##VIDEO ID:0W07rv8N6N0## agenda agenda try clean up here there after this seat sorry oops I guess I should stay everyone please stand for the salute for the flag I to flag United States of America to the for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all on November 29th 2023 note of this of this meeting was emailed to The Courier Post newspaper and the Philadelphia inquire and duly posted on the bulon board of the municipal building all requirements of the open public meetings act have been met in compliance with the Sunshine Law roll call Fran councilman berer here Council Casey here Council D'Angelo here counc here counc herec here may here any Communications none entertain a motion for approval of the meeting minutes from August 22nd 2024 sub second roll call Fran Council berer yes counc Casey yes Council dangelo yes counc yes Council yes counc abstain committee reports councilman berer uh couple of minor items the audit for this year has been filed with the state of New Jersey and our yearend uh journal entries have been received uh by our Auditors Bowman Associates and we also received our best practice notebook uh for the uh review uh bre creation uh we're in the process of scheduling a meeting with each organization and the purpose of that is actually to assure that everyone has insurance on the contents of their uh building uh we have insurance as the burrow on the buildings and land but uh they have to have their own so we're waiting for the state to get back uh that's all I have tonight thank you Ray councilman Casey the for you mayor is um the Construction office has uh had some delays due to some illnesses and things but uh it's getting fixed the uh the delays are being uh shortened and uh we're working to get back up to full capacity that's it thank you Jamie Council dangelo thank you mayor just a couple of things the new generator at the Warren Avenue water plant has been installed along with the electrical upgrades to control panels that operate the two Wells the three filtration units and the new pfna removal system we're currently waiting for psng to install the poles and the Transformers to complete the project we anticipate regular fall hydrant flushing not to be affected check belmar's web page for dates of flushing we will be continuing belmar's aggress Rive water main Replacements with a false scheduled construction on water main replacement on Princeton Miner drive and Thomas Avenues residents will be notified prior to any work beginning and that's all I have thanks mayor thank you J councilman Evans thank you mayor I have just one item the Belmar business Alliance will be meeting in the courtroom on October 10th at 10 o' we invite all the businesses to come our superintendent their board administrator will be there and I think chief will be there as well thank you thank you Bill councilwoman Fina thank you mayor our fall festival will be held on Saturday October 19th at the re center from 2:00 p.m to 8:00 pm there will be food trucks vendors rides and more the rain de will be Sunday October 20th from 10: a.m. to 400 p.m. our Toddler Time Will begin again on Friday October 4th from 10 to 11: a.m. at the community center please email J for registration form we will accept children 18 months to 3 years old and you must be belmire resident to um attend the program that's all I have there thank you thank you Joan councilman wilham I have never pram thank you thank you under my report just wanted to make a note that um had the opportunity on 911 we were invited to Triton High School for their 911 ceremony conducted by the children was there with the chief the police the Fire EMS and they had a very nice program as usual they put on we thank them for that this time we'll go to the public portion if anyone has anything to say please come up to the microphone state your name and address for the record thank youi name and town here about 60 years little kid uh I'm having a problem something with the new permits when you get a permit it's showing up somebody else's name than me I had this house built in 1988 I've Liv there for 26 years I just paid it off but I keep on getting something that says Evan Hastings owns my house now I went and so you guys so do give everything to our she's our records custodian and I get a c my house but it's got his name and I've gotten them before now I had a new heater and air conditioner you put it in February okay the company said well get the permit the permit comes it's not my name it's in his name whoa what the heck's going on so I go to in here and I found out from the tax office with my tax bill my name and my wife Debbie who owns the house we own the house okay okay so then I go to permit section and I go what's you know it's got somebody else's name and okay okay well come to find out in 22 23 you had a new program in here and the program is messed up because when they come and they want to make a permit it comes up with my address with the guy on flers road Evan Hastings yes and you have your deed sir I don't I just paid morgage I got my tax bill your tax bill comes to you and your name in my name you could just give the clerk a copy she'll alert all the she'll make a copy of that and we'll distribute it throughout the municipal