##VIDEO ID:mRj3VU2Saxo## good evening welcome to the Bedminster Township committee this is our regularly scheduled Township committee meeting for October 21 2024 recognize that we have a full attendance by the bster township committee here in person Comm committee man Stevenson committee hookie committee woman Rie committee woman Fernandez M Ray may we please have the open public meetings act statement yes mayor adequate notice of this meeting of the township committee was sent to The Courier News Somerville Bernville news whipy and to all subscribers and post at the Township Municipal Building on January 5th 2024 great thank you please join me standing for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation indivisible Li and justice for all and this is the time of the me we open up the microphones D over here Le turn for public comment any member of the public wishing to make a common question now it's your opportunity raise your hand if you are well no one's participating other than John John's raising his hand um if you're participating by Zoom take your cursor down to the bottom click on reactions then click on raise hand and John's not making a comment I I was I was just saying hello and acknowledging you acknowledging me virtually okay thank you we uh will move on with the rest of the meeting um before we get to approval of the minutes a couple things I just want to mention we'll talk about them a little bit later on in meeting um ball Fest what fantastic event Robin Jason Neil Master Bono to all the Bedminster staff and volunteers who worked that night G Fernandez and your Rec Committee just what a a great day terrific event um and uh for those don't know beder PD and DPW had to deal with um some sewer issues that morning um and an accident that ensued accident looked much worse looked pretty bad um but um luckily the uh those involved in that accident walked away um which was good news and the sewer repairs were fully completed for now the repairs are made for the sewer there's still some Road repairs that will need to be done and some further invest investigation as to whether or not we needs do what okay we'll see for committing Stevenson's subcommittee report uh so once again thank you for everyone uh associated with fallfest can I just add on to that I want to thank the my guides the DPW guys for the great job they did and I also want to shout out to pack Gladstone for guys everything went good yeah it was great having the PG guys there so thank you Jason thank you we survived another Hill races I I've not had any updates Chief um usually within a week we find out you know what incidents what the numbers were um certainly over the last 20 years or so we've seen the uh police reports uh dropping um with the Far Hills race incidents um hopefully that remains the case was U was on the phone with Ron Kennedy uh from the F Hills race meeting Association and he did not um advise me of anything other than dealing with um what command hickey and I were dealing with that morning which was uh power outages we talk about that during your subcommittee report or actually um do business and then I also do want to mention uh something that came out on Friday so the long awaited affordable housing numbers came out from the Department of um Community Affairs by DCA um the numbers that were put out for Bedminster um totaled 72 which is a combination of present need and perspective need now what does that number mean well we'll be talking about that um maybe a little bit more in this meeting but we're going to wait until we get a memorandum from Frank banish Our Town planner uh but I just want to out there that we've been waiting on these numbers every municipality in New Jersey has been waiting on these numbers so the combination of present and prospective needs comes to 72 units bedman Bedminster still has a surplus of credits from uh construction associated with uh the affordable housing at the hills so we do believe that a fair number of that 72 will be satisfied by existing credits and we'll still end up with an additional Surplus um but the real question I POs to uh Frank panish is the allocation between for sale units and family rental units that's really sort of the Crux for us um so we'll see what we get from Frank Bish in the next couple of weeks actually hopefully expect to get that memo hopefully um by the end of this week and as soon as we get that we'll circulate around to all the TC members so just some updates I just wanted to cover we have one set of meeting minutes to approve that's the September 7 Township committee meeting minutes we comment or questions regarding those minutes that have not otherwise been provided to missr see none take a motion to approve the minutes second all in favor hi thank you Peron Raffles this is perhaps one of the first we have none so moving on monthly report discussion by subcommittee chair commit man Stevenson you've got a busy DPW report uh I do I do so we'll start with HPC because there's no meeting mon uh DPW um Le pickup will start on the 28th this month so let's get the leaves out to the street um Jason how long are we going to do that do you have been anticipated at least till the end of November end of November okay because I know several rounds it's good um our folks are down at the Far Far Hills uh Fairground uh digging approximately what 150 holes for trees we're planted major PL tree plants down there yeah uh working with the library about uh the parking um painting some of the uh parking lot up there removing some dead trees obviously Fall Fest setup and breakdown has been going on um as you hit up on there the generator of town hall is up and running no it's going to be tested the fourth fourth yes you think it's up and running it's going to be tested on it's going to be test and the gas line on Old Stonehouse is up and running some of the folks have tacked in so that looks like that's drawing to a conclusion um and we've got working with Somerset County training on some of our folks to get there to class A CDL licenses or tions and then the last item that throw it back to Rodney and or Jason we had the basically a a pump or line breakdown of the uh SE sewer main line going down with the pond area um I don't if you want to add color to but was it you be as colorful as you like where's the pictures try to keep it pretty brief it was uh 12:46 a.m. on on Saturday morning the day of the uh Fall Fest I received a call from one of the police Sergeant uh that there was some uh sewer bubbling up out of the uh Road 202 206 uh northbound lane near 18t way um and he confirmed it he said it was definitely sewer there's no question by the smell of it um I realized that where that was at there's no other utilities there so I just drove directly here immediately shut our system diverted up into our tank then went down to confirm what was going on and sure enough that's exactly what it was it was our 10inch T main duck Iron Force main pipe going down to New Jersey American facility at that point just started activating kind of our emergency uh process which you know get a contractor in route get a markout done get theep called the EP let them know what's going on get a case number from them uh you know contact various stakeholders that we work with with like New Jersey American the operator there uh pack and Gladstone to hold back sewer flow also into their tank uh within two and a half hours we had its uh the construction company here mobilized and uh able to break ground probably within three and a half hours I say we started to dig for it uh got a little Lucky in the fact that someone at some point had called in Mark out in that area and the utility compy that came to do the markout actually somewhat found force made so it right where we started digging is was the right spot we we we found it right away uh got some repairs done turned the system back on found another leak shut it back down again dug it back up made repairs again uh by that time it was 2:30 in the afternoon uh that's when we finally went back online you know back in service um no one would notice as a user because we were able to divert into our tanks so you know within bucking again being the time of night it was the pumps only would have cycled for two times maybe three tops by the time it was identified and I responded here and got it shut down and the two times that it did cycle is for about 10 minutes at that time of night so not a lot of flow we did didn't do lose a lot of flow uh we did a pretty thorough you know search of the area and look around the area to look for any you know contact with any surface water any solids that might be on the ground anywhere didn't uh didn't recognize anything didn't see anything