##VIDEO ID:fJKHaXbG5MA## right um calling the um bur agenda meeting to order today which is September August August 12th at 6 uh uh night 617 it's a regular meeting it's incorrect on that uh oh yeah the regular meeting sorry and I I lead the flag s so um I pledge aliance to the flag the United States of America to stand Nation Indy andice par went to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has Pro been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs ball Miller here miss Lambert here Mr McCaffrey here miss Snider here mayor here cash receipts in the current fund account for the period of July 1st to July 31st were 636,000 188 cash receipts in the water utility account for the period of July 1 to July 31st were 31,000 66977 Cash dispersements In The Water Utility account for the month of July totaled 49,7 11086 cash receipts in the sewer utility account for the period of July 1 to July 31st were 23,34 one24 and cash dispersements in the sewer utility account for the month of July totaled $240,300 87 submitted by our Treasurer Sher bowler minutes for approval without formal reading I have minutes for approval from May 13th regular meeting and May 30th um agenda meeting is there a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve is there a second I'll second all in favor I I thank you ordinance 2024 23c an ordinance amending chapter 182 Article 2 limousines code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to establish General requirements and fee structures to operate a limousine within the Burrow Beach Haven final reading this is a final reading so it's open for public discussion uh if anybody wants to talk to this ordinance regarding uh limousine fees um please come forward speak is there anybody on Zoom that wants to speak to this ordinance no nobody wants to speak so therefore do I have a motion to approve ordinance number um 23 C motion to approve so there second second thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 24c an ordinance authorizing the execution of a lease Amendment an extension between the Burrow Beach Haven and the Burrow Beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company number one for the premises located at 420 pelum Avenue also known as block one Lots three four and five on the official tax map of the Burrow Beach Haven to amend a lease agreement between the burrow of Beach Haven and the Beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company fin reading again uh this is final reading is there anybody in the uh room or on Zoom that would like to speak to this ordinance yes what no they're doing basically first of all that microphone doesn't work uh so we need to the fire company actually uh that they're they're going to operate some water rescue activities down there um uh basically uh it's a great place for them to train uh uh based you could read the whole ordinance and explain that but um uh if you'd like more information Adam could come forward and and just give us a little bit of a rundown of what the fire company is going to do down on pel Avenue Adam Far chief of Beach Haven hun South bav um so Lori to answer your question about what the fire company's planning on using that for um with the coastar station having the dormitories and all the facilities in there what the town's doing is they're uh rehabilitating the building so that we can start a living program what we're trying to do is we're trying to have uh volunteer firefighters when they're coming down here in the summertime to supplement um to help us with the amount of calls that we have in the summer we can have people especially young people that are in college and stuff we can have them stay at the facility so what we're looking to do is utilize that property so that we can have more firefighters that are down here but the town is also going to get Workers out of it because those kids are going to need jobs and they get a place to stay so everybody wins um so that's something that we discussed we think it's you know a good plan for everybody um the other thing is with our water rescue program we want to utilize that for the water rescue we have a lagoon right there um Beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company just put in again for a FEMA Port security grant for a firebat something that we don't have on the island um the two closest boats are like Sandy Hook and uh Atlantic City we have nothing here to help not just the community of Beach Haven and Long Beach Township but the whole 18 Mile and even on the mainland um something like that would be utilized you know for everybody so we put in again for that grant for the second time and we would have the uh the ability the access there to utilize the bulkhead to keep the boat run it and help the uh the people in this town all right anything else thank you that's very thank you anybody on Zoom like to speak to this ordinance no anybody else in the room okay do I have a motion to approve ordinance number 14 C 24 C I'm sorry I can't see so moves is there a second second sorry Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 25c an ordinance supplementing chapter 3 5 salaries and compensation of the burrow code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to require full-time and part-time employees to be paid through direct deposit pursuant to njsa 52 colon 14-15 F final reading again uh this is final reading and it's just um saves the town a little bit of time and and uh paper and supplies if uh they can do direct deposits um if anybody like to speak to this ordinance uh please come forward and speak anybody on Zoom therefore hold on we have a hand up okay Haley Turner for ordinance 25c um salaries and compensation go ahead state your name and address I'm like hella geeked like left pocket dog