##VIDEO ID:t6TfmJAOf6s## to the charge and the to attorneys admitted that when they were like just send a summation he's going to send something in writing and then we go ahead good evening everyone uh Welcome to our council meeting today is November Monday November 2 5th 2024 and our flag salute please stand for the flag salute which will be by Miss Bor to flag the United States of America and to the it stands na person to the New Jersey open public meetings act adequate and electronic notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulletin board in the Beach Haven municipal building on the burough web site and mailing the same to the beach Haven times the Asbury Park Press and the Press of Atlantic City Mrs ball Miller here miss Lambert here Mr mcaffrey here Miss Snyder here mayor Davis ordinances ordinance 2024 38 Bond ordinance authorizing various Capital Improvements and Acquisitions in and for the burough Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 1,600 53,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1, 252,000 bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof final reading would you like me to go down the list again of the items um sure the capital okay thank you um the do Road Improvement project glendola and S6 Avenue 500,000 we've received a grant that will go towards that 3 $36,900 making the amount of uh borrowing to $155,000 Ocean County schedule C which is um milling and Paving of streets not including Nelson Avenue and 10th Street 75,000 refurbishment of a trash truck 50,000 acquisition of a two- wheeel drive pickup for the Department of Public Works 50,000 acquisition of a skid steer loader for the Department of Public Works 50,000 various improvements and Acquisitions and installation of equipment of various Parks throughout the burrow including but not limited to walfield 50,000 acquisition and installation of playground equipment upgrades at Nelson Park 250,000 improvements and upgrades to burrow Hall including but not limited to HVAC and security systems 30,000 improvements to the burrow Library including but not limited to upgrades and repairs to the hva system10 ,000 installation of a Brak water in the area of Doc Road 50,000 acquisition of a police department light duty trailer 20,000 acquisition of equipment for use for beaches throughout the burrow um including but not limited to Moby mats Beach Patrol and lifeguard rescue equipment 84,000 improvements and upgrades to the beach Patrol headquarters at Center Street 15,000 the payment of the second installment of one-third share of acquisition of a new fire Tru 100,000 and upgrades to replacement of various traffic signals throughout the burrow 209,000 final reading Sher I just want to double check um when you did the library you said the 120 for HVAC that's also the handicap ramp correct it says including but not limited to this is how the bond Council writes it okay thank you yep any other questions from Council do I have a motion to oh I'm sorry we have to open for public comment on the ordinance so it's uh since we're up for adoption if there's anyone in the public um or on Zoom who would like to speak about this please come forward and or raise an electronic hand and state your name and address no one on Zoom I don't think we have anybody okay all right and could I um can I get a motion to approve um make motion I'll second it Mrs Paul Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes ordinance 2024 39 Bond ordinance authorizing various sewer system improvements by the sewer utility in and for the burough Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 985 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $985,000 bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof uh we're looking at 950,000 for sewer M and lateral pipe replacement throughout the burrow including along Amber Street and Bay Avenue and an additional 35,000 for Street overlay for areas affected by Main and lateral pipe Replacements final reading again this is up for adoption so if anyone in the public would like to speak to this or anyone on Zoom no okay can I have a motion to approve motion to approve Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes ordinance 22440 Bond ordinance authorizing various water system improvements by the Water Utility in and for the Burrow Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey appropriating 2,435 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 2,435 th000 bonds or notes to finance part of the cost that thereof 2,400,000 for water main and lateral pipe replacement throughout the burrow including along Amber Street and Bay Avenue and an additional 35,000 for Street overlays for areas affected by Main and lateral pipe replacement final reading again do anyone like to speak on this matter no okay excuse me you can come on up it's Olive Bay Avenue and Amber I have a motion I'll make a motion to approve thank you I'll second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes Lori we're preparing for that County project that's going to come through and do all the um traffic signals and curb cuts and the complete overlay so we're preparing to do all the underground work before that happens ordinance 2024 41 amendment to bond ordinance number 202225 finally adopted by the burough Beach Haven in the county of ocean state of New Jersey on November 14th 2022 to increase the appropriation therein by 2,600,000 and authorizing the issuance of 2,475 th000 additional bonds or notes to finance part of the cost thereof final reading uh again does anyone on Council have anything on anyone from the public okay um you I have a motion to approve 202 2441 I'll make the motion second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes one resolution this evening resolution 214 2024 executing an agreement with Ocean County for Animal Facility Services questions need a motion a motion anyone motion to approve the resolutions I'll second it Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes the bill list this evening is in the amount of $58,900 that low for while yeah I know should it be this should it be us right Point yeah I know um I'll make a motion to approve the bills thank you second Mrs B Miller yes Miss Lambert yes Mr mcaffrey yes Miss Snider yes that's all I have okay thank you Sherry at this time we'll open um the floor to public comment if anyone here would like to come and speak on anything at all please feel free to come up state your name and address Adam ader 100 West 14th Street this thing on no I don't think it's on can we tap it it's very low okay uh I'm actually here to talk about something that Parks and Recreation is doing I'm sure you guys saw on the Sandpaper and stuff um something that we're uh applying to the town right now uh December 6th through the 8th is going to be the slay bells and seashells uh holiday weekend what the thought is is we're trying to double down on Black Friday and try to uh bump up local Revenue by offering all the stuff that we have in town we have a ton of different things that go on in town during that weekend and this way we can kind of laser point it into one thing and it's going to kick off on Friday with the um Santa's coasta Cru uh event so what that's going to be is in vets park at from 5 to 6 you can register and