##VIDEO ID:y1OS8Z16Oh8## hey good evening welcome to the Bedminster Township this is our regular Township committee meeting for august 19 2024 recognize that we have a full attendance by the Bedminster Township committee attending here in person committee men Stevenson committee hickey committee woman mesy attending remote via Zoom is committee woman Fernandez M Ray may we please have the open public me act statements yes mayor adequate not notice of this meeting of the township committee was sent to The Courier new Somerville Bernville news whiy and to all subscribers and post at the Township Municipal Building on January 5th 2024 great thank you please join me standing for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge of aliance to flag the United States of America and to for so this is the time of the meeting that we open up the microphone and the de for public comments we do have a public hearing of an ordinance tonight that probably good chunk of you are here for there will be an opportunity for public comment during the consideration of the ordinance so we will open up the public comment for comments that are not related to the ordinance so if you wish to make a public comment now not related to the ordinance raise your hand Mr rodent good evening I'm Michael Rhoden Spencer Lane pluck in New Jersey uh tonight I just wanted to come and actually thank the Township Recreation committee director n m Rono for applying for the grant from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for the 2024 Recreation approvement Grant do understand the township has received uh uh approval for $72,000 on that spend uh I had looked over the uh original Grant proposal uh saying that you know you're committing to uh spending open space funds on the dog park over in burnt Mills River burnt Mills dog park burnt Mills Road do Park uh I I really really want to say thank you uh I appreciate this I hope this project can move along at a good Pace uh considering that the documentation did state that it was going to be a Township build that you weren't really sending out to bid it appeared that way on the documents and uh you know just how it moves along and when it moves along I I I really know that a lot of people at the dog park aren't interested they really prefer River Road park for improvements but uh you know everything seems to be going fine down there at this point there's some grass that's uh developed on its own little clumps of grass that are growing in the gravel and it's rather interesting to see how that is developing it's kind of filling in the gravel there but in regards to the burnt Mills dog park uh I hope something comes of it soon I I would like to be part of that I believe that most of the people who use the dog park would be like to be a part of that and I am looking forward to that development okay thank you Mr Rodin you know how to contact Mr Master monono for further rec department meetings any further public comments once again not related to the ordinance tonight coming up to the microphone name and address wait wait till you get there wait till you get there okay Joanne Marino 1795 lamington Road I wasn't really prepared for this tonight but um I just would like to raise a question if there's someone from the township that could help connect me with the right person from the county to have lamington Road perhaps made just 40 miles an hour it goes from 35 to 50 miles an hour right before my house then back to 35 and it's treacherous trying to get the mail from the mailbox at when people are going 50 they're really doing 60 going to 78 so I don't know if that's something the township would help promote or if I would need signatures from other residents but that short stretch of 50 is you know seems kind of crazy we were hit once coming out of our driveway by you know people speeding to yeah so the uh so the traffic once again it as you pointed out it is a county road so the traffic uh restrictions on lamington are subject to County approval um Frank can you uh take yourself off mute yeah good evening good evening so Chief Bernardo uh question regarding Outreach to the county if there's someone um that a resident could speak to at the County uh to explore changing the speed limit on lamington road and at the 50 where it goes 30 30 to 50 to 35 35 to 50 back to 35 yeah if you just get her phone number we'll have we'll reach out to her tomorrow okay okay so if you want to give your phone number to Miss Ray I gave you Matt loope information before County it's a county road but just write your information down it's the same thing see what can TR okay once again any further comments not related to the ordinance tonight and Robin while you're wrapping up to we have anyone participating via Zoom who would like to make a comment not related to the ordinance I'm not seeing a show of hands here mayor okay and once again if for anyone on Zoom who wishes to make a public comment take your cursor down to reactions click on raise hand seeing none let's move let's move on we have one set of meeting minutes to approve that's the August 5th 2024 Township committee meeting comments or questions regarding the meeting minutes have not otherwi has been provided to miss Ray see none take motion to approve the minutes second all in favor I thank you we have six permits and Raffles on for tonight ver is a social Fair permit for Bedminster townships fallfest Community Day on October 13er is that a Saturday or Sunday is 13th is a Sunday yeah you know what this is 2023 as well got the wrong date in there it should say it should say um the 12th in 2024 2024 correct okay social Fair permit for Fall Fest October 12 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 P p.m at River Road Park next social Fair permit to benefit Fiddler's Elbow Country Club Robin is that right is it a is it to benefit fidler's elbow or is it for uh something else it is they're having um they're having they have their own Foundation their Foundation that they raise money for the young man that was killed from Penn State okay so the social care permit to benefit fither elbow Country Club uh some foundation on September 7th 2024 from 3:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Fiddler elow Country Club next social Fair permit to benefit shift natural lands trust Inc September 21 2024 from 5:00 p.m to 900 pm at the US Equestrian Team Foundation a social Affair permit to benefit Summit Health carees on September 23 202 4 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 at Hamilton Farm Golf Club a social Fair permit to benefit bran headquarters Association on October 6 2024 from 12:00 P.M to 5:00 pm at Fairview Farm Wildlife Preserve and the last of fireworks permit for fireworks display scheduled for September 7 2024 at approximately 9:30 p.m. at Hamilton Farm Golf Club so why don't we take the social Fair permits first any questions or comments regarding those permits say none take a motion to approve agenda items a b CDE e so moved second all in favor I I thank you fireworks permit so Robin this has gone through both police and fire for review uh yes and I just have an email from Fire official Steven Dill is said he's reviewed the firework application that Hamilton far for September 7th he has no issues and will issue a permit after inspection of site prior to the event okay and the duration of the fireworks display uh the duration is uh 10 uh looks like 12 minutes okay questions or comments regarding fireworks from this none see none take a motion to approve the fireworks permit for September second so second all in favor thank you monthly report discussion by subcommittee chair committee M Stevenson thank you mayor good evening everybody uh just got a update for DPW uh this evening uh s pres will meet later on this month um generator project for Town Hall is proceeding I don't know if you had a chance to see earlier there was a sizable trench out there I think it's been run and filled back in but we still got it completed to the but significant progress on that project uh with some of the RS we've been able to get back out cutting the grasses uh Jason's reporting that we're able to do that in a quicker time frame now due to larger mowers so that's good uh feedback on money well spent there storm uh April excuse me August 6th uh we had a couple days a brush and uh clean up and uh believe we opened up the uh the dump for folks who needed to drop debris um so we're actually in the process of uh turnning that around we're going to have mulch ready is it ready Jason it'll be ready by Monday okay so we're gonna have mulch ready to go out for folks who are looking for it so spread the word free delivery yeah we still looking to do free deliveries for that just get rid of it um so if you know of any folks that are looking for it um remove the dead ases out of Miller Lane um uh dirt roads still