that would tell me that it made it any surface waters or anything like that so that was you know we had a lot of things that went well for us um and a lot of things that you know we will some minor changes we'll be doing you know as far as keeping some repair items on stock here in our yard realizing on a weekend that none of the supply yards are open a 10inch for seain is a bit of an odd size not completely unheard of but eight and 12 your common sizes so kind of hard to find parts for fortunately the company that we have a couple two contractors that we would work with typically you know for an emergency like this that we keep in contact with um they had pipe on stock had it on hand know it I would say we still had another probably six eight hours that we could have kept it down so how long was the uh how long was the pump pumps down for here the pumps were turned off from let's see I got the call at 12:46 I was here at about you know probably 1:00 a little right after that so I had shut off the : in the morning and I turned them back on at 2:30 in the afternoon okay you know so so the tank that was here and the tank that was in in use in PG yes was adequate for pack filled up theirs okay and at so I forget what time that was I I wasn't documented it but at that point they started sending back down us so then of course our Tank's going to start filling up a little quicker once I realized that was happening and we didn't have the repair done yet I put a call into United sight services for a tanker truck 7,000 gallon tractor and trailer to come here and what they could do for us is they could pump directly out of our wet well take it down into the little plump station on ramp Road and dump it into the EDC system there and come back up take another 7,000 gallons out so kind of help us out there um the reason I did that really early on is because they can be very difficult as we all know with the CDL driver shortage they can't get their drivers on the weekends and at night and stuff so I needed to start that I didn't really need the tanker but I had to get them moving on the way and I did use them for one load which was able to get our Equalization to back tank back down into a normal range so when I did turn the system on I was able to get all the alarms shut down and see that we were truly functioning normal at that stage and Rody the um the observation when was first um observed was it coming up from the roadway was it coming from shoulder where was the observation of the uh leak the shoulder lane of the roadway okay so we had one lane of travel shut down and the shoulder uh fortunately frankstein was Serge bensing he was pretty adamant about getting do out there for LAN closure because he was concerned with it collapsing and that was a huge benefit to us that's a big help to have them there deploy they handled traffic control the entire time yeah for us so that was a that was a big benefit and um the replacement of the pipe was that ductal iron to ductal iron or did you go from ductal iron to PVC ductal iron to duct iron um and as I've pulled a few of you you know duck iron is known as the century pipe was the last 100 years uh we're still looking into some to see what might have caused the failure it was from the outside in um so it's it's kind of strange that it must be a defect in the pipe we don't think it's soil conditions anything like that it's may have been just a defect in the pipe it may have just been that piece and will be okay but it's something we're going to further investigate um and talking with the with an engineer um I think we're going to have one of the pieces uh uh looked at by the duck iron Institute and they'll take a look and tell us what happened to it I mean of all people they will they will know when they will be able to tell us why that piece of pipe failed um I have the pieces out here if anybody wants to look at them at some point yeah yes they've all been power washed sprayed and as best they can still smell but um you definitely can see it's from the outside in and you had mentioned earlier and I I'm not is a completely unfair question but you had mentioned that someone else was messing around with the line and like was it possible that they damaged it no that was just a markout that was done there was no actual Construction in the area it probably was do or street sign there is a street sign right there or guide rail replacement none of that that was anywhere near where the uh where the sewer line actually is so what I did notice in some of the pipe is it it was all on the bottom side of the pipe so the the rust and the deterioration from the outside in was from the bottom up but some of the other pieces that were pulled out when you turn them over you look Top you can see where they deteriorated also so so when you get a deterioration like that even with the uh the video camera that you purchased you wouldn't you wouldn't see that unless it was too late unless it right it had already opened up because they's cement line also so the cement lineing Pierce of the intact looks okay it's just all on the outside so you could run a camera through it you could pressure test it I mean unless you really pressure test it blow it out if it's really weak somewhere but you're not going to see any defects in the pipe anywhere with a camera and you would have to dig and create shut the force M down drain the force M dig and create access points because you don't have there's no access to the force M anywhere there isn't the pump station here and the sewer plant there in between there's nowhere to stick a camera in well certainly unfortunate timing um but because traffic for Fall Fest was tough enough um we'll get certainly those numbers in a bit but um 202 206 was pretty tough uh but I do want to commend everyone from gpw to beder PD um the response was immediate traffic control was out there the entire time at the same time um Jason's team and uh the chief's Police Department was also taking care of vents at ball Fest so that was a busy Saturday busy busy Saturday so Doug not for there's more that's it that's enough traffic was great by me my Supply slow well thank you everyone for uh for the response on that commit in hickey thank you mayor good evening all Board of Health two quick updates happy to report that the flu vaccination clinic that was held on o October 9th at the firehouse was very successful with 62 total attendees also a new online database will be available for All County residents starting the first week of November this resource will allow you to look at Health complaints restaurant food inspection ratings and other information without having to submit an opena request or appear in person I'll have more information following our next Board of Health meeting but we're waiting we've been waiting on this capability a long time and it represents a significant Improvement for our res so more to follow on that one and mayor that's all I have okay thank you committee women and moresi thank you mayor thank you everybody um wanted to do a little uh information sharing from our favorite uh jacobas Vander house I had never been to one of these before and I was able to take the day off from work and attend our school group day um we bring in schools from anywhere around here and they had I don't know 50 60 kids and they separate into groups and there are stations around the house so there's one station that has people dressed up in Soldier uniform and the kids they had them marching out and around on the field and they actually shot one of the guns off and scared the vegetas out of everybody but the kids will laughing um there was a blacksmith who showed how to work with steel um inside the house they had some ladies making lace and each of the kids got to play around with the little spindles and things um in the kitchen they had this SP din so you got to see how they made Muslim and then Yolanda um was upstairs and I know who's been able to get over to the house recently but we have the model of the the pluck in cantonement and Yolanda walk them all through um the model and their buttons to push that light up and show all four the things that go on in the cantonement and um it takes about two hours for this Loop and they had two schools it was Manville and um uh the Willow School it was really exciting the kids really had a great time if anybody's in touch with schools send them over to jbh or or give me their name and number I'll hook them up because it was a really interesting educational program it was run so nicely the kids were all well behaved and had a great time and uh if you guys ever get a chance to go do it it was a lot of fun great and that's all my news okay okay Gina thank you mayor um let go so