building so everyone can correct that record and I'm sure she can get to the bottom of uh getting the right name on the right property I want to get off and go online to make a permit not a problem we'll take care of it for with his name and I'd like to get thatle it's an easy it's an easy on theb the current owner is Evan P Hastings on the way wouldn't have to be in my name would it I would I don't know Beverly Hastings and EV since we'll fix it up for you sir it's an easy it's an easy if you're paying the tax cop we can get you a copy just give her the block and lot number just give her the block and lot number and we're good down Jamie Jamie's got it down that makes no sense I know don't no and then I just got that in the ma last week yeah really sorry for that I don't want to have problem you know Tom they'll check it to with the new company we got thank you for letting us know my phone number anything give her about four months she'll get right back to yeah I don't have to rely on my [Laughter] attorney thank you thank you everyone anyone else for the public portion you pick one good evening Council good evening mayor sorry for my dress somebody called me and told me the meeting was moved up an hour but I'd go by the calendar which is the body okay gentlemen and ladies my Pro one problem is tonight 16 Park Drive it's next to my house 20 Park Drive the fin L owned that house very long long time uh Michelle's mother died and they moved into the park they sold the house outright done got a good number a hidic Jew from North Jersey bought it for $2 $30,000,000 here or there he thought it was Belmar up State he did it online he told me personally I ran it I met him twice I have permission to be on that property he wrote it out he told me well I told him I said I live next door he goes I said I'll do any kind of work you want carpentry Landscaping said oh yeah start land C the grass cut the grass I said all right we'll do a contract huh what three times with Daddy tried Mr Gary soer and his crew came out three or four times and chopped it down and how you Bill them that's none of my business it's yours but Gary did they now they cut the front and they don't do the back the back is this High I got all kinds of Critters it's a pet and Zoo for all the people and their kids I like it myself but it it's it's mess here's the Chuck we talked many of times and I'm here with it they're in there today they got a fourth time I've called general or psng now they got an extension cord Thicker Than This gauge I don't know the terminology but the whole spool was drilled through the center block went up the wire wire ties all way after the pole and how he got up there those Mexicans are very crafty but he has it directed the poll they told me before they were going to cut the water wires from the house to the pole and then if there's any wires they never did it I'm not whatever they still got electric the the wooders turned off I believe from the town it was uh we don't turn off water we don't shut off water uh wasn't running they asked me they asked me to run a hose for my house maybe they just want my free water they're pretty crafty they pretty they speak American English when they want to uh let's go on a little further they they got at that house I've told you that they had that room filled the big room there filled now they're starting to take it out bag by bag because the 3D of July I talked to you and said my little niche I don't mind doing little jobs I don't want to do big jobs I'm retired Carpenter and I have classes at Drexel for engineering and all that here's my ring from boki I graduated from carpentry and Welding I want a little two-day jobs whatever whatever but I always get the calendar and give it to somebody new and get them a trash can Kim's pretty tight she won't get two trash can she's a little stingy with them but MH with that so I told them I said look cut the grass put it in the can get rid of it they'll do that you're paying taxes put the track crash out but not all that and when I told you that room was filled the third you said Pat we can't have that put out Friday and so that's when I said I I'll put something out there and stop them from getting it out and that's when I got my road cones out of my yard mine that through the years I got through jobs and the thing and I put tape out there and all that and it said on a sign Popo from polieville says no no for Mexico it was stupid writing but they don't understand English and yes that's the only I'm not a policeman let's verify that so I told you that and you said okay you stopped them we'll see Friday because nobody was working Friday and I told them I said I'll see you Monday they go no we'll be here the 4th of July I go no it's the fourth of July they didn't get it they don't understand that they're from Mexico but they didn't come cuz they said call your boss there's going to be problems cuz I'm having to barbecue and I don't need you cutting so there's that I have now in my yard CU them two dummies brought it over in my house the tub the cast iron tub that they broke in half with a sledgehammer why' they bring it to your house cuz I told them I was going to junk it for them they can't fit it in the van it's evidence that they're