##VIDEO ID:OnQ_o5g2w80## flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all if you did the same thing we can just plug it in as Council had the opportunity to review the meeting minutes of October 1st if so I'll ask for a motion I'll make a motion to approve the minutes as presented I'll second motion from Robin second from Becky any other discussion hearing none those in favor can State i i i opposed carried any changes to this evening's agenda hearing none I'll ask for a motion to approve the set agenda motion to approve the agenda I presented motion from Rick second from Robin those in favor May State I I opposed carried guest an open Forum this evening we are joined by the archery club and I would like to invite up Chad delheimer on behalf of the club to say a couple words we are here to just say thank you I was just thinking on the way here the last time we spoke I was wearing the exact same outfit but it's been washed uh we uh this is about onet of our team and you may not realize that I think this team has been in existence for about seven years I think the first year Where We R around 80 last last year we hit 276 archers and this year as of right now we got a future one back there to pointing I think we're at 266 as of last night we'll probably get a couple stragglers so what does that mean one out of six kids in the uh Becker District between fourth grade and 12th grade are part of this team and what ends up happening is during the season we kick off right around Thanksgiving is for the new ones and then about December from everybody else they get to practice as much as they want up until we do go Nationals in April in the summer a lot of these kids don't have places to shoot so by you guys' Financial investment and working with Greg on this new archery range it's going to give these kids an opportunity to start competing with uh some of the other towns in the area I will say that Mala is one of the bigger ones they have a nice range bullly at one of our competitors within the state this is the big region to be in um we actually kick butt don't we right so what you don't see and what's really cool is a lot of these are our younger archers and so these guys will walk in right next to seniors and how many of you guys out shoot seniors regularly some we have a lot of Liars on the program too um we have 53 coaches um in order to make this thing work we have to have that many coaches we probably bump up a little bit this year we had $1,200 volunteered just from coaching last year alone that again is only from about Christmas time until April and so this really like I was born in a Catholic dairy farm so I thought I knew what a big family was but this is like a massive archery family and when my family moved to Becker we didn't realize what the community was I'll be honest we used to make fun of Becker until we moved here and I feel really bad U because it is one of the nicest towns my sister's been here longer than I have but this really is a representation again 266 so far this year what we only got about 25 tonight so about one tenth of the entire program so we just want to say thank you again because it's going to give these guys an opportunity to shoot in the summer that wasn't prepared I'm sorry a little nervous thank you Chad and thank you to the archery club as well uh your investment into the targets has really helped us as well make sure that this has become successful so archers if we could invite you up for a quick photo opportunity that would be lovely I didn't know we had a picture to take a picture C to I should have curled don't worry they'll they'll Focus you out want you to sit down I have to see over these no no it ain't going to work no you're right isn't going to work yeah we get you guys maybe to take a knee like right here we can see everybody look at how they listen to you I wonder why that is oh you on your toes are we able to see everybody this is me on my toes how sad is that there you go got to look over here okay one two three you guys want to smile for a long time than thank you very thanks good you're free to go yeah if you guys want to hang out you can we are pretty boring actually run while you can that was cute yeah you don't get a thr in 30 seconds you got to stay all right is there anybody else here then for Guess An Open Forum if not we will move into committee reports so Personnel committee met to discuss the police Chief interview timeline and evaluation forms so I believe those were all emailed out and those interviews are going to be coming up next week how about Eda Eda We There we go Eda we met last night um talked about um main thing on our discussion was the um the uh RBA so it's a 9C on our agenda for tonight so we'll save uh discussion for that and then we just had some some other updates as well all right and then the police department City Hall project update uh the steel work around the garage doors on the North side has been completed um block work continues I just moved over here to the um to the new entrance area to start today and then we have a progress meeting this Thursday which we do every other Thursday with the architect and the contractor just over over the project all right any other meetings that were missed if not we're going to move into public hearings so the certificate of delinquent utilities and weed grass CH charges with Mark ebensteiner