##VIDEO ID:KGRX-qRHlWA## good evening and welcome to the bedord township committee this is our regularly scheduled meeting for October 7 2024 recognize that we have a full compliment of Township Committee in attendance here in town hall commit Stevenson commit hickey commit womanese woman Hernandez M Ray may we please have open public meetings act statement yes mayor adequate notice of this meeting of the township committee was Senter to Courier new Somerville Burnville news whiy and to all subscribers and posted the Township Municipal Building on January 5th 2024 great thank you please join me anding for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under indivisible this is the part of meeting we open up the uh day up here in the microphone as well as the zoom microphone for public comment any member of the public wishing to make a statement or comment we do so now first scanning the room no one in the room raising their hand Miss Ray anyone participating via Zoom wishes to making wishes who wishes to make a statement go down to uh bottom of your screen click on reactions and click on raise hand I'm not seeing any uh requests for a public comment mayor is is that hand your curs or okay just making sure sorry apologize it would be a big yellow hand okay let's proceed we have four sets of meeting minutes to approve September 3 2024 the regular meeting at 7 the executive session at 7:49 the regular session at 7 for September 16th and the executive session for September 16th at 10:6 any comments or questions regarding those minutes none take a motion to approve so moved second um all in favor thank you we have two Raffles two reviews approv on premise merchandise raffle to benefit Bedminster Township Elementary school PTO on April 11 2024 at 7 p.m. to 11: pm. at Trump National Golf Club and an off premise 5050 raffle to benefit Bedminster Township Elementary school PTO on April 11 2024 700 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. located that Trump National do any comments or questions regarding those two Raffles seeing none second motion to approve no moved second all in favor thank you right to monthly report discussion by subcommittee chair committe St thank you mayor good evening everybody I'm just going to be reporting on DPW this evening due to a work commitment I was unable to make the uh HPD meeting uh with respect to DPW uh the generator installation here at Town Hall is complete we're just waiting for the manufacturer to uh effectuate the startup so that should be forthcoming um our crew is up on steeple chase repairing uh manholes and sink holes U repairs and um letot us know if you see any sort of uh repairs that require uh assistance with DPW so that was uh taken care of uh the park no parking signs over on clucas Brook went up uh obviously if they've been working on Fall Fest we'll hear about that later I'm sure uh propping for the leaf season uh which means uh by the way Jason do you have an estimated date on when we're going to start swinging around to grab leaves October okay in this month okay um I know that that that question's coming to we more than the uh you recall we had uh done a study on the street lights so that data is now been loaded into the Excel spreadsheet and given to our Engineers for analysis um you have probably heard or saw the jvh excavation project we've been obviously working with Hunter research to put that back together um and the old Stonehouse gas line has now been completed uh connected to the main so hopefully the folks over in Old stouse have uh you know done what they've had to to convert over to their individual residences and now they're up on gas so congrats to them and then I left for the last thing the the big news and that is Jason and his crew were instrumental in the large um tanker uh incident in Bernardsville this week I want to turn it over to Jason to give us sort of the X's and O's and and sort of give us the details of how you helped out that was a great job I had to do with Kevin just making the phone call to us he knew we had M material stock mile so he asked me if you could send a couple trucks down take some stone dust and he bring it back or whatever we needed and uh I'm like well if you need trucks the guys are here having lunch I'll get them out of here you know because time was of an Essence there sure so uh we loaded up our three trucks they went out and by the time all three left fn's trucks were here and we load them up and what Kevin did is he built a burm roughly four to five feet high in the road with the stone dust in case the tanker leaked it wasn't leaking it was a minor leak but if it let go and came down the road it would have been a m he would have contained a gasoline so it was a great great job on on everybody right really yeah I mean I'm sure everybody saw the pictures it was a jack knife fuel tanker literally across the entire roadway on a pretty major roadway there so great job by uh has gas in his house and is converted his furnace he's the first very nice great have a nice warm winter so not to worry about the uh the oil tank that got stuck in is it pre premature to share some of the feedback that you've gotten back or with as far as just the task force or anything like that or oh yeah the uh last yesterday I was talking with the chief Parson K and uh I guess the state approached him afterwards after that incident and is looking to create