##VIDEO ID:pb7qbg9sFWQ## what there's something going on it might not have been your street it might have been one over know I don't know what happened they reset it after the election and it looks different ready go ahead all right it's h six o'clock on the um what is 12 12 12 the 12th of uh of November and I'm calling the meeting to order and Jamie flag to the flag unit stes America and to the rep which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all first to the New Jersey open public meetings Act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burrow website and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs ball Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here miss Snider here mayor Davis here colen did you have an intro you'd like to give for Dr Stern oh it be my pleasure um Dr Stern who is our local expert on the wind turbine project um asked if he could come and do a brief presentation tonight to bring everybody up to speed and I think it would be very valuable to hear what he has to say and we thank him very much for doing this yet again is this this on okay all right thanks it's it's good to see you all and um yeah like Colleen mentioned uh I just want to sort of bring It everybody up to date uh on the uh the Atlantic Shores project which is the wind turban project that's proposed uh pretty much off Brigantine Holgate and unfortunately uh Beach Haven as well um and just a little bit about our organization uh save LBI uh you've probably seen uh some of the signs uh we've been opposed to this particular project for some time because we just felt it's it's just so poorly cited um but we have really not been opposed to all you know offshore wind energy or renewable energy for sure uh but we feel when you when you do this in the ocean you really have to understand what you're doing and you have to be sensitive to shore communities and so on so we have opposed this project for some time and we uh are in a position now uh to be filing uh lawsuits against the project uh we're going to be filing a federal lawsuit by the end of the month and that's going to charge that a number of the approvals that the project has already gotten you probably saw that they had the environmental impact statement approved and various other permits and we're going to charge that those were not done correctly and we're going to seek to overturn those approvals and and that is going to become very important when we talk about uh what might happen uh with the new Administration in Washington uh but anyway that's that's where we stand on the federal side on the state side the project is still awaiting one important approval and that will come we think from the Board of Public Utilities in December uh if the board agrees to Grant the project additional subsidies uh to make it viable uh these projects are really not competitive on the open market because they're very expensive so they require subsidies in order for the company to make a profit and so the Board of Public Utilities is considering that now uh we've been trying to get the board to not make that award but honestly I don't think that's going to happen I think they probably will make the award so uh so that's kind of where the the project stands and and where we stand and now as as you notice we've we have a a change of administration in Washington and president-elect Trump uh is apparently not fond of offshore wind and has made a number of statements that he you know he does not think it's useful he he does uh apparently recognize some of the impacts uh the adverse impacts with it uh and in a few statements he even mentioned New Jersey uh specifically uh so it looks like he has been briefed on it and and it looks like there's going to be a change in Direction uh from Washington in terms of the overall program uh but then the issue then becomes well what's that going to do for us how will that affect uh this particular project and you know if if you're a win project that's sort of Still on paper you know just in the planning phase then I think the president could issue an executive order and just direct the agencies not to pursue it and that would be really kind of straightforward and simple uh but for this project since it already has some federal permit approvals it's not that easy to just reverse that uh with an executive order uh the company could go in to court and they could argue that well they got the approval in the proper way and that the executive order really doesn't have the force of law uh to overturn that so that leaves some other options uh perhaps there the inflation reduction act that you probably heard about that that passed I think about a year ago uh that had in it uh pretty generous tax credits uh for these projects like a project can get a 30 to 40% tax credit uh for for Northshore wind project uh that's 40% of its capital cost so that's a lot of money this is this project uh Capital cost might be around 189 billion dollar so tax credit is it the federal tax credit is pretty substantial so one thing that the Congress might do uh is resend or curtail uh those tax credits and that would probably make this project unattractive uh financially uh to the company so uh change to the um inflation reduction act might be a way to go uh but uh you Al those tax credits uh didn't just apply to Offshore wind they applied to nuclear energy and some other things as well so it's not clear uh how the Congress might want to deal with that but that's one that's one possibility uh that that might uh that might be pursued um another uh uh legal possibility um might be and this might be a stretch because this would require 60 votes in the Senate but uh some improvements to The Endangered Species Act in