##VIDEO ID:Q0CSOchlyAA## of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible withy Justice all righty uh Council have you a chance to review the minutes from September 17th regular meeting and the exec session if so are looking for any changes or a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve second uh motion and a second to approve the minutes any of both meetings any other discussion hearing none all those in favor I I oppos minutes have been approved all right uh changes to the agenda if anybody has any changes if not we'll look for a motion to approve the agenda make a motion we approve the agenda second motion a second to approve the agenda any further discussion hearing none all those in favor I post agenda is approved uh guests in open Forum Jacob are you a guest oh anybody for guest and open Forum all right hearing none we will move on to committee reports uh joint planning joint planning met last Tuesday we just had a boundary adjustment and an ordinance update all right uh Planning Commission you want to do it um I can do that uh Planning Commission we had three items on our agenda last night which are happen to be three items on our agenda tonight 9 a b and c so we will save discussion for that um just a note for Council uh for staff staff and public too we also talked about the um as you know we've been reviewing the uh code we've been doing the code review for the last year and a half um and so we had some discussion last night on um everything's starting to come together now so there's going to be um we're going we're talking about uh um kind of how to de that information it's a lot of information and so what would be the um kind of best ways to disseminate that to everybody um what would be the important pieces for for people um and then also you know what does that calendar look like so we're going to have some uh um some exec session uh uh things coming up here for us so um we'll have uh one in October I believe we'll have one in November um there's also going to be some uh um Planning Commission we're going to have a special meeting for Planning Commission um so just kind of I'm watch for that of course um the idea being uh um if all goes uh without issue the idea would be that we would be adopting it before the end of the year so um when is the open house going to be again the open house um it' be the week of uh November 11th through the 14th they haven't said an exact date but that would be um uh we're looking to do an open house uh if you remember um few years ago when we did the uh Northern metal open houses where we had different areas it wasn't really come in and have a presentation it was more um we have maybe different areas so if you have a question um about you know I don't know if we'll break it up into like areas of the coat maybe if it's residential we'll have an area you can go there if it's commercial um maybe there you can go there something we'll have them kind of broken up into stations like that and so to be more open house style you just come in you can uh ask as many or as little questions some people might just want the general some people might want to get real detailed on it we'll uh we have opportunity for both so and there would also be an opportunity for input mhm MH absolutely yeah this is obviously before it's uh um P you know this this is being done before it's passed for a reason so um that's the you know if there's provide input definitely so be watching for those um anything else that we missed from Planning Commission I think that's it okay uh police department City Hall project update uh footing foundation work is done compaction uh has been going on the last couple of days uh block work now started along the PD garage side um and then subcut for the drive around the north side of the building for the garage uh entrances and then onsite storm water work has been going on so we'll start seeing some more visible progress here in the next couple of weeks with the block going up all right any other uh committee reports uh that we missed if not we'll move on to public hearings uh 8A Pine Street vacation uh Jacob [Music] Sanders thank you councilman Hendrickson and if you want uh to open the public hearing because this is a public hearing absolutely we'll open the public hearing at 5:05 p.m. perfect thank you so for you tonight and I'm going to pull this up on a couple images up on screen here so you can see them um is the proposed vacation of Pine Street so Mr ramacher representing ramaker Family Partnership who is the owner of the parcel of bills where Bill superet currently sits and then also um hoe Zimmer of Beck's Pub who owns that property to the west of bills so both of these individuals applied and petitioned to to have the street vacated at the last city council meeting city council called for a public hearing which are required to vacate any sort of Street the couple things to note in this um this would be vacating the entirety of Pine Street which goes from the edge of Second Street rideway down to First Street and so this is in preparation for redevelopment and we wanted to ensure that the public had an opportunity to kind of see this image so this is a what you know the current proposal is of the concept so it's a concept plan at this point but you'll notice the bills gas station over here the fuel Island making sure that for safety purposes this is actually a really good option for the city it really ramps up Public Safety it reduces conflicts that are