a task force for like catastrophic incidents like that and I think that we should jump on board if needed you know I just I want to see what you guys want to do we have the stockpile of material here if they needed it it's available no it it certainly makes a lot of sense and look you know uh well Jason obviously you're you're on Far Hills Bedminster and uh you have to deal with all those responses but you know here we are at the intersection 287 and 78 and you've got that uh big old Hill as you come down 78 uh you've got the uh the wacky um uh ramps from 287 onto 78 so we we certainly know that there's been um a history of truck incidents whether it's the trucks carrying fuel as a product or it's the fuel tanks themselves um on the trucks uh that present opportunities so uh between R Hills Bedminster 29 and uh DPW you guys are well versed in responding to those types of incidents so um it's great to see uh this time not on a highway but on a small hilly road in Bernardsville um but you know you take the emergency where it comes and um you guys responded and it was great it was um also you know um nice to see great things U about Kevin's response as a Bedminster alone so well done T and that concludes my report mayor thank you thank you commit man Stevenson commit man hickey thank May good evening everybody just a quick reminder from the Board of Health the township is sponsoring a free flu shot clinic this Wednesday from 3: to 6 pm at the firehouse here on Miller Lane no appointment is necessary but you have to be 18 to participate so for of Health just wants to remind everybody get out there and get your flu shot mayor that's all I have uh you want to take uh L Newport since I was not able to make that yes we had L Newport meeting last Thursday was a very quick meeting uh we just approved three resolutions two for the planning board and W for the zoning board the meeting was done in six minutes and which is never the case trust me six minutes yes six minutes that just could be coincidental that it wasn't I was not mention that um and there are no pending hearings uh we may have one having to do with the uh water tower at Hamilton Farms uh the permanent structure to be put place there but all the materials are not in yet so has not done his designation and completeness yet so that may be oned y so unlikely to be October will not be October there will be no possibly November correct correct thank you excuse me is that the corination yes the the permanent structure at at uh yes ham fors yep committee women Mor rescue good evening mayor good evening everybody um we all know Fall Fest is this weekend but so is the journey through um the annual journey through the path done by Somerset County for our local um uh houses like jvh so on Saturday it's 10 to 5 and Sunday is 12: to 4 jbh is hosting the Long Hill String Band uh 12 to two which is going to make it a little tough with um Fall Fest and traffic but we'll do it um we have a cool book signing Michael Gabriel who wrote a book on Colonial taverns of New Jersey will'll be there explaining his uh his Thrills with the the local pubs and signing books um and there'll be tours of the houses as always when we when they're there they get to tour the house um and that's all I have thank you committee women hernandz thank you mayor so yes as everyone mentioned so far a Fest is this Saturday uh October 12th from 1200 to 5 at River Road Park and there's a rain date of Sunday which is my birthday which I'm hoping it is not um activities include in yes 29 again activities include Inflatables Harvest maze petting zoo Pony rise track this train hey rise golf simulator which is kind of cool um pet show Emergency Services demo operating the DPW loader which is a crowd favorite balloon twister face painting and more um there's currently over 208 business and organizations and about 15 sponsors so thank you to our sponsors I will be there in the beverage tents um serving not only our town but also a beverage if you'd like and um Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday October 26th from 10:30 to 12:30 at River Road Park and um their email will be coming out uh looking for people to participate with their vehicles in the coming weeks um the Bryce Rosen Memorial 5K fund run and walk will actually be held prior to the trunk or treat this year with the Run taking place around uh 9900 a.m. I was at a senior night at Bur High School um where Bryce Rosen was honored and they made mention at the game of uh the memorial 5K fund run so hopefully we'll get a big turnout from all you Somerset Hills um and that's all I have for you right now great thank you no problem so uh committee M hickey addressed the lus board uh Farmers Market we uh came within just a few of a thousand this weekend 9929 992 good memor uh so once again just uh we had a great weather great turnout um we actually had two Governors um back the Farmers Market at the same time one was leaving as one was coming in so Governor Kane who is our regular was was there as always um but on on the radio I heard his voice was committ M hickey saying we have two Governors two Governors at the farmers market and yes it was uh Governor Whitman uh stopped in to do a little shopping um with I believe maybe maybe a grandson maybe no someone somebody I don't know um so she was there so it was nice to have two Governors fortunately they were this they didn't