and I'm going to go ahead and open the public hearing at 507 very good thank you mayor and Council so I'm here to present uh on the item with certification of delinquent utility charges and weed grass removal charges so um the city council did call for the public hearing on October 1st um uh on the Utility side the city does have the authority to certify uh delinquent Water and Sewer charges um so as staff we put together a list of of charges that were 60 days past due more than $50 and we notified them by mail on October 2nd um so those notices went out um total amount of 20, 446 we had 101 notices um that went out um when I had wrote the RCA we had 74 delinquent accounts remaining for 16515 as of this afternoon we had 60 remaining uh for total of 14751 so we have collected a little less than $6,000 since we had started the process um so the the full list is included in exhibit a of the attach resolution so the PS and the amounts um due on those and then we will take payments um through um through November 18th at 4:30 so um we'll we'll approve the full list with the resolution and then as those payments are made we'll remove them from the list and then after the due date that remaining list will be sent to the county for certification on the weed and grass uh charges side um city also has Authority um for the services that were provided to those properties on the weed and grass removal uh we did have 18 properties uh originally for uh $2,700 for the work completed on June 24th and 25th and those uh Parcels were also notified by mail on October 2nd um have not received any payments on those yet um so they also have until November 18th at 4:30 uh to make payment on those and then uh that list is included as exhibit B in the attached resolution okay does council have any questions for Mr ebensteiner anybody here for the public hearing on the delinquent and weed grass charges I'm not seeing anyone motion close public hearing second motion from Rick second from Robin those in favor may stay I I we are closing the public hearing at 5:10 p.m. great and with with that um just U as as it's noted so the additional actions request should be a motion in a second for resolution 2491 for the delinquent utilities and then $24.92 for the weed grass removal charges I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2491 certifying delinquent utilities to the tax rols I'll second that motion from Rick second from Mike any discussion hearing none those in favor can State I opposed carried I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 2492 certifying weed and grass removal charges to the tax rols I'll second that motion from Rick second for Mike any discussion on that hearing none those in favor may stay die I oppose carried thank you thank you board committee and consultant reports beverage cart purchased for Pebble Creek Golf Club Mr Kua good evening mayor and Council thanks for the opportunity to stand in front of you this evening um so as part of our uh Capital Improvement plan for 2025 uh We've identified the need to purchase a new beverage cart unit for Pebble Creek uh the reason that I'm standing in front of you in 2024 is like a lot of pieces of equipment we're experiencing a very long lead time from the point of purchase to uh receiving it um so we've talked with golf committee and um expedited the process a little bit just to ensure that uh should it be approved we have a new unit uh available to us to use in the spring without any delay uh so we engaged uh kind of the three main players in this uh this industry in Minnesota and received quotes and specs that are included in your packet um from versatile Vehicles which is easygo and kushman and Yamaha golfing utility as well as Club Car um we're working with staff we've historically like our current unit is a 2013 uh unit that we've just been on a year-to-year lease with um we've got a couple of utility vehicles when we do need to run multiple beverage carts for tournaments um that we have drop in units that we purchased at a pretty responsible rate um that we can retrofit in just to serve three nines on those larger tournaments but most days there's just one unit that that's running and um we've seen on these year year-to-year leases uh the monthly cost of an old unit like that has just continued to rise and Rise as well as a least brand new unit has gone from in 2020 uh we pay it for it six months on and then six months off um so our current unit we're paying $450 a month for for 6 months and it's had a lot of troubles the capacity um of it can carry on the course um is nowhere near as what we're presenting and recommending tonight um obviously the more capacity it has on the beverage cart uh there's less restocking time it's more uh more time for sales um so what we are presenting tonight is uh to move forward with the purchase uh from versatile vehicles for a 2025 brand new um beverage unit uh we've talked with golf committee about it uh we've reviewed this the specs with with our maintenance team that Services the carts as well as our beverage cart operators to see make sure that they were comfortable with what we're recommending and we're all in alignment um looking for a motion in a second to allow staff to engage versatile vehicles for the purchase of a new beverage cart for Pebble Creek um in our CIP we had budgeted $25,000 um in 2025 there will