welcome everyone um to the final uh meeting of 20123 time is four o'clock and uh tonight Jamie B miss miss ball Miller will lead us in the flag salute to flag of the United States of America to the stands one nation indivisible andice for first one to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs B Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here Miss Snider here mayor Davis yeah here thank you I have minutes for approval without formal reading of November 11th 2023 regular meeting the November 21st 2023 special meeting and the November 21st 2023 executive session do I have a motion to approve so move so moved second thank you all in favor I I any [Music] opposed ordinance 2023 35c an ordinance amending chapter 74 sections 15 16 17 and 21 construction codes uniform in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to establish an administrative fee for construction subcodes and to establish policies procedures and fees for lead paint inspections as required by law final reading does anyone on Council have any questions or comments regarding this no no since this is the final adoption um there this will be open for to the public for comment does anyone in the public wish to speak to this matter okay if not um do I have a motion to approve motion to approve 2023-the yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2023 36C an ordinance amending and replacing chapter 163 sewer of the code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to cify necessary amendments and to memorialize the creation of a sewer utility to put in place a comprehensive sewer utility chapter establishing rules regulations and fees final reading again does anyone on Council have anything they wish to ask comment okay um can I have a motion to approve or it's 2023 d36 C what's that did you open it to the public oh no I forgot sorry sorry sorry since this is a final adoption um the public will be able to speak to anyone in the public have anything they'd like to ask or comment on no okay so I'll ask for a motion to approve no one on Zoom appr a second thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2023 37c an ordinance amending chapter 204 water of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to delay quarterly payment deadlines by 30 days final reading again does any anyone on Council have any questions or comments no no not does anyone in the public or on Zoom um have anything they'd like to say about this not I will ask for a motion to approve 2023 38 an ordinance of the Burrow Beach Haven adopting the Redevelopment plan for Block 205 Lots one and two within the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey final reading does anyone on Council have anything that like to say about this before we open it up to the public uh yes excuse me I do um obviously we've been going over this for quite a while um I truly don't feel that this condemnation is necessary at this point in time um and I just I know um councilwoman Snider you mentioned before that you were kind of relieved after meeting last time that things weren't as dire as originally thought I mean well I was I I was I hope that they're not as dire we haven't gotten the reports again but we we do have valid proof that there is contamination and plenty of it and we need to needs to be remediated and we all agreed upon that and the main the thing that I said was I was willing based upon um my a conversation I had with our lsrp that he kind of talked me off the ledge of it being like so immediate that it wouldn't you know if if we I was really willing of course and I mentioned this at our meeting to let this um go until February 1 to give the give penes and the cooks time to get more ducks in a row and to do the things we discussed basically the sale and there Etc but now that we have found that it is the end of our calendar year and we can't straddle two years I don't see um unfortunately I I think that um we're not you know I think we're I'm I'm going to I'm going to vote for it tonight because because of that I wasn't willing to I I didn't hear anything to say there's nothing going on and there's no risk to human you know to Public Health but I was you know just willing to to wait a little bit longer but that was before I realized that we we couldn't straddle the calendar year and adopting this Redevelopment plan will allow the burrow to enter into an agreement with the current owners as we know and and ensure that they're moving forward with the remediation of the property even though I I trust that they will um and and make sure that it's happening in an agreed upon timeline which we still haven't received and you know knowing that the buau will provide its support I know that I would and will and we will not exercise our authority to acquire the property I have to trust our professionals and in this situation um I know that without a plan in place that no agreement can be entered into according to what we've been told and and I and that's just that's where I am okay thank you I'm just curious because you brought that up last time um I think the opportunity to not straddle the year but start all over was a good place to begin we know there's an issue we know there's problems everybody agrees on it the extent we're still waiting and all that I thought this was a good opportunity to delay and get to together and reexamine all that's going on well I I I I hear what you're saying and you know if we knew it was only going to be another month or two until we have this final timeline and you know aggressive remediation or cleanup I I would consider it but I I don't see that happening we haven't had any proof of that I I do trust that we're you know that um the partners are attempting to figure it out but it um I don't I just don't feel