uh see each other um that was great um a advisory we will be dealing with a recommendation from the a board regarding a uh easement or hoops that'll be introduced via ordinance so we'll get later this evening we'll be making the introduction of that ordinance to accept an easement on H stick farm and then the other other thing I want to touch upon is really not so much a subcommittee report but just a continuing discussion we've had regarding um Congressional legislation for funding of local assets when requested by the SEC service um so I think appear perious they reported that Congressman Kaine had introduced the let see let's get the name of the bill correctly the credential I'm sorry credential the presidential security resources reimbursement Act of 2024 and this act would authorize the Secret Service to reimburse state and local governments for the use of state and local resources while supporting the protection of presidential candidates once again um Tom Kane Jr introduced this in the House of Representatives um believe that was in early September maybe late August um we've been following up with Senator Booker's office and I'm pleased to announce that um Senator cor Booker has announced that he will introduce the bill at the Senate when the Senate session uh resumes in November U so we've got a statement here from uh Senator Booker uh again from Congressman Kane and they've got a statement for me how this impacts uh Bedminster as the uh the local asset that really uh we get the requests from the Secret Service um for uh Staffing and certainly in light of the two assassination intend um it behooves us to properly respond so thank you again to Senator Booker and to his staff for introducing this very important legislation for us uh for some other uh jurisdictions the expenses may not be that much in the scheme of things but for a small town like Bedminster getting any reimbursement for the expenses of our police our f fire first aid um in addressing the request from the Secret Service is important so once again thank you to um congressman kanaine and to Senator Booker and that's what I have um Miss red the administrator's report uh so we are working on best practices inventory which is due October 25th that's we accumulate points for answering questions a certain way and um that determines our state aid where we shake out on that best practice races inventory we'll tell you the focus this year last last year was lead this year it's affordable housing so a lot of questions 16 questions on affordable housing out of a possible 80 um the repeater shed agreement is on for consideration for this evening this is something we've been working on for quite some time finally have everything in place and um so I'm so happy that's wrapped up and we are in the process of renewing our FCC license for the repeaters just that's down the pike uh Miller Lane Pump Station project um we had a joint stab meeting uh and S utility on September 25th with the engineer um some of the outcomes of that meeting was the bills went out to our partners for the EPA Grant cash match and um the notice to biders for the actual Miller Lane Pump Station projects goes out uh October 11th and the bid specs will be available October uh 13 for all biders to pick up and uh roof project um that's still moving along not as quickly as we would have liked but it's still moving along um fallfest we definitely need adult volunteers to help us staff that day we're looking for help in admissions number one and also in the beverage Tech and um Personnel we are working on filling the CFO position as well as two open positions in DPW and just a couple election reminders that um November 4th is I'm sorry November 4th is the deadline to apply for a vote by mail ballot and um October 26 to November 3rd is inperson early voting and that concludes my report great thank you Chief Bernardo anything on community policing uh yes good evening everybody um we're currently doing an essential needs drive that benefit veterans it's it's uh from today till the 18th um they're looking for brand new items and you can drop them off at town hall or the police department looking for new clothes toiletries toilet paper paper towels tissues Tupperware and hot plates um we're currently looking to set up a date at the library to do um a security presentation and we're having uh the PBA social thing of barbecue for the seniors at in pluckin park um later this month as well um those are all upcoming events uh recently this month we had uh two coffee with a cop events um Detective Taylor he attended a law enforcement meet and greet with the Muslim Community at a mosque in Somerset and officer Rivera attended a Hills Village North condo association meeting to discuss community policing and address any of their needs and that's all I got that's great yeah um I was with as well as Comm woman weesing with officer Rivera up at um the wood duck pond condomini presentation and also coffee with the cop at the farmers market I know know you also did one down in Pottersville um so I think coffee with the cop at the farmers market there's always people there so that was great to see so uh thank you again Chief Bernardo um moving along we have one two three four five six ordinances for introduction we have no ordinances for public hearing so let's start with first ordinance ordinance number 2024 016 this ordinance amends chapter 