occurring you know on the corner there of Sherburn and first it also helps out with less flow through traffic to second from First Street and you're just making for more of an overall safe site uh so for development purposes it make sense for the public safety it makes some sense and the staff looked at it engineer has looked at it um Public Works and Community Development and we're of the we're making the recommendation to vacate these a couple things on the utilities there are utilities that lie under this road City Utilities so water sewer and sanitary those cannot be capped uh we looked at that as an option can you cap them off and just abandon them in place but because Beck's Pub actually has sanitary services that go to that and then the water also comes past that you can't do that so as part of this we're recommending that we retain easement underneath the road um to ensure that if something should occur we have the ability to go in there as the city and fix the issue the other thing too is part of these applications we also send these to utility providers in this case this is Excel service area um and then midco and Windstream which are the two internet providers they're used uh as of the date of the RCA we had heard from Excel we did hear from Windstream their utilities appear to be outside uh they're in Second Street but they're outside of the Pine Street so um Excel Energy in this image here does have a few in this red that are close to Pine Street so we would ensure that the easement that's retained wouldn't make sure that that encompasses that and then work with also with Mr ramaker on and Mr zimon making sure that they have utility access that's needed for them from those private providers the as far as midco we're not sure where they're at but we anticipate if these are somewhat in the area that's probably going to be in the general vicinity somewhere um but the resolution allows for that easement to be adjusted to where it needs to be to make sure that it uh what's necessary for the site so a couple of conditions uh to point out is the resolution there's the this is a little more complex vacation than normal that's not just as easy as getting rid of the road so before as part of the resolution if Council should approve it uh there would be a couple conditions one that before the vacation becomes official and recorded that the petitioners which are both of those any easements you know at the dimensions that are required by the city or the attorney engineer and tandem with those providers we would work to do those and those easements just must be given to us and accepted by the council so you're vacate in the street you'll be re accepting the EAS for the drainage utility um so you're not giving anything up it's just back and forth and then the petitioners also must provide the city with a copy of any Ingress egress so there likely is going to be some Ingress egress easements needed to ensure that they're not landlocked especially the howi Zimmer parcel by the vacation of the street so that's another thing that we would work with the um to get a copy of from the private land owners because they'll have to work together on those and then once those are proceeded then any sort of easements would be recorded at that point uh staff could get those to the county auditor to publish notice that proper proceedings have been completed then once the street vacation is recorded with the county um the biggest piece is how do you convey the land uh that's underlying that you've just vacated in that case it's half and half it would likely go to both parties anything they privately do with it would be on them to kind of disseminate after that but once it's recorded at approval of this resolution would allow the mayor City administrator attorney um to draft sign and execute any documentation necessary to ensure proper conveyance of that property to the land owners in accordance with statute so those are just wanted to make sure that you were aware of that and the Public's kind of aware of those conditions and so with that we're seeking a motion and a second approving resolution 2486 which also includes exhibit showing the road uh with the conditions and with that I will stand for any questions does beex they don't have an address their address is not a is not a um Pine Street address is it um I think currently I'm trying to remember if it's first or pine I think it's first because there is a road there if you look at this there's a current kind of jog in off Pine Street that takes in I don't know if you can see my cursor but right about here would make sense that it's First Street because the original liquor store was on First Street right but it does face Pine most of the traffic comes in through Pine a little bit and then onto the and one thing to note too at this point it's mountable curb so a lot of people actually use pine to just kind of jump the curb and go into the property so I go gold it it's first thank you righty uh does anybody wish to speak on this matter and you've you've obviously worked with Jacob quite a bit and you understand everything he's talking about there answer any questions anyone any Tony on the spot if nobody's got any questions I'll make a motion and close the public hearing I'll second that we have a motion to close the public hearing that was seconded uh any further discussion all those in favor I I opposed public hearing is closed at 5:12 PM Council we have resolution 2486 before us how do you wish