##VIDEO ID:YOqDbD11Pzo## for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all as Council had the opportunity to review the meeting minutes of August 20th if so I'll ask for a motion make a motion to accept minutes as presented pause second motion from Robin second from Becky any discussion hearing none those in favor May St i i i opposed carried sorry any changes to this evening's agenda with no changes I'll ask for a motion to approve the set agenda make a motion we approve the agenda is presented second motion from Mike second from Rick those in favor May State I I opposed carried guess an open Forum seeing no one for guest an open form we'll move into committee reports golf committee golf committee we met last week um everything seems to be going well over there um the rounds play to date are up 1,65 over last year at this time so that is a great number um our overall faculty Revenue I mean sorry facility is up 184,000 so just with March being a good you know what I mean it was opened up a little bit earlier this year too so that has helped um just want to say concert at the Creek went really well this last Friday so if you guys made it out it was a really fun time and we still have a handful of golf events coming up as far as the month of September is pretty busy in that so like tournaments tournaments yeah sunet police management police management we met on August 26th at 0700 um we're dedicated um so we uh police is in the process of backgrounding a potential candidate right now so fingers crossed hoping for that um we had a uh building update uh bu uh the building project update uh stats uh stats were just down very slightly from uh 2023 um and we close the meeting off with our item 8G for tonight so we'll leave not steal the Thunder from that budget and finance budget and finance met on August 27th we reviewed the standard financials and everything was looking good BCC memberships are still climbing uh we talked quite a bit about the benefit renewal disc for a insurance for City staff that'll be coming to council later um and we talked about past du invoices which are pretty steady and there were eight shut offs and only to remain shut off fire board I'll do it uh we dis we approved some equipment to be installed for the training purposes it's an anchor Point um so they can practice repelling we accepted the donation from quick trip and then with the help of red path we seek guidance on making sure that our payroll stubs could be sent automatically as well as a for bill pay and then we also discussed in a separate meeting with red path um some CIP help in making sure that everything is allocated correctly on there and um how to best position for the future Planning Commission Planning Commission we met on Monday the 26th as well uh pretty quick meeting we just had a discussion on uh fence height uh and this was this is uh specifically to um when you have a corner lot it's considered to have two front lots and so um if somebody wants to put a fence on say the what would be most of us would consider the side of the house um that's still considered a front so the front yard setbacks still apply to that in terms of um uh the fence height and things like that so um we had some discussion on that we um it was one of the items we had teed up as part of the uh the codery r and since we get a lot of the fence permits in the spring we figured while we're through that we'll just you know we're not going to when we know we're redoing it we don't want to go through and do everything but since since this uh issue came up we um are going to tackle it before that so we will have a public hearing at the September meeting uh in regards to that so okay that was the only item how about joint planning joint planning met also on August 27th where we heard a VAR variance application a resoning application and a conditional use permit application Eda Eda uh regular meeting was on August 12th um we had had a update from northspan so they were the uh vendor that is doing the business incubator um so they gave a I think it was a 30% update kind of where they're at um also just uh that was the main item and then other thewis we just had uh some updates to the Eda uh just of um from staff on different projects in their ongoing States all right Eda special meeting special meeting was uh last Thursday and we uh did interviews for the uh we have the open position we had a Eda member resign a couple months ago and so we are interviewing for that position and we had two applicants and that uh we we did make a recommendation that item is in our consent agenda item for tonight okay any others that we missed all right administrator and staff reports annexation by ordinance Mr Sanders I took the shorter out this time thank you mayor council tonight we have a annexation by ordinance before you if you recall at the last meeting that the council did approve a waiver of the 90-day required objection period um and of the stating that they had no objections since that time the Clear Lake Town board met that same uh week and they did approve waving the 90 days as well that's attached in the packet you can see that resolution there where they did approve of that the one request uh that is tackled in the annexation by ordinance and this is