17 entitled alarm systems in the township amendments or general ordinances if this ordinance is introduced tonight public hearing will be scheduled for October 21 2024 at 7M M Ray what's uh just so we know what is ordinance 2024 016 sure um this ordinance uh will help change our program and bring it to the modern day um currently uh the last time it was actually reviewed was in 2005 but the last time this ordinance has been updated so it's been quite some time um our alarm manager did some digging into the surrounding municipalities just to find out um how often it's conducted current we charge an annual rate of uh $20 for alarm registration and it's an annual program so every January the same people come in and they pay into the program this ordinance proposes that we charge a one- Time registration fee and it's a little bit higher in keeping with surrounding municipalities and then we focus on the alarm um those folks who have um violated the rules as far as imposing penalties which we haven't really been capturing we haven't been paying attention to that so it just frees us up more time saves us some money we're not sending out stickers every year we're not paying for stickers every year which just an overall timekeeper but it has the potential to still self- sustain the program okay thank you motion to introduce ordinance number 202 24016 so moved second all in favor I thank you public hearing will be scheduled for October 21st next ordinance for introduction is ordinance number 2024 018 this authorizes the funding of capital project appropriating 1, $470,000 for the Miller Lane Pump Station project if introduced the public hearing will be scheduled for October 21 M Ray been waiting on this one for a long time yes we really have well we're getting closer and closer since we are going out to bid on the project so we just need to appropriate the funds um the capital funds in order to start paying our person who's going to be prep who's going to be doing the work for us so uh the 1.47 this is for the EPA portion of the grant we already have the 1.47 from the county this is strangely enough the same amount of money 1.47 this is the EPA Grant um and we are there's cash match portion so the remaining balance is 1176 1.76 million so uh for purposes of uh just letting you know this is not a direct expense to bed Ser taxpayers but uh the money is through the uh existing EPA grants and then from the sewer systems that contribute to the Bedminster system right here Middle Lane now we have a motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 018 so second all in favor I thank you public hearing will be scheduled for October 2 next is ordinance number 2024 019 this ordinance authorizes and accepts the donation of a deed of conservation an agricultural easement for hoopsick Farm identified as lot 16 and 18 block 39 located at 1250 lamington road if introduced public hearing will be scheduled for October 21st so I'll I'll give a little little background on this um this is hoopsick Farm I can drive down um lington Road and coming from um Bedminster and heading towards lington this is a farm on the left hand side uh right by the greater Crossroad substation yes uh where CH pnl should be doing some work recently or very shortly the property was owned by um the Dylan family not to be confused with Clarence Dylan the Clarence Dyan Library different Dylan not related um the the woman who was living at that property um died just about a year ago um her daughter Nancy um is the um Soul beneficiary and she lives in Virginia and I guess about um back in February um I was uh asked to give her a call regarding the preservation of that property so I had a series of meetings with Nancy uh Dylan and she came up here um she once again lives in Virginia but was coming up and down to uh coming back and forth uh to take care of her mother to take her property uh they have some tenants in there and talked about um what the property meant um to her parents especially mother and and she said you know she wanted to um honor her mother's wishes in preserving the property uh and not seeing it subdivided I I think we're looking we're looking about a total of 60 62 acres John is that about right yeah I think that's about right I have it in here but I think your recollection is correct I think it's um one property I'm I might be off on these numbers is 48 acres and I think the other is about 15 um and I had suggested to Nancy that consolidate the two with a conservation 64 64 great 64 uh merging a lot into one so you could preserve the properties uh make sure that they are not developed and then uh give some recommendations on uh dealing with New Jersey conservation Foundation as our agricultural um consultant and also working with um some folks in town such as Jim Brady who's gone through similar ements as well as uh Bob Scully we did a a similar eement um a couple of years ago and what's interesting um is that she wasn't looking for any money she wasn't looking to put this into the state or County agricultural program um this is just simply a straight easement running to the benefit of beder Township to keep that property preserved for agricultural purposes so there's still a house on there and there's an area that if someone buys that property they can build or expand upon the existing house um but she was very conscious of how the Easten should be um put together and how