 236 is refunding a tax over payment 237 approving an expenditure in amount not to exceed $ 49,8 eight cents for the purchase of a skid steer track loader for the Department of Public Works 238 authorizing a shared service agreement between the burough of Beach Haven and the township of Long Beach acting as lead Agency for mobile data terminal lookup service and 239 is cancellation of sewer charges okay at this time does anyone member of council have any item that they'd like to remove for further discussion yeah I'd like to remove 22824 okay you want to take a motion on the the remaining consent we have resolution I mean a motion to approve all of the resolutions with the exception of 220 238 d202 thank you 28 motion to approve I'll second Mrs PA Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes thank you 228 approving employment agreements yeah I just wanted um and we'd asked for a lot of data about three weeks ago and it's kind of come in in dribs and drabs and one of the main things came in Friday night and I didn't realize it um so I haven't had a chance to look that over and then some more just came in today so I would just like to have a chance to look everything over and push this to the what is it the what's the next council meeting the 13th or well these employment Agreements are set to take effect January 1st and I think these employees are counting on that well I mean but the Police Department Public Works they're not settled either so I don't think it's insurmountable if we get what data do you need that well I you you did send it finally but I just got it Friday night and but that was the salary resolution right it was the list with all the things and then the information on the cars just came in this afternoon the salary resolution was just approved with the consent oh I probably should have 29 because it's it's it's memorializing salaries for this year not next this is all for 24 the salary resolution is for 2024 the current year that's ending okay right okay I don't yeah I just want to be able to look contracts because I you know I don't feel that I had enough time to do that so I would like to do it at the next meeting give me a chance to check it all out and go through everything okay um what do you guys say I I don't think that's necessary I think we've had time Friday night you know I don't know I just don't see the reason for that but I'm away and I had time to look at it I had a busy weekend what can I tell you I mean I you know it was three weeks ago and then it I just learned about it Friday night so well the contracts I sent out a while ago the actual employee contracts yes so it's just the fuel information that was given out today and I did bring that with me if you have additional questions right that's what I said I just want to have I chance to look it over did I miss something with the um percentage of of raises and stuff what do you mean I don't I didn't get anything saying what their their contracts were what their ra spreadsheet was sent out long a while ago it was set out right before the last meeting we keep getting things before the meeting that was the one I couldn't read well then the attendance was very hard to read yeah well I personally don't have a problem with any of these um I don't have a problem with them either basically it's for this past year I don't I mean I don't I don't really have a problem with it but I kind of want to go into the new year agreeing everybody agreeing with something so is it possible to for Thursday me I know the first is on and we have the reorg meeting is that possible oh yeah and then there would be retro one day yeah just let me know what data you need because you just gave you did give it to us but it like it came very very recently I would just like a chance to sit down look it over that's why I said Thursday's meeting is going to be kind of crazy and everything else I would like to do it on the next official meeting because as I said half of over half the burough doesn't have a contractor working with for this year anyhow I didn't think it would be a big deal what happens and they go they still have the old contract and then it's retro when it gets approved okay yeah and that would be on all right the 13 the 13 regular meeting after that yeah and then just have something prepared for a retro yeah and if whatever questions you have shoot them over yeah that's I just needed to get everything because it came in dribs and drabs and kind of late and I didn't feel prepared okay okay the bill list this evening is $229,400 185 do I have a motion to uh approve payment of the bills I'll make a motion I'll second Mrs ball Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes Kitty okay with this time it's nice quick meeting I'll open the floor to public comment anyone I want to First say that recently I found some photographs of n's father my father oh wow4 and I like to see that this think about hisory but what I'm here to bring up today is on December 19th I came out of my house and I went down to the Boulevard and there were heavy equipment in the G lot by Bay Avenue and they were digging up the sidewalk and I have been concerned for quite a while that there are uh tanks underneath the ground there that haven't been um that they haven't brought out that they're there now I went to talk to El and she and I both agree there had to be