an ordinance that is required by Statute so it's not just a resolution it actually is an ordinance that needs to be passed was related to taxes uh the request from Clear Lake Town board was to pay for this the city would give them the 2 and a half years of taxes at based on what's currently being assessed for the property and that total cash payment would be in the amount of 702 98 so it's fairly small either way the city's going to have the tax back in the future so that is also something that's considered under the statutory regulations and making sure that uh the tax situation is resolved between both parties so if you pass the ordinance this evening that is agreeing to that request from the cter lake town board the the municipal boundary adjustment unit also has all this information so if you approve tonight this would go to them uh in the morning with the signed version of that they would then finalize everything they need to on there and then issue the official order from the state there's a couple other clerical things that staff will take care of as far as filing it with the secretary of state and other items with that we are seeking for a motion and a second approving ordinance 287 second series which would Annex the 12.08 4 Acres currently located in C Lake Township into the city of Becker and would also seek for a motion and a second approving ordinance 287 second series summary for publishing and with that I will answer any questions so of curiosity the seven $720 do we pay that all just at once or is that something we actually break up it's the lump sum yeah I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 287 second series uh um uh annexing land Associated uh located in Clear Lake Township um purs to the statute listed second that motion from Rick second from Mike any other discussion hearing none those in favor may stay I I opposed carried and I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 287 second series summary for publication second that also motion from Rick second from Mike those in favor May State I I opposed carried thank you elk Wind Creek second edition development agreement Mr Sanders thank you mayor and Council uh back in the earlier this summer spring the plat for eln Creek second edition was approved this is a for unit plat it's actually 21 total for the preliminary plat this is all part of the original plan um for the entire development these 14 Lots in particular are two outlots they're currently out Lots there will be 14 Lots made out of these two outlots the roads for this development are already in the stubs are already in the lights are already in so curb work is already in in fact Lilia was just redone this year that's how long it's been since the original went in so the development agreement was requirement of the plat but it's a fair straightforward based on the standard template it is with the city attorney for review just to make sure there's nothing being missed and the city engineer so if you approve resolution 2473 it would allow them to make any adjustments necessary to the agreement if there were changes to be made the development agreement does address that it says if there are additional improvements beyond what was originally proposed then certain things would kick in within the agreement and they would make an addendum but in this this case we really don't foresee that that's going to be an issue so this would cover what's needed for at least this addition future additions would require a more substantial agreement just if they were to develop further on that property just based on roads that would have to go in and infrastructure but in this case it's fairly minimal Parkland dedication uh was required and has been paid that is mentioned in the developers agreement as well so with that seeking for a motion in a second adopting resolution 2473 which would approve the development agreement uh with Oakland Creek second and allow the attorney and engineer to make adjustments as necessary and I'll answer any questions kind of adjustments would the need to make that would be outside of the scope of like where's the threshold most of the time it's fairly minimal if there were language adjustments they need to make uh not substantial edits if they were major edits where it's like hey we really want this to be included as far as like amounts for Securities or things like that that would likely have to come back but in this case I just don't foresee any of that being there so it made mostly language adjustments that'll be needed to the sections I make a motion to adopt resolution 2473 approving the development agreement for Elk Wind Creek second edition I'll second motion from Robin second from Becky any other discussion hearing none those in favor May State i i i opposed carried thank you thank you yep the adoption of 2025 preliminary taxes Mr ebensteiner thank you mayor and councel there we go and work all right thank you so tonight I'm here to present on the adoption of the 25 2025 prary levies so little bit of background so earlier this spring staff did uh start in on the 2025 budget process uh we've had several meetings that have led up to this moment both uh Council meetings as well as exec sessions uh the state does request that all jurisdictions