the restrictions should apply she was very mindful um of the viewshed so if you next time you go down last you see little science say hoopti Farm you'll see it's a big open area that goes hundreds of yards back that area is not to be built upon so if someone were to buy that property and she will put the house on the market or the property on the market eventually um the opportunities to build structures both a house or a barn or um riding area would be in the back of the property so not to um disturb the viewshed from lamington so I want to give tremendous um thanks to Nancy Dylan uh we'll talk about this when we do it a public hearing um but you know it was very nice it's very nice to deal with and um and very nice to see her honor her mother's Wishes the preservation of the property that's all I have um I'll take a motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 019 so moved second all in favor public hearing for the ordinance will be scheduled for October 21 next is ordinance 2024 020 this ordinance amend the teip fee schedule for one year and threeyear dog licenses and oneyear Cat licenses if introduced the public hearing will be scheduled for October 21 M Ray dogs and cats dogs and cats in one ordinance dos and cats not involving eating a separate license you set me up on that line there he's here Mondays and Fridays so we have like a lot of our ordinances we're just trying to do some clean up we haven't looked at um haven't updated this ordinance since 2011 our fees are just um not what the market is and our cost for animal control is just absolutely through the roof so we're just trying to do a balance um we took a look at all the municipalities in Somerset County and a couple of our neighbors experience Chester Township just to kind of come up with where everybody is and um we're just making a recommendation to increase the fees from um currently for uh $12 to17 $5 increase um for a dog that's um uh that's not been altered $15 to $20 cats from uh 12 to um I got to look at the where these whatever it is there it's roughly a $5 increase of across the board is what we're doing and $10 for a three years license sorry thank you take a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 020 second okay I'm gonna do a roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson this gets a roll call yeah I'm supposed to do a roll call I had it down as a all in favor so I'm sorry so um Mr Stevenson Mr hi I miss moresi I miss Fernandez I and mayor Jacobs I thank you thank you the public hearing will be scheduled for a October 21st next ordinance 2024 021 this ordinance authorizes the funding of the 2023 Capal project for the repaving and reconstruction of Union Grove Lisk Hill daily and Long View roads M Ray what do we got here okay mayor this appropriates um funding from our U Capital ordinance we received a grant from the Department of Transportation so there's no taxpayer dollars impct impacted here for $286,500 from the do and we are appropriating an additional 33,40 from our Capital Improvement fund from the pavement management plan that we had budgeted um for Capital Improvements Mr R just quick question under section two it makes reference to um The clucas Brook Road neighborhood improvements was that just is that am so sorry thato in that that's just a typo that was carryover from the previous yes it is that is definitely a typo my apologies and that should be the that should be Union Grove Lisk Hill daily and long Road Improvement project so just to be clear that um the the money is coming from a DOT Grant correct and these roads connect um to to Chester out there and also Parks which made it much more attractive to the do corre that's right so I'll take a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 021 second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moraski hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you and the public hearing for this ordinance will be scheduled for October 21 next ordinance 2024 022 this ordinance authorizes the purchase by bford Township for $490,000 or let's see or Jorge Vera and Carrie Brennan Trustees of the Oaks developers 1K plan for property identified as Lots 14 and 15 in Block 57 located at 255 and 261 Route 202 206 in Bedminster I'll give a little little bit of background um I think as you've heard from just about everyone on Township committee that um for couple years now we've been saying with one voice that PL in needs a little kick in the pants um and for last several years um I've been having meetings along with committee man hickey from the Landes board with the owners of the commercial properties in pluck in on 202 206 in that little one block long one block portal and over the years we've heard different suggestions about ways to um Revitalize that block right it's right the retail the office there is a little more Bund and uh what could be done well at the last meeting we had with uh the property owners um a recommendation was put forth for you know you've got those got those empty properties not that empty lots that was the property um the two properties that the town adopted in ordinance uh for M for maintenance um really two just dilapidated buildings um and eventually the property owner um took those buildings down and we've had two vacant Lots next to each other in PL in and you know our zoning office has been after them to make sure that the property