that it's being rushed and I think possibly if we wait until next year there's only going to be a longer period of uncertainty for the property owners and I um an additional cost to the burrow you know lots of different reasons and I don't know I'd love to hear the other council members comments on this but that's how I feel and it's not an easy decision it's very difficult decision but you know it's been a very long time and it's we I think we all look forward to it being remedied remediated in a timely fashion anyone else okay um we all know that it has to be remediated um my biggest problem with this is the condemnation and I've always had a problem with that but I I agree it does have to be remediated no where fans Parts about it but as far as the condemnation goes I have a problem with that anyone else right at this time um since final adoption it will be open for public comment or comments from those on the zoom um at this time if you would like to come forward and make a comment please do so and state your name and address and remember um it's a three minute limitation anyone hello again Mary Lee Pence 314 Bradley Avenue um I mean for what it's worth one last time we are really trying to communicate with you we're trying to be open we're trying to be responsive um I just got the confirmation thank you Sher that the town does want to meet with us again in January I've communicated that um you know it's just disappointing I think to um you know be trying and be trying to be open and trying to communicate um and being told certain things um along the way as we're you know we're trying to Foster this communication that that don't turn out to be true it's disappointing to hear that it can't cross the calendar year because I think the information that you're looking for you're going to have very um very soon but you know we're doing this as a good faith effort to try and communicate it's a difficult position to you know to be in on on both sides but you know I just we're trying here and this is just really really frustrating for me my entire family that we have drug out to this meeting um so I just ask that you guys really think about continuing to press forward as we're trying to work with you nobody wanted it to be in the position that we are now my parents are 80 years old they're suing the town that they live in because that was the only option that we had it's not what anybody wanted to do and I'm confident I mean I think we had a very productive meeting on December 7th we're looking forward to having a another productive meeting on January 11th with other members of the council with our lsrps whose expertise we should be relying on um but you know it's just it's it's really frustrating spots and I get it no one's saying we're not going to do what we've committed to do but um you know I think just to continue to press forward um is uh is just frustrating for us thank you thank you Mary Le anyone else hi I'm Mar Carnival on West Avenue I don't know if I'm allowed to ask you a question why can't this go over to next year and get everything done then it's legal well we could ask our Council Miss given if you could comment on that but typically this is not a back and forth but this situation I think it's be a good idea for you to understand the reasoning sure it's just like any uh in in Congress it's a legislative session and so all action that begins in one calendar year one legislative session must be completed in that same calendar year does that make sense sort of sort of I just don't understand if you have a relationship with these people can't see you so I don't know who I'm talking to um and they're getting stuff done in as fast as they can why can't we work along with them doesn't make sense to me it is a state statute legislative requirements under state law that any legislative action by a governing body be complet begun and completed in the same calendar year if it's not completed then we have to begin a new and so then we would have to start over in 2024 and and that's what they were referring to and why does that word have to be put in thank you Emily you're welcome Sherry not going to answer me I think everybody in town is concerned with the word yeah I understand that that that that's the concern um condemnation is not being authorized the the burrow is not authorized at this point to uh take the property um until this is adopted and then there are additional steps that would have to be taken in order for anyone to have to condemn the property and take it from the penses or the cooks um that process is nowhere on the horizon um I I can tell you from my conversations with the buau that the hope is to enter into an agreement that is only authorized after a Redevelopment plan is adopted bur will not be in position but we can't discuss it any further because of the litigation that um Miss Pence mentioned okay thank you thank you Margie Mr cook Chuck Cook at 2705 Atlantic Avenue on Sixth py Run Road um I think this legislation could be push forward and you just restart again next year after you hear what we have to say which is what you said you were going to do and now you're not doing it on the 11th the lsrp is a meeting and our lsrp is coming in with a timeline and a schedule now if you people can't live with that and move forward and push this till next year so cost a few more bucks it cost us $100,000 in litigation with you people you're on taxpayer Bill you're not we're not you know fine a piece of that goes of our bill goes to you and to pay for these fees but ours comes out of our pocket so that's a big consideration I wish you would count I wish you would table this and if you have to reintroduce it next year after you see oh gez they're not doing what they said they were going to do but I