##VIDEO ID:xa-7DFqssBo## I have to wait till I hear her speak mayor Jacobs committee man hickey Mr Walter miss arabana Mr Leonard here Mr odelius Mr G jini Mr first Mr G Martino chairwoman G adequate notice of this meeting of the Bedminster Township land board was filed with the Township Clerk sent to the Bernardsville news and The Courier News and to all subscribers and posted at the Township Municipal Building one Miller Lane Bedminster New Jersey on January 12th 2024 uh no we just have uh Jake from the um Vernal news and Mr uh catalo I'm sorry if I just butchered that is just making sure that his resolution passes tonight so we yep can you hear them no not one bit yeah I have my volume way up too yeah now the only person I can hear is Janine Carol I'm gonna say talk right into it like here I don't think I think the laptop is is recording everybody I don't think the microphones are working at all at least for Zoom right the mic L can you hear me if you you speak directly into the mic I can hear you yeah maybe yeah right hear me now yes much better Carol thank you we have a letter from K and they've asked for Aion and I'll move it in favor hi oh sorry mayor Jacobs hi come minut hit one second okay Steve's question for um Lou and Jeff was that there's been a uh that was me I was just repeating what it was you said because it wasn't into the mic and I don't think that Jeff and Lou heard it so if you want to ask your question right into the mic I'm sorry there's a letter in our files from November 5th in the third paragraph of the letter there's an indication or statement that the Somerset County planning board I guess it is has not yet site it's years I'm just curious what the hold I I think what they did was they did note that they don't have Somerset County approval I frankly don't know why I can I can tell you that because I haven't seen the correspondence but correspondence on other applications it's getting harder and harder to get through sumers count I again I I don't know what the what the specific holdup might be it's it's hard to say um again because I don't have the the county letters in front of me but some of them some counties actually require the dedication of right away in order for it to be a done done approval so I don't know exactly what what items might be outstanding I I I don't know without seeing the letter it could be it could be filing of Deeds for right avoid dedication the applicant's attorney Larry catalo is on the zoom I think so we could ask Larry Larry can you hear me yes I can hear you can you can you hear me can hear you Larry if you could just explain why it's what the status is at Somerset County planning board that would help sure I haven't been intimately involved in the county site plan application but I think uh like your engineer had indicated there may be um issues with the uh filing of the Subdivision plat as well as um the O open from what I have had heard open um inspection um um fees or escrow fees which they want all to be paid at the same time before they would uh sign off on the approval um so those things those are amongst the things that hadn't been done yet but I believe that um those few things that were that need to be done um then the county site plan the county would be in a position to then sign the application you Lar I'm sorry just wanted to go back so it was Larry who made the motion and Anna who second it thank you may Jacobs hi commit and hickey hi Mr Walter hi Mr Orana hi Mr Leonard hi Mr odelius hi Mr djini hi Mr first Mr D Martino chairwoman well actually I'm G I'm gonna take that yeah since I've been in discussions with John Flo attorney Tom Frank so DCA issued it by the way um Jeff and Lou can you hear me now yes okay so DCA issued its present need analysis for all the municipalities in New Jersey and Bedminster was assigned a um affable units 72 affordable units Carol I of those 72 units a minimum of 25% or 18 must be family rentals of the um rest that are out there so that don't have to be Family Dental uh we are still sitting on number of surplus credits that P Ser has from construction Hills and the there as well as the exensions of sitting on surus surus of some prior developments that beened and the township commit as directed as professionals to look at other means by which we can address what we believe to be our obligations with respect to rental that needed to provide and we have some very good options and that is at the township committee level and um we'll be exploring our option in the next several months but suffice to say that we have uh some very good options at our disposal be on those numbers and then as just far as the timing of the process it's uh by January 31st is that the date time resolution of the committee to participate in the and and by January 31st T Committee just uh Our obligation would be to say 72 number uh we agree with it we still have opportunities to look at certain land adjustments and some other elements that may work off that 72 number for now the information is that 72 number and work on the 28 was from third that was satisfy third this is this is an addition yes the the the it's a ten year fourth the fourth round is a 10e round no don't don't don't think of it that you know what it needs to be the obligations need to be resolved before then no but it it's a 10year it's a 10y year look through so they're not going to come back in five years and say you yeah that's the number right that's take us through round five will be 10 years from now it's a mix it's all of those it's ones twos and threes it's family units as opposed to senior UNS ORS and their rental requirement yeah so family rental means it's not otherwise restricted age restricted doesn't count you can have age restricted units account for some of your rental obligations so to get deeper into the weeds and by the way this is as deep as we're going to get into the weeds for tonight is of the rental units of the of the rental units n right I'm just going to work with a maximum of n can be used to satisfy Our obligation non homes we age restricted and that would satisfy some of the rental obligations but not all we we met with Representatives we met with our professional Town commit Prof our affordable housing agency our agenc that works for yeah we not DCA is still in the process of putting the rest of its regulations together and uh a lot of all the municipalities are dealing with some of these issues in a bit of back regulations has not been issue on the details how the get implemented but 72 number is out no we don't have to come up with a plan that's for down the road right now the only obligation on bed is to make a decision to accept the 72 number and that's a TC decision happe 3025 okay I just want clarifi so the 72 units 25% out the rental and of those 25% out of rental half of those minimum must be so 72 18 minimum of 18 no more of those no more than n of those 18 the agries and least n be say that again Frank we can't hear you mebl minimally number you could also do it with extend restriction ons that come out of restri May at at thank you mik Carl can you speak in the mic okay you saying that you know 20 Route 206 is extended to May 8 2025 gotcha one really the question only whether you as a board want about 2025 professional contract propos so you guys were all given um they're called the rfps the professionals put in their bids um to be a our attorney our planner and our engineer for 2025 um I'd have to say in years past I don't think we've ever actually gone in close session we tend to keep the outstanding professionals that we have but um if you'd like to discuss it in closed session that is up to you as a board Tim saying he doesn't think we need to be closed Carol doesn't think so just I don't I don't think so I don't think so yeah yeah this is true but technically you're allowed to go into a close session you know it's a free-for all do whatever makes you happy I you know okay great Carol says we're pleased with our professionals and there's no reason that she thinks we should change them I agree I'm fine I know what Jeff and Luke can't hear I don't know what's going on I'm not it okay yeah I'm coming up Carol don't give me that opportunity I could be secretary and [Music] chair I think way we're gonna go yeah especially since the vice chair ain't there tonight so you want to talk about that since you're in charge would you like to tell us what's going on in January so basically as long as everyone is okay with the professionals that we have and had had for years now I will have those resolutions for the reorg at the reorg of course we nominate our committee chair our vice chair we nominate the secretary who I've also heard is quite good [Laughter] um and I don't it is a majority then we also uh reappoint all of our professionals we may or may not have the application um it is yes commercial it's a property along Main Street that is uh retail and it's to convert the second floor to an apartment to make it mixed use and it is for the person who owns it I believe that she is the one who wants to live there but so it has not been deemed complete if it is done so in time and she can notice in time we'll hear January we only have the one meeting because January 7 2nd am I correct Colin is the reorg so that's the first Thursday so we obviously can't have a meeting the second Thursday will be January 9th so that'll be our one and only meeting in January so we may or may not have an application I'll let you know but we certainly have to meet no matter what to reappoint our professionals our chair um and that's and secretary yeah yeah secretary holidays everyone Take Care thank you guys for logging on thank you sorry I couldn't be there tonight is the meeting over I think so the meeting is over for the reason you couldn't here and there is no meeting next week everybody okay okay thank you have happy holidays everyone okay