##VIDEO ID:P02V_6gWsBQ## welcome everyone to um our August 29th uh council meeting start with a flag salute led by Mr mcaffrey ALG to the flag of the United States of America na indivisible thank you person to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electron notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs B Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis I have several meeting minutes for approval without formal reading the June 10th regular meeting June 27th agenda meeting a June 27 executive session July 8th regular meeting July 8th executive session July 25th agenda meeting and a July 25th executive session I have a motion for approval I'll second all in favor I I thank you all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal coun Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any items requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes so I've removed um the resolution awarding the water maintenance Asset Management agreement with USG that is still uh in the works local Finance board has given their approval but the BPU is still reviewing the application so we're still in a holding pattern uh 176 is approving membership to the beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company number one resolution 179 is urging the state of New Jersey to take an incremental and targeted approach to adopting the proposed protection against climate threat and the resilient environments in landscaping rules the new uh real D rules 180 is approving change order number one final dated August 12th 2024 for the 2022 Road Improvement project 6 Street Station Plaza and Delaware Avenue and burrow utility replacement 6th Street and Delaware Avenue resolution 181 approving change order one dated August 13th 2024 for the 2021 Road Improvement project Pennsylvania and pelum Avenue and burrow utility replacement project pelum Avenue resolution 182 is cancelling Water and Sewer charges 183 is refunding water and sewer charges 184 I'm going to be removing from the consent agenda we're looking to execute a a temporary work agreement with the Army Corps and the D for staging areas um but they did not send back the final draft of the agreement before this meeting so I'm going to remove that 185's cancelling sewer charges and 186 is approving a state aid agreement between the Department of Environmental Protection and the burough Beach Haven for construction of the barnegate inlet to Little Egg Harbor Inlet Long Beach Island New Jersey hurricane and storm reduction project this is the agreement between us and the state that says what our um financial responsibilities will be with the project so we did have a cost share that the state I sorry that ocean County had um promised to pay for us um but since the bid has gone out and accepted and it has increased by $30 million the municipal cost share has also increased from about 240,000 to $656,000 and she saides they've been U working behind the scenes with the D the whole time and yes the um county is still prepared to pay our local share cost of the replenishment project so we're going to go through with that state aid approval today do does anyone on Council wish to remove any of these items for further discussion no okay at this time um actually I'll make a motion to approve resolutions 176 through 186 184 thank you have a second second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes all right under General discussion items the first one is the delivery uh loading issues that we've been having on Center Street and the uh proposed ordinance change that had been looked at in 2020 to we kind of resurrecting the same proposed ordinance the same problems we're still dealing with with deliveries in that area did you look at the ordinance that was proposed it's the same one from a couple years ago yeah would take the first four angled spots um on the uh Northern side side of Second Street where second and Bay meet um and make that a no parking area from 6:00 a to whatever time you feel is appropriate um and then make it available for regular parking that would make that that area for loading and unloading during the day okay I have a question and I see Mr wter here because we went over this for quite a while back in the day I thought it was a pretty good plan and boy the response we got was very very negative from the and I see you have gotten a lot of the neighbors involved um we also heard from a lot of the other businesses and it's like why are you creating something for one area while the rest of the town is stuck and and I'm I'm anxious to hear Mr wter what you have to present um I did talk to some of the business owners back then and they said that you can tell these companies when you want a delivery and I think that's something that you know Beach Haven's always been pretty like yeah you know come whenever you want do whatever you want and the first thing I would like to see is if we do something like this start insisting that people set up times for deliveries and we're not having this all day every day free-for-all um I know the Second Street people back in the day were concerned about losing that parking they felt that they had made enough of a sacrifice and I believe you said something about how battle along the boulevard Now I Know Chief you may not be real thrilled with that um I don't know I'm just curious if you know doing something on the boulevard because the businesses are the ones that are taking the delivery and the homeowners are the ones that are paying the price so I have the same concerns Colleen has Chief's coming up first trumps you sorry yeah first before you speak where did this evolve again um John and the neighbors had been starting to email Nancy and myself with these continuing issues same ones we've been hearing okay so to answer your question the reason why I didn't think the boulevard was a good idea is because you have a lot more