we had a wonderful uh beautiful amazing day for Fall Fest on October 12th um I think that we had over clicked in over 5,100 visitors um but uh that doesn't include like children under three um and uh we had just so many amazing volunteers there so I just wanted to thank all of the volunteers that came out all the staff and especially Neil Mash shabono who had 20,000 steps before noon before the ev even started and of course Robin uh I have to say it was nice to see so many people there um just from the township really it's the great Community event I worked the beer tent all day um so I got to see a ton of people and and and everybody just loves fallest and we um it was nice to also see some of the uh young adults come back and volunteer in our town like aen brown Ellie twins my daughter Ashley uh it's just nice to see them like it really is Testament to Bedminster that our youth come back to volunteer for that event because they remember how it was when they were young um and so it wasn't just a successful event I just like to thank everybody involved um all of our volunteers it was so nice to see all the township uh residents come out and really just enjoy so many new faces and um you know young family so it's just a great event and um that's all so we're you know start planning for next year but um yeah so great and then we have the uh tricker trunker treat on uh Saturday and uh prior to that is the brace Rosen 5K um run so um that information is on our website and we shared it on Facebook so hopefully we get a good turnout for both of those great that's all okay so um I'll just start with the farmers market so the 5100 we know that there was over 5100 that came through the gate uh that doesn't include the um Colin wasn't there clicking at the gate since Colin was directing traffic at the entrance into Rivero Park and I didn't have uh I was not delegated to the clicker role um but I will tell you uh we had several hundreds um come through the Farmers Market in that uh 9 to well like before 9 8 8:00 to noon before the gates to Fall Fest opened up um so I know that we as a total event we were we gotten close to 6,000 yeah it was just incredable um the traffic that went through and uh Jason and I were in the parking cars and just to hear banter on the radio there's no spots Jason's calling out I need five spots who's got five Spots I'm saying Jason I'm sending 15 back to you you need a lot more than five but uh it's all taken care of um so once again Fall Fest and combination with f Market work. great uh land use was no meeting since our last meeting a advisory know meeting um we do have an ordinance that's aggravated later this evening uh Library we did have a a meeting and last week and talked about some HR and some um administrative issues uh Robin did Marie reach out to you on some of the payroll questions that um she had no but I did send her over the Personnel manual a while ago but nothing from okay yeah there was another question about on payroll management but so and R may please have the administrator's report sure can we do this first B Fest sure you mind I found my well my twin found me so I'm going to delegate to commit Stevenson okay choose it since I'm in there right I well I should be Rody put stickum on his um Jenna Finelli from ski and Barry sergeant from all right and what do they did they win so they each get a $100 gift certificate um for from tradia Mediterranean Bedminster point he was in there thank you so much great thank you that's great um just real quickly on my um administrator's report uh best practices is due October 25th but we've already submitted it so um there's a resolution on there for this evening um the repeater shed agreement has been finalized with New Jersey American water and our FCC license has been renewed for another 10 years so we're in a good shape there um Miller Lane Pump Station project the bid opening is scheduled for October 30th at 10 a.m. uh Peter black told us on Friday that 15 people have already pic picked up packages and plans for the project um we have the roof project the bid opening is October 31st at 10: a.m. um Personnel we're working to fill CFO position and two open positions in DPW as well as a deputy Court Administrator do we know how many U bid packages were picked up for the roof repair uh no I don't I know how many there was up interest I think by four James do you know about four or five yeah okay four or five project um for Fall Fest I just want to you know amazing effort by everybody on staff and our wonderful volunteers I have to thank especially Neil Master Bono he nailed it he's doing a great job with the program um and he gets it it's awesome and I have to say thank you uh tremendous thank you to our DBW director Jason R off and his talented team these guys they work their and they did a fantastic job they're so talented and I also have to thank our talented uh employees who did scarecrows and all the decorations and they're great everybody was really great it was just a super team effort and I can't say enough about our team they're just fabulous and last but not least sample ballots are being mailed on Wednesday October 23rd and October 26 to November 3rd is early voting and election day is November 5th and that concludes the report okay great speaking of Paul Fest uh the police were there Chief Bernardo community policing report uh yes mayor last Friday the PBA sponsored a barbecue for the residents of the pl Park Senior Housing and we had a really good turnout uh we will be attending two trunk Retreat events in the next couple weeks for Halloween and we're still working uh with the library to firm up a date for a safety presentation that's all I got how was your um was the attendance over at the police tent at F Fest we had the biggest lines free popcorn and free cotton candy nobody wanted to talk to us but'll take you back it's great oh good out that's great that's great uh inroduction of ordinances we have none public hearing of ordinances we have oh my God six I thought four um okay so first ordinance is ordinance number 20246 this ordinance would amend chapter 17 entitled alarm systems of the township of Bedminster General ordinances we have a motion to open up the public hearing for ordinance number 2024 016 so move second all in favor I thank you okay Robin um so this ordinance um um updates our alarm ordinance with fees more appropriate uh to our surrounding communities in line with what the market rate is and simplifies the process and hopefully will uh save us some money in the long un um just the major change overall major changes instead of uh residents submitting a registration at the beginning of every year if you're already into the program you don't need to be submit unless there's a change in your information but anybody new would be charged to be going forward and the emphasis is placed on um paying attention to uh people who violate and don't have their alarms checked and their false alarms that's pural to be going forward and Robin who's responsible for maintaining the um the list is that with the police or is that Administration uh yes it's um the police department and it's Dwayne cabet who's the uh office administrator okay any fur questions comments from Township committee we'll open up to the public for questions comments regarding this ordinance seeing none take a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance number 202 24016 second sorry was that Gina yeah thank you all in favor I thank you and we'll need a motion to approve ordinance number 2024 016 so move second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson I Mr hickey I miss moraski i m Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you next is ordinance number 2024 018 this ordinance authorizes the funding of the capital project appropriating $1,470,000 for the Miller lanee Pump Station project take a motion to open the public hearing for ordinance 2024 018 so moved second all in favor okay Rodney turn this one to you with some color from Robin I'll let Robin go with the details of the ordinance actually I have not seen it so it's your money is it going to buy iron pipe or what GNA buy the new pump station yeah um so I will tell you that the 1.47 is the amount of the um EPA grant that we were being awarded through um it's Congressional here Mark so we just need to bring that into the budget so this is essential so once again this is of no true consequence to the BS or taxpayers uh Mr project is funded uh through the federal um Grant initiative this one is particular to EPA uh we started this grant process with uh congressman melanowski and then finished it with Congressman Kane um and so we thank both both colleg men um who worked on this but certainly