like I have no fenal in my case at like Turner no nope all right so so so nobody wants to speak do I have motion to approve uh the ordinance relating to um uh compensation electronic compensation 25 yeah is there a second second right Mrs B Miller yes M Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 26c an ordinance amending ordinance 20243 C which supplemented section 4510 of the code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey revising the definitions related to the prohibition of teen night to revise the definition of T9 contained in ordinance 2024 13c final reading uh again would anybody in in the room or uh okay I see Mr Batista come forward yes yeah use the one over there that's what I got working right now this I have a few pass outs that I want to hand out this first one is I have a copy for everybody if you want to just hand it down Colleen don't forget to speak in the microphone this is the uh police report uh for all of 2023 and for the months of May and June 2024 the second document is the stipulation of settle dated 1999 between the Marlin myself the catch as it pertains to um selective enforcement and how issues will be uh decided I don't know if you have a copy of this but I think it's important that you read that thank you so very quickly um teen night is not the problem uh with our teenagers in town uh Teenage uh the uh teen KN is in fact the solution it it's part of the solution we provide a uh an organized safe environment for kids to get off the street um and and we provide also some discipline uh I want to just tell you and get a little chuckle out of everybody we don't allow backpacks because we don't want alcohol in the building and so we solved the backpack problem just tell me what the problems are with teen Knight and and give us a chance to fix them that's all were asking okay uh we heard that the backpacks were a problem and that the police department didn't have the resources to handle all of the issues uh with stolen backpacks missing property and so forth we've solved that problem we have a full-time person that checks backpacks and they get a wristband and the backpack gets checked and I don't believe we've had a single issue this entire season uh with any uh with any backpacks but but we don't allow backpacks because kids are bringing in alcohol so we have instituted also a search program okay and so we check pockets and things of that nature uh about a week ago um we asked a a teenage girl what was in her back pocket we saw a bulge in the pocket and she said I don't know these are not my shorts that's that really I mean we all started breaking up you Mike you can laugh at that one one is pretty funny okay um we finally got her to remove the little airplane bottle out of her pocket and she said okay I'll throw it away I don't know how it got there um and now can I come in so no you weren't allowed in and then all her friends came to her rescue and we didn't let any of them in but the following week they came back and they apologized for their bad behavior and they came in and had a great time 30 seconds so um we want to work together we don't I don't want to be at odds with any of you I live and I work in this town you got a great business going on there the there are no problems with Team KN tell me what the problems are it's it's there are no problems there's no problems on the sidewalk we were told we couldn't fix that problem there are no problems on the sidewalk the 5-second video Jamie that you based your entire uh vote on doesn't exist 24 years ago you worked in the Marin it's exactly the same we don't know what year that picture was taken who took it or what the story is fact of the matter is that does not take place inside and anyone can come at any time to look for yourself it doesn't take place this litigation is going to go on for a long time it's going to be very expensive for both of us the tax rat's absolutely going to go up you've already exhausted your entire legal budget next meeting I'll bring you and we'll do an OA request for the legal bills there's no end to this so let's work together and fix whatever the problem is teite is a solution for the kids in town not a problem thank you anybody else like to speak uh anybody on Zoom okay we got somebody on Zoom uh yeah Gavin where'd he go Jay Silverstein hi how are you state your name and address for the record J Silverstein 1000 North Bay Avenue which hang on just a second we can't hear you can you hear me now okay try now Jay okay um Jay Silverstein 1000 North Bay Avenue um in Beach Haven which is shelter Harbor Marina and Condominium Association um I am in support of teen Knight um I think there should be more things for the teenagers to do in this town I have three teenagers um who have gone to teen night several times this summer um and they've all come back and said that it was well supervised and safe and it was a pleasant environment compared to what goes on behind my boat in the municipal parking lot um there's like a mob behind the boat in the parking lot over there with kids that are drinking and um urinating in public and there's a handful of bike police that apparently their hands are tied um and at least when they go to a place like the Marlin they're in a supervised environment and they feel safe over there um I don't feel that I I feel teen Knight doesn't create the problem it actually solves the problem um it gives the the teenagers a place to go uh and be supervised and safe um and in in reality what are what what are teenagers supposed to do if you're going to keep them off the beach at 9:00 and keep them off the streets at 10:00 I mean it's an unreasonable request to expect teenagers to be have no place to go at 10:30 at night I had my kids also tried coming home from uh the mini