##VIDEO ID:0F84o0o8kag## has Council had the opportunity to review the meeting minutes from October 15th and October 20 31st so I'll ask for a motion make motion to approve the minutes as presented I'll second Mo from Robin second from Becky any other discussion hearing none those in favor can say I I I oos carried any changes to the agenda hearing none I'll ask for a motion to approve the set agenda motion to approve the agenda is presented second from Rick second from Robin those in favor please St i i i opposed carried yes and open Forum see no one we'll move into committee reports Fire Relief Association Mr Ed Steiner thank you mayor council um Fire Relief meeting was held on October 23rd over at the fire hall um we approve the quarter 3 general fund and special fund uh and reviewed uh Investments so approve those reports uh they did discuss uh a benefit increase um so I would expect next year through the process they're looking at a couple hundred doll um I think they discuss up to like 5200 so they'll discuss that at their annual meeting in January and then you could see that coming back um later in the year uh to council um discuss the calendars uh ads we getting out and getting sold um they did have a special meeting in August August 8th and discuss perah U moving to the state plan um the timing didn't work out they did vote um to move forward but the timing didn't work out so they they're holding off they're going to revisit the topic in 2025 and possibly move to the state plan in 25 so you would see that coming back to council and some of the other parties as well and then they talked about their open house they had an open Boot and had $439 of donations and that was it all right thank you fireboard met a few weeks ago we did discuss the financials and then a couple new policy updates that were put in place how about golf committee golf committee we met two weeks ago um everything's going great to be expected um overall the facility revenue is up $260,000 over the year and the rounds played to date are up ,300 over last year of course obviously well there's been a big factor in that um we were able to get out early and still playing for crying out loud they reopened today so so yeah W that's what I got all right joint planning we had one very fast item it was a cup that was approved for the township and then budget and finance budget and finance we met on October 24th um pretty uh routine meeting the financials were uh looking pretty good and we are going to have an update uh 9 Alpha on our agenda tonight so we'll say more for that okay the special Planning Commission meeting special planning commission meeting so um we had so our regular Planning Commission meeting was October 28th Monday so we had a special planning meeting on October 21st Monday and that was to uh go through some more of the um reviews for the uh um the code rewrite so um trying to even the meeting on October 28th was uh you know pretty long so trying to not trying to injust three four hours for the stuff you tend to lose uh especially in code um you tend to lose uh that so we had broken up over several meetings so um so that was the 21st and then I can just lead right into the 28th and that was our one of our main items there we did also have a uh um approval of a uh plan set for um price homes on that and we also we also talked a little bit oh we talked about cannabis regulation that's part of that that night too so let uh put those to all right City Hall renovation update the exterior structural work uh continues they did set the um main beam and all the steel um for the new joint entrance so that allow the roof decking to get put on um we did see an updated schedule and it's still on for the the phase one which is primarily the PD um will be done uh third week in December still on track according to the latest schedule so third week of December is a moving or third week of December it'll be roughed in and then inside work start scheduled the furniture for that that we oh wow wow okay okay any other committees that were missed no we'll move into board committee and consultant reports termination and dissolution of recycling board joint Powers agreement Mr lude Burham city council members uh on September 3rd this city council reviewed information about the inactive joint Powers agreement that established the Sheran County Municipal recycling board which is made up of four cities back Big Lake El Zimmerman at that meeting uh the council passed a resolution requesting that that board meet and uh considered dissolution of that uh a agency and so that group met on the 23rd and that represents of all four cities were there um and they uh passed the included uh recommend uh resolution 241 which then goes back to all the cities for Action by the individual councils so tonight's action is passing a resolution or adopting a resolution that would approve of dissolving uh that jpa they do own one piece of equipment that they've had for a number of years it's not used city of Zimmerman houses it uh it was decided at that meeting that they will put it up for auction up at the Princeton uh Pike Auction service and then distribute any proceeds they estimate it's going to be right around $6,000 of value so that would go equally to all four cities um and so once um the cities meet 34 of the cities have to approve it the board will meet again and then formally dissolve and that meeting has yet to be determined when that