##VIDEO ID:lFYq8gV_vWE## all right now 701 and welcome to the Bedminster Township this is our regularly scheduled Township committee meeting for November 4th recognize that we have a full attendance in the township committee here in person with committee Stevenson committee hickey committee woman meski and committee woman Fernandez M Ray may we please have the open public meetings AC yes mayor adequate notice of this meeting of the township committee was sent to The Courier News Somerville Bernardsville news whiy and to all subscribers and posted the town municipal building on January 5th 2024 great thank you please join me and sending for the Pledge of Allegiance I PL allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repu for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all this is time that we open up the uh meeting for public comment anyone wishing to make a comment or pose a question no guarantees of an answer as your opportunity to do so first we'll go around the room here in person see noakers uh anyone who's participating remotely via Zoom take your cursor scroll down to the bottom click on reactions click on raise hand and m r will put you into Q for public hment MRE I am not seeing any uh raised hands mayor okay thank we will proceed two sets meeting minutes to um review and approve October 21 2024 the regular Township meeting and the executive session meeting comments or questions that have not otherwise been provided to miss Ray seeing none take a motion to approve both sets of meeting minutes so moved second all in favor thank you permits and Raffles we have none straight to monthly report discussion by subcommittee chair commit Stevenson thank you mayor good evening everybody on DPW uh We've started leaf up um that will continue for approximately a month um the folks were out there at the trunk Retreat so I'm sure we'll hear hear about that later and the 5K uh the generator project I've been reporting about is now up and running happy to report that and uh I understand that the PS reps are working with our folks on Paving the old Stonehouse Road uh project there to finish that up and the street light uh issue that we seem to be getting on Robertson and auto brdge has been repaired I'm told uh so we'll continue to monitor that thanks for the residents that reach out and let us know when that's going on um had no historic PR meeting for October so we'll see what happens here in November that's what I got thank you okay great thank you committee than you thank you mayor good evening all my committees have not yet met so I'll have a report next time that's all I've got thank you committee woman moresi good evening mayor Jacob well everybody I have the same report as Colin however I just want to make a note that the uh EC normally meets on the first Wednesday of the month this month it has been bumped to the 3 so instead of November 6th they will meet on November 20th and that's all I have for tonight okay thank you committee woman Fernandez you have a report thank you mayor uh I just wanted to report out really quickly um recap the the Trunk or Treat was successful uh we didn't have a count of kids but we had uh over close to 20 cars and then also and the Bryce Rosen 5K run um Bill Rosen is going to give me an update with financials on that but um it was another successful event so I'll have more after the rec advisory meets that's great so certainly U from the farmers market perspective um you know I know you guys weren't keeping a count at the Trunk or Treat but uh some who's managing some of the parking back there it was um it was a busy busy day at the F we had 1,220 people um into the farmers market and a good chunk of that y was coming from trunk Retreat it was great to see um everyone out there with vehicles and Beau parents and the kids weather was just outstanding so Gina I'm not sure what you did to uh put that all together but it worked out great Bedminster wreck had a had a great presence out there and um DPW once again great job with mulda still in service mulda you know she's I think we've gotten a fair amount of use out of M Tilda and also the pumpkins and the spiders and everything you guys did that was just really amazing fantastic job for DPW so thank you very much and speaking Farmers Market uh so this last weekend little little chillier weather than the Trunk or Treat weekend our numbers were at 750 I'm sorry 775 yes sir 775 um still a great taste given the right around um uh freezing weather at the very beginning but um good to see everyone came out so once again fantastic and um the rest of my committees have not met either and and Renee uh the library board is going to do a little bit different than what your committee did so Library board would typically meet in on Wednesday but that coincides with the legal municipalities so we're actually going to be the library board meeting up a week so Library will meet next week I believe that's all we have on subcommittees Miss R we please have the administrators report oh boy it has been a busy two weeks mayor since our last meeting we've been working on the bond anticipation notes for emergency services for the new radios and um also for the uh tender for po fire and the ambulance remount so we've got that all together in package shight for the township committee for consideration um we had two bid openings last week uh one was T last Tuesday was the Miller Lane Pump Station replacement project and the other was last Wednesday which was the town hall roof replacement uh project so two big openings pretty busy and uh just preparing for tomorrow's elections um we've been keeping residents uh informed with our website and sending material out to raid um a lot of confusion about early voting amongst the voters um I can't even tell you how many calls we've received it's been overwhelming um people show up here thinking they can vote early people showed up today thinking they could vote early last week the phones just didn't stop so it's a lot of confusion so early voting ended yesterday ended on Sunday ended Sunday afternoon or Sunday evening that's it for early voting so if you haven't voted yet you can still do drop off with vote by mail or show up in person from 6: am to 800m tomorrow and that's it done I see that smile on your face it's just a lot of confusion for voters there's just so many options out there and I think too many options it's been difficult that concludes