obviously are continuing um you know part of our assessment uh spooko and Fowler have been built up recently uh you'll recall that we uh done um commissioned some folks down in DPW to gpsr lights so I'm happy to report that that project is clearing uh out we're almost done we've uh just got to do one more little section um and then for later I I mention it um Old Stone House gas line not complete yet but um I guess we're making progress on that they weren't there today they doing the laterals at this point no they're still doing no the line they're still doing the main yeah and then last piece of info we got cameras installed out in the stall area so go to monitor what's going on in there okay all right that's what I've got thank you may a quick question for Jason Jason what's the um the street sweeper we have an we hav't near move forward we haven't move forward oh no no we have to wait until the Grant application period opens and that's not until after the first the year okay and that's with the combined Town Gladstone Far Hills and hope berille okay all right thank you committee man hickey thank you mayor good evening all uh Board of Health just a quick reminder the Board of Health is sponsoring an education program on Wednesday October 23rd in person at the Claren Dyan Public Library from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. the topic is healthy eating and meal planning and is being done in concert with the folks from The ruter Cooperative Extension registration is now open cost is $10 a person you can fill this form out we'll also get word out on the website via bedminister alert and Community pass and payment can also be done online so that's all I have May thank you all right thank you committee women moresi thank you mayor good evening everyone just a couple quick things from our EC um everyone knows about the turtle tunnels that are over on River Road Park well the uh tunnel barriers are made of wood and they're starting to rot away um so Brian zarat from New Jersey Department of Fish D um he was able to um secure a grant and they are buying new fencing for us to put up uh Jason has been in touch with Brian we're just waiting for Brian to get back to us and to see when we'll get the materials and put that up um it is not the prettiest of things it's a black kind of plastic but that should last a long time but the plan is to backfill with dirt and then grasses so that you won't even see it from the road at all so that's a good thing and what's the uh schedule you're looking at we're just waiting for him I'm waiting I got a couple calls to him I haven't heard back from since our last meeting okay yeah the last time we spoke with Brian he um had gotten the grant but he I don't think that he was in possession of the materials yet so he might have to actually go purchase them so not sure of a timeline um and the other big news was that Liz first from the EC has spent a lot of time and Care um helping us design a big poster set up at the farmers market uh that talks about Recycling and what to do what not to do apparently the county was in favor of educating all our residents because recycling is gets a little mess and you can ruin a whole load of recycling if you throw in the wrong thing into your blue bucket um so Liz very kindly put together a whole lot of information and for anybody who wants to see it it's in a huge poster at the farmers market and um at some point soon Robin will be posting that I believe on our website and it's up already great um and we'll have flyers or something available for anybody that needs that and that's all I have all right come mini woman Fernandez Gina you are muted I just trying to unmute sorry um so I I just have a few updates we had another successful year of Camp Bedminster with um session a having a total of 144 children session B 145 and session C 144 so is a great year our numbers are going up every year now since the pandemic so that's fantastic um also um um Bedminster Township Fall Fest Community Day like we discussed before is Saturday October 12 from 12:00 to 5: at River Road Park and um currently uh vendor and sponsor applications are coming in so hopefully they continue to come in and anybody that wants to be a vendor or a sponsor can still contact me m Bono um at the rec department and just like we mentioned previously uh the 2024 local Recreation Improvement Grant was um uh given to Bedminster Township recck department and um we're discussing the Burt Mills dog park project at the wreck meeting uh the location will be placed between the ball fields at burnt Mills Park and the size is one acre and some of the features that we're discussing are maintenance gate uh walking path two airlock gate entries uh with cement pads six park benches and waste bag stations so that's my update for today thank you mayor thank you so since we uh had our last meeting there was no l spard meeting there was a uh we had Surly the meeting on the 1 but we already reported on that farmers market again a great day this week we had 10:34 absolutely yep so um even with a little cloudy day we still broke a thousand that was great to see uh no Library board meeting this week jbh will be setting up a meeting to discuss the lease issues coming up and a we've got a a meeting coming up in September so right now August no tremendous reports from me and M Ray go to the administrator report uh yes mayor so just a little bit on the community garden while we wait we're waiting for the archaeological study uh from Hunter research on putting together the project authorization application which goes to the state store preservation office office that goes in conjunction with the hunter research findings um Miller Lane Pump Station project I met with County Administrator Colleen Maher and the county purchasing agent just provided them with the project status I think the meeting went very well um some good things came out of it and um the project team has actually met and we hopefully expect to go to bid next month so that's really good news and we have a meeting this Wednesday with our EPA contact for the congressionally directed funding portion of the um project just to make sure we have all our ducks in row with the federal government uh roof project the project team has met several times in the past two weeks and again we also anticipate going to bid with that hopefully September I'm just putting the final um um points together on the the bid package and then Somerset Hill's Public Safety Committee meeting um we had a meeting back on July 8 where everybody discussed the effectiveness of the automated license plate readers and as a group we're seeking additional funding by way of Grants to purchase them uh purchase more for each of the municipal um members uh within the Public Safety Committee and the next meeting for that is September 12th uh tomorrow we have a Fall Fest and internal Fall Fest project team meeting to review plans um set up activities Public Safety um and parking of course which is always an issue um Fall Fest is Saturday October 12 from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. and last but not least mayor this week we have um on Thursday we have the pluckin street skate meeting with all the pluckin business owners and Property Owners great and that concludes my report great thank you Chief we're turn to you for Community pleasing but before we do just want to mention um the poor weather we had for National Night Out yeah um a lot of work went into uh putting that event together and certainly want to recognize the efforts of Chief Bernardo Lieutenant PLO Jason Randolph and everyone from gpw and Neil mastero and recck and everyone else from staff who worked hard to set up the tents set up the vendors set up the food truck get the dunk tape dunk tank going and I believe officer I'm sorry officer Sergeant Greenstein was uh dunked at least once yeah news they were able to get that in U you know the weather came in before the mayor was able to get dunked um that was on that was on the agenda courtesy to Chief um so you know there's no there's no rain dates for national night app but certainly want to you know thank everyone uh from my perspective and also on behalf of Township committee for all the work that went into that so Chief and Tom Jas Jason and Neil just thank you for all your efforts on that not for uh not for not and the Bernville news did pick up on it so for the about 45 minutes that it was going on it was reported on so it's good to see so Chief turn over to you on community placing uh yes mayor um our detective Bureau they put they finalized their presentation regarding uh home and vehicle security they're in the process of contacting the library and the different HOAs to set up some dates if for whoever is interested in those types of presentations and then on September 14th at the Black River Deli