would be but before the end of the year is the plan and with that I'll be happy to answer any questions there n staff would request a motion in a second to adopt resolution 2494 approving the dissolution of the Sherman County Municipal recycling board I'll make that motion second motion from Rick second from Becky any another discussion hearing none those in favor may stay die I I opposed carried wastewater treatment facility storage building HVAC bid award Mr listen good evening mayor and Council uh for you tonight I've got a RCN resolution for our storage building HVAC upgrade project so we've we worked with HR green to do a feasibility study address the change in use of that space uh they came together with plan and specifications for what would need need to be done to correct that space and U Council gave approval to take those plans out for bids uh we did receive four bids for the project back so they're listed in the RCA there so you can see three of the bids were slightly more than the engineers estimate and one was lower than the engineers estimate Engineers opinion of probable cost for the project was $196,000 uh so after reviewing those bids with uh HR green uh the we're looking to award that uh contract to scr St Cloud Refrigeration as they are the lowest responsible bidder uh we have brought this project before the Public Works committee and they supported the project moving forward uh we do have money budgeted in our domestic and Industrial Wastewater CIP funds for this project uh so I'm looking for tonight would be a motion a second to approve resolution 2495 which would be a resolution awarding the contract for the wastewater treatment facility storage building HVAC upgrade project to SC and I will stand for any questions so the amount you're looking for is at the 180 and then do you have like I thought I saw it in here some you had a 10% contingency yep just in case there's any yep oh so I know I read it last page bad quite a difference so I'll make a motion to approve resolution 24.95 awarding a contract for the wastewater treatment storage building HVAC upgrade project uh for not to exceed 8,550 a second motion from Rick second from Robin any other discussion hearing none those in favor May State I I opposed carried thank you chapter 10 Amendment adding section 10.5 rules and regulations governing city-owned waste yard way site thank you mayor uh I don't want to step on Jacob's to his quote is kind of his thing but a a little chap 11 by right so I'll try a different chapter tonight um so I have the proposed ordinance 292 series here uh so at the yard was facility we have some general rules that are listed as far as what's acceptable there um we do have people that will leave items there that are not considered acceptable items uh so when we tried to deal with that we did a camera upgrade two years ago uh with the idea that we can try to monitor the space better try to eliminate those things from being dumped at that site because it's just a cost the city to then get rid of them um PD has been very helpful when we have had Dum there we don't get a lot of year I'd say maybe three to four a year so it's not like it's just we're not getting dozens and dozens a year but when you do have them I mean it can be items like concrete 2x4s plywood we've had Furniture dumped there before so trying to make sure if that does happen we have a way to deal with that and a way that we can deal with it that makes sense um in working with PD some of the things that they've given us feedback on are well we'd like to handle this administratively so it's done within the city we didn't really have that process in place and in talking with one of the officers they said well and to use a state statute for littering doesn't really apply as well here and we don't necessarily want this to be something that stays with the person's record this is something we should address just through the city in an administrative way so um I added I I'm looking to add some language to the code that kind of defines what the what the site is some basic definitions so that people can reference that and know what's acceptable not acceptable and then it kind of outlines the process if you do uh illegally dump at the site here's what the process is and here's what the the fine would be uh if you did do that and we we found you to to be the one that did dump illegally um we have discussed this with the public works committee and they supported it going to council for consideration uh so and then I don't have the Fe schedule adjustment tonight I'm going to just have that go with our annual one the the site's pretty much kind of done for the year anyway so we'll just let that roll in starting the beginning of the year uh so if there's any questions I can stand for them otherwise tonight I'd be looking for a motion in a second to approve ordinance 292nd series an ordinance amending city of Becker code adding sections 10.50 to chapter 10 and then also a motion a second approving ordinance 292nd series summary for publication purposes so when we talk about the unacceptable materials I mean I think everybody knows a sofa is not unacceptable material but like the stumps I you know I don't de stumps very often but I wouldn't I mean that would be my first instinct actually would be to bring it there because we have the other brush and stuff like that and I know that gets ground up so for stuff like that where it's maybe a little