##VIDEO ID:gvioH1TIGtc## good evening welcome to the bed Township committee this is our regularly scheduled September meeting we're here on Tuesday because of Labor Day holiday we have full compliment of Township committee here in person committee Stevenson committeeman picky committee woman moresi and committee woman Fernandez M Ray may we please have the open public meeting act statement yes mayor adequate notice of this meeting of the township committee was sent to The Courier News Somerville Burnville news whiy and to all subscribers and post at the Township Municipal Building on January 5th 2024 thank you please join me in standing for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stand one nation under God indivisible so unlock our last meeting um hopefully there's not a mad rush for the uh microphone but this is the time of the meeting that we open up the microphone and elect R up there for public comment any member of the public wishing to make a comment now is your opportunity Mr chrisy you're already standing and you're already walking towards the microphone so I assume I you have a comment to make yes please and uh just uh name and Street Jim Christie Fairview Drive Bedminster good evening everyone good evening good evening as you all know I've been a me I've been a resident of Bedminster for over 30 years at the August 19th meeting I sat in the back and listened to the differing viewpoints expressed regarding the clucas brook parking ordinance I want to thank you the township committee for looking out for the residents of Bedminster I'm angry at the behavior of the other objectors who don't live here who were disrespectful of our governing body and our residents there were insults outright threats and derogatory remarks from both the podium here and from the audience furthermore when two Bedminster residents whose lives have been continuously disrupted by this group politely voiced their support of the ordinance they were interrupted threatened and insulted by the objectors I even heard one out of town objector talking to a resident one of the uh residents who supported this and lives has lived here most of his life and said well if you don't like what we're doing just move I apologize to those two residents who spoke out and were heckled because I wished I'd come up here and spoke in support support of them and support of you but I was just too angry to say anything at that point this ordinance does not take away anyone's First Amendment right to peacefully assemble and demonstrate their views for the past eight years we residents who live near the corner have had our rights to a peaceful weekend taken away many times by bluring car horn and truck horns loudspeakers shouts and taunts this in the idiotic sign that are displayed just discust me as a Bedminster resident as an American citizen and as a republican we residents have grumbled about amongst ourselves about the noise and traffic for the past eight years and we hope these people just simply go away people are free to peacefully Express their views but the actions by members of this group demonstrate they will not be peaceful we had a pleasant we had a pleasant existence before this nonsense started years ago we want it back again I thank you for the township committee for adopting this ordinance and I totally support your decision thank you very much thank you Jim thank you microphone is still available for public comment any other uh members of the public Mr Roden once again name and Street please Michael Rhoden Spencer Lane puckman um I'm happy to see there aren't any minions here tonight that was quite the show last week uh one of the things that you might have missed I left uh before everyone else did uh there's guy out there with his lights blaring and you know it was so immature uh I I don't know I do expect we'll see them again when they apply for special use permit to park for one protest day or something uh so you know I don't believe it's over at this point speaking of which the uh the parking on clarus Brook Road uh I have a tendency and an enjoyable habit of riding down U copperway Road it's a lot of fun I get perfect views of the Hills uh the the Presbyterian church and things like that but what I have noticed recently are these uh emergency um what's the state statute 39.4 D1 197.4 no stopping parking or standing on copper W Road I can bring you a picture of it my concern about about that particular sign uh being that it's pretty old uh when I looked up the uh the statute I came across that it was a special traffic regulation not to be an excess of three months from effective date and that it needed to be a resolution pass I went back through Township's resolutions for the past three months this year actually resolution or ordinance I could not find one in regard to that parking regulation uh I mean yeah it's kind of an interesting place I'm I'm surprised that you know they they uh that the protesters don't want to be closer to their fearless leader parking over there I understand that's probably why it was originally done but you know is it actually effective right now if there is no thre Monon ordinance or resolution that put it into effect but that's not the reason I'm here tonight I'm here tonight because of the Kelly Bill back in 1991 there was very active committee meetings uh Kelly bill