with tax Authority certifi proposed levies by September 30th um and these levies are used in preparing parcels specific notices of proposed property taxes for each parcel of property for taxes payable 2025 so I have a short presentation and then have a resolution um that would adopt those preliminary preliminary levies all right so starting out with the uh just the the overall uh summary um so proposing an increase uh from 2024 to 2025 overall uh incre increasing 98% from 10, 14866 to 10,247 399 um as you can see the general fund um Levy overall decrease 1.3% so as a reminder we did um there was a legislation passed this last session related to transition Aid energy transition Aid so we are in the process of working with the state to to better understand that statute and what sort of Aid we will receive in 2025 um the state does not certify that amount until May of 2025 so we're still working with the state to understand how that calculation works as as our tax capacity changes but based on some preliminary um understanding and preliminary numbers we did include uh 250,000 as a as a decrease uh in the general fund Levy um therefore we would get that aid from the state to supplement um that Levy and as we as we transition as the as it mentions it's to transition us as our tax capacity um is is changing um the Eda Levy um that we're proposing a decrease of 5.71% so that we do base on uh total estimated uh market value it's a it's a percentage of total estimated um at 233 we feel comfortable really worked um closely with Jacob on on his budget um I think the max right now we could Levy is right around 241,000 so we're comfortable at the 233 should fit into um that bucket um and then on the other Levy side um once as you're familiar with uh we not have a operating Levy for Pebble Creek um The Debt Service Levy increasing from uh 1, 149,000 up to 1.5 million so that does include the 2024a um projections we're currently working through that um issuance um and that's a conservative estimate we feel um the levy for that additional debt service should be there or below um but we should know those numbers um soon and then on the capital Levy side which I'll discuss some more detail on the next slide decrease 99.38% down to 2.73 one million um we are a service oriented business so some of the significant uh assumptions that are included um in the in the operating levies um we did include a 3.5% General uh wage increase um as well as a 8% health care benefit increase so still working through the benefit renewal uh at this point over this next month as we've uh just got some of the renewal information um and I think that's it for that slide as I mentioned uh here's a summary of the 2025 Capital levies um so the capital Levy at at 2.73 one million um really here uh do a a deep dive and a detailed analysis of each of those um different buckets um looking at a 5 to 10e plan looking working closely with our budget contributors on what are the needs um of of our facilities of our streets of all the different pieces so um with that rather than leving for specific projects where we'd have a lot of dips and and and and valleys and and mountains of of Levy uh we do look at that long range plan and really try to to even out even that out which allows us to even out that tax rate over time um as a reminder uh you'll see some changes you know overall we decreased the 9% you will see some some changes within the different allocations uh we had um levied within the admin Eda for our Equity contribution for the facility um so as we um will not Levy for that in 2025 um some of that is U reallocated um a portion of that will cover the debt service um for uh for the uh 2024a bonds as well as we did um look at that long range um strategy um supplemented a little bit back into streets uh as well as uh Community Center in Pebble Creek looking at what some of those long-term needs are U for each of those uh facilities and and uh different uh projects there uh so looking at the uh tax rates um so really you know impacts of wages healthcare costs uh Capital replacement needs all that's incorporated into uh into the levies um the city's local tax rate calculated to be 48.96963 four down from 1.15 2 um each year we do have some of those larger property uh owners primarily NSP uh who do appeal their valuation so they are State assessed so the state does um complete their assessments um we get preliminary values uh early August um they did appeal once again this year um normally uh I guess last year we had uh adopted a preliminary Levy a little later because we didn't get values until a little later um they did settle in August um so we did get some revised figures from the state um um so Northern State's power did settle um they were down 11.8% um that was primarily related to uh the decommissioning of unit 2 at 123123 so that was just their portion so Northern State's power is made up of a combination of I think seven PS so looking at their value change from TW pay 24 to pay 25 was down 11.8% um so with the revised figures that's where we got to the 48. 