golf course thundering surf over there that mini golf course from a one block walk from there they got harassed by some bicycle police uh telling them that it was after curfew they're walking home from playing miniat miniature golf I mean where can you not go in in a sh Resort town and have things for teenagers to do it's important that they have a place to go that's supervised and safe um you know idle teenagers will make problems or or cause problems and and you need them to be in an environment that's supervised that's basically what I have to say um I think you know the Marlin and burden betties are are you know good places that they should go thank you thank you anybody else in in the room would like to this no anybody else on Zoom is there anybody else on Zoom I see a hand up Gavin state your name and address for the record hello I am Gavin I stay on 19th East 24 Street and I have been going to LBI for years now and I've Loved LBI it's been so much fun I've always had a good time the T night has always been the highlight of my experience and I came back for I would say about the fifth year to LBI and I was really blly strucked I mean it completely changed in a year the police were a lot more aggressive I mean I got a curfew ticket after trying to explain to an officer that we were just waiting for a ride and I feel like in the midst of all this T night is our shelter T night is where we can go to feel safe we can have fun we can meet new people I met a bunch of new friends uh had a great week and it really felt like just a safe place to be myself and be able to express you know myself in a controlled environment and just to shut it down I mean I saw my little sister there and I don't want her on the I know there's a lot of people drinking and scouting and all this and I felt like yeah I can let my little sister go toight and I have to worry about her and I think it really is like like a main attraction and I mean it brings a lot of money in and I just I love it so much thank you thank you is there any other hands up on Zoom yes Frank burelli thank you uh my name is Frank barelli uh my home address is the 12 East calvalry Drive in New City and my local address is 514 Atlantic in Beach Haven um I'm also a supporter of the T night but I like to state that I attended your first meeting on the subject uh teen night is not the cause of your teen problem in Beach Haven some people that were at the meeting and we're also on Zoom seem to blame it on that and it it it's so clear that it is not um you have a problem with teenagers every night of the week I'm on the street I live right near to the Fifth Street pavilion and even last night there was probably 30 kids up and down all night long and it it's not the Marlon or any other facility in town that causes this it's just that we have a lot of teenagers by the way the police are doing a fabulous job moving the kids along I know they hands are tied most of the time um the point I want to make tonight I'm really concerned about what you're considering I feel like this is a Pursuit and a focus on just one business in town and it appears to be targeted in my opinion and as a taxpayer I'm really very concerned about the lawsuit that's pending the lawsuits that are come and that will go against the borrow because ultimately it's the taxpayers and the citizens and the businesses that are here that have to pay for the actions that your board takes and as a personal attack I I don't think it has any place in government and I look at this as really an arbitrary capricious decision on your behalf and I hope you'll reconsider what you're doing because uh the gentleman who just spoke Mr batis sounds like he's reasonable he's taking steps to make this work for the kids in town and for the town government and I hope you guys can work together because again I think we're all better off if you can come to a solution that works for both the government and for the individual businesses because again as you all know the businesses are your backbone of your community and they support our tax uh base and the citizens that either vacation here or live here all around we don't want our taxes going up so thank you for listening thank you anybody else I see a hand up on the screen Brody hello I'm broy Goldin I'm a 16-year-old kid here I've come here your address for the record Sorry my address it's 14 like West 68 I believe um thank you so I just I want to snowball off what the last kid had said I honestly feel that it's a safe space to me and my peers I understand that there is a teen issue but I feel that the teens are more an issue when they're out on the street as opposed to being in the safe environment of the Marvin that is is also being controlled by many great workers that make them feel so safe so I just wanted to say that I think that the Marin is a key part to this town's night life for kids and also keeping the kids safe and I think that it is needed thank you thank you anybody else anybody else Joseph Anderson hi my name is Joseph I live on um sticks Laurel Court and this this park really does mean a lot to me honestly you know I I'm born and raised in this town and I'm sorry ask I'm getting a little emotional right now but just a little backstory I grew up we never really had a lot of money growing up and and I had a I had an uncle and he he had a lot of mental issues he he had like like down down syndrome and and he touched me a lot he touched me a lot and and I needed a place to go and be safe okay thank you uh anybody else no all right I think Mr L like it oh sorry yes yes come forward sorry looking if you have a chance to go through the exhibits that Mr Batista gave to you they'll show you two things one the stipulation of settlement in which we said let's meet let's talk and