the Marine Mammal protection act as we've learned a lot about marine mammals and the whales uh I believe those acts are not as strong as they really should be there's there's a lot of room for interpretation in those acts and I I think they could be strengthened to protect marine mammals and and that would also make it harder but rightly so to site some offshore wind turbines like like for example uh in in these acts the the agency can designate an area as critical habitat for a whale and as the name implies that's crucial to their survival well you know one simple obvious thing would be after they designate a critical habitat well don't put a wind turban project in there and and so it's you know kind of some common sense things uh that I think could be done to those statutes whether the Congress wants to uh take that up I I do not know uh and then you have executive orders and the president uh could certainly issue some executive orders uh stopping curtailing uh win projects um but the issue there becomes since this project already has some approvals how effective would that Executive Order be and in court it it might not be that effective if the company uh went to court and as I said they claim they already have the approval they got it legitimately we're going to question that but that would be their argument and the court might agree with them so it's not clear uh that an executive order would really affect this particular project so what we're doing you know we are continuing to pursue our lawsuit the the strongest most permanent way to end this project uh in our view would still be to have a judge say no those prior approvals were not valid they were unlawful in which case then they're gone then they're gone that's that's sort of the ultimate uh test and and there's really um there's two things that we want the judge to say uh one is that the project approvals were not valid but the other is that the award of the geography of the lease area that was done in 2016 we want the judge to say that award was also not valid because if we just get the project cancelled but the company still has the lease to the area they can resurrect the project at a later date so the company if it's just a project is put on hold in our view that's not sufficient we have to get the lease area itself uh declared invalid to make sure there's an end to the story so you know that that's kind of the situation and you know maybe maybe the administration will will come up with some other uh you know unique approach that that we haven't thought of uh to terminate the project that would be great uh so we'll be watching we'll be watching to see what they do um so the bottom line is uh you know things are looking up because at least now in court when we go to court uh we'll probably be facing a more favorable atmosphere because the the justice department lawyers who who would defend the case uh they may be more sympathetic to us now and so maybe it might be easier to reach a decision in court that's favorable to us uh but still you know we have to do a good job we have to convince a judge that we're right uh so we're not letting up we're not letting up on our effort and uh as we speak our attorneys are working on the briefs and and like I say uh we're going to file that by the end of the month so uh it's an interesting time uh and you know and and things the Dynamics are changing uh and we're going to have to watch it very closely and see how it uh it can affect does if you have any questions be glad to pursue them I just U I want to mention that you know obviously you're pursuing on the federal level and I think most of you know that we are also pursuing it on the state level right um there are lawsuits going in fact we we just got another letter today about uh pushing and also I think I saw something about a week or two ago about Sweden turning down winds National Defense is that was really interesting uh because Sweden has been a strong proponent of these turbans but they apparently realized that uh the turbin they number of projects that they were planning on uh were going to interfere with their military Radars on Shore and they're they're a little concerned now about Russia and they did not want to tolerate that impairment of their defense capability and and actually you know that's one of the issues that's of concern to this project uh because we have military Radars in Gibbsboro New Jersey and they look out uh over the ocean for you know unwanted things and uh and those Radars uh will be impaired by this project and so uh there have been uh Rumblings from the Department of Defense our Department of Defense about this project and other projects uh We've not been able to really get a lot of information about that you know maybe some it's classified um but I'm I'm I'm pretty sure that our defense department uh has had some issues with this as well as well as Sweden but yeah I think that was a a pretty strong statement from a country that uh has really been you know trying to move very very rapidly on on wind turbin yeah thank you questions just I don't have any questions I don't know if anyone else does I just really grateful that you are just no problem appreciate your time and we'll keep we'll keep you posted something significant happens we'll be sure to let you know yeah can't thank you enough thank you very much thank you okay cash receipts in the current fund account for the period of October 1st to October 31st 2024 were 3,1 160,161 cash dispersements in the current fund account for the month of October totaled 4,472 1848 23 cents cash receipts in the water utility account for the period of October 1st to October 31st 2024 were $3,627 52 Cash dispersements In The Water Utility