doing work in there the toilet's still on the back deck other stuff is on the back deck they had somebody come in a big truck that took all the old appliances and I asked them they said hey we get paid to do it whatever whatever the work is getting done in there they almost done that house is going to catch on fire with the shoty workmanship of these two guys that can't speak English so they can't read the instructions on putting in electric pluming and all the other goodies when they put all the big refrigerator dryer all that in bof and it's a girl next store shy but is going to get it nobody has Mr St is going to out one time one time never followed up there's no stickers on them doors whatsoever saying stop work blah blah blah there's no permits in the windows this has been going on since January for what they're doing I believe we checked that that they don't need a permit to do electrical work inside to do plumbing they're doing it I told you this yes I was in there and witness it I I'll testify that that tub came out of that house those two Mexicans if you get somebody Spanish they're the two that did it they took over on my hand truck check on FR you said there were permits right there were the work that was being done there was no permits needed need G gutting a house and you no Plumbing do you need okay okay well he's an electrician we didn't have proof that there was any work that was being done that needed permits I said I would be the witness to it I went in there and saw it right many times Chuck we talk many times right so yeah we're going to follow with the construction okay Check N every time but I'm just saying okay thank you find out where we are thank you well tomorrow's closed Friday that summer hour okay okay thank you so all right here tomorrow so we're done with that and he just going to follow up with it and all that fine thank you I appreciate appreciate that now it's another separate incident there's the story of me being this and that and the cop and one $2,000 $5,000 I was put on Facebook and I've been threatened many of times by people in the belmare area and whatever the is I don't do that I don't have time for that whatever toilet paper you buy at Walmart I don't care whatever drapes I don't care me give me one second Sir Chief is there a pending matter in our Municipal Court yes involving this gentleman yes sir as a complaintant or a defendant defendant okay sir you know when you approached me outside I told me I had an attorney I told you I couldn't speak to you and and you can say whatever you want I would caution you that if you have charges pending against you you may want to consult your attorney before you do that because you're a defendant in our Municipal Court this group can't Prejudice that court process in any way by having a dialogue with you so I can can speak to your attorney or your attorney can speak to their municipal prosecutor but I can't let these it would be unethical for me and or for them to engage you and it would be appropriate for me to to inform you and I can't stop you can say whatever you want I'm not trying to stifle I appr no I appreciate it sir I just want you to be very careful of what I consider about maybe not speaking unless you got specific permission from your lawyer to do so okay can I go yeah sure number one I I have that attorney hired for the house next door 16 Park Drive I am not hiring that attorney for this crap that this woman spread about me I'm coming and defending myself you would do that in the Municipal Court not the front of Mayor and counsel they don't have any jurisdiction at all I I understand that but it's a problem going on with our streets you can say whatever you want sir telling you that than you resolution this is what I this is my code I go by all right it's hard enough remembering the truth let alone remembering lies so I can come at you like a machine gun because it's all true I prefer you not reference weapons and oh well okay I'm sorry I'm sorry what a pistol sorry I'm sorry it's I'm not a l we all got to be lawyers when we walk out the front door but anyway let me finish and we can get out of here and go watch whatever TV or whatever Giants Cowboys eight: hope they both lose anyway um my pet peeve town is when people shoot the grass in the street and when with their mowers and they leave it there and it looks crappy looks poopy I won't say the word because I don't know if that's allowed or not so with that I always call Highway Department I get Mr SI siano and or Kim or Pat Gallagher and they send somebody out it's usually Jacob pone and through the week it's taken care of they get they get the landscaper or the owner or whatever and they say oh you can't do that blah blah blah and I've seen many of landscapers throw it into storm seers to get it out of their truck they don't have to pay for it well that was working and then I came to Mayor Chuck sorder and I said Chuck we still got the problem in the weekend they come in on the weekend and they come from Kramer Hill they come from Camden they come from all like that area and they don't care what they do or how they do it as long as they get it cut blow it in the street get their money and go from the old people it's not where I live on Park