be some tax on top of the quoted 229 uh but it'll still leave us below what was earmarked for that amount so I'd be happy to answer any questions for you guys um before seeking a motion I got nothing then I I make a motion that we approve the purchase of the beverage cart for the golf course I'll second motion from Mike second from Becky any other discussion hearing none those in favor May State I I opposed carried thank you thank you 2025 heavyduty utility vehicle replacement Mr sharen Camp good evening mayor and Council as Josh had uh kind of alluded to we started to look at our Capital Improvement for equipment um and we have a heavy duty utility vehicle up for replacement on next year's Capital Improvement plan and um as we start started to look into the new units for for that um replacement it was pretty apparent that the price had skyrocketed since our last lease term the new units went from uh in 2021 we had a progator for our sprayer that was $26,000 and the new unit this year was 37 37,000 so as we were exploring that then we started to look at some of the used options because it is a purpose-built uh piece of equipment that we specifically are working on um projects and top dressing and specific tasks that this machine goes out the unit that it would be replacing is from 2007 so it is uh lived a full life on the course at 17 years old and we anticipate something like this being a low low hour used piece that we would suggest buying would also live many years on um that said we were able to find a 2021 uh identical to our other prog Gators that house our spray units currently so we have Parts redundancy and ease of working on them um and and just all around uh easier for our staff to use because they are familiar with those units already um so if it that said because it is a used unit it was an opportunity uh situation where we aren't sure that they're going to have this unit unless we act on it sooner than later where if um if we were to purchase a new one for example we may not receive that item until mid middle of next year they said so that that was where this had uh kind of come up uh as we were researching those new units where this is the more responsible purchase for what we use that machine for and also uh maintains the budget where we would have had to ask for uh an additional larger amount if we were to recommend a new unit so um any any questions on that no I'll just make a point to call out thanks thanks for considering the used unit there as well I mean that's you know I mean we see that you know throughout the city here but thanks thanks again for doing that I mean that's you hear about you know other cities sometimes oh that's just new that's the way we do it all the time and right it makes sense doesn't make sense in all cases but it makes sense here so thank you for and that's that's one that we're fully confident in that unit um with that other unit being 17 years old if the transmission wasn't uh going out currently we would probably still be using that so um that said this the way that we would propose it would be still paid out of the 2025 CIP um so that it would maintain that and not not hit this year's budget necessarily when would you take possession of this they are willing to deliver it this week yet it is it is uh one benefit of the used Market as well you at least know it exists and it's going to be available um so yeah that that will actually help us this fall yet uh close the course up because we would be able to use it for top dressing then MH nice uh if no other questions i' ask for a motion and second to allow staff to purchase the used 2021 John Deere progator from Van Wall Equipment uh motion to allow staff to purchase the 2021 John Deere progator from vanal equipment second from Becky second from Robin any discussion hearing none those in favor May State I I opposed carried thank you very much R Child Care Innovation program Mr Sanders good evening mayor council in 2023 the city applied for the rural child rural Child Care Innovation program sorry it's a mouthful uh this program was it's put on by first children's Finance it's been done in many other communities throughout the state uh and they operate out of not only Minnesota but South Dakota as well or North Dakota maybe some of South Dakota the reason behind this that uh Eda and then Council had given the go-ahead to apply for was to address a lot of the shortage of child care in the area and this was a no cost program that the city applied for all of that was given by first children's finance and the over the past year we've been working with a core team and that coure team is made up of City staff the mayor several other um organizations to Becker Schools individuals from there County licensers uh the initiative Foundation reps a number of other businesses local business uh owners other stakeholders so a big group of a wide variety of individuals from Becker and outside of that involved in child care and first children Finance connected a community analysis a survey and then kind of a data Gap analysis and for the public uh just so that they understand that the shortage the spots needed in Becker would be it's roughly 265 slots short of what actually is needed within this area it did also include Santiago zip code as well so there's quite a shortage that's Becker is not unique in that scenario it's Statewide