you can register online there's GNA be more details uh the ads and everything up on Facebook they're going to be in sand paper but um this way any of the businesses we have 26 businesses that are participating in this what we're trying to do is coordinate all of the events that happen during this time of year so that it's a focal point for Beach Haven um there's a lot of stuff that goes down and we're trying to get back to the Grassroots feel of Beach Haven by uh you know bumping up all the local Commerce that we do and everything that happens around that weekend so we have the Christmas parade and we have the tree lighting that c puts on but a lot of people may not know that surf flights doing Miracle on 34th Street or that Tuckers is doing uh events like boots on the bar and stuff you have all these other places that usually do stuff so to coordinate it and have everybody so that they're doing their own thing restaurants are going to be offering uh special holiday menus bars cocktail menus uh places you're going to be offering events and so on and so forth so this way everybody that's in town even the shops they're going to be offering discounts to people that may be dressed up people that are participating you don't even have to patronize you can take selfies with the businesses and stuff because then it still markets all the businesses so it's a good uh it's a good thing for everybody and all the businesses are very apt to and I think everybody's going to have a good time I think this is going to grow uh organically next year and I think a lot more businesses are going to participate i s it out with the uh mertile licenses that we have so there may be some businesses and stuff that were left out and I apologize for that this is the first year but we're hoping to expand on this there's a lot of good ideas for the town uh almost all the businesses are very much involved and very much want to do stuff for this so I just encourage everyone starting Friday the 6th of December to come out um decorate your Slavs get dressed up uh check out all the businesses and restaurants and everything that we have to offer in Beach Haven and then uh you know we'll take it from there and the burrow is actually going to be offering a participation um you know prize for people that do this again we're trying to give back to the community as much as we can boost local economy so that's pretty much it you guys have any questions I think it's an awesome idea I'm very excited to see it implemented thank you for undertaking it yeah there's been a lot of you know working with the Beach Haven chamber and stuff there's a lot of ideas for the future for next year we're going to you know this is we're planning the seed we're trying to get everyone involved and then we're going to move forward from there and really try to progress this thing and see if we can get back to the you know the the the local vibe that we used to have let's pray for nice weather that's always the risk isn't it but you know what I've seen people in this town come to things I mean we have turkey dinner at the fire company uh every uh President's Day weekend and I've seen bad weather and people will still come out I think that they truly believe in the spirit of uh being here for the community so well and if we do have bad weather this might you know convince them to take a ride down anyway you know so weather stop people no I agree but I'm I'm really grateful I'm glad you're doing this we've talked a lot about it and I'm really happy about it yeah thank you very much even if this is you know a little bit of a you know takes a little bit to get traction I think that we're going to do extremely well and there's a lot of plans for the future be fun and much people get used to it and yeah you know it'll be great and thank you for thanks for doing it all right thank you guys those in the public that don't know Adams our new wreck uh Parks and Recreation goto thanks a lot um anyone else no okay then we will open the floor I mean um we'll start continue on with final remarks by Council um Colleen do you want to go first sure um Adam just mentioned there's a lot going on starting this week and into the following week uh November 29th and 30th kaplers are doing their annual Suare from 4 to six which includes the Hors drawn carriage rides always a big favorite the library is celebrating their 100th anniversary the birthday that will be from noon to 3 on Saturday the 30th um the Christmas parade and Ship Bottom the annual Christmas parade I think it's a western theme this year that's on the 7th um as Adam mentioned the 6 to the e8th will be Beach Haven's U new spirit week and um our own tree lighting and um sing along will be also on the 7th and I think it's 6:30 starting time for the sing along and seven but don't quote me on that um like I said Lots going on please get out there patronize our local businesses especially we really appreciate that and I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving be safe and enjoy thank you colen Mike that sums everything it sure does I just hope everybody has a nice Thanksgiving and a safe safe Thanksgiving thank you we'll see you next time yeah Jamie no I think you I think you hit it all except that feel like the firemen's craft bizaar thing is this Saturday as well 10 to three yeah the fire company is doing our craft there uh this Saturday the 30th um one of the other talking points I did forget to bring up was um the Santa Coastal Crews the the crawl or whatever to go to all the businesses and the cost of admission for that is one toy to be donated to the beach Haven first aid Squad so this way they get a little bit on Saturday the fire company will be bring in Santa for the tree lighting and stuff um but Friday you know we want to also make it about them as much as all the other businesses so I did forget to bring that up and they can drop those toys where uh so I think we're going to have a drop off there at the park where we're doing registration but there's also drop offs um here in the burrow and I believe uh Uncle Wills has one there's a couple other ones in perfect Nick kaers has one at the Suare too both nights ambulance will be yeah I think you're right yeah okay I want to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving um we all have a lot to be grateful for I hope that you are able to spend Thanksgiving with your friends and family um Friday Black Friday night my family is do this every year we um are donating sores in the park and um small fire pits from 5: to 7 kaplers will be doing their their buggy rides Friday and Saturday so that's Friday and then Saturday the museum does a whole day I forget the times and I apologize for that but um they have crafts being done in the museum and then they're also going to have some kids for some Wars and uh it's a great day for them as well the Museum's doing an amazing job they really uh they just keep this town alive in the offseason especially not only in the summer so they're doing they're really it's amazing and I do want to wish the birthday the H you know final day of the birthday celebration for the library it's been a really important year and um just that's it have a have a Happy Thanksgiving and thank you have a motion to adjourn motion adjourn thank you