Drive there's a lot of older people there now I'm 62 and I'm saying they're older than me so so Chuck I said it to Chuck he goes Pat I can't hire a policeman to look for people putting grass industry I said I understand that I get it but still it's a problem and it is a pep peeve of Pat gger is also the highway superintendent so Chu you said come up with something I said all right took me about an hour and a half two hours I thought about it I didn't know I don't know your husband I I've known him but I didn't know him to have the position nice guy great guy and I said to you why don't we get the code enforcement guy to print up the code nobody knows it really what the words are it's not a popular thing so 8 1/2 by 11 and you took a little like a week or so and then you had it and you gave me three print it up Chuck and I get what how about 25 and I gave them out to different landscapers and I gave them to the guys that were good too like Cutting Edge and the local guys so they know it's an even playing field now and they could say to the passing the buck on saying yo pal you can't do it did you see that gave out 25 got out of hand no I didn't get out of hand one person one person was out of hand so then I I got 25 more printed up a barrel Hall and with that I got into 15 more and then Union Avenue happened right around the corner from me all one side is green except for like every third house or fourth house they're mostly Hispanic I knocked on the first order lady was very polite says no too much just and I went over and I picked up the grass I said and she said okay and I approached them and I all say I always say hello my name is Patrick reck I'm I live in town I'm a volunteer and I'm letting you know about this and you said to say you your code enforcement passing that he said you can say Pat no I said do not you'd be impersonating an employee and you were after the fact he said and you were not getting hired as an employee I didn't say I was getting hired I was a volunteer yeah we had you cannot do that and say that position all right well I told you that and then you stopped I I stopped yes so but with that went down and there was one girl one lady and then she was very mean nasty uh she said why are you knocking on my door I'm on the phone I said well you shouldn't have answered and I we wouldn't be talking so I walked away he's talking to the case may so you could not respond too too far into it or yeah and you're your limit okay but I just want to say I'm firmly Behind These Guys right here whatever they're great guys they're overworked they got a lot going on and it's a shame because they only have a limited amount of time when they come out and they say Pat we got to go right because I got the house on the other side me that shooting them little rubber B things whatever the hell they are those two kids are monsters but anyway I get it okay and with the grass I totally got it MH so I got another one and give me 10 minutes I'll think of it now yeah your time thank you mayor can we res back to Communications just because we have a juvenile here that would on the communications we needs to get home okay he's real quick we'll get back to Communications J if you can just give us you can just give us a minute appreciate it we have a gentleman in the office at did a lot for our town yes up and he um went around town he went around town and he had a u trash can and had plastic glove and he went around rounding Road couple of the streets and he came to barall and he asked Franny and I outside the bar wall and he had this great big trash can full of debr and he did that on his own time so we asked Joseph to come in we wanted to give him a bur Belmore award a certificate of recognition and is presented to Joseph cyer for being a good Community citizen this independent Good Deed contributed to our community's quality of life and he's got a good deed it's never L presented on the 26th of September by myself and the members of council and me thank you for what you did [Applause] sure please no shouting from the audience [Applause] love okay name for the record uh James Doyle 121 Glen View Avenue Belmar New Jersey 8031 um a couple of small points real quick um Joe Conboy had surgery I guess maybe a week or so ago has there been any kind of reach out like a gift or a card for him we're doing something from the buo okay very good yep all right and then um he did have his leg amputated he did have his leg no you can't talk about anybody's help issues yeah okay I I he's coming along okay good to hear all right um second thing um we have the 100th anniversary coming up in a couple of years um May I don't know how many people of the board knew that I'm a songwriter um but I written a song for Belmar okay um and I wanted to get I don't know if this is the right place to ask for permission to ask the high schools or the grade schools if I could shop it there or if I could get some kind of a letter saying it's um I would show the lyrics to the music teachers of those schools and maybe we could do it as part of the celebration we do that during our meeting you're planning on having a meeting yeah we can you can talk we're going to be having a meeting for the 100th anniversary and we'll make sure we let you