was up that point uh the current committee at that time was totally against the Kelly Bill wanted nothing to do with it just kept on coming up with excuses there were candidates running that were for the township reimbursing on the Kelly bill they got elected and that changed and Kelly bill was done something within the town um back then in 1991 it was rather interesting public comments were only at the end of a committee meeting so we all had to sit there they had to do all their work first eventually they decided they didn't want us sitting there till 11:00 watching them work and they decided that they were going to offer public comments in the beginning of the meeting and they still had it at the end of the meeting I really enjoyed just waiting till the end for public comments back then because then you know things were freshing your mind that discussions that the committee had that you could make your comments on so the new Committee in about October 93 passed the a uh ordinance that was going to re that reimburse the uh all the private um neighborhoods in the hills for hydrants and lighting so realistically page two the Kelly Bill said that there shall reimburse qualified private communities for removal snow ice lighting of roads and collection of leaves and recycled materials the agreement that was done covered lighting this as this is the first 10year commitment and what they did they covered Lighting on a bulk rate expense they took uh the wattage they took the ballast and then they took the lowest rate that after 300 kilowatts that you could pay and they use that as the reimburse rate so what Kelly Bill had said was that qualified property communities could be reimbursed to amount not to exceed the cost that would be incurred by municipality providing those Services again like I said the the the town opted to go with the the lowest rate possible to reimburse so the reason I bring this up is there's resolution 2024-25 that was uh done this year and it talks about this agreement that was done in 93 and it was again 10 years in 2004 and 2013 and came up for a 10-year review this year in 23 actually at the end of 23 for 24 and you passed a resolution that did a one-year continuation of what the existing um payments were Township decided uh whereas in this resolution the township desires to conduct a lighting survey with GPS mapping of the associations to determine actual cost and reimbursements of the said associations so you're counting lamps you're deciding whether they're LED or H or High Press sodium checking wattages I understand hopefully in checking the wattages you determine lumination also because I've had heard complaints from people that have live in neighborhoods where they changed the bulbs out and now they've got more light coming in through their Windows than they had before and in this resolution there is an exhibit a which lists the direct payment agreements for the term of January 1st 24 to December 31st 24 lists all the associations but doesn't list the hills Highland Master Association there is no association for Autumn Hill for Autumn Ridge or Gate House the reason I bring this up is that those roads are public roads in the Hills Highlands there are one two three four five six seven different public roads that the township has taken control over that they're listed in well let's go for brush collection would you care to see that okay so why what how do how do the lights get paid for on these roads Gate House Road Autumn Ridge Road Smoke Rise Road in Lane R Drive Sergeant David Sergeant star court and Stafford Lane how how do they get paid don't know I mean if there's no list on here for the highlands Master Association and those those driveways aren't listed and the town is maintaining those roads and maintaining those Street lamps who pays the bill I don't know but we want to know what those bills are there are five meters up there for those lights they will give you accurate costs on what it cost for meter it's the meter it's the usage it's the time there there there's on on D Mr can you can you actually Express what your comment is and if there's a question if you could phrase it because you're actually you're losing this I'm trying to figure out where you're going with your comment where I'm going at is you're reviewing these things and you need to take proper consideration into the electrical respon the electrical costs you you need to for what it would cost the town is what the papers is what the Kelly bill says and if the town was paying these meters up on these private roads or they're hiding it somehow by paying someone else you know in that the the information I have here says that these roads are not covered under the Kelly belt so I I don't know how the Electric's getting paid I I I've tried to inquire about that I've gotten nowhere non non-responsive uh or non-responsible whatever it is and what I'm getting at tell Mr rhen we'll I'll ask we'll ask our DPW to find out who's responsible for those and we'll get that information directed to and when you put that information together and it may or may not be within the Kelly Bill may or may not be within the agreements with the associations so you're asking well I'm making a fair amount of presumptions so we'll look into that and we'll get that answer back to you well what I'm asking is that the