966 up from the 45.9 188 and then uh similar on the Eda side decreasing slightly um so looking at a tax capacity current estimates uh is an overall uh decrease of 5% down to 20,4 15,000 so that's our our current snapshot uh the county will be running some um kind of final preliminary reports this week so we'll have some revised figures there and then they as they continue through the year um we really won't have final numbers until um until December when they they finish a lot of the homesteads and all the different Pieces come into there but um this is a a estimate at this time gives us a snapshot of some of the impacts um so with this chart I'm I'm a visual person so this gives you this a a kind of a a summary of how to calculate the tax rate so total taxes to be generated as you can see there uh increase of 98% up to two uh 10,247 , 398 uh Lo local tax uh capacity um decreasing right around 5% so take the taxes to be generated divided by the capacity gets us to an overall tax capacity rate of 50110 here's a year-over-year trend uh comparison so this looks at tax capacity and kind of the yellowish color um tax levy in the blue and then the combined um total tax rates that takes the city and the Eda tax rate together so as you can see um you know from 21 up to 24 our tax capacity um had increased um and and with that our our tax rate had increased um really right in in in that same Trend um we've been looking closely at our long-term plan um you know with that 2025 uh tax capacity decrease I mean we have planed for that U we weren't sure what exact the percentage would be but it's in line with with what we have discussed um with with our prior um long-term plan so you can see over time yes our tax tax uh capacity uh rate has has increased um with some of those modest increases in the levy but um as expected but nice to get a a trend analysis to kind of see where where we've come over the last five years um so then taking a look at uh what what these tax rate means to proper Property Owners um so starting on a residential side um the biggest change here is the Homestead market value exclusion so um there has been questions over the last couple years you know housing prices are increasing rapidly but there's been no adjustment to that Homestead exclusion so um there was legislation that was adopted um so as you can see there um so for 24 there was a maximum exclusion of 30,400 so it started at 76,000 up to 43800 for 25 um there'll be a a total available of 38,000 so it'll start at 40% of 95,000 and then it'll phase out for values over 57,200 so that will impact um residential homeowners and give them more exclusion um for their value so the chart I've included there if we focused on say the $300,000 value um the homestead exclusion in 2024 was 10,240 um they'll have a with no value change um I guess just to just to pause there I did ask a lot of questions with the county and kind of looked at at the city in general um residential values did stay very very flat um they were happy with where their where their ratios were coming in at so um the chart here I have proposed with no no market value change so um so with a $300,000 home um Homestead value exclusion going from 10,240 uh increasing to 19550 so that has an impact on that tax capacity um 2024 be 2898 2025 2805 so a decreased capacity um so the tax uh changed uh 1,366 increasing to 1,406 so that change in um in the taxes would be directly related to just our our small uptick in our tax capacity rate um so a change of $40 or 2.9% in that homes overall tax oh so so this is demonstrating with the okay so this this has the um our our our tax rate applied to the 2025 number yep yep so it's applying that new preliminary tax rate and if all things being equal if there wasn't that change in Homestead exclusion then the percentage change would be right around that 6% which is the it's our rate change in our in our tax capacity rate but with that Homestead exclusion increasing that impacts um those valued homes so in so in the end I mean we had um we had a decrease in the tax capacity through NSP but also this would just decrease our overall tax capacity on the residential side they make up a smaller piece of the pie um but it would impact the the values and the capacity to be taxed within that within that pie chart this was necessary this this number hadn't moved in a long time and I know that yeah it had been a long long time as values continue to increase with no change on that side I think it even with some of our meetings prior years we had some good questions from residents like you know what can we do and it seems like the legislation did did listen up and and did make some changes um so so with that um you know here just looking at distribution you know how how are those funds used so when we receive those property tax payments um here is just an example of a of a average you know $350,000 um value residence annual um taxes of of $1,679 so a monthly um monthly payment of $140 um as you can see Eda would be right around a little over $3 um Debt Service Levy $20.78 uh Capital Improvement Levy for all those um lighted items we had discussed 3728 and then the general fund operating Levy which covers the general fund Public Safety Public Works um in the community center would be $786 3 on a on a monthly basis um and then just touching on the commercial industrial side um so here with no market value change um there would be that 6.3% increase that would be