traffic on the boulevard um Second Street area those few parking spots right there from that stop sign back to the where um chicken the eggs property ends it's the perfect distance for a truck to load and unload right there even a tractor trailer which uh would deal with with Cisco if you were to do that on the boulevard it would take a lot more spots than three or four it would because most of those angle parkings are right up to the crosswalks so this area is just it's really not not used a lot during the day um the thought is that we have a throughout town we have we've been doing a lot more even um with like the 15-minute parking for businesses um those spots the 15-minute parking spots really start to get used a lot more in the evening hours starting around four o'clock 5 o'clock when people come off the beach and start ordering food and picking up dinners and stuff like that so if you had that be a 15minute parking area during the day have it be a loading area um both chicken the egg and station 117 and any other businesses that would be taking any kind of uh deliveries there you could actually get two trucks side by side right there and it would uh alleviate the traffic congestion of of a truck parking in the roadway um and you know trying to get around so I I think it'd be safer in in the end and it's like I said it's only three or four spots I I thought it was three maybe it's four well when you proposed this a couple years ago I thought it was a great idea and I thought it solved the problem very nicely and then boy we got such blowback and you know I understand what they were saying and I understand what you're saying now we would be far less effect on Second Street than it would on the boulevard I'm just thinking in terms of the people on Second Street anyhow and I don't know if it's doable but it seems to me you know might be something to look at this when Mr wner came in and was talking about it um I think this is something that you'd have to address with them because I think maybe they're at the point where this might be something that's accept more acceptable for them than what's going on there now and what's going on there now it it is kind of chaotic but there's really no other safe options you know we we allow we allow it to happen on a lot of the other streets and I granted some of the other streets are wider um we allow the trucks to park in the middle of the road and stuff like that and uh it's those areas are safer uh Second Street this this would be a better option for this and and the restaurant has been there and they are they need to take their deliveries um I I don't know you know what it would what it would cause if we tried to stop them from getting deliveries no yeah and I don't me to stop them I understand what you're saying because like I said when it first came out a couple years ago I thought it was really great idea until it was like boom and I think at that yeah I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I think at that point I think the uh the neighborhood was irritated with some of the things that were going on and uh I think it might have just been one of those knee-jerk reaction um you maybe maybe they're more willing to consider it now and that's exactly I mean if the neighbors are fine with it I'm fine with it I mean I I do think that makes sense but I'm just thinking in terms of again too like I said wasn't just the neighbors was the other businesses like how dare you give them a loading zone and we don't have one you know and we do that for every business in town I mean every business in town takes deliveries for things and no none of them really have loading zones I mean including you know the angle side and the seashell and um the uh Victoria Rose and you know scers WARF in Bay Village they all take deliveries in spots that aren't spots we we have exceptions for everybody every business in town that needs to get deliveries we we make it work for them okay now I understand I was just like you we we've just been through this not that long ago is what I was concerned about so being on Second Street wouldn't it wouldn't they be able to a little faster too it it it would unload right to their back door yeah their back door where they take deliveries is closer to Second Street than it was Third Street um the problem came or some of the neighbors end up making it very difficult for any vehicles to back down that that area so in instead of Bay Avenue yeah Bay Avenue well Bay Avenue you have a lot more walking traffic bicyclists and stuff like that I I just think doing that out on Bay Avenue might create more of a danger for pedestrians and if you have a guy with a lift gate on the Boulevard and he's you know Wheeling you know crates of things across that sidewalk but where there's that many people walking and I think you're dealing with less cars and less pedestrians in that uh 200 block of Second Street as long as you stay in that marked area and I think we control it better and I do agree that if there is a spot that's safer um you work on time delivery them anybody else thank you that makes sense thank you I would like to hear from Mr wner that's okay with everyone else hi John Walker 219 Second Street so I guess the first thing to um address is what's changed it has become crazy crazy and there's a few reasons why one the expans of the chicken or the egg and really there was nothing done to address the additional business or volume or anything like that so that that's the first um second was they were backing down behind Diane turton and making deliveries there which was off out of traffic so it wasn't a problem well I thought it was an easement and uh it's not it is not um I'm told it's just a driveway and now Diane turton is not allowing them her employees are parking there so that eased the pressure off Second Street for a couple years and now that's over um in addition we now have station 117 