was initial discussions with um Tom malow's office and uh we saw this grant um evolve so at one point it was a straight Grant and then when it landed in the EPA um category EPA said hey there's a cash contribution there's a cash match which was really not quite um uh our expectations when we first uh were put down for the grant so went from uh what was what would traditionally have been called an earmark where there'd be just Congressional allocated funds it went from that which is what we thought we were getting from uh Congress ninowski when it became the EPA project there was a cash match uh but even that cash match is coming from the um sewer Transportation uh system that Bedminster operates and from our shared services with Mar Hills and peepack and Gladstone uh so what's going no consequence to the Bedminster residence and um Robin is there anything else that I'm missing you okay and Rodney anything that you want to um that's about it I just appreciate that this is moving forward and that this is happening and it's modernizing the pumps right so you're getting new pumps there modernizing the system removing the storage tanks or no just direct we're to keep the storage CH but we're still going to be able so we can do we're obligated by contract to keep the tank okay so it is updating the complete facility from top to bottom the the building the equipment inside of the building the infrastructure in the ground everything at that that location our M link pum station now Rodney given the events of last week um does that change the way you you look at the uh the tank back there if we did not have that tank uh for extra capacity you would been running those trucks back and forth I don't know what I would thought and no one does when this happens it's it's typically just a little bit of a or a major environmental mess when you don't have that ability to do that it's I've always enjoyed having that tank there as a backup uh there's just things that can go wrong in the system and that's that really really helps you out it really really saved a lot for for everyone involved everybody benefited from that tank you know the idea though that there existing infrastructure that's there the room the building it's it's past it's useful life I mean it needs the work absolutely absolutely and you know another benefit is it's definitely going to benefit public works department also because part of that project is the new generator that comes along with the new equipment it needs to be a much larger generator it's going to be a 300 KW generator so the existing generator that's there is going to uh get switched over to the DPW complex which is just a very important important thing to have also you know that's kind of when it all hits the fan you know Public Works is kind of department number one and nothing else kind of functions without them so so that having that for them that's a small bonus also yep thanks for the support looking forward to getting this done and and so anyone who visits one Miller Lane um hopefully will not well be enjoying a better Aroma than we've had for years and Robin one quick question so with the bid opening this ordinance is for the appropriation million 470 majority which is coming from the EPA uh Grant um it includes the cash match to amount is 147 and the money from the county didn't we have uh a county once we reward a contract the county will give us the cash okay so so this and that's already been set up into to receive so the 147 that's here is supplemented by the county funds coming which is also 1 47 yes right okay now we are going to need um additional funding for the tank which we all found out this week was a Saving Grace to have that Equalization tank um and that's about $300,000 to rehab that so I'll be giving that to the county this week I have a estimate from um subject to what the uh what the what the bid packages come in at right that is in the bid package the tank the tank weab is in bid package so the as an option so do we have any as to um well I guess we'll find out if we'll find out if opening no no reason to speculate further any further questions comments from Township committee open up to the public for questions comments regarding ordinance number 2024 018 seeing none take a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 20204 018 so moved and we'll take a motion toor in favor thank you and we'll take a motion to approve ordinance number 20248 move second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacob hi thank you thank you next is ordinance number 2 24019 this ordinance authorizes and accepts the donation of a deed of conservation and agricultural easement for hoopsick Farm identified as Lots 16 and 18 block 39 located at 1250 lingon Road take a motion to open the public hearing for ordinance number 2024 019 so moved second all in favor I thank you so I guess I'll start off with this and then John I will transition you so um Nancy Dylan um her mother was um well her parents owned poopstick Farm um her mother uh was the so Survivor of her parents and she died U one year ago and I believe believe maybe one year ago today and um back in February received a call um asking to set up a uh discussion with Nancy Dylan um Nancy's mother had seen the Bedminster FS project come around really on all sides of uh that property um and they were pretty aggressive in trying to secure Nancy's mother's property Nancy was Nancy's mother was no way I don't want to see this property developed it's beautiful I want to maintain it um and um she never got around her mother never got around to um preserving the property but her daughter wanted to fulfill her mother's wishes and she and I met at the property and property is beautiful has this tremendous view coming off of lington Road and she said doing this for my mother um I think I mentioned this last me that Nancy herself lives in Virginia on a horse farm um she has no sibling she has no children uh so there's no one to leave this property to and and um well this property form meant a lot to her parents Nancy's her family moved there when she was already teenager and she went to boing school so she never had this close connection to the property that her mother did and she said I want to preserve it there's two different um Lots um I suggested I would like to see the two lots combined and then put um conservation Ean across both and I put it in touch with um some other beder uh land owners who had done similar easements with uh the municipality including um Bob scy for the property on black Riv Road and Jim Brady for uh the property the Brady family put conservation ements on when I talk about conservation insts I'm not talking about running through the state agricultural um program or the federal program that's where Property Owners put their property into preservation and the property owners get needs usually combination of um funds from the township the county and the state she wasn't interested in she was interested in fulfilling once again fulfilling her mother's wishes to keep that property preserved so it took a while M also put her in touch with uh the lawyer um who did the most recent deal um with Bedminster on this and and she did her due diligence she made the phone calls to the other folks in Bedminster she spoke to that lawyer uh she spoke to um New Jersey conservation Foundation um our open space advisor and continue to follow with ncy a few more phone calls a few more meetings and um turned it over to John Bardo to work out the terms of the easement itself and the easement restricts the property we're talking about a total of gu get the number right John what is about 60 48 62 63 Acres I think that is accurate mayor so um you know we're r10 so presumably be broken up to uh you know six Lots um but it won't and that view shed will be maintained and the way conservation Eastman's work is you've got some flexibility right so the house that's there a little dated but it's way back and what was important to Nancy and certainly important to Nancy's mother was the viewshed from the road so what's called the exception area that's the area that's excepted from the conservation restriction so that's the area where you can rebuild a home that's way in the back so that beautiful Meadow that you see up front that's going to stay in perpetuity uh the easement runs to the municipality of Bedminster and um John I'll turn it to you if there's anything else I missed in that description not at all mayor uh the the ordinance is going to be presumably passed tonight after a public hearing publication of the ordinance's passage will be made in the official newspaper and Council for the uh Grand Tour has has requested that uh the ordinance not be recorded with