promise you we are and our lsrp will sit down and tell you exactly what he's doing at that meeting with the two lsrps president who are really the only people who can talk with Clarity on this issue thank you thank you so I'm Anne Fullerton uh 379 South thir Street Surf City New Jersey um Mary Lee sister uh I think the concern here is that this this part of the ordinance got pushed through very quickly um if it weren't for people in town letting my sister and I know and the diligence of my sister following all the meetings and when the ordinance ordinances would get passed this would have gotten through very quickly and quietly um my parents didn't didn't receive anything in the mail they got a phone call as Mary Lee pointed out they're 80 years old they're not in great health um and so this was really a surprise so I think you'll understand when we when we say that we don't really trust that you're not going to condemn it right they are doing what they have we we pay for experts who are the lsrps we have a New Jersey D that really are the experts on you know what is safe for public health and what is not if they thought that there was an immediate danger to Public Health why would they not be taking action now right so we are we are following the rules we are doing this in accordance we have a schedule that we're working on um that they're going to bring up at this meeting that's in January um I think we're doing everything we can these are not easy problems right that's why we pay people who are not only trained as Engineers but trained specific specifically in this kind of uh remediation so they know the ins and outs what is acceptable what is not um and we're working within that so I think yes straddling to next year taking taking a step back with a plan and if we're not working uh you know in accordance with that plan next year sure but we we also agree that the land needs to be remediated remediated right no one is arguing that um we to get this cleaned up we want to pass this along to someone who will take this property and do something good for the town with um and we're just looking for you to work with us right um so thanks thank you thank you anyone on [Music] Zoom anyone else in the audience okay um and at this time I would ask for a motion to approve 2023-the yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 20 2339 C an ordinance amending and replacing chapter 120 licenses article 3 scrap metal precious metals and other secondhand Goods of the code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to comply with Ocean County prosecutor's directive to update regulations and fees pertaining to pawn scrap metal and secondhand property dealers and allowing law enforcement to search flag hold and set alarms for stolen property final reading does anyone on Council have anything they wish to say about this no no okay since this final adoption we will open it up to public comment does anyone on Zoom or in the public have anything they'd like to say no and I'll call for a motion to approve yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minut minutes resolution 224 is recognizing the library as a museum resolution 235 awarding a contract to Hunter Truck Sales through the sourcewell national Cooperative system resolution 240 approving an expenditure in amount not to exceed 74,500 for the purchase of a 2023 Chevrolet Tahoe for the police department resolution 241 approving the Beach Haven Emergency Operations plan 242 approving an expenditure in an amount not to exceed I have to update this amount sorry I believe the new amount is 55,500 for the purchase of a space saver mechanical assist mobile storage system for the Amber Street records room resolution 243 approving employment contracts for various employees marosi metal Carson buns Klein and uh Mandy Johnson our tax assessor 244 amending an employment agreement with Sherie bowler 245 amending an employment agreement with Steve that's 246 approving membership to the beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company and the New Jersey firemen's State Firemen's Association 247 cancelling water charges 248 cancelling tax sale certificate and refunding tax premiums 249s requesting permission for a dedication by rider for lead paint hazard in inspection fees 250 authorizing the CFO to cancel Grant appropriation reserves against Grant re receivables uh Surplus and other accounts 251 is budget transfers 252 is acknowledging the hiring of a record support technician for the police department acknowledge 253 acknowledging the hiring of a laborer for the Department of Public Works 254 is authorizing a refund of a tax over payment 255 acknowledging the hiring of a part-time violations clerk for the court 256 refunding water over payment 257 refunding tax over payment and finally 258 creating the position of full-time Library director and appointing Jane de Haven thank you um I would like to remove uh 224 d223 to discuss separately okay does anyone else uh wish to remove any additional resolutions for further discussion no and at this time I'd like to call for a motion to approve um the resolutions minus 20 uh 224 d202 three okay second Mrs Paul Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes so now you're going to look at 224 2023 recognizing the library as a museum yeah and I I just I wanted to discuss it separately because I wanted to go ahead and read the resolution that um actually miss biller crafted for us and did a really great job so I just thought it was important for the public to to hear this that sometimes you miss what the ordinances how are they're worded what they say and um I just thought it' be it's important for you to hear it so a resolution recognizing the Beach Haven free public library as a museum whereas the