account for the month of October total $ 71,3 2224 cash receipts in the sewer utility account for the period of October 1st to October 31st were 23,812fanslike 7, 52332 submitted by our Treasurer Sher bowler for ordinances 2024 33c an ordinance amending chapter 2 Administrative Code section 33 Beach Haven community garden in the burrow code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to remove the langri requiring a community garden committee final reading a final reading if there's anybody on Zoom in the public that would like to speak to this this is your chance this is pretty much just a technicality is there anybody on Zoom no okay therefore I'm closing the floor and do I have a motion to adopt uh 33c I'll make a motion I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 34C an ordinance amending chap chapter 95 fire prevention of the code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey as it pertains to the uniform fire safety act enforcement to make application fees non-refundable and required for owners with more than one rental property within the same block and lot final reading again uh this is final reading so I'm opening the floor to any comments uh is there anybody on Zoom no okay nobody in here wants to speak do we have a motion to adopt ordinance 24 C 34 C motion to adopt thank you second thank you Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 35 C an ordinance amending chapter 212 zoning chapter 167 site plan review and chapter 90 fees of the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven County of ocean state of New Jersey to adopt new zoning definitions to increase the lot size required for duplexes to remove reference to outdoor dining that are now covered under chapter 137 to update the requirement for continued certificate of occupancies to be recorded at the county and to eliminate the site plan subcommittee and permit site plan exceptions to be reviewed and issued by the construction official and Zoning official final reading uh again uh this is final reading so the the um floor is open to anybody that wants to make a comment I think some people might in this particular ordinance is there anybody that wants to comment in the audience is there anybody on Zoom what Meg mascal okay yeah sorry I realized it's um adoption time and probably a little too late um no no now is the time to be heard go ahead state your name and address yep um Meg mascal 316 Fairview app um so this is in regards to the duplex part of the amendment um I'm a little bit opposed to the extent that we would be raising the minimums um I just think about duplexes as a slightly more affordable place to live on the island as opposed to a whole entire single family residence housing in Beach Haven is prohibitive to most um as someone who grew up on the island um and is now stepping into my family business I have been personally struggling with housing um and I've been personally touring duplexes and trying to to find places I can rent that are less expensive than renting a entire single family home um so so that said um if we do raise the minimum square footage for duplexes to be that much the only duplexes that will get built are these like huge huge duplexes that again are going to be unaffordable so um that's that's really just my piece um uh especially because it was a very big um jump from the 60 to 100 um or or the a th 10,000 square foot um so it's even it's more than double what a single two single family um square footage would be so um that's that's my piece thank you thank you anybody else would anybody on Council like to speak to this I mean I personally sort of agree with Megan I I I I'm not all for decre inreasing uh the in you know increasing decreasing building to the point where we're somewhat overbuilt but the only problem if it was like 90 by 100 uh I feel more comfortable I can't imagine anybody with a 100 by 100 lot that that's going to not just build two single family residents Jamie did a lot of research on this so I'd like to hear her I mean we've talked this we've talked about this multiple times multiple meetings and mult zoning meetings that we've had we have so just to give you like some background um Long Beach Township doesn't even have duplex Zone any longer Surf City requires 10,000 square feet Ship Bottom requires 8,000 square feet but their lock sizes are significantly smaller than our lot sizes and barnegate light is like 9500 square feet and I mean I understand where you're coming from because I Al I bought a a small duplex almost over 10 years ago when the prices were a little bit easier to digest but my house looks like a single family home it's a top and a bottom unfortunately what is happening and I've had my pulse on this development since going into my second term of councils that's not what is happening what we have are developers seeking out oversized Lots asking for a subdivision not getting the subdivision or getting the subdivision with the threat of building a duplex in areas that don't have duplexes just single family homes but are allowed in that zone so it's really what you are wanting is what I would prefer a developer to come in and do build a smaller modest duplex top and bottom level but that's not what's happening you're having um duplexes that are being built that are significantly oversized four bedrooms each side each have a separate pool and they're not affordable for the work working class like myself so in the past when this did happen in the 70s and 80s when these were built it was an excellent opportunity for workingclass families like myself to actually do that and offset their rent and their taxes that's not the case any longer Unfortunately every developer is trying to grasp up