engineer take this information into consideration because it is the actual cost that the township is paying for Street Lighting on those roads up in the highlands those are actually cost those are not those are not costs that are calulated there energy spend to light and and you have meter cost and you you have a neighborhood you know 27 lights ain't one meter running 27 lights Jason do you understand Mr rhoden's the 2s aren't run by by our DPW director understands what you're looking for we'll work with him we'll get that information back and to the engineer I would hoping that you take that information yourself personally and that you know all comes down to the mayor's in charge and that you personally discuss with the engineer whether you want to lowball the re reimbursement or whether you want to pay the actual cost that the township would pay on these roads up in the hills that that's that's where I'm going okay Mr rhen had your opportunity for public comment thank you very much any other member of the public wishing to make a comment as your opportunity if you are participating via Zoom bring your cursor down to the bottom on reactions click on raise hand and M Ray will put you into queue Rob I am not seeing anybody raising their hand there okay thank you question so I just do want to follow up with Mr Christie's comment I think uh we articulated this at the meeting and certainly in some uh responses with the Press um I am extremely proud of the behavior of the township committee commend the reactions of committeeman Stevenson particularly may even more so I'm proud of the two Bedminster residents who got up here gave their name gave their address didn't give any fake names or fake addresses and made their statements in the face of aggression and intimidation so special thank you uh to those residents who came out and special recognition for the um we want to say bravery for showing up yes yeah so thank you and thank you for uh that support of those residents so thank you we do have one set of meeting minutes to approve that's the august 19 2024 Township committee meeting any comments regarding those minutes have not otherwise been provided to M Ray none take motion to approve those minutes so moved second all in favor I I thank you two let's see one permit one raffle social Fair permit for Expect Miracles Foundation Inc on September 30 2024 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at fitler H country CL and an on premise merchandise raffle to benefit Midland school on September 2024 2024 um September 30 2024 at 9:00 a. to 6:30 p.m. at Hamilton Farm Golf Club the ACC questions regarding that permit and apple seeing none take a motion to approve so move second all in favor I I monthly report discussion by committee chair committeeman Stevenson thank you mayor good evening everybody uh just only update I've got is DPW um Can report that U with the rain we've been getting we can we're back mowing the Lawns mowing the grass again um again the new mowers that we invested in this year is we're seeing uh return on that investment we're able to get the mode the grass mode with L day so kudos to Jason and his crew uh we've got mulch ready for pickup for residents uh and uh also for delivery Jason yep we so we can deliver as well so if you're interested in mulch please get in touch with DPW we uh also had some complaints about the condition of some of the dirt roads we applied brine to uh those roads to Bo dust control so hopefully we'll monitor that it's just been so dry Hopefully the rain to will help um preparing for Fall Fest that's coming up I'm sure that we'll hear more about about that later uh we got the posts also installed on clucas Brook um and we're just waiting for the signs to come in about no parking uh gas line out on Old Stonehouse not uh yet completed but should be done shortly the gas project here in town hall um it's going to require a bit of an extension um that was so big gas project gas yeah gas I just want to make sure I got the that's big ass project no big gas project not the big dig yeah I lost my Shain uh let's see oh uh we're also be on the look out for Road repairs on steeple chase as we our manholes are now starting to pop up on asphalt I don't know how that that would explain those yeah that's my report from DPW all right thank you commit hick thank you mayor good evening all just a quick update Board of Health we actually have a member of the Board of Health in the audience tonight just want to remind everybody they are sponsoring an education program on Wednesday October 23rd in person at the Clarence Dylan Public Library from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the topic is healthy eating and meal planning registration is open the cost is $10 a person and more information available on the website mayor that's all I have Vinnie just got a look healthy eating healthy he's he's going to leave the show okay good good committee women morest thank you may hey everybody um I don't have anything from my meetings tomorrow I have an EC meeting here at 7 um but I did get a chance on Monday to uh walk down the hiking bike and there was some fencing that's in a little bit of a state of disrepair so I shot some pictures over to Jason and uh they'll take care of that just for some maintenance and that's all I have okay committee woman Fernandez