on Julius Robinson's property the three lots that were vacant that were Julius Robinson's now have residences uh Bob and Sarah Osborne who were very quiet and didn't do anything right now that's a big I think sick bedroom home there um even Kathleen Daniels my nextdoor neighbor was only there to garden and get her hands dirty once in a while well now you know that's a full-time resident um so ny's there with her family so it's completely developed now there's more business coming in to the chicken the egg so that really is what has changed um the real conc concern is safety that's what and the neighbors who really weren't in favor of it they see it's it's gotten to the point where something has to be done when you have three tractor trailers unloading at the same time on Third Street two and three common uh parking perpendicular and I think even the chief has seen it and stopped that where they're backing in and blocking Second Street um the the thought where they Park if a car is coming Southbound on Bay Avenue and turns to come into Second Street it's a blind there is no line of sight and anybody who would be in that area is in danger anybody who steps out from behind the truck or from parked cars it's a real narrow space there's nowhere for a car to Swerve or get out of the way um and then when you have multiple trucks you couldn't get a fire truck you couldn't get an ambulance down Second Street now granted they could go around but but that is another concern is uh is you know the again in L in safety is a big one um so also other businesses uh I know this came up before like you said and uh every business is unique and in my opinion the chicken or the egg is the busiest restaurant on the island uh serving 24 hours morning lunch dinner late night um they do a lot of business and I mean because of that they I think they need to have a little special consideration Murphy's we did the best when I was running Murphy's by putting people in the parking lot and coming in behind kaplers and and even then on occasion a truck would end up out in the street which we didn't really want we did schedule our deliveries for the bigger trucks made them come in early knowing when the others would be there so that's that's another thing to work on but you know I don't really want to tell anybody how to run their business if there was a solution I would go to them first rather than coming to you but the police go that what do they tell them they don't have an answer I feel sorry I feel sorry when somebody calls the police or um code enforcement Pat you know what what's he he tried for a while when when Third Street was open he would tell them to go over there so um it's it is unique the chicken or the egg and again it's a narrow Narrow Street uh unlike angle side Center tailor where you can actually put a truck in the middle and cars can get by on both sides still not the ideal but yeah we're we love our business we love our town we love everything that we do we just got to make it work and in our street um it's really become a concern another thing that my neighbor pointed out to me just the other day when we were talking is uh during covid for two years that was the delivery spot nobody was parking there anyway so you know it was it's already been done where they flagged those spots and uh and even then I think trucks were making their deliveries that way so um if if you have other ideas I'd love listen whatever because it has gotten to be crazy and the truck drivers they just want to get in there and unload you know I know I know a lot of the guys they deliver Murphy's too and you know they're if you give them a way to do it they will I'm sure though adhere to it you know and then you let one or like the chief said maybe maybe you can get two trucks in there I don't know side by side without creating a safety issue but it's it's far beyond inconvenient it's now really it's gotten ugly it's gotten ugly yeah so I thank you for listening and hopefully we can figure something out just one question how were your name I mean you said your neighbors uh yeah there are eight of the neighbors now who we've been communicating with they're all Property Owners they in favor yes yeah they are they are and and they knew you were coming tonight to speak yeah we've been back and forth with emails and so forth and uh and talking is you know we were out in the street talking the other day everybody like to see a little different Solution that's what you know they were saying couldn't we do it on Bay Avenue right that that would be now we're off of the side street but you know I I respect what the chief is saying certainly of course and also to try to restrict the time as little as possible although in the morning it's not as busy with parking it really the parking doesn't start until midday and when the restaurants and everything else that's when the parking really gets to be more challenging and and of course the the restaurant employees they park there too so that's uh yeah but I you know I think it's a compromise like I said I saw it done in um K May because there's no other solution in their historic district and it seemed to work really well if a truck came in and there was a truck there then he would just go make another delivery and come back when the space would be open so um I mean we hate hate to give up any parking for any amount of time but for a small amount of time I think it would be okay and and we'll see if anybody objects I mean I would ask them to come and yeah sit on my front porch with me and see for yourself what you think you know it's have you had the opportunity to speak with all the neighbors or I mean did you get any negative response or so far everybody's in like I said what uh a few neighbors said oh you know I guess it would work but we'd love to see it you know not on our street right if it could be on the Boulevard or or even across um Bay Avenue