to proceed I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2486 resolution vacating Pine Street Southeast in Becker sherban County Minnesota I'll second we have a motion a second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor I I opposed the motion passes just how much less gas we're going to use blow and snow did one thing that was a note if you look at the very last page if you like I'm a history bus so I love looking at this original picture here and you can see what we call Eastbound highway 10 is actually it's listed on First Street in this original picture here from 194 do you ever for the public if anybody's kind of nerdy about that we like it as planners but it is it is an awesome plat it's all handdrawn handwritten hand done from 1904 so y it's wild thank you all righty thank you okay next is an item I8 9A Breakwater technology future land use map Amendment and this would be Mr Austin Peterson so first up tonight um we have a future land use map Amendment which we received from break water technology um that complete application um was to re sorry was to amend the recently annexed Parcels um to change them from agricultural to Industrial three um these the applicant is requesting to do this because it aligns with the Becker 2040 comprehensive plan um goals and strategies in addition to other findings that we put in resolution 2487 um as an aside the future land use map currently designates the area to the east of those properties as industrial so it does it does support that um and amending this would also support some of the future long-term plans that the city has in that region for industrial expansion um last night Planning Commission did have um a public hearing on this last night and staff um I'm sorry one second um and yes staff is looking for a motion in a second adopting resolution 2487 amending the city of Becker future land use map to include those three recently annexed Parcels I'll just maybe make a note uh we did not have any public uh comment at the um in the uh public hearing last night um did uh staff you do not receive any prior uh prior to we did not no as well as at the hearing last night all right I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 2487 amending the city of Becker future land use map to include the three recently annexed Parcels I'll second that have a motion in a second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor I I opposed resolution passes uh Breakwater technology rezone again Mr ausome Peterson yes um so this one is those same three Parcels that we just discussed um again planning commission did did hold a public hearing last night we didn't receive any written comment prior to or anything at the meeting last night um from the public and this rezone would be rezoning these properties from agricultural to Industrial three as we discussed with the future land use map that is in alignment with Becker 2040 comprehensive plan um resoning what align with just the area and the future land use goals of that region um so with that we're looking for a motion in a second approving ordinance 288 second series which is an ordinance revising section 11.12 subdivision 8 of the city of Becker city code adding number 36 which would reone it from industrial 3 to agricultural as well as a motion in a second approving ordinance 288 second series for publishing purposes all righty any uh questions from Council otherwise how do you wish to proceed make a a motion to approve ordinance 288 second series revising section 11.12 subdivision 8 of the city of Becker code adding number 36 resoning property to Industrial 3 from oh that can you repeat that no I'm glad he stopped me where he did we have a motion in a second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor I opposed and that one passes and then you want make keep on yeah I'll motion to approve ordinance 288 second series summary for publication purposes I'll second that motion a second all those in favor I I opposed all right that passes and it's the Austin Peterson Channel just like the president on every channel can't get away yes um my last one tonight is a chapter 11 fence height Amendment or adjustment I'm sorry um so the background on this is City staff had received a few requests for people looking to put six foot fences in on residential Corner Lots currently by city code they're at a 30 foot setback meaning um people Quint put them really in their front or sidey yards um as often as they would like or really as far as they would like um which kind of limited their space in their yard and so that's the reason we're here tonight um last night Planning Commission did have a public hearing there wasn't anything written um but we did have a speaker there who had just a few concerns about um basically amending the ordinance because they had some concerns that other people had been compliant with the current city code and they wanted to just voice their concern about those people um as well as some safety concerns but we did reiterate that it is in their particular case as well as any um Corner Lots they would need to stay out of the site triangle um and staff would always review that before approving that permit um so really what we would be looking to do with this amendment is change the setback for those 6 foot um for those six foot front yard fences you go from 30 feet to 3 feet um but again specifically on those Corner Lots second front yard fences or yes sorry yes they're secondary um front yard um and so