the county clerk until the appeal period uh has passed uh that should put the actual recordation uh of the easement uh sometime in in December so it's rather routine and straight forward from this point in okay any further questions comments from Township committee soing then we'll open up to the public for questions and comments saying none take a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 2024 019 so move second all in favor and we'll take a motion to approve ordinance number 2024 019 so much second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson Mr hickey i m Mori i m Fernandez I hik next oh and I do want to say thank you once again to Nancy Dylan for um taking this process all the way through this uh one year IND with condolences and loss of her mother but she's doing a great service to both Bedminster and her mother's memory in the preservation of that property next on the agenda is ordinance number 2024 020 this ordinance amends the township fee schedule for one year and threeyear dog licenses and oneyear Cat licenses take a motion to open public hearing for ordinance 202 24020 so moved second all in favor I I thank you m Reay D cats uh similar to The Alarm ordinance mayor um this ordinance had not been updated for close to 11 years and we were looking at our costs and surrounding municipalities and have decided to increase our annual cat and license fees to be more in line with surrounding communities and hopefully um help cover some of the expenses uh with the animal control Solutions um so we are increasing the dog and cat annual license fee uh to from 122 to $17 for neutered and 15 to 20 for unneutered and a three-year license um respectively will be $40 and a three-year license for dogs is 50 that's it any questions comments from the township committee saying none we'll open up to the public for questions and comments regarding ordinance 2024 020 seeing none take a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance 20240 to0 move second all in favor and we'll take a motion to approve ordinance number 2024 020 so second sorry roll call vote Please Mr Stenson Mr hicky hi M Mori hi Mr Fernandez I and may J I thank you next ordinance number 22421 this ordinance authorizes the funding of 2023 Capital project not to exceed $320,000 for the repaving and reconstruction of a Union Grove Lisk Hill Del Long View roads Improvement project the sum of 33,40 is appropriated from the Capal Improvement fund and $286,500 from the New Jersey Department of Transportation fiscal year 2023 Municipal aid program Grant take motion to open public hearing forance number 202 24021 so move second all in favor I thank you Jason you or Robin who uh who wants this Robin so um this project we had budgeted for in the capital budget um we received a grant war from the do and then we appropriated money into capital budget last year during budget discussions um for the balance of what the estimated project cost is going to be so 33,000 is coming out of the capital budget and the 286,000 is from uh a grant and is this a bid or this is through the um Co-op bid bid bid profit and bid opening was already completed oh we already completed we have an award on consideration later in the agenda okay got question questions comments regarding ordinance 2024 021 from the township committee seeing none we'll open up the public hearing to questions comments from the public on ordinance 22421 done seeing none take a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance number 2024 021 second all in favor all thank you and we'll take a motion to approve ordinance number 2024 021 second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Mr I Mr Fernandez I I thank he next and our left ordinance for the evening is ordinance number 20 24022 this ordinance authorizes the purchase by bedm Township for $490,000 from George Viera and Carrie Brennan Trustees of the Oaks developers 1K plan for property identified as Lots 14 and 15 in Block 57 located at 255 and 261 Route 202 206 in Bedminster Township take a motion open the public hearing for ordinance number 202 24022 so moved second all in favor thank you so we discussed this um at previous meetings um for years years years we've been saying that plugman needs um a boost kick in the pants um regarding trying to bring some vitality and some placemaking to um plugman village in the Village Center um we been having a number of meetings with the property owners and business owners in puckman and um one of the things that came up was you know about pocket park on that bacon F there and I'll give credit to Mark Malo um who raised that question or raised that Prospect and thought about it and walked by the property and colonized walked by the property and walked by the property again and started you know visioning um how that property interacts with the suring businesses with the crosswalk situated by um puckman Senor and by pluckin Presbyterian um how this property could interact with um whether it's the Sumer shopping center whether it's um pickles um or some of the other businesses on an East Deli right right behind it actually right next to it um and is there a way that we could do some placemaking right there so that property is just a t under half a the two lots combined and um more I thought about it Nate sense um Colin agreed and um we did meet him second session we presented at township committee as as a possibility and committe Stevenson was tasked or volunteered um to engage with the uh the property has been for sale for years and uh for those who remember the property or those two properties were one of the ey Source um of pluckin Village dragging down the surrounding properties and surrounding businesses uh for years um and I have attended many years ago um some seminars down at the league municipalities regarding abandoned properties and what municipalities could do to get these properties put back into use or certainly at least um repaired or restored and in this instance um the repair restoration was Demolition there was no viable alternative for those two older buildings that were there um so the property owner did affect the demolition but never proceeded to do any further maintenance that prop and Reserve grown put it for sale sign on off and on over the couple years um and with the prospect of this this idea of building a pocket park so therefore when we look at our open space fund this is an opportune use of the funds for some type of recreation facility that will supplement pman community and all buildings residents um so to go for it so um commit and Stevenson engage with the broker and Doug not sure if there's any color you want to no just very Garden variety back and forth um property was listed at 538 right came in under five it came in under five so at 490 um which is actually um even lower than our assessed value on the two properties together um so kudos to Doug for doing a great job in bringing it to this point and getting to that number uh and then we turn it over to attorney Bardo to um put the contract together and engage with the um sellers attorney and sounds like everything is um set up John it it is mayor uh my real estate uh partner Paul zente is handling the closing he's very experienced in these matter matters Karen Spano a local attorney in Bedminster is representing the Sellar steuart title is involved we've worked up uh drafts of the deed the closing statements most of the documents have been approved uh Miss Ray needs a final exact number to put on the uh Bill list for approval on Monday November 4th uh once that's done we anticipate closing uh on or about right now I think it's scheduled for uh Wednesday no November 6th at which point uh the township will uh own both of the lots and take title to the property so it's move moving along rather uh smoothly and once's again if we do proceed with the ordinance um I will ask Gina if you could convene wreck with Doug with historic pres um it's in our historic district uh and then perhaps we can also bring in some of the uh Property Owners especially Mark Milo because every property that guy has is just beauti whether it's architecture Landscaping everything you touches is fantastic um so perhaps once again if we approve the ordinance tonight and once again we've asked Robin um that we've got plenty of money in our open space fund correct um so that's uh that's my take on ordinance number 202 24022 any further questions comments from T of commit so n we'll open up to the public for any questions or comments regarding ordinance number 202 24022 saying none take a motion to close the public hearing for ordinance number 2024 022 so moved second all in favor I and we'll take a motion to approve ordinance number 202 2422 so moved