where the electrical substation is but then you know I got a wheel pallets across Bay Avenue I don't know I don't know that that would be effective or not but th those were the comments but I think that everyone has has seen what has happened in the last few years and you know some something needs to be done something thank you really appreciate it thank you let me ask you a question has it any better mid like in with the 24hour now with the chag at night is it it seems like to me it seems like we haven't had many complaints about that so I'm not I'm not get I'm not assuming that that means there are none but is it a little I don't think they're as busy Kitty I don't think they are that's good um I think um bird Betty is taking some of that late night business and also they open the one in Marlton I know I know yeah yeah and that is which is always crazy I know I drive yeah crazy so I think that yeah it's not as busy and and actually the expansion takes some of the people off the street too which I'm sure I'm sure the police appreciate them being inside rather than out on the street yeah yeah yeah think that that that might have helped with some of the crowd on the street yeah it really is a a strange situation with no so I think the only thing that Council still needs to decide is what the hours are going to be for the no parking um we had 6:00 am to 4:00 pm um John you suggested in your email to council 6:00 AM to noon so it's really up to you guys as the legislators what you wanted to I'm sorry is is 6:00 amm is when deliveries are allowed right they started in Beach Haven um I think it's a noise ordinance right I know that you can collect trash at 6 a.m. exactly yeah I think that's what it was thanks John y thank you appreciate thank you I actually think maybe I don't know maybe we should start it at 6:00 to noon just because I don't know how does everyone else feel about that I first I supported this ordinance in the past and I support it now there's not one one place that you go to that you can park because there's a delivery Zone and that delivery Zone isn't necessarily the property of the business it's just the town that decided that that's the safest place for delivery so this isn't a New Concept it's the safest concept you're still going to have deliveries there so it's either still going to be in the middle of the street or we're going to take four parking spots away for a certain amount of time and and put it there it seems like the easiest solution so I don't I think it should be 6:00 to 4: I've been around at 12:00 p.m. and there's still deliveries happening so I'd rather start with a later time and then go to a less amount of time go to 4 pm and then if dial it back to 12 if in fact we if we need to I'd rather be safer first and then and that's I think it should be 4 pm I don't see why you can't make deliveries they do there's there's I feel there's some but at still at noon time though there is still especially when I'm going by Murphy's I still see deliveries of Murphy's at 12 pm hon most deliveries here this is the end of the road so they either start there's nothing for they either start or they do all their whole route and they end it right the right it's just so you know when you have constr construction and traffic 12 is too I feel it's too early and then to 400 p.m. you eliminate the beach traffic and the employees coming in so it opens it up for you know the consumers coming in at night time to park there so I think 4M is a reasonable that's fair yeah okay I think something a little bit earlier but if we want to try for and then dial it back I just think you're taking up valuable spaces for most of the day um but as you said the dinner hour does start a little later so if you want to start at 4 and then maybe we see dial it back Michael works for me okay all right item two under General discussion um we're continuing to work through our ms4 storm water um approvals uh permits from the state so they've identified another ordinance that we had failed to adopt back in the day so we are going to follow their recommendation and adopt a private storm drain Inlet retrofit and this was the sample ordinance that they provided so we're going to adopt it just as they provided I I like this ordinance because if we had this ordinance in place then for example when Atlantic City Electric did all of that work they would have to have corrected the storm water drain and put the the grade on it and done that because we would have had an ordinance in place so okay with this ordinance any questions or concerns no okay no um The Third One deals with land use Administration we recently had a resident uh write a letter to us and appeal a decision she wanted to appeal decision of the Landes board to the council and uh in reviewing the code we felt that it wasn't clear for the Layman when that is appropriate for um a resident to appeal to Council so Eric Riso struck some um references to subsections and statutes and and wrote it more clearly so that now it says that any interested party May appeal to the burrow councel any final decision of the land use board approving or granting a use variance conditional use variance expansion of a non-conforming use variant a floor area ratio variant density variance or height variance purs to pursuant to the provisions of and it lists the uh land use law so so we're recommending that we're a little clear to the public when they can appeal to council just elaborated on the full definition of a d variance that's what this pretty much is the entire definition so someone wouldn't have to go and look up the definition so it kind of explains it to someone who's looking it up and Eric is has been an excellent um addition to the land use board so any recommendation that Eric makes I would fully support I have no problem with it okay um the fourth item is the use of the virtual meetings a couple of things since our last