thank you mayor I just have a quick wck update for you um the fall soccer programs are uh starting just next week and they have H fall soccer fall multisports and then some after school programs which include cooking Lego engineering and after school hipop for great K4 uh Fall Fest preparations underway it will be held on October 12th from 12:00 to 5:00 at River Road Park the rain day is October 13th so we have a rain day uh activities include Inflatables Harvest maze petting zoo pony rides trackless train hay rides golf simulator trailer pet show Emergency Services demo operating the DPW loader which is a huge crowd pleaser balloon twister face painting and more adult beverage adult beverage section yeah there's definitely an adult beverage SE um Trunk or Treat will be held on Saturday October 26th from 10:30 to 12 30 at raiv Road Park and this year uh the Bryce Rosen Memorial 5K will be held on Saturday October 26 before the trunk Retreat as opposed to before Fall Fest and check-in will be held at River Road Park beginning at 8:30 great that's all thank you uh there's no lus board meeting this week and I don't know that we're going to have one in September correct yeah it doesn't selling right doesn't sell if there's any applications pending um Farmers Market uh what was her number 1126 1126 on um Saturday so just once again we're breaking thousand uh getting folks out there just great to see every coming out there just uh great opportunity for public Community participation engagement um fantastic so great to see we'll see what uh weather's a little iffy for this weekend but um we'll see keep it going um so right there's no Library board meeting to report on either we do have an A advisory meeting coming up that's next week uh so we'll be able to rep on that at our following TC meeting and uh there's a couple things I do want to mention little outside our normal subcommittee reports um so I've talked about this before about looking at pluck in uh last year uh Colin and I uh convened some of the property and business owners in pluck Min uh we did I think two separate tours of uh plugman of the 202 Corridor going down on to um Burt Mills a little bit onto Washington Valley and just seeing if there's anything that can be done certainly to hear from the business owners themselves and the property owners about what they would like to see what could help um spur whether it's it's beautification or improvements or revitalization of those commercial uh properties and we got some ideas from last year and we reconvened I guess that was what um three weeks ago two two weeks ago two weeks ago yeah so we reconvened again um with our uh our town engineer Our Town planner our municipal traffic engineer Rob Ray col I attended as well and met at the church along with the business owners and Property Owners we talked around different ideas and there was any more details that may have developed over um our meeting from the prior year and and some ideas were thrown out um branding so that when you enter plugman that you you're in someplace different right so that that long block has some recognition uh it could be you know similar what You' see welcome to plugman or historic plugman something like that perhaps down at Somerset Hill shopping center uh maybe with another sign as you come uh South uh by the Kings or certainly in that area uh another idea was um having some sort of consistency in lighting and traffic poles and um there were some other Landscaping Concepts that were thrown out as well so we're going to have ruminate a little bit on these different ideas um but I just want to say that it's you know once again that the engagement from the property owners who participated we extended it to just about everyone who owns commercial property um in that area um was great was fantastic and I want to give a special thanks to the folks from Somerset Hill shopping center um Mark Milo who owns I guess one building smaller building in plugman uh the folks who bought the former for Banker site uh wer was there they own the what used to be the wer realy sign um I did get some feedback from the owners of the pucky and you know I don't know we had oh and the Church of course we had the church there which is probably one of the U biggest land owners and certainly a notable problem so looking at how we can um facilitate better movement North and South uh p on really talking about pedestrians and also um a better movement across the road right and what we can do if there's anything that we should be doing for a land use perspective or zoning perspective to encourage some of these improvements and if there's any planning grants or anything that we can do um to further those improvements it is interesting walk around there there's some buildings that frankly um completely overgrown not for sale not in rear with taxes but just completely overgrown doesn't look like anyone's um in there and well how does what are these Property Owners um doing so you know Robin has a little bit of homework uh from that meeting and to uh you know there may be some door knocking uh to get to those folks um because we want to hear from them what their plans are long term and once again we do have um and we want to make sure that the vision for pluck in um that the property owner ERS and business owners have is consistent and