is maintained it's been on the market off and on um and at this meeting with the um plugman business owners um someone said you know anything you can do to revitalize that property you know maybe put in a put it in a park put it in a park there some sort of area where the public could gather recreate you know have some sort of convening right there and um I left left the meeting minut hickey and I walked down um looked at the property looked at its proximity to uh the crosswalk right by um plugman Presbyterian and plugman Senior Housing and we saw a lot of people walking on the east side of Route 20 20 202 206 on the sidewalks but really there's really not very much action on the other side there's really no reason there was no draw onto that property and the more we talked about it the more you know kind of makes sense put in a pocket we've been talking about um the property owners right that PL needs a kick in the pants right just that whole area needs something uh well this is something that we could do provide a new recreation facility in that area um perhaps with a pavilion um for folks to gather kind of made sense um we discussed it in executive session about making um making an offer to M hickey um engaged with brokers commit hicke what should I say committeeman Stevenson that on that guy Doug engaged with the broker um negotiated and came up with an offer um we made sure that the offer was consistent with uh fair market value we believe it is and um drove a hard bargain below the listing price came in well below the listing price good job Doug I didn't I didn't have any saying listing price and um attorney Bardo put together an agreement um ran by Doug and I and that agreement is the subject of the ordinance tonight and been signed by the sellers and approve it's already signed by the sellers so they've already signed off on it um so the ordinance would certainly authorize um the township to proceed with the transaction and personally my concept is that um if we do proceed and tent committee so authorizes the contract that we'd be looking at having um HPC sort preservation and the recreation committees um get together along with our ipal engineer um gpw and um and maybe some of the property owners in pman to bounce around some ideas uh the property is um you know is in a historic uh neighborhood or historic Corridor where Washington made his right turn after battles of uh Trenton and Princeton and came up north on his way to uh the Middlebrook encampment in um in Bridgewater and other encampments up in marown um so it certainly has some historic background and um those are my thoughts on moving forward with this uh project also by having this as a pocket park um you know we collect fees under our Open Space Program uh from the residents of Bedminster and uh often times the open space goes to purchase agricultural easements conservation easements well tonight we're getting one conservation easement for free and this would be a recreation facility certainly within the um context of um the open space u ordinance that we have in place and so once again um this is something that the taxpayers already paid for with the open space fee with that I'll take a motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 022 so moved okay roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you public hearing for this ordinance will be scheduled for October 21 2024 and um if we do proceed and get closing Jason chop down those weeds and clean up that site be very nice for um people that all the delies that are over there have a little pick up your bagel y yep go across the street or your poppy whatever it's going to be we have let's see no public hearings for ordinances we have one two three four five items on the consent agenda these are items of the routine nature uh if any member of the chip committee wants to PLL one or any of them all for individual consideration you can do so seeing none I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda move second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickley hi Miss moresi hi M Fernandez hi and May gav I thank you we have three resolutions for individual consideration first resolution is resolution 2024 128 this resolution amends resolution 20247 and authorizes additional funding for professional tax appeal Services M Ray what do we got here uh well we had a lot of tax appeals this year and we actually uh budgeted uh in our Professional Services contract at the beginning of the year for 15,000 but we need an additional 14 for a total of 29 this year year 29,000 okay and we've got um we're adequately uh funded we can we can afford this we are adequately funded okay thank you uh any other questions or comments regarding that resolution seeing none take a motion to approve is that Gina no Gina's first I'll do okay thank you roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi mayor Jacobs thank you next is resolution number 2024 130 this authorizes the execution of a telecommunications site leas agreement between Township of Bedminster and New Jersey American Water Company Miss Ray or Jason which which one of you wants this one Robin okay um the repeater shed which is um uh Pig mountain and off of what's the name of the road there Stage Coach Mount Prospect I was think it goes into Stage Coach so it um this is for the repeater shed which we um currently entered into agreement back in 2009 