based off of um just the increase in in the rate um so on um like the $5 million market value um taxes would go up $2,938 or $245 per month uh with no value change um if there was a 5% value change uh you'd see it increase 5,444 or $454 per month so part of that is as you see that large commercial user that makes up a large piece of the pot High you know over 60% as their value shrinks that those taxes are then you know having to be made up on the other commercial industrial as well as the residential so that's where you see some of that shift um with that transition and with that that's where this this chart um is trying to or is uh is kind of showing where um here you have the residential um kind of the other commercial and then utility excuse me so on the residential side you see the the increase of a $450,000 home no value change increasing $102 um or $9 per month from 24 to 25 on the commercial a 77.5 million value increasing 4,417 or 368 per month and then on the utility so State assess so this is all those State assessed properties uh and p and Southern Municipal um value of 700 million in 2024 decreasing 8.1% uh would decrease their tax liability by 158,159 million this is the percentage that this payment makes up of that total um so as you can see on the utility State assess property you know units 1 2 and 3 in 23 had made up almost 69% 24 made up 65 25 it made up right around 63% so as that Trends down you'll see some of the uptick and some of the other overall but as we look at our long-term plan and and we'll continue to plan for that we have the transition Aid um we have sufficient reserves so we'll continue to to manage that as we transition away from those larger valued assets um but just wanted to present that as a as a impact as well give you a snapshot so with that I can answer any questions otherwise next steps would be um approval of the resolution setting the preliminary levies for the Eda and the city and then also um setting the public hearing for truth and Taxation December 3rd 2024 at 6pm we'll make a motion to approve resolution 2474 setting the proposed property tax levies for 2025 for the city Booker I'll second it motion from Rick second from Mike any other discussion hearing none those in favor May State i i i opposed carried thank you thank you acceptance of the Minnesota post board audit results Chief balloon evening mayor and Council that's a tough act to follow um so as you know every three to five years the Minnesota post board comes in and does an audit of the police department this is required under State Statute actually it's always been every three I think they're switching it to every five now so uh but what they look for is compliance uh with State rules and regulations identified by the post board peace officer standards and training so on August 13th they made a physical visit here after sending them tons of documents ahead of time related to training and uh policies and and stuff like that so uh we received a letter indicating that we uh passed our review or our audit from them but it did indicate that there were three items that they typically look for just so everybody's aware they review uh the postmand policies to ensure they include the appropriate content uh some of which is by law but uh one of the requirements they added this year to stuff like that was it had we had to put all the mandated policies online now so if people go to our website they'll notice that we have a post mandated policy area so people can actually review our policies as required under statute um so we've got that there if people want to go and read policy uh the second thing is to confirm all licensed peace officers have received the mandatory training as required under State Statute that uh is firearms training use of force training defensive tactics bias all the things that we go through every year um we're only required 48 credit hours every three years believe it or not but uh we'll typically be an excess of probably 125 hours per year of training and lastly they verify all police officers who are not exempt uh meaning they may not be in a position where they're out driving a squad car have or will receive training in emergency vehicle operations or Pursuit driving so uh that's every five years it's mandated but uh obviously uh with how Pursuits have been handled in the uh recent uh past here they're keeping a very close eye on stuff like that as well so again we're uh excited to say that we passed the uh audit this is like I I've mentioned other people this is the big audit that they do on police officers we do other audits as well but this is the one that affects my license believe it or not so uh if if they find things that aren't uh where they're supposed to be I could actually have my license suspended as the police chief so thankfully that didn't happen but uh things are looking very good uh the auditor uh was pretty impressed with how things have gone here uh this last audit period and obviously it's looking good moving into the future so one of the things they do require is that or asked is that we have this formal discussion where we talk about this or answer any questions and then an opportunity uh again to ask the questions but then a motion in a second to approve the