for 20 years we we've been willing to do that and the other is a collection of the police reports which show teite is not really a problem at all so all we're asking is defer this give us a chance to talk to people in the burrow and hopefully we can come to a better solution than continuing to bleed all these courts that we're bleeding and perhaps you are as well just give us some time to work it out thank you thank you we might have one more yes Gavin ly oh she hello hello Council teen night was where I met the love of my life Gavin pork he spoke earlier could we could dispense with that for we can okay hello go ahead te night is a special place it holds a special place in my heart my boyfriend spoke earlier Gavin Gavin por is this a joke it is I'd like to say that if you're not going to take this seriously please spare us your comments because we're all here and we all respect each other and we expect a level of respect from those who speak to us if you were here we have police in the room you know we don't like to um tell you what to say ever and we are welcome all comments and concerns just asking that you have a certain level of respect for us and for yourselves thank you kitty well said on up yeah yeah Kathy mlin 2404 South Bay Avenue Beach Hy um the only concern that I have uh the video that I saw I understand was from last season um was more than um 30 seconds and um the fighting and um some of the um Behavior you know that the teenagers were engaging in I wonder if their parents were there if they you know would have gotten their stamp of approval when we talk about police reports my understanding is the police were not allowed in and what is the difference between this year and last year because um you know the video I saw that teenagers certainly weren't um dancing you know and um enjoying you know necessarily what you would expect a te night to be so um you know I have concerns about not addressing you know what we saw I hear taxpayers don't want to see money spent on unnecessary lawsuits as a taxpayer I want to make sure that the activities that are available for teenagers and certainly we need to have activities are appropriate thank you thank you very much anybody else yes but make it brief okay I just want to respond to that that we have increased our security inside there is no inappropriate behavior inside that building there is not it doesn't exist I invite everyone of you here in at any time you want to come this is actually a parent pass the picture around so you can see it with her daughter who attended teen night with the daughter so the only reason that we weren't allowed to have adults in there is because the license restriction said no one over the age of 21 was permitted on the premise during a teen night I'm happy to change that any way you want so it doesn't exist there is no inappropriate behavior in there and if there is I'll bow out of this whole thing immediately and I promise you that there is no inappropriate behavior in there so give this a chance we can end this litigation immediately and we can move on listen it's the end of the summer at least let's talk about it for another month or two we have time and we can fix this thank you thank you uh anybody else before I close the floor Tessa Kowski hi my name's Tessa I would just like to um uh just like speak my opinion uh basically as someone who has like attended te night I think it's a very fun activity for the kids in LBI to get together and socialize and like meet new people and I think just the whole idea of it overall is like it's a great way to connect with others on top of that and I also think that um with the may I ask what the um complaints are like why is this even like this is a public comment period so go ahead and make your comments please okay well I'm just speaking my opinion I think that personally if it was to be hypothetically taken away it would upset a lot of the people that have attended it and enjoyed it and I feel like the issues and conflict that has surrounded the thing overall is very preventable and there can be action taken that will like make it an easy fix I also think it is a great oh I think I also think it's great for business purposes because it attracts a lot of people that enjoy going there so that's my opinion thank you you well said Thank you Marcus Lafayette Kyle my teachers quit their jobs had to deal Kyle pigment I was actually hoping to um to raise a question for you you all and the council this is public comment do you have a comment to the council yeah I I just I I was wondering if I could also get an answer but like it's fine if not I'll I'll still make my comment but would you answer a question for me it depends what it is it's not a question and answer session it's just a comment session well I just want to know do you you believe that um adolescents are on their phones and on the internet and on like Tik Tok an excessive amount in the modern day in the modern era yeah that's irrelevant to the ordinance so if you can comment please on the I I struggle to see how that's irrelevant also I just want we have a few mils in the call I just want to give a shout out to all my mils in here some of y'all are looking abolutely okay you could skip him G Gavin has already spoken So Christine Lorac this is Christine my full-time residence is in marbor New Jersey my is 421 angle side right down there I'm here to represent and speak positive I have two children that do a 10 uh teen night one being 15 old years old my main point aside from that's been by the I've spoken so far um is that what you here is an unrepresented population there old for Fantasy on there's no longer movie theaters other forms of entertainment and this is a place where they can go and be both of my children night this year a