second we please Mr Stevenson Mr hippy hi M morki hi M Fernandez hi and JC hi and thank you Doug for uh for picking up the negotiations and bring us to this point out there with my Habachi on me well you know what I hate to say it since you're the DPW L on you're G to be out there with your weed whacker sounds fun too okay Jason can you get some equipment for Doug out there so the day after closing or actually that afternoon Doug I want to see that I want to see that bot yes I'll be out there with my weed we have two items oh yeah two items on for Content agenda these are items of a routine nature any member of the township committee may pull any or both those items off for individual consideration say no I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda someone second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson Mr hickey hi M moresi hi M Fernandez hi and may Jacob hi thank you okay resolutions for individual consideration first is resolution 2024 134 authorizes a Township to award the contract for Union Grove list Hill Long View roads Improvement project to ja Alexander in amount not to exceed $39,375 127 Jason Robin who's I'll take it I've I don't have we worked with J Alexander before no okay what do we got uh J Alexander of North Jersey um they were the lowest qualified biders for um the project as you can see there we had uh six uh bids to open and um with the base bid and the alternative bid ja Alexander still came in under under project budget by a l the contract is would like to be awarded to Jay Alexander are they good at what they do we're gonna find out okay we had various you know maintenance bonds performance Bonds in place required for all that okay it on the back just thank you all right sounds good okay thank you take motion to approve resolution 2024 134 still move second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi uh Mr hickey hi M moraski hi M Fernandez I and mayor J I thank you next resolution 2024 135 authorized first certify that Township committee has reviewed the completed 2024 best practices inventory at a public meeting M rck yes mayor um so you should all have a copy of our best practices inventory um our score was a 42.50 um which means um you have the no State aids to be withheld since we answered all the appropriate questions that we needed to do as I mentioned there were a lot of questions associated with affordable housing as well as a continuation of lead questions from last year that was another top topic with the state so um we did very well on our survey with a total of 42.5 o points and I didn't total of how many were possible but we're in the top tier as us any further questions or comments regarding resolution 20241 135 seeing none take a motion to approve resolution 2024 135 second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson Mr hicky I Mr I M Fernandez hi and mayor Jacob hi thank you next is resolution number 2024 137 this authorizes the township of Bedminster to temporarily extend the term of the lease agreement dated June 21 1999 between the township as landlord and the friend of the Jacobus vanderbeer house through December 31 2024 John is this a John or Robin either one res John take I I'll I'll take it um as you know we have been working on reviewing and revising the leaves for purposes of renewal we're not quite there yet with internal um Township edits and revisions but we're getting there um at some point uh that will then be shared with uh jvh so this just uh extends the terms of the existing lease till the end of the year so we can uh finalize it by then hopefully okay further questions comments from Township committee does jbh know how long this has been extended to they will tomorrow I send them a copy of the leas a copy of the resol olution okay there's no more comments take a motion to approve resolution 2024 137 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson okay uh Mr hickey hi M mki hi M Fernandez hi and may Jacob hi and next I'll just say the reason I'm abstaining is I appear I know that was a long time ago it was but I understand next resolution is resolution number 2024 139 this resolution authorizes the purchase of five clock automated license plate readers aprs on a national Co-op from insight now turn to the Chief and turn to James Robin Robin's been handling everything want to change things on that GNA let James take this one he's organized actual purchase of the co-op so this is his baby thank you want you introduce yourself for the wider audience okay my name is jameso I'm assistant treasur the for the count um these plock cameras are something that the County's been interested in getting and coordinating with each of the towns like like they 're they're going to have a lot of coordination and record keeping as far as like keeping the data and then and then being able to use it and share it and because you buy on Co it has to go through a resolution and it is on it is on a a discounted price compared to not buying or through this and having to bid so in a way it taking a few weeks but it's been faster than going to a and more more specific as to exactly what we want as opposed to not knowing okay chief so you know where you're going to put these five uh yes we're next Monday have a meeting with the Hills uh executive board to get permission on somewhere in their property but the other locations are I have approval and then you go through uh do you go is this before after the dec conflicting process with the county this is before okay so then once we get approval then we do the deconfliction okay it's a great word yes deconfliction okay um it's a simple process the state has them all on a and a software system so it's not it it shouldn't take too long got it comments questions I just say that you know there's a constant pull and push between the criminal activity out there and law ention to try to catch up there's always seems like they're one step ahead of us but LA but uh these are these have improving to be effective we see the results in our neighboring towns this brings us up on the so what Level Playing Field like this real time data who's coming in and out uh I think it's wonderful I welcome technology I welcome no one knowing where these go and I welcome you know catching the bad people doing bad stuff and letting know you know we're not open for business stream here so I support it and thank James and everybody that's been working on this because let's face it you know there a petty theft you quite Petty it's your car it's not so petty but uh you know the break-ins the theft the rumaging through your parts that's a pain in the neck and you know this is meant to combat that this in the the otheres that we've done criminalizing you know some of the stuff that we opening dos and stuff but this is real Tang stuff and I think that this is what we need to come up to the current age of what we're deing so thanks everybody great further comments questions seeing none take a motion to approve resolution 2024 139 so second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hicky hi M moresi hi M Fernandez hi and may Jacobs hi and thank you Chief Bernardo and thank you James for all your work in uh purchasing these and getting them installed and operational by the end of the year P gave no so take that snap from I'll take a motion to approve the bill pending review of individual invoices some second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson Mr hippy hi M Mery hi Miss Fernandez hi and may Jacob hi Thank you new business any matter that any Township Committee Member wants to put up for discussion under new business thank you see none we'll move to Old business and we'll go to utility committing and hickey Saturday morning we're gonna have I don't know 30,000 people descend yes into Bedminster and Far Hills traffic control is pretty critical you would think what happened squirrel there's more of the story yes we suffer Ange on Saturday morning that started around 8:30 a.m. impacting part of the hills in puckman Village it was initially reported to be due to animal contact which generally means the ever elusive squirrels and yes mayor you are correct our initial call to JT pnl was immediately when the power went out and it was a request for all hands on deck with a reminder that there's a lot of people showing up today in order to affect repairs jcpnl switched the service the out of service customers to the greater Crossroad circuit and what happened then well that should have restored service but instead it blew the breaker at the substation and the other side of town went dark did I mention it was racill and Far Hills went parts of Burnville went AR all the lights between Far Hills into Bedminster Village down to