will'll be uh um along with tberry police having a coffee with the cop um session at 8: to 10: a.m. and we're also trying to set up some other dates at different venues as well and that's all I got great thank you so Robin you reported um let's see oh summer said Hills uh Public Safety Committee we'll come back to that later later p is over so that's it introduction of ordinances we have no ordinances to introduce tonight we do have a public hearing of an ordinance take a motion to open up the public hearing for ordinance number 2024 017 this ordinance would amend chapter 7 entitled traffic the Bedminster General ordinances do have a motion to open the public hearing so so moved second second all in favor so as we had talked about during the introduction um we've put together an ordinance with uh attorney Bardo in conjunction with our engineer to make clucas Brook certainly um the majority of clucas Brook except with some exceptions uh no parking no stopping no standing uh the purpose of this ordinance is to promote Public Safety reduce traffic issues and also to support the quiet enjoyment for the Bedminster residents particularly in the clucas Brook neighborhood so I'll turn to the township committee for comments and questions regarding the ordinance for me none no okay we'll sing none from Township committee we will take public comments on the ordinance so if you wish to make a public comment on the proposed ordinance raise your hand come up to the microphone we'll need your name and address customary to read the ordinance you have public opinion yet or no no it's it's out there what thank you for driving um hey John do you have the ordinance in front of you Bardo I do there's no requirement mayor to read the entire ordinance by state law it's been published it's it's been on our our website it's now open for public comment but I think what we can tell you certainly is that it's very short no stopping or standing on clcas Brook there's some Provisions for uh parking dedicated for the library and it extends on both sides of clucas Brook and subject to our existing ordinance uh John it's subject to What U penalties fines and what um Towing mayor um it's subject to penalty fines in Towing um there is an area that's dead dedicated on clucas Brook to uh parking for Library patrons only and all of these restrictions should the ordinance be adopted will be noted on signs to advise the uh public of the restrictions against parking and the limit to uh Library patrons only for what the engineer has indicated is approximately eight spaces so once again if you wish to make a public comment come up to the microphone you're going to need your full name and address good evening my name is Gregory duner I'm at 101 uh Veterans Boulevard wtown New Jersey uh I have uh concerns because uh you guys I'm not saying you I'm not waiting anybody out but this ordinance just comes out of thin air because I'd like to know who okay what what what safety what Public Safety are we are we uh taking away from the public that the reason I believe why we're here all tonight is because for whatever reason there seems to be a uh an angst about people expressing their opinion publicly and it from what I gather that's that's legal still but now you guys are trying to prevent us from Gathering by by making it an ordinance saying that you can't park somewhere that's been already people been parking there with no problem for over over the years all of a sudden now this becomes an issue I I drive two hours just to come here to show my support for my president okay I'm I'm I'm not I'm not here to you know create waves I'm just here to wave Flags that's all I want to do I I just want to stand and and be an American and and and just stand for who what I believe and I just can't I can't drive two hours and then not have a place to park my car on a public Street in a in a just wave Flags you know that's all I have to you know I don't I don't have a question for you guys other than to say I appeal for your better nature you know we're we're all Americans we're all in the same tide whether any political sense you know besides that we're all humans we're all you know we're all together on this you know that's all I ask thank you so much for your attention thank you thank you thank you for driving up last could you just repeat your last name and spell it for me thank you so much hi my name is Terry Beck I live in Hillsboro New Jersey I also work with the Trump Administration to vet people I've conducted rallies at the corner for six and a half years no problems no issues um I have followed every order from retired Chief Carl rock also for chief Bernardo we have worked together several times I text them everything's in compliance we we are law F law abiding fil taxpaying citizens however this is putting a big monkey wrench into the respect level that we not only have for the person or persons stirring up the guilty party dictating orders to law enforcement to break their oath violate our rights and civil rights and by the way the ACLU is now involved with this because they feel where do you doing I said we have a perfect record officer Joe Dugan just said that to me the other day furthermore on top of everything I witness right before my eyes August 17th at 8:07 am. parked at 2345 lemington Road Medical Associates watch the cops lay out the orange cones lay them out at 1:42 pm. while I W left what happens they remove them now my retired correction officers and my bounty hunters and my biker club now suspect that this is all against us you're you're har it's ongoing harassment it's unnecessary P Pol probably political persecution and there's probably like everything like the government we currently have paid operatives benefits or anger that they can't express so they want to stop what their enemy they can't they have control of their eyes we don't pose an argument the amount of time we spend on the street is what two minutes unload the we're gone I've spoken to the sheriff twice I just had an hour and a half conversation with the prosecutor they all know the story we have no criminal record I vet people to get on the Trump's golf course so I have no nothing behind my name these guys don't either they are dieh hard people to save America we do nothing wrong I have said several times if the law enforcement if you get complaints I need to see them I filed four times Oprah request it was a tall officer no oh yeah what's your name what's your address I gave it did I get anything did I call get a call no where are they are these made up complaints I need to need I see I need them for our lawyers in New York City because this is going to get to the point where it's going to get so out of control I can't help but say anybody that's involved is either an accomplished to the crime enablers of the crime associate with the crime or they're behind the crime so I'm just trying to give you heads up warning because I talked several hours to a lot of people as a matter of fact two years ago I talked to sheriff dar Uso he wanted to know who did it oh yeah my name he know he loves it if I had him here with me tonight his exact words were Terry I'm so happy you called he goes I see you my wife and I drive to North Jersey we wave our small flags of course you don't know what I look like but I will tell you we are behind you tell everybody at that rally all of your peacefully assembly tell them thank you from the bottom of the sheriff's heart don't ever stop now if I have him here and he would take an oath he actually he's fulfilling his oath there are people breaking their oath and I need to know to where to turn everybody in who's breaking Oaths that's all I have to say I go on and on I have lots of stuff I've talked to lawyers I'm going to law school and I'm in contact right now with several people up on the Chain I can't say anything more then uh I need I I need an explanation US Marshals that I personally know are all involved thank you Miss Beck guyss your name and address Edward Edward mcguin MX County New Jersey woodge township I like to know you folk did you or did you not take an oath to uphold the Constitution United States when you resume your offices yes or no do do you have a public comment to make a I'm asking you a question do you have a public on the rights and ask you to sit down no I will not sit down I have a right to speak You're notti do not have the right to ask questions and get answers oh I don't you do not oh gee well then I guess I could just speak you could just speak well first of all this learned Council is in violation the of the First Amendment to this US Constitution you are standing in a way of freedom of assembly and freedom of speech and as far as I'm concerned there is no problem on that road for parking and if anybody tells me that I'm G to tell them they're a fool because I drove a fire engine for for 30 