know when it is okay I think I think you have my email address pretty sure we have it from the uh business okay not Gary and I know I'm going get the postcard but when is the next Belmore business Alliance October 10th at 10:00 10 10 and 10 10 10 10 right here right here yes sir okay that was an easy one I like easy give me okay all right all that's done I have an email address called stand together as one at alb.com the whole idea of standing together Unity right is that we're not alone right I made it an address so that you could sign up to uh what do you call it go against the national debt as you all know that's my main that's my main Pursuit for the last 10 years or so um October 1st next Tuesday is n uh what do you call it New Year's Day for the United States fiscal calendar and there was an official uh what do you call it sign up if you want to write sign me up to stand together as one at outlook.com I know that it's impossible to ask uh what do you call it as many people as I need to in order to sign up for this however the reason that I do is Because unless you say that there's something wrong with the system that loses value every day it's just going to keep coming and I don't I don't like working to go backwards I I don't I I don't like to use money that's fake right people are more important than the money that that we have to use that's why we have situations that we have right I figure if we eliminate the root then we can get on with the solution so um I'm going to send an email to each of you at your Belmore um email app address just urging you I know that you already have mayor and I thank you and for anybody else here that has signed this petition thank you because I don't remember so well but I know that I presented this at nauseum anyway the only way that I know to continue to work toward this is to promote it at meetings like this and I just thank you for your time and thank you for your acceptance thank you J okay anyone else for the public portion you already had two minutes sir two minutes say say go ahead this 100 Year thing I wasn't aware we're doing 100 years we go back to the Revolutionary War is that any of that could be thrown into this no why not okay okay we got a lot to do you want to come to the meeting you're more than welcome to find out the details of yeah okay and that's the 10 101 thing no no regarding an extension going up a pole or something we not going address we're not addressing that that's we do we deal with it on our own okay we'll close the public portion at this time we'll move on to I somebody from Construction office going out there I'll have a look at it very good no I'm here to help okay all right thank you J any old business Fran none new business we have ordinance first reading 09124 ordinance establishing authorizing and regulating residents having possession backyard hens entitle animals pursuant to chapter 137 entertain a motion so second roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman yes councilwoman Fina yes councilman willlam yes next we have resolutions 0911 d242 and through resolution 091 16124 on a consent agenda and Rain a motion so good second roll call councilman by yes councilman Casey yes Council D'Angelo yes councilman Evans Council Fina Council will yes resolution 091 16224 resolution approving the First Amendment to the Redevelopment agreement entertain a motion so move second roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo no councilman Evans yes councilwoman Fina yes councilman Wilhelm yes resolution 091 16324 resolution authorizing appointment of EMT employees for the bar of Belmar Fire Department Shel for full-time I place the name of Shelby McBride and part-time Chelsea Wyatt sh roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes councila yes councilman willham yes resolution 0964 24 resolution authorizing appointment of construction officials I place the names of Joe Convoy and Mike dama so move second roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes councilwoman Fina yes counc yes resolution 091 16524 resolution authorizing the appointment of electrical inspector place the name of Mark laggy roll call councilman biter yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes councilwoman finina yes councilman Wilhelm yes resolution 091 16624 resolution renewing Planet planetary retail distribution license for a period of July 1 2024 to June 30th 2025 for 109 Corporation this is an uncited license entertain a motion so Mo second roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey no councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes councilwoman finina yes councilman Wilhelm no resolution 091 16724 resolution authorizing the appointment to Redevelopment Authority place the name of Eric Beck second roll call councilman berer yes councilman Casey yes councilman D'Angelo yes councilman Evans yes Council finina councilman wihome yes resolution 091 16824 resolution approving September Bill lists for 3,100 B in $387 75 second roll call counc berer yes counc Casey yes counc D'Angelo yes counc Evans yes councila yes counc will yes that's all I have mayor having no further business entertain a motion for adjournment sove all favor thank you all for coming out [Music] okay no