that we can help them to the extent possible so once again want to thank everyone who participated in that tour and um we certainly will be convening again the other thing I want to mention once again off topic of subcommittee chair is um you may have seen that uh there were some news articles about providing additional funds for the expenses incurred by Bedminster at the request of the Secret Service so when President Trump is in town and the Secret Service makes a request um that request first goes to suers County prosecutor's office Su County prosecutor's office calls up the chief and says that there's a request for certain assets I don't know what those assets are may be equipment it may be uh Manpower it may be both uh certainly that that request also comes in and is born primarily by the suet County prosecutor's office um the request does not come in from the Trump organization does not come in from the Trump campaign that request comes in from the federal government and certainly after uh the event in Butler Pennsylvania on July 13th the assassination attent um there's been discussion about whether the Secret Service is adequately staffed adequately funded and to some extent from July 13th on um the requests have come in from the Secret Service for additional support when President Trump was president and acting in presidential capacity the property was afforded presidential home status and therefore there was a reimbursement process in place so when the Secret Service made certain requests Municipal County and state there was a process for tracking and submitting reimbursement for expenses as a candidate there is no process for reimbursement you can ask but there's no statute toily mandated process for getting the reimbursement so um since those requests have been coming in to the Chief and the chief has been letting me know that these requests have been coming in so the question that I pose back to um uh Congressman Kane was is there a process to help assure that we get paid and um Congressman Kane wrote letters to the state um Department of Homeland Security the state uh NJ DHS as well or I guess it's os office of Homeland Security uh and also reached out to the Department of federal department Homeland Security which um includes the Secret Service as well as FEMA and um the FEMA Federal DHS said yep no guarantees great ah but you know we send a lot of money to the state so maybe the state maybe you guys ought to talk to the state so Congress Kane wrote a very uh detailed letter to State DHS um at the same time I was reaching out to our uh liazon at the governor's office uh reaching out to um the County Commissioners because once again the County Prosecutors offices bearing um fair amount of these expenses and also to uh the delegates from our legislative district uh Senator steinhardt um assemblyman Deo assem Peterson and you know the good news is between whether it's from the governor's office or from sua County or our legislative uh delegates um and Congressman Kan we all have support everyone says yep state of New Jersey to the extent that the state of New Jersey incurs expenses to the extent that Somerset County um incurs expenses and to the extent that Bedminster Township incurs expenses at the direct action or request of the Secret Service that there should be a program set up for reimbursement of all those responding agencies Congressman Kaine has introduced legislation um at the federal level uh to set up a program for reimbursement of all the local resources once again municipality County and state and we had a meeting here uh once again with Representatives um from the county uh from uh the state of New Jersey our govern or liaison with governor's office um we had representative from Senator Booker's office a request went out to acting Senator hel me um Congressman Kane was here uh steinhardt and um State Police representatives and County representatives and afterwards um Senator steinhardt and Congressman Kane held a little press conference out there and was able to participate um so I certainly want to thank everyone who work together uh from within Bedminster uh we were also represented by uh Chief Bernardo Lieutenant PLO from the Police Department chief brienza and president Ron Kennedy from uh the fire department and um president seagull and Captain yang from um State we also had representatives from the state police here who talked about their involvement um the prosecutor Somers County prosecutor and his assistant were here they talked about their participation and to the extent that um you know we're sharing in these expenses we are we're that we're a fraction of what the county and uh the state resources are being um uh administered at the request of the secet service um but we were the ones to ask so I think there was a perception um that there was this was the similar process that you would just track your expenses and submit it to uh ghs and you get reimbursed well that's not the case unless Congressman K's legislation goes through um it has bipartison support certainly uh within the New Jersey delegation uh from Senator Booker's office and acting Senator hel as indicated support as well so we're hoping that there's additional support throughout the Congress and that comes in and that um for the next however many more months it's going to be or weeks