plam in they were all out so jcpnl then dispatched the crew to the substation who upon arrival realized that they couldn't close the breaker without additional repairs in order to prevent a cascading failure which means then all the subsequent substations would go out there may have been some Choice words at this point now one magic squirrel is one magic squirel can't make this stuff up um mayor I think you and I were both fully prepared to grab our orange batons from the farmers market said and start directing traffic at this point because obviously with all the lights out something need to be done fortunately substation repairs were made and all the impacted customers were switched over to the greater Crossroad circuit at about 12:30 p.m. with the exception of 208 customers the repairs were then made to the original circuit and then everyone else was returned to service later in the afternoon we also received an update today from the reliability engineering team that the squirrel has been Vindicated it was actually a down tree that hit the line and caused a little bit of a fire that burned the lines so we will continue to press to understand why the backup system and the switching didn't work and what is being changed as a result so what's interesting about this is we talk about the infrastructure Y and the need for the redundancy the need for um modern technology to automate all these switches when they occur and also to improve in armor the system so it doesn't occur in the first place correct to me this is um symtomatic of the position that jcpnl and First Energy finds themselves in this is not um a oneoff event and if this is reflective of years of uh non-investment or inadequate investment by First Energy and jcpnl this is what needs to be fixed because that shouldn't be happening and even yes we understand trees hit lines um but there should be an automated system right that they make the switch and that the switch doesn't then blow every other surrounding substation in the exactly so what happened what originally impacted PLU and Village spread throughout Bedminster and then spread to the neighboring T yep um they've got to do something and we know that there they've got that um infrastructure Improvement pending with BPU I don't know the status of that um but col if you can just find out from Bob if they have an update on that there's no update so far I'll continue to Ping them on that one because yes that's as you mentioned mayor that's the investment that's been lacking for now coming up on 20 years since they inherited the system I will tell you that the JC panel situation um also impacts um you know the AT&T site right we know that um they're trying the owners of the property it's being marketed they're trying to figure out just what the energy capacity at AT&T AT&T had tremendous um energy demands and supply and redundancy at the headquarters campus um but guess what in 2024 and in the years to come what was a lot for AT&T may not be so much for the Next Generation users there so uh we know that marketing team is trying to get some additional feedback from jcpnl on what the capacity fore service could be and what it would take to bring it to whether it's megawatt 100 megaw um or greater usage because that's that is relevant to the um perspective tenants or owners of that property so it's everywhere it's not just residential areas that are impacted it's the commercial and the ability to uh maintain commercial viability in when you think about the life sciences business what drives at these days AI which means compute power which means power to run all those servers and all those system systems so yeah they have to be on top of this they have to be augmenting the system that's there now I mean it's not by onefold or twofold it could be by sixfold or Sevenfold that's how much power you need for these to run these businesses so it's absolutely critical like you said mayor not only for our business Health but for our residential health so we'll stay on top of it we'll see if we get any more updates with with respect to the the outage that occurred I think every executive within jcpnl knows who Bedminster is yeah no questions we have talked to everybody Alti well the good news is I have no Al update but I do have a New Jersey American Water update okay so rate increases from New Jersey yes they the rate increases hit our residents in their most recent bill so just a recap based on a following made with the BPU earlier this year New Jersey American Water was approved in September to increase residential water rates by an average of $533 per month and Sewer rates by an average of $568 C per month these are averages not Bedminster specific in addition to the rate increases certain sewer customers are going to migrate from Flat Rate billing to a partial usage based rate which has both a fixed component and a consumption based component usage based sewer billing only applies to those customers who currently received metered watered service in those cases some customers rates will go up others may go down for flat rate sewer customers whose units are not individually metered the rate is also increasing by roughly $1250 a month to about $70 which is approximately a 22% increase folks are rightly upset about the large rate increase the only caveat is that the flat rate for sewer has remained unchanged for many years I even look back at my sewer bill from when I lived in stone run back in 2005 and even then I was paying about 57 $58 per month if there is a silver lining we are fortunate that residents of the hills have been able to take advantage of a sewer rate that has not been adjusted for inflation in a very long time even with the current increase which I'm a fan of it's still much less than had a 2.5% inflation rate adjustment been imposed every year for the last 20 years that would have resulted in a 64% increase just inflation alone and two and a half is the the 20-year rate the as from New Jersey American Water by the way was $81 57 cents per month for flat rate sewer which is about double what they were ultimately approved for the minity was represented by the office of the rate payer Advocate which acts as rate counsel and argues on our behalf when rate increases are filed by utility such as New Jersey American water and by the way I am certain we are not New Jersey American Waters Christmas card list based on edmin opposition to rate increases both past and present I know Robin excuse me you and I can hear the sides when we sign on those raid filing calls they know who we are um as much as we would have liked we were not going to get a 0% increase or a nomal increase because the other side New Jersey American Water was arguing for the need for infrastructure Investments and Lead Pipe remediation which the BPU is looking to support in addition and the May can talk to this because this is day job standards for wastewater treatment have also become more stringent which are driving CA upwards that being said $70 is still a high bar you might be asking yourself why are the sewer rates at New Jersey American Water charges here in Bedminster higher than in some surrounding towns that's the right question remember that New Jersey American Water took over the operations of EDC in 2016 the cost of running that system which serves about 5,300 residents in the Hills is being advertised across a relatively small user base so it's a bit of apples and oranges when folks compare yourself to a neighboring town like Basking Ridge which has over 28,000 residents or Bridgewater where there are 46,000 residents the capital and the operating expense associated with those systems gets distributed over a much larger base of customers I assured I don't like the math any better than you also there's an understandable frustration when you're living in a one-bedroom condo and you're paying the same sewer rate as a four bedroom house part of that discrepancy goes away with a move to usage based billing because that big house now has a rate more aligned with actual consumption by the way the only way to get usage based sewer billing is to be individually meet New Jersey American water is not counting flushes they are using water consumption as a proxy for sewer usage I suspect that New Jersey American Water would be more than happy to install meters for all those customers who are not individually Meed right now which is the case for six developments in the Hills but that would be done at the expense of the users which would be cost prohibitive it's a bit of a cat22 in Closing one thing we want to emphasize is that all the utilities including New Jersey American Water provide assistance for those who are unable to pay their bills if you go to the New Jersey