so as a result of that surveying the data Gap analysis and kind of meeting internally with the core team and some of the the work that uh first children's Finance did they produced What's called the community Solutions action plan and that's what's in your packet this evening this community solution action plan actually details the results of that survey it details some of the findings of what came out of that survey what the core team looked at when establishing these four goals that I'll just briefly touch on uh that they'll be working on the next 10 to 12 months we've already been kind of doing that as a core team to help uh reduce the shortage and maybe boost provids ability to uh be supportive their positions get people more people into it one of the biggest issues with child care there's not a lot of money to be made in fact there's really very little money to be made but it's very expensive um and many people don't go into it and if they do they're not in it very long and it does cause a pretty big issue on local economies uh just a couple of stats briefly in 2018 Nationwide this is Nationwide 57 billion in Lost earnings productivity and revenue each year and this is from a um this is a national bipartisan called Ready Nation that's where this comes from so they've done a lot of economic impact analysis and then this year it's uh bumped to 122 billion in Lost earnings productivity so it's a big impact on not only Nationwide but you boil that down Statewide and local couple of key takeaways from this survey the 215 respondents that's kind of how many there were that's actually a decent amount of people that responded to the survey 25 respondents were employers and then there were 16 child or 17 Child Care businesses that were also responded to the survey few just key findings the availability of child care in the local area people perceive that generally parents employees and providers the majority are kind of perceive it as per fair or poor um 81% of parents and then employers at 60% and providers at 64% some of the reasons for not enrolling some have chosen to be stay at home some can't afford it and some have adjusted work schedules and again this is all detailed in this report in more detail for the public if they want to read it some of the types of care parents prefer to use the quality of care in the area majority of parents said it was poor and good it kind of ranged but no one there's like 4% that said very good uh so mostly for and it has an impact on Family Planning so 43% responded that the lack of availability of their preferred Child Care option had impacted their decision to have another child so it actually made a big difference on whether they grow their family or not so uh employers there were some interesting findings from employers it seems like employers were willing to provide certain options to individuals to help mitigate that so that was a good finding so with that there were four goals that came out of um all of this analysis and meeting together um and they're detailed in your the RCA as well as the plan by the end of February 25 they'll build awareness of how Child Care affects the workforce Community Development by educating Business Leaders Employers in the community in 8 months identify six sites and determine feasibility of space to expand Child Care slots provider events to increase awareness of child care resources and prevent access to relevant training and open to existing healthare providers and those interested in starting a business and then lastly number four in nine months identify at least three Community Partnerships and create a framework work plan that will increase awareness and interest in the child care profession while supporting retention and expansion of existing providers Eda did review this at their meeting last night and they did recommend approval of it uh many of these things that are here may seem small and has yet to determine how far they'll go and addressing the shortage but uh I I also want to say that the core team individuals that are part of that have been really committed to this they've driven a lot of what's going on right now they're very uh passionate about child care and I just want to say thank you to those individuals who are involved in that effort because without people committed an effort as we all know it falls through to the Wayside and it's not just the city or staff driving it it's really people that are ingrained in the community doing that so with that um we're seeking for approval of the rural Child Care Innovation plan Community solution action plan with the approval of resolution 249 and I'll answer any questions I just want to Echo the thank you to the committee there's a lot of wonderful people a lot of knowledge I've learned a lot sitting on that um so thank them for their time as well yeah I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 2490 approving the rural Child Care Innovation program Community solution action plan for child care second there motion from Robin second from Rick any other discussion hearing none those in favor May State I I opposed carried thank you administrator and staff reports utility rate study approval Mrs Frans thank you mayor and Council um as you know um the previous rate study for water and domestic sewer was conducted in 2021 and that rate um study provided recommendation of rates