every little morsel of this town and my top priority is to decrease overdevelopment and decrease density thank you anybody else would like to speak to this nobody nobody on Zoom okay do we have a motion to approve uh this ordinance I'll make the motion I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 36C an ordinance amending chapter 184 tennis courts Municipal chapter 145 pickle ball courts Municipal chapter 61 boat ramps Municipal in the burrow code of the Burrow Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to establish uniformity within the recreation Department's uh season of operation and pass requirements and remove outdated information final reading uh again this is open to the public if anybody like to speak or is there anybody on Zoom no all right do I have a motion to approve ordinance uh 36 C motion to approve second Mrs PA Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 202442 this is the 2024 salary ordinance which establishes the ranges for the positions uh final reading again is there anybody in the audience or on Zoom that would like to speak to this ordinance I don't have anyone on Zoom so is there a motion to approve ordinance 42 I so moved second Mrs Paul Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes ordinance 2024 37c an ordinance amending chapter 57 Beach protection article one protection of beaches and dunes in the of the burrow code or the burough Beach Haven county of ocean to require um planting and Native vegetation proper irrigation on the west side of the Dune as a condition of approval for private Dune walkovers first reading uh this is first uh this is first reading uh so it is not open right now for public discussion and I think a lot of you that are here and on Zoom want to talk about this um and you will be able to talk about it when we open for public discussion just not now right now the Council has a chance to talk about this particular ordinance okay want me to start yes okay so I'm going to um just recommend to the council that we pull this ordinance because I don't feel that we have legally a grasp of you know what we can and cannot do regarding uh Dune walkovers there's a lot of things that kind of changed after Beach replenishment where if you signed um the easement to allow someone on your property then you were given a dune walkover and so there's a lot of things that I feel like I need to read about with all of this that's happened with after the beach repen after the beach replenishment that I really don't understand why dun walkovers were kind of dangled and given as um for property owners the way that I always thought Dune walkovers private Dune walkovers worked was where you wouldn't have a quick access to Public Access like larger lot sizes in like love ladies Harvey Cedars barnegate light where Public Access is quite a you know it's a little bit hundreds of feet away so you have the Dune walkover and it really wasn't an issue but what I'm finding when I went to look at all of our we have currently we have 21 Dune walkovers currently in Beach Haven and what I'm finding and what I'm looking at is you know our street sizes are only 300 feet wide from public to public and then we have three private Dune walkovers in between that where you could kind of jump from the public to the private which I didn't think really makes sense to me and I mean the whole purpose of the Dune is for protection and if you have multiple two to three walkovers in between a 300 foot area you're kind of almost that's not really what the dunes are for it's kind of the Integrity of the Dune system is compromised when you have multiple walkways in between that 300 feet so personally I need to read about this more I know that I feel like they've significantly increased within the past six years that I've been on Council I think when I started maybe there was only one or two and now it's you know grown exponentially and I think one of the reasons is because when you look at them yeah I want that and you know I want that and I want that but you really have to look at the big picture of what the dunes are for and the dunes are for protecting everyone behind the dunes not just a homeowner and a private Dune walkover is where you can't get to the public walkover but we don't have any that we don't have that problem in Beach Haven our public they're only 300 feet most of them so I really have to take a look at this right now I I I don't see the I don't think that they're necessary at all and I I think that when you're haven't we learned I mean we we just we within a short amount of time from our last hurricane like we need to we can't really break the Integrity of the Dune system so I do need I am recommending that we do pull this ordinance but for me right now I am not I'm not I'm being fully transparent that I'm going to need a lot of convincing that these are necessary well I'm I'm also in agreement that we pull it tonight because we don't have enough information we don't know uh we don't have enough you I don't think the property owners have been notified as you know I'd rather be as transparent as possible talk about it tonight and make sure that all of the um Oceanfront owners have a chance to find out that this is coming up for discussion and to show up and to speak up um I I I always struggle with this as well because it is seems ridiculous to me as you said to see a a walkover literally right next to the public entrance to the beach um and I don't whether I like it or not is has is neither here nor there but if if it in fact damages our Dune system and it is um you know a threat to the the um the Dune and the protection of Oceanfront owners and everyone else as a result then I think that's something we H we owe to our