##VIDEO ID:KSVf9vuADqI## they hospit yep wow look at the gifts not for you making sure please stand for salute to the flag to United States of America and to the for stands one nation indivisible Li for you want youit the on November 29th 2023 notice of this meeting was emailed to the carer Post newspaper and the Philadelphia inquire and duy posted on the Bolton Board of the municipal building all requirements of the open public meetings act tapen met in compliance with the Sunshine Law roll call Fran counciler Here counc Casey coun D'Angelo here counc Evans here counc here here any Communications Fran none there and at this time I'd like to entertain a motion for approval of the meeting minutes from November 14th 202 for so moved roll call coun yes coun dangel yes EV yes yes going two committee reports councilman berer yeah the only thing I have tonight is the finance committee has uh met about half a dozen times uh with CFO in preparation for the new budget and we just met with all the department heads uh for their proposals and uh we're moving along pretty good so other than that I really have nothing uh except enjoy your holidays thank you Ray Jam is that here councilman D'Angelo thank you mayor I wish I could say the only report I wanted to give is to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and happy holiday unfortunately uh that's not the case I do have some news uh regarding the sewer department and Sewer bills in January the sewer bills go out we all know they're $62 well we've held at $62 for I don't know how many years it's been almost like forever 23 yeah it's been a long time uh without an increase unfortunately that has to change because of the expenses of the sewer department the upgrades um and just basic basic maintenance of the system so in January of this year the bill will go out it will be $62 as normal there'll be a letter of explanation also included with the bill so everybody knows what is coming in the future and then in July uh there'll be an additional bill of $62 um so the bill is going to be $124 a year it's going to double unfortunately but in relationship to other towns we're we're right there we're not as expensive as some towns and we might we might be right where they are so um unfortunately that's the Stark reality of running a a town a burrow a business um it's just one of those things so after 23 years we're going to have an increase for the sewer department the sewer bill and that's all I have thank you Jim councilman Evans thank you mayor um this past Tuesday the mayor and I were honored to present to Mike Williams a proclamation honoring his 17 years as a board member uh he's um decided not to seek reelection and uh we and as well as the whole Community uh are appreciative of his volunteer service on the board of education s what did I say board board School Board you're right thank you great it's good that you're here to help me uh we had our business Alliance meeting today mayor uh at Doms and I want to thank Chris and Nick the owners uh not the new owners anymore the owners mhm uh who just passed a year of of being at Dominics um they were very very hospitable to our group our next meeting will be in March on March 3rd uh I want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank the outgoing Board of the Belmar baseball Jason Higgins John Smith Rick dockerty Kim and Steve Chapman um they vacated the board and we want to thank them for their years of service and wish the new board uh Chris Jeff Randy Shawn Dom and Alex uh nothing but uh the best success uh as we continue to develop our children in baseball and that's all I have other than to wish everyone Merry Christmas and uh Happy New Year we'll see you hopefully at the reorganization meeting on January 3rd thank you B councilman willham thanks mayor I have no uh report to give the um statistic reports will be um placed online and I just want to wish everybody a happy holiday stay safe thank you thank you Craig under my report I had the opportunity to be with the chief today and uh with Fran we were down at L school when the uh camon County Corrections Department came with their motorcycle their police cars R Fire EMS and they delivered um toys to while the children L school today very very nice um also um to mention we still have uh Christmas in the Park going on this weekend uh will'll be there from 6:00 to 9: on Friday and Saturday and I'd like also to wish everyone a u very merry Christmas and a happy healthy New Year this time we'll go into the public portion open up to the public if you come forward and state your address there hi there Blake sheski 456 Dey Road um I just wanted to follow up real quick with the uh Council and with the uh solicitor I see looks like Howard's not here today we have I'm ready to talk about on the uh the meeting that was supposed to be had with Bill mowen and where that went sure so it happened I didn't attend but it did happen we're making good Headway okay we expect to be able about 60 days or so be able to give a more concrete update okay there's a couple moving Parts some confidentiality considerations that we have to adhere to um but rest assured they have all made it clear to my office and everyone involved this is a huge priority for us okay we understand the urgency we understand the concern and we're following up on it and we're staying on top of it that's all I can really say at this point but is there anything you can disclose on why there's a 60-day weight period no no it's not a 60-day weight period it's an estimation at this point oh an estimation for them all the information to be gathered and put together so we're staying on top of it and advocating for it it's not we're going to sit