couple of times and have already stated to me because as questions as a very strict parent that security is up they're really doing a nice job my children would not want to attend if it was not a so I want to applaud those who are here to represent teen night because doing to the island and instituting various curfew but you're also giving children nothing do I want to applaud uh this this litigation I I want to down this quickly as we can and hopefully get te night to continue so these children have a place to be thank you you're welcome Bill H H yes I just like to make the point that um I don't think you can be able to stop students from or uh kids from congregating in the area so you might as well um have them do so in a controlled environment uh where there's security and police in the area thank you thank you Leah Leah Shady hello um wait can you hear me yes okay um I just want to say that teen night like at the Marlin is a safe environment like security is very high and I met some of my closest friends there like I met my best friend of like two years now there last summer and that I create some of my strongest bonds there because we're all having a good time and security is up like it's I feel like it's a very safe environment and I think it's a good place for teenagers to like meet and talk and it's a lot better than just being out on the street because it is dangerous sometimes and security is high outside so that's it thank you Joseph Anderson did he speak already he did okay he did Kimberly pritet hi sorry I'm using someone else's phone my name is Maya Hardy I'm 16 and my friends and I oh sorry I reside on for mckinly ab um and my friends and I attend the Marlin every year can you hear me yes um I just wanted to say I've been going to the Marlin for three years and I've noticed a vast difference over the years um and it's the Marlin itself has improved there are like over like eight security members people in entrance outside like three people at the door and then at least five people when you're inside and somebody by the bathroom making sure that people aren't doing anything inappropriate and that's something that makes me feel safe as somebody that goes to the Marlin every year and I just wanted to say that it's also a diverse Place uh for kids of all backgrounds to meet find people that they can connect with um and have a good time and I feel like um as other people are saying the whole thing with social media as teenagers are increasingly starting to be on their phones more the Marlin provide a space for people to connect one-on-one face to face just like people did before social media and phones existed which I think is really needed and apparent thank you thank you Gary berser Gary Anthony B um I just wanted to come here and say that I'm actually quite against this uh this Gathering of teenagers happening um I'm a I'm a longtime resident of Beach Haven and it's honestly quite insulting that you're going to just allow these these rude adolescence to just completely disturb the peace in our area I pay I pay my taxes I pay my fair share and you know it's just it's it's quite insulting that this even has to be a thing I say you know back in my day we would we would uh you know we would I hate to be this guy but we would we would beat our children we would we would discipline them with a firm hand uh I personally was hit with the belt quite a few times as long as I can remember uh lifelong scars all over my body from my father and I am very happy with the man I grew up into so I think that this this problem really lies in in the in the home you know we we need to start disciplining our children way way more that's it thank you You Fu anyone else in the room let's just stop the zoom com yeah come forward you have to come up and speak in the microphone all the way over to that side hi I live in Bay Club to state your name Emma kby um I live at 402 Taylor I live in Bay Club and I came on behalf of our neighborhood so we live where there's like the crazy mass amount of teenagers in the parking lot all the time and like everybody in their outdoor showers literally finds like bongs and condoms and crazy stuff from all of them every night and on teen night that's way less like teen Knight kind of solves a massive problem of like a dangerous amount of teenagers doing a bunch of stuff they shouldn't do and we love it because it makes us not feel like our neighborhood is unsafe and it gives them all a place that's secure to go so we really like it and we wanted it to say so on behalf of our neighborhood that's what we think thank you thank you thank you anybody else um CJ and then I think we have one more on Zoom uh CJ Mac 220 Center Street I just want to kind of ree me the microp just want to kind of reiterate what Mike was saying how we have fixed all the problems with all the thing that's going on and uh like Mr BR your daughter frequents it often I sure she could tell you that it is a good safe place for for everyone and it doesn't seem to be this big emergent order I think if I think if you guys took some time to come and see what was going on maybe gave us some time to work together that would be greatly appreciated thank you thank you anybody else Nick nickers yeah are to goddamn canel this one cancel this one cancel it based on the name can we um a racial was a play on a racial epithet yeah we're done the I think I think we can close the floor let's go ahead and do that so I am closing the floor to public comment and uh we have a we need to have a motion um for this particular ordinance uh which is um is it um see 20 uh 26c so is there a motion to approve 26c I'll make the motion is there a second second Mrs biller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes m Snider no mayor Davis no three