more questionable I mean do we is it I guess I've never looked cuz I've never thought to bring a stump out there but is that something is there sufficient signage or is that something it is on the sign when you come in in we do have it listed on the city website and then now would be in the code as well so it it's out there it's available I don't know what's sufficient is you know if I drive up to the if I if I have a question I drive the first I'm not going to look in the code I'm going when you scan the card you're you'll see the sign right there and it's listed so that's the diameter of of wood we would would take we do not take Roots we do not take you know any kind of lumber those kind of things so yep it's on the sign out there okay is there an issue with repeat violators we haven't had an issue with repeat violators um not in the time I've been here anyway the so what what we've done in a few instances PD will uh engage the person so if we do make contact um they have been good about saying if you're willing to come back and take it then we'll call it good enough so we do you know we want to work with people obviously sometimes people don't know like you said they maybe just it's the whole tree I cut it down I just want to get rid of it m okay understand we're not here to hammer you we just if you're doing things like 2x4s plywood things your deck that you took down and didn't know what to do with it we did have a whole deck left there one time so um yeah that that doesn't go here so there a way for us to kind of address that and deal with it if you're willing to take it back and dispose of it properly then we're good to go and you can keep using the site so yep okay I'll make motion to approve ordinance 292nd series amending City of Becker code adding section 10.5 to chapter 10 of the Becker city code I'll second motion from Robin second from Becky any discussion those in favor May State i i i opposed carried thank you I'll also make a motion to approve 290 ordinance 290 second series summary for publication purposes I'll second that also motion from Robin second from Becky those in favor May State I I opposed carried thank you County Road 53 turnback agreement with Sherburn County Mr Canon good evening mayor and coun what's that he figured it out yeah I actually forgot about the uh the publication but it takes me a little longer I'm getting old so um yeah but in front of you tonight we have the turnback agreement with Sherburn County uh for cter 53 which is uh the termination point is uh Casa 8 C Road 8 or River Road all the way down to the new cdec just north of Snuffy's Landing this was part of the business plan expansion that started in 2021 um that project has been complete wrapped up and accepted as complete so with that uh we work with the county uh ahead of time uh if you remember County solicited Teddy grants for the road project and we put the infrastructure in the road the the road used to terminate it was basically a North South Road and it terminated uh at the loan residence on that that property uh with this project we moved the termination point just uh past Snuffy's Landing so now it's a nice pave road all the way down to the parking lot in the Overlook uh by the park um with that though we uh intended to look at taking the road back especially with the annexation of the Breakwater property on the uh the west side of the the road now it's all City jurisdiction with the exception of the Ring property that's still located at the uh on the property so we did look at this with legal uh they've uh given us a thumbs up on moving this thing forward uh we've reviewed it with staff so we'd be looking even though there's a Clear Lake resident that lives on there the turn back is for the road and all right of ways associated with it and for the maintenance of the facility there's no money Changing Hands they're not giving us anything we're not paying anything for this because it's a brand new and completed Road uh we will take care of any maintenance through our operational budget and this would be placed on our CIP uh like we run the rest of our streets so uh with that we are looking for movement on the resolution tonight uh should you uh see fit and I could stand for any question should you have them does the road name change at all with the turn back to the city and it being annexed the the street will lose the county road 53 portion of it County Road 53 will then uh take off North it still is north um of County Road 8 and uh actually North of Highway 10 as well and terminates I can't remember what the road is way out in Clear Lake Township but uh that street is also 150 115th Street Southeast I believe um and that's what we've um our lift station out there and two power sources for the street lights are um addressed that way so it will be known for us as a city of Becker Street 100 I believe it's 115th Street Southeast okay I'll make a motion adopting resolution 24-96 a resolution approving the Sherburn County turnback of County Road 53 to the city of Becker second motion from Becky second from Robin any other discussion hearing none those in favor can State I opposed carried thank you thank you administrator and staff reports third quarter financials of 2024 Mr Evan Steiner thank you mayor and Council so here to give a quick snapshot of uh the general uh fund special Revenue funds and Enterprise funds um so we did discuss this at the recent budget and finance meeting