that request comes comes in that the chief feels confident in properly responding to those requests once again uh there's a number of security issues at stake so I don't know the details I don't want to know the details I don't know what the details of County or the details of the State Police and actually to some extent it goes back to actually what those expenses are um may have some round ideas but um don't want to give anything that's uh that we reverse engineered to figure out just exactly what our particip ation is on security elements um so once again just want to thank everyone who uh work together and convened um and continue to push that through uh and get Bedminster reimbursed for our small portion of participation at the request of Secret Service M Ray may we please have the administrators record yes mayor um we spent the last couple weeks uh really focusing our efforts on the town hall roof project holding several team meetings to kind of keep that on track and get that moving um as well as fallfest planning meetings and also the Miller Lane Pump Station uh project team meetings internally and then also with the EPA uh coming up at the end of September we have a Joint Sewer utility and stab meeting that's coming up Peter black our engineer from um duberry will be here to go over the project give us a status update um the documentation has been for the grant has been submitted to the EPA for review now we're just waiting for them to give us a thumbs up on um the alternative purchase to bamerican um requirements uh on the pumps and let's see um we also had a special land use Communications meeting between construction fire engineering and Zoning I just need to get everybody on the same page um because we have a lot of projects that cross over and U so we're kind of we're going to plan on meeting once a month just to kind of keep the communications rolling um of course the lman streets skate meeting and um the meeting with the senator steinhardt here on the 29th as well as uh James is looking into credit card processing for Fall Fest so it looks like we've got that buttoned up um to be able to accept a credit card Admissions and the beer T great good and that concludes my report tying right back into commitment Stevenson's earlier comment about adult beverages make sure everybody's happy right full circle Chief any updates on community policing I know uh we I think at our last meeting we briefly talked about uh National Night Out yes we have two uh coffee with a cop events this month uh the first one's on September 14th at the Black River Deli in poville uh from 800 to 10: a. then we're going to be having another one on September 28th at the Farmers Market at 9: a.m great thanks great thank you we have no ordinances to introduce tonight we have no public hearing of ordinances we do have one two three four five six seven items on the consent agenda these are items of a routine nature any Township Committee Member may pull anyone or all of them off for individual consideration seeing none take a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacob hi thank you we do one resolution for individual consideration that resolution is 2024 1113 authorizes designation of a qualified purchasing agent qpa and this maintains Bedminster Township's maximum bid threshold of $44,000 Miss red yes well as you know when we hired James trero our assistant Treasurer um we were also looking for a qpa we appointed him at the acting qpa which we can do um he had taken all the classes he just needed to sit for the exam um so I'm please to report that James passed his exam so he officially is our qpa and so now he has another distinction behind his name of State credentials and uh so we're very happy for him and um as we promised there would be a salary increase associated with that which we had planned for and was part of this employment uh package okay any further questions or comments regarding that resolution saying none take a motion to approve move second in we call vote Please Mr Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi congratulations James and thank you take a motion to approve the bill list pending review of individual invoices so moved second okay we call again Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moraski hi M Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you any member any member of the township committee have an item for new business so none will proceed to Old business do improvements Route 206 and lington Road crosswalk so U I did get a response from Meredith Hammond uh regarding extending The Pedestrian cross from lamington to towards the library and she said it was implemented last week and I haven't tested it out um but she said that it was it was performed um so Robin with that I'm ready to take item a off of business okay yeah all right that's one took a while you know state government moves a little uh little more slowly than municipal government but you got a time yay utilities we we won't be taking that off anytime [Laughter] soon like me yeah no I'll I'll give an updates let's start with jcpnl our favorite topic we had an outage beginning on the morning of Monday August 26 that lasted several hours over 1500 customers were impacted in bedm Far Hills and Pac Gladstone this time it was the ever elusive squirrel who managed to chew through a