to two the past ordinance 2024 27c an ordinance amending chapter 212 zoning chapter 167 site plan review in chapter 90 fees of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean sorry uh to adopt new zoning definitions to increase the lot size required for duplexes to remove reference to outdoor dining that is now covered under chapter 137 to update the requirement for a continued certificate of occupancy to be recorded at the county and to eliminate the site plan subcommittee and permit site plan exceptions to be reviewed and issued by the construction and Zoning officials first reading uh this is first reading so there's no public comment is there a motion to approve ordinance 27c motion to approve 27c is there a second I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snyder yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 28c an ordinance amending chapter 74 construction codes uniform and chapter 141 peace and good order of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean to require temporary electric poles on construction sites and require P brick concrete stone fiberglass and plastic dust to be be contained and disposed of properly first reading uh again it's not open the public I do want to say though that we did discuss these at our last meeting at at Great length and uh I I think we can thank um councilwoman B Miller for uh really introducing these ideas um so is there a motion to approve yeah I just wanted to um clarify that I did talk to uh Anthony vain the burough minister at MTH Beach where this ordinance was taken place for the summer and he did report he such a nice guy um there have been no complaints from their Builders about putting a bag on their cutting their duck cutting the plastic and whatnot he actually said that they said that it was an easier cleanup oh that's great and for our saf right they had they've had had no complaints by you know anyone after the fact and that it has not delayed any nope I'm the labor attorney in Mama Beach I spoke to the mayor also and he said the the cont s in town were very supportive of it and like councilwoman B Miller said they found that it actually is working out better for them than without it and how many not many uh municipalities in the state do this use your mic just start it's just starting and Comm councilwoman B Miller for actually looking under her microscope and seeing what was going on so that's pretty cool dor so is your motion to approve I'll make the motion to approve I will second it Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 156 returning dumpster bonds 164 returning piling bonds 167 approving change order number one dated July 25th 2024 for the Taylor Avenue parking lot project 168 awarding a contract to Jersey Jersey Shore lawn and sprinkler and approving an expenditure in amount not to exceed $35,840 improving the in insertion of a special item of Revenue 170 approving the hiring of a tax and permit clerk one 171 authorizing an exe executive session to discuss ongoing litigation Beach Haven auto versus Borough Beach Haven 172 we're adding uh we're adding sidewalk sales dates for October 5th and 6 173 and 174 are cancelling Water and Sewer charges at the request of our CFO and 175 five approving membership to the beach Haven Volunteer Fire Company number one a junior member does anybody want to take any of these uh particular resolutions offer further discussion no so if that's not the case do I have a mo motion a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve is there a second consent agenda thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes I have a bill list this evening in the amount of 1, 26,7 123 is there a motion to approve the bills motion to approve is there a second second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes okay now I'm opening the floor to public comment any and this at this time you can talk about anything okay come forward state your name and address cookie Virginia massic 1963 speak in the microphone please M 196 Street um this says that you're you're having an executive session to discuss the ongoing litigation of beachaven AO versus the burrow I thought that that had gone to cour court and that that the Superior Court had made a decision so this this executive session is to keep discussing that uh yeah I yeah you answer that I I'm not representing the bur on that matter we do have special counsel but just in terms of the nature of litigation there's there's a process Beyond just the trial court there's an appeal and and I'm not sure what the nature of the discussion is going to be because like I said I'm not handling it but just the fact that there's an initial court trial stage does not mean the litigation is necessarily over there's other aspects might appeal I I'm not say I me so that the decision was made in the favor of baven Auto as I understand it the decision is what it is it speaks for itself it is what it is and we don't know what it is yet but yeah so I know everyone here and most of the people out here and I am an environmentalist but that is not really the issue here presenta what Jamie just did with because I spent the whole last five years with little bits of stuff in my yard and on my pond that was great but this is people who maybe not to the speed at this point that you wanted to be have made a concerted effort and spent a considerable amount of money doing this and as I understand it when you have something like that and you're dealing with the DP that you have to have someone who is not involved that is the D arbitrary um Observer of what's going on and approving it and that they had one baven Auto or have one but that the town also has one and that would be paying for that and also I would be interested to know how much this has cost the