meeting um we did make some administrative changes to how we're using Zoom number one um they can no longer put up a uh like an image they either show their face on the screen or you can see their name that's it they can't put up a um like a profile photo or a video or anything so that's been turned off and um they were also trying to um open a whiteboard over our meeting that happened like a dozen times at the last meeting so we were able to shut that off as well um in addition Bruce recommends that we um maybe add to our public meeting notices a statement that says um please take notice that attendance SLP participation via Zoom is provided as a convenience to the public and is not a requirement of the open public meetings act in the event technical issues with zoom the meeting will proceed as scheduled in person without a zoom option is that something that you would consider having I think that we need to be prepared for that just in case because I don't want a meeting to be in limo I agree and I also think that you should pass that on to Eric and the land use board because there's been numerous times where we've had technical difficulties and have taken almost 20 minutes to a half hour to fix that yeah technical difficulties it also you know makes people come to the meeting that are professionals that need to be at the meeting because of the the technical difficulties that may arise so I don't know if the landies board could just adopt this same blank it provision like we are because it's the Quasi judicial and there's notice and but I'll pass it along to them and let them decide and some of them are zooming the me the voting members are zooming in there's always enough members so in addition to those in addition to those few things that we've already worked on is there more that you would like to see change with use of the virtual meeting or public participation I would like to see um people that are participating in Zoom when they do participate that they have to show their face when when they want to comment when they want to comment if possible there are you know circumstances Beyond someone's control that they cannot in a lot of cases we do actually know the people that are zooming in so they would be you know different circumstances but for I think we should move forward with if you want to speak to us you we should be able to be able to look at each other and have a conver have listen face to face to your comments do you do that at luse I understand we do yeah yeah yeah I I I mean I have no problem with that I you know just you know there's been cases where people couldn't figure it out and you know okay that's fine that's fine but you know as the rule you right you exception can always make an exception yes the chair woman always makes an exception she has to and can we add something to that that you should be have to show your face at least 10 seconds before they decide that they want to speak GNA count that 10 no it's it's because what they you know that meeting that we went through was uh it was fun oh yeah you know not sad State of Affairs when we talk about this I mean the zoom is a courtesy and I mean it's I think it's a nice thing for people to participate especially with our seasonal uh demographic but then you know getting back you have the land use board and you're supposed to be swearing people in in person and if you can't see them how is that legal well I would defer to our torney on that and he seems to be confident from what we understand that it's it's legal so I that's I mean I but you don't know who you're swearing in is what knows what's legal and what's not legal recently at the Len use board there's been very um little swearing in via VIA Zoom but again it's very rare I mean it's very unusual is I mean it's it always going to depend on how popular the application is and we really haven't had any yeah large applications that would have a large audience for public mostly just someone who's commenting not providing testimonies yes yes um so that was it did have one other item that I had on the um tentative agenda about the least Municipal slips um I did talk to the solicitor today while I was in house and I think that we're going to take a different approach and not legislate right away not suggest any legislative changes right away maybe um just do some correspondence con with our concerns and see if we can get the issue resolved before we bring it for any legislative changes I think we should always take the route first of speaking to the people involved in in a situation like this or any situation talk to the owner the property owner before we yeah legislate yeah okay I have a bill list today in the amount of $ 22,33 3.70 motion to approve the Bills second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes that's all I have okay at this time uh I open the floor to public comment is anyone on Zoom tonight we have 11 participants okay is there anyone in the room who would like to speak Adam fire chief Beach and 100 Sou they have um the one thing I didn't want to talk publicly about this thing with Second Street but I support it 100% because the area on the corner on that north side is actually where the hydrant and the FTC is located for that building so it is definitely concern fire trucks turning in there when we have deliveries but more importantly with the cars not parked on that corner we're able to get in there and uh lay into the hydrant and provide water to that building that's now sprinkled uh in order for fire protection so um I don't want to influence any of your decisions and stuff like that there's many businesses around this town that we would have a difficult time getting into the ftc's but they're there for us to use but I think it's something that needs to be considered when making these decisions and I love that you guys are considering that compromise so thank you thank you and I personally think