went through all the details um starting off with the general fund of revenues so tax revenues are at 52% through September as expected so as a reminder those um collections do flow through the county uh and we did receive the additional 15% in July uh and we'll receive the remaining 50% in November or December um item to note interest Revenue um is uh 109,000 uh had budgeted 55 so our current interest rate environment is very beneficial um as has continued um so great to see there uh on the expenditure side uh currently at 66% of budget uh 75% through the year um and this does include we pay 100% of our Property and Casualty and workers comp premiums earlier in the year so um on the expenditure side um looking uh very good through uh September on a special Revenue uh fund side the Eda fund um once again revenue is largely tied to property taxes uh we did get the 50% in July um item to note um which has been consistent with some of the prior uh quarterly updates we have received that Rockefeller uh philanthropy Grant um for 250,000 um so that's made up of a couple grants 150 and then 100,000 um those do have some Grant deadlines uh I think once in March uh 31st and May 31st of 2025 so you'll be seeing some more of that um coming through Jacob's office on some of the updates on that uh Grant and some of the activity there uh and then the expenditures of the Eda fund um are favorable as well at 70% um through September Community Center fund uh 50% of property taxes are received in June and July um and then user fees uh are are doing great um through September user fees at 81% of budget um really reflects those strong memberships uh as a snapshot um as of the uh I think these are October 1 numbers we had 1,73 memberships and 2475 members in comparison two years ago October we had 901 memberships and 2413 uh members so definitely are seeing that Trend in recovery of memberships and then expenditures are as expected um right at that 75% uh through September Golf Course fund as a reminder no operating tax levy uh in the golf course fund revenues are at 93% of the budget overall um operations with those rounds are are looking very good at 109% uh and then food beverage is at 79% so so both operating very well um expenditures once again those Property and Casualty and workers comp those are paid earlier in the year and then uh overall expenditures in the the gulf fund at 81% uh with 429,000 of income through um the third quarter and as Becky mentioned um a good start to the fourth quarter uh as well water fund uh revenues are consistent with typical uh first second third quarter uh usage um definitely slightly behind 23 we did have a wet uh June and July so are seeing those uh within the revenue uh side there and then expenses are at 49% uh with some uh capital projects planned uh for the fourth quarter so s should be seeing some of that Capital coming through uh on the Wastewater side domestic Wastewater um definitely consist with first second uh third quarter volume um definitely sewer tends to be more consistent so uh revenues are at 65% through September um as a reminder here we have not uh had leech revenue from Excel in 2024 um so this line line item is unfavorable to budget we had um some discussions about bringing more Le trade earlier in the year um that didn't come to fruition so um just seeing um an unfavorable budget there but um didn't really have a lot of expenses on the other side um so nothing to really be alarmed of there uh on the expense side for domestic Wastewater um the budget does include some Capital spend uh we just did see the one that that Chris had presented on and then we should see some other items coming through in the fourth quarter and then industrial Wastewater revenues uh expenses tracking as expected revenues at 71% and expenses at 61% um so with that can answer any questions otherwise uh no action on this item all right all right thank you consent agenda Mr lude beram City Council Members items for approval on tonight's consent agenda include approve the revised hir and Inter termination report adopt resolution 2493 accepting the following donations $458 from the Becker youth uh Athletic Association Baseball for the for BAC improvements and $3,000 from the beer Lions Club for archery targets a temporary liquor license for the Becker lions for an event to be held on November 23rd theint Sarah weic just how it sounds you know went to the uh Parks and Recreation Commission approve partial pay request number three in the amount of $ 43,81941 partial pay request number five in an amount of $258,300 um should we pay the bills second motion from Becky second from Robin those in favor may stay die opposed carried anniversary announcements for the month of November in the city hall Economic Development coordinator Nicole smoo is celebrating one year with us Jason sharen Camp who is the golf course superintendent is celebrating nine as well as Chris listen over in public works is cele in N years in our part happy anniversary in our part-time staff at the community center we have Bethany Stevens celebrating 11 Amber Gilbertson seven years Emmy Howard with seven Matt Ken with six and then at the golf course we have Kyler Klein celebrating five years with us so congratulations to those individuals does council have anything else for the better to Becker if not I'll ask for a motion to adjourn motion second motion from Robin second from M uh those in favor can State I I