with that um staff is looking for a motion in a second approving ordinance 289 second series um which is an ordinance amending section 11.21 subdivision 15. I of chapter 11 land use regulations of the city of Becker city code um as well as a motion in a second approving ordinance 289 second series summary for publishing and then I can stand for any questions you thing I'll like to add is people that were speaking weren't really opposed to the ordinance so much as the fact that they had to do something different because the ordinance hadn't been changed uh and then they did have voiced some safety concerns which uh I'll be looking into with uh Public Works the safety concerns are more particular to their lot not necessarily that they have specifically specifically to their their situation MH and uh I'll be talking with street department on that later and if they don't do anything it's not a concern mhm so yep okay but we did approve this to come to the council so so we have a motion to edit our favorite chapter chapter 11 here so how does uh Council wish to proceed I'll make a motion approving ordinance 20 289 second series and ordinance amending section 11.21 subdivision 15.1 of chapter 11 land use regulations of the city of Becker code I'll second we have a motion and a second uh any further discussion hearing none all those in favor I I opposed thank you on second one as well motion approving ordinance 289 second series summary for publishing purposes second motion a second on that one all those in favor I I opposed both actions passed right thank you a thank you administrator and staff reports uh 10A call for public hearing utility charges and weed grass removal charge certification Mr Evin thank you Council uh here tonight to uh call for a public hearing for consideration to certify unpaid utility and weed grass removal charges a little bit of background um staff is currently working on compiling a list of utility accounts greater than 60 days P due uh and these items are to be brought to council uh at a public hearing for consideration to certify to the county for collection with 2025 property taxes uh staff are proposing uh a public hearing at the regular meeting on October 15th um and we will plan on mailing out the notices tomorrow uh with the date uh in time for that public hearing um to those residents uh on the weed and grass side staff had sent grass and weed violation uh notices residents in June and July of this year um and they were given 10 days to mow their properties prior to public work staff completing the work on their behalf um and then residents were mailed uh invoices for any work that was completed um and then to consider uh those uh would also need a public hearing uh with that one we only have I think four four properties um for maybe $600 uh on the Utility side um we're probably right around a 100 residents um just a hair over $20,000 on that on that piece but we'll have more detail um when we uh have the public public hearing um but with that would answer any questions otherwise we'll look for a motion in a second to call the public hearing to be held on Tuesday October 15th at approximately 5 PM all righty thank you Mark Council audo we wish proceed make a motion we set a public hearing for Tuesday what was the date again October 15th October 15th uh for utility charges weed and grass removal second we have a motion in a second uh any further discussion none all those in favor I I opposed thank you that passes thank you all righty uh 10B Min uh deed Grant agreement approval Mr lude counc members uh the city earlier this year applied for a community energy transition Grant through the Minnesota Department of Employment and economic development and we were awarded $770,000 uh that Grant will be combined with the congressionally um directed uh Grant um of $3.8 million uh to finish the study work that'll be needed for to construct the um uh it's the uh grade separated interchange at Highway 10 and 25 and County Road 52 and Burlington Northern and First Street and Edgewood Drive that whole area will get studied uh and squared away this project will take it right up to the point of being able to go out for bids with the project we have been meeting with District 3 uh uh Transportation staff as well as state aid staff um we've worked with Randy at he's preparing the the memo which is the first step in the process once that is done the city will be leading the planning effort we prepare a request for proposal it will come to the council after it's been reviewed by the state and then we will select an engineering firm the council will select an engineering firm to lead us through the whole process uh it's estimated take two to three years to do that um and so with that um the deed portion of the project requires a grant agreement uh which was sent by um the office of energy transition uh City attorney has reviewed it have recommended no edit edits and so staff uh requests that the council um adopt resolution 2485 a resolution approving a C Grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Employment and economic development and I'll be happy to answer any other questions questions you have question I ask with all grants uh any strings attached that may have no strings attached the only the only stipulation you'll notice in there goes to the end of 26 I have told the staff it's likely to go to 27 they do allow for a one-time extension of the grant so we will have no issues there but that is the only