power line and met an untimely demise um mayor as you discussed last week uh excuse me two weeks ago we are still waiting on a comprehensive reliability report so that we can schedule a public meeting with jcpnl either will be later this month or early next U we have not seen that report despite our multiple requests more to follow once we know more on that one right we were told um about two and a half weeks two and a half weeks and that were two and a half weeks ago y um and once again this is not just with our local EAS on but this is actually with jcp's State Lea so we've um pushed up the food chain a bit and um we were told absolutely we'll get you will bring folks in we'll have an engineer to talk about the liability report and we told them we're going to um Target September 16th that's our next meeting so we'll be following up with them to confirm and also once if we do whether it's going to be September 16 or whe it's going to be one of October meetings check um RVE check the um social media and also check the um website so we'll put alerts out once that meeting is scheduled and certainly firmed up y we we'll certainly get is there more is there more with jcpnl no more on jpn I give you a quick update on Altis if you want sure um we push to have a Field Services representative assigned to us and that individual has since been identified and has been well received by the associations he's been meeting with them and working with residents to iron out some issues associated with some of the initial fiber installs so I'm glad we had the opportunity to make that assist and get some course Corrections in place sooner rather than later that's been working out pretty well and that's all I have okay thank you Doug and John is there no no I see I'll just say I feel bad for Robin she tried to coordinate a conference call like it was like hurting cats last week um we were all flying around in different directions so we were trying to get a call going but that's that's to follow in the very short future which we'll probably do it without you and so there's once again there's nothing to report certainly nothing to that you guys can report public no okay uh summer City Hills Public Safety Committee Robin when's our next I know we talked about it last yes I'm not g to be back I'm not going to be back in time it's that last day four on the 12 so w while Rob so it's the September 12th September 12th so one of the things that we can report is um some of the other municipalities um have moved forward on purchasing I'm not sure where they are on the well I guess there's some have been installed this is the license plate readers [Music] um can't talk about the details again uh but Chief Bernardo um has been in discussions with um one of the vendors uh the principal vendor for license plate readers and hopefully within the next uh meeting or two we'll actually have a resolution uh to purchase some licens plate readers um at locations that a chief will select so it's part of the coordinated effort with all the towns and certainly it's something that um Chief Bernardo and Lieutenant PLO endorse so we're looking to support them in that capacity we have an executive session tonight um we will not be taking any action following the executive session so go through Township committee comments we'll adjourn to Executive session and then we'll come back to public session for final lri so uh Township committee comments just real quick may I want to thank you for um spearheading the pluck and discussion with the business owners over there um I don't want it to get lost on the residents that it's essential that our commercial folks succeed in the town because as mayor Parker used to give the analogy of making the pizza pie every year every year you got to bake the pie no matter what happens you got to present a pizza pie and who's going to put the ingredients in we want that burden if you will to fall to the commercial folks as much as we can to ease the burden on the residents and so with the robust commercial properties and and fully rented out businesses and and establishments that are doing well that's the the key recipe for helping us keep our taxes low so thank you mayor for seeing again the world at 360 thank you committee man hickey mayor I have no comments thank you committee woman moresi I have nothing tonight mayor thank you committee woman Fernandez thank you mayor I just wanted to uh congratulate James Jero on his passing his test and being our new qpa that's all great and congratulations James and also want to thank the bedm residents who came out today for public comment especially for their support of the no parking ordinance and for uh recognizing um the two residents who spoke up in support of that ordinance in the face of uh opposition uh so at 7:49 I'll take a motion to adjourn to Executive session so moved I'll fav all all right now I'm Dy to see good good evening it's 8:41 the township committee has returned from our executive session as I indicated earlier we are not taking any formal action following our executive session and we've already gone through Township committee comments we'll take a motion to adjourn for the evening so second all in favor I I I thank you and good night good night good night hi this is not quite as exciting as last one of these days you're gonna break that Gab