my report okay and um Chief uh speaking about Trunk or Treat community policing uh nothing new to report this week mayor okay we do have one ordinance to introduce and just as Robin referred to earlier the uh Bond ordinance which would set some money up for um some of the expenses that we had um endorsed earlier in the year um but Robin why don't you go ahead and just quickly talk about what's covered under ordinance number 2024 is there a sure um so the all in um the bond Bond ordinance appropriates a little over 2 million 2,26 um th000 and we'll be issuing um 1.87 47 in bonds uh on behalf of the township leaving a balance of 151,00 that we funded through the capital ordinance with the per down that we need that's required um and then um there is a percentage that tuber is going to pass 15,000 for the bond the 5% down that they'll be paying us and um Far Hills is going to be paying the vendors directly so um that's it in a nutshell so that we are going to be the township portion is 1.87 4700 so once again just to run through the list of expenditures sure um so it's includes a Potterville fire company is we're purchasing a new tender which is a water tanker a water tender tanker um it get water to a fire um the other is for uh Pottersville Volunteer Fire Company Emergency Services portable radio Emergency Services radios what's happening is the town the uh county is phasing out the 500 megahertz for transmission going to a 700 the radios that we're purchasing for all of the companies Far Hills bster fire poterville fire Far Hills bster for State squat have all been end of life as of a year to two years ago they're all I think 22 years of age now and um we're moving to a dual dual band radio we are funding 80% for Far Hills Bedminster uh Far Hills is picking up the other 20% and with Pottersville um fires radios Bedminster is funding 60% % the rest is up to um poville Far Hills it's not Ian num s excuse me chsb is not interested in moving forward with the radios so we're just going to get them our 60% that's due and the other is a remount of an ambulance for the Bedminster Far Hills first aid Squad um the box is good but the the base is no good so we're purchasing a new base and that's all included in the um the bond and there's about $60,000 in soft cost the attorney Fe of okay so this is I think you certainly the township committee has heard from um both uh well actually not just both but tville Volunteer Fire Company with respect to the tender and the radios Far Hills fire department with respect to the radios Far Hills first aid with respect to the radios and the remount of the um ambulance all right um if this is introduced the public hearing for the ordinance will be scheduled for November 18 2024 we have a motion to introduce ordinance number 2024 023 so moved second well call vote Please Mr Stevenson I Mr hickey I m moraski I miss Fernandez hi and M Jacobs hi thank you the public hearing for this ordinance will be scheduled for November 18th here in these Chambers we have no public hearing of ordinances tonight we do have one two three four five six items on the consent agenda any member of the township committee can pull anyone or all them off individual consideration saying none I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda so move second roll call vote again please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and may Jacobs hi thank you we do have one two three four items for resolution for individual consideration first is resolution number 202442 this resolution supports the Darby Development LLC their application to conduct a one day steeple chase race meeting on properly on property partially located in Bedminster Township on October 18 2025 uh this is something that Bedminster does every year F Hills does the same this actually this resolution um supports the um f Hills races and this resolution allows the New Jersey racing commission um to to authorize um betting at the uh at the event questions or comments regarding the resolution seeing none take a motion to approve resolution 202442 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hicky hi hi Fernandez Hi and hi than next is resolution 2024 145 this resolution authorizes an emergency Award of contract to R andr Construction for repairs to the Sewer M located on Route 202 206 in bener Township in an amount not to exceed $30,000 Rodney Rodney um emergency for repairs to the SE M yes we have to imagine that was uh our Fall Fest event yes it was all right uh want you to tell us a little bit about U what's behind the resolution and the $30,000 basically this is just the actually did receive invoice today but this is the cost of the contractor that I had to call to to to that day and so that that was the um repairs the day of Fall Fest did it continue it it will what will continue the repairs the actual sewer M or finalize have a call out to the state to confirm what restoration there will be a little bit more to it we'll have to go down and putut out the road and make some repairs is that separate in part from the 30 or the U that'll be separate current invoice we have is $26,000 you change anything for the actual super ve repair the day of and then depending on what de requires to do for repair there that'll then tell us what what restoration cost would be for for the road great I would think they'll want to get that done pretty soon because I know they have all the stations marked out and everything to do they're going to do a slurry steal on most 202 206 you see those white little numbers on the roads that's that's the project so I know get this repair done before uh related question not necessarily pertinent on the resolution but did we decide to send the pipe out for testing yes good yes okay thank you yeah the pipe's out we're testing trying to determine what you know what happened with it and then we're also looking at some different options for inspection of the of the uh for Spain kind kind of extensive you know difficult project but uh something everybody that I've interact with Expos to about this is we really should get out there and try to do something of inspection on it's unusual but happened so and if it happened in one spot with the same infrastructure it may happen further down the road with the same infrastructure that's the concern and speaking with some other out there seems to be a problem with iron pipe made that arious bad Iron what AR yeah something