Dunes to and our environment to listen to and and judge um I do think that the PE some of the owners the oceanfront owners who have these walkovers right now um do a wonderful job they maintain them beautifully they're they some have even been generous enough to irrigate the Dune and plant the Dune on the west side and roll them up in the you know they follow the ordinance and yet then again we have quite a few many that don't do that and it's become a real nuisance for our public works department they're not rolled up on time time the fence is dangling half it's up and down broken and it doesn't it looks looks terrible in some spots so I think and we have we have fines and it's it's not it's really not en forc that's on us so we have there's a lot of work to do here and a lot to talk about and I'm glad we are um we're pulling this so that we can get more information from attorneys and from homeowners and and then um see what happens either of you okay um I agree that pulling it is the right decision I did some research on my own and I went up and down the aisle and talked to all the municipalities found out what they were doing and um basically outside of barnegate light everybody allows them and some of them are far more lenient as far as when they need to be rolled up some don't require rolling up at all I think we've moved past the irrigation system thing right I don't know but that was like everybody looked at me like you know are you you crazy you're going to make them irrigate that so I hope um but one thing that came out and I have a call in right now the D because I was told by another municipality that when they looked into it the D was not taking a stand on this per se and I thought that was curious and if they're not then I wondered why so I would like to hear about that also um I think as Kitty just said it's an Enforcement issue the people who are following the rules and I know Jamie what you're saying about the Dune Integrity I'm not sure I think that I feel that they do compromise it but um enforcement I mean if you're not following the rules you get cited you get fined and maybe about the third time then your walk goes away your permit goes away and everything else but again that I think it's something we need to sit down and talk about and this should be pulled I also think that will be looking it I I shouldn't I probably shouldn't say this but I also think that we have to realize that we well most likely a nice fat lawsuit I can't hear you yes right so just something else to consider yeah personally I would like to hear from the homeowners that have these walkways and see what their um perception is on it the other thing I'm sorry the other thing is if they're not going to maintain it we're going to have to have a certain set of rules and I would like to table it for tonight so we could get some rules in this so if the the people don't maintain it we have a way of um getting rid of it where the people that are maintaining it and doing a good job with it pulling it up and back and forth we allow them to have it but if you're they're not going to maintain it then we're going to have to have it removed and they're not going to get the permit to do it that's how I feel about it well I agree with everybody I think we should uh pull this for the time being um I do not think that the walkovers really hurt the intake greting of the Dune as long as the main thing is Public Works is having a very difficult time maintaining the beaches in the dunes during the off season and that's because some people do not roll these up and and we have to have very strong enforcement I've very been very much involved on trying to rebuild the dunes and plant the dunes um and back after Sandy uh had a whole committee and we worked very hard and I still have money to do this and what by irrig the the thing is that if you water these plants right after they're planted for at least a year um they'll take off right now we've had a drought if we had planted the dunes this this fall nothing would have survived but if you go look at the dunes you see the dunes that are well planted where people have taken care of them and where the plants have become established the grass as well as the bay berries and the beach plums you'll note that they're healthy and they look fine the drought's not affecting them at all so I I do think that people that are willing and I'm not saying put in irrigation system on the Dune itself but I shoot some water out on these plants on on the west side of your Dune the West Side really needs it the East Side gets the spray from the ocean you don't get Bay berries and Beach pums growing much on the east side but the dun grass needs the spray from the ocean and that's what it keeps it alive but on the West Side you do need water and and people if we can get the homeowners to to do that to initially when we first start planning the dunes or after a storm that's going to really improve the Integrity of the dunes and that's why I do support if if the if the homeowner really feels this walkway is beneficial to them some people have handicapped kids and handicapped people are elderly in the home that it it it it is a nice thing to have maybe we want it to stop a little bit before it gets all the way to the end of the beach I don't know but I think we can talk about and come up what's a solution that makes everybody happy and so I I guess weren unanimous in the fact that I just have a question for you may so how if you're allowing like one we go through this ordinance and you know we look at everything if every single homeowner every single Oceanfront homeowner had a Dun walkover you don't think that that would to the Integrity of the Dune system because it's Happ because in between certain streets there's three four now so everybody wants one well I I think if they're done properly and they're supposed to be very narrow they're supposed to I don't think that's G that's going to wreck the Integrity I really don't think that's gonna and I think if if the if the homeowner can make sure the Dune is irrigated while during the early stages of planning that's going to be more helpful than anything so that getting that vegetation on the west side of the Dune is critical just when is enough enough like we build and we I I think you I think you can come up with a solution maybe people that live right next to a street end shouldn't have a walk over you can't do that everyone gets it or everyone doesn't get it that's you can't just pick and choose who gets it well maybe you can't maybe you can you have to enforce whatever rules you establish and something else to think about is the fact that you know you know is it grandfathered if you've had it for five years is it you know um you know is retor AC it so we have to find all this information out and know what we're dealing with I agree with Nancy in that it if you don't irrigate the West Side about the people that looked at you with two heads because if you look at you know I see the Johnson's here tonight their Dune is beautiful because they irrigated if you order it it lives and uh Chris Carson was at um six street because there's irrigation there it it's doing great and if you don't irrigate it it doesn't live and that that protects that helps the Integrity of the Dune so it's like you know uh it's it's something that I I'm glad we're talking about this and I think we need to come up with a solution um and of course the uh the main priority is the Integrity of the Dune so it's that's do we can find out okay okay I agree thank you ordinance 2024 43c in ordinance amending chapter 204 water in the burrow code of the burough Beach Haven county of ocean state of New Jersey to require all new and replacement water meters be purchased by the property owner from the burough Beach Haven and to establish the process of purchasing first reading uh this isn't open for public discussion but does anybody on Council want to talk about this or say anything I have a question how many how common is it for somebody to have to replace a water meter not very but they've been they've been installed many years ago and we see that they're going to start to need to be replaced in the coming years okay I I mean I know it was around they were being installed right when I started my Council which was 2014 oh no um 201 started the process what 2010 we were starting the process that's right 2010 yeah that's right God time goes okay so thank you is there anybody else on Council that any question about the water me no I I did ask some questions this afternoon in the office and I did ask um how much these would potentially cost the homeowner because you know that's a concern and and there I think Mikey said you thought about $250 if said 250 that's that's not oh that's it that's not terrible so I felt a little better no that's not terrible and we were lucky we got them for free initially so well well we I don't know I wish I remember when we didn't have them we didn't have them well I do too and that was nice still paying not really I know I know I'm trash can were behind living in the past any okay I don't feel like ending on to that okay resolutions do I have a motion to approve 43 oh yeah sorry Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes mayor Davis yes all matters listed under item consent agenda are considered to be routine by the municipal Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed any items requiring expenditure supported by a certification of availability of funds and any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and discussed separately all consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes resolution 2011 returning piling bonds 205 returning remaining escrow 207's authorizing the execution of an agreement with the Ocean County Board of Commissioners for use of the Ocean County recycling center and the revenue sharing program 208 consenting to the issuance of amusement licenses for Wayne Wright amusements LLC doing business as the Fantasy Island amusement park for 2020 e e e e okay okay sorry sorry about that anyway we were we were given a a permit for a dune walkover um our Dune walker cost between Dune walkover cost between $7,000 to build um and we have been compliant in every way possible uh we roll up our dun path at the end of the season we make sure that our posts and fencing are secure we pay our annual $75 fee and then we went one step further and irrigated our Dune and planted our dunes and I am happy to stand here and say that our Dunes are a full two feet higher than the dunes to the south of us because we've done those plantings um so we've been good citizens but I appreciate the fact that to Kitty's point there are people who are not good citizens when it comes to um their Dune walkovers their fencing is falling down their posts are falling down they're not pulling up the pathways and I appreciate that and I think the answer is a simple one we have a code enforcer we need to enforce the codes in the community and um if that means writing letters of warning the code enforcer needs to be empowered to do that and if it means handing out summonses he has to be empowered to do that but it pains me to think that we're going to reduce things to the lowest common denominator rather than to the highest common denominator um the good guys shouldn't be punished and the bad guy actors need to step up and that's my point on that thank you thank you anybody on