history of Beach Haven free public library dates back to the 1880s when Dr Edward Williams gifted books for the Burrows children which was the first housed in this in the which was first house in the home of Samuel Cooper WTH on angleside Avenue and whereas in 1923 Elizabeth Farrow presented the libraries Board of Trustees with a proposal to build entirely at her own expense a new library for the burrow to be located on the corner lot which she owned at thirdd Street in Beach Avenue and whereas Miss Farrow engaged uh R Broger oi one of Philadelphia's finest Architects to design the new library she also invited Charles Edgar Nash the author of the lore of Long Beach Island to discuss his extensive collection of Beach Haven history he along with Elizabeth Farrow wanted to display these artifacts and documents in a museum which would be a room on the second floor where whereas as the library neared completion in the late fall of 1924 its beauty was already drawing praise as the finest Library around and whereas the history of Beach Haven is intrinsically intertwined with the library and as such it is necessary and proper to designate the library as a local Museum which is already amassed Treasures of beach Haven's past now therefore be it resolved that the burrow shall henceforth designate Beach Haven free public library as the Beach Haven free public library and Museum be it further resolved that artifacts oops and I missed that thank you that be further resolved that artifacts and documents shall be primarily located in a room on the East wall behind the upstairs balcony and be it further resolved that the library shall be designated well shall designate a museum curator to oversee the museum um I just thought it was important for us to to hear this ordinance to understand that this ordinance will ensure that the museum will be part of the library going into the future and recognize the importance of saving Beach Haven's proud and productive past from day one in 192 24 and since the day it opened 100 years ago our beautiful library has been opened to the public um the purpose of this ordinance is to ensure that this library and Museum stay just that way for the next 100 Years thank you so at this time I'd like to have a motion to approve um resolution 224 d202 three move approve thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr maccaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill list today in the amount of $399,700 bills so moved second thank you Mrs ball Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes okay under General discussion uh just one to starting with ordinance 20241 C uh we're preparing uh an ordinance to introduce in January to slightly change the fees that we'll be charging for lead based paint inspections it was uh a little more than we originally bargained for so we'll be amending those and then uh in January we'll also be switching to a private company Trinity to be performing our subcode inspections there's a state requirement that our subcode fees match the state subcode fees so we're looking to amend those subcode fees to match what the state has any questions from Council we will in introduce at the first meeting in January if not I already I asked you about this and I'm I'm confident it's good idea 2C um would amend zoning by eliminating exceptions to yard widths um under permitted modifications and exceptions would you want to talk about this one Jamie yeah sure oh okay so um our zoning laws sometimes we find exceptions that are outdated and I found this one when I was sitting on the luse board meeting where uh the regular front yard with front yard setback is 15 feet so every new home would has to have a 15 foot setback except we have this exception in the zoning wall that if someone to the left of you and someone to the right of you that we're previously there have less than 15 feet you can take an average of your left and your right neighbor now this ordinance was useful back you know 20 25 years ago when not everything was being knocked down and replaced every week so we see a lot of new building taking this exception where eventually the left side and the right side will be taken down also and then you'll have an uneven sight line from you know Beach AB to Atlantic AB or bab to beach AV and it's just it's not useful any longer with the building that is happening now so it's an exception to that needs to be taken out so we have a consistency of the 15 feet front yard setback and then if someone does not want to have the 15 foot front yard setback then they would come to the L use Sport and then ask for variance but for right now with the building that's happening we want to keep some consistency with a 15 foot front yard set back are you seeing people taking advantage of this like asking you you you yeah so that's and how so how did they take advantage of it by adding a variance to have more space more no they're taking so a new home wouldn't have to have a 15 foot front yard setback if the left side and the right side were homes that were already established that didn't have a 15 foot front yard setback and they could take an average of the left and the right side but right now you know what is happening is someone will take take the exemption and then the house next to it then gets knocked down and then they get the exemption and then it goes it just needs to be consistency for the over abundance of building that we have like we're trying to maintain some type of sight line you know when you're looking down the street you don't want in and out in and out yeah what about in the historical Zone I mean a lot of the houses in the historical zone are not set back 15 feet and right and make it look consistent it it is kind of you know I mean I can think of places where