and um it expired in 2019 so we are renewing the agreement um with some proper Insurance language more up to date and um that's what it is and I'm actually listed on here the different municipalities that receive support from the repeater shed it was originally put in for the to uh for the police but now we also use it by DPW and our Emergency Services as well as emergency services for Pac Gladstone and um Tisbury so do we need them uh do we other municipalities to sign off on this or we already have their buying so we don't have a shared services agreement in place um for this and so we are the lead they will not do it with multiple towns they'll just do it with us so we're going to have to create a shared service in order to manage this we have a budget line right now that bedminister bears the expense but this is just another one of those little things that we're trying to stop the bleeding and share in the expenses with our partners okay any further questions or comments regarding the resolution or the lease agreements seeing none take a motion to approve resolution number 2024 130 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moresi hi M Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you so Robin I don't have resolution 2024 131 yes you don't have it in your in your book no anyone else have in your binders well I can share so this actually um is something that we started doing a couple years ago it appoints um three new members to the Far Hills bister fire department and so this way they can be entered into the uh State Firs fund for uh benefits we just do this at a Township committee meeting um which is requir and by the state fund and the three new members are Andrew O Joel Pena and one Carlos Mourinho Salazar correct that's awesome for uh committee woman rki and committee woman Fernandez to just look over to that's great there's no question questions or comments may we have a motion to approve resolution 2020 4131 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss morki hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you and may have a motion to approve the bill list pending review of individual invoices so move second roll call vote again Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moresi hi M Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi Thank you new business any Township Committee Member have anything they want to put on for discussion under new business is that could plenty in your mouth you want to wait I would say did you all enough for everyone but he did hey you know thank you committee Ben Stevenson old business so we had a you know we had our Jon pnl discussion Comm hickey I reached out to Bob Flynn and he indicated there's nothing new to report following our meeting from last month but he will keep us posted there's a bunch of work going on obviously as they indicated at the greater Crossroad substation which you alluded to before and once that work is completed he will let us know so that should be within the next month or so so the first is uh the greater Crossroads which is underway those repairs to the lines from the substation not necessarily at the substation correct yes um and then following what's already been approved and budgeted and allocated from jcpnl is the improvements to the PAC line as well action follow correct sequentially right okay um Alti New Jersey American uh no updates on Alti I did want to mention New Jersey American Water um Jason Robin and I have been working on our contacts and relationships there just to make sure that we all know who's doing what and it actually worked quite well this weekend because we had a resident who had an emergency they couldn't shut the water off in their unit because the valve had gone bad so we were able to reach out to Mike ly from New Jersey American Water who was super helpful got somebody out there immediately to help the resident and prevent further disaster so that's a that's a position you don't want to be in when you when you can't shut the water off so uh just all good and a payoff from from the meeting we had with those folks a couple months ago I think everybody understands their roles and responsibilities and we're getting stuff done it's been very helpful yep super and that's all I have there okay uh next item under old business is puckman Park Senior Housing committee Stevenson and attorney Flor so Robin did we circulate The Proposal um well no I didn't circulate to the full Committee just the two of you okay we're going to circulate then to you the full proposal ask you to take a look at it and then we can huddle back up but there's really nothing to talk about at this point we need to take a look to what's what's on the table okay Somerset Hills Public Safety Committee so uh I did have a I think I report of this at our last meeting um did have some discussions regarding um all what the towns are doing um I also raised the issue about the marijuana vending machines and uh and since then I've sent a couple emails out to the New Jersey cannabis Regulatory Commission regarding those marijuana vending machines and particularly the one that was uh uh for a very short time located at the Exxon in Bedminster 202 206 [Music] um I asked Robin to follow up because my email just sort of went out into the internet with da response um despite it going to the um New Jersey cannabis Regulatory Commission um email address and