Zoom no yes hang on a second I think Mr grao wants to speak Robert grao okay can you hear me yes okay hi this is not Robert it's Teresa so I think I'm GNA just say a few words I appreciate the thoughts the comments that were made by the coun just stay your address I am um okay we are current we currently own a home at 100 glendola a lot of you know us we've been to a lot of meetings um we've been on the island since 1982 we we are those who follow the rules also our Dune is spectacular we plant we plant dun grass we have irrigation systems and we find that our Dune again we were cut off so I don't know who was speaking before us but our Dune is very high by comparison to the people to our North so I'm assuming that that was Rob Johnson that was just speaking Yeah okay so she's our next she's our neighbor she's on Hool o we're on glendola and our Dooms AB our Dunes ABD each other and they they are magnificent um they're high they're beautiful um and they do provide additional protection if not only for our home but for the block um I know that it's said that some ocean front owners are not Abiding and there's no re for that and you guys really should enforce the code and maybe it hasn't been maybe it has to be looked into but by saying you want to just get rid of our Dooms is not fair we've had a permit since 19 uh I believe I'm sorry 2016 and we've kept it in full force and effect we roll up we put out we try to fix the the um the the fencing when possible we work with the town and Chris Carson will tell you that too because what happened on glendola is that the regular Dune walk for the block was severely damaged and they had a cut across coming across our property almost to Holy Oak actually um it was a problem for a lot of the older people on our block and we did Grant them access to the beach via our Dune walk um and all of that is fact actual and I'm sure anybody on our block will tell you that we're a very close niit block um we're all owner occupied and we all take care of our property the other thing that I wanted to mention very briefly is that every year we do get a permit for this Dune walkway this year we didn't get one originally I thought it had something to do with the restoration project and you know I figured it would come eventually but now with all of this happening I'm a little skeptical and I'm a little skeptical also because what happens like I said we've been down there since 1982 so when certain things happen involving Ocean Front owners or people that don't live here full-time it always occurs on the months that we're not there so I don't know why the at the Dune applications were not sent out this year maybe somebody on the council can tell me that uh I'd be more than happy to pay my money again like I do every year I usually pay it immediately I go into town it comes May or June so I go into town and pay the money um this is very sad for us because we've worked very very hard on maintaining the Dune I don't know if you know our house you know we were hit with Sandy you know what happened to us in Sandy we restored the house to the way it was before um and and it took us a number of years to get the Dune to look the way it does coming out come out come by say hello obviously it'll look better in the summer than in the winter but we have no problem with that we have nothing to hide um and that's basically all I wanted to say at this point I know my husband has a few words so let me give him his three minutes and the rest of mine and thank you for for holding off on this until maybe we're around so that we could all get together and work out something together but by saying you want to take it away you're causing an issue remember why you put it there to begin with you gave us the opportunity to do that you know you have to go back and remember that um I can answer your question about why the permits W the applications weren't sent because we were really staring down the barrel of the replenishment project and that's what I thought that it could have come right Midsummer and we didn't want to add insult to the injury into insult to injury so um we just held off to see what would happen no problem whatsoever that's what that was my initial thought but when I hear about these things going on and and this scuttlebutt about this about that and who doesn't want to have the Doom walkovers who don't think they're necessary and why should they have it I mean it it it you know it's very disheartening it's a small town and and basically a lot of us know each other and and it's just it it just feels like every time we're not there we get stabbed in the back it's not the first time certain things have happened it's not the first time I've been in front of this this Council or have sent emails you probably all received my email and I thank you those of you which have read it um right I think our time is up did did Robert want to speak as well now let him say hello can I I'm gonna speak uh over the years we have spent over $75,000 on our D or or the Beach Haven D irrigation system planting the dun the Dune fence of the walkway that we have a fence for the walkway increases the sand at least 2 feet higher when we have a northeaster or all winter our our D next to us on the left the north is two feet shorter than our d uh our dun and Eric Johnson's dun if you look at the work that we both have done to enhance the Doom to enhance Beach Haven and both our blocks talk to our neighbors ask them how they feel about what we have done we let people use our walkway and we always follow the code that that's all I have to say so basically uh it does help the do it increases okay thank you thank you thank you would anybody else in the room like to speak to this issue