back for 60 days it's it's that was the time frame we were given okay then all right and that was from that was from moow or that was from who that is the rough discussion that was kind of what we figured out from from their end what we sort of inferred from that conversation okay and then the other question I wanted to ask real quick completely off topic from that um were there I wish perno was here he would be able to answer it um were there any uh calls about any drones potentially flying around here have you guys received anything about that we haven't curious thank you very much matter of fact they had a meeting on at neing yesterday and I talked to a few of the mayors that went from Camden County it was in Ying Governor never showed up and they were given no real answer it was a waste of their time unfortunately and the assembly people same thing they they attended a briefing with Homeland Security got nothing nothing that was today thank you I appreciate it got it that's our governor mhm can hear me 726 Carter Avenue VMA I Just Want to Thank You mayor s council members Franny Gary soer Department I mean superintendent of the center and his staff because I'm president of belar seniors and you all make me look good I don't do anything but boy we get a lot done you bring Christmas dinner in Thanksgiving dinner Easter and a picnic in the summer okay and believe me I tell all the other chance how good you are so if they ask you how you get it done you better be ready to come we appreciate the room next door we have the room five days a week we go in there and play Pepple couple days a week we also have our me Mon and Wacky Wednesday that's the day all of you who are of our yes of age and can join us that's the day you should come why are you looking at me car well I know I know who's retired and could come Wacky Wednesday is our Bingo day okay and if you are a man it doesn't matter you have to stay if you come to eat and have coffee or drink soda with us it's mandatory that you stay or I don't want you but they win most of the time which is aing anyway I really want to thank you you do not know how good it is to be in this town and how considerate you all are compared to other towns and how they support their seniors because I belong to a couple other groups so I can tell you right now you're the best I just want to thank you again and hope that this year I guess I'm still PR um you can support us again and we'll have another good year thank you thank you Carol appreciate it thank you anyone else for public portion this time I'll close the public portion we'll go to Old business friend no businessman new business our lovely is got a hand out yes ready to go all right uh have ordinance number 101 12-24 ordinance amending the code of the burough of belmare chapter 36 entitled fire department this time we'll open up for public portion hearing no response close the public portion entertain a motion second roll call counc yes counc dangelo yes counc Evans yes counc yes ordinance number 101 13-24 amending ordinance number 1 1-24 salary ordinance 2024 it's time we up for public portion on the hearing no response we'll close the public portion entertain a motion so second roll call coun yes coun dangel yes yes yes 10144 ordinance amending and supplementing certain fees within the Barrow of bmore open up for public portion on the ordinance hearing no responds will close the public portion entertain a motion so moved second roll call yesel yes Evans yes yes ordinance 10524 ordinance amending the code of the Barrow of bmar chapter 440 entitled vehicle and traffic open up for the ordinance for public portion any comments hearing NN we'll close the public portion entertain a motion move second roll call yesel yes counc Evans yes counc yes all right this is the one I'm earning my money on tonight um ordinance 10624 Bond ordinance authorizing the acquisition and installation of an electronic Message Board in and for the burrow of Belmar Camden of County uh County of Camden New Jersey appropriating the sum of $2,50 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes of the burough of belmare County of Camden New Jersey in the aggregate principal amount of up to $2,947 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related action in connection with the foregoing this time will open up for public portion on the ordinance hearing n we'll close the public portion entertain a motion second roll call counc yes councel yes EV yes yes number 11724 ordinance of the burough of Belmar County of Camden and state of New Jersey authorizing the burough to accept fee title to real property and to convey real property fee title pursuant to the terms of the Belmar water front Redevelopment agreement as amended open up for a public portion on the ordinance any comments hearing no comments we'll close the public portion entertain a motion so moved is there a second second roll call yes counc D'Angelo hang on a second [Music] stay okay counc Evans yes yes I have enough we're good you're good um oh boy resolutions 12 2022 242 and through resol 12724 agenda entertain a motion so moved second roll call counc berer yes counc D'Angelo yes coun Evans yes counc yes resolution 12 21824 resolution approving 2024 budget appropriation transfers entertain a motion Mo second roll call yes yes Evans yes yes resolution 12 21924 resolution approving December bill list for 54893 so move second roll call yes okay having no further business I entertain a motion for adjournment so move all call hi yes chist thank you merry Christmas happy holiday new digital board going the the cornering that de it's not that old 15 years old 15 it was there it was there when we had a business administ