Robin did did was able to get a response back and and we did get a response and um it was not really clear to me um what the Cannabis regulatory commission's position was uh they said clearly that was um not a legitimate dispensary nor would it have ever been um allowed to be a licensed dispensary and and that was pretty much it so that was that was the first answer um I said a response back and asked um Robin again to follow up because it was just you know this raises an issue beyond that one particular incident but elsewhere in Bedminster and where across the state um and regardless of your position um you love dispensaries you want to see more of them you want to see them in Bedminster you hate dispensaries you don't want to see them anywhere I think it really raises sort of a fundamental question uh the folks who do get licensed dispensaries they go through a hell of an effort to get those licenses both effort and expense and if some company is coming in and just dropping off vending machines boom boom boom boom boom without going through the process well if you spent you know hundreds of thousands of dollars or more to get your retail dispensary and there's someone just dropping off um vending machines um without going through it um yeah I I would think um you know think the state would want to take a little bit more than just making this a local zoning which was the immediate response we got the first time um so the canvas Regulatory Commission is waiting on a response from the Attorney General's office um they've acknowledged that this is a problem um I'm pleased to say that we were the first municipality to actually ask the CRC about this and since then as as Robin had a discussion with someone uh down there they said other municipalities have voiced concerns as well um so certainly from the somerset Hills Public Safety Committee uh and and from Bedminster we're pushing this issue um and I'll continue to update you um as this um evolves through the state and through um the Public Safety Committee and Robin we have a public safety Somerset Hills Public Safety Committee meeting Thursday Thursday um chap do um any update on the alprs sure we do James want to give the mayor an update on the Block cameras yes up here yes and just so the audience knows uh this is James trero who is our what's your official title assistant Treasurer assistant Treasurer you thank you James yes of well block cameras are that you bought on the national Co-op at a discount from the rates you would typically buy the app and we put a notice in the paper U for that purchase and there'll be a resolution in the next c meeting October 21st and then the order will be placed based ons so how many um how many cameras are we looking at five five cameras and chief Bernardo if you could unmute um you've already identified uh the locations for those five installations uh yes we have okay and you have all the appropriate um guess rights from whatever Property Owners you need to uh to put that in place and also those locations have been um de conflicted I think that's the right term through the uh through the County prosecutor's office uh not yet Mary County the ones on the county roads the uh vendor is going to get the permissions once the contract is uh executed um three of this three of the locations are on private property we've secured two agreements and I have a meeting with the um pills Master Association at the end of the month to explain to them what the cameras are to secure uh those permissions so that's in the works great and if you need any assistance with hills Master I'd recommend committee woman moresi um you did you you served on the Hills Master at some point uh on cresmont on cresmont and also um who's current is um Dawn still the she's still president no um Lisa Robinson oh Lisa up hills all right that's great so once again Chief if you need any assistance um I'd recommend committee women and meski uh but that sounds great so do we know what the timing is from approval and execution of the agreement to actual install subject to the property owners and the county so in other words when are we getting them maybe not the V when are they showing up we get uh the vendor says six to eight weeks is uh standard but they've seen it um earlier so I would say six day weeks okay great great great great okay good well thank you both James and chief thank you um Robin we do not have an executive session on tonight do we that's correct we do not okay we will go through T committee comments and then we will adjourn for the evening committee M Stevenson thank you mayor just want to encourage everybody to get out there for Fall Fest I know a lot of work's gone into it and uh it is truly a special day it's where we all come together so let's uh hope Mother Nature complies we get great weather and let's get out there and celebrate Bedminster thank you committee man hickey what he said hope to see everybody out there thank you mayor committee woman mesy and attend fallfest and then you can always run down to jvh to see what's going on down there it's right therey woman Fernandez yes I'll see everyone on Saturday um all us stop by say hello well we will have great weather for Fall Fest we will awesome it's gon to happen with that at 7:59 take a motion to adjourn for the evening so moved second all in favor I I thank you and good night night miss it were you here for public comment