a house was knocked down in the historical area and it was set down back 15 feet so it's sort of I I think it it doesn't look it doesn't sort of meet the it doesn't look like it's fitting in the historical Zone as well in that respect right and that's why those types of situations would be taken to the land use board that's exactly what the you know the land use board is for is for you know variances like these but for the rest of you know the Beach Haven besides the how many hels in 124 I think so 124 homes we also have you know a lot more homes that are taking this exemption that shouldn't be yeah so that's where we fall and and from historic preservation advisory commission perspective you know a new construction um would if you know I'm sure that the that the hpac would give its approval to the land use you know I mean the only problem is it would cost more money because then you have to get a variance if that's the only thing you're asking for but nine times out of 10 it's not just the reason for a variance so just one question are they going to just move it back to the 15 and that's it right that's what it that's what it is now there's this exemption in there that so the how the next house comes down and it's further out goes back to 15 right right yeah perfect yeah we're a lot of these done I was just going to say if you're going to write an ordinance in that I I mean it makes sense Jamie I think it makes sense but maybe there could be something in the ordinance that mentions in the historical in zone uh the the situation is slightly different um because you want the houses to look consistent it might if that were in the ordinance it might save some of these people some money uh I mean it is expensive um coming to the L use boort it might be something in there in that situation just a thought okay well something we can think about and talk about right exception okay thank you Jamie and Sher you wna anything else any other discussion on that one all right um you want to take one of these and pass it down just real quickly we'll go over the resolutions that we'll you'll be seeing on the reorganization meeting agenda of January 2nd at 4 o'clock we did put onec 2024 the one we just discussed about construction code fees on the agenda for first reading the very first resolution is the annual meeting notice the annual meeting notice establishes all of the meeting dates for all of next year so please take some time to review those check out your calendar make sure we don't have any conflicts we do have a cdbg this year the Community Development block grant this year so we have two meeting dates that we have to call uh in order to hear ideas and applications for um Community Development block grant you'll see that in the annual meeting notice and the annual meeting notice also names and establishes all of the uh holidays that are recognized through the Personnel department for our municipality so take a look at those number two is naming check signers number three adopting Robert's Rules of Order number four is acknowledging managerial appointments that is uh the Community Development block grant appointment the GIF fund commissioner and the public agency compliance officer appointments those are all myself or Sherie bowler um number five and number six are awarding our Professional Services contracts some are below the bid through the um payto playay threshold of 17,500 and some are above I'm going to hand over to Mary CLA just to go quickly through the spreadsheet so everyone is aware of our professionals and what they're proposing for this year so the first ones that I'll go over are the Professional Services contracts that are above o the pay to play threshold of $17,500 um we have our lanu sport attorney we have a new um attorney uh group that we're using this year Zeller and wco I'm not sure how to pronounce um their fees are listed there um next we have our Redevelopment Council and our alternate solicitor malie given um you can see that their fees have gone up from last year except their pargal fees um next we have burrow solicitor who's also our labor attorney and also our tax appeal attorney um clear Gio Alfieri and Jacobs um with Bruce padola being our primary there um there's been an increase in the attorney [Music] fees next uh burrow engineer and land use board engineer same group Owen Litt and Associates um you can see there there's been an increase um in a significant amount of their yeah um fees um next Bond Council Wendell's marks Lane and mittendorf with John barar being our primary contact there there are no changes to their fees um next Municipal auditor hman frenia Allison um with Bob Allison being our primary contact there um there are also no changes from the 2023 fees um finally for our Professional Services above the pay to play threshold the subcode inspection services this is a new service for us this year um we just already went over that how they're taking over for us um so these are all new fees um then our last Professional Services are are those that fall below the pay to play threshold um the first one is our hpac attorney Fred rafetto um there is a slight increase there for his Services next we have our appraiser Henry manini um and with the increases marked there um next conflict public defender Brian DiStefano with no change to his fees the public defender rum Deborah rump being our primary there with no change um followed by our prosecutor sit upell and zabari Steven zarski is our primary there no change from 2023 um arcoa admin agency um Triad there are a couple new items that they added from the year before but the other fees have have stayed the same then we have our co- special Council seran Edwards and Nolan and there are some increases there for a few of their services