years and I can turn that engine around with those cars par there so please don't tell me and try to sell me that there's a problem when we park those cars everybody is quiet and moves to the to to the corner there's no making anybody any problem there's no houses on that side of the street and we only Park on one side of the street now I like to know which you won't answer me but I'm putting it out there is what was the emergency since the emergency started at 8:00 in the morning on the 17 and then when these people left at 1:30 the emergency was over with and all the cones came down that sounds like political inter political violation of our rights and you should be ashamed of yourself you should all be ashamed of yourself that you are standing in a way of Patriots you know is an old adage you could sit there and you could look and you don't want to answer me but that old adage says it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think that you're a than to open it up and prove them right thank you for your comment Deborah McGuinn constitutional Patriot Woodbridge Township New Jersey first of all I just like to reiterate or concur with my husband we have been engaged in a lot of different rallies and stuff on both sides of the aisle we try to do what's right we live by the golden rule we we help our neighbors and we clean up after our rallies we've never had a problem anywhere we went across the tri-state area all right I and my Patriots see this all is bullying personal and political persecution and harassment plain and simple it is for a few select people who I'd like to be able to face these accusers of what the real problem is here because it's only done during a certain amount of hours okay and besides infringing on Free Speech the First Amendment remember our taxes also help pay for the roads none of the money is ear marked but a specific name for a specific part of the state we do pay for those roads as well so we should be able to park there as long as we aren't blocking the roads which we don't do any of that okay we park correctly we try to be accommodating and obliging now a president has been set for the six plus years and all of a sudden it's deemed a problem that seems kind of hokey to me what's really behind all this we'd also like I said we'd like to face our accusers why is it suddenly a problem like if the noise is such an issue then use a calibrated desal noise device like they do for the trains where we live the people have been fighting that for a number of years but unless it reaches a certain level it's not deemed a problem so that could be a study that's done here too if you really want to prove your side of the coin then prove that to us and make it available to us so that we understand we want to be able to work with everybody we understand it was a nice quiet little Community but things change just like we're always told things change you got to get used to it well I'm saying the same thing it works both ways okay I don't Fringe on anybody else's rights I don't expect it done to us Golden Rule keep that in mind so unless the noise can be detrimental and most times it's not because of the distance from where these things I can't stop people from beeping okay and furthermore from where we are at there is no there shouldn't be a problem there most people are in their AC with Windows shut trust me I don't have AC but with my Windows shut because we come from an area with a lot of noise we don't hear it so why is it people with how many blocks away they are suddenly deem it a problem from what we're understanding now let's all work together and do what's right and not infringe on our constitutional rights patri stand up thank you Miss mcguin okay thank you hi I'm Margaret Longo um Chester New Jersey um I didn't expect to be speaking today but I feel like I need to regarding safety um whoever is saying that there's a problem with safety along with us parking along that road it's a bigger safety issue if we have to park elsewhere in Cross lamington or cross 206 um and I would also like to mention um maybe the people who are um instigating this this wanting to make another ordinance that would make it hard for us to park right along the library there which is so easy to get out of your car walk to the corner and I also have to comment the noise issue too um you know there's trucks that go up and down the road with braking and all sorts of things so cars honking on and off for a couple hours is not a real big deal um you know in the grand scheme of things because it's not like we're out there every single day um there's um uh regarding the safety also um please just give me a minute um I would like to mention that maybe the people who have um put put forth this change of ordinance should be listed their name their address where they live and maybe if anybody of of us does happen to run into a problem having to park elsewhere and get to the corner um that maybe they should be held uh you know accountable in some way for that because they're wanting us to move a safe parking place right along the library and have to move elsewhere thank you for your comment Miss Longo good evening y'all Vinnie balduchi uh from hillsbor New Jersey and uh speaking before yall the board my organization New Jersey flaggers in addition to another organization the New Jersey Sons of Confederate Veterans have had several events at the corner uh where this proposed um you know Amendment would impact every time we went up there we had a wonderful group of people with us we worked with the local uh law enforcement they were very kind we made sure to always reciprocate that we always stressed you know mutual respect we followed the protocol we never parked in library I've been attending multiple rallies since about 20 again we always followed the rules uh parking along the road it was never an issue there was no obstruction we never ever parked in the library there were times where we would go up there for a rally and there would be some stuff on the ground we would always clean it up I'd bring trash bags we left the area in a lot better you know place that it was we always would document it too just in case word would get back that oh it was left a mess you know this ordinance would uh negatively impact potentially businesses because every time we had events we would always stress the importance of supporting the community as a way of thanking the community for having us there we would support local businesses in Bedminster as well as the sister community of Bridgewater and uh we were there uh the entire time last summer without an issue I did notice about two years ago we had problems with the grass not being mowed we still managed to work with it and uh please consider uh this um you know ordinance it would be a violation of USC 42 section 1983 and violates Amendment one and4 thank you for your time and God bless thank you Mr Bel good evening everyone my name is Caitlyn kther I formerly used to be a resident of Ben Minster and I am expressing my concerns about this ordinance because I feel as if that this is political interference I also am expressing my concerns because we've never created an issue there we thoroughly enjoy having people show support for our president and he obviously chose Bedminster to spend the majority of his Summers and the fact that he has people that support him at the corner um that you're trying to interfere with just putting forth an ordinance to not allow people to lawfully park is in my opinion disgraceful um I have thoroughly enjoyed going out there and meeting people who are like minded because as we all know right now the part's very divided and I am sure that a lot of people in this audience will agree with me that things like these are why the party gets divided everybody here is an elected Republican and you run under the line of Donald J Trump and you are literally putting us in a position where we cannot support him in his neighborhood okay there is no issue we have not had any interference with the police at all whatsoever I'm not quite sure why this is happening nobody here has ever even wanted to have a conversation and I have spoken to people who have put forth these uh peaceful assemblies to even have a conversation with you guys because I've learned the hard way okay there's no point in you know um excuse me thank you um I've always encouraged anyone who has wanted to have an event at the corner to have an open conversation and I think that's the transparency that we're seeking okay we're not here to create a problem we're here simply to express our concerns we wish that we were able to come forth and speak with you guys sooner however there have been other you know um notices sent cease and assist letters I'm not quite sure when all we're trying to do is exercise our first amendment rights and the fact that you guys are