tanks there because we remember when used to sell gas so uh I took photographs of what was going on because I suspected that they were looking for tanks I end up calling Chris and Chris Carson and he told me they found two tanks and I've heard there's more than two tanks that were down there and at this just prior to that I had talked to driving pil on the other end of the lot Up structures and I asked down you have to go to get water he said on the side of the boulevard it's about two to three on E side of the boulevard it's uh fouret and it makes sense because that's all filled land that's all that was filled land and the other side is the stability of of a real Geographic structure so I believe that so he told me there were two tanks and uh he also said the D would be involved so uh have spoken to Ellie and other people and we can think of other places where they tanks and the reason why this is important is if your ground water is two foot to three foot under the surface you have an opportunity to um what's the right word problems with the ground and you can't IGN that and I'm bringing this up because uh we have to attend to this and also because when burrow chose to get so strict with Elmer and Mary Pence about their tank but in reality now you know you have four more tanks and there are more tanks than that and I think it's we're gonna have to face this issue and I'm bringing up now because I'm not going to let it drop and I don't think the D is going to let it drop and and there are a lot of TS thank you thank you thank [Music] you Sher did you want to comment anything about that because I know you had uh I mean as far as we know there were four tanks to fuel to oil um it is an open case now with the D um it is on their radar Radars a contaminated site and they will have to remediate um yeah it's it's an it's an active site as of the date of the the tanks were found have we stopped construction stopped all of that stop work until we get some answers the Construction office didn't say anything about that yet um they're going to proceed doing what they're permitted to do based on the D they talked about installing new water laterals and sewer laterals there I think they can continue with that work as a matter of fact the um ultrasounds or whatever they did their sonar scan of the lot found an anomaly out in Third Street and the plan with our burough engineer is to check that anomaly during the installation of the water and sewer laterals um they're we're not going to allow them to do anything they're not permitted to do if they're not permitted to proceed then they won't I mean I do understand your concern because I raised this issue myself last year and I said I had a picture of the old train station with the kasos tanks in it and when I presented it I was told that oh there's no proof there's anything that hasn't been remediated blah blah and I said well isn't there some kind of record and I got no response and then everything proceeded but I think going forward we know there are tanks all over this town and this needs to be taken very seriously and not just oh well they're probably okay you know until we get proof now here we are yeah we can't force an owner to dig them up I mean even if we think they're there we know they're there until the owner digs and finds them I mean and it becomes a contaminated site the thing with the Pence property it's been a contaminated site and it's been on the D radar for for so long um but we can't just go around and dig up people's property it's found then we address it can we I mean it's some way to appe because here we are now we've got this contaminated site it's right on the boulevard we all know the speed that the D moves at so is next summer that side walk and that whole area going to be completely you know off limits to pedestrians and traffic it's going to be another nightmare had this been done first because we all knew there were tanks there we we can't I did I also visited this site when they first started construction and I also was concerned because there was pictures sent to me that clearly look like oil I mean you could definitely tell and I sent them to the D and I talked to the D and they came and they were like it's fine so I mean we I felt that I took the necessary steps um it's so hard because once the state has come in and deemed okay we can't legally go in and shut them down would I have liked to have of course I would have I would like change myself to the Pence and be like absolutely not unfortunately that's not the way that you know that works they were aware of it when they when they took it down they have the pictures that I sent them I spoke to them on the phone and it wasn't until they actually found one that it wasn't it came on their radar and that's now there's only two sites that the DP has open one is the Beach Haven auto and this now is a second one everything else there hasn't been there's no open cases with with the D currently at the burrow and that's something that we really try to you know keep very well aware of I mean they notify us if there is and that's why the Beach Haven auto became such you know an eye opener to me is that because it was open for so long and it wasn't until I started looking into it that I was very concerned that it was open for for that long but I don't know and I definitely will check with the DP if there