through budgeting for 2024 for those two budgets um our intent at that time and what we're following through tonight is to complete a rate study for those um two budgets every 3 to 5 years and that output we can use for the next 3 to five years of budgeting um that study uses a cash needs approach and sets a minimum targeted cash Reserve that um corresponds to recommended rate actions um for the upcoming budget Cycles um the recommended rate actions that came out of that rate study and it's quite a detailed study so if you um want to look at some of those details they are included in your packet and we have reviewed them um at an executive session but um the outcome of that is that we would be looking at a modest annual increase to the rates that are recommended for the water um uh Enterprise fund that would be a 3% increase to the monthly service fee rates and a 2% increase to the tiered usage rates for the water fund um on the domestic sewer side for the next three years we would be looking at at um a 5% annual increase in the base rate along with a 5% annual increase in the tier 2 usage rates um beyond that um three-year window um we would um the model would indicate that we would need a three and a half% rate increase rather than a 5% um that fund just has a little bit narrower reserve and so it requires a little bit um higher rate increase than the water side in order to hit that um target level that we want to have for reserves in that budget um so if we look at the details of the study um we would formally incorporate that rate those rate actions into the budgets that will be coming forward to you in the next couple of weeks so Water and Sewer budgeting are a little behind the general fund um as that process flows through so the output of this rate study would impact those budgets that are going to come forward in the next couple of weeks um so um we have reviewed the approach and all the assumptions with the budget and finance committee in September we did a detailed presentation of the study and the recommendations during the executive session um we can certainly um go through any of those details tonight that you might like to look at um but if we um boil it down to what is that rate setting parameter what does that mean to an individual um rate customer the average impact to a residential water and sewer rate customer would be a 3.9% increase in their um annual um water and sewer bill which equates to about $35 a year um in change between 24 and 25 for a typical water sewer customer um so having said that I will stand for any questions and let you um determine what level of detail you would like to look at this evening there is in your packet um an appendix with a lot of detail and then there is an overview if you um would like me to go through more information I think your study supports the request that you've made so I I'm kind of getting the sense that we don't need to drill into again but yeah yeah basic certainly Love Drilling into it but I will follow your lead we know you do folks you know Folks at home we're we're anticipating what our spend is for you know what's it going to cost to provide you know sewer and water for the next three years here and based off that that's where're you know setting the rates so um that's the whole point of the study I think it detail it current so um I'll make the motion uh to approve the or to accept the um water and domestic sewer utility R City I'll second motion from Rick second from Becky any other discussion hearing none those in favor May State I I opposed carried thank you thank you consent agenda Mr lude mayor Bertram City Council Members items for approval on tonight's consent agenda include approve the revised hiring determination report adopt resolution 2489 accepting the following donations $458 from Becker Youth Sports Association youth football for BAC improvements and $1,000 from diod Adventures for Freedom days approve pay request number six and Final in the amount of $ 28,1 3943 to lure construction for the 2023 trunk water main Improvement project the project came in 86,2 $20 under budget approv pay request number 11 and Final in the amount of $352,500 472 under budget approved pay request number 13 and Final in the amount of $359,450 ating for the 2023 Business Park Pump Station Improvement project this project came in $623,000 under budget and with that I'll be happy to answer any questions it's nice to hear a lot of those came in under budget it's always good it's always good yeah motion approve the consent agenda is presented second motion from Rick second from Robin any discussion hearing none those in favor May State I I opposed carried payment of the bills make motion to pay the bills I'll second motion from Robin second from Becky any discussion hearing none those in favor may stay die opposed carried anniversary announcements for the month of October we have two that are part that fall under the part-time category Kathleen fluke who is a cook at the Golf Course is celebrating five years and Heather trepo is a class instructor at the community center and she's also celebrating five years so congratulations to those individuals and does council have anything else for the betterment of Becker if not I'll ask for a motion to adjourn I Mo we adjourn second motion from Mike second from Rick those in favor May State I we are adjourned at 5:34