Republicans and are supposed to be on our side it's making it very confusing for a lot of people here this evening because we're also feeling that you guys really aren't supporting the president by doing this to us when you're an elected official under the Republican party which is why all this division is starting in the first place and I don't like con I don't want anybody to have conflict and to know that this has gotten to this point when I know one of the elected officials lives in the neighborhood in which this ordinance is wanting to be passed seems as if it's only for one person's benefit here on the committee so I had the nerve to say it I have some of my people that at you know times that I would assume our friends because we have peacefully gathered under the same values and I hope that your values would not be interfered if you were doing something like this so put the shoe on the other foot please understand where we're coming from I would really wholeheartedly hope that you are listening to us and not just going through the motions because we're Republicans too and we're Americans also and we want our rights protected but when things like this are happening it makes us very put in a very uncomfortable situation where we don't feel like our values and our you know um their values matter at all and and and like Terry just said disrespect you know we haven't created a problem we don't want a problem we just want to go and meet with people who actually are are happy to find somebody likeminded because we all know that the past few years a lot of people have been suffering and you know they've been persecuted for their political values and we feel now we're on that receiving end thank you Miss kther Miss kther can you some your current address I need your current address I'm sorry uh Manville New Jersey thank you I was just going to say see no other coming up hi my name is Hank mardukas 47 Highland Avenue P Gladstone uh seems like this bill that you guys are going to present is going to do more detriment than it's going to do good to protect safety Donald Trump told us not to stop fighting I take that literally you guys want to make a bill that's going to shut this thing down and make it harder for us to do what we're going to do we're going to find other legal ways to do it and when we're driving in front of your houses with our flags and you have to look at us not just on Saturdays but every day of the week and you guys have all been to the rally you all drive up and down the street you know how many people have been there hundreds and they come from out of state you could either just let us be on a corner Us neander Fall Trump supporters right you could just let us be on a corner and let us speak what we want for the next two months or we can do it legally throughout the entire town multiple towns and I'm sure that when people find out when this bill goes through and they can't go on that corner anymore they're going to be pissed and everybody is going to independently and autonomously take it upon themselves to write this wrong so think about what you are doing because you're going to waken a sleeping monster in this town and there's a lot of Republicans that live here that will let us Park in their lots and in their driveways and I don't think you want bearded baldheaded Trump guys like me walking up and down your liberal neighborhoods waving our flags going to that corner so that's all I have to say think Trump derangement syndrome it is a real thing have a good day God bless thank you Mr Mar hi my name is Donna CES I live in Timber in Bedminster and uh all I was going to say is since we should have open communication always I'm just wondering isn't there anything else that can be done as far as if we really can't park on clucas road or the AT&T parking lot or across the street um perhaps someone in the town can suggest uh maybe we need to park at River Park uh maybe we can park here at the town maybe the train station I don't know where and then you know we can shuttle each other to the corner I'm just wondering if there's any other options or suggestions that we could work together at least in the interim while we're trying to figure out if we really need this amendment to the ordinance um you know that's all that's all I'm thinking is that there's maybe some other way we can work together so that people can assemble and get there safely but thank you very much thank you Mr grey M greedy uh before you up are there any other comments before we go again with Miss Beck yes in the back and name and address uh Andy Chang one Jordana Fort here in Bedminster uh so I just want to voice my support for the proposed ordinance so I am actually a resident of the neighborhood uh to which this ordinance would apply I'm also the father of three young children and one of their favorite activities is to ride to the Claren styan Library uh and back back home uh with you know new books in hand so speaking of L luucas Brook Road is also an access road to the popular Bedminster hike and bike trail and we see cyclists you know pass by very frequently so having cycled in urban areas there's two safety issues that concern me when I see a long line of uh cars park back to back on the street so first the parked Vehicles impede visibility of patrons in this case as they enter and exit the library driveway less of an issue if you're in big vehicle but not so safe when you're a small child library on a bicycle secondly this is what I noticed okay so secondly the danger the the danger is also being doored where driver or passenger inadvertently opens their uh vehicle door in the path of the cyclist approaching from behind uh you laugh but you know it's happened several times when I cycle okay so with that said we support the council's effort via this ordinance to maintain the safety of residents and visit to our neighborhood thank you thank you Mr Chang once again really really really did you just say that looking at me you looking at me I am looking at you did you just say that no I didn't say that put a name to it if you want to say things like that or better yet leave yeah you want to say go back to China you can leave nazzi Sons ands okay I'm not going to listen to that I you're going to hear it okay listen you guys all a bunch of not such guns and this then you can leave and you can stay go back to China give me a break you don't come in my Chambers and attack my res like that sit your house Mr s you have a comment I'll see you later Mr Ste okay pal yeah what your cohort says gu to one of my residents how dare you guys come in here and then he hits this here and says something you don't like so you're G to like throw barbs from s that is not civil discourse unacceptable I heard a whole bunch of stuff from over hereon we have someone who's ready to make a public comment we have someone ready to make a public comment Jim would be here shut your mouth Jim Stevenson good evening everyone my name is Jim stat Miller I'm from 2300 lamington road across CLS Brook Road from the library no one has had the quiet enjoyment of their property impacted more by the township established Free Speech Zone than I have for the last eight years my Saturday mornings have been routinely dis disrupted by Rowdy outof Towners from both sides of the political aisle who have no regard for my neighborhood their Gatherings are often centered around provoking the blaring of horns from the route 206 intersection for several hours however their Gatherings have included Amplified music chanting from bullhorns and boisterous and sometimes vulgar arrivals and departures on clucas Brook Road although most of these disturbances occur on Saturday morning their timing is unpredictable this has personally impacted me several times most notably disrupting my granddaughter's baptism during the depths of the covid pandemic when churches were closed I arranged to have my granddaughter baptized in the backyard of my home at 2300 lamington Road I scheduled it for late Saturday afternoon because the Saturday routing is usually done by lunchtime however on this day the demonstrators decided to make it an all day Affair so the sacred moments of my granddaughter's baptism included protesters yelling audible profanities about their political opponent so I encourage you to pass this ordinance and I applaud your efforts to make this weekly disturbance less convenient to all involved I'm sure you realize this is just another chapter in The Saga after the no parking signs and traffic cones were erected on clucas Brook Road last week the protesters moved their rendevu to the medical office building and gas station across lemington Road prior to trespassing on the property now occupied by AT&T however more needs to be done to control the noise disturbance it surely must be a violation to hang hunk for my guy signs on the directional signal