and then finally we have an alternate conflict prosecutor that we added last kind of mid year last year we're gonna them on this year um dasty Murphy mcgucken Uli and Connors with Patrick Varga being our primary there and there is no change does anyone have any questions about any of those [Music] listed no did you want to touch on um H pack appointments that's the next one sure these Good Guys the next resolution is just acknowledging um managerial appointments for hpack um we did have an empty seat a Class A seat and you have to have a class A So Jamie Deli is going to be moved into that position um and because he is moving up we are adding we're taking on Alternate Denise tinquist and she's going to fill his the remainder of his class C term and then we just uh you know gave new terms to those who's were expiring so I have everybody listed there Jamie Celli Janette Lloyd Kitty Schneider Denise tinquist Joe Ryan Christian Bal Miller Dean harkes and Judy mcandrew will stay at uh move up to alternate number one she was alternate number two so we will have an alternate number two vacancy that will stay for the year until they find somebody that they'd like to have fill that spot keep your ears out for anybody that wants to serve we have a vacancy on each pack thank you uh the next one is uh appointments to the library Board of Trustees we had one term expiring um that term is going to be moved to a new member um Kathy Riley is her name and then Nancy will I believe will be sitting as in the the mayoral spot she she's going to take that seat herself uh number nine is authorizing the municipal tax assessor or Municipal attorney as agent in filing petitions of appeal or complaint number 10 is our cash management plan um number 11 is the land use board appointments land use board we had terms that were set to expire Bonnie lenhard is being renewed James Balo is being renewed Gary lafredo is being renewed and Rick Wanger is being renewed so the board uh will pretty much stay the same for our class one two and three uh Nancy Davis will remain as class one Tom meal as class two and councilwoman Jamie biller is class three 13 is appointing our certifying officer for the division of pensions and benefits that's Jennifer Klein I'm the backup 14 is establishing the 2024 fees for special services for special events which I don't think changed at all no changes okay 15 is fixing the rate of interest to be charged on delinquent taxes and water no change over previous years taxes and utilities oh yes taxes Water and Sewer so and utilities let's see uh number 16 is identifying our 2024 prosecutor roster even though we appoint a prosecutor's office by resolution they ask us then to go in and clarify who actually from the fern will be representing us want to read those off sure we have Steven sabari as the um main municipal prosecutor Brian wilky as the alternate number one and Barry steber or Styer as the prosecutor number two alternate those are confirmed those are confirmed good 17 is approving resident request for additional handicap parking um Mary Claire very um diligently went in I identified every resident request handicap parking and made contact with them to renew their request so we're renewing those we do that annually 18 is appointing a tax and assessment search officer 19 authorizing the tax collector conduct an electronic tax sale 21 is a declaration of our civil rights 21 establishing fees for tax sale notices 22 will be adopting a temporary budget which we will operate under until we uh adopt our formal budget 23 designating an authorized signatory for certified list 200t radius 24 executing an agreement with Regina Lotito for social media marketing Services 25 executing an agreement with Bonnie Wells for website Services 26 authorizing cancellation of tax and water balances below $10 authorizing execution of a schedule CA agreement with Ocean County to provide Road and Engineering Services for 202 three uh we did not put money into our schedule C Capital this year um so we have two special projects we're going to be working on uh one will be a mill in overlay at 10th Street from Bay Avenue to the Westerly end we do have some money from a previous ordinance we're going to use and then we will be also milling and overlaying Ninth Street uh at the at the uh West End of 9th Street where Delaware meets it's really the Taylor Avenue parking lot area but we we can't really call it that that's this is what the county is willing to to help us with so we do have money budgeted for that as well to U Mill and overlay that entire area then restrike where am I 28 authorizing a change fund for use by various offices 30 is updating the Emergency Management Council or the local emergency Planning Commission um that roster did change a little bit hopefully Beverly has contacted the folks that are on there now but um Nancy remains on the planning Council as mayor and Mr mcaffrey has been named as councilman by the look on your face you maybe didn't know nope um we do have meetings scheduled if I could see that one more time the local emergency Planning Commission meets um March 11 is one of the meeting dates and November 11th and those meetings are at 5:30 it'll be directly before the council regular meeting see Beverly if you don't know 31 is authorizing a shared service with Lakewood for Truck Wash facilities 32 authorizing a shared service for fire inspection services through Ocean County and that is it do you have any questions for those that way when a reor comes we can go through them pretty quickly that's all we have it um there's other one other thing I'd like to to bring up and I I spoke to you about a need your microphone a little better oh sorry it's something else just real quick and I I did speak to Sher we've talked