I speak for every we I think we always want to know your opinion on these types of situations and respect it thank you thank you um anyone on Zoom like to speak anybody with their hand no I don't see any hands up Kathy did you have something to say I saw your hand up that's why Kathy King 3263 Street um I'm I don't know where to go with this so I'll just ask I asked Eric um there was a question about a loading zone at this gamma at the pier 18 site and uh he said what what passed the land use board is as as far as he knows but wasn't there a thing about there was no loading zone and what happened to that and where does that get adjusted and has that already been adjusted and that's my question I really don't know who to ask and that's why I'm doing this um I have no idea the resolution for that property has passed and and is moving forward so if you want a copy of of the resolution I mean Gina can give you a copy of the resolution Sher can give you a copy of the resolution off the top of my head I don't want to quote I don't remember if um they asked for relief for that for a delivery Zone because they weren't putting in a food establishment they're doing um a retail so with retail doesn't have as many deliveries as a food establishment but I don't want to say anything that I don't know 100% I would have to have the resolution in front of me I don't remember if they asked for relief but I don't know that the resolution did pass for whatever they asked for obviously relief for the burrow Council no no no level they ask for I don't I don't know specifically if they ask for a variance to not have a loading zone you can ask for a variance not to have a loading zone to the land use boort I don't remember if they have one or not it's been changed no the original from the original resolution and I don't have the resolution in front of me so I don't want to say something that's not not true that was in the original resolution whatever is in the original resolution if they asked for a variance for a loading zone or if they didn't ask for a variance it it passed so if they did ask for a variance for a loading zone and it passed they're not going to have to have a loading zone but I don't know 100% if I don't know how to find out or I wouldn't have been standing here doing this in public right well and the part of their application was approval of their site plan right right I just don't remember site plan would have the loading zone on it it doesn't I don't believe it I don't have it in front of me so I don't want to speak I can't get a hold of uh Gina can send it to you because you're on the land use board Gina our L use Bo secretary called numerous times and never get a call back so I'm in the I'll find it for you and I'll send it to you we're on the L use board together so I'll get it to you yes I'll get it to you I do have someone on Zoom now certainly hear back Craig Bern hello um Craig Berkland 2152 street I'm actually John Walker's nextd door neighbor um and I think it's great if you're going to get the um deliveries out of the center of the street fully support that um because it is a safe my only Point comment and I apologize a couple of minutes late but a few years ago we fought pretty hard as I recall to push back the time they're able to pick up the garbage from their compactor and I think it was 7 o'clock 7 am so if we could match that 7 AM for deliveries as well that great but it could be six I'm not sure but just to match those restrictions would be would be great and I'm totally 44 4M as well okay thank you Craig thank you thank you I have a question it might not be a smart question but John and maybe it's a question for you John but do do the trash trucks have to pull into that same space to or would they take up any of that space they do pick up and drop off it might make sense for them to be earlier so they don't need the space that delivery truck would take up any all right 7 o' well I me I don't know like CH said one truck was there tra truck P next to it still Second Street I believe right garbage and recycling is so quick they not like they're they're not unloading pallets and stuff they're just they're just grabbing some cans throwing them in and they I mean everywhere they go in town they stop in the street yeah it's not so they don't really affect anything it's and a truck is not nearly as big as the right okay you know delivery vehicle thank you um anyone else in the audience like to speak anyone on Zoom no okay um now at this time we'll close the meeting and I will just go through with publicon I mean uh final remarks by Council start with you tonight Jamie oh great um thank you everybody for coming and I I hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day weekend with their family and friends be safe and enjoy your end of summer thank you Colleen um yeah didto with the Labor Day weekend we know it's going to be a big one they said tripa has said it's going to be like off the charts so be careful enjoy and um I also want to offer sincere and heartfelt condolences to the enus Cleber family on the sudden and tragic loss of Janine um she was universally loved in this town and her loss is you know being greatly felt by everyone thank you thank you Colleen Mr McCaffrey I guess this is the big weekend of fun where everybody does their final parting I guess for now uh just be careful have fun and enjoy the activities thank you um yeah I would also like to extend my love and condolences to the enus cber family the Morrison's family has been uh I mean it just won't be the same without Eline so anyway thank you and also to wish uh mayor Davis uh speedy recovery she's going through a really uh bad time with her eye right now and so I wish her well and hope that uh she has a speedy recovery thank you very much and have a safe Labor Day it make a motion to adjourn do we need a motion motion to adjourn you all right meeting thank you