town well we we can't really talk about it right now but wait to wait till you hear I mean you need the next step before you can really make a lot of I know I just keep asking this question because it's always taken and yeah so when do when are things allowed when are you when do you tell people what happened even though people know if you'd like to give me a call in the office tomorrow okay I can answer some of those question you know what I just meant what because I'm not I suppose I could look up the cool thing and I'm I'm not I can make it easier just give me a call tomorrow all right thank you thank you thank you okay who else I saw somebody else's hand okay I have someone on Zoom okay well let's do this one and then we'll go to zoom okay Kathy King 3263 Street I see the ordinance 2024 28c I find that very concerning because because we people who live of close to the pier 18 project have had a lot of dust and debris uh in the yards of the properties around there and then I think I've spoken to a number of the property owners and they are concerned about what kind of particles of uh dust or whatever are are still in the area whether they've been tested this is a really good thing but it's after the effect and I don't think we can ignore that and I know I have been in and seen uh reports as far as the espesas but that doesn't really satisfy any of the people I've spoken to so I'm glad you're taking this for the future but I think you really have to be honest and fair about what's going on has going on on that project and what is still going on now what's in the dirt on the y in the lot there and not just letting this go because if down the road somebody gets sick and that's what we're concerned about thank we are concerned and thank you those comments are important uh you have somebody on Zoom Michael Michael pugs honestly if if you're worried about chemicals in in the year 2024 you you need to just cry out state your name and address for the record please my name is Michael pugs I'm from six West Street we Haven and honestly I think y'all are just some like okay cancel him sorry what's happening lovely all right Paula vinow us all during names what he called us like names okay can can you hear me okay yeah I'm from Shavertown Pennsylvania with the local address of 5 East 50th Street in brand beach and um if I'm not out of line I just wanted to comment I know you voted on the teen club but I didn't get to speak before umbe too late but I do want to uh support the Marlin um we have three children we're down to our last um she attends it and loves it she didn't feel safe she certainly wouldn't attend it I think it's a treasured tradition on LBI um and era where Society wants to limit kids device time this offers a social experience just for a few hours it's not you know all night and late um and I think if you keep fun things for kids to do they're gonna have great memories and they're gonna come back years from now with their own families um so please give the Marlin an opportunity to address any concerns um the appeal of Beach Haven is an investment for all of LBI um it's you know Beach Haven success is all of LBI success so I just wanted to say that since I didn't get to earlier thank you than you thank you thank you Mary Lee Pence good evening everybody Mary Lee Pence 314 Bradley Avenue Rockville Maryland can you hear me okay yes okay I just wanted to clarify for cookie I will save you the phone call on June 28th the Ocean County Superior Court ruled in favor of the town apparently has decided to appeal the decision we were informed at on Friday that they filed an appeal um on Thursday night so just wanted to clar that clarify that for everybody that's watching Everybody in the room and for cookie for asking that question thank you thank you Charlie Coughlin hey my name's Charlie Caan I live on um 53 Harry Drive in Manahawkin and um I for one I I support all development in this town I think that developing is a very important thing I think that it's good for the economy and what's good for the economy in the town is ultimately good for all of us when I was a young lad I I was I was told by my my father to invest a lot in local infrastructure projects and local um local projects local development local zoning and I have invested my entire life in making my community strong in making my community an economic Powerhouse you may have heard my name before I'm Charlie Caan and I have done a lot for this community and I for one I love developing I love developing the land I think that honestly we need more multif family housing we need more um we need less single family housing I think we need to make High hotel and even honestly I think we could use a casino so I really name down thank you anybody in the room okay Bill locky kenford Avenue I'd just like to say one thing that kind of bothers me a little bit that the signing when we come into town that says curfew and lock your car if I'm a tourist I'm coming here and saying must be trouble in this town you think or you don't think I agree with you I I I agree with you too I don't like the sign I've been meaning to get on that I apologize I haven't I think you're you know it is I think they're I I mean it's just go ahead maybe we could put it further deeper into the town but I don't maybe we don't need it yeah no other town has it well we could start with welcome to be Haven but thank you for your comment thank you okay Adam I saw you wanted to come up and speak I'll try one more do I need to introduce myself again no yes please um yes yeah I'm Elder fire chief Beach Haven under B have uh real quick I just want to thank you guys for all the hard work that you've been doing the consideration that you're doing for the um P map project and everything that we've been