about this in the past I think it's time we got a report recently how many summer officers the chief has found so far and I think we really need to raise um the salary for the the summer officers it's time I mean I think everyone on Council will agree I we've talked about it and I and I also know that the taxpayers association has been asking for that as well so yes like to talk about that as soon as possible yes we uh myself and the chief have looked at it we're looking at our current budget to see what we can fit um so we've been running some numbers to see if we can increase the rate without increasing the overall budget right because we've been planning for 30 officers over the past few years we know we haven't gotten there so I think we can accommodate a good raise within the budget that we have um but as I said in one of my correspondents to you previously our applications this year are significantly lower than they've been even in the past so let's keep our fingers crossed that we get some more applicants and if not then we need to talk about how we can how soon can it be lower the how soon could we increase the salary I mean would think that that would encourage more applicants no I don't know if it works that way or not yeah as soon as we as soon as we figure out where we want to go if it fits within the existing budget then we just do it yeah okay all right uh so at this time um we're going to open the floor up to public comment anyone in the room or anyone on Zoom so if anyone like to come forward state your name and address and please your comments to three minutes anybody anyone on Zoom okay all right then final remarks by Council I think we start um wait someone raise your hand oh someone raise your hand what C I can't say so Deb I'm here okay uh did you want to speak go ahead state your name and address for the record Deb witcraft 528 doc Road Beach Haven um when the resolution not ordinance it's a resolution Kitty was read regarding the Beach Haven Library and its new designation as a museum which is a wonderful thing it's it has some phenomenal archives and documents and we had a great working relationship with them but if as it was mentioned by Kitty in that resolution it mentions Charles Edgar Nash as the author of the lore of Long Beach and I would appreciate very much if that were corrected because George B Somerville is the author of the lore of Long Beach it was published in 19 14 Janette was wrong Janette told us that she was wrong Jette not me thank you very much D Kitty I love you text me that would you mind texting me that name so I can give give it the correct spelling to Sher and I will also tune in Janette but George B Somerville wrote it 1914 and in 1936 was the first printing under Charles Edgar Nash which was a plagiarized version published by The Long Beach Board of Trade so all the documentation exists on that and Janette knows this but she would like to forget but I will remind her but I would just like to have that corrected so that George B Somerville gets credit for having been the original author of the lore of Long Beach I have is 1914 first edition of this I'm sure you do and I really appreciate the clarification and that will be corrected thank you I'll let you thank you very much thank you all right anyone else all right so public comments we want to start Jamie um not much for me I just want to wish everybody a happy and healthy 2024 that's it col uh yeah I would like to say I'm disappointed that we weren't able to table this matter and work with Beach Haven I hope going forward we can see improved relations all the way around I think that'd be very helpful um also I want to wish everybody very happy healthy and prosperous New Year maffy just want to wish everybody a Happy New Year and make it a safe happy New Year and I hope everybody had a nice Christmas thank you um I know it's difficult to you know this is was a difficult decision to uh have to do this today with uh regarding Beach Haven auto but it doesn't mean that I personally want to keep the channel of communication open and I I look forward to meeting with you as many times as necessary and look forward to the lsrp meetings and hopefully this can get resolved quickly and then you know we can just get get get it get it moving and then hopefully everyone will be satisfied um also want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a healthy safe and happy fun night thank you have theem motions oh Nancy sorry nany you forgot me I forgot you I did that last time too I'm sorry that's I'll just make a couple comments I I I agree with Kitty hopefully we can iron things out um with the Beach Haven auto situation and hopefully as a a town we can find some grant money that might decrease the cost that uh of remediating this area that would allow them then to reap more benefits at the sale of the property um I I also want to say thank everybody uh uh on the council and all our employees uh as well as various people that are on the library board and the um land use board etc for their hard work at donating their time to make our town the wonderful town it is we are so lucky to live in this community uh where we have good friendships and we help each other and we have everybody's best interest at heart sometimes it doesn't seem that way but I think we all have the capacity to tr try to work with each other and understand the different points of view I'm very proud to be a member of this Council and I'm very happy that I have such a good team around me uh as well as the employees that we have here in town and that being said I wish everybody a very very happy and healthy New Year thank you thank you mayor Davis um no further Ado I call for a motion to adjourn second thank you very much meeting adjourned thank you