I just have one can I make I'm going to make one comment on and I I thank you for your comment um and I I hear what you're saying but I do want to just respond to one thing that you said Miss gr that is that when you're not here we're stabbing you in the back that is that is not true and I'm sorry that you feel that way but we have you know 12 months of the year and two month two meetings a month everybody knows about it we have them on Zoom you can come in person and we are not trying to do this in the dark night in January like they always used to say sometimes things we do move things in January it's just the way things happen sometimes but certainly no one is intending to stab you in the back and I I I resent that remark thank you yes come forward Eric johnon 111 I wanted to talk as to aspect of the Doom fence itself it's actually Bob's right does collect the same that's why if you look at they run St fences did you hear anything he's quiet yeah got to talk right into the microphone you're good it's being recorded so so the fencing that's used on the beach and they seem to run east west north south any direction you you run it you're going to benefit by stopping the sand and the Ws and the Dune fences doing walkovers all run east east west normally when you get a storm it's out of the North Northeast so it does do some positive stuff to us out there yeah um and he's right we planted our our does spent a lot of money doing we irrigate our does I think you could make that a requisite for getting in the future if you wanted to um I just think that it's all positive towards the community I think that um it's a good idea and I I people aren't willing to do that then maybe they shouldn't get it from it that's to deny to deny or take away something that we already have is wrong also any questions I do not okay thank you thank you is there anybody else on Zoom that would like to speak I don't see any okay well uh this will come up again yeah so that ends our discussion is is there anybody else like to speak about anything else no so we move on to final I'm closing the floor to public comments and we we move on to final remarks by Council want to start did you start last time I started last okay we'll start at the other end okay um first I want to thank the the community arts program for the uh wonderful Veterans Day service yesterday uh mayor Davis gave a very nice speech and it's always nice to see our vets out there and everybody who's coming to support them and I want to thank all of them for their service and dedication as well and thank you to the voters of Beach Haven appreciate your support that's it I also would like to thank the voters of Beach Haven um was a very good turnout and I appreciate their support I'd also like to uh congratulate councilwoman Colleen Lambert for being named Woman of the Year by the American Association of University women of New Jersey thank you con [Applause] congrats she didn't bother telling anybody about it I have to read it in the paper that's it that's it I'm done congratulations Colleen thank you sure it's welld deserved um and congratulate all of our um candidates Colleen and Mike and Lori I look forward to working with Lori um thank all of those who ran um it's not easy and it's it's it's hard when you're trying your best and I especially want to thank mayor Davis um 15 years how many years 14 14 um you've been well we have a couple more months but I just want to thank you for the time that you've given to Beach Haven um it is a thankless job most of the time but I know how much you care about the town and uh really just we ow we owe you a vote of thanks thank you so much I wanted the ceremony at the uh that cat put on yesterday was beautiful it just brings tears to your eyes it's always so heartwarming and um it was really great seeing the children from the beach Haven School was especially uh awesome so that's it have a nice day Jamie everybody said everything colen congratulations I did not I did not know that was well deserved um I wish I was at the cap presentation we don't have Veterans Day off any longer my school but I always enjoyed going to that with the Beach Haven school and um thank you Mr Mrs Johnson and Mr Mrs Gro I know that your Dunes are magnificent I mean if you look at yours as an example I'd like to you know speak to you further in the future when we go through this and see exactly what you have done because I mean you clearly are could be you know a positive role model and example for everyone else south of you that are could be doing a lot more that are not obviously I mean so um thank you for your for your comments and thank you Dr Stern excited the possibility of this project not moving forward but there's always hope and thank you for everything that you do and all the time and energy that the volunteers that you Corral and get together uh in in order to do this and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in the New Year regarding that um other than that um I think I'm good so I'll make a couple comments I I won't prolong the meeting because I would agree with everything everybody said and congratulations Coen that's a wonderful honor um and I I just want to say thank everybody in be shaven It's a Wonderful Community I love it and um I'm very um happy that I was able to serve as long as I did and um and I look forward to doing a lot of other fun things so uh thank you all and um I know you I know you that remain the the rest of you at this in this Podium will do a wonderful job job and uh we have a wonderful Community with wonderful people so thank you thank you thank you so uh is there a motion to adjourn I'll make a motion I'll second all right meeting adjourned thank you thank you