results of the Minnesota post board uh audit on the city of Becker Police Department so that I'd answer any questions you might have no questions I'll make a motion to accept the results of the audit completed by the MN post board on the Becker Police Department second it motion from Rick second from Mike any other discussion hearing none those in favor can stay I opposed carried thank you thank you recycling board jpa dissolution Mr lude uh mayor and City Council in 1999 Becker Big Lake Elk River and Zimmerman entered into a joint Powers agreement to uh establish what was called the Sherburn County Municipal recycling board and its purpose was to expand um the yard waste recycling opportunities among the cities and purchase equipment to that end uh it appears that the only purchase that was done was a skid steer and and city of zman still possesses it but um there's not been a meeting of this group for a number years and I by a number I maybe 20 um and so as Mark was reviewing uh insurance this year um this came up and so he reached out to the to the other four cities and met with their public works department the sentiment among the Public Works folks is that this jpa is no longer needed now that the county is supporting the dump sites in the various cities um and then I reached out to the administrators and they too where this group can can be dissolved so we reach out to the City attorney uh they sent the attached memo or the included memo um with the RCA uh detailing how it can be dissolved and it starts with one city making a a resolution or motion to dissolve uh the jpa uh so if the council approves that tonight there'll be a recycling board jpa will meeting will be held they will make a recommendation back to each of the member cities and then hopefully uh before the end of the year this jpa will be dissolved one of the things that group will have to uh figure out is how to dispose of that uh skid steer um or keep it one city buy the rest out so that'll really be the only order of business I think for that board so um with that staff would request that the council adopt resolution 2472 a resolution of petition for disillusion of the Sherburn County Municipal recycling board and with that I'll be H happy to answer any questions so who actually owns the skid steer is the it is titled in the city of Zimmerman yes that's correct so do they buy it out at current value I mean it's a 25-year oldold I assume so or it may have nominal value too I think the board will determine determine that all right make a motion to adopt resolution 2472 uh uh for resolution for the petition for the dissolution of the shering County Municipal recycling board I'll second that motion from Rick second for Mike any other discussion hearing none those in favor may stay die I opposed carried archery range change order Mr lude mayor Bertram city council members uh when the plans and specifications for the archery range were prepared they did not include fascia on either the shooting range or any of the target stands and we had the preconstruction meeting with all the contractors we went through um the plans and um at that time they recommended uh the faas should be installed for a couple of reasons number one it'll certainly will improve the appearance but will also protect the framing members um on all of those uh um building structures and so the time has come uh to so staff was generally in support of that and so they recently the contractor recently sent us a change order for that to add the fascia work um is an additional $8,100 and um if approved that would then exhaust all of the cares funding uh that we were required to um dis pay or have allocated by the end of this year and before you move on with with a motion or not a motion I that was a good time to just reviews what review what we spent car's money on so the city received $541,000 and car's uh funding 69,000 of that went for w premium pay wages during covid so the remaining 472,000 uh the city used for the community park pavilion the place playground at Community Park poured in place surface sidewalk and accessibility improvements around that area senior center improvements and the archery range so I think that the city really got a good Council should be proud of what they chose to spend the money on there so uh with that um I would request uh that the council approve a motion second to approve the addition of the facial work and I will be happy to answer any questions I'll make a motion for the approval of the fishal work in the amount of 8170 I'll second motion from Robin second from Becky any other discussion hearing none those in favor can State I I opposed carried police chief retirement Miss Mortenson what if we don't make a motion so on Monday August 26 Chief baloon submitted his letter of resignation um he's been employed with the city for 18 years and um requesting that you look at um regretfully accepting his resignation this evening and then authorizing advertising for the position and then we also staff recommend at this time that the Personnel committee create the timeline for the Recruitment and present at the next council meeting um but before you do that I would like to acknowledge some of the Highlight some of the items that he put in his resignation