working on um the Juniors that are coming in so this is now we have three Juniors that have joined the fire company I've heard a lot of discussion about problem with teens in the town and everything um if they need something to do they can join the Fire Company be happy to take them on so tell them to sign up bring an application I'll give them something to do thank you Adam thank you okay anybody else so I'm closing the floor to you got two more here oh on Zoom is the same one it's the same picture oh same picture it's the same picture as George Coughlin Bree Hall I just want to say that one guy with the gr gray hair you're a loser I hate dick suck my dick in balls you're a you won't fight me you f turn okay let's let's close I'm closing the Florida public comment you can do that man I'm closing the floor to public comment okay and so now we're having U final remarks by uh Council you want to start okay thank you um quite a night uh thank you all for coming and for participating for the most part um I do want to thank Jamie I know we've said it but um she spent months on this along with our building department and uh she said some of these things go back to horse and carriage so our books really did need an overhaul and thank you for taking the time to do that I also want to thank uh Mike mcaffrey for um securing a donation anonymously to put up the big signs and the turbines and then he also was instrumental not only picking them up but having them installed uh this is probably Our Last Summer folks to really make our feelings known so I think they go a long way with the township was kind enough to let us borrow steal their design their idea and um thank you all again that's it thank you Mike again like to thank Jamie for she's done with the the zoning and stuff it's pull that mic closer to you yep um I know she spent a lot of time on it and it's something that that needs to be done um as far as the windmills again people just get educated with what's going on with these things because it's going to be a mess once I put them out there and everybody be safe and have a good rest of the summer thank you Kitty uh some meetings are easier than others this uh it's a challenge it's discouraging because um someone who for the record has voted to keep teen night I'm so disappointed in so many of the comments tonight and it's just a testament to the problem that we have so congratulations to those that spoke up tonight in such a disrespectful and in irreverent fashion because you make it much more difficult for everyone of your generation and it's it's really disgrace your parents should be ashamed of you uh done yeah all right Jamie oh um I don't have much to say but we still have a lot more to do with zoning so there's a lot there's a little bit more coming some I'm sure you're not going to agree with but I always makes it inter interesting conversation um other than that uh thank you for participating tonight I just wanted to say you know there was a lot of I think there's a lot of confusion to some of the parents that did speak tonight you know teen night was formally the ordinance was adopted on June 19th so the Marlon and anyone else who chose to have t night after June 19th were in violation of the burrow ordinance so this ordinance night was to change the language of teen KN in our previous ordinance it just restricted for adolescence but then certain establishments then had all ages night so we had to again go back and redo what we did June 19th so this was teen night in any establishment was not supposed to happen in the burrow for June 19th to prepare us for the summer to help our officers who are you know have to deal with teenagers like this that's what they deal with every single night so we were trying to give them a tool and it wasn't personal against any establishment but it was a tool that they were going to use to help them get through the summer because this is our livelihood you know we want tourists to come we want families to come and this is what we're up against so this was a tool to give to our police department and so parents if you're out there you are sending your kids to something that has been banned by the burrow since June 19th so so if that's something that you were teaching your kids to do then I don't tell you and if my daughter was there and hope she's listening she's grounded she was not allowed to be there because by law it's against the law our law in the Barrow so I just wanted to to to clarify that parents that are out there that it was not allowed since June 19th and everything tonight that you were listening to that's what our officers listen to every single night they have to deal with that and that's a disgrace all right I I'll just say one thing I I I there were a lot of teenagers that got on there and acted okay uh I mean they're not all as awful as some of those kids were tonight and and I think we have to remember that there's a lot of really nice kids out there and um and I and I do want to say I I think we have we all care about Beach Haven we don't always agree on everything but we seem to be able to work together well and um and I think that's the main thing I mean we we we we do discuss things we take things to heart and we care about this town and I I hope that this kind of behavior continues and that's all I want to say thank you for coming uh and uh have a good rest of the week um at this time we are going into close session anticipate Clos session to last approximately 45 minutes no formal action will be taken during or after the Clos session thank you yeah okay we are back it is uh 7:59 we are reconvening the public session any other comments we have a motion to adjourn I'll make the motion second all right meeting adjourned thank you so much have a good night second