polls of Route 206 in lamington Road I implore the township committee to explore all remedies to eliminate this noise pollution and restore the quiet enjoyment that every Bedminster neighborhood deserves thanks Mr sat Muller are there any further comments from anyone else who hasn't spoke good evening my name's Ed pape I live in uh necon New Jersey you know I'm just going to put it like another example like where I live it's summertime and every week you're have somebody's having a barbecue they'll blast the music none of the neighbors call up the police or nothing I mean it's America people are celebrating and I mean that's where I live I hear music barbecues and I just let people live you know and enjoy life I mean yeah there's times gez I shut the windows boy it's loud out there today you know but that's just life that's just me you know I don't know I you know I mean if I wanted to peace and quiet I guess I'll move in the middle of North Dakota somewhere you know I don't know what to say that's just my opinion I just I'm hearing this and I'm like it's not the end of the world cuz your granddaughter I mean it's you know it's we all want peace and quiet but gez you can't always have it that's where I live but I can't you know I don't let the little things in life bother me you know Life's Too Short thank you Mr Pepe yeah thank you thank you for your comment thank you is Beck you're writing notes down yep got lots to say first thing is I want to let you know all right I respect everybody's opinion the guy was here talking about the bicy bicycle and the safety which the road is very wide and we've measured several times we know the width of a car we know where traffic goes down now instead of parking there when we park across the street who I talked to the manager the property manager Lor I had a good nice discussion with her she has no problem so that's not going to defeat it's not going to stop us from doing anything we're not doing anything wrong so now the issue becomes like I told the prosecutor now the issue is safety walking across the street so now we just made a simple issue of safety's parking along the street following what we're supposed to park where we're not supposed to park simple as that but now we have to walk across the street and pose a bigger liability that's number one number two I need to see the complaints that have been told to me and the bikers all along for the six and a half years I need those in writing I got it from my US Marshall that said to me Terry that everything has ever said to you has to be documented I need it because now it's going to get to the point where it's going to escalate and escalate and I don't know how far it's going to escalate because this is a simple matter as you heard everybody's civil very understandable very respectful but we're getting disrespected and when you when it's not equal like that it kind of changes your opinion about how the C country is run in General on every level and who represents what are they really for the people or are you against the people and that's the thing we pay everybody's tax we're taxpayers we pay your salary so we would expect that all government officials on every level would help us out not hinder us he may not like the bicing hey I don't like that billboard who do we go who where do I go to turn him in it's you have control of your eyes there's no harm in it there if it was such a bad Hazard or such a criminal uh event or action on our behalf we would have been arrested and dead by six and a half years ago the bikers and I put people on the spot we question them maybe they don't like our questions they had no answers but obviously they know everything the hate came from Mr James gerin who lives on 11:15 rout 28 in North Branch two blocks from the college him and Stacy Greg both have partnered up against me and the bikers they didn't know the bikers because the bikers are very hardcore they don't play games ask a question since you know it then answer it they didn't and my name got turned in I have nothing to do with it I talked 20 minutes to Carl Rock he hit it off you love me he goes ter I don't find anything confrontational about you what are they yelling about I go it's because they have the mental processing order there's a disorder that they can't connect so if they order if the complaints are coming from the citizens or the liberal side I need to know that for the lawyers that I'm speaking to because I got several people on high chain that want answers from me and if I can't get the answers and the actual direct parties and I told that to an officer on the 17th I need the first and last name of the person or persons filing the complaint and I need to know it because it has to be in the hands of my lawyers and my people that I'm working with under judge Janine's bodyguards I have a lot of people because I'm with the Trump Administration it's a very powerful movement for me but I don't want to fight I I comply and that's the thing I'm trying to prevent any kind of uncivil stuff going on and and Lori you know what Lori the the property manager after she met me she's like I like you I like you because I'm a civil person I try to work with people and I and she says Terry you know anytime I go no Lori here's the deal I scope your parking lot out just to see what I could do to remedy it for us because I said in the beginning I didn't know what we're going to do and I thought you know what fine I'm gonna try to check out local business I'm a I'm a previous AT&T employee by some chance just recently just tonight I met a lady she goes oh I want to join you guys I want to join you guys it turns out she's a previous AT&T employee you know what she said she goes Terry here's my name and number you park in the parking lot under my name so I I just got it was like heaven sent she gave me her name and number she wants to come with us and now she gave me permission so Lori just gave me permission on Saturday so it's sad that we have to inconvenience doctors now it just it the whole thing is just so so discombobulated it's just really like a mess when it doesn't have to be if the people that are complaining if so to speak it is that whole entire area over there with the all the people down the street if it really is them why didn't they buy a home in a gated community after all the public library was there way before they were that's a new development so if you really want it's just like the green old Grill the people that bought houses across the street they were complaining about noise in the bar license was going to get taken same stuff so if it's that big of a deal why didn't they do the logistics before buying a house the library was there a long time ago okay thank you Miss Beck all right I could go on and on because you know it's just it's I've asked for a deal reader that's what per Police Academy we heard you says I I've never got take a motion to close the public hearing so moved second so we'll go into a deliberation attorney Bardo John yes mayor how are you so you've heard the comments from tonight uh any concerns about the drafting or enforcement of the ordinance based upon the arguments um and comments that were made by um by the public none mayor Chief Bernardo any um comments or questions once again similar to Attorney bardo's question regarding um enforcement of the ordinance uh no sir okay so um open up to Township committee for comments and your thoughts about the no parking on clcas Brook ordinance Comm Stevenson my my comment is that much of the comments that we received are sort of apples to oranges from this no one nowhere in this ordinance does it say where you can or cannot congregate nowhere in this Ordinance do to say where you can and cannot uh come together and exercise your right to free speech um this is completely unrelated to what you're referring to um so I would just that much of the comments here are simply um I don't want to say uninformed but perhaps you're informed you're you're talking about rights to get to a spot that you have no right to occupy I'm not getting into it has nothing to do with this uh River Road certainly is available there's a ton of other places that one can go to express their right of free speech uh I don't see as this is being uh completely independent of that so um I don't see this ordinance as affecting any right to free speech or any right to congregate Comm hickey committee woman Ry committee woman Fernandez comments thoughts I just agree with Doug that this is nothing to do with um uh stopping anybody's right to free speech we certainly do encourage that I mean we have everybody here to tell us their opinions and we really appreciate that everybody came and shared it with us um but the the uh the parking is a completely separate issue and we're we're taking care of our neighbors as well so the um so Gina do you have um anything