letter um he's said I believe the time has come for my journey as a police officer to finally come to an end he has been a police officer for 32 years and 8 months he was appointed chief of police for the city of Becker in September of 2006 um it goes on say when I was hired in Becker I promised to change the department culture and how it conducted businesses and worked with the community I have worked tirelessly to advance technology credibility and the professionalism professionalism of this department as we conduct day-to-day business the staff of the police department has remained committed and dedicated to our community I can't thank them thank them enough for their hard work commitment and efforts over the years he goes on to say I've also had the privilege to work closely with our elected officials and City Administration personally I want to thank mayor Tracy Bertram for her continued support and guidance during her time on the city council I have been offered police chief positions in two other larger communities over the years but mayor Bertram's words of wisdom and support are what have kept me here she has been a phenomenal mayor to work with I'm also thankful for the support of the other City Council Members City department heads and City Administration you have always made my job easier with the honest discussions and the support you have offered me with and the police department lastly as all retirees say they look forward to more time with their families I too wish the same words cannot express what their love and support have meant to me over the years especially during some difficult times thank you for your honor and privilege to serve such a great Community I leave with deep gratitude at his as it has been an amazing journey and career serving as law enforcement officer and leader so that was what was submitted to the city um if anyone has any questions on the process or anything I can address those no it's been an honor to work with such a great individual as well um he's done a fantastic job with the city I agre make a motion to not accept the res I'm not going a motion [Laughter] motion I was wondering if we could do that who's going to do it not it well wouldn't do any good I'll make a motion to accept resignation from uh Chief Bon I'll second that motion from Rick second from Mike those in favor can State i i i opposed carried could there's a second a motion too y make motion to uh begin advertising for the uh position of police chief a second motion from Rick second from Robin any discussion on that if not those in favor may stay I I opposed Carri thank you consent agenda Mr lud mayor Bertram City Council Members items for approval on tonight's consent agenda include approve the revised hiring and determination report adopt resolution 2475 appointing Paige kwy to the Eda board vacancy to a term that expires uh December 31st 2025 accept a summary of the city hall technology equipment cost and accept the quote from Russell security resources in the amount of 148,000 $457 for door and access controls for the police department and City Hall approve quad quadient mailing machine lease accept tobacco compliance check report from Sherburn County All City licensed businesses pass the annual check approv partial pay request number 12 in the amount of $1 4,662 30 to RL Larson Excavating for the 2023 Business Park Pump Station Improvement project and approve partial pay request number three in the amount of $783,000 to OMG Midwest for the 2024 Street Improvement project and I will be happy to answer any questions make a motion to accept the consent agenda as presented call second motion from Robin second from Becky any discussion hearing none those in favor May State I opposed carried payment of the bills want pay the bills second motion from Rick second from Robin any discussion hearing none those in favor may stay I opposed carried anniversary announcements for the month of September Troy Dawson is our maintenance coordinator at the community center and he's celebrating his first year with us Ronda Klein is the kitchen Supervisor over at the restaurant at the golf course she's celebrating five years Chief Brent balloon is celebrating 18 years with us Lieutenant Christopher lindblum is celebrating 11 years with us Sarah Schaefer is the administrative assistant over at Public Works and she's celebrating six years with us in the part-time category we have Charles he is a groundskeeper over at the golf course and he is celebrating 13 years with us so congratulations to all those individuals does council have anything else for the betterment of Becker the only thing I have is I have heard a lot of misconceptions about the um Police Department construction taking place and I just encourage everyone to please go and visit the city's website all of the details are on there as well as boards are posted at the community center here at City Hall uh please feel free to to browse and ask your questions amongst those I know that there's also a tab updated with the updates so that you can be to speed on exactly what's happening with those um anything else okay I'll ask our motion to adjourn I move we adjourn second motion from Mike second from Robin those in favor May State I I I we are adjourned at 5:46 p.m.