stipulation this is all going to be right of away land so there's nothing to attach that would encumber it in any way right all righty uh if anybody has any questions otherwise look for you asked the most important one already if you have any questions or the stream attached I'll make a motion to adopt resolution 2485 approving the C Grant agreement with the Minnesota Department of Employment and economic development I'll second we have a motion in a second uh any further discussion hearing none all those favor I I opposed that resolution passes all right next item uh police department City Hall Furniture plan also Mr lude City Council Members the city's been working with fluid Interiors on a Furniture plan for the uh police department and City Hall project the phase one primarily for this one which is the police department uh the new entrance area and uh I believe that is it all the office other offices are in phase two and so we met they developed what we were looking for which was included in the packets some of the design work we've met a couple of times all the staff have seen their particular uh space and so it it is acceptable it's designed about what you know some wanted chairs some didn't want chairs um some wanted a bookcase here there all that was done there may be some slight modifications going forward once we get this back to the architect for location of utility excuse me data and electric outlets and things like that so there may be some minor modification of this but this is largely it um we did have an allowance of at the beginning of this project of $200,000 for furniture for the whole thing uh phase one costs included installation uh is $12,495,000 we're looking to be done by the end of December with phase one this lead time will allow the furniture to get here and so with that we would request that the council um adopt or approve uh the furniture one pH plan is presented and the overall project we estimate the furniture wise uh will be somewhere between 10 and 15% below what the allowance was uh early on and so if there are questions about what's proposed be happy to answer those for you do we have any um say flexibility like maybe some extra furniture or something built in here like let's say one person say I want a bookshelf next person that comes in takes that office says I don't need the bookshelf or or vice versa they say they don't want a bookshelf next person does or they want an L-shaped desk next person doesn't I guess how much flexibility do we have so we have quite a bit in fact for example the building official he's over in a temporary office over here we're going to move that his stuff cuz he likes it over to his office cuz he'll relocate over here that stuff is available to go into one of the new offices so we we will if we need to buy a piece of furniture here or there as we go and and once I think people get into the space it'll be like oh yeah I could you know we could add that and there'll be capacity in here to do that but it it shouldn't be much really try to identify in the front front end what we're going to get in need you know where this furniture is coming from uh she did a state bid I don't know the exact supplier but they work with three different Furniture companies and it's all state bid pricing okay if you would like me to find the final vendor I'm happy to do that no I I the only reason I'm asking because you talked about the end of the year and with the uh uh with the strike on right now is and depending upon how long that last is that going to affect us hopefully a domestic Furniture that's that's why I was asking Mike I will look at that and and let you know um it doesn't really matter I mean there's nothing you can do about it well when we let her know I'll let her know tomorrow depend what the council decides and I will ask that question okay sounds good to me any other questions so the way is how we proceed I'll make a motion to approve the phase one Furniture plan as presented second we have a motion and a second any further discussion hearing none all those in favor I I opposed resolution passes okay uh consent agenda Mr lur as well council members items for approval on tonight's consent agenda include the hiring and termination report resolution 2483 a resolution approving health insurance contributions and coverage options resolution 24- 83 resolution approving dental insurance contributions and coverage options resolution 2488 resolution appointing additional election judges for The 2024 general election approve change order number one for the police department City Hall project in the amount of 73 $39.35 approve pay request number four in the amount of $61,800 to OMG Midwest for the 2024 Street Improvement project and I'll be happy to answer any questions Council how do we wish to proceed I make a motion approve the consent agenda is presented a second motion a second to approve the consent agenda all those in favor I I I opposed payment of the bills make a motion to pay the bills second Motion in a second to pay the bills all those in favor I I I opposed all right um anniversary announcements I don't have a sheet we have none no October birthdays huh birthdays is one thing anniversary is another I meant work bir I'm like whoa all righty uh does anybody have anything else for the betterman Becker I'll borrow the mayor's line there we adjourn I'll second motion to adjourn in a second uh all those in favor I opposed we are adjourned 5:32 p.m. exec session will start shortly