you want to add no mayor I have no comments okay thank you so just to further up on um what doug had mentioned there's nothing political there's no one side on this ordinance um certainly been out to the library multiple times um observing the the rallies I've also been out there observing um other rallies on the other side and i' I've Express to police um I think this is um you know fairly common uh that there's been groups that are Cooperative with our police and there are groups that have not been so Cooperative or sensitive to the neighbors or sensitive to folks who are driving by with different political opinions um there's been certainly a sentiment from within that neighborhood and I've heard the noise and it's not just not just 100 yards that noise from that intersection asking for the cars honking goes all the way across just about a mile I mean we've certainly heard it going down uh down 202 going down 206 and into those neighborhoods I certainly understand that the residents who've been there and have dealt with the parking issues the congregation issues on that street which was not set up for this I certainly am sensitive to them and I think we've always said from the very beginning that our role up here is to support Bedminster residents so this ordinance in my mind supports the residents in the clucas B neighborhood with that I'll no further comments from my side take a just just just a tag on that one point is that for each of you who are here in opposition and you say well I'm here from A to B that's true but how about the next wave of folks that feel politically different than you then there on the next wave and then another wave so it's not just your Wave It's a consistent wave that's going so goes back and I certainly you know the the references that Miss Beck made to um those two others um we're certainly familiar with those Generations as well uh the generation of noise and attitude towards Bedminster to the police to the residents once again you cannot uh put a political thumb on Gatherings and so we don't with that take motion to approve the ordinance uh that ordinance make this 202 24017 we have to close the discussion well we close public we did we did CL we CL we Clos we took a vot people from everywhere we don't have moved we have a second there'll be a roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi May Jacob hi thank you moving on we have one two three four items on the consent consent agenda these are items of a routine nature any committee person may call for any resolution to be called out and considered separately seeing none take a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda so moov second roll call vote again please Mr Stevenson I Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you we've run resolution for individual consideration resolution 2024 1112 authorizing a local matching funds for the EPA grant for the Miller Lane Pump Station Miss Ray or Jason do you want to take that actually I can I can take it okay you don't mind um so mayor part of one of the requirements for the um EPA Grant which is a congressionally directed spending um is that uh Bedminster Township puts forth a 20% cash match this identifies and um appropriates the uh 20% Cash Cash match which is also going to be contributed by The Bu of Far Hills and the bur of Pac Gladstone our partners in the project any questions for Miss Ray regarding the pump station now talked before that you're ready to go to public bid we are next month issues with New Jersey American Water have already been um resolved uh they are what they are and there's no getting out of this contract at this time we just delay the project so we're goingon to have a giant we're going to maintain that giant tank base in there that's it's gonna have to get rebuilt but we did speak with col there additional funding there there's some additional funding coming in okay comments questions regarding resolution 2024 1112 regarding the pump station no no seeing none take a motion to approve 2024 1112 so moved second roll call vote Please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi Miss moresi hi Miss Fernandez hi and mayor Jacobs hi thank you take a motion to approve the bill list pending review of individual invoices second roll call vote again please Mr Stevenson hi Mr hickey hi M moresi hi Miss Fernandez I and mayor Jacobs hi thank you any items for consideration under new business none none none old business do improvements appr propo of tonight's ordinance uh reaching out to do uh to uh make The Pedestrian access across 206 a little more time to make uh to create a little safety out there um I just sent a a followup to Meredith Hammond at do just on what was that Saturday or Sunday night um once again asking to get confirmation whether do has already or will extend the timing for the uh pedestrian cross yet to hear back from Meredith we will continue to follow up uh Chief I copied you and Robin I copied you on that thank you utilities so wow where where to start more power outage in Bedminster sunny day outages rainy day outages wind outages I reached out to uh my liaison at the governor's office um who put me in touch not with our local jcpnl representative but the uh Statewide jcpnl representative um arranged for conference call with commit hickey um and Robin and we had an extensive conversation with him uh we are expecting um uh what's the doin called reliability reliability report reliability report to go back um what we say 18 months yes correct that's we typically do 12 months we said look you gota you got to go back further this is unacceptable for residents um n Crest uh what was it just last week week had about 21 24 hours of outages it was over 24 hours and it was the fourth outage to affect those resid in over a month and they had a total of 41 hours of downtime in last month for select group of residents there it's unexceptable as the mayor said so we got the opportunity to elevate uh the complaint um higher up within jcpnl we're expecting to hear back this week um we'll be setting up another phone call with um with him and their local liaison as well uh so with that um Comm hickey I'll turn it over to you for further uh further wonderful news about Jason how do I follow that well I I will do the recap with the noest addage since it was the most egregious of recent times it began on Friday August 19th was not resolved until noon on Saturday the 10th about 20 homes were impacted it was caused by a failed primary line those are lines that interconnect Transformers it's particularly upsetting because there was another primary failure in this very same neighborhood about a month earlier had that original failure been permanently fixed at that point as opposed to a temporary patch being applied the latest outage would not have been anywhere near as long as I mentioned was there have been four outages toing 41 hours of downtime for those n Crest residents this is on top of all the other outages we've experienced this summer beginning as you may recall mayor on a rainy Memorial Day Monday where I think you and I spent the better part of six or seven hours trying to get folks back online after two separate poweres impacting the route up to excuse me the line on 206 um I will state that jcpnl was consciously making operations and maintenance decisions that may optimize their financials but they are being done at the expense of our residents not only an inconvenience Factor but there's spoiled food there's lost wages there's lost productivity these are not acts of God these are not storm related ouges these are not due to the ever elusive squirrel these are management decisions of when where and how to invest in infrastructure and maintenance we are not the power company we do not control those decisions but mayor as you've just indicated we can clearly exercise our influence we've done so in the past and we will do so again and uh yeah and and one of the things that we did ask for um is to bring a JC representative to your Township committee meeting crowd might be angrier than yes um and not just to have the government liais on person but actually to bring Engineers who can talk about why things are happening right and more importantly what's going to be done and when it's going to be done to fix those issues so um we've talked about this with um blanking Bob Flynn y who our local government leison and we had that conversation as well with the state representative and they said that they were uh Target September 16th was it the 16 16th which is the our second meeting in September so we'll be looking at September 16th to bring some jcpnl reps in um once that is confirmed we will have it noted on the website so please stay tuned for that okay um any other utility or njw no Alti no njw okay I'm gonna ask this question even though I think I know the answer pluckin Park Housing