American Water website search on bill paying assistance programs for more info and I know Robin we also have pointers to that on the Bedminster website yes we do mayor I don't know if you have any questions you want to add any color but if for those units for those um condomini especially the Condominiums um where you actually had individually me units yes so whether it's one bed or two bed or three bed or a single family home in the Hills if they're individually metered going to get a Equitable allocation between those metered units it's still still rating overall rating correct correct but you'll see some Equitable allocation between those based on real water consumption correct however we know that there are numer well you said six six yep um including some of the larger ones Y where they're metered um I'm trying to think if they're metered at the building they're metered at the building level so the units aren't individually nope so everyone is paying a flat rate for water consumption and then a flat rate for sewer usage the only way way to um get around that is the installation of those individual meters and that's another rate increase that's another rate increas it gets passed on exactly right you know we're dealing we talked about infrastructure we're talking about um EDC was built by the developers of the hills 40 years ago 40 years ago right so they were you know they weren't they weren't a true um sewer entity and it's cheaper to do it that way I'm sure yep and just do it as a blanket um sewer rate across everybody yep and so we're still dealing with this now um it's it's a bad situation the only thing is that with the acquisition of EDC by New Jersey American Water they do have access to the water for those individually leadered units but for everyone else in those six um developments no it's very unfortunate but that's correct okay lman and anything further on utilities uh no nothing else thank you buman park Doug I know we've got this on for executive is there anything we can talk about in Open Session no we should be EXA okay uh suers Hills Public Safety committee um we're certainly doing our part um by getting those five flock cameras um I believe uh there's a press release that draft of there a draft of it that mayor cigliano put together so we'll see the other Mayors jump in on that um you know that there were some issues up in burnard's Township that mayor AC was talking about and certainly spreading that news uh to the other uh Representatives at our next meeting Public Safety Committee is November 14th November 14th we do have an executive session and we may be taking action following the executive session so we'll go through Township committee comments we'll adjourn to Executive session for those who want to stick around for our action following that um you're welcome to do so but we'll run through Township committee comments now commit Stevenson uh thank you mayor I just wanted to say thank you Miss Dylan um years ago I before getting involved here at locally I sat on the Sumer set County open space advisory Comm and um I was moved by the fact that actually we are recognized by that committee to be the leaders in the county for having green leavs and lining up Reserve lands and property you know I understand recognizing and honoring your mother's wishes but no one told her to do that without cost you know without um monetizing that so I look at that as a complete Act of public duty you know she's basically I want to do this for the public my mother's wishes but also the public and I'm not interested in making a dollar just reminds me you know we're wonderful a great town but we're great because of the residents you know they they actually care about you know what they leave behind and it's just another example of it I'm reminded of it don't really anything compared I just thought would you know just a recognizer and you know daughter to know to do that I think is just it's a selfless act you don't really see that very often with with folks doing something for the good of others without any personal gains thank you to Mr y thank you Comm thank you mayor uh just to reate some comments I had some family up over the weekend and they were attending Far Hills race and we're talking about what happened the prior week with fallfest what was going to happen next week with trun or treat or excuse me this week with trun or treat and the Bryce Rosen race and they're like wow you guys have a lot going on like this doesn't happen in our town right and it's all due to the efforts and the work of Gina you said it before it's it's it's the rec committee it's Neil it's tpw it's the police department it's the township employees it's the volunteers it's all in and everybody's all in and it's not just one week it's every week and then it's the farmers market which is 28 weeks it's a pretty amazing place to live and we should all appreciate it and just thank everybody again for all they do so because it's Unique thank you m that's all I have thank you committee woman mesue and how do you follow that up so just my my thanks to DPW to our First Responders to all the township employees especially Neil Mas Bono for having such a great fall F us can't wait for next year and just want to highlight as um Doug was mentioning the open space that people donate to us that the pocket park is an example of how Bedminster really tries to balance out keeping our Township viable keeping our economy going but still preserving our Green Space for um our residents and that's all I have thank you committee woman Fernandez ditto have a know Sor right there no thank you that's com mayor next time you have to go and reverse be fair to these guys one day one day reverse I certainly just uh once again Fall Fest terrific Jason Matilda she's hurting right now she's hurt I saw I saw her on Sunday walk took the dog for walk tomorrow and the pigs the pigs are still there pigs are gonna be there for Junk treats yeah we have a couple other things in works okay good good uh so once again DPW just a great job uh with fall fast Neal and Robin and everyone else out there uh fantastic fantastic and and Gina to the rec committee um to Bill and you guys for for leading that committee and leaving the charge uh just what a great day um Doug similar comments uh to Nancy Dylan um once again she could have taken it through the county or the state program or where we would pay her to put that conservation e and we do that all the time uh that we work with um the county and the state um agricultural committees on putting Farmland into preservation she's doing it without any compensation and credit to her and just um you know once again Lon road is a very special place and it defines for many people um fed started the idea that we actually have in our Minister plan not often quote Frank panish but uh Frank talks about the Town and Country feel of bedman certain so the town element pluckin Village Bedminster Village and then the country element as well and that that it's we work awful hard to maintain that balance of Town Country um so it's great to see it honored by um de St at 8:32 I'll take a motion to ad journ to Executive session so moved second all favor hi once again we will we will be coming out of executive session and we may be taking formal action afterwards you're more than welcome to stick around you don't have to but you can hi Ronney nice thank you Ronney what was that noise over no yeah the air pump for the drive system for the spr it's back up it got into that it is 9:31 Township committee is back in Open Session we've uh concluded our executive session we do have one matter to consider which is resolution 2024 140 this resolution points a public works department General Foreman specifically this would promote William Jr to the position of general foran questions or comments regarding the resolution seeing none take a motion to approve resolution 2024 140 so Mo second roll call vot please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi and Jason you'll reach out to uh William and tell him he's got the support of the township committee and his new position congratulations congratulations to Will congratulations to you Jason and thank you to Gina and Doug for conducting the interviews with the m well and Amanda and Robin for conducting 10 prior interviews and Jason yeah you you guys get to be the ones that brought at home that's right so we GNA need somebody to take his place yeah we still need a labor truck driver and a oper operator we still need to replace there you go can I do it on off all right all right at 9:33 I'll take a motion to adjourn for the evening all in favor thank you and good night good night good night everybody good night John thanks Amanda