is some type of procedure that you know that a coastal area goes through when a house is sold um you know is it a mandatory ultrasound because I know a lot of it's not a lot of people opt elect to do that and then they find it an old tank or you know an O oil tank but I don't know what the correct answer is but I can certainly do a little bit more at the state level to see and it wouldn't have triggered an option anyway because the property hasn't changed hands it's still a gamma Ley property so there wasn't even a property transfer that would have triggered an option for a scan well the lousy part is I think we all know we're going to get stuck with this yeah we're going to have another major intersection next summer that's going to be under construction and it just seems like there should be something and maybe you say everything was handled legally but there's got to be some kind of appeal we can make because it's it's really unfair to usafe it's unfair it is and I know previously at the um at the Brennan property when they came for a subd at the luse board we denied them because they had an opland application with the D I'll check with our um land use board lawyer and see is that something when an application comes in could we require in that resolution to have that initially done before any type of uh construction would proceed that that would be kind of like a something in the resolution that they would have to have the ground you know surveyed or ultrasound or whatever the technical term is in order to move forward and I think that's something that we could maybe use but I'll I'll check with Eric on that sounds like a great idea would that be something where it's a suspected tank was there and just and just not do it with every property I don't know if I'd have to check with Eric I mean considering this one we did have pictures and we knew that there was there yeah but once it sells if if once it sells you know you suspect that there were tanks there you knew that there was a gas station or tanks there that we could put that into like uh so they would have to look it up make it mandatory that they have to do a search on right the DP only started look keeping this a record of it since 1988 I think it's was so clearly that was before 1988 so they didn't have something on paper yep for that but I mean it's it's something that we definitely should be looking into well Kathy I hope that helps a little bit and and so Jamie's our Junkyard Dog and she will so thank you for bringing it up it's really important um any other public comments anyone no okay then I'll start final remarks by Council and Nancy let's start with you uh I really have not much to say except um uh I wish everybody good luck in the future and a happy new year and it's been a pleasure serving be Haven uh the town that I love and uh as nice as it is down here in Florida I still miss Beach Haven love you all and have a Happy New Year bye thank you thanks for everything uh colen basically yeah same thing happy New Year safe travels because I know a lot of people on the road there's a lot of people walking around town here's all the best in 25 happy New Year um be safe out there yeah uh if you're going to drink find a designated driver yeah please Jamie um no happy New Year Nancy it was a pleasure serving with you enjoy your the time that you have now with your family and you did miss a beautiful day here in Beach Haven but I'm definely night too yeah definitely trade spes with you but um I'm definitely looking forward for some snow in the next few weeks oh I hope so hopefully you all get some skiing in yes exactly I'll be home uh I'll be home uh the beginning of janary work great I want to thank you as well thank you Nancy for your service and all the time have a healthy and happy New Year to everyone I just want a quick little public service we have um share a little bit of a public interest story of a young man that lives in Beach Haven grew up in Beach Haven many of you know Sandy or Jamie shardell you know and um their son Nick graduated from Beach Haven School in 1999 he started playing the trumpet in fourth grade and picked the trumpet his mom said specifically because he could ride his bike and carry the instrument to school every day um he was very accomplished in the middle school and the high school and ended up majoring in in um um big band and music and went on to Westchester for his master's degree where he joined the US Air Force in 2011 he's now a master sergeant um and has had the honor of playing TAPS at the on the Arizona for Pearl Harbor Day um we have many success stories here in Beach Haven I think it's nice to think about some of the one you know sometimes be reminded of who's done what from here on this January Little Nick Chelli will be the lead trumpet player to greet president Trump as he arrives in Washington for uh the presidential inauguration so I just thought it was cool and it just came up at our hpack dinner and I was like oh I want to send me some info because I'd like to mention that uh his skills are a testament to Beach Haven school and they've phenomenal music program at Southern Regional so we're grateful for Nick and his service to our country and for making DJ proud happy new year thanks all right I have a motion toj to adjourn thank you I'll make the motion thank you New Year everyone meeting adjourned oh