Doug and John are is there anything you can say in public no no mayor okay uh sumerset Hills Public Safety Committee uh so there was a call with the mayor and some of the police Chiefs uh Robin that was what um was that last week yes it was that was last week um I was UN able to make that call uh there is another call coming up Robin did report back to me on the issues that were raised and one of the issues that was um suggested I'm not sure which mayor raised this um was actually bringing to the league um sorry the New Jersey League of municipalities at the convention to run a program on car thefts and what municipalities can do and what they are doing and perhaps on the other side what they can't or shouldn't do um so I I even though I wasn't there I think this fell on my shoulders to reach out to the league to suggest this as a topic for the November um convention so I will uh be sending an email out to the president of the New Jersey League municipalities to throw that out there um Robin was there anything else during the um Public Safety Committee meeting um just that we are seeking funding opportunities for additional alprs throughout the different mun member municipalities since they're working so well okay so alprs are the automated license plate readers so those are the cameras that will identify whether or not a uh car that's associated with um an incident could be a stolen car could be a car that's um wanted in connection with criminal or IL legal activity sends an alert out to the local police local police can then send units in to uh investigate and assess so um some of our surrounding towns are moving forward with that and I am hopeful that within the next um month or so that we will be moving forward on uh license PL leer uh Pur purchases I we'll leave that to Chief Bernardo and Robin to uh go find the best deal as they always do and that's it for those reports on Old business Township committee comments by the way we have no executive session if you want to hide in the back room anyone or all of us uh we don't have that opportunity so we'll go through Township committee comments then we will adjourn for the evening committeeman Stevenson thank you mayor I didn't have any comments but given tonight I think I need to say a few things so forgive me I'm just ad living here but um I thought it was a good example um of what our role is here um yeah we're elected by the public but we're elected by the residents of Bedminster and while it's true that the five of us are all same side of the political equation we are not driven by nor will we ever be driven by political reasons okay there aren't Republican or Democratic potholes in town okay um the idea that someone's going to come into this Chambers and be disrespectful and threaten us and tell us to just let them do what they want to do because it's easiest path that's not going to fly with me it's not going to fly with you guys and I hope that the folks that sitting the chairs after me it won't fly with them thank you to each of our residents that came out and withstood the kindergarten behavior of these folks thank you for letting us know your beliefs and your experiences um it's an incredibly myopic view of the world that a lot of those folks have and while I appreciate their desire and their their desire to get out and have their political beliefs heard um there's nothing that we did today that impedes that or affects that in my view and um what we're doing is making sure that the residents over there in the clucas Brook neighborhood um get some relief here and um so forgive me for blowing my top but I'm not going to sit here and listen to someone who's already been given the floor say something so repugnant to my existence to a member of our own town if what I did tonight was wrong by saying I'm to get the hell out of here and I'll take my punishment like a man but I'm not going to have that in my chambers that is complete crap I I want to hear what everybody has to say if you don't agree with what I want to do that's fine get up there on the DAT and tell me that I'm wrong but you're going to disrespect someone you're going to disrespect a resident and you're not a resident you can leave that's all I got thank you commit him and hickey that's a hard to follow but I will say mayor that while I always appreciate public comments as Comm Stevenson said we are here to serve our residents and they're not to be disrespected they're not to be talked over they're not to be ridiculed and that was a poor demonstration we saw tonight over several individuals who expressed our opinions but then decid to argue with the opinions or the the rights of our own residents and that's not to be stood for mayor that's all I have and I appreciate all those who who stood and spoke tonight particularly our residents here in bedm because as committee Stephens head we're here for you folks thank you thank you committee woman and mesy I can't follow that except to say that I I agree with both the gentlemen and um I appreciate everybody coming out and saying what they had to say on either side of the conversation but uh it was definitely one side was being respectful and listening to one side and the other side was just not and that's not the way we run things here in Bedminster thank you committee woman Fernandez uh thank you mayor I just agree with everyone's comments that uh you know it's very important to be respectful especially of our residents and on Township committee we do pride oursel in doing what's best for all of our residents um and have it's not political at all and um I'm glad that our residents came out and voiced their opinion about our you know the complaints that they were having and I hope that um I hope that uh everything uh remains respectful for them as well so um that's all have a good night thank you good thank you so from my perspective once again Doug um no apologies no apologies none none are necessary um in fact do it again if the opportunity comes up you know there were a couple um couple comments about um Chief Rock and the fact that had this been um originally established and sanctioned and and you know at one point certainly was set up um in the wake of uh president Trump's um election that was uh eight years ago and at the time it was protesters against the president for several years it was and the neighbor the neighborhood put up with it the parking the queuing of vehicles for the people's motorcade Brigade or whatever it was called lining up um certainly that neighborhood has put up with a lot for a very long time there has been once again um we look back and go you know what we don't know that problem we this is not part of Bedminster Township on we don't have the opportunity to give a thumbs up or thumbs down on Gatherings there so attorney Bardo sent the letter out saying you know what you were certainly not there within Prater of the township so therefore you can be present at your own risk that you're subject to the property owners saying get off or not but it's certainly without government local government authority to be there so having said that okay so they didn't like that answer number of names and threats were lobbed at uh both attorney Bardo and me as well and the way oh you still on the record we are told to move walk so so I'm expecting I did hear that I'm expecting you guys to keep a close eye on 2300 lington Road and me our our police are uh I'm sure that Sergeant vry is is aware yeah they are who they are but when we look at what we did right and we were accused of uh being liberals or being accused of anti-trumpers and being accused of uh not a lot of other things out here um and probably worse outside um you know we have to we have to stand up for our residents we do not have to abide or promote the Gatherings at this property we are not there to make it easier sorry but that's not our job is not to make your rallies more easily attended if you're getting P if you're getting parking from across the street okay it's private property they're going to give you that opportunity to park there okay all right but we don't have to make it easier for you and less convenient for our residents all in all um for most of the meeting um the comments were civil and directed and then at the end when they weren't getting their way or they certainly anticipated they weren't getting their way um it's evolved but I want to thank everyone who showed up and just as uh uh the other committee men have said and committee women uh thank you to our residents for uh giving your take on the Gatherings and the impact um to your quiet enjoyment and um I want to thank everyone in the township committee for um standing up and doing what you think is right no further comments at 8:30 on the dot take a motion to adjourn for the evening so second all in favor thank you and good night good night night night night