we don't know what interesting okay well um you know just want to I know we talked about this before but just want to say thank you for those who don't know uh Rodney got the call from Bedminster PD I believe two o'clock in the morning something like that 12 12:46 count 1246 keep and Rody was there in just you know licky split and was there through all of Saturday Fall Fest um and also thank you to uh to Folks at DPW because they were doing triple Duty that day along with um fallfest uh with their own display and parking vehicles and managing the uh managing the repairs and uh same for beder PD which was also uh providing assistance with uh the lane closures and managing the traffic up at the uh incident there at the same time as participating and uh Fest so thank you everyone especially you Ronnie for um being out there very very long de any further questions uh comments regarding resolution 2024 145 seeing none take motion to approve moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Mr moresi hi M Fernandez hi and may Jacobs I thank you next is resolution 2024 147 this resolution authorizes the insertion of a special item of Revenue and insertion of an item of appropriation for equal amount in the 2024 budget to include funding for a 2024 private donation for the police department Rob are we addressing this to you or to uh Chief Bernardo it doesn't matter um resurgent Church did a cornhole event and the proceeds they are donating to the police department and we're going to purchase some safety equipment for the ATB great that's great so um thank you very much to uh research and church right up there in h 206 North or to a sixcess actually any further questions or comments regarding resolution 2024 147 saying none take motion to approve so moved second well call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moresi hi M Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi and chief make sure to uh I know You' probably already done it but I extend our appreciation to Folks at the church for this donation yes sir last resolution for tonight is resolution 2024 148 this resolution authorizes the current fund transfer the total amount of 1 million oh I'm sorry not 1 million that's much less $1,745 M Ray what are we doing here yeah should have been put on consent and my apologies mayor um we just had a shortage in our group health um waiver line um we didn't anticipate that employee was going to take a waiver we anticipated them to take insurance and they took waiver so we were shorten that line so we just are making a transfer from one um fund to the next the waiver was earlier in the year or the waiver was the waiv um healthc care waivers are paid out in um November usually typically the first meeting in November is when we do Healthcare waivers to all the employees who take um health benefits from either a spouse or somewhere else any further comments or questions regarding resolution 2024 48 seeing none second motion to approve so moved second I'm sorry was that um second okay thank you R call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moraski hi M Fernandez I and mayor Jacobs I thank you and will take a motion to approve the bill list pending review of individual invoices so move second roll call vote again please Mr Stevenson Mr hickey hi M moresi hi M Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi okay thank you so moving right along 7:23 Robin's got an early day tomorrow so let's keep this going uh new business do any ten committee members have anything they want to place on for discussion for new business seeing none old business we'll go to utilities what time you have to get up tomorrow Robin oh I have to get up at 4 I have to be here at 5 mayor I have nothing to record on M Stevenson and John Bardo any update on the pluckin Park Senior Housing no sir I do not have an update on the summer was well I noticed you did that I have no update on summerson Hills Public Safety Committee meeting and that is what we have for old business go to Township committee comments we'll start with committee woman Fernando I just wanted to remind everyone to get out and vote tomorrow and um Robin good luck tomorrow and that's all have a good night committee woman moresi I just want to extend my thanks to uh the rec department for trun or treat because it looked like there were a lot of little kids that had a really good time and nobody comes trick-or-treating at our house so I got to see a few costume so that was exciting and everybody get out and vote and thank you Robin for all this work I know this is tough um have a good day and that's it everybody have a good night than comman hickey thank you mayor just just want to thank everybody who goes out and seeks elected office because it's not easy as Folks up here know folks on out in TV Land know putting your name out there putting your name on signs putting yourself on Facebook putting yourself on the ballot is very tough we we appreciate anybody who dedicates themselves to public service and everybody else get out and vote tomorrow and Robin thank you for getting up early and coordinating the chaos tomorrow and that's all I have mayor good thank you committeeman Stevenson mayor how can I repeat and how can I go after these folks I have nothing further to say well you know usually someone says oh they took what I was going to say well committ even hickey took what I was gonna say because uh you know this is this is my fifth campaign for Township committee and so I've been out there my name's been out there and and um Renee this is your third time um and we know what it's like to put your name out there uh you become a Target um you uh get aades you get criticized whatever it doesn't matter um you you know for those who put their name out there uh up and down the ballot um kudos to uh to you all for for doing that um it is not easy it is not um you know there's there's stress associated with it all the time um but certainly want to thank everyone for running and also want to thank the voters and just once again mind the voters one one day right if you haven't done it already this is your time to vote for government up and down the line so please do your civic duty it's privilege that's all I have at 7:27 take motion to adjourn for the evening so move second favor thank you good night good luck to everybody good night good luck tomorrow thank you that was an aggressive yeah I definitely heard